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Sunday 400 others drowned when their boat sang in the mediterranean, they are among 8,500 migrants rescued at sea over the past four days. Europe is dealing with a rising number of migrants entering mainly from conflict zones. Now to yemen, where Houthi Rebels condemned a decision by the u. N. Security council. Its guessing an embargo on several houthi leaders and those accused of backing them. Theyve been called on to stop fighting and withdraw from the territory theyve taken. Saudi arabia and egypt say they have talked about holding a major exercise that could involve other gulf states. The military campaign has been based on air strikes. A Ground Invasion has been talked about. People continue to flee, refugees arriving in djibouti. The u. N. Says 600 have been killed and 2,000 wounded in the fighting. We have this report. Saudi arabia and allies have not been able to defeat yemens shia houthi and forces aligned with them. Even though they are in control of the skies. The saudiled are yet to deploy Ground Troops. Its relying on groups loyal. Amateur in nature, but determined nonetheless. So far they managed to make territorial gains, particularly in the city of aden and other areas in the south. We tell the houthis get out of here. We are sick and tired of you. This is a message to them and iran. You will never be welcomed here. Reporter on the Western Entrance to aden vehicles flee carrying those escaping the fighting. Travelling in the opposite direction, ambulances hurry to the fighting, but are unable to reach those they are trying to save. They are injured people but the houthis tart the vehicle. They shot at us, we cant reach the injured. Hospital resources are almost completed. Air strikes are still targetting the main airport. There are claims that weapons and reinforcements are flown in for the houthis, which the saudis say is one reason its taking so long to defeat them. Ultimately this war is about who controls yemen. And that means who was it control on the ground. If the saudis and allies want to ensure that they can rule analysts say theyll have to send in Ground Troops all right, well return to that story the story of another boatload of migrants having well, the people having drowned as they tried to get to europe we can talk about this by talking to our correspondent, who is in beirut. The lebanese capital. Mohammed, another terrible tail possibly of people desperate people trying to cross into europe. We think some of the unfortunate people may have come from the syrian conflict. Thats right. It is terrible and sadly it is all too frequent these days. The number of refugees escaping from lep none and syria, doing all they can. Paying any amount being smuggled on to the boats we have numbers from an official that they believe nine Palestinian Refugees and Syrian Refugees are among those missing feared dead on the boat that capsized. Just a couple of days ago. The reason that so many of these refugees are trying to get on the boats is simple and sad. There is simply no opportunity for them in lebanon. This is a country where the politics dont allow for the official of encampments of official settlements, you have a quarter of the population of a tiny country. Refugees that live in terrible conditions, cant go back to syria. And theres little opportunity, almost none at all. So oftentimes theyll spend the entire life savings trying to get to turkey or libya to get on to one of these boats, and they call these journeys of deaths to try to cross over into a better future. They do this knowing that this journey will be a harrowing, horrific one theres little chance that theyll make it to their dest jibation in europe. That makes it sad. Here is a horrifying statistic. The u. N. Hca is saying at this point theres 50 times more people missing or dead from the boats capsizing in the mediterranean than this time last year. Thats a Staggering Amount in this refugee crisis that is spiralling out of control. Thank you very much indeed. Grim statistics indeed. Our correspondent there, live in beirut now the e. U. Has just filed antitrust charges against google over its search engine. The internet search giant has been accused of illegally rigging the market. Google says the charges are wide of the mark. Antitrust investigators suspect the u. S. Company has been abusing its dominance by manipulating search results. The e. U. s competition commissioner says google has 10 weeks to respond to the charges. Today we have adopted a statement of objection to google. It outlines our preliminary view that googles favourable treatment of its Comparison Shopping service you probably know it as google shopping is an abuse of googles dom than the position in general search. Google now has 10 weeks to respond. And, of course i will carefully consider the response before deciding how to proceed. Let go live to our correspondent, simon mcgregorwood, who is in london. These are serious charges, simon. They are charges, although to be slightly pedantic they are not yet formal legal charges. What the e. U. Commissioner for competition was outlining there was something called on iu speak, a statement of e. U. Speak, a statement of objections. Its correct to see that as an opening salvo in what could be a long and costly case for google. As you have seen with that. Sorry, i was going to abbing what does google have to do. We understand that theres a window during which they can make risks that could shut down the case. What do they need to do . Yes, theres a process. And what they have is 10 weeks in which to respond to this statement of objections. They can go and have a face to face meting with some antitrust e. U. Investigators, and defend their position. This is a 5year long saga already, martine, and during that period google aim up with on three different occasions, a set of changes that it says would allow fairer competition. In each case their suggestions have been rejected. That meting if it goes ahead, should be tough for google. If they fail the test and e. U. Considers they have a case to answer. They could have formal charges. At the end of a process, they could be hit ba big fine of 10 of their Global Income about 6 billion. The stakes are high. Thank you for that now, chinas Economic Growth slowed down in the First Quarter of this year. Figures released on wednesday show a 7 growth rate with a fall in manufacturing and retail sales. The second largest economy growth between january and march was the slowest in the last six years. Adrian brown has the latest from beijing. 