Helping build a democracy after a revolution. This is Aljazeera America. Good morning, live from new york city, im randall pinkston. President obama in a few hours will be heading to oregon where he will meet with victims and families of last Weeks Community college shooting. Overnight, there was a shooting at Northern Arizona universitys flagstaff campus. The school is confirming one killed, three others and the shooter in custody. No word yet phon a motive. The president has been making a passionate call for gun control off the the shooting, but he is expected to stay away from political talk today. Gun rights activists plan a protest. There is pushback in roseberg to the president s position on gun control. The protest has a body art fundraiser that has put more than 5,000 in a fund for victims. I dont think we can even really fully understand what has even happened yet, everyone has a need to act in a participate. I feel this is one of those ways we can do that. At the Community College. The classroom building where nine were murdered is sealed off. Near the entrance to the school, flags and flowers on a cyclone fence honor the victims. Small stones spell out hope, unity and love on the sidewalk, but that unity is cracking with the pressure of a president ial visit and angry local reaction to statements from president obama on the day of the shooting. Several new facebook pages call for demonstration, hoping to put thousands of protestors in the streets. Otherwisers behind one side tell us theyve been overwhelmed by the response. This is a hunting and fishing region and many respondents tell us flatly this is a gun town. The publisher of the weekly roseburg beacon went very public with his feelings. Whats your reaction watching that speech . Thats what caused me to make the statement that i made, that mr. President , youre not welcome here for those purposes and under those circumstances. Many here told us they are honored to have the president in town, if his focus is on the families and not politics. The mayor, city council and city manager released a statement, making it clear the city will officially welcome the president to roseberg and extend him every courtesy. Id like to have my president here. Chelsea brown helped otherwise a candlelight vigil that drew 2,000 people the night of the shootings. She is in awe of the Community Spirit people have shown here and is proud to show off her own roseburg strong tattoo. The charged debate about gun control, gun rights and with thes visit is upsetting yuha maybe it wasnt the best time for him to come, maybe it is the right time. Im not the one to answer that. It stirred up quite a stir. Yes. People are angry, people are happy about it, i just dont i just see it as this isnt the right time. Three people remain hospitalized. The Community College is scheduled to reopen monday. The white house has not responded to the report that said president obama may use executive action to expand background checks for gun purchases. Press secretary josh ernest earlier this week said the president and his team are considering a range of options following the mass shooting in oregon. The penaltys under no illusions that theres a law that could be passed that would prevent every incident of gun violence, but there surely is something that congress can do to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and others who shouldnt have them, and that will have a corresponding impact on the frequency of these kinds of incidents. Senate democrats have unveiled here proposal to overhaul the nations gun laws. The legislation would make it harder to buy weapons on line and at gun shows and call for comprehensive background checks for all gun sales and tougher penalties for illegal sales. Oregon senator said the killings at the college show an urgent need for new measures. These ideas would make a real difference in stopping gun violence, but they wont become law without an outcry from the american people. Its unclear when or if the measure will be brought to a vote in the senate. Republicans in the house of representatives are scrambling today to find new candidates to run for House Speaker. Majority leader Kevin Mccarthy was expected to succeed john boehner but he suddenly withdrew his candidacy. Al jazeeras Political Correspondent Michael Shure reports hard line conservatives are calling it a victory. When the day began, Kevin Mccarthy was the front runner for House Speaker and then, the unexpected. What happened was Kevin Mccarthy went up to the microphone and said that he was not going he was withdrawing his name from consideration for speaker. Representative Ryan Costello of pennsylvania broke the news. Speaker boehner got up up and said based on what was just said, were going to move to postpone election for speaker. Just like that, mccarthy was out. If we are going to unite and be strong, we need a new face to help do that. Mccarthy didnt think he was that face and sent republicans scrambling for a new voice. We need to have a lot more family discussion, because we need to find somebody that our whole body can unite behind and do what we were elected to do. A difficult task, considering the discord among republicans that many fear caused john boehner and now Kevin Mccarthy to bow out and because of a divided caucus, mccarthys unexpected withdrawal may have been the result of a numbers game. I dont want to go to the floor and win with 220 votes. I think the best thing for our party right now is that you have 247 votes on the floor. Mcchart chart thee didnt seem to have the votes to win and the majority leader acknowledged that he hurt himself with recent comments suggesting the Benghazi Committee was designed to do political damage to democratic president ial candidate hillary clinton. I should not be a distraction from that, and thats part of the decision, as well. Now the conversation moves back to who might be the next speaker. You dont know about the dynamics of things. Youre in this race and theres two candidates and then all of a sudden, there was three, and that changes the dynamics, but you dont know how, and now theres two again, maybe, maybe more. John boehner has been trying to convince paul ryan to run. The former president ial nominee is viewed as a reliable conservative leader and could get the necessary votes. For now and potentially for longer than he planned, john boehner will remain the speaker of the house. Michael shure, al jazeera, washington. A super pac pulled its ad encouraging Vice President joe biden to run for president. Six weeks after my election, my whole world was altered forever. The commercial includes part of a speech biden gave early this year about the car crash that killed his first wife and daughter. Biden asked the draft biden group to pull the ad, saying it treads on sacred ground. More danger in South Carolina where residents along the coast are urged to evacuate. All the water from this weeks flooding is moving in toward low lying parts of four counties along the coast. The governor said george town county, part of myrtle beach, is expect to start flooding this morning. We are live there this morning. How bad is it where you are right now . Well, ran d. L. , were seeing some water right now, but its not as bad as they expected, at least not as bad as in the last couple of days this area has