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Against officer Darren Wilson. Grief and grievance. We will talk to the parents of a troubled teen aged girl who was shot to death inside a texas Police Station. Comedy and community the iranian who is bringing diversity to the stage. Part of our series race in america. We begin in washington where the Obama Administration session it is feeling more confident about the new Health Care System after todays arguments at the u. S. Supreme court. The dispute involves the tax subsidies for people who buy insurance on the federal exchange. If the be courting rules against the states, several of the justices says that will cause them concern. Lisa stark reports. With supporters of the Affordable Care act urging the justices not to strike down a key pillar of the law. I am receiving a subsidy too which is one of the things that motivated to get me, because before that i couldnt afford having health insurance. Reporter and opponent saying the administration is illegally implementing parts of obamacare. Im here to stand upper for parts of the law and clear statute of congress to spend billions of dollars from which their state opted out. Tax subsidies which help low and moderate income families afford health care, can only go to those in states that set up their own state exchanges, not through the federal exchange. They say the language is clear that the irs can only give credits through an exchange established by the state. Inside the courtroom Michael Carvin told the justices this is a strict case of the way the congress wrote the law. The focus on the four key words in enthuse this case, established by the state. Throwing out most subsidies would have disastrous consequences. Justice elene kagan. Solicitor general donald virilli. Cannot be the statute that congress intended. But conservative justice antonin scheascheesal yah. Scalia. Chief Justice John Roberts who stayed mostly silent, playing his cards close to his chest and thont kennedyanthony kennedy who questioned both sides. Create your own exchange or well send your shurnlings into insurance into a death spiral. Argued today that the law is crystalclear. This is not an ambiguous provision, this is a provision that provided subsidies to federal and state exchanges. State of virginia a state which relies on a federal exchange. Doug hurst. His wife spoke out of the court. There are millions who like doug and i are forced by the internal Revenues Service to either buy insurance we dont want or face a tax penalty. Reporter this is just the latest in a series of legal challenges to the forecast. Forecast. At one point Justice Kagan called it a liberal saga. t catos michael kahn on, and cei is funding the suit. Critics have argued this is just a way to pay down obamacare. I dont believe had a. More important what the irs is doing to take down the rule of law. But have made no secret about their disliek for dislike for obamacare. Do i not care how this is done. Whether it is dismembered whether we drive a stake through its heart. First mother jones magd and magazine or about wall street journal do they have a right to sue . The issue was raised in court today. It is unlikely the justices will dismiss the case on standing. Theyll decide it on merits. We tracked down doug king. And before he asked us to turn off the camera he explained his reason for joining the case. Its never about insurance it never has been its about the law. The government cannot make law and break law basically. I cant thats how you view it . Judge thats how i feel. What everyone is waiting for now is how the justices feel. In a number of lawmakers from both sides of the aisle sat in today. They lefned to the listened to the arguments in the court. Pressure is going to be on congress, to do something so that people dont suddenly find that their health care is not affordable. David. Lisa stark reporting in washington lisa thank you. If the Supreme Court does side with the plaintiffs in this case, virginia is one of the 34 states where people could lose the tax subsidies that help make their coverage affordable. Libby casey joins us now from virginia. Is searchyearold is not just learning her bach and beethoven shes learning to deal with an expensive medical condition epilepsy. It isnt something we chose it is something that happened to her. She has to have health insurance. Yes. She does. Right now lunas parents are covered by a program for unassured kids. The girls wont qualify for state program that means leun luna and her sister will transfer to her parents insurance. The family can afford coverage only because of federal subsidies. How much of a difference do the subsidies make in your bill . Right now theyre make 417 worth of difference. A month . A month. And next year if i have to pay for my kids, as well, youre looking at it would be making a difference of six 700 a month. The fear of having to suddenly cover that extra cost is keep lunas father awake at night. It would go into a panic because then it would turn out that would i have to completely reorient everything do i like i do, immediately, i would have to pull my kids out of school, would i have to add more classes or get a second job and would i have to figure out what to do with being childcare or my wife would have to start working more than she already does. Lunas family is more than 300,000 people here in virginia who could lose their subsidies. Across the country it is more than 7 Million People in 33 other states. It has places like the Charlottesville Free clinic bracing for the impacts. It really is going to plunge a lot of people back into not having access to health care. And do you smoke . Judy robinsons job is helping visitors to the clinic figure out whether they qualify for the subsidies. Youre going to qualify for fowfer 479 