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Elephants from pochers armed with poison in zimbabwe. All that news to come but we start with israel where the army says a palestinian man has been shot and killed after stabbing an israeli soldier in the occupied west bank, the latest with Andrew Simmons who is there in ramallah. Yes, we are hearing 15 kilometers east of hebron there was a protest going on, quite a large number of demonstrators and this man according to eyewitnesses and according to the police was among the protesters and was intent apparently reportedly on trying to stab a soldier which he went and actually allegedly did attack a soldier who was injured. He then came under fire from other soldiers and was shot dead. Now what happened next, according to eyewitnesses there was chaos because protesters rushed the situation. They gathered all around and they were able to take the body away. They say it was a palestinian man in his 20s, they took the body away and handed the body over to the Palestinian Red Crescent and they took the body to ambulance to a hospital in hebron and apparently on ward to the morgue. A very sequence of tragic events and we are told the soldier was injured and of course the followup to this well its all over. And the situation here in the occupied west bank certainly isnt getting any easier at all. Tell me what the mood is like there in ramallah and you have been reporting from around the territory and israel the last few days. What is it like there today . Very heated kamal and in ramallah its heated and we had a total of 35 arrests overnight and early morning, 35, that is in a list of places here but particularly in neblus and very concentrated in the north of the occupied west bank and also here in ramallah, a palestinian partner hamas party member ucef has been arrested and has been detained. He has been in and out of jail a lot and his most recent jail term was a oneyear administrative detention, that is basically detention without charge and weve had figures released by the Palestinian Detainees Committee which is a plo body, they say that 900 people, palestinians in the main, have been arrested since the start of this unrest. So far this month 900. They dont have a figure of how many have been released and how many are still detained, but 60 of them have been given administrative detention orders of the sort i mentioned there which relate to ucef and there is a lot of decent right now and also more demonstrations in the occupied west bank later on today. Also, we are hearing that fatar the armed wing of fatar is planning some sort of show of demonstration and calling for support to really demonstrate the palestinian cause. So what that will lead to remains to be seen. There are a lot of demonstrators who really are intent on having their say, doing their protests without any mainstream Political Support in palestinian terms. So its an interesting situation today but also very tense and potentially violent. Talk about it in the news hour and live in ramallah in the occupied west bank and canadas liberal party is swept to party in general elections ending nine years of conservative rule and 43yearold leader justin is set to follow his father and become the Prime Minister and it had shown the liberals were on track to win but not such a big majority and this is from daniel lak in toronto. Reporter a new era in canadian politics the Central Liberal Party led by justin has won and he began the Campaign Third place in the opinion polls but as the days and weeks went by his partys support climbed steadily. Canadians from all across this great country sent a clear message tonight, its time for a change in this country, my friends, a real change. Reporter the result was a sharp rebuke for conservative party Prime Minister Steven Harper who first came to power in 2006, a towering figure on the right wing of canadian politics harper cut government taxes and emphasized national security. He has also been increasingly controversial. During his final term in office he will resign as conservative leader in the coming days. For the 42en time in 148 years canadians have chosen a national parliament. Well tonights result is certainly not the one we had hoped for. The people are never wrong. Reporter once the official opposition the leftest new Democratic Party was the biggest loser and dropping seats and down to third place and canadian voters wanted change and wanted the liberals to lead them there. How volitile the public has become and we had the parties at 30 and conservatives didnt budge. The liberals went up 12, 13 and. In db dropped and that was the difference, because the election was built around the main issue if people wanted to keep the harper government or not you really had strategic voting on a massive scale. Justin has exceeded expectation and will govern in ottawa and it still remains with oil prices and weakening economy and uncertain situations. Votes counted in egypt after the first round of parliamentary elections there, the poll was over two days in 14 of the 27 provinces but it was low and just 16 on the first day of polling. The second phase will be held next month and final results in december in the first parliamentary poll since president Mohamed Morsi was ousted back in 2013. Syrian observatory for human rights says 45 people have been