seen. Businesses here are still recovering from the floods in the last couple of days. There are some mandatory evacuations going on, especially near the rivers. Thats where the floodwater is expected to rise. Governor hailee yesterday saying look, we understand that this is your property, these are your belongings, but please, if somebody comes to your doorway saying please leave, police, they are asking people to stay safe and leave. A lot of people are saying they have seen hurricanes and floods before. How responsive are they to the governors entreaty to get out . Well, for some of them, its a 12 punch. Theyve seen flooding in the last couple of days and now the possibility of more floodwater coming this way. One woman did not want to leave her home when the flood were was rising and it was almost coming to her doorway. She had to leave the next day once the flood came into the home and that floodwater is expected to rise even more. Like you said, everyone weve spoken to has said to us look, weve seen bad weather before, weve seen storms, but weve never seen floods the way these floods have come in. How long is the damage from this flooding expected to impact South Carolina residents . Its expected to well the threat of the floods are expected to last through the weekend, so theyre really saying to everybody look, were not out of the water yet. This is also affecting the roadways, more than 200 roadways have been closed, so theyre definitely saying to people if you need to evacuate, please evacuate, stay safe. They are not out of the woods yet. Thank you. More rain, unfortunately is on its way to South Carolina. Nicole mitchell, is it going to be a lot of rain or are they going to break this time . This will be a normal rainfall, but on top of what weve had and flooding going on, any bit is not helpful. Here are the areas still under flood watches and warnings. Most are just as we heard, along the river. The reason that happens well after the rain has ended is because you have to think of a flood as kind of a bulge of water on the river. It takes it time to travel and then at different streams come together, thats why flooding upstream that already happened is finally moving downstream and some places wont see their worst in terms of that river flooding until this weekend as everything has moved along. Heres the front, already starting to bring rain into the northeast and you can see trailing behind, some showers into central portions of the United States, as well. As this moves over the weekend, this is tomorrows forecast, so were looking at another core of rain with that possibly around the carolinas. This is an inch or two. This isnt something that would normally be on our radar so to speak in terms of being significant, but because its in those areas already seeing river cresting and that flooding that we have a concern about it. Heres how this times out into the day tomorrow. Then should clear into the day sunday. This moves through fairly quickly and that rain is more in the northeast later today and through early tomorrow. A few places are going to get hit with that rain. A lot of the east coast still is under dry conditions, so some of the rain is beneficial elsewhere. Otherwise, look at this. This is sunday. By the time we get to the edge of this, clear for most of the country. This is actually a nice weekend for the country, whiff is great, because fall colors are in peak in places like the midwest, new england, the rockies. This is more today and tomorrow, some rain is moving in the northwest. This is another region where most of this is under dry or drought conditions, so this is actually going to be some beneficial rain. This will be a little more significant in terms of amounts, probably five or sixinches over the next couple of days. Thank you, Nicole Mitchell. North charleston South Carolina has reached a settlement in the Fatal Police Shooting of walter scott, paying 6. 5 million to his family. He was shot while trying to run away after a traffic stop. A bystander recorded the shooting on a cell phone. Slager was indicted on a murder charge and fired from the force in june. A tunisian Pro Democracy Group is honored to the Nobel Peace Prize, credited with keeping the promise of the arab spring alive. We will explore what the Tunisian National dialogue quartet has achieved in four years. Union leaders will vote on a tentative deal to keep thousands of workers on the job, but with him the rank and file say no for a second time . Every saturday night. I lived that character. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to a group that has fought for deposition exhibit in the north african country of tunisia. The organization said it is recognizing tunisia for its role in the first and most successful Arab Spring Movement p. M. The Norwegian Committee cited the dialogue quartet for its contribution to democracy following the 2011 revolution. It was thus instrumental in enabling tunisia in the space of a few years to establish a constitutional system of government, guaranteeing fundamental rights for the entire population, irrespective of gender, political conviction, or religious belief. A freelance journalist joins us via skype this morning. Tell us about the war at the time, what groups compose the quartet . Hello, good morning, first of all. So the car at the time is an Informal Group of four organizations that has been constituted in the summer 2013 in order to manage the political crisis that happened just after. This committee is made up of four organizations. The first one is the general labor union, the Tunisian Confederation which is the trade union and two other organizations are the tunisian league, the very old Human Rights Organization in tunisia and the tunisia order of lawyers. What is your reaction to because ive read that some people in tunisia were surprised, were you that the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the quartet . Yeah, sure, i was surprised also and the majority of tunisians, the reaction of people, all of them were surprised. I didnt believe that before reading it in the news. The question is do they deserve it or not. If the purpose of the Nobel Peace Prize is to give hope and to give signal for the rest of the world and to show them how its possible to make peaceful transition like the tunisian quartet managed to do, its ok, they totally deserve it, but if its for something which is totally achieved, i dont think so, because to thatten democracy is still in the process of building, and there is a lot of challenges that those organizations have to do more efforts to help tunisia people to build a real democracy. Well, on that point, we know of several terrorist attacks that have occurred in tunisia in june, 38 People Killed in march, 22 People Killed, do you think that the quartet will be able to bring about a more peaceful resolution and building of democracy . Yeah. I think that now, after the most difficult part of the transition, which was the constitutional process, the problem of civil unrest or likewise, the statement of the Nobel Committee say it couldnt happen, but now the two Biggest Challenges is the security challenge, which is terrorism and the other, which is the economic recovery, so the problem now with terrorism is that the Counter Terrorism strategy of the tunisian government is only based