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Super bug infections and the first Major Television ad debuts for medical marijuana. Some heated rhetoric today. As the crisis in ukraine grows. Vladimir mute tin defended his operation as a humanitarian mission. But president obama says he and much of the world disagree. There is a strong belief that russias action is violating International Law. I know president putin seems to have a different set of lawyers making a different set of interpretations, but i dont think thats fooling anybody. And it was all caught on tape. All of this and u. S. Offers economic assistance. Mike is in the white house for us, the secretary of state and the president today using very very forcible language against president putin and russia. Well, thats absolutely right, and nobody is buying the pretext that Vladimir Putin has put forward that he is there to protect ethnic speakers from persecution at the happens of ukrainians in the western part, and those in kiev as well. President obama, tony, for the second consecutive day he took time out from a previously scheduled event, this one is to talk about is education money he set aside, which was anonessed today as well, to talk about the crisis in ukraine, to talk about International Law to talk about that pretense on the part of Vladimir Putin, lets listen. What is happening there is not based on actual concern for russian nationals, or russian speakers inside of ukraine, but is based on russia speaking through force to exert influence on a neighboring country. Meanwhile, secretary of state john kerry was in kiev, he was there to show solidarity with the ukrainian people, he walked down one of the streets expressed support and honored those who had been killed by government snipers as recently as a week ago. John kerry warning, that the pretext of russians, was to, in fact, go into eastern, and southern ukraine. That was the plan, the implication that john kerry said they dont simply have their sites on krimia. And commended them for not accepting the provocations as we just saw. And not enganging with Russian Forces and military action. Here is more of what john kerry had to say. We condemn the act of aggression, and we have throughout this moment evidence of a great transformation taking place, and in that transformation, we will stand with the people of ukraine. Now, for his part, Vladimir Putin said that Russian Troops he denied. The troops were even in the krimea. Thats hard to believe. He spoke for the First Time Since the outset of this crisis. Who is arguing with that. Now negotiations continue with european allies and the United States over a series of sanctions no word on that. But president obama and john kerry both talking about a 1 billion aid package, administers that they say is forth coming to try to get ukraine back on its feet economically. And then, mike, as though he didnt have enough to consider here, russia conduct admissionle test earlier today. You know, it was almost ironic, and it seemed intentional, the timing, that appearance earlier today at the elementary school, president obama said there was some evidence some reports that Vladimir Putin was pausing and reflecting, and looking at his actions and perhaps having second thoughts almost as if on cue the wires flashed and i. C. B. M. Test. Saying that this was a previously scheduled test, they happen all the time, and they had notified the United States, obviously trying to diffuse this. Even as it appears no signs of abating. Earlier i spoke with ukraines ambassador do the united nations, and i asked him why he thinks the Russian Troops are on the move. In the groupings there, to bring more support. And then to help to create the government as it happened. This is very dangerous. Now aside from facing russia, ukraine is also trying to sure up its government and its finances after the old government fled the country. And the United States is offering more than money to help, Jonathan Best is here with more on that for us, jonathan . As you know, ukraine is in a delegated position, it is facing bankruptcy and needs help. Aside from that billion dollars america is also sending in experts to help you get ukraines National Bank in order. Other experts will help them find money, stolen from years of corruption, and even more workers are being sent to get the country ready for the upcoming elections. Ukraine needs more than anything else, is frankly, money. So it is turning to the fund for 15 billion. Wages frozen, services stopped, also ukraines been relying on cheap natural gas from russia. Which means peoples utility bills can go up. There may not be a choice because russia is no longer an option. Ukraine must make changes if the west is going to open up the checkbook. Jonathan, thank you. As russia and the west figure out a way to end the crisis. They are still warning that dozens of people that died in the protests leading up to the ouster of the former president. Phil ittner visited the memorial independent square, and talked about the situation with the ukrainian journalist what did think want to hear from john kerry . The ukrainians want to hear, they want to see what