7 of Economic Growth is cause for celebration anywhere in the world. China has been used to higher levels of Economic Growth. It was a few years ago that china experienced growth rates of 16, 17 18 . The news is neither good more bad, but confirms that chinas economy is slowing. Chinas premier warn offed this when he warned of tough times ahead. It was candid language. The International Monetary fund warned that the Economic Growth rate was likely to contract to 6. 8 , and in 2016 it could drop to 6. 3 . Chinas economy is going through a period of transition now. It is moving away from a model that was export led to one that is consumer led. Chinas government wants its people to consume more, buy more ideally chinese brands. What happens if chinas Economic Growth rate falls below 45 . Could we see growing rates of joblessness, and what is feared most. Social instability. Despite the fall in rates, stock market values are hitting eyes. Down has more from beijing on the two sides of the economy. China calls this stage of the economy the new normal. Theres nothing normal about the stock market. Theres more red than green on the screen. In china red means gain. The markets at a 7year high. And novice traders dont want to miss out. Im optimistic about the chinese stock market. I know little about stocks. I think chinese stock market has a bright future. Reporter in one day this month, more than 250 billion worth of shares were traded. That is equal to 200 for each person in china. The surging market is increasingly driven by novice investors who spend up to three hours a day, often at work buying and selling shares via his mobile phone. Translation i sold my stocks, because i feel market went up too fast and should drop soon. So i want to wait for a while. Reporter many other new investors are pensioners, using their life savings to buy stock. Many are inexperienced, leaving them vulnerable to shifts in an unpredictable market. We have to worry about small investors. We have to remind them of risk. But, right now i see no signs stopping them. Reporter this is why many are buying shares. They dont trust the property market, where theres now a chronic oversupply of new homes. So the stock market is the only realistic investment option. He manages a fund on behalf of investors, words 50 million. The main reason for the bull market is the huge amount of money flooding into it. All that money is driving the index. This week chinas stock market has been making headlines for other reasons. The mother of a 21yearold man who crashed his luxury sports car while racing against another said her son paid for the vehicle with money he made on chinas accelerating stock market we have a lot more to come at al jazeera, including how far would you go to get a bonus or a promotion. Find out what some teachers in the United States did. And why dark matter may not be so dark after all. The intergalactic study putting scientists in a spin. Hello again, im martine den. And these are the top stories. 600 migrants rescued by coast guards arrive in italy. Hundreds drowned. The e. U. Filed antitrust charms against google over its search engine. Investigators suspect the u. S. Company has been abusing its dominance by manipulating research results. Google says its way off the mark refugees escaping the war in yemen arrived in djibouti. Houthi rebels condemn the Security Council for placing an arms embargo on them the crisis in yemen is one of the issues on the agenda in the g7 meting taking place in lubeck germany ahead of a full g7 summit in june. The Foreign Ministers have been discussing conflict around the world, including libya and ukraine. Dominik kane is at the summit in lubeck. Theyve been talking all morning, pretty. Pretty much. What do we know about what they achieved . So far they have discussed ukraine, yemen, libya, the Islamic State of iraq and levant, and iran. And that is something that secretary of state john kerry, who has left the summit he spoke about iran and talked about the importance of the p5 1 discussions that were held in lausanne and you remember earlier this month with the marathon talks that went on for many days, and he talked about the importance of the g7 coming to a resolution and hoped the negotiations that go on with iran will come to a positive resolution at some point by the end of june. There was reference made to yemen by the host of the summit mr steinmeier, who welcomed the Security Councils decision to impose an arms embargo on the houthis, and talked about the volatility of the region. Insofar as what could happen later, we expect a discussion on ebola, and africa itself is something that the German Government is keen to push the issues that matter there. Talking also about the violence and security in africa, and these are things you can expect mr steinmeier to rer to when he gives a News Conference in a few hours time. Well hear later from the e. U. s external policy chief. She is due to speak in a few hours time and will also want to talk in some detail both about ukraine and, indeed the other issues that have been discussed. Thank you very much. Well get back to you later. Now, to iraq where Government Forces won back the town of alfatah to cut off a supply line used by i. S. I. L. Fighters. Government troops have been on the offensive in recent weeks after recapturing the city of tikrit. The iraqi army has been fighting to retain an oil Terminal West of kirkuk. I. S. I. L. Controls 30 of the area well the Prime Minister Haider Alabadi has been in the white house to appeal for more assistance in the fight against i. S. I. L. The u. S. President praised iraqi forces for the progress and promised an extra 200 million worth of humanitarian aid. Patty culhane has more. As Haider Alabadi arrived in washington, staff in baghdad made it clear that he was coming for reinforcement for the fight against Islamic State of iraq and levant. On the list, surveillance drones, attack helicopters and fighter jets needing them to take back mosul and anbar. Did he get it . When asked, this is how president obama responded. I think this is why we are having this meeting. To make sure we are improving our coordination, to make sure iraq is in a position to succeed. His press secretary wept further. There is no specific