Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20140821

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America is to pay 17 billion over its part in the 2008 financial crunch. Hello. In the past few hours, hamas military wing confirmed it fired a rocket toward telaviv airport. 26 people have been killed in gaza overnight. Hamas said three of its commanders are among the dead. We have more from rafah. This is in the sights of the gaza strip in rafah, struck close to 1 00 a. M. Local time on thursday morning. You can see that the entire building has been absolutely destroyed. The neighborhood has been very much so affected with homes that are pretty much uninhabitable surrounding this collapsed building. Locals heard six explosions in the early hours of thursday morning, whenever israeli airplanes hit the site, as well as the three hamas commanders killed, we know seven civilians were also killed, believed to be in this building at the time. This is going to be a significant achievement for the israelis from their perspective. They will be able to tell this to the public to be able to say that so far they ever something to show for this war. Up until now, we havent heard, nothing is made public about senior hamas commanders having been killed. These were three men that the israelis had tried to kill before and made several thats on their lives. That was Jane Ferguson reporting from gaza from the scene of that israeli air site. That air strike that jane was talking about that killed the three hamas commanders is after the targeted when they tried to kill a military commander. Is this backtoback targeting a different strategy Going Forward on behalf of the israelis . Yes. The israeli leadership both political and military appears to have decided that the tactics up until now, the kind of strategy that we saw through the hostilities up until this stage wasnt achieving the desired results and that despite weeks of bombardment and killing, more than 2,000 palestinians, at the moment, israeli had not succeeded in significantly degrading, reducing hamas ability to strike at targets both close to the gaza strip and deeper into israel. It was decided to move to this new strategy of targeted assassinations, aiming to kill, to remove some of the key Leaders Within the hamas leadership structure. To do that, obviously, the israelis depend on air surveillance, the kind of satellite imagery and the imagery gathered by drones that fly over the gaza strip, but also require human intelligence, information from innormants on the ground and its significant that the israeli Prime Minister praise not only the military for these operations, but also the intelligence service. Its significant that hamas announced it has captured and executed a number of collaborates, clearly confirming there was human intelligence from the ground and obviously a clear warning from hamas to other palestinians not to give information to the israelis. The hamas military wing confirming that it did fire rockets towards telaviv airport. Do we know where it landed, what happened there and what impact is that having on israel . It wasnt landing at the doorstep, if you like, but its clear that thats the rocket the hamas military wing was talking about. It landed on waste ground and didnt do damage. Anything that threatens the smooth normal operation of israels Main International airport is a big cause for concern. We remember just a few weeks ago that a rocket landing at the airport was sufficient to close the airport down for 24 hours. International commercial airlines canceled flights. Clearly that has a big psychological effect on israel and economic effect, as well with that detouring tourists and Business Travel to the country. The fact that hamas is announcing that its targeting the airport is in itself something that will have an effect on the israelis at least psychologically and possible economically. Talks a exiled leader on the conflict in gaza to send more aid to the palestinians. Qatar has been acting as a mediator and donated more than 500 million in humanitarian aid to the palestinians. You can get more on our website at aljazeera. Com. The United States has revealed it sent special forces on a secret mission to syria earlier this year to free hostages, including the murdered journalist james foley. They were not found at the location they searched. Leaders around the world condemned the Islamic State group for beheading freeajstaff. James foleys painful death, which we will not show, was posted on line as a warning message to the United States, get out of iraq. We now know president barack obama took measures to save him, sending special forces into syria, because they thought they knew the location of the american hostages. Former c. I. A. Official said they must have had strong intelligence for the president to order the mission. The chances of you getting helicopter or two or more of americans in a situation would be very, very difficult if not impossible to extract them would give people a lot of pause. Using unnamed ground and air efforts. Special forces went into a remote location. The hostages were not there. It was a firefight. Several Islamic State Group Fighters were killed, one american slightly injured. The announcement came hours after the family was asked if the u. S. Did enough to save him. All im saying is what weve been doing to date has not been enough. It wasnt enough. Two other american journalists are missing in syria. We know one is held by the Islamic State group. They have threatened to kill him if the u. S. Does not stop bombing. The United States of america will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be vigilant and we will be relentless. When people harm americans