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Beginning in syria where government jets struck schools and mosque in the stated state of iraq and killed in ra raka, duma and some may find the images in this report disturbing. Reporter she is afraid of needles as her mother tries to reassure her. Another syrian child caught up in a war fought by grown ups. Translator this is the aftermath of a strike in duma that hit a school and uploaded the videos on the internet and appear to show staff at a makeshift hospital struggling to cope with wounded children. Many pieces of shrapnel out of the boy and showed signs of life before being resuscitated and more children from the bombing waited to be seen by medics. Their school was not the only one hit on tuesday, reports say children died there as well. Aid agencies issued warnings about the rising number of child casualties in the war well into the fourth year, more than 11,000 children killed across syria, and 3 and a half thousand schools damaged or destroyed and many occupied for military purposes and 2. 8 million children are out of school and activists accuse the regime of targeting schools and entire neighborhoods in rebelheld areas like duma are levelled and from the city of raka controlled by i. S. I. L. Say jets conducted several attacks that killed more than a dozen people. Many of them children in schools. Human Rights Groups and u. N. Have asked both the rebels and the Syrian Government to avoid targeting denselypopulated areas and civilian institutions like schools and hospitals but those appeals have not worked. And with each school hit children end up paying for a war they cannot avoid. Im with al jazeera. A new report says the u. S. Led strikes against i. S. I. L. In syria killed nearly 1200 people. The u kbased syrian observatory for life 1119 i. S. I. L. Fighters killed and 52 civilians killed in the past through months and u. S. Carried out 488 air strikes in syria through december 15. The observatory does not have i. S. I. L. Targets in iraq. Thousands of people trapped by the civil war in syria may soon get much needed aid. The World Health Organization says it is given approval to deliver medical supplies to damascus and aleppo and Infectious Diseases are on the rise, a warning you may find some of her pictures in her report disturbing. Reporter hygienerelated diseases are on the rise in syria. This girl was diagnosed with misis, a parasite infection spread by flies. According to doctors cases like these show how the crumbling Healthcare System and worsening Living Conditions especially in rebelheld areas are effecting people. Translator we have no pesticides because we are under siege and many flies and homes are not sterilized and no hygiene. Reporter one of the reasons is a lack of clean water in many places like eastern guta one of a few districts surrounding the capitol under a government imposed siege. The problem of contaminated water is not confined to rural damascus. Across syria the World Health Organization reported more than 6500 cases of typhoid this year and hepatitis is also a problem. Syria problem with access to clean water in areas such as aleppo and also in rural damascus area lately. And damage to the water and sewage system and often this is followed by diseases and we have seen the Infectious Diseases in the suburbs of damascus. Reporter the who has been able to deliver three times more medical supplies in 2014 than it did last year. And some of the deliveries were too hard to reach areas but Health Workers want the Syrian Government granted more access to opposition territories. Some of this area is security problem. It can be hard to access. We have had some of the convoys get through but this has not been on a regular basis because of security issues. Reporter and it is vital that supplies continue to reach those in need. More than half of the Public Hospitals are out of service. Syrias Healthcare System has been severely damaged by the war. And many syrians have died from treatable illnesses simply because of the lack of medicine. Reporter meanwhile attack by i. S. I. L. Fighters at the shared border of syria, iraq and jordan killed 8 iraqi guards and three others were also injured during the attack at the crossing. In a car bomb south of iraqi capitol killed two people, at least five people were injured, the explosives were set off in the town south of baghdad. Meanwhile kurdish fighters entered neighborhoods in the iraqi town of sinjar breaking a month long siege by i. S. I. L. Fighters and Peshmerga Forces and rebel fighters were backed by International Coalition air strikes and thousands yazidis trapped since i. S. I. L. Took control of the town in august. Translator the peshmerga control more than a quarter of the city. I cant say we control half of the city but sure we control more than a quarter, everything is going well and morale is high and Kurdish Protection units and they manage to fight. Reporter and sporadic violence broken out in several libyan cities in benghazi, 20 troops loyal to the general were killed and more than 60 others injured. 