Cup of nations will go ahead but no word yet whether morocco will be hosting. In about 45 minutes. So well begin from burkina fasso. The African Union have told military leaders to put a civilian government in charge or face the consequences. Lets take you live there to burkina fassos capitol. Whats been the reaction to the African Union ultimatum . Basically been telling them that i dont plan to stay on to power. I just came here because someone had to come and stabilize the situation. When things are stable then i will go. He did indicate if he did step down he was willing to hand over power to the speaker of parliament which is what the constitution actually says. The head of the opposition had a press conference a few minutes ago and he promised he would step down eventually and optimistic he will keep his word. But is it in a week two weeks a month, some say he will maybe try to stall, buy time and hang onto power. People are waiting to see what his reaction is going to be. Will he step down, or seek reaction from African Union. How long would it take to put a traditional government into place . It has Transitional Government into place . It is easy to mobilize people and go to the streets and remove the former president but now its more complicated. They have their own issues, own differences, own people that they want to head the government. How inclusive is it going to be . Will people accept it . Jostling for power that was already going on, what is important for the people on the ground they want the country to move forward, they want elections held quickly and concerned about the hold being future of the region. If african countries dont come to the aid of this country dont assist them economically any other means, people will suffer. Not the army, generals or politicians. It will be the average man on the street, man struggling to, they dont want sanctions imposed and also want a speedy resolution to the process. Live in wagadugu. 21 people from afghanistan and syria have died after their boat capsized. 16 remain unaccounted for. Bernard smith reports. It must have been a terrifying end to what would have been a long and perilous journey. Packed onto this boat were 42 migrants and their smuggler when it disarrange in the red sea. We went sailing around 8 30. Even before we cast a net a warning came from the radio of another fisherman. We saw dead bodies it was impossible not to see them. There were dead bodies everywhere. They had life vests on. When we picked them up, they were stiff, it was clear they had not drown but had frozen to death. The boat put out a distress call around dawn on monday. It was just over five kilometers off the istanbul coast. Its not sure why the boat sank but packed with people. 1200 migrants have died crossing the black sea or the immediate traimediterranean to europe. Trying to make it to the european union, the boats they use are often overcrowded and difficult to capsize i into the waters. Bernard smith, istanbul. Ship docked at benghazis port, smoke rising in the vicinity of the port. There are reports that the ship is sinking. In yemen at least four Houthi Rebels have been killed by tribesmen in the district in central yemen. An improvised explosive device exploded near the rebels. In iraq, muslims have been targeted in a series of attacks. 45 people have been killed in the last two days and as al jazeeras imran khan reports there are fears of further violence. Already violence has struck the capital. On sunday, a parked mini van exploded. Tents have been set up here to greet muslims who will arrive monday night. Two men came into the tent, drank tea and ate biscuits before leaving, said they were going to do shopping. The van exploded afterwards. This holiday is particularly significant for muslims. In 2013, the focus of the commemoration reached record levels with 15 million visiting over the muhurem period. Those i. S. I. L. Rats are trying to infest us, infest us with sectarian violence, im not scared to be here at all. His words are common here that nothing will stop them from coming and showing their love for hussein. Despite that feeling there will be attacks across iraq, asura will be celebrated. The government says there will be an unprecedented security operation and they are hoping that a asura will be celebrated. This year its not just the old enemies but new ones like i. S. I. L. Whose fighters are on three sides of the capital only increasing fears of attack. Imran khan, al jazeera, baghdad. Egypt continues, in the sinai peninsula, after attacks killed 31 soldiers a week ago. But soldiers say theyre the ones under siege. Al jazeeras natasha donain reports. With apache air crafts on the air and vehicles ton ground, combating terrorism, sources say air raids destroyed stock piles of weapons, killed two fighters and injured three south of raf. Coordinated attacks killed 31 soldiers in sinai last month but the militarys mission to create a border zone and destroy the network of tunnels have left hunhundreds homeless. It is a massacre of memories, it is a genocide. Reporter neighborhoods too close to the border now look like a war zone. A handful of people