is done there was a lot of talks about support and deep concern. But still people died had a feeling about words and concerned. Very pragmatic, i think now the people they dont really believe in the pragmatism of putin. They dont understand, and nobody gets all over the world understands what is true to what is instrument to influence on him, but maybe they would see like a clear pressure. A sanction or some financial pressure. Not just the United States, but still everybody already understands. Also a big part, so the u. S. Is maybe threatening but without pressure of the european union. No was something they expect. And aside from kerrys visit, we also heard very strong words what is is reaction been from the ukrainians certainly in the west to what vladimir had to say . Releasing it very carefully, but actually, part of it it is really a lot like really for ukrainians talking about ukraine, and people know what is happening on the ground. So they were laughing because it is like a sad laughing like not being very happy about that. I would say it was ridiculous. I mean it was ridiculous, but painfully ridiculous. He is understanding and that is helping underground, and maybe he is ready to do things we shall not logical. It is still very apparent here, they know that this is now very much out of their hands in some regards that their fates may be decided in moscow or in washington. But they are still coming here, because they want them to know that whatever decision is made. They are going to have to live with, and they are determined that their voices will be heard. Phil ittner, al jazeera, kiev. The residents of one village are showing support for the troops surrounding the base, where ukrainian servicemen have refused to surrender. Shots fired into the air. The ukrainians carry a flag from the second world war, as if to remind the russians there was a time when we fought together. It became clear that neither side was willing to fight. When selfdefense units arrived the ukrainians fell in and march off. Their point made. The overnight deadlines passed with no sign of the military storm that had been threatened. Moscow denied there was ever a deadline. In the port city, this soldier said none of his team would vow allegiance to new government. Defiance even though the base is surrounded by troops. Is just 4 1 2 kilometers away across the stretch of water. Another stand off of sorts, flanked by russian watching their every movement. They were quiet, some voluntary security staff guard the parliament, but theres no sign of the men who have been here the day before. One country appears to hold the key to any solution, germany. Yeah, as you know, germany is an economic power house. And officials are now convinced that german chancellor is best positioned to convince the president to back down. It was german chancellor who offered inside the sweep to president obama on the thinking of russian shas president reportedly saying that Vladimir Putin was living in another world. He has said very little publicly, and appears to be by design, because behind the scenes sources say merkel is at the center of quiet diplomacy. Russia and germany have strong ties, germany is the biggest importer of russian gas and oil, some of it comes through ukrainian pipelines and russian supplies account for 36 of all german gas consumption. Putin speaks fluent german after having been stationed as an officer the kgb, and analysts say the two seem to respect each errs toughness, as the crisis has unfolded tyutin have spoken several times most recently a negotiated solution would both protect and help germanys economy as much as any other in europe. Several former countries including poland, slovakia, and romania now serve as consumer markets for german manufacturers. So the economic interest with putin could undercut the Obama Administration effort to punish him, because while the president and secretary of state have been pushing germany for now opposing them. Officials, however, are down playing their disagreement with germany, on how to handle russia at any given moment. Given the view that germany is crucial to any diplomatic solution. David, thank you. Israels Prime Minister, wrapped up visit to washington today. The Prime Minister talked about his concerns that iran is on the path to developing a nuclear weapon. And slow down its development process, but the Prime Minister says a lot more is needed. And he wants iran to be open about its intentions. He says the country should never even have the capacity to make a nuclear weapon. And the Prime Minister said israel isnt the only one who should be worried. So they are not intended for us. Remember that beer commercial, this bud is for you . When you see iran building ibcm, just remember, america, thats gods for you. But it believes the diplomatic process needs to take its course. Prime minister also talks about Something Else of great concern to the white house. The potential for peace talks. Now Prime Minister said the basic fundamentals he needs so see the palestinian recognition. Ladies and gentlemen, peace, is israels highest im prepared to make a historic peace with our neighbors. Among the