Attacks as president obama convinces turkey to allow its long time enemy to battle the enemy in syria. A sinkhole in hawaii. Some say a Tropical Storm is to blame. Im stephanie sy. Im del walters. This morning, Oscar Pistorius sentenced to five years in prison. He was taken from a holding cell and transferred to a pretoria prison. The olympian was convicted of killing his girlfriend, model reef stein. The prosecution called for a minimum 10 year sentence while it is defense wanted Community Service and house arrest. We are joined live from pretoria, south africa. There are questions regarding how long he is going to serve in prison. What can you tell us . There are absolutely. In fact, his lawyer commented to journalists and the awaiting crowd that he may be out in 10 months. Under South African law, the minimum of the sentence you have to serve for culpable homicide is sixth which that sentence. Its possible also that he could be placed under house arrest for all or a portion of his remaining five year term. What about his family . How often they responded to the sentencing . Immediately after the sentencing, i have to say the court was hushed, no big reaction from either family, nor from Oscar Pistorius himself. Reeva steenkamps mother was heard saying thats right, in terms of the prison sentence pistorius has received. His uncle Arnold Pistorius spoke a short time ago to journalists. This has been an incredibly hard painful process for everyone involved. The steenkamp family, our family, and oscar. The court has now handed down judgment and sentence and we accept the judgment. Oscar will embrace this opportunity to pay back to society. Although Oscar Pistorius family saying there that they didnt want, you know, before the sentencing was delivered for him to receive a custodial sentence, the fact that he has now and they accepted it points to the fact that they wont push for an appeal. Oscar was looking forward to helping other inmates with their reading skills and any other way he could in order to give back to society. This trial has captured the attention of the entire nation, describe to us the mood where you are and what youre hearing on the streets there. Absolutely. Its captured the attention of everyone, because its been broadcast live every moment of it, so people at home, at work, on the radio and their cars have been able to follow every detail. Its created a lot of arm cheer legal experts. People i think have been captivated by the fact that hes been given a prison sentence. The judge could have fined him, he could have received a suspended sentence. A facetoface meeting in hong kong between student leaders and government representatives. The student protestors are demonstrating will elections with candidates only approved by beijing. Are the students optimistic about this meeting . The students are coming to this meeting to hear what the government has to say. This is just a forum to open talks so both sides can have their say. The students here, ive been watching very intensely, they are squeezed in all the protest sites here and youll hear them cheer or boo according to what they like to hear, often cheering whether they are representatives are up and booing when their representatives are talking, particularly when they make the point that hong kong has tomorrow they are part of china and they are not independent. Yet we kept hearing during the handover, one country, two systems. Hong kong and chinese officials have repeatedly said they are not giving into these demands so what are the protestors hoping to accomplish. Thats right. Very early from the start of this, and the run up to this, both sides clearly stated their position and as you said, Hong Kong Government said they are not going to get what they want particularly with regard to universal suffering by 2015. Thats what started the protests. The students hope this will open a dialogue. They do understand there will be no resolution or solution just yet but they want the government to take responsibility and make decisions for hong kong and those decisions should not be coming from beijing. Thank you. A phone call from president obama sparking a major shift in turkeys Foreign Policy concerning the fight against isil. The turkey president now agreeing to help turkish fighters in kobane after a series of simultaneous attacks in iraq. Aljazeera sources say that president obama described the situation in kobane as desperate and that phone call, what is turkey now going to do to help . Turkish foreign minister said the country is willing to assist the peshmerga, the kurdish fighters cross the border in the battle for kobane. Turkey is ready to help kurds fighting isil in kobane, enlisting an iraq ally also fighting the group. We are facilitating the passage of peshmerga fighters. The reversal marks a major change for turkey. The major turning point is the turks overcoming historical concerns about the kurds and allowing not kurdish kurds, but iraq kurds to come through, cross their borders and join the fight. For weeks, turkey refused to allow even forcements, weapons and equipment to reach the kurds to kurds fighting the turkish government for 30 years. Turkey becoming more involved in the fight, assessing the Syrian Rebels is absolutely historic. Its going to be hard for turkey to go back now and turkey really matters. The turning point for turkey came hours after the u. S. Air dropped much ohneeded weapons to kurds fighting isil in kobane. Every indication we have this morning is that the bundles made it to the hands we want them to make it to. Were trying to shore up their ability to defend that town. Secretary of state john kerry in jakarta gatheringation support for the fight against isil said the u. S. Shares turkeys concerns. Both countries consider it a terrorist group but with kobane in danger of falling, the u. S. Urged turkey to allow the peshmerga in. It is a crisis moment and emergency where we clearly do not want to see kobane become a horrible example of the unwillingness of people failing to help those fighting isil. This is a shift in tone by the Obama Administration about the significance of kobane. Frankly, dell, u. S. Officials say they hope to do do this isil. Perk megacommanders are stretched thin battling isil. Is turkey actually making much of a difference or is this just a gesture and far too little too late . Libby, thank you very much. Also ahead of next months deadline, reuters is reporting on the sanctions. New measures for ebola will be going into effect right away. They include full body garb so no skin is exposed, include a face shield, they include dozen effect after a Health Care Worker comes in contact with someone infected with ebola. They provide an increased margin of safety. They provide a consensus on better protecting Health Care Workers. Trained monitoring means that someone will be watching what this Health Care Worker will be doing when they put on the garb and take off the garb and very intense repeated training is what the c. D. C. And officials are looking for for Health Care Workers. That buddy system that we know Doctors Without Borders is implementing, are these recommendations for hospitals currently treating patients or all hospitals nationwide . Everyone. Everyone across the country nationwide, hospitals and even urgent care centers, were told. The urgent care centers, that maybe a problem going forward. Sometimes its just two people in one of those places and how equipped they are well have to see but they are going to have to step up their game with these new rules. Emery hospital released an unnamed ebola patient that had been treated on monday. What more do we know about this person . The patient left the hospital and we know that he is doing well. He is supposedly going to put out a statement at some point, but right now we know he came in september 9th. Hes the longest patient to be here quarantined, he is released ebola free. Of course he has the right to be anonymous. Thousands of home medical kits have arrived in liberia including buckets, chlorine, soap, gloves and instructions on how to take care of infected family members. The kit offer a stop gap solution for sick liberians waiting to receive treatment. Well focus on criticism facing president obamas new ebola czar. Del. Nigerian officials hope those 276 Abducted School girls will be released today. A truce with boko haram that would set them free is still uncertain. Boko haram carried out multiple attacks. The girls abduction in april sparked International Outrage and a massive social Media Campaign calling for their release. Mexicos government offering a 100,000 reward concerning the disappearance of dozens of College Students there. A new mass grave has been discovered in the Southern State where the group vanished, d. N. A. Tests now being done on the remains of that grave, but prior mass graves turned out to be other victims of mexicos violent gangs. The suspect in the abduction of an university of virginia student has been indicted on charges in another case. Jesse matthews is held in the disappearance of hanna graham. Monday, a virginia grand jury charged him with raping a woman in 2005. The victim is grateful to the lead detective who stayed in touch with her regularly over the course of nine years and promised her hed never give up and he never did. I wouldnt expect less from him. Matthews was the last person seen with graham on surveillance cameras the night she vanished. Police in hammond indiana have arrested a man they believe may be a serial