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Thousands are too frightens to go back to their homes. The toy company with profits and we look at the rising fortunes of lego. I love this song. But first lets go to ukraine and the growing signs there that the semi autonomus ukraine says Russian Military forces blocked the airport in crimea. Armed men have taken control of the International Airport in the capitol and they are wearing unmarked uniforms, no insinnias and the airport is functioning normally and its in the hands of armed men and took control of the building on thursday and they are standing their ground. In kiev, ukraine temporary parliament asked the council to call a session and is summoning security chiefs over the crisis. As for the president , Viktor Yanukovych he says he is still president and in charge but speculation is increasing about his whereabouts and has been for days and looks like he is in the southern russian city near the border of ukraine and he says he will hold a News Conference there in the next few hours. And our correspondence are covering all angles of the story and we are in crimeas capitol and in kiev where they are scrambling to try to contain the crisis and in russia where yanukovych is due to speak and first lets cross to the civilian airport and there are two and we are on the lien and who is in control of that airport, lawrence . Yes, its 12 00 noon here and for all intents and purposes in the terminal building you would think it is a completely normal day and going to istanbul and outside its not normal because throughout the morning we have seen these large groups of green camp camafloge men coming out of the block and changing ships and organizing the perimeter and the Airport Security say they control it and will not let the people in but they already have control of the vip area. I have to say that their magazines are not loaded and couldnt fire if they wanted to but as a show of strength and as a signal given the Security Services told us and the ukraine i dont know government believe they are actually Russian Forces without insignia on the uniforms is big to date with the russians and if they were prepared to talk they would describe the western partners and would maintain security for russian majority. Reporter thank you, lawrence lee at the airport and we will cross to walker outside of the airport and robin bring us up to date on the situation there. We understand that the armed malitia took over the Parliament Building and the Regional Government here in simferopol and holding positions in the buildings and no sign of them. The police are keeping guard outside. Meanwhile prorussian supporters are gathering outside of the government and playing crimea russian music and a since very much here that things have fallen very much into the hands of those proRussian Forces with a new government being formed, a Regional Government here that is prorussian, that has asked for russia Financial Support and assistance and also referendum tables for later this year in which crimea will be choosing what future it wants to have, whether it will remain an automous region and they are in control and backed up it seems by military forces on the ground. They want to seize crimea away from ukraine or looking to have a completely independent crimea or a crimea back in russian territorial control. Reporter robin walker roberting and thank you, robin and lets go to the capitol kiev and tim friend is monitoring it there, how is this temporary government and i say temporary because the election is in may dealing effectively what is two crisis, one economically in kiev and secondly the threat from separatism in the crimea . Well, of course, the Fire Fighting effect. They were only sworn in on thursday in parliament. They have a huge economic crisis and now this in crimea. Its nothing less really than ensuring that ukraine stays united, at least that is the way they see it. And just to reaffirm what you were saying earlier the interior on the Facebook Page has tipified this as an armed invasion down there at the military airport and says its a violation of all International Agreements and norms and parliament is calling on the International Community to ensure the integrity of the budapest memorandum signed in 94 saying the uk, us and will ensure the sovereignty of ukraine and not threaten it in any way. The Russian Ambassador himself is not in kiev any longer, but the Russian Embassy here has been asked for a clarification and the acting president is meeting his security chiefs as we speak. So the situation for the new leadership in kiev yet more challenges ahead and at the moment the atmosphere is tense. No doubt. What about the situation in kiev itself, tim, on the streets for example, im told a lot of police have come off the streets, no signs of Security Forces, crime is going up, the city is broke, they are desperate for money to pay civil servants. Reporter well, its relatively quiet here in kiev after the events of the square of course which culminated in those dreadful events last week when more than 80 people were killed by Police Snipers and resulted in the political demise of president yanukovych which is precisely what demonstrators spent three months trying to achieve. But its almost now as though the greater challenges lie ahead and people are almost stunned thinking what have we unleashed here because, of course, the reaction in crimea has been a result of this and later on as you were saying president yanukovych we think will go on televised press conference in russia and we will be watching carefully of course to see how the people here, what they make of it because he is a hated man to them of course and they will be intrigued to see what he has to say. Reporter tim friend in kiev, thanks tim. Lets pick up with tims point at the end of his report there and go to rory challenge because he is in the russian city and how much do we know about the press conference and will it take place and do you know where it will take place, any idea what he will say . Much of that information is pretty sketchy steven and the team has been asking questions and not getting that much information back. We dont