Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20140508

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And this is draft day, for the nfl. An openly gay defense event is on the verge of making history. Nigerias president declared his country will win the war against terror. The fact that the president made those remarks protected by a massive security operation, underscores what they now face. The number of People Killed is now believed to exceed 300. The attack came near the boarder, and they targeted the village because forces were using it as a base to try and track the groups movements in the region. Boko haram has already taken responsibility for the kid p thatting last month. One of the first journalists who reached the town where that took place, he spoke with one of the girls who managed to escape. A fromtized mother, esther still hasnt come to terms with the abduction of her 15yearold daughter. She till thinks it is a bad dream eshe will awake from. Her daughter is among the over 270 girls taken by fighters. More than three weeks on, may remain missing. Break everything inside my house, that would be better for me than taking my daughter. Even take my life at that moment, i think i am satisfied more than taking my daughter away. I just feel like killing myself. Her pain is shared by most of the families in this once vibrant community, for them, life will never be the same. Homes and government offices were set on fire, by the attackers. But the sharpest pain inflicted on the people, was here. At the girls secondary school. A month ago, this was full of life, hundreds of girls here, aring looing forward to fulfilling their dreams. And now it lies in ruins. And the girls, are all gone. Bundled more than 300 girls on to trucks. Taking them into the forrest. 53 of them escaped. Among them, this girl, whose father insists we hide her identity, fearing she may be targeted especially after the arrest of some protestor proten the nigeria can toll. After they attacked the town, they then took us to our catch, i and three other girls lied to them, saying we needed to use the toilets that is how we ran away, they chased us but we kept running. There is a sense of fear in the community, but people are outraged at the suggestion that the abduction never took place. It is heartbreaking, that this tragedy. It is then politicized. The news that helped from fallen powers is underway is reassuring. But the stars of the tragedy are deep and the trauma long lasting. Al jazeera North Eastern nigeria. The crisis comes at an especially delicate time. They are hosting the World Economic forum in the capitol. The conference features dig that stories and executives from around the world, and the violence has increased the nervousness a lot of people have about nigerias economic future. Al jazeera reports. In nigeria to investors from around the world, but its being overshadowed by violence in the northeast. Hundreds of people are killed in a village on monday, and more than 300 are being held hostage. Despite the violence, the government decided to go ahead. Because of fears. The per errorist. They come in here to support us morally. It is the worlds 26th largest, and last month became africas biggest economy taking over from south africa. Are keep to cash in on the huge market of over 160 million people. The economy is fueled by a massive growth in mobile telecom. Agriculture, banking and the film industry. But on the other hand, nigeria also has big problems to overcome. It is the worlds 13th larger oil exporter, but it is losing billions of dollars every year, an estimated 100,000 barrels of oil are stolen every day. Violent religious and ethnic disputes in central nigeria, that has killed hundreds of people. Where theres so much inbalance in income, the super reach, and relying on the super poor. This is the result of overtime that the mismanagement of our social policy. Which led to corruption, and corruption in effect, to a huge device, between the rich and the poor, that leads up to the issue of security. More than 30 of people are unemployed. Ascoreding to the Nigerian Bureau of statistics. If and how the turmoil effects the long term prospects of the rest of the nation. Many feel that the constant attacks and insecurities both confined to one region will hurt the whole country. Al jazeera, nigeria. Peace talks are about to get underway over the conflict in south sudan, that countries rebel leader arrived today, one day before his face to face talks. Millions more have been forced from their homes. They have just released a new report in south sudan, james bays is at the Head Quarters and what are the newest findings in. David, this is it, six tin one pages of chilling detail. The april dispute and turned into a tribal conflict, now, this is so serious that the u. N. Security council is meeting they have been meeting now for over two hours about this subject when i spoke to ambassadors going into this meeting, they talked about this report, they were shocked by the end fooings of this report, and i can tell you, this isnt the only meeting they have planned the u. N. Secretary general was in south sudan a couple of days ago, on monday, the u. N. Security council will be discussing this yet again, and behnke moon himself will be breeching it. But other than some official condemnation at tend of the security Council Meeting what might come out of this. Well, i think there are two things that they are looking at. One is the force. The u. N. Force, they have over 9,000 troops and police, they are going to boost that, already they have said they are going to try to bring in another 5,000. Bring them in from other u. N. Missions. It is going to cost 223 million to do so, bringing them from other missions. The other thing they are going to discuss, is what actions are responsible for these atrocities for these massacres. As you know, the u. S. Has come up with sanctions