appear to be left after bulldozers reduced block after block to rubble. But the scene on egypt say television shown here was very different. Smoke from destruction of homes filled the screen with no buildings or people visible. Al marzuki says the government is block access to journalists making it impossible to know whats going on. No one is allowed to speak of whats going on, on facebook or on the social media network. Reporter a Government Official has said 638 people have been forced to hastily pack what they can and move from their homes. They are supposed to be compensated. Preventing armed groups into coming into the sinai peninsula, the head of the National Council on human rights has given his approval to the military action in raffa. After meeting with the president abdel fatah alsisi, he says concessions need to be made. Meanwhile al jazeera continues to demand the Immediate Release of its journalists detained in egypt for 310 days, peter greste, Baher Mohamed and mohamed fahmy. Al jazeera rejects the charges against them. Still to come on the news hour, efforts to get Young Americans interested in the mid term elections. The Supreme Court in bangladesh upholds the death sentence given a politician, well explain why many. And the melbourne cup, why racing is facing one of its deadliest times. So it is the final day of campaigning before tuesdays crucial mid term elections in the u. S. Now young voters played a decisive role in president obamas first election victory in 2008. But in mid term polls many younger people typically dont bother to vote. Al jazeeras Andy Gallagher reports from new orleans on efforts to get them to the polling stations. At the new israel baptist church, pastor preaches about the power of the ballot box. Now were trying to encourage the rest of the people to get out and vote its very what, serious. Hes focused on inspiring young people to get involved in politics but also acutely aware that it can be an uphill battle. I think voting is the most important thing there is because of our forefathers having such a hard time to vote at all and now we have an opportunity to vote and some people dont want to vote. Rock the vote aimed add changing that but it may have little effect. While al halaby is a 25yearold musician who moved to new orleans more than a year ago, hes had plenty of chances to vote and whilst hes swear of the elections nothing aware of the elections nothing has piqued his interest. If i get elected im going to make street musicians lives amazing. Oh yeah, its time to go vote forthis guy because you know it directly affects my life. But right now i dont see that. Reporter despite that louisiana has one of the highest rates of voting in the u. S. But mid term elections dont hold the same appeal as president ial elections. If you are not really seeing results from the two parties and theres not a big election and theres not a president ial race on the ballot sometimes they dont feel like its worth their time to come out and vote. The socalled millennial election has a powerful voirs in louisiana. According to the u. S. Census bureau the number of voters who turned out in 1964 stood at just over 50 but by 2012 that figure had dropped to 38 . That equates to the loss of tens of thousands of young voices who in an election this close could make all the difference. Andy gallagher, al jazeera, new orleans, louisiana. Heres at stake in tuesdays vote control of both houses of congress, all seats in house and as well as a third of the senate seats. Its those 33 seats that we will be watching the closest. At 6 senate seats change hands the republicans will win control. Given that they already have a majority in the house of representatives that could make life very difficult for president obama. Jason johnson is a professor of Political Science and communication at the hyram college. He joins us from washington, d. C. Good to have you with us. This six seats that the republicans need, will they get them . Oh, yes theyre going to get all six seats. And really most analysts here in the United States, the real question is, are the republicans just going to get those six seats or is this going to be a larger wave, is this going to be sort of a sea change that goes from the senate to the house all the way to the governors races. It seems pretty clear, barring some last minute turnout miracle that the republicans will take over the upper house of the congress of the United States. How is that going to impact on american policy . Well, theres an inside argument and an outside argument. Foreign policy will definitely change when the republicans are going to be in charge of the Senate Foreign relations committee, Senate Intelligence committee, that could affect the boots on the ground in iraq, sanction he on iran, sanctions on russia. But i think it makes the difference between the kind of candidates we see in 2016, theyll be fighting to push through their agenda and so theyll have a better position to push through obama. President obama himself you say there will be bills that land on his desk that surely he cant sign. Yes, yes. Hes going to receive a lot of bills that hes not going