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Live in new york city. Im del walters. Donald trumps president ial bid receiving another boost this morning just moments ago, dr. Ben carson announced that he took was endorsing trump. Its not about me. Its not about mr. Trump. Its about america and this is what we have to be thinking about. I have found in talking with him that, you know, theres a lot more alignment philosophically and spiritually than i ever thought that there was. Carsons announcement coming a week after he suspended his own campaign and could give trump a leg up with evangelicals who heavily supported the retired neurosurgeon. Michael shure is live in miami. How significant this endorsement for trump going into next weeks primaries . It is very important. You heard the word spiritually come out of ben carsons mouth. Thats exact lip the message donald trump wants voters to hear, evangelical voters. Voters in florida, he wants them to hear he is ok spiritually. When you sling as much mulled as he has over the course of this campaign, its very tough to undo that. These are tweets he sent over the course of this campaign, ben carson said in his own book that he has a pathological torture, wanting to hit his mother on the head with a hammer, dont people get it, things like that are tough to come around. The fact that ben carson is coming into Donald Trumps corner is bad news for ted cruz. Last night, donald trump tried to take control of the debate by not doing what hes done so much. Unlike previous republican debates, characterized by personal attacks and discord, thursdays debate in miami featured an intense discussion of the economy, education and foreign policy. The first question of the night went to Governor John Kasich on whether his support of trade deals was undermining the middle class. Kasich played up his blue collar roots. My position has been we wanted to have free trade but fair trade. When people cheat, when countries cheat and they take advantage of us, we need to blow the whistle. The candidates differ on the issue of Social Security. My children would retire at 70, i would retire at 68. I want to make America Great again and leave Social Security as is. When we get rid of waste, fraud and abuse. Donald trump was challenged on the numbers, saying they dont add up. Lets get rid of fraud and abuse and be more careful how we spent foreign aid. You have hundreds of billions of dollars of did he have fit to make up. Cruz suggesting trump has a history of giving money to both sides. If you have a candidate who has been funding liberal democrats and funding the washington establishment, its very hard to imagine how often suddenly this candidate is going to take on washington. Trumps response. Were all in this together. Were going to come up with solutions. Were going to find be the answers to things and so far, i cannot believe how civil rights been up here. Naturally, being in miami, the conversation drifted to diplomatic relations with cuba. Miami is home to the largest cuban American Population in the country. Both cruz and rubio of are cuban descent. Asked about president obamas decision to renew diplomatic ties with the caribbean nation, the candidate spoke up. Cuba and its regime helped north korea evade u. N. Sanctions. Trump was questioned by cnn mod rater jake tapper about recent incidents of violence at his rallies. Trump said he did not condone the behavior. People come with tremendous passion and love for the country and when they see protests in some cases, youre mentioning one case, i heard about it, which i dont like, but when they see whats going on in this country, they have anger thats unbelievable. With the possibility of a brokered convention looming, trump painted a primary process he said boiled down to ted cruz and himself. Im going to have the delegates, ok . I think. Lets see what happens. I think that whoever gets the most delegates should win. Thats what i think. If youre one of the 65, 70 of republicans who raises if we nominate donald trump, hillary wins, thats why the media wants him to be the nominee so much. If you recognize that, i want to have it you if youve supported other candidates, come and join us. The next big republican primaries are tuesday. Marco rubio in front of his home crowd had probably his best debate. Many wonder if it was too little too late. Trump supporters not exactly known for liking it when he turns the other cheek. Did that civil tone last night in the debate help or hurt donald trump . Its hard to say. Nothing he has done had hurt himself. There have been debates where he has been a little quieter, a little less rambunctious and those debates havent hurt him either. Its hard to say whether or not this will. As long as he stays the course, things have been going pretty well for donald trump. Michael, thank you very much. Also dr. Ben carsons endorsement of donald trump coming at a time when the opposition is growing louder and rowdier. A growing number of protestors showing up at the rallies and not all have been peaceful. Al jazeeras David Shuster has more. Get him the hell out of here, will you please . After those angry words from donald trump, there is now more evidence of angry deeds by his fans. The latest came wednesday in north carolina. On the right, watch the man with the red sleeves, brown hat and ponytail. Oh following the sucker punch, police handcuffed and removed the africanamerican protestor who had been hit. Kill, kill, kill, you aint got to gab home like that. Police charged the attacker for assault, an unpop jettic man. So he deserved it . Every bit of it. Yes, he deserved it. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. The episode is just the latest trump event that has been marked by violence. Trump faithful have literally dragged protestors and cursed and spit on them. The gop front runner has not exactly been quick to criticize the clashes. You see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you no. The guards are walk them out, with a high five, laughing, id like to punch him, ill tell you. Critics say his tone is frightening especially for calls at recent rallies of loyalty pledges. Raise your right hand. I do solemnly swear. Trumps Campaign Said it helps his Security Team identify potential trouble makers. A holocaust survivor said the pledge mirror mirrors the nazi e and is gusting. President obama fired back. I have been blamed by republicans for a lot of things, but being blamed for their primaries and who theyre selecting for their party is novel. The president insisted that trump is the product of the Republican Base and conservative Media Outlets who have insisted that any compromise with the Democratic Administration is a betrayal. What im not going to do is to validate some notion that the republican crack up thats been taking place is a consequence of actions that ive taken. David shuster, al jazeera. Hillary clinton taking a break from campaigning today. She will be at Nancy Reagans funeral. In florida on thursday, she said it doesnt matter to her which republican she faces in november. Bernie sanders facing rallies in tampa and gainesville hoping for an upset win that in state. He tells crowds that hes getting the same feeling in michigan when he defeated clinton. First Lady Michelle obama going to be at Nancy Reagans funeral today. Thousands of people have been filing past her casket over the past two days. She will be buried next to her late husband. It could be another day before the rain that soaked the south for much of the week lets up. Five people now dead across the region. A state of emergency is in effect for parts of louisiana. We have the story from new orleans. From louisiana to texas to tennessee, much of the south is under several feet of water after days of heavy rain. Forecasters say the rain may not let up until this weekend. Northwestern louisiana was one of the hardesthit places. Drone video shows water inundating neighborhoods near shreveport. Thousands of people were told to leave their homes. Those who stayed had to use boats to get around. Roadways are completely flooded. You cant see any of the signage, basically feeling your way through high water. For rents of water swept cars and trucks off highways. Louisianas governor called up the National Guard to help dozens of residents and motorists stranded. Across the region, Authorities Say dozens of people and animals had to be rescued. This was an event that kind of sneaks up on you. As fast and as much rain came down at one time, youre really not proactive for, you kind of become reactive to it. Heavy rains and streams were sent flowing over their banks. In louisiana, finish were swimming in the streets and heavy rain caused this landslide in memphis. With roads in many parts of the south flooded, in some places, schools closed. Communities are trying to keep the water at bay and people are doing their best to cope because it could be several days before the region dries out. Jonathan martin, al jazeera, new orleans. You are not supposed to see fish swimming on the streets, so it is going to end . Eventually, but its going to take one or two days before this is over. The broad picture, this was attached to a frontal boundary, the northern end of this kept moving. The northeast is drying out through the day today and you can kind of see how that pushed off. The southern end went more stationery and then on the tail of this, you can kind of pick it out, a little spin over the accident, very low pressure redeveloped. What that means is not only the boundary kept that moisture in place but now this and the flow around the low is reintensifying that moisture. It has been a very wet couple of days. Widespread looking at reports, arkansas through mississippi through louisiana, widespread areas have gotten rain. The red means you already had the flooding going and through the next 24 hours, you can see the core where well get more rain. This continues through dade and we get little breaks possibly into tomorrow, but its really not until sunday that we start to see more of this left out, so we have a lot still left to go. Rivers rising, as well, so it will be a while before we get out of this. Warm air ahead of this, its less into new york like with the front going through but thats just because the front went through, still in the 60s, way above average. It has been a busy weather year, nicole, that you can very much. When we come back with spending scandal for the Wounded Warrior projects. There are reports the that arty squandered millions of dollars. 18 elephants taken out of a drought ridden part of africa. An activist says the u. S. Is not the right home for them. Inside story takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the soundbites. Were giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. There are new developments in the search for Malaysian Airlines flight 370. A South African man saying his son might have found a piece of the missing jet on a beach in mozambique. Not sure if that was where another piece of debris was found two weeks ago. The family found it in december but didnt call authorities. The flight vanished on its way from kuala lampur to beijing two years ago, 239 on a board. The fate of a controversy Education Bill now in the hands of virginias governor to prevent kids from reading sexual content in school books. Some say the measure threatens Public School education and could lead to classic literature being banned, the governor nat saying whether he will sign the bill. There is a big shakeup at the Wounded Warrior charity amid spending too much on travel and Luxury Hotels and not on the veterans themselves. I felt broken. I thought that i was going to take my life. Theres a good chance you see their ads, often starring celebrities. I want to tell you about these true american heroes and how you can show your thanks by helping them through Wounded Warrior project. That organization that taken in millions of donation dollars since forming in 2003, but facing allegations of misuse of those donations, the c. E. O. And c. O. O. Have been fired. The group has been plagued by low ratings from Charity Watch organizations. One says it spent 60 or less on veterans, the rest towards overhead, including 2. 