anywhere, we do whats necessary to see that justice is done. U. S. Officials are not ruling out going in after the people responsible for foleys death, if they can find them, but right now, the focus is on finding the other missing americans before they immediate the same fate. Aljazeera, washington. Hume rights group of claiming genocide of yazidis, men rounded up and slain near sinjar. We have reports from the kurdish region in iraq where thousands of yazidis remain stranded with nowhere to go. These were meant at luxury amounts. You can still see there was construction going on when people moved in here. Its not a place you would choose ever to live or stay, but these people had nowhere else to go. A lot of them came from sinjar mountain. They spent days without food or water and made their way down into syria and again into northern iraq. There are 5,000 people in this apartment complex, but in the small city, there are almost 200,000. Its been a traditional route for refugees and displaced people. You can see theres only bare walls and not even much of a bare wall at that. A lot of holes in the ceilings. Theyve set up some electricity lines and if you look over there, you can see that its just these clay blocks. People have tried to block off areas and turn it into some kind of home. The problem is its not home, because all of their relatives are not here. In almost every one of these buildings, there are rooms full of families who are missing relatives, fill on sinjar, either killed by Islamic State fighters or a lot of women and children have been taken away. It is absolutely miserable here. The government said its overwhelmed. There are more displaced people than actual residents in the northern provinces. The u. N. And other agencies havent really been able to do much. There have been so many people, and when you ask them what they want, they say they want to be back with their families, want to find out whats happened to them but most of all want to leave iraq. When the gunman came last friday, they ordered all the men to the school yard. Easy the only one of his immediate family to survive. These men are also the remaining men of their families. They put us in the back of two vehicles, 12 or 13 of us in each. We were taken behind the village, where we could see bodies that had been shot before us. They lined us up and i managed to run away. They shot me and i was hit in my leg. In a town of about 1800, only 200 survived. These two also survived the massacre. He is adjusted 13 and the only surviving member of his family. Five of my brothers were killed, and i saw my father killed. When i saw all the armed people shooting, i hid under a pile of bodies and pretended i was dead. Everyone here has been touched by tragedy. They are all from sinjar. Almost everyone was on sinjar mountain. They walked down into syria and back into iraq again, but theyre journey isnt over. On the mountain, people were hungry and thirsty and didnt know what would happen to them. They still dont. This is the new sinjar mountain. Thousands of people are stranded here. After what happened in their villages, they say they can never go home again. Its not just the massacres, its the death of an entire way of life. 5,000 people are crammed into this construction site near the border of the kurdish region and turkey. Many of them say men from the surrounding arab villages supported the Islamic State group and were involved in the kidnappings and killings. For more than a thousand years, the yazidis ever practiced their religion and kept to themselves. They thought it would keep them safe. They were wrong. Aljazeera, northern iraq. Tune nearby is that and egypt canceled flights to libya following weeks of fighting in the country. Rocket fire struck an off a fluent area of tripoli following airstrikes there. Unidentified war planes attacked rebel held positions close to the capitals airport. This comes as the Libyan Government said unidentified war planes attacked rebelheld positions close to the airport on monday, as were reporting and the rival rebel groups have been fighting for control of the capitol. Still to come on the aljazeera news hour, from coup leader to Prime Minister. The general takes the reins of government. Under lockdown, Security Forces in lie bear i cant cut off a shanty town to prevent the outbreak of ebola. In sport, by tenniss world number one has something to sing about ahead of the years final grand slam. Details later in the program. Crossing over to the United States, right now for a live event, the bank of america settlements going on right now. Lets listen in. To hold accountable those whos actions threaten the integrity of our Financial Markets and undermine the stat of our economy. The department of justice has reached an agreement with the bank of america totaling 16. 6 billion in penalties and consumer relief. This constitutes the largest civil settlement with a single entity in history, addressing conduct uncovered in more than a dozen cases and investigations. It addresses allegations that bank of america, merle lunch and countrywide each engaged in pervasive schemes to defraud Financial Institutions and other investors in structured Financial Products known as Mortgage Backed securities or r. M. B. S. Bank of america has acknowledged that in the years leading up to the financial crisis that devastated our economy in 2008, it, Merrill Lynch and countrywide sold billions of dollars of rmbs backed by toxic loans, whos quality and level of risk they knowingly misrepresented to investors and to United States government. These loans contained material underwriting defects. They were secured by properties with inflated appraisals. They failed to comply with federal, state and