to want to sign. One of the biggest ones for example, theres a good likelihood that theres enough republicans and democrats right now that want to put sanctions on iran. The president doesnt want to put sanctions on iran. If the senate goes red, he wont be able to block it anymore. Moving forward with the peace and negotiation process, and he hasnt been able to do much of that in the last two years. The 2016 president ial election that you mentioned what impact will tomorrows mid terms have on that election . We dont even know yet whos going to be running for president in 2016, do we . Well, we have an idea in the United States because the president ial election has no official limit, usually the day after the mid terms is when everyone starts. Even if they dont announce until sometime in the spring. I think the republicans who are going to be in the senate, the republicans who may retain their governorships, the next two years will be critical to make sure they can get something done. Everyone is waiting for l hillary clinton, she has been hanking around New Hampshire around primary states. Theyve got about six or seven candidates on the republican side. You think as i do this is fascinating stuff here. Yet we saw in andys report, young people arent that bothered. Why is that . Well, its hard. And its hard to both pay attention, if you think about it, there are literally over 1,000 people running for office through three or four states in the United States during a mid term election. You dont just have your senators and your governors and your house of representatives. You have state house, you have dog catchers, you have mayors. And so many young people dont want to take the time or havent got the time to find out all the people running for office. But the second reason is this in many states, especially election run estates, those two things combine for a low turnout for many millenials. Thanks for being with us, Jason Johnson washington, d. C. Its been a long process getting to this day but one World Trade Center is now open for business in new york. The first tenant, the publisher conde nast, with 2300 employees moving in. John terret reports. Open for business, the tallest and most expensive in the western hemisphere, welcoming is first 2300 employees. The publishing juggernaut conde nast, and top three floors devoted to an interactive observation deck. A sleek commercial space on some of the most coveted real estate on the face of the earth. Also a gleaming reminder of the day that forever changed new york and the world. It comes after a decade of debate and legal battles over reconstruction of the site and the 911 memorial that sits in the shadows. New yorkers we spoke to had some mixed feelings. Oh yeah, all has been in the back of your minds, you know. You cant let that affect your life. You got olive your life and carry on, you know. Would you consider taking a job in the tower there . No. Can you tell me why . I dont know. Maybe fear, i cant work in any of those buildings. I dont mind working around it but not in it. Reporter security will be tight as the workday begins in what is essentially a modern day fortress for at least the first 20 stories. Solid poured concrete throughout, nearly six times stronger than sidewalks and metal rebar more than double the amount of regular buildings. Joins us from skype, from new york, thank you for agreeing to talk to us at al jazeera. What are your thoughts today . Thank you for having me. Im very pleased and happy that its opening up, that Freedom Tower. And it shows the resiliency of a nation. The resi resiliency of a peopled the resiliency of our faith in moving forward in life. Is Freedom Tower a fitting memorial to those who died on 9 11 . Yes, it is. My husband always maintained that new tower should be higher than the other tower, the first one, so it is taller than those. And it is a tribute, it shows that we always remember them and will remember them. They have the pools over there we have the memorial over there in the pools so to have the businesses moving back into the buildings, is a fitting tribute to their legacy, and their sacrifice. 13 years on from that awful day. How is life for you now . Life for me is, thapped thand aallah, life is at peace for me. It did stop me for you know a decade and i realize that if you are stuck in a loop and depression, its not good for your health. Its not good for your community, for your family. So im at peace now, and im very relieved, leading a happy life. My boys are married and i have gone back to the workforce again full time as a teacher and my health is good. And im very grateful that i have my country, my people, and my family, and my whole family, everybody supporting me. They endured with me so because if one person dies it does not impact that person or the core family. It impacts the standard family, it impacts your friends and it impacts you know your community. So we need to move forward and move on with our lives, and our lives we celebrate the lives of all those that died that day. I mean yes, it is good for economy but we need to have, you know, the hustle and bustle in life again. Because staying