killer responsible for up to season deaths. The events began with the murder of one young woman. Hammond police say the 43yearold was spiced that police were able to catch him after two days after the murder of this woman. The victim is 19yearold Afrikka Hardy, a known escort. Another woman who set up the woman became alarmed by a text she received from hardies phone and called police. They found her dead in the bathtub and Police Tracked down the man who was very willing to talk. He admitted his involvement in the hammond interest and notified police of other criminal incidents he was involved with. This included describing and helping Police Located three other victims in the city of gary. Three other female 60s have been located in the city of gary with the assistance of mr. Van, bringing the total number of victims to seven. The suspect had been hiding bodies in abandoned houses in hammond and nearby gary, indiana. Gary, indiana has by itself 10,000 abandoned homes. Van is a convicted sex offender in the state of texas. One Police Official said van could be responsible for many more murders dating back as far as 20 years. Security tighter this morning at a school in pennsylvania after a suspected cop killer was spotted nearby. Officials on monday say that eric frein was spotted near a post office in the pocono mountains. Authorities have been searching for him around his parents home, just north of the current search area. He has been on the run since september 12 when he shot and killed a trooper and wounded another. Oscar dela renta the Fashion Designer who shamed fashion for more than 40 years died. He died from complications of cancer. His career took off when Jackie Kennedy started wearing his designs. Most recently, he designed the Wedding Dress for George Clooneys wife. Well have more on this later in this hour. A Tropical Storm missed hawaii, but residents say the wet weather that hit the side caused a sinkhole. It swallowed up a three story tree and b. M. W. Nearby. That one didnt go all the way in, but fell inside. A major storm headed for the northeast. A look at how much rain it will bring. A lot of rain is headed here and it will stay for a while, so really not starting to clear out for a few days. This is just the beginning. This is the storm developing, an area of low pressure will slowly drift south, reself on that off the coast and quickly intensify. Now were talking about a slow just off the coast. This is where you get the term noreaster, look at the rain wrapping around the low. Wind from the south, moisture being pulled in and going right over new england. Where this low sets up will determine how much heavy rainfall over which area, but certainly a lot of moisture being pulled in. Theres that strong wind out of the northeast. Now as far as the rain goes, here it comes over the next three days. Were talking about three to six inches of rain. This will be the coastal flooding, inland flooding and that wind making it a lot cooler. Well watch how this low develops, where it develops, still early in the season. Hope the gales of november dont come early. The Ebola Outbreak is not just costing a texas hospital its reputation, but well tell you why it could cost a lot of money in lost business. Dealing with the ebola response. A Missouri State senator arrested protesting the Ferguson Police shooting. Why she had to spend the night in jail. An Unusual Police chase caught on camera. Its a runaway horse in manhattan. 775 million is the big number of the day. It was given to Government Employees accused of being bad. Todays big number 775 million, thats the amount of money the government paid out to workers on leave because they behaved badly on their jobs. It landed three fiscal years. The report showed 53,000 civilian employees were serving pay while at home for one to three months. Another 4,000 workers were islandle four months to a year, several hundred on paid leave from one to three years. Texas Health Presbyterian hospital in dallas under fire for its response to the ebola crisis. Its not only lost some of its reputation, but is losing business, too. Erin dell hunter is eight months pregnant and due to deliver her son at whats been considered one of the most trusted hospitals in dallas. Shes not so sure about it anymore. We were scared at first. When we heard about the first case, obviously, we were concerned about the person and we are also concerned about our situation with our baby. After learning more about the ebola virus, the couple will likely stick with their hospital and their plan. Youre not going to, you know, contract it unless you go around presbyterian maybe licking door knobs at i. C. U. Unit. The hunters are leaning in one direction but other expectant parents might take another. Texas Health Presbyterian hospital generates 600 million in annual revenue. Now moodys has downgraded its long term deteriorating outlook of its Parent Company from positive to developing. Patients have postponed appointments. A Breast Cancer colleague had a patient schedule for surgery cancel her surgery. How silly is that . Shes going to continue having her cancer because shes afraid of having ebola. Now the hospital and city are working to remain public trust. Im presbyterian strong and also presbyterian strong. We are doing our best. I had a good friend that had a baby in this hospital last week. Ok . People are still coming, but this is going to impact it. It will likely take time to see the number of patients it used to serve. Theres not a lot of people anymore. People have been holding back about going there. We kind of think its a ghost town. Melissa chan, aljazeera, dallas. Nurses at Texas Health Hospital speaking out saying their hospital is safe. They hope they can regain the publics trust. Steven morrison is the Senior Vice President and director for Global Health policy for the center for strategic and National Studies in washington. He joins us now to talk about the point person president obama has chosen to deal with the ebola response. Thanks for your time. The socalled ebola czar has no Public Health or medical experience. What can he do to make sure the mistakes made with ebola arent repeated . He comes to the post as a senior staff member from the white house. Hes not bringing any expertise in terms of Public Health. Hes bringing political expertise. We have a very fragmented Health System in our country. We have a continued threat of importation of ebola cases. Weve had this recent series of mishappens in dallas that have raised public fear dramatically and his role is to allay fears and rebuild confidence in the american public. Criticism has been aimed in the last few days at c. D. C. Director tom frieden who is a friend of yours. Is any of the criticism fair . I think certainly mistakes were made by many of the actors and as ive argued, that adjustments and improvements also followed those mistakes. My own feeling is that Thomas Friedman is extremely valuable in the response. Hes very lucid in his communications. Hes acknowledged errors and radar them. Thats very important that we have leadership at c. D. C. Prepared to mobilize that agency, over 1,000 employees of c. D. C. Work today on ebola. You point out in your blog that the mistakes are rooted in the fragmentation of the u. S. Health system and that sharp funding cuts in the Health System at call levels also contributed to this response. How does the company even begin to address that . The point ive made is dating back to the 20082009 recession, there was a loss of an estimated 50,000 Public Health expert positions in that period. Its something that cant be corrected overnight. Its something that requires a renewed will on a bipartisan basis over several years to rebuild those budgets and restaff those positions. Steven morrison, thank you very much. If you walked outdoors, chances are it was a little colder. For that, we turn to dave warren. Chill in the air and frost. Weve seen the temperatures warm up a little bit, but the cold air in place will lead to the storm developing and just sitting over the same area. We have that cold continental air, warm air to the south. This is the upper air now. We look at this to see how the storms move. In this case, this area of blue is cut off from that pattern in canada. Its just going to sit over the same area. This is a surface low developing, so were talking about today, tomorrow, even maybe friday, early saturday, as cold airs in place and giving us a lot of rain and wind. Dave warren, thank you. Turkey making a major policy shift, agreeing now to help the kurdish fighters. Bernard smith is live along the turkey syria border with the latest on the battle over kobane. Every eight minutes, an american child is given the wrong dosage of medication. The serious mistakes parents are making that could put their childrens lives at risk. Im Jonathan Martin live in new orleans where illegal immigration is affecting schools and teachers. An action figure being sold that includes a fake bag of crystal meth. Thats one of the stories caught in our global net. Youre taking a live look at the Capitol Building in washington, d. C. You can see the scaffolding surrounding the dome for the repair work that continues even as we speak. Good morning, welcome to Al Jazeera America. Ahead this half hour, how u. S. Schools are dealing with an inplasm of immigrant students who cant speak english. Monica lewinsky speaking out about the affair that nearly brought down a president and her new mission to help put an end to