local laws and they were insufficiently collateralized, yet these Financial Institutions knowingly and fraudulently marked and sold those loans add sound and reliable investments. Were still on multiple occasions when confronted with concerns about their reckless practices, bankers at these institutions continued to ms. Lead investors about their own standards and to securitize loans with legal defects. Under the terms, the bank has agreed to pay 7 billion in relief to struggling homeowners, borrowers and communities affected by the banks conduct. This is appropriate, given the size and the scope of the wrongdoing at issue. Now, unfortunately, because congress has failed to extend the law ensure that go most of this relief would not be taxable income, this debt relief will create Tax Liability for many consumers. Thats why the department secured a commitment from bank of america to pay a portion of the settlement over 490 million to defray some of this Tax Liability. Our settlement requires the bank to notified all consumers of this potential Tax Liability, but thats not enough. Today i call upon congress to extend the tax relief coverage of the mortgage debt relief act of 2007. Until congress acts, the hundreds of thousands of consumers we have sought to help through our settlements with j. P. Morgan chase, citigroup, and now bank of america may see a significant tax bill, just as they are beginning to see the light at the end of a dark financial tunnel. I want to be very clear. The size and the scope of this multibillion dollar agreement goes far beyond doing business. This does not preclude criminal charges against the bank or employees. Nor was it inevitable over the past weeks that this case would be resolved out of court. I want to thank associate attorney west for his leadership in helping to attain the agreement today commensurate with the conduct at issue. I want to recognize each of the United States attorneys and state attorney generals who have come together to make this settlement a reality. This is the latest example of the important work that the president s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task force is making possible. This agreement complimented the actions of the Task Force Working groups, including the securitys fraud group, members which played key roles in advancing this case. Ive been honored to chair this task force since its inception in 2009 and thank the Task Force Members who contributed to the outcome and continuing to advance a range of open matters both civil and criminal across the country. At this time, id like to turn the podium over to the associated attorney general who will provide Additional Details on todays announcement. Thank you, mr. Attorney general. I thank you all for being here today. All right, so you were just listening to eric holder, the u. S. Attorney general who is just announcing that the total dollar value off the settlement against bank of america is a mere 17 billion, its in fact 16. 65 billion. Forbes lists the bank of america as the Second Largest Bank in the u. S. And another large settlement was made by j. P. Morgan chase, the top spot on american banks. The Company Greed to pay 13 billion and citigroup agreed to pay 7 billion. None of the banks admitted to any wrongdoing. Thats a round up of the other banks that have had to pay out. We are joined live from washington, d. C. , first to talk about specifically about the bank of america and that announcement just made that the bank reached a 16. 65 billion settlement with u. S. Regulators to settle the charges. It was exspecked, wasnt it . Well, it was expected, but it was only as the result of very tough negotiations reportedly bank of america initially offered only 3 billion, and the government, holder personally taking charge of the face of the personal negotiations insisted that the bank was liable for more than that. The bank had con tended that they basically were the toxic loans, the mortgagebacked securities that were based on toxic loans were really the fault of the two companies that they acquired during the corporate the financial meltdown of 2008, 2009. Countrywide and Merrill Lynch. The government countered and said they were still profiting from it. Bank of america, even though its last quarterly statement showed a 43 drop in profits, it is still a highly Profitable Bank and expected to announce an increase in its dividend to its stock holders in one of the main reasons to make sure that its stock price doesnt go down and people dont lose confidence in bank of america. Is this the sort of final low, if i can put it that way, tom, for bank of america, when it comes to these risky assets and mortgage troubled mortgagebacked securities . Well, it hopes so. All told, its expected that together with this 16. 6 billion settlement with the government, it will have spent 80 billion to deal with all of its legal woes on the ground he owing from the mortgage cries, and it is the one thing that it has avoided is any kinds of criminal indictments against officials and executives or former executives. The one man who had been in the governments sights, gun sights, you might say was the head of the c. E. O. Of countrywide, one of the banks that it acquired, and he, himself has paid personally Something Like 50 million, but its expected that an announcement will be made of an indictment against him, a civil suit against him, but this would not involve him going to jail. That is expected separately sometime perhaps as early as today. All right, tom, thank you. Tom ackermann reporting from washington for us. The death toll from land slides in japan is 39. Rescuers have been looking for 51 people sometime missing. Wednesday, a series of mud slides crushed dozens