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Im Andrew Thomas at uluru. It was 30 years ago that this australian landmark was handed back to traditional indigenous moments. Ill bringing the celebration, and look at the Practical Impact that hand over has had leaders from across europe have been meeting in brussels for an emergency summit on the growing refugee crisis. A trust summit allows countries not to wave through refugees unless countries they are headed to agrees. David is in brussels and joins us life. They have a plan, how close to agreement are they. Still not hearing from the e. U. Commission behind me when the talks will end. Could be one, two hours yet. There are obviously sticking points in the action plan. They can be boiled down to two areas one, theyll eighten the border controls, increase the speed of applications for the processing of refugees, and this is where the problems arise. Because they have to deal with the other countries outside the e. U. , where therell be a backlog of refugees as a result of border controls tightened in the e. U. , and with the winter months approaching. Its very much a case that winter conditions will mean that the plight of the refugees will get worse and worse. Reporter every day counts otherwise well see families in the cold rivers of the balkans per irk miserably. Chilling words from the president of the European Commission as Jeanclaude Juncker welcomed others. Its about one goal. That we are able to help people wondering around. They are living in unbearable conditions. That we improve the process and aul Work Together on the task. A 16point action plan is on the table for approval from the countries on the front line of the crisis. Both inside and outside the European Union. The message include cards to speed up the process of refugees, and making sure they are not waved across borders before an agreement is reached the slovenian Prime Minister described the situation in his country as unbearable. And had a stark warning to counterparts. If we do not deliver immediate and concrete actions on the ground in the next few days and weeks. I do believe that European Union and europe as a whole will start falling apart. Albania, macedonia and serbia were attending the summit. Their question, if the e. U. Borders tighten, what happens to the refugees on the other side. We are ready to take quotas, even though we are not a part of e. U. , but we need to see what well do with hundreds of thousands of people. The European Union is supposed to be a beacon of humanitarian values, and the idea of open borders, that is undermined as the director of Amnesty International makes clear to me earlier before the summit begins. As we have seen over the last days, months, years, is a tarnishing of the European Union and the human rights record. Who will they be, when they see this unfolding tragedy again. Fresh from the greek crisis. Tens of thousands of lives could be at take. Its a test she cant afford to fail. As we heard, it appears to be overwhelming e. U. Nations. What about the countries outside the e. U. , what is said about that. I heard from the serbian Prime Minister. Hes ready to take on a quota of refugees, but if you block off the entry points in the European Union, the backlog will be greater, the strain will be greater on countries outside the e. U. , where the refugees are flowing through. Its a serious point. Seems the countries outside the e. U. , and turkey are trying or wanting to cooperate on the effort. That will be a sticking point. Thats why we are seeing the negotiations go late into the night here at the European Commission. At least well get, i think, some guarantees of humanitarian relief, that it will be coordinated and no refugees and families escaping the barrel bombing in syria will be facing freezing cold nights, waiting to bet into the e. U. Borders. Thatll be an improvement that will be important and uphold the values of the European Union. Thank you very much. David there for us following that summit in brussels. Syrias president Bashar Alassad said he beliefs the political process could bring n end to the 4year civil war, and hes willing to take part of the elections. While he has support of russia, other regional and world powers disagree. Mohammed jamjoom reports. Throughout the past week documents discussed and debated a war as bloody as any. One na that millions are trying to flee at any cost. A day after elections were called, Bashar Alassad met with lawmakers in damascus, and declared that he is willing to take part in new poll, if the Syrian People supported the idea. In capital after capital talks turned again to transition. Even though at times it has sounded as though diplomacy is as deadlocked as ever. In cairo, Saudi Foreign minister declared Bashar Alassad has no role to play in syrias future. Translation the stance on syria is similar to saudi arabia. We wish to see a transition taking place in syria, and both the countries, civil and military, institution