Plus im lucia newman in havana, where president barack obama historic visit is raising hopes but also concerns about the future in communist cuba. Turkey and the e. U. Have clenched a new deal to try to stop the flow of refugees and migrants to europe. In turn ankara will receive political and financial rewards. Under the controversial agreement, all migrants arriving illegally to greece from turkey will be returned. And for every syrian who is returned one syrian currently in turkey will be resettled in the European Union. And turkey will receive 6. 7 billion. The e. U. Is also aiming to grant turkish citizens visafree travel in the schengen by the end of june. Neave barker has been following events in brussels. So a lot to cover there, but crucially, what happens next . Reporter well, we are receiving more and more confirmation from e. U. Leaders from the 28e. U. Leaders that have been gathered here for the last two days, information coming in from the fins, the czechs, and now t the lithuanian Prime Minister. We are expected to hear from the turkish Prime Minister himself. He will add his final seal of approval, although we gather after three meetings this morning that the terms of the agreement have now been accepted. We gather that they will apply from sunday at midnight. This means that between that time, going into the early hours of monday morning, any refugees arriving in the greek islands or elsewhere in the e. U. Territory would be subject to processing, and then returned back to turkey. It may be sometime yet, though, before we have a full understanding of the scale of the returning numbers although the e. U. Have suggested somewhere between 72,000 to 73,000 may already be eligible, these people who are actually based in turkish camp, may already be eligible to be resettled here in the European Union. We are reaching a critical moment, that allimportant press conference, where the Turkish Foreign minister will add his seal of approval. Since the start of the crisis, they have been trying to deter people from making the journey. I guess thats behind this deal that they have with turkey that they will send people back. But its a very cointreau ver shall deal as well with some Rights Groups claiming it may not be legal. It has been incredibly controversial, which is why it has taken so long to initially come up with a deal to put in front of the turks, and now, of course, to come up with a deal that turkey would be happy with as well. But the draft was first produced on march 7th. It has been worked and reworked, the European Union Council President has been traveling around europe trying to drum up support. And there are sticking points the payment to turkey, and the request of easing of visa restrictions, allowing turkish nationals to travel in the schengen area. We are now pushing towards a conclusion in this lengthy process. The question is now, what happens next when it comes to the practicalities of all of this. When it comes to setting up processing centers, and funding the movement of essentially stateless people from the e. U. Back to turkey. All of these things will need to be discussed, but in the next 30 or 40 minutes, were looking at the conclusion of a lengthy and diplomatic process. Neave barker thank you. The deal in brussels is going to add to the fears and frustrations of syrians looking for safety and security in europe. Other people in turkey, though, see opportunities from southeastern turkey here is lawrence lee. Reporter the bizarre here was a trading post on the silk route in the 16th century. Still today the smells and sites will be familiar for people who have travelled through central asia or north africa. Its a mixture of kurds, turks and arabs. The deal between the e. U. And turkey would allow them all visafree travel through europe. Many you speak to here have no idea about the deal. But some who do say if europe wants to let them in without a visa, why not see more of the world. Why not . Anybody ask if they have opportunity and some money they can go for holiday, and they dont have to pay 400 lira, and they wont [ inaudible ] embassy or english embassy, wait for visa, this is very difficult thing. Reporter but the deal has been heavily criticized over allegation the e. U. Is so intent on keeping refugees out, it has caved in to every turkish demand. It all comes at the very time turkey is accused of growing authoritarianism. So fortress europe could become fortress turkey. Many human Rights Groups say sending refugees back here could break international law. The whole reason so many refugees make the dangerous trip to europe is because staying in turkey means it is difficult to get their children educated and to get a work visa. Yet in return every single turkish citizen would enjoy far greater freedom of movement. So Syrian Refugees like these find themselves stuck in the middle of an extroerd neir set of segment noeshation. The response has become ankaras most powerful bargaining chip and it appears many refugees know it. They feel cornered, let down, their rights not respected, and maybe betrayed. Reporter the fact that the e. U. Is even prepared to talk about this, demonstrates just how far it will go to stop the flow of refugees. Lawrence lee, al jazeera, southern turkey. Dozens of syrians attempting to sail to greece have been picked up by the Turkish Coast guard. More than 40 people were brought to safety. People were given food and taken to a refugee center. And on thursday, italys coast guard rescued more than a thousand migrants and refugees in 24 hours. The mainly african migrants were in at least six different boats. The United Nations is warning that the flow of refugees to europe is on track to top a million this year. The Syrian Opposition has accused the government delegation in geneva of slowing down the process of indirect talks aimed attending the countrys civil war. The u. N. Special even envoy is pushing for the two sides to sit down together. We have had two meetings, and they were rather procedural, rather procedural. The one paper that you are familiar with, 8points of principles, but what we need to do is Start Talking about trans political transition, and what the government, as such, sees as a possible political transition. The question is without doubt we are not talking about new agendas. The agin da is clear. Meanwhile the head of the Syrian Government delegation says the latest discussions will help shape the dialogue that will be used to find a solution. Translator the round of talks we had with the special envoy