on security and using hard power. I think that the rules of the organization is to make pressure on the government and tunisian institution to use also other kind of strategies, like a strategy based not only on using weapons against tourists, but also basing on giving importance and attracting people to the various democracy. Thank you for being with us on Aljazeera America. Auto union will vote on a new contract. There are worries the rank and file may not go around. A look at what the members really want. Al jazeera has more from detroit on the issues facing the Auto Industry. This was once the picture of American Auto workers, Assembly Lines churned out cars to make the United States the worlds leading manufacturer of automobiles. In 1960, 17 of all American Workers produced autos or auto parts. Today that number is less than 1 , following years of Factory Automation and competition from overseas manufacturers that hurt u. S. Sales. Yet six years after an 80 billion bailout and massive layoffs, the u. S. Auto industry is poised for its best sales year in more than a decade. Were seeing new Assembly Plants and investment in this country from the domestic and imports, so i think theres still a lot of viability as an automotive worker in the u. S. Reduced laboring costs have made manufacturing more attractive. Its shifted from the big three and theres more auto economy in the south. Todays auto jobs arent quite once they once were. The average employee spends more time at work but american pay has dropped, at times earning far less than european counterparts. The new hires, the wage is still higher than you would get into retail, its still attractive, its just not as attractive as it used to be. Union workers at Fiat Chrysler tried to make jobs for attractive threatened to strike unless the italian automakers offered more money, Better Benefits and did away with the controversial two tiered Wage Structure that pays senior employees about 9 an hour more for the same work. Now the threat of a strike is often considered one of the biggest weapons in a unions arsenal and almost came to pass here at the plant here in detroit, essentially workers notified they should pick up their belongings and walk out the door if a strike came to pass. It came down to the 11th hour with a tentative agreement announced right before the stroke of midnight. It would have been the first time the United Auto Workers union held a strike since 2007. Among the reasons that matter, north america emerged as Fiat Chryslers biggest market. There is still a chance the rank and vile could vote against this deal. They voted down the first agreement. Thanks for joining us. Back in two minute witness more Aljazeera America morning news. But around the world. Getting the news from the people who are affected. People need to demand reform. Ali velshi on target weeknights 10 30p et tension running high in israel after another wave of stabbings. Disarray in congress, republicans scramble after the front runner for speaker steps aside. We are not able to get in the field to do the harvest. Floodwaters are taking their toll on farmers in South Carolina. An enormous honor for organizations in tunisia for their role in bringing democracy and peace after the revolution. This is Aljazeera America live from new york city, im stephanie sy. The Nobel Committee has made a strong statement in favor of democracy in the arab world, awarding the peace prize to the Tunisian National dialogue quartet, a group of four Civil Society organizations that helped smooth the rocky political process that has led to a post arab spring democracy. It was awarded for its contribution to democracy, following the 2011 revolution. It was thus instrumental in enableling tunisia in the space of a few years to establish a constitutional system of government guaranteeing fundamental rights for the entire population, irrespective of gender, political conviction, or religious belief. The Nobel Committee makes a symbolic move. This is a big win for a small country. Its where the arab spring began. It did come as a surprise to many. There were 273 contenders for the prestigious prize this year, german chancellor Angela Merkel and pope francis were among them. It is a coalition of four groups, the tunisian general labor union, the federation of Industry Trade and handy crafts, the Human Rights League and the tunisian order of lawyers. Its members work to protect the rights of the entire population regardless of their background. The war state was formed in 2013 when tunisia was on the brink of civil war. Its work helped counter the violence through dialogue. I spoke with a freelance gurn. He has mixed feelings about the award recipient. If the purpose of the nobel prize is to give hope and to give signal for the rest of the world and to show how its possible to make transition like they do, they totally deserve it. If its for something which is totally achieved, i dont think so, because tunisia democracy is still in the process of building, and there is a lot of challenges that those organizations have to do more efforts to help tunisian people to build a real democracy. Stephanie, he believes that the tunisian government should have used less focus on military might to keep control and more on economic parity. Despite the significant gains that the citation talks about with tunisia, the deposition exhibit is of course still young and shaky, and it is not clear how the government retains control. There were two attacks that killed 60 people in incidents this year, so definitely challenges ahead for the young democracy. Security is tight this morning in israel, where separate incidents of israelis and palestinians attacking each other with knives are raising the sense of instability there. Six people have been stabbed and one person shot in various attacks across the country in occupied west bank. Security is now especially tight in jerusalem, where friday prayers at the al aqsa mosque just finished. We are live in jerusalem, just outside the compound. How is it in jerusalem around al aqsa mosque right at this moment . Well, at the moment, it all looks quiet and peaceful. A short while ago, there were barricades erected around me, hundreds of police in the vicinity. Cordons all around the damascus gate, which is the primary point of access to the al aqsa mosque compound. Only men above the age of 45 were allowed to enter or these who can prove that they were residents in the old city. There was a minor demonstration, one arrest was made, but generally, the friday prayers passed fairly peacefully. This is a little misleading. Some two miles in the occupied East Jerusalem at the refugee camp, still simmering following a day of violence in which dozens of palestinians were injured and at least one shot by an israeli sniper. What is the latest that you can tell us on these most recent knife attacks . Well, the knife attacks are something a new development in the way of this on going crise, both within israel proper and the occupied west bank. There have been a number of attacks again in the course of the day, but a couple of them are slightly different from what weve seen. In the one case, it was a palestinianisraeli woman who actually carried out the attack. In the north of israel, she attacked a jewish israeli. This is the first time thats happened. A 