preserved and see the Syrian People determining their own fate in the future. Reporter syrias opposition is not opposed to compromise, provided it is not Bashar Alassad that they need to compromise with. The problem is dialogue. He is now a war criminal, or at least alleged war criminal, because of the destruction that he has brought to the country. I dont think a foreign power would have made as much destruction as he has done in syria. Theres no possibility for syrians to consult with the one that killed their kids and destroyed their cities. On the ground in syria, the situation deteriorates more by the day. Many of the families who managed to escape the fighting have not been able to escape hostility. As syrian children too young to under the war they fled were too accustomed to injury and humiliation. Aid groups have not stopped warning of the perils the situation. A generation facing fences that wont let them pass, and governments that dont want them in. Aid workers in the yemeni city of tiaz say a military blockade makes it impossible to help the citys vulnerable. Heavy fighting is continuing, with hundreds killed over the past seven months. We have this report. Yemeni and ties can fide no logic here. Saudi arabia air raids are meant to back the fighters, a mix of tribesm tribesman. They are having a hard time dislogic the houthis. A message, tiaz by the support of men, women and youth are steadfast and will not be tweeted. Convincing the people of tiaz is another matter of the they remain under siege. Fighters encircled the city. Basic necessities, fresh food and water cant get in. What is left is expensive. There are just six barely functioning hospitals left in a city of 600,000. Doctors are short of nearly everything, including oxygen and antibiotics. The injured keep coming. Al jazeera spoke to some of the local people. Now the country is fully destroyed, who are we supposed to have a dialogue with, all sides should be put on trial. They shell the neighbourhoods. We dont see the talks. The government should come to ties and see the suffering. Houthis take on the yemenis. There was a dialogue. Rebels said it staged a coup for distribution of the country wealth fairer. In tiaz and elsewhere, the only thing created is more poverty an israeli man has been stabbed close to the occupied west bank. Police say hes in a moderate condition, and Security Forces are searching the area. A 16yearold Palestinian Woman was shot dead. Police say she drew a knife and approached them. Palestinian sources denied she was armed. A palestinian man was shot and wounded by israeli settlers. In a fourth incident anisraeli man was stabbed after getting out of his car, stoned by palestinians. Stephanie dekker is in ramallah and stays theres conflicting accounts of the incidents, its hard to know what happened. Its difficult to confirm what happens sometimes, because we dont see any footage, we are not there, we are hearing two different accounts. The area around where she was shot, near the mosque, has a lot of surveillance cameras in the area. If theres pressure on the israelis, that the 16yearold girl was not armed, they could release the footage to show the event. It would apiece or calm. A lot of people say palestinians are shot left, right and center because of attentions. This started this way, a lot when we saw in occupied jerusalem, it has come to the west bank. Four incidents, a flow on and off over the past week or so in the west bank. And difficult to control, for the army to predict or anyone to calm down, they are individuals carrying out the attacks. Sometimes there are no attacks. Its sensitive complicated situation on the ground that is hard to apiece, it seems, at the moment. More to come on al jazeera. A vigil is held in sweden to honour victims of a race hate attack. Well bring you that story. Australia beat argentina in the final of the Rugby World Cup coming up. Up. I just had a horrible nightmare. My companys entire network went down, and i was home in bed, unaware. But that would never happen. Comcast business monitors my Companys Network 24 hours a day and calls and emails me if something, like this scary storm, takes it offline. So i can rest easy. What. You dont have a desk bed . Dont be left in the dark. Get proactive alerts 24 7. Comcast business. Built for business. Al Jazeera America primetime. Get the real news youve been looking for. At 7 00, a thorough wrapup of the days events. Then at 8 00, John Seigenthaler digs deeper into the stories of the day. And at 9 00, get a global perspective. Weeknights, on al Jazeera America. Welcome back, youre watching al jazeera. Lets update you on the top stories. An emergency summit is held in brussels to find a unified approach to dealing with the refugee crisis. Syrias president Bashar Alassad says a political solution is possible, paving the way for elections violence in israel in the palestinian territories. An israeli settler was stabbed in the occupied west bank. The other story