in depression like i said, again, is defeating but staying stuck in that time period is not good for you at all. Really appreciate you coming to talk to us today. Many thanks indeed. Who lost her son on the attack on World Trade Center on september the 11th. The crash of Virgin Galactic spacecraft, feathering device was activated before the craft reached the appropriate speed for it to do so. He said that its too early to confirm yet the cause of the crash. One of the test pilots was killed in the accident. Another one was badly injured. Two of the worlds biggest car makers will pay a 100 million fine for violating violg americas Clean Air Act. The penalty is the largest for a Clean Air Act violation in history. Hyundai said it made honest mistakes. One of the biggest names in american football is facing increasing pressure to change. The Washington Redskins team for a match in minnesota. Al jazeeras john hendren reports now from minneapolis. They came in traditional clothes, bearing incense, chants, and a simple plea. That name has represented football in the nations capitol since 1932. I dont think changing those names loving those people is doing anything to change any injustice they feel, is it . Well have to buy different gear. You want them to keep it. Yeah i do. How about you . I dont think this is right. Theres other terms out there come from hurtful and tro derogatory. Its not a big deal. The land of nns marines clear blue water but the reaso arena e university stadium. Came by the thousands to tell the redskins to come one a new name or go home. The name is offensive but the fact its playing here is the offensive part. The university of minnesota sits on historic dakota land. It is demeaning dehumanizing and has a terrible history to this land. The cleveland indianaians, chicago braves, and chi blackhawks, to name a few, none of them evokes a derogatory term for color of their skin. I like you brothers and sisters representing all these tribes from across the cub, over 570 federally recognized trieps, i am not, you are not a mascot. With massive protests growing the redskins might come to dread each return to the land of their ancestors. Were approaching the midpoint of our broadcast. Rebel leaders in the Eastern Ukraine have been given a mandate to negotiate with kiev. Well tell you why. Plus eyes in the sky, mysterious drones fly over frances Nuclear Plant but who controls them . Where do they come from . Two months before the africa cup takes place, and no one knows where it will take place. Place. America votes 2014 on Al Jazeera America focusing on what matters to you what are the issues that americans need to know about . Everybody needs healthcare. Lower taxes. Job opportunities. Reporting from the Battle Ground states. Alaska. Kentucky. Iowa. Local elections with National Impact were visiting with the people making the decisions. Covering what it all means for you. The mine shut down, it hurts everything. I just keep puttin one foot in front of the other. Were fighting for the future of our state for straight forward unbiassed political coverage. Stay with Al Jazeera America saturday on tech know. A brutal killing. A thorough investigation. Were pushing the envelope. But this is no ordinary c. S. I. What went on right before that animal died . Hunting the hunter. Were gonna take down the bad guys. Solving the crime. We can save species. Tech knows team of experts show you how the miracles of science. This is my selfie, what can you tell me about my future . Can affect and surprise us. Dont try this at home. Tech know, where Technology Meets humanity. Saturday at 7 30 eastern. Only on Al Jazeera America. Hello again, youre with the news hour in al jazeera,ing Adrian Finnegan in doha. 21 people have died most of them migrants from syria and afghanistan. The search continues for 16 who are still missing. The World Trade Center building has reopened, tallest and priciest building in the western hemisphere. And the African Union has told military leaders in burkina faso to hand the government over to civilian leaders or face sanctions. Seized power on friday when the president was forced to resign. More now on that, from dominic kane. A crowd marches on state tv on ouagadougo. Why she should be Burkina Fasos new leader. But she wont get inside the building. This gun fire is directed over the heads of the protestors. Fired by a group of soldiers. In the confusion, state tv is taken offair for several hours. The l military action continues as armed jeep jeeps patrolled te athletes. But Burkina Fasos are leaders insist their means are peaceful and democratic. We ask to be given some space towards putting our country back on track. Power does not interest us, the Transition Party will be put in place, for a duration there will also be specified. Reporter the army took charge last week following days of unrest after the former president tried to lengthen his years in office. United nations expressed deep concerns about the takeover while the opposition parties have said they fear this could be a coup. Translator the political opposition and Civil Society organizations insist that the victory of the