Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20150220

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Institutions is using art as a method of healing. Rival political factions in generally have agreed on a peoples Transitional Council of the u. N. Mediator says it will help good yemen out of its political crisis. The agreement follows a coup earlier this month by shia houthi fighters. The editor editorinchief the yemen post says its only an initial deal and it does not have all of the details rather all of the details have not been agreed on by the rival factions in yemen. The deal has only been announced by the u. N. Envoy which is very awkward. Political parties have not talked about this aura nounsed about the deal. The details of the deal is that the Current Parliament will remain and a new entity will be formed called the transitional parliament. Both will form the Transitional National council this council will be in charge to lead the country for the next two years. The representation within in council will be 50 for the southern earners 30 well, 20 for youth. But, again the details the distribution of the seats have not been agrees on. This deal is an initial deal and very far from a final deal which the details have not even been discusses yet. Mohamed is in the city and sent this update on whats happening on the ground across the country. Reporter its very tense. We drove to here from aden yesterday, hundreds of check points on the road in a stretch of about 150kilometers. Mainly by popular committees, southern popular committees committees making themselves ready for any possible invasion by the houthis. Rumors about this. We have seen in the provinces the tribes there, some of the most powerful tribes in the area have created a force of 3,000 men, the they mobilized that force and they have said that they are ready to counter any huge a tack. So there is fear across the country. Particularly in the south. The houthis are advancing towards the south and maybe going it might be just a matter of time. Even here from which i am talking to you, it is part of the north but on the border with the south. And it is considered a gateway to the south. And there are fears here that the houthi might try to take it and open the gateway further for the south. We have negotiations but it doesnt mean the war has stopped. Fighting is going on in someplaces and attacks are going on we hear sporadic attacks everywhere in the country. And assassinations also in aden and other parts of the country. Its tense negotiations, the war is going on, it doesnt mean that peace will be achieved any time soon in this country. U. S. Military commanders are preparing the country to retake mosul. Centcom in washington saying the operation involving 25,000 troops is being planned to start in april or may and theyll try to out the isil fighters who captured the second largest city last june. The pentagon is describing this as a pivotal battle in the campaign in iraq, roslyn jordan has the latest from washington d. C. Reporter up to 25,000 iraqi troops are supposed to launch this socalled spring offensive in order to retake mosul in april or may the big question, are they ready. Since last september u. S. Military advisers have been working with the Iraqi Military toy try to expand their capacity and to basically make them willing to stay in the fight. The targeting of mosul, which is currently being controlled by isil fighters, could be a very disease i ever fight. Of course then the next question would be would u. S. Troops be needed to help the Iraqi Military. The u. S. President has long said he doesnt want to send Ground Troops back in to eye remark the u. S. Military thinks that is the only way that Iraqi Military could succeed if they think that they will make that recommendation. Still too early to tell whether or not this mission could actually succeed given the critical importance of mosul to both the Iraqi Government and to isil fighters. Lets cross to every iraq. Baghdad and speak to imran kahn. So questions as roslyn puts it, imran, about how the American Army will exactly be involved in this poe suggestthis mosul operation when it takes place. But leading up to that, what is the role the u. S. Led co since will be playing in the next couple of months to prepare the iraqi army . Reporter well, thats right, the iraqi army has had u. S. Advisers embedded with it like in Anbar Province so a significant amount of training is going on, Baghdad Airport where some of the troops are based. They have had some success taking by the oil refinery a big success for the eye rally army in conjunction with the training they received from the american forces, we are in a very different situation when we were in june when isil took over huge parts of the iraqi army when they simply disappeared. They are taking the fight to ice and they are preparing the ground. We have heard last week since iraqi officials quoting their u. S. Counterparts this offensive was coming. But the real fear here is what kind of offensive will it be . You are talking about 25,000 troops, thats what the americans are saying. Thats a huge amount of troops, particularly for the size of a city like mosul. And also by some estimates there are only between 1,000 two thousand isil fighters within the town itself. So why is there a need for so many troops . It looks like the iraqis are doubling up and saying, okay, lets take the fight to them and lets be really prepared for this. So there is a lot of questions at the moment on the preparedness of the iraqi troops hence the reason for why so many troops are likely to be deployed in this particular operation, but also a very big question in how and that is how do you avoid civilian casualties. Imran what, about the ability for isil to bounce back . Because we have seen them do that in the past where they have come back and recon sol date in therecon sol