still have an official answer about specifically where this press conference is going to be. We have been doing some digging and the information we are getting through taxi drivers and locals here and that is information that seems to be backed up on what is on twitter is that it will be taking place at the don technical university, not far away from where im standing and due to start in about three hours time. We dont know who will be let inside either because Viktor Yanukovych in his ukrainian days had a fairly wellknown habit of only giving press conferences for journalists he considered to be favorable to his policy and his position and we dont know whether we will be let inside ourselves. If we are and if other journal lists are inside and allowed to ask question of the former president of ukraine of course there will be some big, serious questions put to him, not least of those are going to be who are these armed men in crimea, does he have any control over them, what has happened to ukraines money because the interim government there is saying some 70 billion has gone missing over the last few years and also what is Viktor Yanukovych going to be doing next and what are the people, the russians who are guarantying his security now, what are they going to be doing next as well. Serious questions for the president if he takes them. Indeed if he takes them and thank you and we are watching develops across ukraine and that is robin walker in simferopol and thank you all. Venezuela and they are calling for more demonstrations and come back on the streets are saying at least 14 people have been killed in unrest since the studentled protest began and there is arrest for another opposition figure and part of a crack down on decent and from caracus. They are in the streets preparing for further confrontation with Security Forces and thursday kicked off a weeklong holiday in venezuela but no sign of tensions easing. Translator i want to make an appeal to the president madura who calls himself a president and this is too much because there is no security and no healthcare, there isnt anything. As an administrator i dont get nothing and he cannot be in this position any longer. Reporter there were also protests in the capitol caracus and standoffs between protesters and Security Forces. The protests come a day after president maduro hosted a peace conference but it was a meeting that the main Opposition Leader decided to skip. Translator i feel that with the way this government is behaving it is extinguishing itself. This government is consuming itself. This government in the last few days, for example, from the International Viewpoint has generated more questions. There are more Unanswered Questions regarding the dead, the injured, the tortured victims and those deprived of their liberty. Reporter and they say he chose not to attend because of fear. Translator they were not there because they were supported to the bomb ings groups that control the media and dictate policy to any politician who sits down and talks with the government of venezuela. Reporter they will block the traffic headed to the countrys sunsoaked beaches. And he has a harsh reality and despite calling it a National Hold they thousands of protesters across the country want to keep up the pressure and hopefully leading to a change in government policy or him stepping down and unlikely in the divided country and im with al jazeera, caracu. Reporter this is the news hour from doha and concerned about discrimination and still to come the World Bank Weighs in on a controversial antigay bill in uganda plus helping children deal with the traumas of war. And we visit a project in turkey and she is trying to heal the youngest victims of syrias conflict and sport and drama and controversy in the league as they make the last 16, details in sport. Before all of that french president has arrived in the Central African republic and meeting french soldiers deployed there and trying to enthe violence between christians and militias and thousands have died in the fighting and tanya is live in the capitol of bongi and over to you. In just a few moments we are expecting to hear from the french president who will be addressing the media and some of the troops who have gathered here. He on friday will meet with religious leaders and the interim president and taking a look at some of the stockpiled weapons the French Military have seized from gunmen and armed men on the streets here. And he has a pretty packed day and it has to be said that really the people here, the soldiers here are going to be looking for reassurances from him because i think this week we have seen the French Parliament extend the mission here beyond april indefinitely and we are seeing also some interesting comments from the general in charge here and we will get to that a little bit later on and this is a complex conflict and one the french president maybe has under estimated. This is a city within a city. 60,000 christians have left their homes for a camp near bongis airport and signs they are here to stay. They dont think its safe to go home because mostly muslim selica fighters are still here and accused of killing their way to the capitol in a coup and the balica want revenge so selica have peace keepers who do not want us to disclose their location and musa wants peace but does not accept much responsibility. Translator we always speak about selica but we have been gone for two months, what about the antibalica . No one says anything wrong about them, the government and the french should take responsibility and control the situation. Reporter the antibalica christian fighters are taking revenge against muslims and thousands left the country and antibalica want reconciliation but on their own terms. Translator we cannot manage the country and we are under the impression about it and we hear gunfire and its muslims who are shooting. Reporter french and au peace keepers cant control the violence. Its hard to tell how much control the leaders of antibalica and seleca have over supports and talk of peace and disarming and the reality on the ground is people are being lynched and muslims and christians are living in fear and