3 other rebel fighters also killed and another five wounded. In the eastern port city five people died when war planes bombed a gathering of malitia and air strikes by forces have been carried out in eastern libya. Meanwhile some civilians in the west of libya and other parts of the country who fled the fighting are returning home but to a very different reality. And natasha reports. Reporter for the first time after being warned to leave, the salem family came home but hardly a welcome anyone would want. Their home was looted and their village in western libya destroyed after a battle between rival malitia. Everything taken away and we are very upset and what can i say, thank god my children are safe. Everything else can be replaced. Reporter and villages in libya is the focus of battles for the last two weeks. The fighting is leaving civilians struggling to avoid the cross fire and people here say under former leader gaddafi they suffer and now they suffer again. In an attempt to end the misery the special representative for the u. N. Support mission in libya met in tabrook on monday and forced from office recently when the Supreme Court anulled the parliament but remains International Recognized and under the congress in tripoli criticized the u. N. , accusing it of being bias and insisting it should respect the courts decision and u. N. Official says the organization is not representing anyone in particular and that the path the country is on is a dangerous one. The option is a bad option for libya and it means a lot of time of fighting, of losing lives, losing time, wasting precious time this country needs to resume the transition to build the strait for the democracy and this is why the world is trying to support these political values to reach solutions. Reporter but peace has been elusive, with rival malitia and leaders showing no signs they are ready to put down weapons and compromise. Natasha with al jazeera. We demand the release of the journalism for helping the muslim brother rohood and sented 7 years in prison and another another 7 years for a spent bullet he had in his possession which he picked up during a protest. Gunman have opened fire in two villages in the state of india killing at least 37 people. Local media report the gunmen are part of the National Democratic front of photo land and the armed group tried to break away from india and targeted Security Forces since 1998. Indians ruling hindu party has won 25 seats in election in india administered kashmir and it lags behind the People Democratic party emerging as the dominant Political Force in the region. And we have more. Reporter with no party gaining a clear majority its basically a Hung Assembly with all option of government formation on the table. Now the big event has been the bjp making historic gain getting the second largest number of seats of any party here. The bjp regional president tells me he is crediting the win for the Prime Minister amodi and swept the country in the National Elections earlier this year and says that wave carried over to the state elections. Now, one of the things is this has the potential of being a very polarizing situation. If the bjp stay in opposition that would basically divide hindu and muslim majority areas of the region but if the bjp were to join one of the other parties to form the government many muslim voters might get alienated feeling that the bjp has a supposed hindu nationalist agenda but what happens is the bjp has finally established themselves as a major player in the region. Reporter sunday will mark ten years since the devastating tsunami hit the indian ocean and more than 30,000 People Killed in sri lanka and we have found that all that is starting to chan change. Reporter praying for family swallowed up by the sea. And heavily pregnant wife and to children swept away from the tsunami in 2004. Translator my wife was in front of me in the garden. She was carrying our oldest child. I was holding the youngest and the sea rosed up and carried my wife and children away. Reporter five years ago he married a fellow survivor and they now have three children. And the village was one of the worst affected in the eastern district. More than 30,000 people were killed around the country, most along the southern and eastern course. People here had never seen waves as big or as powerful as the wall of water that crashed into sli larng ka and didnt know what to do or how to react and that changed now and early evacuation drills and Awareness Program form an important part of the countrys disaster strategy. Community preparedness and is well organized so people already aware of the disaster. Reporter 77 Early Warning towers like this one have been built around the country. During the 2011 tsunami alert he says the course was evacuated in 20 minutes. For roger this evokes mixed emotions. It wont bring his first family back, but will protect his current one. Al jazeera, eastern sri lanka. On wednesday veronica reports from southern thailand, a sea side tourist village devastated by the asian tsunami and how an tsunami and how its rebuilt ten years out. Still to come on the program greece may be recovering from an economic slump but Small Businesses still cant catch a break. Plus. Im tonya page reporting from south africa where the electricity grid is under so much strain millions of people have been effected by power cuts and state Electricity Company says its far from over. Experts about people, and al jazeera has really tried to talk to people, about their stories. We are not meant to be your first choice for entertainment. We are ment to be your first choice for the news. Today on the stream. Unlocking medical mysteries in cuba. How a more open island could mean more access to breakthrough treatments and even impact how we approach healthcare. The stream. Today 12 30 eastern. On al jazeera america. Lets look at the top stories on al jazeera, more than a dozen