bullying. A South African judge sentenced Oscar Pistorius to five years in prison. He was convicted of culpable homicide for the shooting death of his girlfriend. He is receiving a three year suspended sentence on a weapons charge. Protestors in hong kong meet with officials fart First Time Since pro democracy demonstrations began last month. The c. D. C. Updated ebola guidelines to protect Health Care Workers, including training, supervision and no skin exposure with protective equipment. Workers will be watched while putting on and taking off their gear. There have been a major shift in turkeys policy on the fight against isil. Turkish president greed to help kurdish fighters in kobane. That decision comes in the wake of a phone call with president obama and just hours after the u. S. Dropped tons of supplies and ammunition and weapons into kobane. Bernard smith is live on the border between turkey and syria. What exactly is turkey going to do now to help . Turkeys been under some pressure in recent weeks to do more to help the kurds fight and defend kobane against isils advance. Hurry key has provided a lot of humanitarian aid, looking to this side of the border. Turkey, in reversal of its mood, its decision, decided that its going to allow iraq peshmerga force to say travel through turkey into kobane to help with the fight. The Kurdish Regional government is ready to send those fighters. Its still in negotiation with turkey. It says its got to decide how much aid its sending, how much military hardware is being sent, so still talks going on. What are the concerns about arming kurdish fighters . The problem is along an old one for turkey, for more than 30 years its been fighting the p. K. K. , which is fighting a long conflict with turkey. The p. K. K. Wants Self Government in this southeastern region of turkey. It sees the kurdish fighters over the border are allies to the p. K. K. , so essentially turkey is being asked to arm people that might turn those weapons against turkey. Thats why its been reluctant, but it believes by allowing the iraq kurdistan fighters through, then that will allay the pressure, reduce pressure from International Diplomats to do more to help. As you have been talking, i noticed shelling behind your Left Shoulder there. Can you tell us exactly whats going on there . There have been a couple of airstrikes this morning earlier on. Its actually comparatively quiet. That was probably some mortars, yes, three mortars that went off. That happened about this time of the day, but actually, its a lot quieter there today. Last night when the kurds got these no weapons, we are told isil tried to advance again on the town and there was one of the heaviest nights of fighting so far. Those weapons are helping the kurds but they still dont have enough to push isil out. They need more and need knows back up fighters. Live on the very active border between turkey and syria, bernard, thank you. Del. Michael kay is a retired air force colonel. Thanks for being with us. The Islamic State launching 15 simultaneous attacks on kurdish territory and northern iraq. What should be the appropriate response . Its all got to start at the political level. Weve spoken about this on many occasions. You cannot get syrias military effect without the military fusion. Goes back to the reconciliation, that turkey have to reconcile in order to establish what is effectively the most effective combating against isis in the region. You maintain what they have been saying and doing are two different things. Turkey, you maintain, have been doing a lot behind the scenes. Turkey has been operating in terms of 20 years of resistance and aspirations for independent rule but turkey has to appease the coalition. Were starting to see a slow creep into appease that go coalition and allowing and recognizing and acknowledging that the best form of defense against isis in kobane and also within turkey, because weve had reports that isis have tried to kidnap within turkey and grown in turkey, the best defense against that is first not to let kobane all and second to empower the kurds. Some suggest that isil is stepping up attacks in iraq so the kurdish fighters cant join the fight in kobane, that they will be stretched too thin. Is that a credible argument . What weve got to accept is that you do need some sort of boots on the ground to facilitate airstrikes. The kurds at the moment seem to be the most appropriate militia to do that. They do not have this ulterior motive like the Free Syrian Army do of toppling assad. There is an Anonymous Group that the west can support that will have buyin from russia and iran that will allow defense against isis. Michael kay, thank you very much. An australian teenager who ran away from home resurfaced in an isil video, vowing to conquer the west. He left his family in sydney in june and now appears to have joined isil in either iraq or syria and is threatening everyone from the australian Prime Minister to president obama. We will not stop fighting. We will not put down our weapons until we reach your land, until we take the head of every tie rant and until the black flag is flying high in every single land, until we put the black flag on top of buckingham plays, on top of the white house. On the video, he threatens australian Prime Minister tony abbot. The United Nations now preparing sanctions against five politicians in yemen. That includes the former president. The u. N. Saying they have undermind the countries democratic transition. Shia rebels have been battling Government Forces for control of the capitol for months. Yemen is the poorest country in the middle east. A new unicef report said a child is killed every 500s around the world. Most deaths occur outside war zones. The report said millions of young people under the age of 20 feel unsafe in their homes, schools and communities. Unicef blames youth unemployment and rising in quality for creating risks. There are very strong links between poverty and childrens experience on violence. Theres really no country in the world that is immune to its children experiencing violence. Unicef is calling for new targets to end all forms of abuse by the year 2030. Thousands of children who crossed the border alone this summer are now going to school in louisiana, create ago variety of problems for the States School system. We are live there this morning. You sat in on classrooms that have taken in these kids, how are the teachers handling this situation . Its certainly been a big adjustment for teachers. Most of them are not bilingual but having to teach children who speak only spanish. A lot of teachers are having to adjust. We met one teacher who because of the wave of undocumented migrants coming to the school is juggling the jobs of three people. Good morning. These children and nearly 1400 others like them are at the center of a fiery political debate in louisiana. Here at the high school, crystal is now in charge offed brand new newcomers class, teaching basic english. Federal law requires Public Schools to educate all children regardless of their immigration status. For all 1400 across the Louisiana School district, it could cost taxpayers more than 20 million a year. The School District that seen an increase of 300 students who only speak spanish, mostly migrants of central america. Teachers and administrators are not allowed to ask about about their immigration status. My job is to make sure they get the best education they can get. She juggles the jobs of about three people, teaching her classes and throughout the day is called on to translate for migrant students in core subjects. For a teacher who loves teaching, so many new nonenglish speaking kids is a challenge but as the student population grows, the price and politics remain at the forefront for many. At this particular school, because there are so many undocumented and unaccompanied children coming into the schools, the class sizes that would normally be cammed at 20 are now pushed to 30 stands. Its not just funding thats an issue, its finding teachers who can deal with these students because several School Districts are offering 5,000 bonuses to teachers who can teach spanish. Theyre in that high of a demand so are offering those incentives. This is a Major Campaign issue in the senate race. Are the schools getting additional funding to help deal with the in flux . They do get some federal funding under title three, specifically geared toward english language learners but the bulk of the cost falls on the state and district. Particularly in jefferson marish, just outside new orleans, one School District estimate it will cost them 5 million by the end of the year because its had so many of these migrant students. Jonathan, thank you very much. A Missouri State senator was arrested last night for protesting outside the Ferguson Police station. Officers arrested two people for sitting in the street and blocking traffic. Police say she failed to move. She spent the night in jail. The white house objects to form he were nazis paid Social Security benefits. Millions of dollars has been paid to war crime suspects who left the u. S. For europe. The Associated Press reports they were allowed to keep Social Security in exchange for leaving the u. S. American children are given the wrong medication roughly once every eight minutes. Thats the finding of a new study based on the National Poison database. John joins us now. Some astounding information and troubling. Trouble, astounding, i mean really very worrying all round. We