was fruitful, during which we examined the documents in the previous session. This includes the key elements which we call principles. The adoption of these principles will open those for a serious dialogue between the syrians and the syrian leadership without any foreign intervention or preconditions. Well as the diplomacy continues in geneva, on the ground itself the people are reportedly being forced to eat grass. The World Food Program is still trying to send aid to six areas cut off by the government or other groups. These are the latest pictures of supplies arriving in one of four areas cut off last week because of fighting. Before the cessation of hostilities there were 18 areas cut off from food and medical supplies. Antigovernment demonstrations are continuing in brazil. One day after the president attempted to swear in former leader Lula Da Silva to her cabinet. These Water Cannons were used on protesters just a short while ago. And on thursday night, the police used tear gas. Fullscale demonstrations are planned to start across brazil in the coming hours. Protesters are angered that he cant be prosecuted over a Corruption Scandal if he is working for the president. Reporter there is no end to the governments troubles, as soon as the president got an injunction overturned against lula being appointed to her cabinet, at least 20 other judges filed their own injuncti injunctions. They feel that the president is giving him this appointment to try to shield him from corruption charges, basically ministers here in brazil do not have or have ministerial immunity and can only be tried the supreme court. The president and former president are saying they are bei being persecuted and the judiciary is being unfair, and they are being personally targeted. Lula said he is feeling very disappointed at what is happening in brazil right now. The country very divided and very loudly so. Antigovernment protesters have been taking to the streets over the last few days and intend to do so as well again on friday. But aside from that, the supporters of lula have also been taking to the streets to show their support for the embattled former president. Despite charges they say they firmly believe he is still the champion of the poor. He is credited be lifting millions out of poverty when he was president and also driving the economic boom at that time. The economy in a very different state right now, many blaming president rousseff, saying her leadership has been lackluster at best. And the best thing she can do is to step down. Still to come well tell you about environmental activists who are using pigeons to monitor air pollution levels in the u. K. Were here to fully get into the nuances of everything thats going on, not just in this country, but around the world. Getting the news from welcome back. Here is a reminder of the top stories on al jazeera. Turkey and the e. U. Have clenched a new deal to try to stop the flow of refugees and migrants to europe. In return, ankara will receive political and financial rewards. The Syrian Opposition has accused the government delegation in geneva of slowing down the process of indirect talks aimed attending the countrys civil war. And antigovernment demonstrations are continuing in brazil one day after president rousseff attempted to swear in former leader Lula Da Silva back into cabinet. North koreas longtime ally china has called on it to abide by u. N. Sanctions after reports of mediumrange missiles being tested. South korea says at least one missile capable of reaching japan was launched. This is after the north threatened presumptive nuclear strikes against seoul and washington. Rob mcbride reports now from hong kong. Reporter the reaction has been as swift as the missiles launch, especially from north koreas neighbors. South korea condemned it as another provocative act. Translator north korea should focus on improving the north korean peoples quality of life. These actions are not good for themselves and the development of reashuns between us. Reporter as with a similar launch last week, the missiles were fired into the sea between north korea and japan. Unlike last week, these are thought to have been mediumranged missiles, with at least one reaching 800 kilometers. That brought a strong response from japan, because parts of its territory could be reached. Translator we have strongly protested to north korea. The government will continue to work in close cooperation with International Community and respond firmly. Reporter this latest launch further tests the patience of neighboring china. Translator as for the Ballistic Missiles fired by north korea there are explicit requirements in the regulations imposed by the u. N. Security council. We urge north korea to comply by the resolution. Meanwhile we urge each side to stay calm. Reporter in china theres growing alarm at the instability on the korean pen pence peninsula, but growing frustration that they continue to conduct these tests. Earlier this week, the north Korean Leader kim kijong confirmed his countrys determination to pursue missile tests and pursue a nuclear war head. If the International Community was wondering if sanctions were deterring north korea, this launch seems to be the answer. Rob mcbride, al jazeera, hong kong. Lets go to belgium now where Police Say One person has been wounded in a raid. The latest raid follows the discovery of fingerprints from the mostwanted fugitive from the paris attack at the scene of raids earlier this week. He is suspected of taking part in the november attacks. Officials believe a man shot dead during a shootout on tuesday was his accomplice. He was killed as he prepared to fire on police. More than a dozen u. S. Troops have or will be disciplined for mistakes which lead to the bombing of a hospital in afghanistan last year. But no criminal charges will be filed. 