on two key individuals, one on either side, right hand men, of the two leaders of the two warring parties, well, the u. N. Security council discussing whether there should be international u. N. Sanctions, the u. S. Certainly supports that idea russia i am told is not so keep on the idea. Al jazeera at the united nations, thank you for the report. Prorussian separatists and Eastern Ukraine say they will move forward with an autonomy referendum planned for sunday. They are ignoring calls by russian president Vladimir Putin to delay that vote. This is the first major fish err between the rebel groups and is leader who has threatened to bring in forces to help them. Al jazeera has more now. Postpone their referendum and negotiate with the government, but siting a unanimous vote of the council of the peoples republic, its chairman set is the referendum would do ahead. And in the separatist strong hold, the focus of an on going effort by ukrainian forced to dislodged armed groups the message was that here too they are ready for sundays vote. Is majority of the region and the city will rose positively. And all the sectors of the population. There the corners of ukraine, the intervention was comprehensively dismissed. I can only expect and i think all the cities agree with us. The separation from ukraine, for our own independent peoples republic. We are not oriented to europe, all our roots most of the people here are deeply in russia. With soviet music blaring out across the square, this is the row Call Administration building. But for several weeks has been occupied by representatives of the peoples republic. Well, after sundays vote, many here hope it will become the seat of an autonomous government. And the hopes suddenly raised by president putin on wednesday, of the resolution to this crisis in ukraine, appear to be unfounded. Al jazeera. A large majority of ukraine wants want their country to remain a single unified sate. Of those who live in the east, 70 want the country to stay together. But only 58 of russians speakers inside the country say they want to remain a part of ukraine. Earlier we spoke with harriet salem, she toweled us what she were hearing from the people in the region, and where their loyalties lie. It is really the heart land of the rebel support, and it has been subject to this Counter Terrorism operation. That means they have seen violence on the outskirts of the city, as rebels have clashed with the soldiers, that has fueled Public Sentiments here. Which warred getting fueled anger towards kiev, for the death of violence. The opinion on the street, is very pro russian. There are deep divides in the region. Many people who are pro ukrainian, are very scared to speak out. The rebels which have guns and have kidnapped people and i bet there are serious human body violations going on. So people are scared to oppose the kind of new regime which is abreast. The head of syrias Main Operation group, has just made his first visit to washington, Syrian National president met with secretary of state john kerry earlier today. The meeting came one day after hundreds of Syrian Rebels left the city, it is expected to meet with president obama next week. Meantime, Syrian State Television reports that rebels have blown up a hotel in the hard hit city of aleppo. It says rebels used underground explosive to attack the hotel. At least ten people were killed, this is the same hotel that was the target of an attack back in february. Now, back here in the united states, it is time for todays power politics and the rangeling continues on capitol hill, where democrats are claiming that republicans only care about the big money special interests. According to democratic strategist, this is all part of the effort to make the midterm as choice election, instead of a referendum. Last night, at a private Democratic Party fund raiser, president obama previewed the efforts to make choosing republicans more distasteful. He told the audience we believe in pay equity, they say no, we believe in a higher minimum wage, they say no. Bethink Climate Change is real, some say it is a hoax. The coke brothers have given tens of millions of dollars to stop Climate Change legislation. They are one of the main causes of this, in one year, Coke Industries released 31 Million Pounds of toxic air, how much is that . It is more than down chemical, exon mobile, and General Electric combined. House Speaker John Boehner for example, just pushed the chanel bear to create another Committee Investigating benghazi four americans were skilled and the Obama Administration has offered conflicting accounts about what it knew at the time. When is is the administration going to tell the American People the truth . They have not told them the truth about bens into and i. The focus doesnt appear to have a political down side for republicans at least for now. A survey last month found that when voters were asked for congress should continue to investigate, the administration handling of the attack, 60 said yes, 34 said no, and 6 were not sure. Speaking of polls, there is a new survey today that underscores why Tea Party Candidates faired so poorly in midterm republican primaries this week. According to gallop, republican support is now down to just 41 . Four years ago, republicans support for the tea party was 61 . Overall, support stands at 22 per, four years ago, the figure among all voters was 32 . Finally fact check organizations are hammering pennsylvanias governor, for what they are calling the most misleading ad of 2014. While wolf served in harris burg, our taxes went flu the roof, and high err taxes led to workers losing their jobs. But wolf has no authority to raise or lower taxes. His job was similar is my to othersee the state agency collecting them. As for job losses, they are greater under tomko bits administration than under the previous administration. Misleading commercials sometimes backfire, and that is todays power politics. The last time albuquerque held a city Council Meeting protestors angry about Police Shootings forced the council to shut it down, theres another meeting scheduled to begin in an hour, and the anger from activists is just as intense. As intense. We get a update. The Performance Review. As intense. We get a update. That corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. And yet, theres someone around the office who hasnt had a Performance Review in a while. Someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. Im looking at you phone company dsl. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business built for business. Shooting and killing an armed man after a lengthy stand off. Came out of his home firing two handguns. The city council tries to have a meeting on monday, but a group of protestors stormed the chambers and tried a citizens arrest of the police chief. The reaction has been overwhelmingly negative. The shooting does on its face appear to be somewhat justifiable. Theres a major credibility problem, Community Members generally have a lot more skepticism about what police say happened. What is expected tonight at the city Council Meeting that kind of remains to be seen. We know the protestors will be out in force, but the city council in add tin face has called in additional security, and has created some new interim rules about the way that protestors can behave at the meeting. How have the City Council Members responded to these demands by the activists that the citys police chief since is he is overseeing this department that he resign. The city council hasnt as far as i know responded specifically to that demand. But i think that one thing that the demonstrators are saying so far is they have approached the city council every week, during the Public Comment portion, and made these criticisms about the Police Department use of force. Generally, the Police Department has or generally the protestors have said that the city council has not been receptive to their dend mas for accountability, and other concerns that they have brought. The Justice Department put albuquerque under a federal review, and found that yes, there have been cases where they used excessive force. Has the Police Department changed its tacticked base on the federal investigation . So pharr, we have been made aware of two changes one of which is is that the department no longer allows officers to shoot at vehicles. How officers will not longer be allowed to bring their personal weapons on duty. That was a contributor to what they called an aggressive culture by the department. They said that officers were buying their own weapons. Expensive high powers weapons that they would carry with them. While the police chief has not drawn a link of these reforms it appears at least at the moment that these are the changing we have seen in the aftermath of that report. With promises of being a very interesting night, at the burke city council, thank you for joining us. 9 11 families are appealing now the president obama, for help to keep their loved ones remains out of a vault. At the new memorial in museum, and may do not want the museum to go forward with plans to house any remains. Yeah, theres a difference between identifies remains and unidentified. If they are identified then they remain to the families if they are unidentified they basically belong to the city, and is the city is choosing to put these remains 8,500 of them, in a vault. Seven floors down, the other bedrock of world trade center. A week from today. Now the families are not happy about this, numbers among them. She lost her brother sean who was 26. She says in death, Osama Bin Laden was treated better than many of the children at the trade center site. His remains were treated with respect. They were washed and covered with a cotton cloth, and he was swept into the sea peacefully. Contrast that with the 9 11 victims and their remains the urn identified remains. A pay as you go mow seem. In a basement underyoung area, that has been deemed to be a flood zone a. Who would have ever have picked that for our loved ones . So Osama Bin Laden got treated better than our unidentified victims. The city is says it con sacramentoed the faultily members, five of them that sit on the 9 11 board, but they say look there are 2700 people that lost and they are calling for a vote. They dont want them to go into what hi called a bar numb and bailey circus. All we ask for is to have a vote of the family, the 2700 families lets see what they wanted. Above grade, in a memorial with a light where it is open to the public, free of charge. Or in a Revenue Generating tourist attraction. Why the still moves the remains, there will be a protest by their families and many others early on, the other one on the 15th when the museum opens they will go on doing this. They are very unhappy about this. And city officials have no planned to react to this by allowing a vote . The officials have no plans. They say they have consulted the five that sit on the board, and this is the way they are going to deal with the remains for now. One of the big issues is that family members can get in for free. Anybody who may have to be a friend, would have to pay 24. Thank you fur answering this. Just ahead, Hillary Clinton has been an active. We will have a full report ahead p p also violent criminals entertaining crowds behind bars. Inside the prison rodeo, thats next. On the next talk to al jazeera lawyer david boies gives surprising insight intos his most historic case bush vs. Gore and tells of his relentless fight for civil rights this is the defining issue today. Talk to al jazeera only on Al Jazeera America former secretary of state helicopter says the accusation duction of more than 200 school girls by the nigerian radical group is criminal and an act of terrorist. The tenure as americas top diplomate, she turned