17yearold jewish attacker attacked four arabs, all four of them were moderately wounded according to police, but here we are seeing perhaps what may be described as revenge attacks as the police put it and certainly theres been a very sharp increase in right wing israeli settlement in west jerusalem overnight calling for an end to arab terror as they put it. Police dispersed that particular demonstration, but very clearly, emotions still running high on all sides. After months of internationally brokered talks, liberty may be timely forming a unity government. Factions have agreed on a new Prime Minister and a president ial council. The leadership has been fractured into groups after the overthrowing of muammar gaddafi. Irans revolutionary guard says an Iranian Military general has been killed in syria. The general died near aleppo where he was providing military advice to the syrian army. Irans state media said he was killed by isil fighters. Russia is denying reports this morning that across missiles aimed at syria mistakenly landed in iran. Syrian forces are getting support from russias air campaign, but the pentagon warns the kremlin that the campaign will soon cost russian lives on the battlefield. Mike viqueira has more from washington. Meeting with nato allies in brussels, secretary of Defense Ash Carter predicted casualties for russia. The russians will begin with casualties in syria. He listed objection to russias move, russian aircraft coming within a few miles of u. S. Drones. Cruise missiles launched without warning. Thursday, reports emerge that had four of those missiles badly missed their mark, crashing instead in iran, near the border with turkey. Russia received permission for the missiles, launched from war ships in the caspian sea to targets in syria. Russia denies the reports and says all of the missiles reached their targets. In another alarming russian move, its war planes entered air space over turkey, a member of the nato military alliance. Thursday, the secretary general vowed to act if it came to a fight with russia. Nato is prepared to protect all allies against any threats, and that of course also goes for turkey. Critics say president obama should have anticipated russias aggressive actions and that hes been out maneuvered by his russian counterpart, vladimir putin. I think a lot of it is simple naivete and misunderstanding of russias intentions. We always think that if we could just get together at a table, have a conversation, we can find a winwin scenario. We are all about winwin scenarios, but putin doesnt see diplomacy this way. For him, its zero sum. For now, the u. S. Military is still focused on fighting isil, not russian forces. What does the white house want to do to protect those allies that are being attacked by russia right now on the ground in syria . That support has not included things like directing their actions on the ground. Russia has failed to distinguish between those groups that are supported by the United States and our Coalition Partners and the extremists in isil. Mike viqueira, al jazeera, washington. There is a new development this morning involving the u. S. Strategy against isil. The New York Times is reporting the United States is ending the pentagons 500 Million Program to train and equip syrian rebels. Defense secretary ash carter just spoke about the scheme. That is an important ingredient of our overall counter isil strategy and the United States remains committed to that. We have been looking now for several weeks at ways to improve that program. I wasnt satisfied with the early efforts in that reward, so were looking at different ways to achieve the basically same kind of strategic objective, which is the right one, which is to enable capable, motivated forces on the ground. In 10 minutes, more on syria and the u. S. Strategy there with retired air force colonel cedric layton. The death toll from last months hajj pilgrimage could be twice as high as reported. New figures show that at least 1453 pilgrims were killed, 684 more people than the official saudi total. The findings were based on reports submitted by more than a dozen countries. Hundreds are still unaccounted for. More danger in South Carolina where residents along the coast of urged to evacuate. All the water from this weeks flooding is now moving in toward those lowlying parts of four counties. Gone nikki haley said georgetown, just south of myrtle beach is expected to start flooding this morning. We are live in Georgetown County right now. How long before the damage from this flooding will be impacting residents where you are . Theyre going to be cleaning this up for the next few weeks and months. The water here, you can see it starting to come in. This area of georgetown has already seen floodwaters up to here, so these stores are still recovering from all of this. One industry thats been suffering is the farming industry, over the last few days, theyve lost millions of dollars. Third generation farmer began this summer operating for rain. By the end of the season, he was operating for it to stop. Weve already hit hard from a drought earlier in the year, and now the water is causing us not to be able to get in the field to do the harvest. His peanuts are still underground where they will likely rot in the mud before harvesting. Theres no cotton to pick. The skies are blue, but the drenching rains ruined the crop. This is a normal ball of cotton pretty much, there is one affected by the rain, and what happened. This is not harvestable, this is. All types of farming has taken a hit here from corn to soybeans, even poultry has suffered. For farms, the situation will get worse as the floodwater moves down state. What looks like a lake is actually farmland covered in floodwater, so much of it, this rod could no longer hold it back. The devastation is there, basically agriculture will be shut down for a few weeks until the soil dries. Farmers can receive federal money to make up for some losses. He is not looking for handouts, but will have to take out loans to make up for the nearly 700,000 hit. Do you have Crop Insurance . I do have Crop Insurance, but it will not cover all your losses. It will help, but its not a savior. While farming is in his blood, at times like this, he wishes his sons hadnt followed him into the family business. I just think theres an easier way to make a living than this. This is not an easy living. You think its going to be a tough road for them . Yes, i do. Why so . Well, just because of the weather and Different Things seem to be more severe now than it used to be. Either too wet or too dry, hard to make a living off the land. The gone of South Carolina asking people to heed the warning in the low country area, especially near the rivers, saying we understand this is your property, your belongings, but if youre asked to leave, please go. Looks like a ghost town where you are right now. Live for us in georgetown, South Carolina, thank you. There is unwelcome news of more rain in the forecast in South Carolina. Lets bring in meteorologist Nicole Mitchell for more on that. This isnt a big event like the last one, but even a normal system isnt what we need. We have a frontal boundary, you can see from new england, bringing back to places like oklahoma this morning. Severe weather isnt expect, you might hear that rumble from time