killed in a wave of russian strikes in latakia syria and has a stronghold and a key target of the russian air campaign. The Rights Group Says the dead inclusive yanukovichs and a rebel commander. In Syria Government troops captured villages around aleppo and government has an offensive to push back groups and i. S. I. L. And the fighting is having a devastating effect on humanitarian situation and 35,000 people have fled the area. This report from victoria. Reporter these families left their homes near aleppo in a hurry taking with them very few belongings, they are some of the 35,000 people who escaped the area in the last few days, ever since the Syrian Government launched a new campaign against rebelheld areas and this time with air support from russia. Translator at night there were air strikes, in the morning there were rockets and barrel bombs and using all kinds of heavy weapons against us. Reporter this is what the strikes have left behind, home after home badly damaged. Activists say most of the victims of the air strikes are artillery bombardment and barrel bombs are civilians. Government forces backed by russian jets have taken control of villages south of aleppo but opposition fighters say this doesnt represent a change in the balance of power in the countryside around the city. The rebels know aleppo is crucial. Its only 50 kilometers from the border with turkey and it was once syrias financial and industrial hub. For years it has been the focus of a threeway fight between syrian rebels, Regime Forces and i. S. I. L. Fighters, here rebels target regime vehicles with antitank missiles. So far we successfully destroyed five targets, god is great. Reporter it has been nearly three weeks since russia began its air campaign in syria and participation may result in the change in the deadlock in aleppo but it appears its making an already desperate refugee crisis even worse, victoria with al jazeera. Japans Health Ministry says a former worker at the fukushima has cancer and leukemia and believed to be the first worker to get a cancer related illness related to the disaster and the facility was shut down after being severely damaged by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Families from north and south korea are meeting each other in a rare reunion in a Mountain Resort in north korea and separated from the korean war over 60 years ago and harry faucet has the story. Reporter after decades of waiting suddenly everything is a rush n the 15 years the stopstart reunions have been happening they developed their slightly chaotic routine and far from normal and excitement and expectation is everywhere as our extraordinary personal stories. Here is just one, not even 7 months married and 3 months pregnant when her husband left for training 65 years ago and he never returned and we met her when she arrived for initial registration. Translator back then we were only just married and had not called each other darling. Not even once. Reporter with her now 64yearold son desperate he said to experience his first embrace with both his parents. Translator when i was first informed it was a sense of ah, now i have a father, he is alive. It was a feeling of pride. Reporter before the meetings came the formalities of border immigration, the frustration for the more than 60,000 applicants still waiting on the Southern Side alone is the system exists for all of this to happen more regularly, it all depends on the Political Climate between the koreas. 66,000 remain and 30,000 were identified who is willing to meet each other so we certainly tried our best to make the regular, ongoing rendevois happen. Reporter soon they will meet family members from whom they have been separated 60 years and meet them six hours each time and thursday they will come home and it all will be over almost certainly forever, on the Southern Side of the inter korean border. News ahead slovania uses the army at the border to struggle with the huge influx of refugees and the storm koppu has thousands displaced in the philippines. Governments secretly paying ransoms. We were told never to disclose that they actually paid. Are they saving lives or putting more at risk . Top stories for you once again on al jazeera, Israeli Army Says a palestinian man has been shot and killed after stabbing an israeli soldier and happened outside of hebron in occupied west bank and 45 palestinians and eight israelis killed in a wave of violence just this month. Just Justin Liberal Party has won an election bringing nine years of end and Steven Harper has been seated and resigning as party leader. Observatory for human rights says 45 people have been killed in a wave of russian strikes in the providence of latakia and includes civilians and a rebel commander. Turkey has rejected an eu offer of aid in return for helping to reduce the number of refugees heading to europe. Prime minister says his country is not a concentration camp. Last week eu leaders said they reached an agreement with ankora on 3. 