down requests by the fbi, the Justice Department, to put boko haram on the list of Terror Organizations. We will talk about that in a moment. But first, rosalyn jordan covers the state department. Give us the back story about how this decision got made . Well, essentially the u. S. State department is pushing back. Saying that it is important to note that in the time year of her term helicopter did designate three top members of boko haram, including the current leader, as especially designated terrorist, so that means that they were hit with visa bans, they couldnt come to the united states, if they happened to have any money in u. S. Financial institutions those funds would be frozen. What is important so note, is while there was this active decision about what to do, if anything, it is important for owe view errs to remember, that when the u. S. Designated an organization, a foreign terrorist organization, that organization has to pose a serious incredible on going threat. So the state department didnt believe there had been that kind of case, it is also important to note that they had a lot of support from the government, even up until the end of the 2012, when the u. S. Did designate these three men as being on the specially designated terrorist list. Even then the government was opposed to that, because they were afraid that it would make this group feel they have statue in the world. How do battles like this, internal battles and decisions tend to get resolved . What kind of things may clinton have considered in making this decision . It isnt clear, officials believe, that having created this designation would have made any difference. Other organizations have been on this list, the fto list for years. And these organizations are still carrying out attacks. But the u. S. Is says you have to look at this, as simply one way of combating a threat. If it were just enough to basically make it impossible for people to travel, to one country or another, or to freeze their assets, and if thats all it took, then it seems that many more people and many more organizations would be on that list. Here we are talking about boko haram a couple of years later. The question we will be talking about it a couple of years from now. I assume safely, that this situation will be resolved by the time Hillary Clinton answered for it, it wont be that much of an issue. There are people on both sides that advocate, and advocate against it. One thing to remember, and rosalyn gave a great recap. Even if it has been designated. It would mean that we would not still have is been able to help out in fighting them, because we do not support the police and government. To governments that human rights violation. So working with nigeria would have been the best course of action. S in clearly a political event, so i dont think we would be talking about benghazi, this is a state department, and maybe a process is when you talk about boko haram. Not just about hillary, that it is about hillary is convenient for republicans i dont think it is the kind of thing that sticks. Benghazi they will try to make stick, they wouldnt be doing that if it werent for a president ial election. Theres precedent for it not working. And george wh bush still won with the contra hearings. These are always happy events to the opposition, but they dont always stick. Attars of impeach but its been ten years since anybody has heard from her publicly. She just came out with an essay, what do you think about the timing . First of all, the timing, i think david speaks to the obvious and apparent candidacy of Hillary Clinton. I think monica lue winski who has nod control over the story, and why would she at that time, had no control over the story and the after math of that during the clinton itch peoplement now wants some control of the narrative. I am woman hare me roar, and then have it go away, rather than have the media, if there is a clinton candidacy take it up for her, and repeat histories that arent sure, or make it more i think the times is interesting and that it is so far ahead of a possible clinton candidacy, that i think it does a favor even if unwittingly, but it is about monica getting a hold of the story. Whoever is advising her i think it is a great idea to do that. Michael, great seeing you as always, thank you for being on the program. David, thank you so much. Her opponents have called for months now, for her familys personal game. Gain. Reports now from bangkok. And said it was rife with construction. Anticorruption agency has charged former Prime Minister with negligence to starting the scheming. The agency is recommending she be impeached which can see her bans from politics for five years. Rocked by street demonstrations for six mondays. Here a group of police stand guard. Ready to head off trouble. After some negotiations they decide to turn around. The political grid lob is having an effect on the economy. A long run, while an increase growth in the short term are being put on hold and not being approved. Thailands prospects for growth have been downgraded. Business and consumer confident is afters down. People say it is getting harder to cope with rising prices. She was getting tired of the political crisis. It was all right at first, but it has gone on for too long, it is getting tiresome, and it doesnt seem like it is going to end soon. Both pro and antigovernment protestors are planning to hold major rallies. Plans from both sides to hold talks to resolve the crisis and implement reyou remember toes have amounted to nothing. In china, the cochairman of the largest thomas and raymond are both accused of bribing the head of hong kongs Civil Service with more than 4. 5 million in loans and payments. This is the businessest case of the Anticorruption Agency has ever handled. Three other people have been charged. Well on its way to winning its first election since the end of apartheid. The anc has 63. 