that the taxpayer will pay directly to your insurer. That means for jason getting insurance for the first time in 20 years but if the subsidies go away hell be forced to drop it. Its unfortunate. To have are Something Like your health care be the subject of political gaming and brinksmanship. We took that question to the republicans on capitol hill who are fighting the Affordable Care law. Any bridge has to provide a continuation that will at least provide basic health care for them. Theres no way anybody wants anybody to lose a day of health care. Senator hatch and small group of republicans are working on a temporary fix a bridge, if the Supreme Court throws out obamacare subsidies. Thats little comfort to lunas family. Sounds like a bridge to nowhere. For now the family is waiting to see what the Supreme Court decides and praying whatever hatches it doesnt descrups their lives disrupt their lives or their Childrens Health care. David if the court rules against the obama the family will try to come up with a plan but it woint get wont get legs from either the right or the left. It will be a mad scramble both loijtdlylogistically and politically. Libby casey, thank you very much. An organization that supports the Affordable Care act, he joins us from washington. Lets just suppose doctor that the Supreme Court throws this out and as libby points out that congress is not able to do anything, not able to get anything passed. Whats the impact on doctors . You know david im glad had youre asking this because i think the impact on physicians is really through the suffering of our patients. Were realize worried about families like the ones that your viewers got the meet in virginia. The father is stressing out not so much about the health of his children but the Financial Stress that his family is going to be facing. I know a lot of my colleagues are talking to families and learning more and more about families that are facing that false choice between making Financial Decisions and making is Health Decisions and finding out they cant do both and do right by their families. Would it force to you providing care to your patients and not doing it if their Health Care Situation is not known . I know a lot of my colleagues are trying ostrategize ways through the system and trying to prepare their families for the worst, by asking families to come in sooner for necessary lab work, theyre trying owork with hospital schedules and imaging specialist schedules to try get families ohave those studies done sooner families to have those studies done sooner than later so they swroants to deal with an unfortunately Supreme Court ruling. But in case of things going unfavorably they dont want these families to miss out on Important Health care. The lack of certainty that the Affordable Care act has had for three years how does this sort of limbo hurt Business Planning in terms of that side of running a medical practice but also the medical innovation that doctors depend on. You know i think that when it comes to trying to run a practice youre absolutely right. That predictability is important because thats very much part of the doctorpatient relationship. In primary care we depend a lot on establishings establishing a long term relationship with our patients. Its very hard to do that when we are not 100 sure how an Insurance Company is going to be treating a familys health care bills. When were not 100 sure on whether the government is actually going to back us up when were trying to do right by these American Families and provide them health care. So that unpredictability makes it extremely hard to do teen basic management running a practice and taking care of our patients. When basic scheduling is this much of a luxury it reality really, really shunt. Dr. Shriram thank you for being here. Thanks for having me. Video captured aftermath of attack bloody mark lipper leaving an arts center in seoul. He was giving a lecture when a man cut him with a razor blade. Injuries are not life threatening. Man apparently shouted no drills for war relating to military examiners. An officer who shot Michael Brown will not be charged by the justice department. The department issued a scathing report on racial bias expensive force and racial bias by ferguson police. Ashhar quraishi is live in ferguson. Good evening david, for a number of ferguson residents the department of education is part of the targeting they said they suffered through for years. Something the attorney general himself did not mince any words. This investigation found a community that was deeply polarized. In a scathing announcement attorney general eric holder pointed out ferguson, calling it the catalyst that erupted last summer. Of course violence is never justified, but seeing in this context, amid a highly toxic environment defined by mistrust and violence, spurred by illegal practices its knot difficult to imagine how a single tragic incident set off the city of ferguson like a powder keg. Details of the report leaked yesterday but today the city responded. These actions taken by these individuals are no way representative of the employees of the ferguson. The six month investigation found that officers routinely stopped people without suspicion, made arrests without probable cause black one of the most striking issues according to the department of education was a doj mostlyfor minor violations. Its sad that it had to take an outside federal entity to validate whats going on. This is not a secret to anybody in this region especially those living with this reality. No one has had the courage or the wherewithal to actually fix it and thats what were being faced with now. The doj laid out changing policing and Court Practices improving training and oversight, ending bias, and race as a means of collecting fines. Relationships between