no one knows where its hitting. Another area empties after another shooting, antibalica christians killed an selica fighter and he is fed up of living like this, like animals. But he wont budge and they stay despite half the neighbors moving to a camp. Translator we want to stop all of this and send away the antibalica and selica and do nothing for the country and they have armed and knives and no one ever gets punished. Reporter in a country where muslims and christians lived peacefully until a few months ago cannot understand how it came to this and how people of car can find their way back. A country of escalating violence there are an estimated 2000 french, 6,000 African Union troops, why isnt that enough, why is that not working . Look, one of the problems is that this is a big country and 4 1 2 million people, the population, they are very spread out. There is on the way a promise from banki moon from the un, 1,000 peace keepers and a thousand from the european as well but it could take weeks and could take months and the country and the people here really dont have the time. One big issue here is the government, the interim government doesnt have the tools of a proper functioning state and there is no army, a police force and no tools to work with. The french commander in charge says on thursday that he wants to see the government taking some responsibility, that it cant rely on the International Community and that they need to get their house in order. But on the other side the interim president Catherine Panza are calling for peace keepers and say we cannot do it for ourselves and it could be months or years before the country really gets back on its feet but with it there is some responsibility or greater responsibility taken on behalf of the transitional government. It will be interesting to see whether that comes up in the conversations between the two president s on friday. Reporter indeed it will and tanya live from bongui thanks. They are withholding a loan intended for healthcare in uganda in response to an antigay bill signed into law that was signed into law on monday and concerned about discrimination and the law could effect healthcare for homosexual and its worth 90 million and it relies on 20 of them on the annual budget and we have an author from debunking economics and says it shows maturity for the world bank. Its big for the bank because they have to normally talk about social decisions made in countries because there are many Different Countries and this is a very big move saying this is not a norm, this is discrimination and we will sends a signal to you and its not large but its 19 million when their lines total up to billions of dollars but its significant and i think quite an impressive move for the bank to make the decision and the bank made a lot of bad decisions in the past with economic decisions based on a very abstract theory of how it work and it did not take loans because it wasnt appropriate but this is appropriate and not one engaged in economics. So i think its a courageous decision by the bank and shows a bit of a shift in the bank and learning about mistakes they made in the past because of a view of what the economy should be. This is more saying they have to look at the social impact of policies and i think that is a positive impact of the bank and showing intellectual and emotional maturity. Reporter they delivered badly needed aid to People Living in the refugee camp and parcels were brought to them in damascus for the second time this week and there are thousands of people suffering in the camp and in need of medical care. They have been trapped there for months because of the fighting. What children see in war can leave a deep psychological impact in turkey and coming to terms of what they have seen and experienced. Omar explains. The children are not misbehaving and they are being encouraged to scream. They have come from a war zone and this exercise helps them release their violent emotions. The teachers ask them what does the word violence mean . Some talk about the arguments they had with their classmates back in syria. Others record their memories of war. Translator my friend wrapped his chest with fireworks on himself and he killed us, he burned himself. Translator my brother was killed. A shell hit his house. Miss, miss, Army Soldiers came and raided and burned our house. Reporter then its time for the children to put their memories and feelings into drawings, death and fighting dominates most of their work. And she wants to show me her brothers grave and others show me dead children. Running this program is a group called aerobic for human and its a Nongovernmental Organization funded by a 25,000 grant from the danish government, all staffers are trained by the danish red cross to provide psychological support to syrian children. Our goal is to teach them how to express those feelings using painting in order so that they gain a sense of control over them which helps in the coping process. Their growing has been suppressed by many factors. 65 of those children are not going to school. Of those 35 are forced to work in very hard circumstances. Reporter the playground nearby its time to have fun but some need extra care. Around 150 children have participated in workshops like this one. Some of them are showing signs of posttraumatic stress disorder including severe depression, lack of sleep and eating disorder. The trainers say they need psychiatric help. But there are not enough psychiatric hospitals, schools or even food for the syrian refugees. They play for now but the syrian war will always be part of their lives. Im with al jazeera near the turkey, syria border. A day of press freedom draw attention to the journalists being held in egypt and al jazeera is demanding their release and fahmy and gresta and mahommad and another reporter has been held since august and patty reports. Making a statement with their silence the solidarity first on display in the newsroom in doha swept across the globe in 40 locations and from the streets of australia and indonesia and flying high in brazil, in every language one message. Journalism is not a crime. Reporter a Nobel Peace Prize winner