Independence. And the wait is over for video game fans. Destiny has finally arrived. We begin in yemen where police have opened fire on houthi protesters to stop them from reaching the Prime Ministers office. Houthi leaders say seven people have been killed and more than 50 people injured. Fighting has continued in the north where at least nine people have reportedly been killed. The houthis are muslims who are named after their late leader. His supporters began a rebellion against the government in 2004. The group wants more autonomy in the northwest province. They oppose relations with saudi arabia and United States, and are alleged i will backed by iran. They have had a part in the peace talks. There is also tension with alqaeda in the arabian peninsula, but the houthis do have the support of southern separatists. You can see why the government really wants to get this resolved, but it seems to be going in the opposite direction. Talk us through what happened today. Reporter absolutely, jane. On the latest developments now on the ground, there is fresh fighting in the southern part of the capitol between the army and houthi fighters. Army sources say we have spotted a convoy of houthi fighters on their way to the capitol and clashes resulted. This comes hours after clashes here in the capital between the police and houthi protesters, we have two different accounts. The houthis say this was a peaceful attempt to go ahead with their de demands. The army says this is a different attempt to seize power by force. Lets see some of the major events that happened in this report. [ gunfire ] reporter yemens Security Forces fire warning shots to prevent protesters from getting close to the Prime Ministers office. The minority shia houthis who have been on the street for weeks say it was just a rally. But the interior says it was an tempt to break into the building in the capitol. [ gunfire ] reporter in the chaos that followed many were killed or injured. But the houthis managed to build a new protest camp outside of the government building. They are occupying areas near important ministries which they accuse of being corrupt and in fish ekt. Their leader has warned against using die lens against the demonstrators. Translator if those corrupt officials insist on using violence, they will be held accountable. We are ready to take all necessary steps to prevent that from happening. Reporter ambulances carry victims to a nearby hospital. Security forces seemed determined to break up the protests. And reinforcements have been brought in where the houthis have set up another protest camp. Who is pulling whos strings here in this development . Reporter well, basically what you have here is a this spectacular rise of the houthi fighters. They came out from nowhere about a decade ago, now they are positioning themselves as the biggest political faction here in yemen. And this is why their leaders said the government has to understand that we are very powerful, and therefore, we have to have full representation in the government. The president is very spectacle. He is of the view that the houthis are being manipulated and used by the iranians to spread radical shia ideology. Saudis are very suspicious on the other hand. They said its time you start a war against the houthis. Today the minister of interior sacked the police chief of the countryside of the capitol. Yesterday they sacked the commander of the special forces over a unit at the [ inaudible ]. It seems the president is trying to cleanup or overhaul the Security Forces to get people loyal to him before he takes a decision about whether he wants to go for a political solution or start war against the houthis. Thank you. Iraqs parliament has approved a new government, but the key roles of the interior and defense ministers are yet to be filled. The Prime Minister has been under pressure to form an inclusive cabinet. Many believe it is a vital first step to defeat the Islamic State fighters who currently control around a third of iraq. The appointment followed the resignation of this man. He was accused of favoring the countrys shia minorities. Two men from other main groups in iraq have been named as deputy Prime Ministers. So we have a new government, lots of old faces, though, jane. This is going to be a problem . Reporter it is certainly going to be interesting when you think of those cabinet meetings and the first is being held today, there are a lot of political heavyweights there, people with a lot of experience and baggage. So it will require some juggling. He is thought to be more flexible than Prime Minister maliki was and less prone to perhaps hoarding power. But they are starting off with a new government with major posts still unfilled. The first task of the new government really is to complete the government and those defense and particularly the end tier your ministry are going to be particularly tricky. There is a dispute going on about where the head of a shia militia should be interior minister. So it gives you an idea of how tough this is going to be. Jane thank you. Al jazeera has obtained a u. N. Security Council Report which says libya session peernsing the worst outbreak of violence since the 2011 revolution. The social envoy has visited libyas if i recally elected parliament in an eastern town. A rival assembly was set up by armed groups who seized the can toll last month. The parliament in triply appointed a leader as the Prime Minister. He is seen as religiously conservative. It is supported by militias from elsewhere, now calling themselves the dawn of libya. Whereas the recently elected parliament has fled because of security concerns in tripoli. That parliament appointed this man as Prime Minister who supports operation dignity. That military campaign is lead by a renegade general from the libyan army who has launched a war against rival militias. Stephanie decker has more on this. Reporter its functioning as a proper government, but this is libyas opposition government in tripoli, with this Prime Minister in charge. Translator we call upon all brothers and sisters and all ministries to start their work. We urge them to work seriously in order to save the country. Reporter but there is an issue here, 1,000 kilometers to the east is where the recently elected parliament and Prime Minister are based. Libya, again, has two Prime Ministers and two seats of power. Because the previous parliament, the Controversial National congress refused to break up after the general elections. Some of the libyans we talked to are divided as to where their country is headed. Translator i feel for libya. Dont know about the future. Still