citizens and police. Three individuals were placed on administrative leave pending an investigation. One has since been terminated and the other is awaiting a result of internal investigation. The city is in the process of hiring two new officers. Racial makeup of those new hires will be known sometime next week. Mandatory diversity training as of december 31st, 2014. Some officials have called for a complete change of leadership. But police chief tom jackson told al jazeera he had no intention of resigning. Im still here. We have a lot of work to do but weve done a lot coming up to this so theres a lot of things that are left undone. I originally came here with the intent to stay at least five years. That comes up in march and, you know, im constantly evaluating my future but right now i want to finish up what weve got started here. Do you think eurl stay . Iyoull stay . Do i. The parents of Michael Brown were saddened that the department of justice did not have enough evidence to charge Darren Wilson with the death of their son. David. Lawrk, thank ashharashhar quraishi, thank you. Whether her life could have been spared. The search to the worlds funniest person in our series, race in america. Police in longview texas are under fire and now under investigation over the shooting death of a 17yearold girl inside a Police Station. Video of the incident went public. Adding to the controversy, the girls family said she suffered from Mental Illness. Hdges withheidi zhoucastro with the first of our report. Heidi. Her parents say she was asking for help. Police say they were justified in killing her. Now troubling questions remain. Who was this young woman and could her death have been prevented . Her last recorded words captured in the afterhours phone captured night the lobby phone. I need some help. After, the 17yearold charged them with a knife. Who was this young woman . What brought her to the Police Station and what troubles was she seeking help to escape . Almost all of so many pictures of her were like that right there just you know, just peace. Thats our baby. Eric and beth said since their daughter was small she was happiest carrying for others. Every day when she would come back from school she would pick a flower for me, and she would pick me a fresh flower every day, because she knew i liked flowers. She was the middle child, did well in school and seemed mature beyond her years. She loved to have discussions. She loved to listen like news stories on radio public radio and discuss them. Her parents say you Christina Christina had many friends, eventually tired of school and decided to leave school early eerng ged earning a ged at age 17. Would you say she was different than the typical teenager . Pretty much. In many ways. A battle with Mental Illness dating back years. What was she diagnosed with . We dont want to disclose any diagnosis at this time. But she was being seeking treatment for. According to a previous interview given by an aunt, to think progress, christina had struggled with depression since her birth mothers death at age 4. In recent years ago christina was hospitalized at least twice following suicide attempts. Christinas parents would not comment but said their daughter was hospitalized during her teens. What were her ups and downs like . She was very motivated when she was up, reaching out to everybody. And down was just sheltered. Sheltered yeah. Kind of like the typical teenager. Thats what i was going to say, Mental Illness versus just normal. Bit late November Christina was out of the hospital and living with her grandparents in longview 350 miles from home. She was trying obe on her own, she was going to turn 18, she had dreamed wanted to go out and explore. Do you think she was at a good point when she left home . Very positive, yes she was feeling positive. Christina said . Had just landed a job at a burger joint. She had texted me and said mom im so excited about my future. That future would be short two days later that feeling was short. She sent her a text. She said mom i love you i said i love you too. A typically text. Her parents say they dont know what was said but sessions usually ended positively. They asked when she came out of counseling, or the hospital and she did. But this time, something wasnt better. Just two hours after the therapy session ended you Christian Christiana entered the Police Department. Nobody knows why. Do you think she could have been in an incoherent state at the time, something could have happened between counseling and two hours later . I knew she was callings for help. I think that was the primary motivation and that was the whole reason she walked in there. Up next, the fatal confrontation inside that Police Station. What the video shows and what the department is saying about it. Hes leaning against her holding her and now 22 seconds pass with her not moving. Why doesnt he put her in handcuffs then. Well, hes seeing the knife. You got to remember hes seeing the niefer knife. Why does that mean you dont put someone in handcuffs . I cant speak for him. Questions of accountability coming up in part 2 of our specialty report. Our commercial report. Special report. Hello everybody this is dges al jazeera america. Im david schuster, in new york. John siegenthaler is on assignments. This hour. We will ask the department why this troubled teenager had to die. On skid row how a Controversial Police killing in los angeles is shining a light on dark corner of unseen you america. Plus race in america iranian jewish jamie masad talks about putting laughter and diversity in the spotlight. Weve been telling you the story of christiana quana a mentally ill young woman and her death in texas. The way Longview Police officers handled the situation. Critics say it didnt have to end this way. Heidi zhoucastro has the