take you now inside your own bathroom medicine cabinet, because this is an 11 year study, published in the journal of pedestrian at tricks. Prefers studies focused on mix ups but this zeros in on head occasion mistakes at home by parents. Its cold and flu season. Many parents are reaching for the medicine cabinet. A study suggest mom and dad may be doing more harm than good. Researchers in ohio analyzed calls to Poison Control Centers from 20022012. More than 700,000 children under six were given the wrong drugs, thats one child every eight minutes. The most common mistake, giving an incorrect dose. Not necessarily surprising that you might accidentally give your child too much medication or a lot of parents split up the tasks, maybe the father gives the child the medication once and the mother does it another time or maybe theres a babysitter or another caregiver, so duties difficult to keep track of the doses. Some double up with the hope of curing their child more quickly. Medication errors commonly associated with pain meds, cough and cold drugs and allergy medicines. Fortunately, motor cases did not require a trip to the emergency room. To keep it that way, medical experts have this advice for parents. For adults, they have those pill holders so you can count exactly how many pills youre taking and set it up for the week. It mitt be helpful to do that for kids. If somebody else is giving the medication, caregiver or at school, its important to keep track of what the child is actually getting. Talk to your kids pediatrician and keep the number of the Poison Control Center happenedy just in case. The most common mistakes occurred with aspirin and pain medication, andal leerily and cold medicines. Education maybe useful in sorting this out. On the west side of manhattan, the nypd paid wrangler for a day when this carriage horse escaped in mid town. One driver pulled out a camera just in time to see an officer try to corner the animal with a squad car. The horse was eventually captured unharmed. Animal rights activists saying this is another example of why the city should do away with carriage horses. Lets look at stories caught in our global net. An action figure, characters from breaking bad are on the toy stores at toys are us. Theres a petition to have them removed. 5,000 signatures so far, the breaking bad doll comes with a detachable sack of cash and a bag of meth. Really . Parents say inappropriate. I can see that. Want to live longer . You may want to cut down on drinking soda. Consuming sugary drinks could speed your bodies aging process that has to do with the length of your telemers,ed end of your chromosomes. Those who drink more soda had shorter telemers. In china some are using western names. If you want a serious job, avoid names like surprise, fish and lawyer. Also food names like candy and lollipop not good if you want to be taken seriously. When i first traveled to china, the most popular name was Michael Jordan. It wasnt michael, it was Michael Jordan as a first name. Straight head, remembering a fashion icon, a look back at the man who dresses some of the most elegant women in the world. Why Hispanic Women may hold the genetic debatling Breast Cancer. Has spent billions of dollars on domestic counterterrorism operations. I wanted to be in on the big game and to be paid topdollar for it. Thats it. Many of these involved targeted informant led stings. To them, everyone in the Muslim Community is a potential informant or a potential terrorist. Time now for one of todays discoveries. Hispanic women may hole the debatling Breast Cancer. They have a genetic trait that keeps the disease at bay. They are less likely to develop Breast Cancer. Scientists hope the discovery will help them figure out a way to fight Breast Cancer in other women. Oscar de la renta has died. He started his career in the 1960s when he was in his 20s, quickly becoming a fashion sensation. Absolutely. Of course all of us know his name. Easy described as the sultan of suave. He designed gowns for beautiful women for 50 years. He ultimately succumbed to cancer. We celebrate the life and legacy of a fashion icon. For decades, this fashion legend dressed every important woman in america. His idea of success. When i see a woman in the street wearing my clothes. Hes seen many women wear his gorgeous gowns to every first lady since jacqueline kennedy. He always wanted to be a painter, but his artistic hand led him to sketching designs. Despite worldwide success, he remembered his humble background and remained modest. To me, every single day is wonderful. He was known for his works of charity especially with children in his birth country. Some of the biggest stars loved working with him. Actress Jennifer Garner said she considers herself lucky to have worn one of his gowns on the red carpet. He featured women, honored our bodies. He wasnt afraid to pull back and let the woman be the star of the look. Even through failing health, he continued working, designing the Wedding Dress for George Clooneys wife. I wanted her to look glamorous and to look great. His designs can be seen on people who never stepped foot on the red carpet. In 1980, he redesigned the uniform for the boy scouts free of charge. I did not know that. Thank you very much with that wow. For teenagers who are different from their pierce, it can be tough. We look closer at how kids in louisiana have been ostracized because of religious beliefs. When sharon and scott lane asked their local School Superintendent why creationism was being taught to their 6yearold son they expected an apology, not indignation. She said yes, but you are in the bible belt. She made the comment that if you went to a foreign country, you would have to get used to their religions. The lanes were in the Superintendents Office that day because they were troubled about their sons science test. This question was a regular feature on his exams, answer it the way the teacher wanted and get extra credit. Answer it any other way, and risk the teachers anger. The lanes son was a student at the high school. It is located in louisiana on the border with texas. A buddhist of thai descent, c. C. Was adopted by sharon while she was living in utah during a prior marriage. It became a fight to get him ready for school. He just i dont want to go, i dont want to go. Every day, driving, the same route, the same time, he would get upset and tell me pull over, im going to throw up. At first, c. C. s anxiety was a mystery, but as the once welladjusted child grew increasingly did h despondent, e science tests offered a clue to why. The step sister brought it to the parents attention. Did the teacher mock him in the classroom . She called him stupid, and because he believed another religion and he didnt know all about christianity. Concerned, scott lane decided to do some detective work to find out what else might be going on at the school. He discovered a School Environment immersed in christianity, bible verses scrolling on an electronic marquee in front of the school. Inside the school, this. Thats when the lanes decided to sue. When i send my kids to school, i expect them to receive an education, not indoctrination. He asked the superintendent for an interview. She delined. Message to get Science Teacher and former principal went unanswered. In court documents, they all deny they try to impose religious beliefs on students. The lanes say they sometimes wonder whether the superintendent was right, maybe they would be better off living with c. C. Somewhere else. Aljazeera, negreet, louisiana. Its one of many stories that have been airing on edge of 18 that goes into how often teens teal ostracized for different reasons. Lets get a check of the forecast with dave. A noreaster is developing off the coast, creating this persistent northeast wind, it keeps the wind coming in from the ocean and brings in moisture. Theres rainfall here, but not only today, but tomorrow and thursday. Thursday it will be the heaviest. Four to six inches of rain are expected. Flash flooding when you get rain at once floods the streets. Then water works its way into the larger rivers, expecting river flooding across the northeast. Up the northeast coast, it shows the high and low tides. It gets a little higher each day. The northeast wind keeps the water along the coast, it cant drain with low tides. Thats where you get the coastal flooding. Dave warren, thank you. Game one of the world series tonight in kansas city. The hometown team, the royals taking on the San Francisco giants. The giants are sending madison to the hill to take on the ace james shields. The price tag of fighting isil. We break down how much the military operation is costing american taxpayers. With just two weeks to go, the countdown is on to the mid term elections. What the outcome could mean to the future of u. S. Military and security policy. Every step in life from the very beginning is the journey of exploration. Of rebellion. Belief. Liberation. And the great unknown of courage. Of ambition. Of passion. And infinite discovery the 10th Al Jazeera International documentary festival from 23 26 of october at the ritzcarlton doha pain killer addiction on the rise i loved the feeling of not being in pain deadly consequences the person i married was gone are we prescribing an epidemic . The last thing Drug Companies wanted anybody to think was that, this was a prescribing problem fault lines, Al Jazeera Americas hard hitting. Today they will be arrested. Ground breaking. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. Award winning investigative documentary series. Opioid wars only on Al Jazeera America Oscar Pistorius learns his fate for killing his girlfriend. He was sentenced to five years behind bars. Why he may not serve all that time. The cdc issues strict new Health Care Guidelines to fight ebola. We are live with the steps now taken to stop the virus from spreading. A confessed serial killer in indiana admits to seven murders. His criminal past and what police are saying. Overnight, i went from being a completely private figure to a publicly humiliated one. Monica lewinsky making a rare public appearance discussing her affair with president clinton. Im del walters. Im stephanie sy. Oscar pistorius is heading to prison. A judge handed down a five year prison sentence. He was immediately transferred to a prison. The double amputee was convicted of killing his girlfriend. The prosecution had wanted a minimum 10 year sentence. The defense wanted Community Service and house arrest. We go now live to pretoria. The trial has dominated stricken headlines. Tell us what you are hearing and seeing after this sentencing. It just depends who you talk to, really with that we spoke to the African National congress, they are really angry at the sentencing not only because of the possibility he could be out or out of prison, rather in 10 months under the law here and only has to serve a sixth of that sentence, but they say fundamentally that he shouldnt have been found guilty of culpable homicide, he should have been found guilty of murder. Other people say look, she didnt have to send him to prison, she could have fined him or given him a suspended sentence or Community Service but she gave him a prison term. Some people are satisfied with that. Do we know how long Oscar Pistorius will have to serve . Its unclear. The term shes given him, a maximum of five years, his lawyer and according to the law here in south africa, he only needs to serve a sixth of that sentence, which could be 10 months. Thats only if the parole board agrees with it. Its not a given. Then afterward, she could spend a part of the sentence or all of the remaining sentence under house arrest. Theres still a lot of things up in the air, if you like. I understand there were some concerns about him being in this particular prison in pretoria. What can you tell us about that . It doesnt adjust just to the particular prison, but to the Prison Service in general south africa, the defense put forward a social worker as a witness who said that conditions in South African prisons are deplorable, high risk of gang rape, she painted a pretty dirty, grimy picture of South Africans prisons. In her judgment, the judge said she rejected it. She thought the witness was biased, unfair and that rear estimation was outdated. She went in line with the prosecutions witness who said that the Prison Service was well equipped to deal with Oscar Pistorius as its already dealt with many other disabled inmates in the past. Tanya page in pretoria, south africa, thank you. Coming up at 8 30, our legal contributor jami flied will break down the sentence. The c. D. C. Imposed new guidelines to protect Health Care Workers treating ebola patients. It includes more training and supervision as well as changes to protective gear. Robert ray is in atlanta outside c. D. C. Headquarters. How big of a deal are these new measures . They are common sense measures that Doctors Without Borders has been using for years and now the c. D. C. Is adapting the full plenty of them, covering of the full neck and having a buddy system to make sure procedures are being followed as recommended. At Emery University hospital in atlanta, the fourth dallas the dallas nurse is said to be doing well, not by the hospital, but by her mother, who gave an interview last night. This morning, strict new guidelines are in effect, designed to protect u. S. Health care workers treating ebola patients. The centers for Disease Control is requiring worker to say undergo rigorous training, putting on and taking off personal protective gear, leaving no partly of the skin exposed, and making sure the process is supervised. They provide an increased margin of safety. They provide a consensus on better protecting Health Care Workers. Health care workers like two nurses from Presbyterian Hospital to contracted ebola after taking care of Thomas Eric Duncan who later died from the disease. Monday, dozens of their coworkers defended the dallas hospital. Were proud of our hospital and were proud of the work we do and were proud of our nursing staff. Also monday, officials in dallas removed names from the list of people at risk for the ebola virus, ending their 21 day isolation period. These people included duncans fiancee and others who came in close contact with him. This should hopefully help to alleviate concerns, some of that irrational fear that weve seen running so rampant. The fear factor is spreading. In oklahoma, 20 parents kept their Children Home from school after learning three High School Students had been in ethiopia on a church mission. Even though there are no confirmed cases of ebola, in ethiopia, parents are concerned. I wouldnt take a risk with any child at this school if i didnt feel 100 confident that these kids had not been exposed from anything. We are trying to dispel myths. Dont interpret that for over confidence that we have nothing to worry about. The issue is west africa. Thats where the problem needs to be contained. The ebola virus needs to be under control. As you heard, theyre trying to dispel myths in america, probably a smart thing by officials. Were learning that Emery University hospital released an unnamed ebola patient monday. What do we know about this person . It was sunday that the patient walked out the door here at Emery University hospital. He wants to remain anonymous. What we do know is that he arrived six and a half weeks ago september 9 and left with a clean bill of health. Hes supposedly going to make a statement in the coming days. Robert, thank you very much. Theres been a major shift in turkeys policy in the fight against isil, the turkish mishas greed to help kurdish fighters in kobane. It comes hours after a series of simultaneous isil attacks on Kurdish Forces in northern iraq. Libby casey is live in washington. Good morning. What exactly is turkey going to do to help and why now . Turkey will assist the peshmerga, the kurdish fighters in crossing the border to syria and joining the battle for kobane. Prior to this, turkey hadnt loud reinforcements, equipment or weapon to say cross syria to go to the kurds. It considers these kurdish fighters related to the p. K. K. That is a group deemed to be a terrorist organization both by turkey and by the u. S. Downer insurgency expert retired lt. Col. Said the decision is a significant reversal. The major turning point is the turks overcoming historical concern about the kurds and allowing not turkish kurds but iraq kurds to cross their borders and join the fight. The switch comes after a conversation over the weekend between president obama and turkish president and declarations by secretary of state john kerry calling the situation in kobane a crisis, saying that the kurdish finallers need help if they have any hopes of keeping that city safe. Stephanie. I guess the question is how much will this really help, is this a realistic plan . What are the kurds actually saying about it. It is significant that turkey has made this step. Experts say that cant be back tracked, it is motion forward on turkeys decision and level of involvement. Kurdish fighters in iraq arent sure they can get resources across syria to kobane. Our colleague say leaders are so tied up battling isil that there is a question. Our colleague is onment border between turkey and syria where isil is fighting for the control of kobane. It appears the battle is at a stalemate. Isil fighters launched a renewed assault on kobane town on monday night, but kurds defending kobane say they were able to hold their lines with the help of a new ammunition and new weapons they received in that u. S. Air drop. However, there remains something of a stalemate. The kurds havent gained territory and isil fighters havent gained territory, either. Positions are the same theyve been in the last few days. We understand from the president of the kurdish government that they are ready to send iraq peshmerga fighters to aid despite their own challenges. They remain in negotiations with the turkish government about how much aid in terms of humanitarian aid and military aid they can send along with those fighters and the route they will take as they transit turkey into kobane. Turkey has been fighting a 30 year war with turkish kurds. An australian teenager has surfaced in an isil video vow to go conger the west. He left his family in sydney in june. He now appears to have joined isil fighters in iraq or syria, now threatening the australian Prime Minister to president obama. We will not stop fighting with that we will not put down our weapons until we reach your land, until we take the head of every tie rant and until the black flag is flying high in every single land, until we put the black flag on top of buckingham plays, on top of the white house. He also threatened tony abbot. Taking a live look at protests in hong kong, a rare meeting has just wrapped up there between government leaders and students who have been protesting, asking for real democracy. For about a month now, demonstrators have brought much of