dated inother parts. Reporter thats right. We have seen that not only in beiji town itself where the iraqi took the town. Its not far from mosul. They took the town but then were beaten back by isil fighters, mosul is different because it has a key supply line from syria. And raqqa. Which is the unofficial cap taft capital of isil. It has been pounded by air strikes for a month and almost been completely degraded and isil unable to use it. So they wont able to backup from serious which they have done in ice plays also Peshmerga Forces have taken key points in mosul dam and surrounded the city itself. So its more difficult but the real question here, is how do you avoid all of these civilian casualties. These something not very many team are talking did about. The Prime Minister said we welcome american help but avoiding civilian casualties has to be a priority. Remember the isil fighters are effectively holding civilians in mosul prisoner. Any operations against that will be difficult. Isil will take over buildings or the institutions that they have already got and they will use it to try to beat back iraqi forces. This is going to be street to street battle. It wont be easy. And civilian casualties are likely to be. Imran, thank you. Imran kahn reporting from baghdad. Greece is about to face european financial leaders in what may well be a deal breaker for its crumbling economy greece asked its are you peen creditors on thursday to expand its rescue loan for six months. While it negotiates a new deal. But germany has already turned down athens respect for more time to payback its massive bailout loan. The seize ceasefire in Eastern Ukraine continues to be broken with more fighting around debaltseve. In the capital kiev activists have been rebelling dead on the anniversary of the my don square shootings. More than 50 people were killed when snipers fired at protesters. And the violence pushed the former president Victor Yanukovych out of office forcing him to flee the country. Meanwhile the current president , petro pour shank ho has called for u. N. Peacekeepers to help implement the ceasefire in the east of the country. Translator i would like to add that the situation is getting more exacerbated because with the support of the russian army militants virtually wiped out debaltseve from the surface of the earth and now debaltseve reminds me of the moon landscape. A major critic of venezuelas president happen about arrested and accused of being involved in a coup attempt. Antonio ledesma is the mayor of the capital caracas. Adam rainy has more. Reporter this is the moment when the mayor of caracas a leading venezuelan opposition figure was led away by security forces. The insignia of venezuelas Intelligence Agency is seen on some of the vests. Aides to the mayor said they did not identify themselves or give any reason for a arresting mayor ledesma. Hours later hundreds had gathered outside the agencyies headquarters in the capital. Demanding his release. His wife spoke to al jazerra. Translator i hold president Nicholas Maduro personally responsible for my husbands safety. Reporter after the arrest, president Nicholas Maduro took over National Television air waves accusing los angeles debts ma and others of plot to go topple the socialist government last week. Translator Antonio Los Angeles dez mass was captured under the order of the Prosecutors Office to be arrested according to venezuela justice to crimes committed against the peace of the country and the security of the constitution. Reporter maduro said the plotters had the backing of the u. S. Government. The u. S. State department called that claim baseless and false. The venezuelan government often sites plots to overthrow it without producing hard evidence. Its been a year since major protests broke out against the government which has faced massive Food Shortages and spiraling inflation. One of the countrys main Opposition Leader lee polo lopez has spent a year in prison. On wednesday hundreds of people gathered to mark the anniversary and protest again. Adam raney, al jazerra. Still to come on al jazerra human rights officials raise concerns over bangladeshs Garment Industry. And what happens now in afghanistan where the socalled war economy is coming to an end. Faultlines. Al jazeera americas hardhitting. Today they will be arrested. Groundbreaking. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. Awardwinning investigative documentary series. Mexicos disappeared. Monday, 10 00 eastern. Sunday night. 140 World Leaders will take the podium. Get the full story. There is real disunity in the security council. About issues that impact your world. Infectious diseases are a major threat to health. The week ahead. Sunday 8 30 eastern. Only on al jazeera america. The top stories on al jazerra. The u. N. Mediator says rachel political factions in yemen have agreed to a peoples Transitional Council to help govern and guide the country out of its political crisis. This comes after shia Houthi Rebels seize the power in a coup earlier this month. The new u. S. Military video is said to Show Coalition air strikes on areas controlled by isil fighters in iraq. The centcom official is saying 25,000 iraqi and kurdish troops are being prepared to recapture the city of mosul in april or may. European financial ministers are meeting in brussels for crunch talks on greece. Its asking for more sometime it payback its massive bail out. Germany is refusing. The president of foreign troops and aid organizations creating a booming economy in afghan start. But now most u. S. Troops are gone and the socalled war economy is coming to an end. Nicole johnston reports from kabul. Reporter they start gathering at dawn, jobless men with the tools of their trade. They are painters, builders, and brick layers. All of them desperate for work. Translator i was working for a Foreign Agricultural organization. It had 1,500 