to time as this passes through, but this, a lot of the east coast today, the northern parts, southern parts into the day tomorrow, and that will bring additional rain to mostly the rivers that are flooded, because that bulge of water comes from upstream to downstream. Some of those rivers merged together. Some places, even though the rain is over, that initial rain has not crested yet because of that situation. In that forecast for this weekend, a lot of places just one or two inches which usually wouldnt be notable, but with rivers cresting, that will add to the problem. As this goes through, most of this cleared out by sunday for the southern part, already by saturday for most of the northern part. Then the country gets pretty dry. Sundays forecast looking very dry. Weve had showers coming into the northwest today and tomorrow, but even by then, we could see things ending in terms that have. Temperatures this weekend pretty comfortable and very falllike. Along the east coast, temperatures will drop 10 degrees as that front goes through. Fall foliage up ahead. Nicole mitchell, thank you. Tens of millions of gallons of water are wasted every day in new orleans. When you dont invest in it and maintain it, it comes back to bite you. The high cost of crumbling water pipes in the big easy. Blue sky and red ice. Nasas stunning picture of the dwarf planet, pluto. Railroad is denying reports that some of its missiles went off course. The kremlin said all of its missiles have hit their targets. Cedric layton joins us from doha. Colonel layton, im sorry about the nausea you may have experienced as that camera moved there. We are hearing reports that the pentagon today will announce that it is stopping its train and equip program in syria. The white house is saying that an announcement is coming, but that is what we believe it may be. What do you make of this development . Well, stephanie, good morning, basic live it is a situation where the United States is recognizing reality and really the administration is recognizing reality on the ground. Now, it is not a Welcome Development from my point of view and my perspective, because it shows that u. S. Policy has not really kept pace with events on the ground. It hasnt led events on the ground. We are in a purely creative mode, and this is just the latest manifestation of that, what were seeing is the United States in essence conceding that the program that they have right now in terms of training those so called vetted syrian fighters is not working and certainly the statistics bear that out. What really remains to be seen is whether or not there are going to be any other changes in u. S. Policy. This may just be the first of many measures that result in changes to u. S. Policy and perhaps an idea that the assad regime will at least get the tacit approval of the United States to stay in power. Thats something that a lot of people arent looking forward to. I want to unpack what youve said, starting with u. S. Tactics and strategy. At this point, is russia determining the outcome on the ground in syria and how should the u. S. Respond tactically . You are saying that you dont agree with stopping train and equip, but that has only put a handful of fighters on the ground so far and some say russia is outdoing those gains in the period of one week with its airstrikes. I dont think that the train and equip program was a good program, and so the way in which they were training the syrian fighters and whole produces was flawed from the start, so it is a good idea to stop that program. However, stopping that program has come a little too late. As far as russia is concerned, russia is trying to determine the facts on the ground, but they, too are hampered by the reality on the ground. They will not be able to, by themselves, change what is happening there, so they are going to be in a position of being drawn into the syrian conflagration, but they are not going to be able to determine by themselves the outcome. They may be able to have a good voice in it, a big voice in it, but that will depend on what iran does and what the assad regime can do and depend on what isis does is response and what isis is capable of doing. A lot of analysts are saying what russia appears to be doing is get rid of all the nonisil opposition to assad, so the west ultimately has to choose between assad and isil. How should the u. S. Respond strategically to that if that is russias long game . I think first of all, we dont like either one of them, obviously, so that makes it really difficult for the u. S. We have thought been able to establish a single point, a single group that we can rally around, and thats a significant failing of u. S. Policy and u. S. Actions. What we should do at this particular juncture is look at a point where we can actually get rid of both. We have to work i think with the russians. I really hate to say it this way, but i think we have to work with the russians to get rid of isil, but we also have to make sure that the assat regime, one condition has to be that the assad regime goes. Fit doesnt go, we really cannot support anything that happens in syria at this juncture and thats going to mean a long, hard civil war that continues with a lot of suffering and that is i think needless suffering, but its gone on way too long already. 250,000 people have died, no diplomatic solution in sight. Let me ask you a blunt question. If the u. S. Just stays out of it, what are the greater impacts of russia having this kind of influence in the middle east on the side of iran and hezbollah and syria . Basically what that means is that all of the efforts that we made in iraq will have been for naught, that means that the United States will no longer have influence over iraq. It will no longer have influence over that part of the northern arabian peninsula, and it could significantly affect things that are happening on the ground here in the gulf states, especially in qatar in saudi arabia, and really the entire g. C. C. It is an incredibly Dangerous Development and it is something that really must be avoided at all cost. Russian influence in syria and in some cases in iraq is underlined by their intelligence agreement with iraq, really bodes ill if its not checked right now. Thank you. Leaders of United Auto Workers will vote today on a new contract deal with Fiat Chrysler. All details have not been made public, but there are reports it includes a pay raise for younger workers and improved health benefits. An earlier agreement was approved by union leaders, voted down by workers last week. Federal and state investigators are reportedly looking into a possible second Computer Program that could have given false emissionles results for volkswagens diesel cars. On capitol hill yesterday, volkswagen c. E. O. Acknowledged use of a software that cheats those tests. Lisa stark has more. The head of volkswagen of america faced rare agreement from both sides of the political aisle, anger and disgust. V. W. Has betrayed a nation, a nation of regulators, loyalist, suppliers and innocent customers. Its time to clean it up or get off the road. The Auto Industry has deliberately chosen to perpetuate lice. American consumers are not crash test dummies. V. W. Admitted to deliberately installing software to cheat on emissions tests. American c. E. O. Michael horn offered his