request. The u. S. Is pledging more humanitarian aid, 200 million, a little less than last year. President obama said all foreign assistance has to go to the government of iraq, sending the message that sovereignty is protected and when it comes to accountability, that theyd be responsible for any war crimes committed with the equipment. Human Rights Groups complained the u. S. And iraqi officials are not doing enough on that front. We have seen no evidence that the u. S. Has replaced the resources to know what has happened with the weapons, we know who the u. S. Says they are supposed to go to. We dont know if thats the case. Reporter the most leverage the u. S. Has with the government is control of air strikes. Supplying drones and fighters jets lessens the power. Its not clear that the u. S. Is ready to give that up two Egyptian Military cadets have been killed in an explosion. The bomb went off as they were waiting to board a bus in the Northern City of kafr elsheikh. 10 others were injured opposition parties in guinea suspended protests following two days of fighting between supporters and security forces. 10 were injured after bullets were fired at protesters. Protesters want the government to hold lecks they say the government responded violentlily to their demands. We organised the demonstration because of impunity. Before the president left for the United States he gave an instruction to the police to use gun. We have 12 people shot and one that shot and died in the hospital because of wounds. This attitude to protect people is in support of the president. The government however, accuses opposition groups of creating chaos in the capital at a sensitive time. Government leaders are trying to control an Ebola Outbreak unlike sierra leone, where leaders say life is returning to normal. Guineas president is in washington d. C. For a series of mettings with health organizations. The most important thing to know, as far as the violence is going, the plan to beat ebola and to fight ebola is very and more and more difficult for all the medicals for all the teams on the ground. Political instability exacerbated by ethnic tension hampered guineas development in west africa. Electoral reform is part of change. They called for the nationwide protest to begin on monday now, eight teachers in the United States in the state of georgia received long prison sentences for cheating. They were found guilty of falsifying test results to secure bonuses and promotions. Al jazeeras Andy Gallagher reports from atlanta. Reporter its one of the biggest exam cheating scandals in u. S. History. Its also a case that divided opinion. These protesters called for leniency for the 10 found guilty of altering exams for accepting bonuses. Judge gerry baxter was in no room to bargain. He offered them a chance to apologise in return for lighter sentences. When it was apparent that many refused to accept the deals, he let his feelings be known. I dont want an apology, i want the community to have the apology. I want the children who were short changed and cheated to have the apology. The judge sentenced each in turn, given three senior figures 7 years in gaol. And 13 years of probation and heavy fines. Investigators said that large scale cheating had been going on four years, and teachers and others did it to avoid jobs to receive bonuses and enhance careers, leaving many parents dumbfounded. The real victims are the children. No one is speaking up for the children. They are being miseducated or misguided. And we are the leaders, these are the educators. They have let the children down. For many of us the case raised issues about standardized exams. Activists say the exams set unrealistic goals in Public Schools that have been losing funding for years, and claim the sentences are too harsh. How has the parent been served, how has the children been served . By sending educators to prison. I submit not one iota. Its time for the community to become enraged. Let my people go. Reporter activists plan to carry on campaign of course, and thats for those that received gaol sentences. And its expected to launch appeals in the coming days. Throughout the long trial the judge made it clear it wasnt a victimless crime. Thousands were let down by teachers that should have given them a decent education, it could take the Atlanta School system years to recover now, a lot of sign difficulties are happy today because they say they have seen for the first time signs of dark matter interacting a billion light years away. Dark matter is how science describes the mysterious stuff that makes up most of the universe. And a team of International Researchers using the hubble and the european southern observatory space telescope in their findings the astronomer Richard Massy is the lead author of the report. He says that dark matter is an embarrassment of modern signs. It seems to be the most common stuff, but be dont no what it is. It is really important for us. Theres lots of it. It feels drav itty. Theres so much of it its heavy. It pulls together the galaxy that we live in the milky way, its spinning to fast the stars should have been flung off into outer space. Fortunately the gravity from the dark matter holds everything in place making it habitable. Does it interact with the rest with the universe in other ways. The way to find out how do do that if you wanted to do that with a lump of rock you pick up couple of lumps of rock and throw them at each other. We have done basically the same things. We waited for nature to throw dark matter at each other. We watch what happens when they collide. What we found is that dark matter does not matter in the way they thought it was, if it was feeling gravity. What would have happened is the dark matter didnt end up. In the right place we expected it. That might be the first sign that dark matter cares about the rest of the universe in other ways therein through gravity. If you want to find out more about dark matter as i know you do you can go to the al Jazeera Website and get a lot more. Aljazeera. Com. Renewed protests against Police Violence this morning after rallies stop traffic in three major cities. The fight for 15, fast food workers take to the streets today in more than 200 cities worldwide, demanding higher wages. The president and congress agree on a way forward on a nuclear deal with iran, but the path to a final deal i

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