employees. Now it has less than 50. I am responsible for 40 people in the family. And i havent made any money for two months. Reporter most men here had jobs that were somehow linked to the war economy. Working for ngos, the military or on construction projects. But now the work is gradually tryingdrying up. All over kabul thousands of people are waiting on the side of the road looking for a job for an employer to come by and pick them up. And they are angry and frustrated. But with the countrys Unemployment Rate growing, their chances of getting anything are looking very remote. Others blame the government and its failure to grow a new cabinet to driving investors away. This man says why report they making peace among themselves . Instead of filling their pockets. On the edge of the city, diggers lie idle in the dust. Construction machinery lined up with not a customer in sight. Mohamed was a refugees in pakistan. He returned home to set up his business. It was making 300,000 a year. Now profits are down by more than half. They are pouring the americans money and the money of the other people, it was not realistic. It should not be considered as a realistic economy. Because it was suddenly disappeared. Reporter the new president says the economy can no longer rely on foreign aid and the focus should be on developing minute rag resources. But this will take time. In the meantime, Economic Growth has slumped from an average rate of 9 a year to three to 4 since the troops pulled out. We have seen the closure of more than 600 projects and it has deprived almost 50,000 afghans, afghan intellectuals afghan scholars, afghan professionals and they have become jobless 78 and as their savings run out they are left to join the crowd of unemployed men. Knowing that there are hardly any new jobs to go around. Nicole johnston, al jazerra kabul. Thousands of people in india have been infected with swine flu. And more than 660 people have been killed so far. That is more than double the death toll from last year. And the outbreak is showing no sign of slowing down. From new delhi a report. Reporter swine flu has filled medical clinics and hospital wards across india. Already this year the h1n1 virus that causes the illness has killed more than 600 people. And over 8,000 have tested positive. There is no cause for pan i can but there is cause for worry. And we have to be careful. And we have to keep track of it. Usually the season end by this team as the temperature increases, but this time, unfortunately, it hasnt done so yet. Reporter swine flu has claimed the largest number of lives in two states, but cases have also been confirmed as far north in the north east. The Health Authorities say the airborne nature of the illness and defense population of indias towns and cities, means outbreaks like this are hard to contain. The increase in the number of swine flu cases in recent months has Health Workers here worried. To help control the outbreak and avoid more in the few he should they decided to take preventive action now. That means educating mill i dont knows of people, particularly the poor about the illness and what symptoms to look out for. With cases rising by the day Health Workers say they are struggling to reach people fast enough. Translator people have very little knowledge of this disease. They take it to be a regular fever. They take genetic fever medicine and thus do not get the right diagnosis in time. Then the disease sin curable. Reporter awareness has grown particularly among the well identity. So too have the number of people coming forward to be tested. While some experts say thats good others fear the added drain on limited medical resources. Its definitely more panic. More fear than what there should be. Most of the swine flu is like part of influenza virus and only patients who have an underlying disorder, like diabetes its, hypertension pregnant well,. [ inaudible ] they need to be treated. Or they need to be taken more care of. Reporter dock tars have been careful not to call it an epidemic. In the process it also highlights the vulnerability of millions of people. Al jazerra, new delhi. A ceasefire has been agreed in northern mallee, six armed groups have agreed to stop fighting as parts of u. N. Sponsored peace talks held in algiers, but the deal does exclude groups link today al qaeda. The region has seen frequent battles between fighters and progovernment forces. In nigeria, more than 150 people taken hostage by the armed Group Boko Haram have been he united with tear families almost a month after their release. Most of them have been placed in a rehabilitation camp. They were kidnapped at the beginning of the year. Big u. S. Retailer walmart is saying its boosting wages and benefits for nearly half of its u. S. Workers. Tom ackerman reports on what is behind that move. Reporter the Global Retail giant which earned more than 16 billion in profit last year has become a glaring symbol of corporate greed to labor organizers and some of its disgruntled workers. Their logo is save money live better, but our workers should also live better. Reporter now wall mark says its workers will be rewarded for its service and given more chances to advance. We are making more changes to our pay and strengthening the opportunity to progress within the company. And offering more choice in scheduling. Reporter over the next year, the company says it will boost wages to an average of 13 an hour for fulltime workers. Ten dollars an hour for those working less than 40 hours a week. Thats still below the National Averages for most hourly retail workers, but its higher on average than what the lowest level staff personnel are paid nationwide. The company also promises to offer part timers more working hours and the chance to pick more predictable schedules. The announcement comes as call mart is reporting its first rise in shopper traffic in more than two years analysts