downtown hong kong to a standstill. They want full democratic elections in 2017 he. Aljazeera is at those protests in hong kong. First, whats come out of the meeting . The two sides ever finished speaking. They are meeting in an open forum that is broadcast to all the protest sites. Pretty much in a word, very little. Basically the government has clearly said there will not be democracy by 2017. The student leaders camp think about working towards democracy and using 2017 as a test case, possibly padres 2022, the student leaders in return told the government we know it wont happen immediately, but we want to you represent us. Instead, you are representing beijing. We feel our voices arent being heard and you convey how beijing feels towards us and dont listen to us. You know what . Those talks clearly felt like that, with both sides just reading from cheat sheets and not respond to go each others questions. Really, no negotiations. We have been looking at live pictures of the encampments. Do the protestors have a plan from here on in . Weve spoken to protestors right after those talks ended. Generally, the sense you get is disappointment. Theyre disappointed that the government hasnt given them anything, havent listened to a word they say and some of disappointed to the student leaders for not pushing their points further and Standing Firm on their demands. They have said they will carry on with these protests. Thank you. Police in indiana have caught a serial killer. A man Police Arrested over the weekend for one murder quickly confessed to many more. We have more. This man did more than just confess. He did much more. Suspect darrin van led police in hammond, indiana to the bodies of women he has killed. Police think there might be many others. 9 30 friday night, Hammond Indiana Police discovered the body of 19yearold Afrikka Hardy inside the bathtub in a motel six. Cell phone records led police 10 miles away to the amount of a 43yearold gary, indiana man, who pleas say contacted hardy on line and agreed to pay her for sex. When Police Arrested the former marine and convicted texas sex offend offender darrin van, he began talking. He admitted his involvement in the hammond incident and notified police of other incidents. This include describing and helping detectives locate three other victims in the city of gary. Three other female victims have been subsequently located in the city of gary with the assistance of mr. Van, bringing the total number of victims to seven. It turned into the Hammond Police caught what i would label a serial killer. Van had been hiding bodies in abandoned houses in hammond and gary. This man lives next to one home where van said he deposited one victim. Its just crazy that somebody would do Something Like that and just spread bodies everywhere. Police in hammond say the arrest has them combing through missing persons files. It is possible that investigation will lead to more victims. It could go back as far as 20 years, based on some statements we have. So far, police have identified four of the seven victims and are in the process of notifying family members. Police say all of the women identified so far worked as prostitutes and all died of strangulation. Del and steph. Thank you. Also, the abduction in the suspect of a university of virginia student has been indicted on charges related to another case. Jesse matthews is held for the disappearance of hanna graham. On monday, he was charged with raping another woman in 2005. We have an update on our aljazeera colleagues held in an egyptian prison. According to our legal team, the Appeals Court will look at the case involving the correspondents on january 1. All three were found guilty in june on charges of spreading false news, endangering National Security and supporting the muslim brotherhood. Aljazeera continues to fight the allegations and call for their immediately release. A noreaster expected to soak the east coast. Lets bring in dave warren with more. A bit early to be talk about a noreaster, but it can happen this time of year. It will be very active over the next days. The area of activity is not moving much. This will be a very stationery storm just off the coast, depending where it sets up could influence who gets the heaviest rain and strongest wind. Over the next few days, the low goes off the coast. Heres the spinning, the counter clockwise rotation pulling up atlantic moisture and turning west going into the coast across the northeast. Theres the heavy rain pulling in moisture. This could put a lot of rain over the same area. Well see flash flooding and coastal flooding because that wind is out of the northeast. Three days, the heaviest rain along the coast into canada and new england. This could be four to sixinches of rain. With that wind, you get inland flooding, coastal flooding and the temperatures barely above 50 degrees. The women at the center of one of this countries greatest scandal speaks out. Ma manuka lewinsky is saying in a rare public appearance. The United Nations accusing detroit of humanitarian rights violations, the criticism over the plan to turn off the water in the motor city. An effort to deliver a petition in cambodia turns into this, violence, protestors and guards clash. That video and others captured by our citizen journalists. She talks about what she described as her new mission in life, to end cyber bullying. Much of what she said was based around her fame in the white house in terms of an extra marital afar with bill clinton. She recalled the effect it had on her personal life and continues to have now 15 or 16 years later, with an endless number of websites devoted to her story, she said she was the first person who have her reputation completely destroyed by the internet. A 22yearold intern in the white house and more than averagely romantic, i fell in love with my boss in a 22yearold sort of way. It happened. She started a twitter account, devoted to ending cyber bullying. She splits the nation down the middle. Some say she is brave and has suffered more than enough, others say well, look whos funding that twitter account. Thats a good question. Officials in detroit shutting off the water to patients. They are said to be denying human rights. We have this follow up. We are concerned because africanamericans who are living in detroit and facing water shut offs are being asked to make impossible choices. Whos water . Our water detroits disputed water shut offs are a violation of international law. Thats the conclusion made by these two United Nations hum rights officials on an inform am visit to the city at the invitation of local add company vets for affordable water. They spent three days on the ground. We were shocked by the proportions of the disconnections, and by the way that it is affecting the weakest, the poorest, the most vulnerable, the people in the most difficult situation. They say shut offs are having a disproportional impact on low income africanamericans, where fort of the residents live in poverty. They spent hours talking with residents who have gone days or months without access to running water. More than 24,000 detroiters have had their water turned off. Hundreds of residents are losing water every day. Some of them address the u. N. Officials personally. One of the problems that were having is that when your water is shut off, the state can come and take your children. Thats right. Detroits Water Department begins shutting off water this spring as it tries to collect on more than 90 million in unpaid bills. The shutoffs sparked outrage, protests and eventually led to a moratorium. The city rolled out a machine to provide financial help to those in need and then resumed the shutoffs. Water should be given for free. We just want fairness and affordability, thats all. A number of recommendations were presented to leaders, which include row storing water and establishing a federal water and sewage affordability standard. They didnt give us the facts. Our facts are that we have increased the number of people on payment plans, that calls fon 50 . Thats the data were working on. The u. N. Cannot force the city to do anything. The goal is to work with detroit on finding a solution. There are 2300 homes without water. The u. N. Will keep pressuring the city to keep the shutoffs from occurring. We have the forecast. It is going to be chilly. Moving across the country, now staying here is the cold air that comes down from canada this time of year. You see patterns shaping up. Warm tropical air to the south. Because of the near easter, the upper level winds show how the storms move. Its separate from the main flow in canada, so is sitting here off the coast. Starting today, tomorrow, thursday and friday, that low will spin right off the coast. Forties and 50s with steady, persistent rain, a period of rain, some rain could be heavier at times and that wind gusting over 30 or 40 miles an hour especially along the coast, so well call this rainy and raw over the next days with very heavy rain. Thank you. Oscar pistorius being sentence sentenced to five years in prison for killing his girlfriend. Well have the details of the judges decision. The price tag americans are paying for the fight against isil. We crunch the numbers and break down the real cost of the u. S. Operations in iraq and syria. Bike thieves, better luck next time. Two well ride the designers claim cant be stolen. A republican governor has made drastic changes the highlight of this is. Eventually doing away with income taxes. The democratic