of houses, burying residents. The area received a months worth of rain in just 24 hours. Lets find out if that rain is going to continue in japan. We bring in steph. It does look like its going to be wet again in japan, elsewhere, there is slightly better news. The satellite picture, this area of clouds affecting japan and china, south korea gave many of us heavy downpours. It wasnt only japan that had problem from that rain. Ive got pictures from eastern china showing the flooding situation here. You can see structures are buried in this water up to their rooves. Yes, there are still showers. You can see those on the satellite picture, but theres less of them, so more of us are seeing dry weather and thats good news, allowing that floodwater to gradually recede. Most of those in the southern parts of our map, theres a better chance of a dryer day. Unfortunately, things arent going to improve heading through the next couple of days. You can see the heavy rain that we have seen over north and south korea mostly over south korea edging its way eastward. The darker blues indicating the heavier rain pushed back southward across parts of japan. There could be over 150 mill matters of rain, giving us flooding and landslides, as well. In liberia, riot police and army used barbed wire to seal in people because of the ebola outbreak. Residents have been demand to go leave the area. Which has been on lockdown for weeks. The injured are rushed to hospital after police and soldiers fired guns and tear gas to disperse an angry crowd. Resident of the township in liberias capitol are furious at the government fencing them in with barbed wire in an attempt to stop the spread that ebola. The families are hungry. I cant get food to eat. There is nothing i can do there is nothing i can do the rainstorm leaves the nearby streets deserted, but soldiers and police arent letting people pass anyway, the road leading to the township is blocked and relations between the residents and government have gone from bad to worse. Communication campaigns are crucial to stop the spread of the virus, but have been ineffective. Saturday, angry residents ransacked a medical facility, sending 30 patients on the run. Following the unrest, the governments defending its handle of the crisis against growing criticism. They should not use the weapons without clear instructions from the chain of command. Once again, i want to make it very clear that they have not been issued any orders of shoot to kill anybody. Earlier this month, residents of another nearby township got angry at authorities for burying dozens of ebola victims in their neighborhood. Soldiers were deployed. The death toll across liberia sierra leone is growing. Talks to end week long pro tests in pakistan calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister have broken down. The protests, which have brought the capitol to a standstill are led by the Opposition Leader and a cleric. They say the Prime Minister rigged last years election. Imran khan said his party is pulling out of negotiations. For more, lets cross over to islamabad and bring in our aljazeera reporter. Imran khan is accusing the u. S. Of involvement. What can you tell us about that statement and what are the implications of imran khan pulling out of negotiations with the government . Well, indeed, this evening, imran khan said that the United States was interfering in the internal affairs of pakistan. He appealed to the u. S. Ambassador that the u. S. Should withdraw a statement in support of the government. The u. S. Embassy was very quick to issue its own statement saying that yes, they were monitoring the situation in pakistan, but that they were not in any way interfering with what is going on. However, imran khan, as you mentioned had called off the dialogue with the government in the morning, saying that there was no flexibility being shown by the government. The government was also trying to show its muscle. A little while ago, several senior journalists met the Prime Minister. He told them that 11 parties out of 12 in parliament were totally behind the government and that, of course, had everybody guessing as to whether the government was preparing for some sort of a crackdown in islamabad, imran khan saying also that this was a decisive moment, so the situation in islamabad indeed very tense and perhaps entering into a more dangerous decisive phase. Sounds like a pretty critical 24 hours ahead. What are we expecting to happen next . What is happening at the moment is that supporters from the group is going other cities. It appears that this crisis may go beyond islamabad if it is not tackled properly. Also the fact that if the authorities decide that they want to remove these people because they are acting unconstitutionally and if there is violence, then of course, anything can happen. The next 24 hours indeed are critical. Ok, thank you r. Thank you. Still to come on aljazeera, rehearsals to receive the bodies from passengers of mh flight 17, malaysia prepares to finally bring them home. Fire and ice, tourists prepare for a local eruption from the highlands of iceland. We ask if electric is the future of car racing. Ing. If you know release have been held for three hamas commanders. The u. S. Justice department announced that bank of america will pay close to 17 billion for its role in what led up to the financial cries. The settlement is the large evident deal the Justice Department has reached with the bank over the 2008 mortgage meltdown. Human Rights Group Claims hundreds of yazidis men were runed up and shot near sinjar. Fighting in iraq have forced hundreds of thousands from their holes. Many three to refugee camps for safety but find they are struggling to help. We report