4 million to house people escaping the war in syria but that deal was dismissed by turkey a day later. Slovania says the army will help police manage the border where thousands of refugees are trying to cross and come from croatia after they sealed off the border and stopped Asylum Seekers on monday because the day daily quota had been reached. Reporter huddled against the driving rain and in the biting cold they waited and they waited. With little or no protection against the elements, all hoping to cross the border between serbia and croatia. Onslaught of people that come and come, we dont have a chance to treat and actual medicine to give out, we dont have any more rain coats, as you can see children of ten days old, hypothermia and we dont have a blanket to give them, we need action. I mean, this is the images speak for themselves. Reporter the balkin countries are in turmoil and the decision last week to seal borders means refugees having to find new routes and resulted in croatia and slovania quarrelling about how many people they can cope with and how many their neighbors should received. Unexpectedly croatia has opened the border with is serbia and a decision to help relieve the pressure but for how long. In no mans land between croatia and slovania winter is almost here and they struggle to understand why their paths have been blocked. People here want across the other to the other side and dont want to stay in slovania, one woman want to cross only and dont want money, dont want food, dont want only, only to cross. Reporter the road on the slovania side of the border a staging post is looking after those who do make it, red cross and Police Working together to assist the cold and exhausted people. Despite the best efforts to try to slow the flow of refugees across europe they keep on coming and we have been standing here four men came out of the darkness along that road at the croatia border in that direction soaking wet, freezing cold and right here at this Processing Center which is staffed by red cross volunteers and police and handed blankets and given food and now they will be moved further on to the austrian border and you can see from the buses arriving here the slovania are not waiting to moving them on to the destinations and the internal borders have not stable and new restrictions imposed and relaxed suddenly, the journey from war and poverty keeps getting more precarious and uncertain, paul brennan, al jazeera, slovania. Tropical storm kapp ushu ik this is in the Northern Island that has been hit hard by the storm. Reporter the rain is still falling in the city but it doesnt seem to be as consistently heavy has it has been and flood water has receded and this area a matter of hours ago it was completely flooded and you can see by debris that is washed up here from the river nearby so that is the good news that as the storm moves further to the northwest at the flood waters do seem to be receding but the rain is not going away and with that there is still a lot of concern about land slides. This is a very mountains here and it is in positions and the rain is expected to linger for sometime and therefore that concern remains there could be land slides in the areas affected by this major storm. At the moment there seems to be a lot of compliments how the government has handled this disaster, the casualty list at this stage is very low. The government warned people early, people listened to those warnings and as a result things seem to have been handled very well. The olympic and para olympic Oscar Pistorious has been released and convicted of killing his girlfriend in 2013 and as tanya page reports his experience of the Justice System in south africa is very different from most others. Reporter seems care free greeting a friend in the street but he is a victim of miscarriage of justice and in prison for 11 years for a murder he didnt commit because he says police forged evidence and he couldnt afford a good lawyer. It took eight years to get a full transcript of his trial, information that should have been readily available and which is essential for an appeal and blames police and the prosecutor. I have to let the by gones be by gones and open new pages because if im going to look from behind its going to hurt me and its going to be a lot on my shoulders. He was held in the same prison as Oscar Pistorious but the para olympian can afford the best defense lawyers and Oscar Pistorious has been released on corrective supervision after serving a fraction of the fiveyear sentence he received for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp and it says its a two tier system here, one for the rich and one for the poor. Lawyers at the Resource Center have been taking on the cases of impoverished since the apartheid. From private practice and this is a poor person with limited acshues access to representation and worlds apart. Reporter also been let down by the Justice System and she complained to the police about her abusive husband for years before he stabbed their youngest son to death and the state appointed lawyer changed several times, records have been lost and eight years later he still has not been tried. Their oldest son is in prison for injuring his father in a shooting. Both the cases are extreme but not unique in a country where money can mean the difference between freedom and imprisonment, sometimes life and death. Tonya page, al jazeera, johannesburg. Members of Fifa Executive Committee started a meeting in zurich discussing to delay the president ial election or not. Reporter Emergency Executive Committee meeting taking place first in 17 years and not presided over by blatter, the president suspended