challenger says, these policies arent working we are trailing the states in our region can governor brownback win again . I think you spend your money better than the government spends it. America votes 2014 battle for kansas only on Al Jazeera America every saturday, Al Jazeera America brings you controversial. Both parties are owned by the corporations. Entertaining its fun to play with ideas. Thought provoking get your damn education. Surprising oh, absolutely . Exclusive oneonone interviews with the most interesting people of our time. Youre listening because you want to see whats going to happen. I want to know what works what do you know works . Conversations you wont find anywhere else. Talk to al jazeera. Only on Al Jazeera America. Oh my when i see a woman in the street wearing my clothes. That was the designer to the stars, being remembered after dying at the age of 82. Well ever more on the life of a fashion icon coming up. Welcome to Al Jazeera America. We are two weeks away from the mid term elections. Well look at how the outcome understand shape policy in jair. Helping one paralyzed man walk again. An experimental ebola vaccine could atbat sent to west africa in january. The c. D. C. Updated guidelines focusing on better protecting Health Care Workers, including more training and supervision. Facetoface in hong kong, protestors met government officials for the First Time Since the pro democracy demonstrations began last month. They demand the right to choose their own candidates for elections. China insists they must be screened by china first. Oscar pistorius was convicted last month of homicide for the shooting death of his girlfriend and was sentenced. This was all up to the judge who had a wide range of possibilities. The prosecution pushed for 10 years in prison, the defense wanted three years of house arrest with Community Service. The judge sentenced him to five years in prison. Legal experts say he could serve as little as 10 months before being considered for house arrests. He admitted to shooting his girlfriend inside his home in 2013. He insists he thought she was an intruder when he fired four shots through the bathroom door. The judge said she considered pistoriuss personal circumstances, saying she believes the South African prison system can handle disabled inmates. She added the sentence should be in the best interests of society, as well. I am of the view that a no one custodial sentence would send a wrong message to the community. On the other hand, a long sentence would not be appropriate as it would lack the element of mercy. As for her parents, they said they were very satisfied with the judges decision. June steenkamp said the sentence brought some sort of closure, but there would be no true closure for life without their daughter, unless you can magic her back. Here to talk about the sentencing is aljazeeras legal contributor. Thanks for being here. Five years and he could potentially serve far less than that. Are you surprised . Im not surprised about the five years, that is a very typical sentence for culpable homicide in africa, pretty much the standard sentence. I am surprised at the reaction of both sides, especially the steenkamps, because they really wanted that much harsher finding, the judgment of murder, and so for them to have such a gracious reaction to this sentencing decision, that surprises me. As erika said, they want closure and want to move on. I think it really shows a lot of dignity in this moment. Was this a political calculation on the part of the judge . I had read if she had gone for a harsher sentence, it may have been overturned on appeals. Right. They have a very interesting system there. You dont just appeal from the judgment itself, the verdict itself, as we do here. You can actually appeal the sentence. And both sides can do that. The judges are aware of that. The judges often factor that into their decision, if you have a very harsh sentence, the full 15 years, she could have thought well well negotiate that down. She gave a very long, detailed explanation or her sentence. I think this was the sentence she thought was fair and the just to society, the victims and Oscar Pistorius. I dont think she was politicking, but judges do that in south africa. When you look at this trial being a huge celebrity trial like the o. J. Scale, does it have impact culturally . It does. We talk about south africa when they had apartheid 20 years ago, we revisited when mandela died and now back for the trial. There is a huge crime problem in south africa, but not his neighborhood. His entire defense was about his fear of crime, where really, hes not the one and his neighbors and community are not the ones suffering crime in africa. We should pay more attention to whats happening here and maybe now the eyes of the world will turn to africa, because it should be a society doing much better thans. But 20 years was not that long ago. Lets talk about the conditions that he will face in prison. There has been some concern he about whether his disability will make him more vulnerable in prison. This is Pretoria Central prison, one of the most notorious prisons in the world, gang riddled and not just gangs within the prison. These are National Gangs that run in the prisons throughout south africa. This is one thing argued to spare him the prison sentence altogether. Theres already been one death threat issued against him if he is given special treatment. He will be living in a segregated for high Risk Security prisoners but not given special treat. There are terrorism suspects there and other high Security Risk prisoners who have extra guards in that area. There are only six cells in the area and his cell has to be specially outfitted for his ability, but the prison is used to disabled prisoners. Theyve had them before and the judge noted that in her finding. He has already been taken away from court. Directly. Thank you. Ahead of next months deadline, western leaders are trying to hammer out a deal with Irans Nuclear program, reporting that iran wants the most severe restrictions lifted. Western Officials Say iran has always known the sanctions would be gradually phased out. A canadian soldier died after a man rammed him with a car. A second soldier struck by the car is said to be in stable condition. A Saudi National has been cleared for return to his homeland. The 39yearold was suspected of fighting for alqaeda in afghanistan. The panel that decided his fate said those allegations were never corroborated and that he expressed regret. He awaits a transfer back to saudi arabia to take part in a rehabilitation program. He has been held for 12 years. The pentagon now saying that the u. S. Air operations against isil are costing around 10 million a day. That doesnt include the nearly 1 billion the u. S. Military spent fighting the group over the past four months. We look closer at how much u. S. Taxpayers are shelling out. The m. Q. 9 reaper, 1,000 marginal cost per flying hour. The raptor, 21,500 cost per flying hour. The u. S. Air campaign against isil could cost taxpayers up to 570 million a month. The cheapest possible strike, 30,000 to 50,000. At the upper end using sophisticated airplane and weapons, you could easily be into several hundred thousand or half a Million Dollars. Sophisticated aircraft, 46,000. 500. Weapons like a hell fire missile, 110,000. Airstrikes have lead up costs, such as intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance flights to scope targetses. Calculating the benefits is less precise. October 19, the u. S. Conducted 11 airstrikes against isil positions in iraq and syria, destroying or damaging fighting mortar positions two isil units, buildings, vehicles, and supplies. Half a Million Dollars to take out a quarter Million Dollars hum ve or pickup truck costing 30,000 may not seem like a bargain. Defense analysts stress the point is not the replacement costs of destroyed isil equipment but the degree to which airstrikes advance u. S. Objectives on the ground. You get into the tactical costs per weapon, per munition, it can look discouraging. The and corporations. Our forces on the ground who are going to be solving this problem, are the airstrikes helping them be successful or at least make progress. While the airstrikes maybe pricey, if they stave off the need for boots on the ground, they could look like a deal. It isnt easy to crunch the numbers in this case. How does the cast fire previous campaigns. The air campaign against the taliban in 2001 is a comparison and this is a fraction of that, because its a low intensity campaign compared to that. Which airstrikes give us the best bang for the buck . It depends on what objective they are trying to advance on the ground at the time. If a town is is imminent danger of falling to isil, taking out a hum ve is a big benefit. You have to look at strikes against isil oil refineries. It hits at the bottom line and main funding, were you ever their source of revenue as money arrives from seized oil and especially refined products, wimp carry a higher price on the black market. If you take a view from the mountain top, the geopolitical view, its difficult to calculate the benefit from Something Like this especially for the lay person, the taxpayer is looking at it. Is it even fair to do so . Everybody wants to know how their taxpayer dollars are being spent, saying what are we going to do with our money. It is difficult talking about what are our objectives on the ground. One thing the and corporation kept stressing