said it in yemen. We want freedom of the four. Reporter and this is in mexico and braving the rain in paris. Journalism not a crime. Reporter and the cold in toronto calling for freedom for al jazeera in prison journalists. We want to call on egypt to release them as well as the canadian government to call for their release publically and strongly and unequivocally. Reporter none over the al jazeera are americans but did not stop the press secretary calling for their immediate release. We are closely watching the trial of al jazeera staff in egypt and they plead not guilty and the trial was adjourned until march 5. We strongly urge the government to allow these and all journalists to continue to do their jobs and its impossible to see how they can do that, how any journalists can do their jobs if they are faced with questionable charges and detained and on trial. Reporter echoed on capitol hill. It never stopped the world from finding out in a country particularly in this modern world. Reporter with petitions delivered to embassys across the globe from turkey to gaza and washington to beirut and flashed across the screen in new yorks time square this was a day to send a message and one voice to egypt ion officials, you can put the journalists in a cage and put them on trial but they will not standalone, the world is watching. Im with al jazeera in washington. Reporter first time for a look at the Global Weather picture and everton is keeping a close eye on africa. And we will see showers across parts of africa and starting off in the south and parts here, 59 millimeters of rain coming down here in the space of only 24 hours so pretty wet thursday. You can see how the showers and rain stretch up into angola and into zambia and they are saying rainfall, 159 millimeters of rain falling on thursday. That has led to some flash flooding. That wet weather will stay in similar places through the next couple of days and you see it extends into much of zimbobwai and mozambeak and south africa ready to intensify further into sunday and seeing heavy rain over the next few days and showers across central part of africa and we are three weeks away and the showers are started further north words up to the gulf of guinna and gana and liberia and seeing showers of the next couple of days and a similar picture through saturday and on into sunday and further north we have wet weather to the far north of africa and the clouds bring in disturbed weather and may see flooding in tunesia. Reporter russian culture is embedded in Eastern Ukraine plus media under threat and we investigate why so many journalists in mexico are being murdered. And rory is in a roll in florida and tiger is in trouble and find out what all of that means in sport. Welcome back and you are watching the al jazeera news hour and the top stories and in ukraine they have taken control of the airport in simferopol in crimea and says Russian Forces blocked a military airport also in crime yeah. In kiev ukraines parliament asked the council to call a session and alexander is summoning regarding crimea and he is meeting french troops deployed there and ending a conflict between christian and muslim malitia. More on the top story, that is the crisis in ukraine, the u. S. Warned russia to respect ukraine sovereignty and moscow put 150,000 soldiers on alert by the border and james reports on the diplomatic reactions to developments there. Nato defense ministers in brussels, what was always going to be a difficult meeting on their future plans in afghanistan but their agenda further complicated by the fastmoving events of recent days in ukraine, adding to the concern among the 28 nations represented here news that former president yanukovych is in russia and reports of russian movements near the ukraine border. We respect other nations to respect ukraines sovereignty and avoid provocative actions and im closely watching their russian exercises along the ukrainian border. Reporter a warning to russia in london where uk David Cameron was attending a News Conference with german chancellor angela merkel. And we are concerned about the situation in crimea and they should respect the sovereignty of ukraine. Russia made the commitment and its important that russia keeps its word. The world will be watching. Reporter u. S. Secretary of state john kerry was also meeting his german counterpart, at the best of times relations between the west and russia can be tricky but he has a good relation with sergey laverof and called to to ease tensions and the two men spoken the phone. With respect to the events today, yes, of course we talked about it. He indicated to me he watched it on tv and saw what happened but disclaimed they had anything to do with any formal Russian Initiative and on the contrary they are concerned about it. Reporter diplomates here and around the world will watch documents in the coming hours extremely closely and comments from former president yanukovych and the first public appearance since ousted and it could shake what happens between the east, west relations and im james in the u. N. Research associate of the canadian associate studies and says they would be risking the relations with the west if they got involved with crimea. If russia intervened illegally from all host of agreements including the u. N. Russia is one of the five Nuclear Powers that provided ukraine with security assurances in 1994 when ukraine agreed to remove its Nuclear Weapons and also ukraine has the ability under the 1997 agreement or charter with nato to ask for consultations in the event of a threat to the territorial integrity. So if russia was to go down this road and its a decision of vladimir putin, it would relate to freezing with the western world and many countries around the world and after all countries like china are strongly in favor of territorial integrity of the states and not just the western countries and if russia supports separatism in the crimea how can it continue to argue that kosovo is not independent and argue that chetchen should be in russia and you open up a pandora box if you start doing this abroad. Reporter there are speakers in ukraine and likely to be up set about the Parliament Decision