say the concessions are in part a response to Competition Among u. S. Merchants for better trained retail workers. But walmarts new starting wage of 9 an hour still falls far short of the 15 an hour minimum demanded by campaigners. Thats still not enough for a fulltime worker to, you know, keep a family of four out of poverty. In fact, many wall mark workers are not fulltime workers and have been asking for fulltime work. Reporter meanwhile the white house wants congress to raise the federal minimum wage for the first time in five years. Almost half of the u. S. States this year are raising their own minimum wage levels, only a hand full of them as much as what walmart will be off everything. Tom ackerman, al jazerra washington. Human rights officials from the European Union are visiting bangladesh raising concerns with the Prime Minister about working conditions in garment factories. The Garment Industry accounts for 17 of the countrys g. D. P. And 34ths of all experts most of which goes to europe and the u. S. Yet garment workers are some of the lowest paid in the world forced by employers to work up to 18 hours a day poor work conditions at garment fact areare yous have led to the deaths of hundreds of workers from fires to building collapses. Crossing over to an activists joining us. What would you like these european officials and the Prime Minister to address specifically . Can you hear me . Yes. My question to you is what would you like to see the european human rights official address with the Prime Minister in your country . Thank you very much because already we had a meet with this European Parliament delegate two days before and they are also wanting to know what the situation is in bangladesh, especailly the human rights issues so we are also explaining the situation and. [ inaudible ] of the Garment Industry, as you already mentioned bangladesh is the cheapest country and long working hour and the. [ inaudible ] facing which is true. And those issues are taking the i international initiative. [ inaudible ] inspect the factory and other issues and some factory has the Union Organizing and something. But many cases also the workers have been fired. False statements against the union, and also still have this kind of problem, so this kind of issue we understanding them. And also challenging about the. [ inaudible ] which is created all kind of difficulties and problems that is a problem if the [speaking at the same time] in global countries if global companies, excuse me, as well as western and European Companies continue to come to bangladesh simply to use cheap labor, will the situation ever improve to levels that are acceptable . Yes. Yes. Actually, you know, because if the western companies especially like walmart, h m and big giant companies are not giving the proper prize and wear this to the workers i think it will be very tough to resolve the problems because our workers our minimum wage is 5,300 which is not sufficient. Because Living Condition is very poor. The working condition is very bad. The women workers are getting. [ inaudible ] after 45 years old they cannot work. They dont have the productive at this capacity, so the western people are coming to our country. Thank you very much. Well have to leave it there. Thank you for joining us. Well the. [ inaudible ] in london is one of the worlds olden known psychiatric institutions its Museum Showcases the work of artists who have experienced psychiatric illness as Sonya Gallegos now reports. Reporter raving and melancholy madness, protest figures did he picking Mental Illness guard the entrance of londons museum of the mind. Located at one of the worlds most famous psychiatric hospitals the statues refer back to the bedlam hospital was a place of chaos and cruelty. Today bedlam prides itself on its Progressive Care in its new quarters the hospitals museum offers an insight in in to the past and present way of dealing with Mental Illness. The work done by artists who were personally affected. A visual and performance artist for years she has experienced extreme anxiety and compulsive skin picking. The work depicts her illness but her art has helped her turn her life around. I have had a connection with the gallery here for a couple of years which has enabled me to work with other people who are suffering from anxiety and i to actually make this stuff out in the world hats been cathartic you know, there is no other word for it. I dont think i would be standing here talking to you today if i wasnt making artwork. Reporter exhibitions such as this one undoubtedly show how Public Perceptions have changed surrounding mental health. But those who have experience any kind of Mental Illness would say there is still much, much further to go. And that the taboo surrounding it means that people who need help very often dont get it early enough. We dont talk about it enough still. So the vast majority of people who have depression, for example, never receive any treatment at all. Some might go to their doctors with physical complaints, that doesnt get picked up its a psychological dimension, other people fear losing their jobs so they dont ever disclose to their manager or people at work or they fear if they tell their family their family will treat them differently and less well. So people very often dont get to the health system. And when they do sometimes they find the support available isnt really engaging enough. Reporter changing perceptions has taken time. But what this museum proves is that creatively is a very powerful channel for for dealing with Mental Illness. Sonya gallegos, al jazerra london. Can we teach robots morality . The u. S. Is betting millions on the prospect. Later from catching criminals to reading emotions, mindblowing advances in facial recognition software, bringing computers frighteningly close to mindreading

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