of part of the nonstop turmoil and chaos around fifa over these last few months and years and what would narrowly might be an honor for african the first, african to take charge of fifa and couldnt be more difficult circumstances and he and the executive committee need to absolutely decide is whether they should deny the president ial election from february 26 and cant candidates have to declare in a weeks time and is the president , he would be favored to be fifa president and can he stand and he hazard been saying do you think i should do this and go for this but outside of fifa says anyone within football properly reform fifa and it needs to happen externally. Sexual abuse in schools in ecuador is becoming a widespread problem and last year almost a thousand girls under the age of just 14 reported being abused. In fact, it has become so prevalent it has caught the attention of a special commission in the United States and this report is from kimberly. Reporter she has traveled thousands of kilometers from ecuador to the United States seeking the justice she says has alluded her family. Her daughter was in her early teens when her family says her School Principal began sexually abusing her. When she became president she turned to the School Physician for help and again was sexually violated and she ended her life. When the coroner presented the body she said evidence of the pregnancy had been covered up. Translator the uterus and the blood were manipulated. You couldnt tell she had been pregnant because they already fixed it. Reporter activists say the problems of sexual abuse in ecuadors educational institutions are widespread, officially last year they say almost a thousand girls under the age of 14 were sexually abused but the crime is under reported and they believe that the numbers of sexually abused girls may be much higher. Translator represents thousands of girls in adolescents who have been violated or at risk of being violated and people have lost their lives and others will lose them. Reporter the commission is investigating and four human rights bodies at the u. N. Looking into allegations of Sexual Violence against girls and schools in ecuador. In this case no one has ever been held responsible for her death and her mother filed more than 30 briefs with the government and the courts in ecuador and successfully, that is why her legal team has turned to the commission of human rights as a last resort. Translator this commission will recommend to the state the adoption of certain measures, laws and Public Policies to ensure that a case like this never repeats itself. Reporter but the commissions decision is not binding and to stop sexual abuse with impunity is not over, despite International Pressure to resolve this case, ecuador government failed to appear at the commissions hearing. Kimberly, al jazeera, washington. We are off to africa now where ranges in zimbabwe are struggling to protect elephants who are using cyanide and 300 were killed in the National Park after drinking poised water and this year dozens more dead animals have been found and harry reports from zimbabwes east province. Reporter more than 40 years old, somehow she got separated from her herd and joined this group of buffalos, because of her size she appears to be in charge. But she and other elephants in zimbabwe parks and private game reserves are not safe from poachers and putting see cyanide in food and the tusks are a multibillion industry and they try to protect wildlife but say they are not giving up. You have to be optimistic if you are in the game and if you are down and out and not in the game you shouldnt be in the industry. Listen its not a great picture that is out there but we remain positive in the fact we will keep on fighting and keep on protecting and doesnt matter what it takes. Im not prepared to give up. We have been on the very hard and long tough journey so far and there is no way we can stop. Reporter some poachers are caught or killed fighting park rangers but they say its hard to stay one step ahead of the porchers. We need to know to get into applying sophisticated strategies to track down some of these poachers so the issue of the drones and also the use of aircraft is something that we are moving towards. Dont appreciate also the border on the zambia side and this is where most of the poachers do come from. Reporter National Parks say there is not enough money to cope with the nationwide spike of cyanide cases and what they say about zimbabwe badly effected tourism and the tourists are coming but the numbers are not as high as they used to be. The money pays the rangers, feeds the animals and improves security in the area to protect these elephants. The cyanide poison does not discriminate, all animals are vulnerable and what is making it more of a challenge for rangers is poachers seem to target fewer animals at a time possibly to avoid detection, harry from al jazeera in the east province, zimbabwe. So much more for you and in depth reports, blogs and video on demand. Barack obamas election in 2008 gave hope to many African Americans that a black man living in the white house would mean better lives for black men, women and children living in houses across america. But with just over a year to go in the president s second term

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