story. Why did christiana go to the Police Station her backpack had clothes in where she would wear for an anticipated sai at a mentalstay at amental hospital. Why didnt she can ask you or her grandparents . She didnt want to burden people. If she could do it herself she would do it herself. Confrontation inside the Longview Police lobby. No audio or video except her last words recorded on the lobby phone. Im in the lobby and i need some help. What kind of help do you need . The video shows an officer enter, christiana raises her hand. A message written on it, i have a gun. She and the officer struggle for five minutes. Although he overpowers her he never puts her in handcuffs then more officers enter and the young woman charges with a knife in her hand. They shoot striking her four times. I think that this situation could have happened different. I think that perhaps with more thoughtful action on the part of the Police Officers, maybe the death of this young woman could have been avoided. Megan ryan is an assistant professor of law at Southern Methodist university and has analyzed other police shootings. We have to keep this in context and think about other Police Officers having to make split second decisions. However i would like to know or id be curious to know why the girl was not handcuffed, why she was not immobilized. This is where christiana stood. She is struggling with him through this area, he pushes her onto these seats and here she doesnt move for a full minute with him leaning over her. Why does the officer not put her in handcuffs . We go to Longview Police spokes woman Christy Bryant for answers. I dont know. I wasnt there i cant speak to what was going through his mind. Is it protocol to not put someone in hand curves . Not necessarily no. Do you think it was an opportunity he had missed . I dont know, cant answer that question. That wasnt the only time christiana appeared to be overpowered. Hes sitting up leaning against her holding her and now 22 seconds pass with her not moving. Right. Why doesnt he put her in handcuffs then . Hes seen the 95 too. You got remember, she is got the knife. Why does seeing a knife mean he doesnt put her in handcuffs . I cant speak for him. 12 seconds passion where shes face down, hes kneeling on top of her. At that moment why doesnt he put handcuffs on her . I cant answer that question. If you were to just zoom in on that one instance where shes coming at him with a niefer and sheniefer andshe is shot, that would make sense, with a 95 and she knife and she was shot is. That is something i cant speak to. There again were trained to do our jobs. Were trained very well to do our jobs and i cant speak to what his decisions were. When this video was initially released, the chief spoke at the prrchls andpress conference and he said, this officer followed his training. Do you guys still stand by that . Yes. Reporter so everything he did here was Department Protocol . What he did was what we were trying to do, yes. Reporter so not subduing a suspect when she is immobilized for more than a minute, thats what youre trained to do . No. What im saying is that our training and our experience or what that officer did at that particular moment. Well let me ask you this. She was a 130 pound young woman. He is double her size. Why was he not able to subdue her . I cant answer that question. The Police Department would not immediately share information on its use of force policy. Al jazeeras public records request is pending. What kind of Mental Health training do officers receive here . Critical incident training. Thats Law Enforcement training that the Police Officers go through every four years. The officer had severed the flaing Police Academytraining in Police Academy which he graduated from a year ago. This has happened in Police Departments across the country. So i think it really pushes to us take another look. Reporter then theres the seven minutes after christiana is shot. Seven minutes with the young woman lying on the floor with officers trained in cpr none check her vital signs or come to her aid. Many say thats a sign that police are heartless not to help a young girl. Those three officers are not heartless at all. What are they . They are theyre good officers. And they theyre very caring officers. If you played the video a little later you see them actually sitting down ton chairs they onts chairs on the chairs and say oh my gosh, theyre just drained. Its horrific to be able to watch your daughter die over and over again. Its really hard. Reporter how much responsibility do you think the police have to bear in this . All of it. Just reporter let me ask you how much responsibility does your daughter bear . Because the situation was mishandled i dont think i dont think that there is anything, you know, on her where she should still be alive. The officers who shot christiana are now on full duty. An investigation led by the Texas Rangers is ongoing. Police say they are cooperativing with the District Attorney and the case will go to a grand jury. David i have to emphasize again the pacing of this confrontation. It lasts for five minutes but for a full third of that time christiana is not moving pearnlg overapparently overpowered. We have shown this video to other officers and they point to the pacing as very troubling. What was the feeling had the officers did absolutely nothing. The policecommunity relationship has been pretty steady up until now and this town of 80,000 thats far from any major metropolitan cities there has not been any locally borne protest. Anonymous and occupy have been trying to stir up fervor. The grand jury investigation where does that stand now . What kind of timing will the grand jury take to make a decision in this . Right so the Texas Rangers are doing that investigation and this could go on for