popular uprisings belongs to the people and therefore the Transitional Government falls to them and should in no circumstances be confiscated by the military. Reporter the armed forces insist they want a Transitional Government to emerge. Dominic kane, al jazeera. The highest court in any nam, 2012 judgment that found Health Workers coerced hivpositive mothers to sign sterilization consent firms. The women didnt fully understand what they were signing the report claims. Earlier i spoke with priti patel, a manager of the Southern African litigation center, the Group Representing the hivpositive whoms who were forcibly women who were forcibly sterilized. There were three women who were subjected to course of sterilization. This is the first timefully court on the continent of africa have actually found hivpositive women were sterilized without their consent. Its going to impact not only women in namibia but other women in other african countries saying basically the same thing, hiv positive and sterilized without our consent. You are saying this is by no means an isolated incident, the three women concerned there have been many more women perhaps who have been forcibly sterilized . Yes. In namibia there is a Great Organization who is documenting dozens of cases of women who are hiv positive sterilized without their consent. There have been documented cases in south africa and kenya and reports of countries like swaziland and leshutu. What happens now athat this has happened, will these women be compensated . The Supreme Court basically said these women need to be compensated and they have sent the case back to the high court to decide how much compensation these women should get. It is not only these three women. What we think should happen is that the government of namibia needs to step up and start investigating all the claims by hivpositive women who say they have been sterilized, they need to investigate their claims and provide redress to those women in the instance where they find these women have been forcibly sterilized. The government actually needs to take active steps to make sure that this practice has ended but also to address what has happened to these women. And what about governments elsewhere in africa . I mean, again, they need to do the exact same thing. And i think the most notable thaings have happened in the last year is that the Africa Commission on human and peoples rights and continental body has basically issued a resolution saying we need to stop sterilizing hiv positive women and countries like south africa, kenya swaziland and others, need to train their medical personnel so they know what to do with a woman comes into the hospital ready to give birth. They need to know what it means to take their consent and address issues around sterilization for these women. Security has been tightened with pakistans main Border Crossing with india. Near the waga border post. At least 55 people were killed. The Supreme Court in bangladesh has upheld the death sentence given to a party leader. Mohamed zaman was convicted of war crimes, two other senior members of the party have also been sentenced to death in recent days for similar crimes. More now from maha sata who is in ds daka. I always say that if i can draw two breaths before i die, with the first breath i will say a prayer to allah and with the second breath i will wish the war criminals are punished for what they did. The war for independence for pakistan was short but bloody, 300,000 toive 500,000 people were killed in nine months. Being of the collaborators have continued as free men, is something that angers many. One of the president s promises was she would finally bring war criminals to justice. However, overshadowed by controversy with critics claiming the process has been politicized, many of those are member much the largest political party, took to the streets in protest, saying their leaders were persecuted being in the opposition ahead of the general election. Over 500 people were killed in the Political Violence that followed. This year has been quiet, no verdicts and no violence until now. Some are concerned about the three verdicts that are announced over the past week. Translator only the Supreme Court is supposed to know when the verdicts will be announced and what they will be. But we saw in the past weeks that several journalists are coming out well ahead of time and saying that the verdicts will be announced on these days and now they will be this and that. This raises questions. The government says such allegations are baseless. We are trying people who have actually committed war crimes. Who have been responsible for genocidal acts, rape, mass killing. So to turn this extreme violation of human rights, and genocide, into a political case, defies imagination. Regardless of the controversy the death sentences are being hailed by many as bringing closure to a country that needs it. But calling for a week long general strike theres tension again in bangladesh. President poroshenko, democratic mandate to negotiate a new settlement. Al jazeeras Hoda Abdel Hamid has the story. Telling them it was a necessary step towards