sincere apology. Let member very clear. We at volkswagen take complete responsibility for our actions and are working with the relevant authorities in a cooperative way. Investigations are under way to determine who new what when. To my understanding, this was not a corporate decision, this was something individuals did. Lawmakers were incredulous. V. W. s trying to get the United States of america to believe these are a couple of rogue engineers. I category reject that. Nearly half a million vehicles in the u. S. Are affected, 11 million worldwide. Volkswagen is still working on a fix. The companys word isnt worth a dime. The only thing i want to hear today is exactly how will volkswagen make this right by consumers. There is almost a cult following and the anger was etch dent from emails shared. V. W. Is the Lance Armstrong of the industry. These questions go on and on. How do you sleep at night . How do you call yourself a member of the human race when you knowingly poison the planet . Horn insisted he also feels deceived by a company he has worked for for 25 years. This company has to bloody learn and use this opportunity in order to get their act together. After his grilling, horn again pledged to make things right. We want to fix these issues, we want to remedy our customers. We want to really make sure that this is never going to happen again. Doing that could take years and cost the company billions. Al jazeera, washington. A house divided as a front runner for the top job unexpectedly drops out. What it will mean for republicans moving forward. Keeping the promise of the arab spring alive. A tunisian Pro Democracy Group is honored with the Nobel Peace Prize. Well go live to tunisia and speak to a blogger there. R. B. I. Is pushing back on reports to four cruise missiles crash landed in ran, among 26 fired at tares in sir yes. Russian Defense Ministry denies the report. The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to a war at the time credited with helping build the democracy in tunisia. It established a peaceful political process at a time the country was at the brink of civil war. Joining us to discuss this is a tunisian political analyst. Thank you for your time. Your reaction to the Nobel Peace Prize. Good morning. This is an amazing news foretop. No one was really expecting this. This was the first positive news for a while coming from tunisia especially after the series of attacks against several institutions and buildings in the country. The citizens of tunisia won this peace prize, Nobel Peace Prize. This is the results of an achievement by the Tunisian Society in working a compromise between the several different political players in 2013, 2014, which actually give the country its new constitution, which led the way to the countrys second free elections in 2014 and which actually paved the way in having this, even though not so well functioning, but functioning democracy, and until now is the only functions democracy in the arab world. What i find so interesting is that youre talking about with the quartet, four Civil Society organizations that really helped sort of smooth the transition through the political process. What can the rest of countries that have gone through revolutions learn from that . What they can learn is that, i mean of course to compromise and win the nobel prize, but learn also that through compromise, you can have peace. We see the surrounding countries where we have either civil wars or almost state collapse, where we see daily conflict, daily bloodshed and we have tunisia, tunisia where until now, blood is very limited attacks were limited to a number of extremist groups, not so popular in the whole spectrum of the country, and otherwise, things are functioning more or less correctly. We have running water, running electricity, the Public Services are working, so and all this, i think we owe it to the compromise that we were able to accomplish, so this prize, which is led the National Dialogue in 2013, is also directed to the whole Civil Society of the country and to the political players who accept to enter this National Dialogue in 2013. Just a quick question. Do you think tunisians will be celebrating this today, the winning of the Nobel Peace Prize . We see the two sides. Some people, and i cannot hide it myself, i am celebrating now and some are angry and they are right to say that this is totally useless. The Economic Situation is not doing well. The security situation is somewhat scary, the political situation, there are some setbacks, but in general, i think there is kind of a positive mood and im saying this again, this his the first positive, big positive news that comes from tunisia this year, and i think even those who are not celebrating are somewhat proud to be tunisian, and i mean, hopefully, this will oblige the political players in the country and others to think about everything and continue to build the democracy of this country. Thank you for offering your perspective today. We are following a developing story out of arizona this morning. One person is dead and three others hurt following a shooting at Northern Arizona universitys flagstaff campus. The school is confirming that the shooter is in custody and the campus is not on lockdown. The overnight incident was the 46th shooting at a school in the u. S. This year. President obama in a few hours will be heading to oregon where he will meet with victims and families of last Weeks Community college shooting. He has been making a passionate call for gun control but is expected to stay away from political talk today. Gun rights activists plan a protest. There is pushback to the president s position on gun control. Youll find community strength, support for victims and their families on signs all over this town. At a local tattoo shop, the support takes the form of roseburg strong, inc. , a body art fundraiser that has put more than 5,000 in a fund for victims. I dont even think we can really fully understand what has even happened yet. Everyone is in action mode, has a need to act and participate. I feel this is one of those ways we can do that. At the Community College, the classroom building where nine people were murdered is still sealed off. Near the entrance to the school, flags and flowers honor the victims. Small stones spell out hope, unity and love on the sidewalk, but that unity is cracking with the pressure of a president ial visit and angry local reaction to statements from president obama on the day of the shooting. Several new facebook pages are calling for demonstration, hoping to put thousands of protestors in the streets. Organizers tell us theyve been overwhelmed by the response. This is a hunting and fishing region and many residents tell us flatly this is a gun town. The publisher of the weekly roseburg beacon objected to the president s visit in a series of media interviews. What was your reaction . Thats what caused me to make the statement that i made, that mr. President , youre not welcome here for those purposes and under those circumstances. Many here have told us they are honored to have the president in town if his focus is on the families and not politics. The mayor, city council and city manager released a statement making it clear the city would welcome the president and extend him every courtesy. Gun rights and all that