7 of the votes with nearly twothirds of the ballots counted. A win would lighten some of the pressure, whose first term was hurt by some costly union strikes. And accusations of mismanagement. The anc has been in power since is nelson mandela. 20 years ago. And in brazil, the government in says it has to scale back plans now for the upcoming world cup because of construction delays. As the country prepares for hundreds of thousands of visitors and an influx of cash, real estate rental prizes are soaring and that has forced some families to leave their homes and look for other options. Gabriel reports. Alexandar says to build a place to sleep, they have few otherring os. You see people Building Shelter everywhere, just simple places made of sticks and plastic sheets. They are working families the majority of whom are women and children, who organized to take over this land as squatters, seeing their meager income stretched by the skyrocketing rent prices that some say tripled in recent years. En into the world scup speculation. Just off in the distance, the new 500 million world cup stadium. And the world scup of the people, like those of us that need a place to live. T in just a few days there are now 2,500 families here, more than 5,000 people, with more arriving every day. It is now a minitent city, they are calling it the world cup of the people community. Ins actually private land, but its been abandoned for almost two decades. But theres a chance that an owner can go to a judge, to have these people evicted from here, and thats happened in several instances in land occupations in recent months. But the people here tell me they will fight it, they will not leave under any circumstances. Like lose jay and her 19yearold granderson setting up where they plan to build. We cant pay rent any more, my husband is sick and lived on fixed income, and i am a maid so i cant afford more. And their best case scenario, local lawmakers will decide to turn the area into Affordable Housing for everyone, but if that happened it will be a long way off. The Football Party may be fast approaching but for these people, a decent affordable place to live remain as distant dream. Al jazeera, south palo. Back to the united states, a new development in an oklahoma death row plea to stop his execution. Those details and other news around america. The decision comed after the recent botched execution, convicted murderer died 43 minutes after he was inject requested the he that will drugs. Charles warner was set to be put to death that same night, but the governor put a hold on that and asked for a review of the execution procedure. In pennsylvania a cheating scandal leads to felony charges against four teachers and a principal. The states attorney general says it is all part of a widespread investigation into cheating. The educators are accused of changing answers on standardized test and reviewing questions before the exam. Samuel was accused of scheming to manufacture and ship tainted peanuts the outbreak happened in 2009, it prompted the largest recall in history. He will serve no more than six years in prison. No more parties the sore roarty at u conns campus was shut down over a hazing incident. A sophomore says she and others were told to lay on the floor and sizzle like bacon, then they had to jump up and down and grab their ankles while drinking and she said is she also had to play beer pong, and thats when she blacked out zennedded up in the hospital. The sore roarty is banned from the campus for the next three years, david. You always think it is the fraternities but the sore roarties just as much. Oh, just as much. These incidents are getting crazier. All right. Appreciate it. In the south rodeos are almost always a crowd pleaser, and for fans in louisiana, one show stands out as a low scal favorite, it is held at the on goal la prison, and the cowboys are some of the most violent criminals. Reports on what some are calling the most controversial rodeo in the world. It is billed as the wildest show in the south, an event that pits nerves against the raw power of a raging bull, the last man sitting wined cash. But these arent trained cowboys. Today they can be king for a day, now the victim would say who cares but what is important, we have to try to rehabilitate them. It houses some of the most dangerous criminals. Join the rodeo the rules are somewhat relaxed. Inmates run their own arts and Crafts Stores and are allowed to make money. But it is the rodeo that attracts the most attention. There are those that say this is nothing short of an inhumane sport. More than half the prisoners are first time offender whose will never see the outside of these walls and injuries are common place. Play say every precaution is taken, and theres little sympathy for convicted criminals. They have nothing to lose, i guess. Just something fun and different for them to do. They had a choice. Just like they had a choice what they was doing. None of the prisoners are forced to take part, and the prize money ensures participation was high, and many it is a highlight of a life behind bars. For me to come out here and find a rodeo, its been a joy for me, for my family, my family comes every year. The average sen fence is 95 years. Most of these men will die and be buried here. For them, this rodeo is a taste of freedom, even if its only for a few seconds. Coming up on Al Jazeera America, nba owner Donald Sterling may have been caught on tape, again. And it sounds like this time, he is adamant about keeping the clippers. America mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. Download it now sterlings family is not going to make it very easy. Here with the latest. No, not at all. They said they are going to go down swinging. He says he wants to keep ownership of the team, and he also believes the lifetime ban in 2. 