42 people died and dozens were wounded after the attack in the town. The punishment includes suspension or letters of rep managed. Rights campaigners have described it as an insult nflt opposition parties in niger say they will not recognize the result of the runoff of the president ial election because their candidate was treated unfairly. As mohamed vall reports, some are taking matters into their own hands. Reporter in other countries you would see young people at school. In niger they are out on stleets and markets. Some work, some beg, others just roam aimlessly. Translator the main problems confronting us are unemployment and the unfair school system. Reporter niger has the highest poverty rate in the world. Three quarters of the population are under 25. In a country ranked as one of the least developed in the world, the state is unable to provide education and jobs, but in line with a longstanding tigs tradition here this boy and his friends decided to act. The youths organize themselves in small communities where the streets are their headquarters. Their aim to improve their plight. These groups are falled fatah, a word that means open space. Translator by meeting here we Exchange Ideas on how to solve our problems if we can. Otherwise we wait until a person who has money comes and pays us to do work for them. Translator sometimes they even create schools or health centers. Reporter fattahs give young people a sense of purpose. They tend to become more independent, most are influenced by politics, becoming more active during campaigns. They have different names, this one is called business center. Its not clear what business is being done here, though. Teenagers are at risk if a fatah becomes a criminal organization. Translator some fatah elements when they have licensing problems they are forced to steal. And we have witnessed it. We saw Police Arrest an entire fatah sometimes. Reporter a more dangerous zen aereo is when they are influenced by extremist groups such as boko haram which frequently happens in this region. Thats a real concern for the government and police here. They know they have to either offer a Better Future to these young people or face undesirable consequences. Unusually heavy rainfall in kashmir have damaged crops. The unseasonal rains follow two years of drought. Indian government created a crop damage Insurance Scheme in january, but it only applies from the first of april. An Environmental Group is taking legal action against the uk u. K. Government over air pollution. It is estimated that 40,000 people die because of exposure to air pollution every year. Barnaby phillips reports. Reporter they are protesting because britain has some of the highest levels of nitrogen dioxide in europe. They hope the courts will force the government to prodouse a new plan to clean up britains air. Something like 40,000 people are dying each year in the u. K. Because of air quality. We want the government to take responsibility so people are not dying. Reporter londons air looks cleaner than that of many cities in the developing world, but nitrogen dioxide is an invisible killer. Its the elderly and very young who are the most vulnerable. This is a worried london mother. The governments own statistics show that in london, pollution levels will not come down to acceptable levels until 2025. So thats ten years away. My eldest son will be 18, middle son will be 16, and my youngest will be 12. So they will have done most of their growing, the damage to their lungs will be done. I cycle across london every day on my way to work on very busy streets. I wanted to know how much damage this journey might be doing to my lungs. We have been measuring air pollution in Central London along my daily commute, using this machine. And it has just told us that the amount of nitrogen dioxide here is almost five times the safe level according to e. U. Regulations. Now obviously this is not entirely scientific. Ideally we would look at an average over weeks or months, but it does suggest that the air im breathing in Central London is not safe. The government wouldnt speak to us, but in a statement said in the meantime, environmentalists are gathering more data however they can. On a hill overlooking london, pigeons are being fitted with pollution monitors. These birds will fly low over the city, and you can read their measurements on twitter. Reporter we have trained pigeons for centuries to deliver messages from the battlefield what better way to deliver the message than flying pigeons over the city. Reporter off into londons smoggy skies which just about everyone agrees need to be much cleaner for the sake of our birds, our children, and all of us. Speaking of that story we just brought to you from belg m belgium, we can speak to natasha who is in brussels. Tell us about the suspect. Reporter what were seeing at the moment is another raid. Hahhing i say another because there was one earlier this week. There is a raid by Belgian Police going on in the belgium capitol. There has been several shots over a period of time. Belgian media are reporting that one person has been wounded and possibly killed, and we would be looking at a situation in which one of the suspects in the november 13th paris attacks could be amongst those people loved this afternoon. And remind us of the connection between the attacks in paris and that specific neighborhood mollenbeck where this raid is going on, the second this week. Thats right. Once again the attacks in paris on november 13th in which 130 people were shot dead by a group of attackers in in the music conference haul next to the stadium, and also cafe terraces across the city, those attacks on november 13th, which really shocked france as the investigation continued after that, to find out who those attackers were, the link to belgium and this neighborhood was uncovered. Many of the attackers came from this area, grow up in the area, or were spending time in this area. We have seen police carrying out a huge antiterror operation in the area. In that raid they said was linked to the paris attacks on november 13th. One suspect was killed in those raids whilst two were on the run. Now whether or not those suspects are the people involved this afternoon remains to be seen. Obviously there have criticisms of french and Belgium Police for letting the suspect escape from paris. If this story is true and we are all checking it it could potentially be a huge coup for both police forces. It would be, but some may say why did it take so long. He was one of the attackers who shot people dead on cafe terraces actually he had a suspect belt and exploded himself. His brother his brother escaped from paris, managed to free across the boarder into belgium and many people have said why are the authorities unable to track this mostwanted suspect, and if it is him now, then, of course questions will be asked of why he was not caught sooner. Thank you. Europe and turkey reach a landmark deal that would relocate thousands of refugees. Defiance from north korea. The nation test fires more mismiles, the worries from beijing to washington. Top republican strategies decide to unite and concur in an effort to

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