on one camp in the east of iraq. For the last few years, she has spent her life as a refugee. Elderly, she struggles on a daily base. She is from north of baghdad but lives in camps across the country. Shes been forced from one town to another because of threats to her son who was in the police force. Once he left the force, they were harassed by government officials. I moved, the situation got worse. I returned. There the situation was not better. I moved again. Then i returned and after that moved here. Her no home is 20 kilometers from the front lines of the war. The camp has seen improvements with the help of international aid. The World Food Program provides three hot meals a day. There is drinking water, too, but its warm with no refrigerators in the 45degree summer heat. Electricity is being installed and power lines now reach 700 tents in the camp. The camp is now equipped with electric powers and chillers but not to the desired levels. We have many humanitarian cases that need attention. That includes iraqs most vulnerable. New arrives are often forced to sleep in the open until shelter is available. Conditions may be tough, but people continue to stream into the camp, leaving behind their homes, which have become just too dangerous. In yemen, the president met with parliament and advisors to discuss restoring security in the country. Tens of thousands of people have been protesting around the capitol and are imposed to a perpetual tax hike. Rebels demand that the government resign by friday. Indonesian police fired tear gas to busy terse protestors outside the Constitutional Court. The court is delivering its verdict concerning fraud in last months elections. The vote is said to be rigged. Supporters have been protesting outside the court. The Election Commission a win. The Constitutional Court ruling has not been finalized yet and there have been clashes with police. They have been dispersed while police and army with around 50,000 people are trying to secure the city. At the moment, a very crucial verdict is being read out by the charges, about the election appeal case filed by the former general, who lost the elections with 47 of the vote. The former general has claimed that the elections were systematically cheated and that around 8 million votes have to be declared illegal. Meanwhile, the pressure says that the election should be redone and declared illegal. The verdict has been finalized. We will finally know who is going to be the next president of indonesia after a very long and polarized election battle. A convoy of aid has inched closer to ukraine, held up at the russian border because ukraine was suspicious about cargo. Russia said they are carrying relief supplies, including food and water. Ukraines military said its lost five soldiers fighting for control of the donetsk region. Government troops have taken part and surrounded the city of donetsk. Kiev says in addition to the five deaths, 21 soldiers were injured in the last 24 hours. The region has faced heavier shelling for weeks and several buildings were flattened, some set on fire. We have the latest from slovyansk. More fighting in the separatist strong hold city of donetsk where loud explosions have been heard, more shelling and museum apparently hit today. All eyes will be on a place not too far from donetsk thats been the scene of intense fighting for the last few days. It does seem that the battle to try to regain control and retain control here in Eastern Ukraine is intensifying. With regard to the convoy russia says is aid, its still on the russian side of the border. Theres been no movement there. The International Committee for the red cross says it has received some of the securitiations it now needs to take the convoy through, but it would seem the ukrainians are still very unhappy about letting these trucks into ukrainian territory. Russia ordered the temporary closure of four Mcdonalds Restaurants in moscow. It was told its restaurants violated sanitation rules. Many are linking the closures to the political friction between the u. S. And russia over the crisis in ukraine. Americas top Law Enforcement official eric holder visited ferguson and promised u. S. Prosecutors will investigate the shooting of an unarmed black teenager. Wednesday night was quieter than prefers days. We report on the attorney generals visit. The u. S. Attorney general came to show washington is watching. Allow people to express themselves, thats what we do in the United States, while at the same time isolating and getting rid of those people who are there for other purposes. There are signs the high profile visit eased tensions in ferguson, a mostly black city that is increasingly mistrustful of its mostly white police force. I feel confident with him coming to town and maybe he will make a change. Thats what were all hoping for. We have to get this right. This event is so tragic and so important to our country that we have to get everything right. This community is struggling to return to normal. This restaurant was vandalized in the protest and boarded up and now is partly back in business. Its a small step, but progress. The visit by the nations top prosecutor was a blend of symbolism and substance, a suggestion that if local authorities failed to pursue allegations of police misconduct, the u. S. Justice Department Just might. Its unusual for him to come and great for the community. Obviously theres distrust of the local prosecution for a variety of reasons. I think its not just symbolic. It can have a healing affect on the community. As nightly protests continue, so do reports of police abuse, but washingtons top Law Enforcement officer says things seem to be getting better. We are doing something different, that