5 million fine should not apply to her, meanwhile, the league held the second meeting yesterday, about terminating Donald Sterlings ownership, and 75 of the vote is requires to make that move, but the vote hasnt happened yet. As for the owners they are going to reconvene, now get this, we have yet to hear from Donald Sterling, but obtaining a new recording that says Donald Sterling adamantly saying that he is not going to just give up ownership of the team. You cant force someone to sell property in america. Im a lawyer thats my opinion. You think i am a racist . You think i have anything in the world but love for everybody . Is you dont think that. You know i am not a racist. Who does he keep hanging out with they keep recording these things. From one millionaire, to future ones, for what can be sometimes considered the best worst night more than 250 College Athletes will be at radio city music hall, here in new york city, hoping to hear afl commissioner call his name, and that will can feel like an eternity, unless you are one of the first ones picked, one of the biggest surprises may be where johnny lands. But folks in the lone star state, are pressuring their home teams to keep Johnny Football in texas. One texas a m alum, even went as pharr as putting up billboards in hopes that the texas take him number one, no question his name will be called on day one, but will the Heisman Trophy winner be able to dominate the nfl like he did the College Gridiron . Nothing will change, i am not getting to this level to be complacent. Thats no who i am. So continue to get better every day, and through this process, yeah, it is to try and put myself in the best position possible. At the same time i want to be good, and continue to get bet err the most talented player is south carolinas clownny. He is 66, 270 pounds and a defensive end, but get this, he has the speed of a wide receiver. As for another player to keep an eye on, the spotlight will be on michael sam that made National Headlines for coming out in february, now the former player is hoping to make history by becoming the first openly gay player, drafted and to play in the nfl. He is expected to be a mid to late rounder, but nothing, of course, paid like being number one, this years top overall pick will receive a 24 million contract, which include as 15 million signing bonus. It all wraps up on saturday, i dont about you, but my first job, i was excited to get the y membership. A little bit different. Yeah, 24 million out of college, crazy. The national toward has spent tens of millions of dollars to sponsor nascar racing but doesnt have much to show for it. Documents obtained show the guard spent 88 million on a nascar sponsorship between 2011 and 2013, what do they get for it . Well, thats unclear. Not sure how many new recruits if any signed up because of that sponsorship. There have been arrests at a protest camp in venezuela, why police took dozens to jail, and at the top of the hour, it is real money, with ali velshi. Coming up, the middle class catch 22, hardworking people that cant afford to live in their homes but cant afford to sell because they owe more than it is worth. I am looking at the problems and is the solutions. Some of the coolest best selling stuff ever, all that and ever many on real money. Authorities in pakistan released an agent today. On sunday, joel cox was trying to fly in a domestic flight when airport authorities kiss covered he had bullets and 35s in his lug gauge. The u. S. Law enforcement official said cox made a mistake and did not mean to bring the items on the plane. And venezuela today hundreds of Police Arrested nearly 250 people in a raid on four protest camps. The camps were set up outside the u. N. Building in the capital, president nicholas madu row was trying to track down on the demonstrations. People say they are angry at the governments lack of action, police say the demonstrators were bidding weapons to use against security forces. 41 protestors have been killed in fighting in venezuela over the past two months. Theres a lot of activity online, maria is become with us with more on that. I want to give you that. We will look at this main roadway here, you have cars on the right hand side, dozens and duns of tents that were set up here. You also have this camp that is one of the plaza. Some kids playing in the background. You have a tent here, some is people milling around, you also have campground that was dismantled. Debris all over the floor, so what are the items that the police found . Well, they tweeted out these images. These are called miguelita and they are basically metal spikes you throw them on the ground, and then a car passes by, you get a flat tire with this. These are cell phone as gas mask, they also found weapons. And take a look at this, medical supplies as well. Rubbing alcohol, that sort of thing. And today also more than 200 people were arrested. Take a look at this, they are identified them here. Thank you for that update, we appreciate it. Again, theres big news today out of nigeria, the president of that country has vow add crack down, that is of course the Terror Organization that kidnapped those girls and has caused violence in the North Eastern part of the country, they were going to be tracking all the developments right here on Al Jazeera America, and up next, ali velshi will look at nigeria it has become an economic power house. So stickaround for that aspect of the story, and what it means financially to africa. On behalf of all of us, thank you for watching. Violence corruption and poverty. Thats guy nearia in the news today. But its much more. Its a an economic powerhouse and Global Investors want to get in on the action. Isle explain. Also underwater mortgages in america. My year long look continues. Plus inside americas drone zones. See where they are Testing Technology that could one day deliver packages or even a piazza right to your door. Im ali velshi, and

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