legitimacy, he also promised that after that he would kick start the economy. Certainly this is one of the main priorities for these people who are standing in a queue just to get food for one day. Now they are havent been paid salaries or pensions since months, the economy is at a standstill and they are hoping that mr. Kahavchenko will come through with his promises sooner rather than later. Translator the main thing is for enterprises to get money, so there is work for the people. Also said that the vote would allow, quote, the revolutionar revolutionaries to become letting leaders. Recognition is a huge issue. So far moscow is the only one that indicated it would recognize the results. The old challengers are here before the election, after the election and they can only become bigger if he doesnt tackle them immediately. Lets hear from rory challenge from moscow with a view from russia. The russia respects the Election Results of those in Eastern Ukraine, the leaders of luhansk and donetsk now have a mandate with which they can negotiate with the authorities in kiev. So russia really sees these elections as an act of legitimatization. But its quite a narrow one because its only moscow and these two breakaway regions that recognize these. The eu doesnt, the u. S. Doesnt and certainly the government in kiev doesnt. So really they raise more questions than they answer because what happens next . Does this turn into a frozen conflict the like of which we can see in trans mis transmystrt happens to the mingt minsk prot . Maybe more sanctions are on the way. The historic iron gate from the first nazi concentration camp in germany has been stolen. Prisoners had to pass the gate on a daily basis. 41,000 were killed then. Guards were on patrol when the gate was stolen but said it was impossible to secure such a large site. France says its baffled by mysterious drone flights over its Nuclear Power plants. Doesnt know where the drones are coming from or whos controlling them. Tim friend investigates. All over france drones have been spotted hovering over power stakes, like this one 100 kilometers east of paris. No one has claimed responsibility for the flights, often at night. A leading Nuclear Safety expert whos advised the french government, told al jazeera the was genuine cause for alarm. Theres absolutely no doubt that one can easily paint a scenario that would be a complete catastrophe, because these small engines are pig enough to carry small quantities of explosive materials. Reporter well, this is a piece of equipment that you could buy in a high street shop for 700. But its baffled the authorities here in france and critics say that its an example of state security not being able to keep pace with potential new threats. t flights have been going on for a month. Droanls have been spotted drones have been spotted on more than 15 occasions on widespread locations. France has 58 reactors the worlds most nuclear dependent country. The government is playing down the issues. For moment we do not know who is behind this. We dont take this matter lightly though but were not overdramatizing it either. Today there is no risk to the power stations. The environmental lobby Group Greenpeace which has staged protests at Nuclear Plants in france has denied involvement in the mysterious drone flights. That timing suggests a coordinated effort involving more than one person. Whoever it is, if theyre caught they face a 93,000 fine. Tim friend, al jazeera, near naugenns sans sennes, france. Group was killed in a clash with soldiers, mexico city, but witnesses contradicted the official version of evens. Camilo pastillo says the charges are significant but may distract the public from bigger issues at hand. Whats new about this case its actually the first time that soldiers have been charged with these kinds of crimes. You have seven who have been charged. Three of them with homicide. One of them with coverup and several with having damaged the evidence at the scene of the crime with having manipulated the evidence. The key thing is that this response to the current human rights crisis in mexico which is spinning out of control related to the disappearance of the 43 students in the state of guerrero. So whats going on in the current case cant be separated from this broader context. I think what were seeing is a very incomplete and belated step in the right direction. Hopefully, it indicates a firmer commitment, but that firmer commitment has not been demonstrated thus far. I think what we have to say is that this is essentially a maneuver to distract attention there the continuing crisis regarding the 43 students. Where the government has demonstrated other impo im impo. Details straight ahead. Time now here is sports. Robin. Everybody, the confederation of african football, january and february, another week before we know for sure whether we know if morocco would indeed be hosting the tournament. Morocco has asked it be moved because of the ebola fear. A final decision will only be made at an executive meeting in cairo on november the 11th. Hosting the event because of the deadly disease, organizers have given the government there