another two or three months. But the grand jury will indeed consider this case. Local law requires that for any fatal police shooting. Heidi zhoucastro reporting live from texas heidi thank you. Doris ful err fuller, joins us from san franciscan, doris what do you make of this case . Well, its a heartbreaking case. Its an unusual case in some ways because christiana actually was in treatment and was seeking help. Usually whats called justifiable homicides that we looked at involve people who arent treated and who are not seeking help. But this is a hard one for me to look at. Because i have actually been in a situation with a young woman who was dangerous to herself. And watched police respond. And these are tough situations. They are tough for officers because theyre trained ofight crime. Obviously, theyre tough on the patients impossible for the families. How typical or atypical is it for Police Across the country to react to somebody who is mentally ill in their midst where they simply decide were not going to shoot them and after theyre shot they dont provide aid is that usual . Of course its not usual. The police have millions perhaps tens of millions of encounters with people every day including people with Mental Illness and these things dont happen. But what we do know is that probably somewhere in america every single day someone with typically untreated Mental Illness is shot by an officer in the line of duty. Now, why is that happening regardless of the specific circumstances in each case . Its happening because we have a systematic failure in america at every level for people with Mental Illness. We dont provide hospital beds for them. We dont use laws we have to help them stay in treatment. And again christiana is unusual in this regard. Probably our studies indicate that about have the people in the United States live in a county where the officers have gotten crisis intervention, team training, that means half dont. And so what happens . Well, our officers are trained to fight crime. And weve turned them into Mental Health workers. But regardless in this particular case were they justified in your estimation to go ahead and shoot her . You know thats not ajudgment im prepared to make. I wasnt there. There is an investigation pending. I cant really comment on that. I can say that yes . I was going to say you did comment on what you described was systematic failures in our society to deal with the mentally ill. Are you referring to the transition over the last several decades in which there used to be institutionization of those people and yet those same people now have nowhere to go and theyre having runins with the police. Is that what youre talking about . David, thats what im talking about. I love that institutionization, word. We transinstitutionallize people with Mental Illness. In the 1950s there were 550,000 hospital beds for people with Mental Illness we dont need that many beds, we have 35 35,000 beds. Where have those people gone . They are in jails in prisons on the streets and a lot of them were dead. Doris thanks for coming on, we appreciate it. There are questions tonight about another Controversial Police killing this one in los angeles. We know the man shot by police on sunday was homeless. He was an ex convict who served 13 years for robbing a bank. We dont know who exactly he was. Originally police say he was a french national. The french say he stole that identity. Now u. S. Immigration Officials Say the man was actually from cameroon. His death at the hands of police has sparked outrage. Jennifer london has more from los angeless skid row. These are some of the nations poorest streets 50 city blocks known as skid row in los angeles. Where exactly do you call home on this sidewalk . You standing on it, wherever i lie down. Wherever you lie down is where you spend the night . You have these missions thats down here and you go up in them, you have beds thats dirty and nasty and you might come out with a bed bug overnights. Is it better for you be on the street than in a shelter . Id rather be on the street. Everything you own is in this blue backpack . This is my clothings. These are my socks my protection my soap. You wont find skid row on any official city map for los angeles but its boundaries are well flown. Right now im driving on seventh street towards central into the heart of the highest concentration of Homeless People in the country. Still its an easy place for most people to ignore. An outpost for destitute that is less than a mile from city hall. Monte didnt want his face on camera but did show me the patch of sidewalk he calls home. Clothes in one corner, books and papers in one corner, cosmetics in another. These are all blankets. The cardboard boxes that are ubiquitous missions and shelters and soup kitchens were centralized in the 1970s as part of the citys containment strategy, which is exactly what it sounds like, contain the poorest of the poor in one area of the city. We havent figured a way to intentionally reverse that and its really become as described by the police, years ago its become a mardi gras. Its become a survival of the fittest. Not enough bathroom facilities. Somehow that acceptable . It is not how is that acceptable. It is not senl not senl. It is embarrassing, it is shameless. Leaving thousands on the street. There are a number of Different Reasons why people end up here on skid row. About 20 of the population are veterans. Many more suffer from addiction and Substance Abuse Mental Illness is rampant. Imagine a place where people are living and dying on the streets. Dying of hypothermia when it rains and gets below 40 degrees heroin addiction women have no charchtionchance of avoiding sexual assault, there is no way we should be leaving people in this condition. Reporter last year the city announced a