stuff, im a republican, a gun rights believer and id like to have my president here. Chelsea brown helped otherwise a candlelight vigil that drew 2,000 people the night of the shootings. She is in awe of the Community Spirit people have shown here, and is proud to show off her own roseburg strong tattoo, but the charged debate about gun control, gun rights and the president s visit is upsetting. Maybe it wasnt the best time for him to come, maybe it is the time to come. Im not the one to answer that. You know what i mean . It stirred up quite a storm. Yeah, people are angry, people are happy about it, i just dont i just see it at this isnt the right time. Three remain hospitalized, the Community College is scheduled to reopen monday. Al jazeera, roseburg, oregon. One of the heroes who thwarted a train attack in france is recovering after being at a stabbed outside a bar. Expense as her stone was stabbed four times thursday morning in california. Police say he was out with friends when a fight broke out. In august he was injured when he and several others stopped a gunman onboard a train bound for paris. North charleston South Carolina has reached a settlement over the shooting of walter scott. He was shot while trying to run from a traffic stop. Officer slager was indicted on a murder charge and fired from the force in june. Republicans and the house of representatives be scrambling to find new candidates to run for House Speaker. Mccarthy withdrew his candidacy amid a challenge from the socalled Freedom Caucus. Behind closed doors, a few blocks from the capital, the most conservative members of the house are again flexing their muscles. The questions we ask will represent the 60 of republicans. Lawmakers are part of a group formed earlier this year known as the Freedom Caucus. Described by some as crazies, the hard core conservatives demand all candidates for House Speaker personally commit to fighting democrats harder than ever. I dont want to pledge. I want it on paper. Ethics is putting your principles on paper ahead of time. The Freedom Caucus represents just a slice of the 247 republicans in the house, but through social media, conservative talk radio and outside organizations, the group has amplified its power. While the republicans have a big majority, its a certain segment of that majority isnt willing to play ball, they can exercise control over what happens and what doesnt happen particularly as we look ahead. Earlier this year, the members felt legislation was not tough enough. They tried to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. People ask me whats the greatest thing about being speaker. Members played a pivotal role out of thing speaker john boehner. Ironically jim jordan like boehner is from ohio. He is described at stoic and determined. A guy who stands on principle, ironically what john boehner said he was sent to washington to do, he wants to accomplish a no compromise position with the white house, shut down the government if necessary, get people who are angry about the way government is run, get them the sense that they are doing something about it. In the house leadership elections, Freedom Caucus members have not offered their own capped date for speaker. Representative Jason Chaffetz addressed conservatives tuesday night. Were going to try to unite as best we can, our message to bring the groups together to be a fair arbiter for the whole spectrum. Particularly, this group has got a very vocal message. The front runner for House Speaker was californias Kevin Mccarthy. I think the job of a speaker is to be a team captain, all part of a team. Conservative skepticism about him kept growing. You are judged today for who you are. You are not going to change your stripes when you get to a different position. That just did not happen. Less than 48 hours later, mccarthy withdrew from consideration. I think i shocked some of you, huh . The republican war over leadership is raising alarm bells, even with former house lawmakers. Theres a lot of frustrations, and youve got members that represent that frustration and in the republican conference, you know, its your Freedom Caucus. It all means a congress that could become angrier, louder and less productive. I think that the house has been kind of a deadlocked house, and i dont think there should be any expectation that things are going to get better with a new speaker as opposed to under boehner. It may become even more dysfunctional. David shuster, al jazeera. A republican strategist and former congressional candidate joins us from pittsburgh. Lenny, good morning to you. We should remind our viewers that this is important, this is second in line to the presidency is what the speaker of the house is, an incredibly important position. Of course after the Vice President. From your vantage point, are these divisions going to be damaging to your party . I think this is more than just damaging to the Republican Party and republican brand. I think what were looking at is the epitome of what american politics is right now, the divisiveness, inability to Work Together and bring about a common solution. This is something we see on both sides of the aisle. Its playing out on front stage with the republicans because of the fact that the republicans control the house of representatives and thus would be appointing the speaker of the house through their caucuses. This is unfortunately something weve seen for quite some time. You look back at what transpired with the debt ceiling crise, with the republicans leading congress there or the whole obamacare and the stimulus package debates that you saw in 2009 with the democrats running that. Youre starting to see more and more of this animace within congress. It is suggest that had some sort of Bipartisan Coalition with votes from democrats is going to be needed for the republicans to vote in a speaker. Do you agree . It would be nice to have the next speaker of the house be able to bridge this wide divide between the democrats in congress and the republicans in congress and get congress moving. I think thats what congressman dent means, as well. He is looking for somebody that can move the ball forward. John boehner should be that guy but was unable to. Kevin mccarthy is not that guy. Who do you think is the guy . I think its part of the reason people are talking about paul ryan, because the far right respects fall ryan as a numbers guy. You want to get Smaller Government, i will show you how to get Smaller Government through the numbers, while at the same time being able to talk to the establishment, be a former Vice President ial candidate and be able to work on tough issues. He had an opportunity to work with congressman murray on the budget just a few years ago. He doesnt want the job. Is that because he knows that he has his eyes set on the bigger prize, the presidency and he doesnt think he can win that from the gavel. Part of the reason why representative ryan doesnt want the bigger prize is not necessarily the presidency. I think he has his eyes on what he does in ways and means. He is a numbers guy. He can stay in his lane and be there, but ends the larger call, which is why he said he doesnt want it but has not ruled it out. I would not be surprised if paul ryans name continues to be floated around until it settles on somebody else or he steps up like he did in 2012 with the v. P. Slot and ends up running for this slot. How do you think this could affect the party with the general election voters . Right now, the independent voter, the moderate voter and the democratic basically looks at this and says this is why we dont vote republican, cant deal with the republicans. This is damaging to our brand in that regard. Were going to have to pivot and show listen, we are having tough fights amongst ourselves, but once we select a speaker, we are going to move forward for the better of america, for the best of what we can do as 435 individuals working for the United States of america and show that republicans can lead. If they just show this as a fight that will lead to something better, then well be able to recover. If this is a fight to lead to another fight, thats going to just be more damaging as we move forward. Thank you for your time and insights this morning. The navy is taking over the search for a sunk be cargo ship off the bahamas. 