there is no real security, no real security. Translator i can say that im very, very very optimistic. Reporter the u. N. Enjoy to libya visited the internationally recognized government and urged the various militias to ceasefire and for all to work on a political solution. Rival militias have formed too loosely affiliated blocks, one seen as more moderate the other seen as more religiously conservative. But it appears that the gun holds all of the power here. The United Nations and many Foreign Missions have pulled out their staff. Libyans too have left their country because of the instability. The june elections were hoped to be a unifying step. But in spite of the elections the divisions have deepened. It seems no one wants to give up power here. Stephanie decker, al jazeera. Afghan president ckarzai is pushing for the two men to solve their standoff. They accused each other of proud to after the first round of election. But talks have reached a dead end. The Election Commission is expected to announce the results of the second round this week. Translator afghanistan is an urgent hoo need for establishing a new government. Time for our government is over. We want a new government. Translator reach an agreement and rescue the country. You both are our respectful figures so establish the new government. We are ready to hand over the government to you. Reporter still ahead this news hour, sick but nowhere to go, liberias Ebola Treatment Centers are overflowing with new cases. And many have lost everything in pakistan floods. And joe will be here with the latest news on michael schumakers head injury that kept the formula one drive in a coma for six months. Dutch investigators have released early findings into what brought down flight mh17 over eastern ukraine. They state was hit by a large number of highenergy objects. 298 passengers and crew were killed in july. The Ukrainian Government and rebels accuse each other of bringing it down, but deny that, insisting they dont have the military equipment to do so. Reporter a short but revealing report. It does not explicitly say that mh 17 was hit by shrapnel from a missile but rules out virtually any other possibility. The plane pierced by what the report described as highenergy objects. The voice recordings all suddenly stopped at precisely the same moment. Wreckage was spread over 10 kilometers. At this moment we are investigating the objects that penetrated the aircraft, the found fragments of probably the objects in the bodies of especially the flight crew, we are trying to investigate whether they are originated from the airplane or originating from the objects. Reporter the allegation from the Ukrainian Government and from some western leaders is that mh17 was brought down by a buk missile fired by the rebels. Both sides have this weapon, so crucially further investigation will try to establish the exact launch area by using satellite and radar printouts. The crash scene is in a conflict zone. Some human remains are still in the wreckage, and for families the anguish goes on. A full report will be published within a year of the crash, and is separate criminal investigation has begun here. Ukraines government and prorussian separatists have agreed to exchange hundreds of prisoners. So far separatists have released 648 ukrainian soldiers, and the government is working to secure the release of about 500 more. Its all part of the ceasefire deal which has been threatened by shelling from both sides. Russias foreign minister says the ceasefire in the east is holding and he has expressed concerns about aballeged buildup of Ukrainian Forces in the area. Translator the ceasefire is largely holding up, although there are some incidents, and both sides blame each other. We know, for example, all who attested the agreement reached on september 5th, all are seriously worried about the concentration of heavy artillery. According to all indications a sort of shock troops are being prepared. In just over a week scotland will vote on whether to break away there the United Kingdom. British politicians have been scrambling from keeping the union from breaking apart. They have offered greater autonomy. If the referendum feels that would include several benefits. But the british Prime Minister has renewed his call to scotter voters asking them to vote no and stay in the union. Ill do everything that i can. And lets be frank theres a lot that the political leaders disagree about, but there is one thing we all agree about passionately, and that is that our United Kingdom is better off if we stay together. To tomorrow it is important to be in scotland listening and talking to people. Well have our own ways of talking about why its better to be together. But its a matter for people in scotland to decide, but we want you to stay. Lawrence lee is in london with more. Reporter it is genuinely difficult to know how much more tense this could get. The Second Opinion poll has put the yes and no exactly neck and neck, and you can almost scrape the fear off of the walls here in westminster. As a consequence, the leaders of the three main parties inside scotland which are opposed to independence all came out together in the scottish capital saying they were prepared to grant the scotts far more federal powers really for scotland to take more control over its own economy as long as scotland voted no to independence. But that was immediately resided by the nationalists who said it was simply a repeat of a proposal that had been put together months ago, which has already been rejected by a number of scotts. So if these proposals dont work in the coming days, and the momentum carries on, it is looking increasingly that yes to independence could actually win. Thats a terrifying prospect for all of the politicians here in the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister David Cameron who has steadfastly refused up until now to get himself involved in this debate, he has now said he is answering the Prime Ministers questions, which is every wednesday, and he is going to go to scotland on wednesday to campaign to try to fight tooth and nail for the union. Its a very highrisk strategy, because David Cameron, is really frankly loathed, thats not too strong of word, but a lot of scotts. He could get a very hard time when he goes on wednesday, but it shows how high the stakes are now. At fourth american with ebola has arrived in the United States. The patient will be treated at the same hospital where two other aid workers recovered from the disease. The United States and britain are sending equipment and personnel to help contain the ebola virus spreading across west