things that secretary kerry is trying to work on, agreement over borders and the status of the city, also recognition of a palestinian state. Now, the president of palestine will be visiting with the white house, visiting president obama, here in washington in just two weeks time. So expect more focus to continue on these talks. President obama announced his buzz jet today, and republicans are already attacking the pitch. The president is nearly 4 trillion plan would boost spending on roads. Our budget is about choices as a country we have to make a decision, if we are going to protect tax breaks or if we are going to make Smart Investments to create jobs and grow our economy. Coming up, one day after a global drop stocks are up. Big time. Communities who have been waiting for help. Ukraine are easing is that really what happened here . The dow soaring 227 points. It is the best one day gain for the blue chips this year, and the s p 500 finishes at a record high as well. Joining me now, is a managing partner at chatwood fund, you are in dallas, arent you . Right there in dallas. Good to see you. Why did the stocks take off today everyone keeps telling me it is because of lower tensions in the ukraine, do you buy it . How do you measure it, you form a that is sis. Remember, this has been going on for weeks i think the reality is when we look at the situation, here is what we realize, a, most of america is not going to be materially impacted by this conflict. As horrible as it is, yeah, we wont see the harm here. Now, will there be disruptions, the major disruptions we see will be most likely in europe, for russia decides or the u. S. Decides to sanction natural gas, or if russia decides to interrupt the flow of natural gas that can create a rift in already fragile block. Because ukraine is a big agriculture country as well. It is. Very very large exporter of corn, wheat, and keep in mind that both ukraine and russia, most of their countries export to are in the middle east. They dont spend a lot back here, so remember sanctions wont effect their exports the problem is as this fighting is going on, we can see problems with crops and that can again hurt. What you are seeing right now if you are an investor looking to jump on the bandwagon, i think you need to be careful, the recent rallies in corn and wheat can be short lived. So it seems even a Global Crisis like ukraine watt the moment it isnt able to slow down that bold run, is there Something Else you may be looking at . Again, what we do as investment advise discoers is just fry to find a trend, and the trend is bullish, it remains intact, if europe continues to falter, if china falters further, in other words if they dont continue to grow, and if they do not deliver, then yes, that derails things believe it or not this mess is steering assets back into the United States. Why, because we right now are the safest bet out there. He is joining us as he always does, good to see you, thank you. A nearly 700 million drought relief package. It will help unemployed farmers but we wanted to take a closer look at how that money will help. Melissa chen is live for us in San Francisco. To tell us, how much drought relief 687 million r thats actually gets you, melissa . We visited the city of heels burg california and learned it was a lot more complicated. The state has ambition goals. It would fund clean Drinking Water and conservation projects. It would support unemployed farmers and as state lawmakers pass the plan, parts of the state as the on cue saw much needed rain. Currently facing a water shortage. But despeed what happened in sacramento, defends may not trickle down to quick results on the ground. We need agencies down the line, like our Regional Water control board. And we are just not seeing it at this point. Is Russian River would be flowing over my head, instead it is dry, and thats a problem for the city. The river is its primary source of water we still need to make sure the water flows are significant enough to have the city be able to recharge our well system. And at the farmers draw for frost protection. They tell us it wont be enough to bring the rivers levels back up narks why they hope to grab a small part of some of thosele manies to complete a pipe project. The pipes would move recycled water out to farmers in the area, and can be installed in h six to eight weeks if they receive immediate funding. The worry here, the application may take too long and come too late. The reality is that it may take too long for people who really need the water. We know in our area, that there are farmers that have already written off this years crop. Hills burg certainly welcomes state help, but in this instance, they see what is offered as a medium Term Solution for short term problems. And with the legislation vague about how much red tape those seeking help will need, for those facing eminent need, it isnt quite the relief they had hoped for. Its not a question of just passing the legislation, but how it is going to be enforced. Terrific, all right, melissa, thank you. Five warning about antibiotics doctors and hospitals may be using them too often, creating super bug infections. Detailed