children have been killed in syria and in a series ogovernment air strikes and activists say the jets targeted schools and i. S. I. L. Held areas of rebel held areas outside of damascus. Results in India Kashmir indicate no single party secured enough seats to hold a government, the peoples Democratic Party won 28 out of 87 seats and india ruling hindu pjp secured 25 seats. Gunmen opened fire in two villages killing at least 37 people. Local media says gunmen are part of the National Democratic part of the land, an armed group which has targeted Security Forces since 1998. Ukraines parliament voted to abandon the states nonaligned status, decision could indicate a step to seeking nato membership and bill submitted was passed with 303 votes in favor and 8 against and the foreign minister said the move is counter productive and could heighten on going tensions and more from moscow. Reporter the decision for the status could have serious political and security implications for an already destabilized region. The vote by 3038 effectively opens the way to nato membership for ukraine and russia will inevitably see as a clear threat to its own security. But ukraine leaders determined to scrap the status whatever the reaction from the kremlin. Translator today we should all vote for key bill in the current situation. A bill about peace. A bill about reform strategy. A bill about our place in western civilization. This is a bill denouncing ukraines nonaligned status. Reporter earlier this year senior Ukrainian Military officers met with nato commanders on a Training Exercise in bulgaria but called years for kiev to complete its membership to alliance and not all nato counties in favor but with fighting with Ukraine Forces and separatist rebels in east of the country showing no sign of ending 4700 soldiers and civilians have died since an aborted ceasefire was signed in minceing in september and the vote will not make it easier when russia and the rebels sit down with ukraine to try and reinstate another ceasefire and political analyst have a far more wide ranging conflict should ukraine join nato and giving russia cause forward. Ukraine moving toward nato or nato moving into ukraine could be Something Like a cause belly, not for a small conflict, contained somewhere in the east of ukraine but to a much larger conflict that may effect western countries. Reporter just how russia will react to that will occupy putin and planners since the crisis began nearly a year ago and the decision of kiev to scrap the neutral status has an angry reaction from the kremlin. The russian Prime Minister chose his words carefully when he said an application for nato membership will turn ukraine into a potential military opponent. Peter sharp, al jazeera in moscow. Russia Prime Minister says his country is at risk of falling into a deep recession if the government abandons its spending plans, on monday russian regulators forced to bail out a leading retail bank and western sanctions and crumbling Oil Prices Hit the economy hard. The rubble plunged to record lows last week and central bank forced to raise interest rate. Yan randolph is the director of sovereign risk analysis of ihs at Global Insight and says the central bank is doing the best it can but its limited by the ability to control the oil price. It all comes back to oil price and who is right about the oil price. We know its fallen. It seems to be steadying. The saudi arabia are key players here and quite relaxed about the fall because their two main strategic competitors, russia and u. S. Both producing 8, 9, 10 Million Barrels a day and happy to let the russia and u. S. Sweat it out. So the only support for oil prices demand and saw some good, strong figures from the u. S. But the lower levels is where its likely to stabilize, that is a fundamental to where the russian economy is going and it will be weak next year. If there is a global recovery, strengthening that could give support to the uprise but little that russia can do in the short term and there will be a recession next year and there will be a Banking System crisis opening up another front. Reporter the u. S. Economy grew at its fastest pace between july to september this year. Consumer spending pushed Gross Domestic Product up 5 during the Third Quarter and Commerce Department said strong spending by u. S. Consumer on spending on healthcare helped the economy. Greek politicians failed to elect a president in a second round of voting. The conservative government candidate received 168 votes and short of the 200 necessary. A third and final vote is set for december 29th, if the parliament doesnt elect a new president then it will have to announce an early general election. Fears of more Political Uncertainty in greece are weighing on its financial markets. The Greek Economy is slowly returning to growth after a sixyear recession but a major obstacle to recovery is banks that are not lending to businesses and consumers. John reports from the island north of athens. Reporter the shellman factory used to be one of the noisy places on the island. This is where the greek Construction Industry ordered much of its plywood and chip work giving work to 1200 families n the crisis the Construction Industry collapsed and shellman did not replace the business with exports quickly enough, in a chilly day in february last year workers owed years of back pay and downed the tools, this 40 hector complex that took half a century to build fell silent and he worked his entire life at the