we are following, polls are closed in the argentinian election where a political Family Dynasty is coming to an end. Cristina fernandez de kirchner and her husband Nestor Kirchner led the country for 12 years. Lets look at who is contesting the election. Daniel scioli, the Vice President , from the ruling Victory Party and promises to put cashstrapped argentina on the road to economic strength. The mayor of buenos aires, Mauricio Macri is running. He has been campaigning to reduce the state role. An outside chance from sergio massa, a former cabinet minister in the kirchner government, but left to form his own group. Lets cross to teresa bo, joining us from buenos aires. I believe word from someone from the team of Mauricio Macri saying that there is bound to be a run off in the election. What do you hear . Well, what we are seeing now it the exit polls, and its been confirmed that theres a wide lead by Daniel Scioli in argentina. Like Everything Else in the argentina capital, everything depend on who you talk to or what you are listening. The official network in argentina is talking about Daniel Sciolis wide lead, but the Opposition Network is saying that therell be a second round. We have been talking to people in both headquarters and the government is saying and asking the population to be cautious while on the other end the opposition is saying therell be a second run. We know as a fact that apparently Cristina Fernandez de kirchner is coming back from patagonia to hear, the capital. All of this will be confirmed in the coming hours. We are expecting exit polls later today, in about two hours time. The official starts will be here around 11 oclock at night. We appear to be coming to an end of the 12 years of Cristina Fernandez de kirchner rule, Cristina Fernandez de kirchner and her husband Nestor Kirchner. How much is likely to change as a result of this election . Well a lot going to change. Many people say that what the most important thing is the trial. Cristina fernandez de kirchner, her son, has been controversial, criticizing those that do not agree with her. Something that her supporters like. That is something that we are not going to see in argentinas next election. Mauricio macri had a different style, and a moderate here in argentina. Its the style that we are going to see. This is not the end of Cristina Fernandez de kirchner. Many people are saying that this is the end of an era, yes. The end of an era of her being in power. Shell have a lot of influence in argentina. Her son, the minister of the economy are running for congress. Theyll have key posts, and she handpicked the running mate, a close advisor, and put key people in positions in the central bank and the judiciary. When she cast her ballot. She said she would still be involved in argentina politics. Thank you very much, teresa bo now, polands opposition law and Justice Party claimed victory in the election there, official results are not due until monday. Exit polls show 39 of a vote. The Prime Minister from the central Civil Platform Party conceded defeat. Hatians are Holding Elections in their country, with 5 million registered voters expected to cast their ballots. With 50 to choose from, it include party photos and helping those that are illiterate. Security forces will be on alert in the event of similar violence in august, during the legislative elections. Several neighbourhoods in beirut have been swamped by a weve of rubbish. The footish has been circulated by you stink protest group. You stink began to demand a solution to the crisis and have broadened into a movement against corruption the maldives president is accusing the former deputy of planning to impeach him. Ed ahmed adeeb was arrested at the airport for planning to assassinate the president in a boat explosion. Ahmed adeeb says it was not true its six months since nepal was hit by the worst quake where are in a century, more than 9,000 were killed. Large parts of the country lay in ruins, waiting for reconstruction. We are nor from kathmandu. Reporter we are in one of the World Heritage sites in nepal. Like this one, this was badly damaged by the quake. Unlike the rest of nepal, six months after the i take normal life has resumed. This area is worshipped despite a lack of temples. Young people started to hang out over here. Challengers started to challenge the area. Around 200 million will be needed to rebuild the heritage sites of nepal. Much of the 14 districts have not been rebuilt. More then 800,000 houses were damaged or destroyed. The cost of rebuilding that would be more than 3 billion. Around 9,000 died in the quake, and more than 8 mill reason were affected by it. Most have received a form of relief. Restriction of the homes has not started. In the days following the josh jacobs, the government promised a Reconstruction Authority to fasttrack the building, but instead fasttracked a new constitution. The result is devastating. Protests started two months ago, demanding a more inclusive constitution. 