next. And the new numbers showing one in five soldiers had a Mental Illness before enlisting. With ewill break dune the study. Some time today to talk to medical professionals about this, how are they reacting . Tony, i spoke with a Health Official here, which is located just outside of detroit, and he applauds the cdcs report says that this is an issue that has really grown into a very big problem, the study says what a lot of Healthcare Providers have known for a very long time, and thats that a lot of people are become overprescribed antibiotics. And when that happens theres a potential for those drugs to stop working. It was reported last year that over 2 Million People got sick from antibiotic related or resistence related infections and thousands died. As i mentioned i did speak with a doctor here, who specialized in infectious disease, and he stressed the importance of the study, as well as talked about how it can save lives. Limiting use to appropriate situations that it is the appropriate type, that your choices are based on knowing what resistences are in your area, and having people overseeing it that really understand antibiotics and how they work, how bacteria works how infections work will make a huge difference. And the cdc is recommending that hospitals follow a new protocol and that involved leadership, education, as well as basic trains on these issues. Now bo month hospital they have had a Similar Program in place for the past nine years and they say it is working for them. President obama is proposed to budget some money to fight the threat posed by these super bugs. That can you tell us about that. Yeah, he made this announcement shortly after the study was released this afternoon. And what he wants to do is boost funding to basically bring more attention to what is happening here. It calls for investing 30 million over the next five years to prevent and detect these infections. All right, in detroit, thank you. I spoke earlier with dr. Williams shavener, from vanderbilt university, and asked him to explain the conclusions of the cdc report. Well, its been well known, tony, for a long time, that ant bottics are often used as shotgun treatments. You have very sick people, you dont know exactly what their disease diagnosis is, so you use a number of antibiotics at first, to fry and treat those folks. But the difficulty is, sometimes those antibiotics are continued in multiple ways, beyond their real need. And so what the cdc is saying is if we curtailed in a sensible way our antibiotic use, we could reduce the amount of antibiotics that we are giving to our patients, they will be spared some side effects from the antibiotics and also, the bacteria that we are trying to kill are less apt to become resistence to all those antibiotics. Thus, antibiotics will be preserved for appropriate use down the road. Doctor, maybe you can take us back in time. How did we get to this place . Where as you just said, and according to this report, doctors at some of these hospitals are prescribing in some cases three times as many antibiotics as doctors at other hospitals. To treat patients with similar conditions. Well, the circumstances were that antibiotics when they were first developed were thought to be safe, and universes bly effective and you didnt have to think criminally about infectious disease, if you had an infection, we just gave you an antibiotic, and if we thought it wasnt enough, we would give you two or three. We are long past that, we have to be much more prudent, we have to use antibiotics more like a rifle nan a shotgun. Who is to blame for this . Doctors is it shared . I know there is some blame that goes to doctors but i am also reading there is a blame that goes to patient whose are actually pressuring doctors for these antibiotics. Well, it takes two or three to tango, and we all have a share, and certainly patients have an expectation of antibiotic treatment, this is particularly true in the outpatient department, when it comes to pediatric practices. Moms bring their children in, and they expect an antibiotic prescription. They out to be pleased when the doctor says it is viral, you dont need an antibiotic and then they are given some advice about how to make their child symptommatically better. So what is the cdc recommending in this area of improved prescription standards in whats the recommendation here . Well, they have a whole series. You node to have an antibiotic Stewardship Program that is led by a champion. Also a champion in the pharmacy. You need to track resistence rates, you out to review in every patient, every 48 hours their antibiotic prescriptions. Have they really necessary, or should they be changed. And fortunately, a lot of hospitals have been doing many of these elements for years already. So we need to get all of thent hows to do all of them, and well be more prudent in our use. Doctor, appreciate your time, thank you for talking to us. Well, the cdc says reduces the some of some abe antibiotics can reduce infections by up to 25 . Suicide rateds among soldier whose served in iraq have soared, even among those that never left the United States thats according to a new