factorys purpose built harbor. Translator ended up in a difficult situation and some people got tired and died of stress and others committed suicide and took children out of schools and university because they couldnt pay expenses. Reporter his wife and two university educated children are also unemployed. About 200,000 Greek Companies have sumed to the fate during the crisis and many of them could have been save if they could borrow to keep operating but despite receiving more than 60 billion in taxpayer money banks have all but stopped lending. The reason is that during the crisis many consumers and businesses stopped paying off their loans, that has settled banks with 100 billion of debt and this has meant they had to raise money simply to absorb losses without leaving enough to relend but banks are making the situation worse by refusing to forgive some debt while companies have a chance to survive and heads a fund that aims to be greeces first nonbank lender to businesses. Things in greece are happening not because of politicians and not politics but despite them and a greece is attached to the nexus of business and political interest and the new greece that is slowly emerging which is built on tourism and built on companies which a few years back decided there is not much future in greece and they have started facing foreign markets and now they a they are paying off after 34 years. Reporter these new beginnings harbor hope but it will take decades for greece to rebuild what was lost to financial undertakers, john with al jazeera, greece. The french president says one person has been pronounced clinically dead after a car plowed into a holiday crowd in the western city of nont and one of three attacks that have taken place in the country since saturday. And we report. Reporter the message from the french government is there is no cause for panic but after tuesdays emergency Cabinet Meeting Prime Minister announced up to 300 extra soldiers will be deployed on the streets during Christmas Holidays and comes after three apparently unrelated incidents in various parts of the country. Translator even if there is no link between these events, i understand the worries of our party when confronted with shocking pictures and the victims pain and people seriously injured and others wounded and in shock. Strong and legitimate worries are surfacing. In reaction to in the government should show solidarity to those injured or traumatized. Reporter the most resent happened monday where a driver plowed in a Christmas Market before stabbing himself in the chest and one of the victims is reportedly clinically dead and interior minister said he was psychologically unstable and a similar incident happened in eastern france on sunday where a male driver arrested after targeting pedestrians and the city prosecutor said the attacker who reportedly shouted god is great had mental problems and then stabbed Police Officers before being shot dead and antiterrorism opened an inquiry into that attack, im with al jazeera. North korea websites back on line after an internet outage and access limited to elite was down for several hours and the white house is declined to say if the u. S. Government was involved. The u. S. Accused north korea of a cyber attack on Sony Pictures over a film depicting a plot to kill the leader kim jongun. Unemployment at 80 local artists are looking at innovative ways to make money during christmas and led to a boom in homemade decorations, from the capitol, we report. Reporter first they burn the wire. So that its easy and more flexible to work with. Then the artist created the pieces and have orders to sell. Christmas trees made from scrap wire always in demand at this time of the year. Translator but at christmas we make them and we have more customers and people will come for them. Reporter you can buy reindeer and angels and stars at the markets and trinkets for the tree and makes it look easy and this is a tree made from twisting copper wire and made from tiny little beads and you can buy this for 10. The Informal Sector is how people try to survive. Translator if you go for one or two weeks without selling will is no money, you suffer, we are working for our families. Reporter the government says the rate of unemployment is less than 50 . Economist say its more than 80. The most valuable resource which is our bright young people is leaving the country. We are exporting our most valuable asset and not getting anything back for it and we spent a great deal of money to get them to the position where they are now for school denominations. Reporter People Struggle to make end meet and special occasions like christmas when people think of ways to make some money. Anything for a few dollars so your child can have a picture with santa claus or being able to buy this to put in your garden. One way people here are supporting the Informal Sector this christmas, im with al jazeera. A quick reminder too you with always keep up to date with all the latest news and analysis and details on our website, that is at al jazeera. Com. Hi, i am lisa fletcher, and you are in the stream. Prediction that Cyber Attacks of far greater scale could be around the corner. Will americans confidence in the economy be more closely tied to cyber plus, unlocking medical mysteries in cuba. And forget dropping a check in the mail, 5 billion just this year instantly transferred hands by a social media platforms. What it means for you and

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