45 were killed. Protesters have been allowed to blockade. Fuel and essentials have been in short supply. Economy reeling from the quake, took another hit. Aid agencies have not been able to deliver essentials from the victims, especially higher up in the mountains, and winter is approaching. Nepals government approved building codes. How the government will help people to rebuild is unclear. People were supposed to receive 2,000. And they were supposed to get loans at a subsidised rate. The action plan to implement the policy has not been maid. Six months later. Aid agencies are appealing for a reform of reconstruction, and start the process of rebuilding the country now, monday marks the 30th anniversary of when uluru, the australian landmark known as ayres rock was handed over to its traditional aboriginal owners. Al jazeeras Andrew Thomas is at uluru in Central Australia for the commemorations and joins us live now. Bittersweet for the people there, describe the mood. What you have a lot of in the desert are flies. For give me, im trying to get ahead of them. Its on dawn. 26th october. Just on dawn. It was 30 years ago that uluru, or ayres rock as it was known then, was handed back by the Australian Government to the Indigenous People of the area. It was an acceptance that what was done in the late 19th century, threw the Aboriginal People out of the area. That that was wrong, and was a role that needed to be put right. It was symbolic, a bit of a fudge. The land right were handed back to the government on a lease basis to manage. It was a bay for the Indigenous People to benefit from tourist revenue coming into the area and be part of a landmark which they felt was seized from them. It was bittersweet. The celebrations here sunday, continuing on monday were bittersweet. Although a huge symbolic victory. 30 years since has not heralded the changes to Indigenous People. They lag behind most australians, as my report explains. Geologists think uluru stood for hundreds of millions of years a tip of a rock extending 5km underground. For tens of thousands of years Indigenous People made it central to culture and belief. In 1873 colonialists arrived, declared it ayres rock and cleared Aboriginal People from the area. In 1985, 30 years ago, the wrong was but right at a ceremony at its base. Uluru was handed back for them from. I place in the hands of the Aboriginal Land trust the title deeds. Reporter back then a handover was controversial, a light plane was flown over the ceremony, with a slogan of those opposed. What i remember on the day was a sea of people. It was a big deal handing back a major icon. When you hand it to one group of people, making it awkward for the new australians to come to come to grips with. Now the handover is seen as a high point for Aboriginal Land rights and reconciliation between first australians and descendants of colonialists. We realized we had our land back, it was ours, it was here and it could work. 30 years on, celebration and commemorations not just for the hand back, but the symbolism that the event has. Hopes that handovers is a major train, partly fulfilled. It is an optimism. I would love to retrace history, whats happened in the 30 years, we are fighting for itself, fighting for the most basic human rights. Reporter that is obvious in a community at the base of uluru. It has a brand new swimming pool, but is a poor place. There was a National Apology in 2008. The constitution doesnt recognise that australia was inhabited before settlers arriving. A referendum to change that is planned. The handover of uluru was a moment packed with symbolism, and 30 years on its celebrated, but still marginalized. Indigenous australians know there are big battles ahead. A vigil has been held in sweden to honour the victims of a racehate attack at a school. Thursday, two were stabbed to death and two others injured by a masked man armed with a sword. People filed past of the gates of a school, remembering a teaching assistant that tried to shield children and another victim. Surveillance showed attackers singling out victims. Most of the schoolchildren have parents who are immigrants now, australia has beaten argentina to reach the final of the Rugby World Cup. Wallabies won 2916. Australia is looking to win a tournament for the first time. Its the first time the Southern Hemisphere rivals face each other in the final. More on that story and Everything Else we are covering on the website. This is the address aljazeera. Com. We are following the election in argentina closely. The front runner at the moment, Daniel Scioli. Tonight the middle east is in flames. President obamas foreign policies failed the region and the United States say critics. In the panel secret xray surveillance on the streets of new york. You may be dosed with radiation and not know it. Like most americans i love football. Will injuries of athletes in school weaken our like for the game

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