33 people, 28 of them americans were aboard of el faro when it disappeared during hurricane joaquin. The search for survivors was suspended, dig it was unlikely anyone would be found alive. The navy will focus on finding the data recorder which would yield information about what happened to the ship. Officials say new orleans is wasting water, more than 10 million gallons of water leaks out of pipes there every day. The city is working on a fix, but as al jazeeras Jonathan Martin reports, the costth to the federal government and respondents is huge. In jordan, this new orleans restaurant, nothing seems as unreliable as the water. This has been happening so much lately, you know. Twice recently, two of the citys main water pumps suddenly shut down, causing a drop in pressure, making it easier for book at her i cant to seep into cracked pipes. Something has to be done bit, because its just a headache. This problem isnt new in new orleans. There have been at least 10 boil water advisories in the past five years. Officials say the most recent interruptions happened after pump that is keep the system pressurized lost power, but its not clear why. If youve got 100yearold infrastructure. The root of the problem is said to be chronic neglect of century old infrastructure. Thats really what were seeing, is the fraying of that system, and when you dont invest in it or maintain it, at some point, it comes back to bite you. In new orleans, it could worse after hurricane katrina. All that water that came into the citied ad weight. That breaks pipes. That really is tough on the infrastructure that you have. After the storm, cruise plugged some of the biggest leaks, but new orleans still loses 40 of its Drinking Water each day, amounting to 80,000 gallons each day. Part of the deal in trying to maintain water systems. We asked why the system is such a mess. We were kind of at the end of being able to survive with our 19 century infrastructure. It hasnt been touched, we are touching it in sequence, so from time to time, there will be those issues. Along with new pumps and turbines, he said the city plans to add water towers to keep the system pressurized in case of another outage. Similar upgrades were recommended several years ago. I think you will see in about the next two, two and a half years, most of our system will be rebuilt and well be in a much better place. The improvements come as a cost of 3 billion, while the bulk of the money coming from the federal government, 700 million is passed on to customers. Water bills will increase 10 each ear for the next six years. For jordan, its the price he says hes willing to pay if the long term fix means safer water and fewer interruptions. Jonathan martin, al jazeera, new orleans. Flint, michigan is changing its water source, as the city deals with high levels of lead in its Drinking Water. The mayor and gone say flint will be connected to detroits system. Corrosive chemicals were found in the flint river and children and infants in the city have tested positive for lead in their blood. The new water source will be on line by next summer. Pictureperfect, new photos of pluto revealing surprising things about the dwarf planet. A warning for young men in china who spoke, a study says toe book co will kill one of out of every three chinese smokers unless they quit. Researchers found two thirds of chinese men start to smoke before the age of 20. The killer what else in san diego sea world will have more room to swim with a 100 million expansion of the tanks. The commission banned breeding of the orcas that would live within them. It is a victory for Animal Rights activists. Right now, there are 11 orcas at the california park. Amazing images of pluto areshedding light on how similar it is to earth. Jake ward looks closer at what the pictures of the surface show. The best way to absorb this news is to imagine that somehow years and years from now, we have traveled to pluto. Its hard to imagine, its more than 4 billion miles away from us depending where it is in its orbit. Lets say we got there and that humans are standing on the surface. What would they see . We know a few things that its a 248 year orbit around the sun, just one year on pluto is 248 on earth. We know the whole place is tilted on its side. We know one side of pluto doesnt see its moon, because that literally follows the turn of the planet. We know about what it would be like to stand on the surface. We didnt know you would look out at either the sunrise or sunset as the sun slowly came up dimly shining on the surface the way a full moon shines on us and there would be a blue haze, the sky would be blue at the beginning and the end of plutos day. That is an extraordinary new image to sort of hold in mind as humans imagine what its like to be on that planet. Scientists discovered based on the first color photographs theyre seeing coming back from a mission which passed pluto in july after a nine year journey from earth, those picture have shown that the water ice on that planet is red. You would be looking out across these frozen lakes of red as you look at the blue sunset of this planet. Really, it is the setting for some movie, it should be, no question, but will deepen our understanding of that place and prompt nasa to green light the next move on the part of the new horizon spacecraft. Theyre going to go look at other planets and celestial bodies in that belt. Definitely this sets off a new round of excitement for pluto, so that is really the excitement here thats come from these color photographs. Jake ward reporting. It could be a year before new data will be downloaded, because it is that far. Netflix fans, your being watching is going to cost more, increasing the price of its popular plan to 9. 99 a month. The increase has already gone into effect for new customers in the u. S. , canada and parts of latin america. Coming up in two minutes from doha, much more on the nobel prize for a group working to promote democracy in tunisia. Thanks for watching. Thats what i want to hear. Give me all youve got. Now. Bootcamp. Stop your whinin. For bad kids. If they get a little dirty, so what. We have shackles, we have a spit bag. Theyre still having nightmares. If you cant straighten out your kids. Theyre mine. This is the true definition of tough love

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