another week to decide if they want to hold the tournament. Cant confirm the dates, we asked the Royal Morocco Federation to organize the competition. Meeting of the executive committee will be held on the 11th of november in cairo to take the decision required. Gareth bale, is back with real madrid. The worlds most expensive player, has recovered from an injury. Spanish team easily beatle last years premier League Runners up 3nil. Could become the competitions all time record goal scorer. I dont think that hes thinking really about this record because he can beat this record tomorrow but he has time, i think its not last game of renaldo in the champions league. He has time but again, his thought was on for team, to play for the team, not to beat a record. Manager says injury problems seem to be easing at just the right time as his team field goal prepares to play underlecht. Not all rosy for benger who will be without jack wilshire. Also boosted by the form of alexis sanchez. I believe what you want from every top player is not only quality, individual quality, but this is where the fight, he shows that in every game and fantastic goal not only because its quality but its desire, determination as well. Now the draw has been made for next weeks atp world tour finals. The end of the seasons tournament for men, andy murray placed in the same group as roger federer. And in the same place, player from japan, federer the world number 1, thomas burdich, go through to the semi finals. Australias cricketers have suffered their worst defeat in history, as Richard Nicholson reports. This has always been a tall order to win the game, reach their 603 run target. They could salvage a draw if they put on a battle in defensive play, 143 for 4 steve smith continued where he left off the night before, reaching his 50 after the first six overs for the day. Australia pushed the score to 208, before lurch but two balls after the break the tourist lost smith just three runs short of his fifth test century. Australias rinse iaustralias. The next ball, Mitchell Johnson was out without scoring. On the brink. After shaw took can wicket, last five wick et cetera, tumbling for eight runs of 3 of the 156 run victory, at the 20 white wash. Win over australia for 20 years and biggest ever win by runs. Richard nicholson, al jazeera. A stop of the biggest horserace in a country that has more race courses than any other. This year comes as a major review gets underway as to why so many jockeys are being killed on australian tracks. Mondays preview parade gave a taste of whats to come. On the bucket list and just want to see it. I dont follow the horses i just want to go. This year the race is taking place under a cloud. Its been a bad spell for australian racing. Four jockeys have been killed. Two, women, have been killed in the last month. In the last 20 years, every aspect of it, weather conditions, track conditions, jockey profile, trainer profile, what gear was being used, trying to decide anything of similarity of the accidents. Sam highlands career ended after one fall too many. Had serious concussion and surgery to my shoulder. So doctors suggested it wouldnt be a good idea to come back riding after that. But highland doesnt want riding suffering from overregulation. People though make a conscious decision to ride but three of the last four jockey deaths happened when their horses collapsed from heart attack or breaking a leg in a race. More than 100 horses have died in australian races last year, one killed during last years melbourne cup. Campaigners used mondays parade to protest. Well, in australia, 125 race horses have been killed on track in the last 12 months and also many thousands more that will have sustained injuries, have been killed. A horse that cannot race is a horse that cannot rurn proper, they are killed for dog food. The protest though wont stop melbourne cup. To most australians the day is the most important event. Melbourne is much known internationally. But the melbourne couple concerns thems, theres little sign enthusiasm isnt waning. Andrew thomas, melbourne. The african cup of nations will go ahead as planned. We will know next week whether morocco will be hosting. Thats it for now. Adrian. Daredevil Nick Wallenda has walked between two skyscrapers without a net. He completed the high wire walk with tens of thousands of onlookers. First he walked more than two city blocks uphill, while suspended more than 50 stories above the Chicago River and if that wasnt enough he then put on a blindfold for the second part of the walk. The first was 206 meters above chicago, the second was 166 meters. That wire was shaking underneath me and i just wanted to make it to the other side. I wasnt going to think twice, i was getting to where im going. The days top stories, ill see you again, bye for now. Now. An ultimatum to Burkina Fasos new military leaders. Hello there im nick clark. Were watching al jazeera live from our headquarters in doha. Boat containing migrants capsizes off namibia averages coast. New yorks World Trade Center reopens for business 13 years after 9 11

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