africa. Five countries in the region have been affected. More than 2,000 people have been killed as a result of the deadly virus out of nearly 4,000 cases, meaning the virus has a fatality rate of around 50 . Military personnel are expected to set up clinics in sierra leon and liberia, and the extra help will be welcomed in the capitol where there is a shortage of beds. Reporter these people might have the ebola virus, but by the time they find out, it could be too late. Because most Treatment Centers are full. They said they only had five spaces this morning for patients, and now they claim they are filled. So theres no space again. Reporter at another hospital, only pregnant women and critical cases are being cared for. New centers have been opened in liberia, but even counting those, the World Health Organization say the capitol and surrounding county only have half of the beds they need. The w. H. O. Is warning the number of new cases is increasing exponentially. Most hospitals are overrun with the outbreak and have stopped treating the general public. The virus is also affecting liberias psyche. Here Artists Paint a picture of fear on a mural. And one of its most famous it is s citizens says the outbreak is changing the very nature of his country. We hug each other, we shake each others hands, we embrace each other, no its taking away that harmonious part of our life. Reporter liberia is the worst hit by the outbreak. And with nowhere to go, more and more potential patients have no choice but to go home, carrying the deadly virus with them. The death toll from floods in pakistan and india is nearing 400 as armies in both countries struggle to help victims. The military is bringing muchneeded Drinking Water and emergency supplies to the stranded. And more than a thousand people have been rescued. In neighboring pakistan at least 12 people died after a roof collapsed on a mosque. Some 700 villages in the province are flooded. This is the update from pakistan. Reporter the situation in the southern part of the peninsula is now precarious. Desperate attempts have been made to save the road links which will help the rescue teams. The military using helicopters and boats right now. But as we can see the situation is worsening in the south as the water moves through the area. While the water is receding in those parts of the country, the water is now posing a serious threat to other places, particularly down south in several cities. Right now the priority is to keep the wider roads open so that relief supplies can arrive on the scene. It has been a day of remembrance for in the philippi philippines. A year ago rebels tried to take control of the city. Rob mcbride has this report. Reporter a special service here at the chapel in one of the neighborhoods worst affected by the fighting. Later on today there will be a ceremonial passing over of new homes to some of the people displaced by the fighting, a ringing of church bells, and as night falls there will be a candle lit ceremony for peace and harmony. Outside the city hall, pledging allegiance to the flag that armed separatists had tried a year ago to replace with their own. For those who took part in the defense, letters of commendation from the citys mayor. Its really a victory of people that have really worked very hard to protect the philippines land but to protect life as well. Reporter bussed around town, local and National Media have been assessing the progress made since last years siege. All around are signs of reconstruction and renewal, but you still find the same old political tensions that lead to last years confrontation. The incursion by hundreds of fighters from a break away faction of one Separatists Group arose from a dispute with a rival group the milf, and current political maneuverings may make that situation worse. It all adds to the complex tangle of threads. You have to address so many groups here. You have the [ inaudible ], you have the rogue elements, the lawless elements, the kidnap ransom groups, and they try to undermine the security of the area. Reporter this woman knows all about those dangers. A year ago she and her five children were all held hostage by the fighters for several of terrifying days. Translator every time theres an alert the children are still scared and they ask me what is going on. Reporter she feels it is safe enough to move back and rebuild, but only because there are now soldiers standing at the corner of her street, as indeed they now stand guard in so many neighborhoods still getting back to normal. It seems that troops on the street will be a fact of life for the foreseeable future. In manila this week, lawmakers will start looking at the peace deal between the government and the mlif, the issue that provoked the attack a year ago, so developments are taking place at a National Level which may eventually lead to a longterm solution of this simmering conflict, or may also provoke further clashes in this troubled part of the philippines. Coming up on the program take your military tactic and get out of here. Americas Police Tactics under fire. We report on the growing use of militarygrade weapons in the force. Nigerians kicked off their land, and now relying on handouts. The dismissal of an american footballers for punching his girlfriend triggers a nationwide debate about domestic violence. Its a chilling and draconian sentence. It simply cannot stand. Its disgraceful. The only crime they really committed is journalism. They are truth seekers. All they really wanna do is find out whats happening, so they can tell people. Governments around the world all united to condemn this. As you can see, its still a very much volatile situation. The government is prepared to carry out mass array. If you want free press in the new democracy, let the journalists live. A firsthand look at the ongoing battle against the isis threat. Bombs are cracking off in the distance. This is a booby trap in the Islamic State. A sniper around the corner here. From the front lines, josh rushing reports, on Al Jazeera America start with one issue ad guests on all sides of the debate. And a host willing to ask the tough questions and youll get. The inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5pm et 2pm pt only on Al Jazeera America so stop me if youve already heard this one. Congress wont play ball with the president on a big issue. President says hell move ahead without congress then says never mind. Well, at least until november. The president , the midterm elections and immigration reform, its the inside story. Hello, im ray suarez. Watching the policies

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