new plan of giving those living on the streets another chance. To reduce overall homelessness with a focus on Mental Illness. Kenneth ray adams says hes yet to see any real differences. I do have Mental Illness and there are times i cant get the help i need. There are programs that say they can help you do this do this do this. But at the same time when you wait for that help they are not giving you that help. So he and others wait in the fact of bad to worse is a way of life. Jennifer london, skid row, los angeles. Theangeles. The practices of hillary clinton, related on a computer server tracked back to her familys home in new york. The practice of running her own email server would give mrs. Clinton significant chrome to limiting access to her archives. Al jazeera department cps government system. The employee said it was wellknown that clintons emails were at greater risk of being hacked intercepted or monitored but the warnings were ignored. Clinton is is considering a 2016 president ial campaign has so far turned down requests to publicly address the email controversy. Coming up. Blurred lines over copyright infringement. Was top artist Robin Thickes smash hit stolen from another singer . What the plaintiffs must show to win their case. Now to our series race in america. As 14 years old jamie masada lands id in los angeles with dreams of making it big in show business. Building a platform for other comedians forming laugh factory more than 35 years ago. First person report explains why he believes laughter can truly heal the word. Im jamie masada, the owner and the founder of laugh factory, the world famous laugh factory. The first time i was ever introduced to comedy, i was laughing so hard. And my father said the best thing you could do for any man any man to bring smile on their face. My first comedian was Richard Pryor, from Richard Pryor to adam sandler to chris rock. To damon chappel. When was your last relationship . How long four and a half years ago . All of them been here. People they ask me they say who did you discover . I said i didnt discover anybody. They discover me. They help me to be who i am today. Without them i would be nobody. Thats a reality. Every comedian, col call them doctor of the soul. How they help people break the barriers between people, i have latino gang people and African American gang people in here. Im saying oh my god what is going to happen . But after they put their differences aside they start telling each other jokes. I realize, oh my god it is a miracle hang. They are looking at each other staring at each other with a like a madness and aggravation and they didnt know why they are mad at each other. A lot of brown people here right . The first time i started latino show called la factoria 30, 35 years ago. I started a show with black pack, like rat pack, i got allot of African American people. I was the first place to have handicapped comedian to go on stage. I tried everything i can. You got ogive a break to everybody. And the people they dont have opportunity. The people they are different. I get attractive othem more because i want people see all of our difference put aside we still laughing and if its funny we laughing like that. That is the secret. Asassad is planning his 20th funniest person in the world contest. Edward snowden wants to return to the United States, the one Thing Holding him back a fair trial. Stephanie sy has the story. Edward snowden has always said he wanted to come back to the u. S. Hiding out in russia hes been there since august of 2013 shortly after leaking details of the governments Mass Surveillance Program of citizens. On canadas cbc snowden says not much has changed in his prospects. Ive been work exawfortively exhaustively since i left. To be open clear and no abuse of procedure where we would say oh yeah we have great evidence against him but its classified so you cant know it. Snowden has been granted residency in russia for at least two and a half years but not asylum. In our next hour well be speaking with two wellknown whistle blowers be were going to have that in our next hour david. All right stephanie looking forward to it. A trial in los angeles to determine if one of the biggest pop hits was ripped off from an r and b legend. His family says Robin Thickes blurred lines does this that. Was it stolen . Thats what a jury in a federal court in los angeles will decide. A lawsuit was brought by the estate of marvin gaye. For family of the late singer the source of blurred lines is crystal clear. Thats got to give it up, a funk and soul classic from 1977. But you be the judge. Do they sound the same . Listen to both, back to back. Now your ears may hear a link but it takes more than shared notes to prove copyright infringement. What gaya family must prove that thicke had access to the original work. That famous infringement case with george harrison, who was found to have subconsciouslying have copied in his my sweet lord. With thicke playing the keyboard in court and revealing he didnt actually write the song, but ferrellpharrel williams did. Thik and williams have received more than 5 million each. On a rainy day in washington. President Abraham Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address. The library of congress has put his original manuscript on display until sun. Be the news is up next with thoimentyouantonio mora and stephanie sy. The push towards tikrit. Iraqi troops are making slow gains in the fight against i. S. I. L. The Iraqi Government in this case did not ask for our support. But the u. S. Is taking a seat on the sidelines. Another highlevel drug cartel arrest in mexico. A look at why some of the most dangerous drug king pins in the country are both revered and feared. He spoke the peoples language. The

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