is that the goal of this campaign is to help our friendly forces, help the iraq forces, if you will, be able to be in a position to carry the campaign forward. He described it as helping with their homework, but they have to learn to do the long division. Thanks for being with us. Legendary Fashion Designer Oscar De La Renta has died. He shaped the wardrobe of stars for 40 years. The official cause was reported as cancer complications. His career hit off in the early 1960s when Jackie Kennedy started wearing his designs. Most recently, he designed the Wedding Dress for George Clooneys wife. Attracting women voters, a critical part of the mid term elections. We will show you how one candidate in a Key Senate Race is working to win over the female vote. The bike that cant be stolen. How three students came up with that invention and just how they say it works. Targeted informant led stings. To them, everyone in the Muslim Community is a potential informant or a potential terrorist. Student leaders in hong kong are finishing a meeting without an agreement. Well update these talks from hong kong shortly. We are weeks away here in this country from the mid term elections. Women could decide key races across the country. Libby casey joins us from washington. You covered the Kentucky Senate race. How much are women being courted there . A lot. A brand new bluegrass poll shows even though the incumbent senator mitch mcconnell, a republican has a slim lead, it is essentially a statistical tie right now, defying conventional wisdom that a Top Republican in the senate can run away with this race. His challenger, allison grymes, 35, women are the group she feels she can make the most inroads with. She cant be too soft. Shes cut ads doing things like skeet shooting and showing that she is a smart Mountain Mama of kentucky who does not like president obama. Whats ironic though is she risks losing some women voters who are liberal. We met one in louisville, one of the major Metro Centers where voters din kind to be more democratic leaning. Jennifer doesnt like the fact that grymes is distancing herself from the president and shooting off guns, so shes concerned about exactly who shell vote for. At the end of the day, im going to vote for the lesser of two evils and vote for allison. I dont want to necessarily call her evil, but i dont know if shes the best representative. You hear there this woman whos not convinced that grymes is the right choice. She wants a fresh, new voice and loves seeing a woman represented in politics but shes not convinced. Her big decision, she wants to vote against mitch mcconnell. Stephanie. Its so interesting. Gun in campaign ads are to appeal to men. Is this based on who they like or dont like . Its focused on who they do not like. Grymes is running firmly against mcconnell, whos been in office for decades. Mcconnell is not so much running against grymes, hes running against president obama and a lot of focus has been on that. Thats why grymes has gotten flak for whether or not she voted for president obama. In a recent debate, voters really are pivoting away and thats brought a lot of negativity in the race and women we talked to dont like all the negativity and it may cause them to just stay home. Will they even bother to vote in this mid term election is up in the air. Libby casey for us in washington. Well have much more on the race in kentucky tonight at 8 00 and 11 00 p. M. Eastern. Mid term elections could determine who controls the senate and future of u. S. Foreign policy. The debate is on the line. National security and Foreign Policy once again front and center in the spotlight. Jason johnson joins us. Will voters affect the turnout . Hawkish voters are Republican Voters and always affect turnout. This is the sixth year of a currently unpopular president of the united states. The republicans always seem to be much more in favor of aggressive foreign policies, the hawks are going to turn out for the 2014 mid terms, but they are also republican. What happened to the doves who said we dont want to be in the war . Did they fade into the wood work. They faded and also realized it wasnt politically expedient. The country feels threatened. Its easier to say we marsh in there, and destroy isis and do this, that and the other, a much easier solution for those running for offers than saying we cant defeat isis in one fell swoop. If both houses go red, will there be a discernible difference in policy coming out of washington . I think were going to have a civil war in the gop before we figure out policy. Youve got republicans who are we need boots on the ground and others saying we dont want boots on the ground when it comes to fighting isis. On the house side, the senate side, youre going to have a debate between john boehner, peter king, rand paul, tedious as to the next step. When they figure it out, theyll bring a war to barack obama. Republicans are given a 72 chance of retaking the senate, giving them control of both houses. Do the democrats have anything in the way of an october surprise that might be up their sleeve . They were hoping that was ebola. Thats not playing well for the dems. I dont think any october surprise is going to happen. Whats really occurred if you look at baggage in alaska, the republicans ever made this a referendum on barack obama. His popularity is in the low 40s now. I dont think theres a chance at democrats as a whole can keep the Senate Unless something miraculous happens. A divided washington, that would be a novel thought. Thank you. We turn to breaks news in hong kong and the on going protest there. Students and government representatives have finished their meeting without agreement. Lets go live in hong kong. Were the protestors hoping for more . Definitely, stephanie, they were hoping for much more, although the governments seem to have maybe conceded a little bit by saying look, you cant nominate the president directly, but her hams you can have a say whos on the nominating committee that will eventually choose the chief executive of hong kong. This has been the crush of the protest. Protestors are walking away from this but the student leaders and protestors here very very disappointed saying nothing concrete was formed. The upshot is the Hong Kong Government has little power to give promises. At the end of the day, beijing has to make the decision and student leaders are saying hong kong executives represent us. A paraplegic maybe able to walk again. The man was paralyzed after being stabbed in 2000 between. Doctors took nerve cells from his nose, grew them and transplanted them in the spinal cord, providing a pathway for the severed nerve fibers to regenerate. One scientist said it was more impressive than putting a man on the moon. Bicycles are inexpensive and easy to use, making them very easy to steal. Three students have invented an unstealable bicycle. We have the story. Heres a little known fact, the world produces three times more bicycles than cars, and 20 of them are stolen. That means 30 million bicycles are snitched every single year. These are all bicycles, but the natural fact they are more like sitting ducks. Every single one of them has a lock. Some of big and strong, some rather flimsy, but there isnt a single one that cant be cut. As the Security Camera shows, all you need is a good set of pliers and in minutes, you can literally ride off. But not if you have a bike almost impossible to steal, in vented by three engineering students. We see the prototype. First you open the lower bar and lean it into a light post. Then you pull out the seat and insert it like this. It automatically locks and you pull out the key. If you saw off the tube of the seat, you cant put the bike back together again. Its blocked. You have to have the lower bar. It makes stealing the bike pointless. It is simple, lightweight and made for the city where most bikes are stolen. This bicycle clearly has one achilles heel, which is the lock. Yes, the key is the most vulnerable part. Were devising by passing the problem with a mobile phone. You can use a personal code to unlock it, not a key. With the global trend of people seeking healthier simpler life, the bicycle market is growing 20 a year. They have been flooded with offers from taiwan to new york to license the patent of this bicycle that cant be pinched without destroying it. Not bad for three engineering students, who tired of having their own bicycles stolen have proven once again that necessity is indeed the mother of invention. Aljazeera, santiago. The project just a project, no word on whether well see those bikes hit store shelves. Fingers crossed theyll come here. Scuba divers held their annual underwater pumpkin carving contest. They say the biggest challenge is keeping your tools and pumpkin from floating away. The contest was held six miles off the coast of key largo. The winner created an intricate seahorse design. Lets get one more check of the forecast. Trying to cover a pumpkin coming up, wind and flooding rain, flash flooding, inland flooding and coastal flooding, noreaster, low pressure off the coast, to the north, the persistent northeast wind. Watching where that low develops will influence what area gets the heaviest rain. No question some area along the northeast coast will see that persistent northeast wind with bands of heavy rain moving in. Four to six inches of rain will lead to flash flooding. Each high tide gets higher. To the World Health Organization in

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