which the state is going, state and county prosecutors are doing, but nevertheless, i think that what we are doing hopefully will have a positive impact. Protestors continued their vigil as a federal grand jury met wednesday but it could be weeks, perhaps months before it decides whether the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown should be prosecuted. Aljazeera, ferguson, missouri. Argentinas president unveiled a plan to avoid a u. S. Court ruling that pushed the country into a second debt default. We explain. This is a bold move by argentina, exploring new and untried ways to get itself out of a difficult economic situation. Theres little doubt that the congress behind me he will pass the bill into law. Argentina is supposed to pay its debt from accounts. Argentina could pay 92 of the debt it owes that it wants to pay, while cutting out the holdouts on what it calls vulture funds, the 8 of their debt they havent been able to Reach Agreement on. All of this stems from 2001, 2002 when argentina defaulted on debts of about 100 billion. Its since been excluded from world financial forecasts. If it wants to rejoin them, the question is whether it does it under its own terms or under the court of United States. Argentina needs to solve its problems soon. Its in default, inflation rampant and dollars it needs to do business are in short supply. Brazils socialist party renamed a candidate. Campos died in a plane crash last week. Silva is now a major challenger to the current president. As she fought her way through a scrum of journalist, she is now the hottest political commodity in brazil, accepting the nomination wednesday night, replacing Eduardo Campos who died in a plane accident last week. We want brazil that is prosperous, democratic and socially fair. She comes from a poor working class background in the amazon region, once a maid and illiterate until she taught herself to receipt at 17. She later went into politics and ran for president in 2010, and garnered nearly 20 million votes. Shes now appealing to voters looking for a change, a message resonating with many. She will represent us in a better way. Perhaps one of the great ironies of this campaign is despite the promise and popularity that campos had, his untimely passing has now thrust silva into the forefront, garnered attention of more of the voters, made this president ial Campaign Even more competitive. She motivated and stimulated, then decided to become decided. That was an important change. A lot of jump decides came out of the protest movement of 2013, decided im not going to vote. With silva now in the running, theyve decided that were going to vote for her. She ma many challenges ahead, has little experience with Economic Issues and is deeply distrusted by brazils powerful agriculture business interests. Six weeks in my the election, she hopes to take her new found popularity all the way to the presidency. Icelands volcano continues to threaten to erupt. Roads leading to the area are closed and those living to the north asked to evacuate homes. Iceland has also warned airlines about a possible ash cloud. We have this report. All eyes now on the volcano, hidden under ice in the glacier. There have been thousands of earthquakes in the region since saturday, almost two small earthquakes in the region in the past 48 hours alone. Combined with evidence that magma is moving you are not the surface, less than 10 kilometers under the surface, authorities are prepared for the possibility of an eruption. Ice land is known for its volcanos and seismic activity, so therefore, tourists and locals are prepared. We are afraid of the ash. The ash was bad for us in 2010 and were all a little afraid. Will it come to the saw the or go out to sea . Were a little worried, since we are coming on vacation, we didnt know if we should even come, but they actually ended up closing some roads, evacuating people, so its supposed to be, you know, safer for us, because were not in the zone. This is bringing back memories of when this volcano erupted in 2010, sending a huge ash plume up and canceling flights, 100,000 flights, affecting travelers across europe. Scientists say if the value cone know were to erupt its unlikely to cause the same level of eruption. They say the size of the explosion will depend where the magma comes to the surface. If it comes where there is ice, there could be a big explosion, raising the risk of potential flash flooding. That water is sent very quickly downstream. We have all the sports news coming up, including the latest push to increase football interests in cricket matches. Malaysia is prepared to receive the remains of mh17. 43 citizens died in that tragedy. So far, 30 have been identified. We report from kuala lampur. At the international airport, they have been rehearsing to ensure the ceremony will be conducted with military style precision. The remains of the victims will be received off the flight from the knelter lands before a fleet of ambulances and helicopters takes the caskets to their final resting places around malaysia. This is a country still numbed by this loss. Malaysian authorities called for fridays ceremonies to be simple but dignified. People are urged to wear dark colors, pollution will be flow at half mast and there will be a minute silence as the country mourns for a country dealing with the double tragedy of loft airliners, it provides a moment for reflection and remembrance for those aboard the malaysian flight nearly six months after it vanished. Organizations like this one were insisting in the counseling of relatives from that flight when this was lost. It is only part of the pros. Its not just to have closure. Its not just to be able to say goodbye. What we have to