study, the largest ever conducted on suicide in the military. John joins us now with a look at this. Yes,s in a story, of course that effects all of us, but the sense i am getting from this is that the army at least is trying to get on top of what turns out to be a pretty big problem, tony researchers from the National Institute of Mental Health, working on what they call the army stars project, stand the records of nearly 1 million soldiers and they found that suicides in the military are not simply the result of the fast paced life of the armys new leading at home, and abroad in afghanistan and iraq for the best part of the last ten years. Instead, there seems to be a overall sprain, if you want with to put it like that, in army life that actually contributes to suicide. In other words, such deaths are not just a factor of combat duty. Held although that obviously is for those that have to go through it. Among the key findings suicide rates more than doubled there 2004, to 2009, so more than 30 per 100,000. But here is the thing, the trend among those who never deployed, and say that home here with us, nearly tripled to between 25 and 30 per 100,000. Rates fall in the civilian population with similar age and demographics remains steady around 19 per 100,000. At the same time, now, the Research Went further, and i also found that one in four soldiers in the army, appears to suffer from at least one psychiatric disorder and one in 10 have multiple disorders. Now, some people say that these results are an indication that really the Army Recruiters should have done a lot better when they were screening recruits for the army, particularly during these war years, but michael shownback, who is the lead scientist says no, dont think of it like that, instead look to the future. What they highlight is the likely value of improving the process for identifying people with Mental Health problems once they are in the army, for providing appropriate care, for those people. Because there will always be people who end the army with a history and in any case, there will always be people once in the army who develop problems and the question is how do help those people most effectively. In other words, the army is a Community Just like nose of thaws live outside the military, and he says the study surprised both he and the army themselves. But that at least now, a light has been shown on a problem that people in the army didnt want to talk about, and of course people that are not in the army dont want to talk about it either, it is a taboo subject. Wilt, today marks the first primary election of the year, the polls are open in texas ahead of this years midterm elections and the pressure is on to get the voters out to the polls. Hydedy, literally all eyes are sort of on state senator wendy davis, right . Who seems to be carries the hopes of at least the Democrat Party on her shoulders. Yi, she is. They have been working all day to get out the vote for her. Dont be fooled by this lull that is happening behind me, the action has been going on all day. Where they say every inch pushed, every phone call made, matters because they are frying to get out the vote not just for todays primary, which wendy davis will win, but also looking ahead into november thats when davis will face off with her assumed republican opponent, the heavily favors greg abbott. Texas democrats say this election season is still early, and they hope to carry p the momentum forward. Hi, this is the Dallas County county. The phones are ringing off the hook. And the pizza is flying out of the box. The headquarters of the Dallas County Democratic Party is in full on election mode. Pretty buzzed up right now. Early voting numbers are promised. Here in dallas and in other counties turn out among democrats is on track to surpass nose of the 2012 president ial primary. Election watchers chalk it up to excitement, over wendy davis, the Democratic State senator who famously filibustered for abortion rights, and who is now on the ballot for governor. We have that fire and i think thats what is making a difference. Carman sees davis as Texas Democrats best hope in 20 years. Thats how long republicans have controlled every statewide office in texas, making it one of the reddest states in the country. But a she sees it differently. I see it purple. I see more people become more political involved in the last year. The last time that texas voted was in 2010, but only 38 of registers voters cast a ballot. That made it the lowest voter turn out in the nation. And is why walking the streets of heavily democratic neighborhoods is the focus of campaign qon sol want jeff dalton. Theres probably been a lot of depression in the Democratic Party, why bother, we enter who win. Even now as davis frails her presumed republican opponent greg abbott by 11 points in the polls. Dalton and his team of volunteers are optimistic that november match up could be a upset. But republicans see that as wishful thinking. The democrats were serious about having wendy davis in a statewide office, they would have put her into a race she can win. Democrats though say if davis doesnt win, she will at least build momentum