2 million in salary for the groups top 11 executives, another 32 million spent in 2014 on fundraising. Scrutiny for the Wounded Warrior project intensified earlier this year when the New York Times and cbs shared stories from former employees. They spoke of lavish spending on travel and parties, including a 3 million Team Building trip to a colorado resort. Donors dont want you to have a 2,500 bar tab or fly Staff Members to a five star resort and whoop it up. Veterans are tabbed to serve as temporary c. E. O. The son of a former Top Commander in iraq and army chief of staff will fill the position. There is growing anger tailed at three american zoos, all three secretly flying a group of 18 elephants out of swaziland. Conservatives say it is cruel and outdated but zoo Officials Say they did so because of a drought threatening the elephants and the u. S. Fish and Wildlife Service said the elephants were going to be killed. Joyce pool is the founder of elephant voices. She studies animals in the wild and joins us from kenya via skype. Thanks for being with us this morning. First of all, in your opinion, what is the real situation on the ground in kenya, are these elephants in dang officer. No, they are not. There are places where elephants are being approached, but it is much safer here in the wild than it is in captivity. So with reward to the elephants, why are they being removed . Well, the zoos will say its unsafe in africa. The zoos will say that there is a drought and the elephants had to be killed, but thats a lot of misinformation as far as im concerned. There is always the argument that people in zoos dont care for the animals as much as people in the wild care for the animals. Are you saying that this is being done because they dont care for the well being of the elephants as opposed to that they are trying to remove them because they truly believe these elephants are in danger . I think people looking after elephant in captivity care for those elephants but many dont understand elephants. They see the animals that they have held captive and think those animals are behaving normally, when theyre not, so they may believe that theyre helping these animals, but theyre not. Theyre now doomed to impoverished lives in captivity where theyre splitting up families when there were other alternatives for those elephants. You are a friend of the lawsuit in this case. One of the thing that jumped out was this language, if the zoos succeed, they will be removing more than one third of all the remaining elephants in swaziland, leaving behind 21 with that how much of this is on the shoulders of the government . Oh, a lot. The government of swaziland or the country has no business i think having elephants if they dont have space for them or if theyre going to cram them into a small area. There is more Space Available or elephants in other parts of africa and in swaziland. Those elephants were or fans from a cull in Southern Africa and they didnt have business taking them if they werent able to care for them. This is the second time that they are shipping elephants off to willing zoos in the states, you know, and its just, theyre basically breeding elephants for zoos. So if there were a Perfect World, what would that Perfect World be for you . If there were a Perfect World, those elephants would have been sent back to other countries in africa to lead a wildlife, not sent to zoos. Basically elephants should not be in zoos. We should either take the remaining elephants in zoos in the United States and put them in much larger spaces, in sanctuaries, but certainly not bringing in anymore. Right now, china is trying to bring in 200 baby elephants from zimbabwe. Now the u. S. Has set a great example for them. Joyce pool joining us from kenya via skype, thank you very much. Thank you. When we come back, depicting the donald, the man who is now using art, taking aim at donald trump. It is no secret that donald trump has dominated the political scene, his style at times being over the top. Now artists are using trump as a canvas for satire. We have this report. Chicago based street artist jacob tomas is putting finishing touches on his latest work. Im using acrylic, silk screens. It is a pop art rendition of marilyn monroe, but the pucker is unmistakable. Ive paired it with pop art. It was this moment that pushed him to draw his first work of trump, he called it the bat trump. I created this illustration of him as batman and from there, the ideas kept coming to me and the basic concept behind the whole thing is if people are laughing at him, then theyre not taking him serious as a president ial candidate. Images depicting him as richy rich, even hitler. Its just the kind of stuff that comes out of his mouth is just scaring me and it kind of feels like this is how it started with hitler. The crown jewel of the collection is actually a porcelain throne. The inspiration is he lies about everything hes saying and basically is full of [bleep] donald trump j. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the United States. People were upset and shocked, but people werent that angry. It was kind of confusing to me. They were like no, no, hes just funny, hes so crazy, no ones taking him seriously. Im like actually, he just said like the most vicious hate speech that he could, making us feel as though we might be the japanese back in the 1950s in the u. S. Or like theees were treated in nazi germany. Muslim actor created a mockumentary about his daughter. If Trump Supporters are white evangelical muslim haters, then the one thing donald trump cannot say he loves isthmus limbs. He cant say oh, its so great that a muslim woman is satirically playing my muslim daughter, oh, its great, its true. He cant say that. Both are drawing attention to the man they fear could be president but fear it is worse to not speak out at all. Amazing images our argentina to show you. Its a big chunk of the glacier northern as the white giant. It collapsed at 3,000 people watched. Its created as the glacier grows and cuts off part of a lake. Every fewer or five years, the ice dam collapses. It last happened in 2012. It happened that time in the middle of the night. Thanks for watching, the news continues live from doha, next. Announcer this is al jazeera. Hello, welcome to the news hour. Im in doha and these are some of the stories were covering in the next 60 minutes. South Sudan Government denies ordering its soldiers to commitment atrocities which are detailed in a disturbing u. N. Report. Tens of thousands gather to hear a powerful iraqi cleric push on for his demands for a political overhaul. Five years on,

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