help them do is remember the people onboard and celebrate their lives to be able to actually, you know, reconnect with them in a spiritual way. En that families are still waiting for positive identification of their relatives remains from mh17. This family last saw their aunt when she left to visit relatives in the netherlands, a trip from which she never returned. Although she hasnt been identified, we are sure she will be. As far as we know, all of the victims have arrived in the nexter land and we just have to be patient. After the solemnity and pain of this official ceremony, malaysia will still have much private grieving to endure. The cans substitutional court in indonesia has been meeting to give its verdict for fraud. The court rejected the rival candidates president ial election appeal, effectively upholding the victory there. This is according to the reuters news agency. Rejecting the appeal is what is happening in indonesia. Well have more on that. For now, we have an update on sports news. Madrid confirmed that winger wanted to leave. They have lost a starting berth. He made intentions clear that he wants out before the window closes. The 6yearold argentine linked with the club man thefter united. Theres no difference between what i think and what the club thinks. We both have the same opinion rewarding the situation which is clear, because the player has requested to move during the summer and has rejected an offer from the club. Thats why we have searched for another player and thats it. The French Football Federation Holding Disciplinary Hearing for player accused of head butting at the end of a match. The french champion said that he appeared to wait in the tunnel after the match to attack the italian international. He was left with a broken nose. They called for the 34yearold to be ban ford life. He faces up to 12 months ban by french authorities. First ever draft for foreigners in dubai for cricket. The Countries National league has minimal support. The new competition is modeled on Indian Premier League cricket and will feature eight city franchises. Owner include bollywood stars along with spanish football champion owners. In tennis, Serena Williams named as the top seed for the year. Shes not feeling the pressure just yet. The five time winner replaced her tennis racket with a microphone at the karaoke event in new york. She won the masters a week ago and is seeking her Third Straight title at flushing meadows. I feel good. Im looking forward to it. Im going to be relaxed and enjoy myself. It will be super important, i hope i do it. Well see, though, no pressure. Getting on the way thursday with an event kicking off at fedex cup. Rory mcelroy wants to make it four wins in a row, coming off three straight victories. Mcilroy is aiming to extend his amazing run over the next four weeks with 10 million up for grabs for the cup winner. Its a big four weeks coming up. Its one of the only things that i havent achieved in this game is the fed excup. I came close in 2012, so it would be great to finish off what has been my best year to date with a victory there. A new championship hopes to change formula k. S that will be electric powered. Its time for a new era in car racing, and this ones electric. Its part of a drive to improve Public Perception of electric cars, beyond the selling point of being more sustainable than those that use fuel. Final testing before next months opening race in china was in england where all the teams and technology will be based. Other car racing projects have tried and ultimately failed to challenge the domination of formula one. This is not just about racing. Its beyond sport. Being part of an environmentally friendly project that advantage for Companies Like virgin. How exactly do their cars work . Its quite simple, really. You remove the engine, the gear box, any of that and replace it with a big battery and lot of energy. We can easily go fast on the circuit. Each driver will use two cars to race. The championship is sanctioned by the governing body. It helps that two famous names will be in the drivers seat. We know each other well. We are very good friends. Hes a super nice guy. I hope i can beat him, but i really hope we stay friends. I think regardless of where he goes, hes an exciting championship, very competitive. We can safely assume that its going to be very good. One of the 10 venues for the inaugural season is still to be announced, bullet first event is in baseballing on september 13. It all sounded good. It sounds brilliant. Its like small jet plane. The sound is just unreal. A sound legacy of electric vehicles, Oil Consumption and c. O. 2 emissions down, plus job creation. Theyll need to find sustainable interest in the actual racing. Thats it for me. Ill have more sports four later. Well see you later on. Thank you very much. Thanks for watching the aljazeera news hour. For viewers in the United States, its back to your regular programming. International viewers around the world, we are with you in just a moment with much more news. Stay with us. On the stream, the usda pulls 770 inspectors from poultry processing plants. Join us on the stream to find out what that means for your food safety. The stream on Al Jazeera America Al Jazeera America presents just because youre pregnant, dont mean youre lifes ended. 15 stories one incredible journey edge of eighteen premiers september 7th only on Al Jazeera America the world faces its worst refugee crisis in decades, conflicts from afghanistan to syria, iraq, sudan, and saudi arabia. No one is suffering more than children, and relief organizations are overwhelmed. Women face abuse, and religious freedom is under assault from

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