for making texas competitive, they are encouraged that by 2020, more hispanics and more young people like zack ballard will become eligible. Bull lard is already a Democratic Party volunteer, even though his father is staunchly republican. Has it gone anywhere. Sometimes it does. The fact that the debate is happening at both the Kitchen Table and across the state, is something texas see as progress. Insiders do say that having texas turn blue this year would be a shocker. Because of the shifts it would be a very real possibility, especially with hispanics becoming the majority of voters here. In dallas, good to see you, thank you. An army general on trial in north carolina, maria is here with that and other headlines from across america today. Tony, fort brag north carolina, and army general faces possible life in prison for Sexual Assault charges. Brigadier general was Deputy Commander of the 80 secondary born unit and served tours in iraq and afghanistan, prosecutors say he used his rank to force a subordinate into an affair for three years. The defense says she made up the charges. Sinclair is thought to be the highest ranking military officer ever to face Court Marshal for Sexual Assault. In west virginia, the state house approved a bill meant to prevent chemical spills. The legislation puts restrictions on chemical storage tanks like the ones that caused the january leak that left 300,000 people without Drinking Water, the measure calls for more frequent inspections and require as Warning System in the case of possible water contamination. At least seven people were hurt after a home in Mercer County new jersey exploded today. Utility workers were repairing a damaged pipe when the explosion happened. Smoke could be seen as far as 24 miles away. And in sarasota, florida, 101yearold resident has become so disappointed at the lack of Political Leadership that he has decided to run for congress. Joe newman says he is an optimist, because he has to be. The first vote he cast was for president franklin roosevelt, now he hopes the next vote he casts will be for himself. He is running for congress. Ego tells me okay, you have a big mouth. Is most of the people you use it on think that you are saying something reasonable. At 101 he will tell you, sure, he wakes up achy and 2340 longer plays golf, primarily because he says it aggravates him. But he recently bought a new car. And he can still dance with his 93yearold girlfriend anita. As he did during his Birthday Party last month. What would you say to people that worry that you dont have the physical zam stamina . Well, you dont like to say this, but who knows about tomorrow. Who knows. The register democrat is in lock step with most of the partys positions he says it is time for immigration reform. And the government needs to do more to boost the middle class, but he says his candidacy is born out of a rebuke to the so called do nothing congress. That the government should throw a lice line to those struggling. What is fightining is that people are thinking that government is lost. That our government is our tool. That we must use to create a better society. He says he can already claim victory. Winning or losing the election is important. But the fact that if we can get people to consider their purpose here, then that to me if i have done thats a victory. He admits he has more questions nan answers but he does have a lot of opinions. In the coming months he looks forward to sharing those, including on twitter, which he is learning to use. Al jazeera, sarasota florida. And in california, a couple who found 10 million worth of gold coins in their backyard, may not be so lucky after all. The San Francisco chronicle says the coins may have been stolen from the u. S. Mint back in 1900, that means they would be the property of the government. But a mint spokesman said they dont have any information linking the coins to any thefts. May have been stolen. May have been. Yeah, good luck prove make have been stolen. Everybody is digging up their backyard. Appreciate it, thank you. In italy, a new threat for pompei heavy rain brought down several walls in the ancient city, one of them the arch of the temple of venus, and the other a wall from an acropolis. Italian officials are talking about how to save the site. Scotlands proindependent first minister in london making his case for scottish independence, voter goss to polls in december to decide whether their country should be independent. Those for us believe an independent scotland would benefit the entire united kingdom, and british Prime Minister has previously urged cots to vote against independence. Protests continue as the nation prepares to honor its late Leader People marched with banners for the former president. It marks one year since his death from cancer. The president is making lavish plans to honor him, he narrowly won the presidency after chavez dies. Protestors say the economy has just gotten worse since he took over. Coming up on Al Jazeera America, a photo project thats gone viral, black students at one of the countrys top ranked schools saying i too am harvard. And the first Major Television aid debuts for medical marijuana. I have to tell you for the first time ever, ads for marry wayne that, are you imagine this, are on television telling you where you can get medical marijuana. How things have changed. She has been spending her day watching these ads and she is got a report for us. Times are changing. Yeah. Right. Tony this is the first time an ad for marijuana is showing on a big network. It will also ad in massachusets and chicago. The gomes is obviously to convince people to buy marijuana legally and not from a dealer on the streets. Got you. I have everything. Even california rolls, baby. You wouldnt buy your sushi from this guy, why would you buy your marijuana from him . Critics say the ad will convince more people to use marijuana. It is part of a big industry, it is going to look like big tobacco, it is an unfortunate example of a business like provide tear is more than willing to take money from folks that really are advertising addiction. Comcast told me critics like kevin are just struggling with something new. Isnt it jarring when you see any kind of new commercial. And thats why we are airing them where we feel it is appropriate. Comcast says the ads will only run in states where medical marijuana is legal, right now thats 20 states. These states you can see here, and the district of columbia, marijuana is also allowed for Recreational Use in colorado and washington, the ad will air only between 10 00 p. M. And 5 00 a. M. , when kids are supposed to be sleeping. Good, good. I cant wrap my mind around it, can you imagine nickelodeon and disney, what about the cost of this ad . I asked the c. E. O. About that all he would tell me is the commercial are expensive and they are expected to run 800 times in the first weeks. Thank you, tony. A group of black students at harvard are speaking up about their experience on campus, and the Photo Campaign is going viral. Maria is back with more on that for us. Tony, black students from Harvard College say their voices often go unheard, so they start add facebook page, and then a campaign, called i too am harvard, and it featured dozenings of students with signs about comments they have received or what they would like their peers to know. What are you, is no a cute introduction. Or take a look at this, you are lucky to be black, so easy to get into college. And this student says having an opinion does not make me an angry black woman. And this student says you really are articulate for a black girl narks quote she has received. Now this has been inspired by a play, based on interviews of Harvard Students take a listen to some of them. When in class and the n word comes up in a book or something where it is slavery, or whatever it is. And the issue of race comes un, or slavery, or whatever. Everyone looks to you. As if you are about to speak for your race. As if like you represent everybody in the race, and suddenly your voice will like carry such weight. And its frustrating because you would hope that people would understand that there are all different types of black people, and black people dont all have the same opinions about the same issues. I spoke to two of the students that started this campaign, they told me they have been amazed at the response received on campus, and from students at other colleges and tony for all of these links and more conversation on this, you can follow me on twitter. That as a terrific conversation, still trying to figure out how to talk about these nations as a nation. Maria, appreciate it. This is Al Jazeera America. Start with one issue education. Gun control. The gap between rich and poor. Job creation. Climate change. Tax policy. The economy. Iran. Healthcare. Ad guests on all sides of the debate. This is a right we should all have. Its just the way it is. Theres something seriously wrong. Theres been acrimony. The conservative ideal. Its an urgent need. And a host willing to ask the tough questions how do you explain it to yourself . And youll get. The inside story ray suarez hosts inside story next only on Al Jazeera America top stories. Ok at todays president obama rebukes russia today. For occupying parts of ukraine, he says the u. S. Plans to send 1 million in economic aid to the ukrainian people. Meanwhile secretary of state reaffirming u. S. Support for the interim government. Israeli Prime Minister spoke today the powerful proisrael lobby, palestinians must be prepared to recognize israel as a injuryish state, and that he is ready for a historic peace deal. He also says iran must be stripped of its nuclear capability. President obama announced his nearly 4 trillion budget for next year. The president plans to pay for it by scaling back tax breaks for wealthier americans. The budget is about choices. It is about our values. As a country we have to make a decision if we are going to protect tax breaks or make Smart Investments to grow our jobs and expand opportunity for every american. Those are the head lines. There are reasons why men and women in uniform are killing themselves. A tragic less visible cost of war is the inside story. Hello, im ray suarez. During americas two wars this centure

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