to repeal the laws that protect the language and this is the former capitol of the soviet ukraine and from there david sent us this report. A performance of mid Summer Nights dream in the middle of the mainly russian speaking city, this theatre always uses ukraine language. It is named after a poet who the famous works speaks of the countrys spirit of rebellion against the czar powers. And he crushed the culture in the city that was once the capitol of soviet ukraine. A professor from lavive was photographing the exhibits in the Writers Museum when we arrived. The novel lists were at the front in their Mother Tongue all living and working in the same building and nearly all of them shocked on the orders. If you take the statistics about magazines, newspapers and the percentage of ukrainian language in td and on the radio, you will see like two thirds of russian language and onethird of ukrainian language. Reporter you dont hear a word of ukrainian spoken these days around the giant statute of lennon in freedom scare and fighting to keep it standing and all it rents. The decision to repeal the law giving special protection to the russian language are likely to exacerbate the south and east of the country where the russian language has taken deepest root. In School Number 62 teenage Students Learning how to speak french. Any problems with the grammar and the teacher uses only ukrainian to answer them. And there are 1,000 pupils at this school, when the country gained independence all but one of the classrooms the lessons were taught in russian and that now has changed. Classes taught in ukraine and 11 in russian and done to their wishes. Reporter the schools ukrainian flag is half mast of those in memory who died in kiev. With the classrooms empty, sasha and ana begin their lesson in ballroom dancing. Such charm and artistry goes through the language and crosses all borders and im david with al jazeera. Reporter international is brewing after politicians demanded control over one of islams holy site and is threatening to freeze a treaty over the issue and could lead to new violence across the middle east and we have an official report. [gunfire] tension is never far from the surface in jerusalem, this is the latest exchange between Palestinian Protesters and the police as the Israeli Parliament discussed taking control of one of islams holiest sites and they forced the debate to take sovereignty of the mosque and surrounding compound and lift restrictions on nonmuslims who want to enter there. Translator Israeli Government says it has no plans to change the current status of the site or the temple, essentially saying right wingers can make a lot of noise but nothing is going to change. Reporter the site is sacred to jews and muslims but jews think they should have the right at the moment and the mosque is run by jordan under a 1940 agreement and they are watching with increasing alarm and calls for israel to take control and they expel the israeli ambassador and wanted changes to the constitution would mean a review of existing peace deals. The league and organization of islam corporation warned israel against pushing the issue saying it could create widespread anger and greater violence and the israelis are paying attention. The Israeli Government says it has no plans to change the status quo at the site or mosque and essentially saying right wing politicians can make as much noise as they want but at the moment nothing is going to change. One islamic scholar say they already control the site all but name. Full control by the israelis and custodianship but all parties concern and its jordan administrative. The service and the israelis are telling them not any more we have to take it as well. Reporter the timing of this could not be worse as the International Community is pushing for a peace deal between israel and palestinians and put future deals at work but it can wreck existing treaties and im with al jazeera in jerusalem. And this is a member of Jordan Parliament and welcome to al jazeera. There is always as you well know a degree of religious tension in jerusalem but it does seem unlikely that anything is going to change about who controls the mosque. Well, yes, there is a lot of talks now about the israeli members, talking about new changes and the islamic and jerusalem. As you know and Everybody Knows the custodian is under there for a long time and part of the jordan peace treaty with israel that will always remain the same. Now we are hearing voices from here and they are talking about that and for us as a jordinian and arab and muslims, this is a red line for them and they will not accept any changes on the guarding or any shrine for a muslim in jerusalem. Reporter the Israeli Government says it doesnt have any plans to change the mosque status. Does that reassure you . Well, if the government or a good party, they are talking about it right now, so from our side we had two long sessions in our parliament and i think this is very clear to everybody that in case of any change in this that we are ready to pull israel and ambassador and saying if anything takes place indefinitely they die and its part of the jordian and israeli peace treaty. This is an integral part of the peace treaty with israel of the mosque and the holy shrines in jerusalem is always under them and in charge of keeping these places all the time. Reporter this story can be traced back to what some people are calling noisy right wing voices. You talked about voices as well. Is the timing of this suggestion perhaps down to coincide with the talks between the palestinians and israel . No. This is actually, of course, this is a separate issue totally. We are hearing voices and talking about this act and definitely this is not related to any other talks right now. We are a Jordan Parliament of course and we will always work and ask for a peaceful amount between the israelis and the philippine and regulations and resolutions and according to the arab league and as in jordan we are people who are looking for peace in this part of the world. And our majesty and king being active and spending most of his time talking about a peaceful settlement for the middle east and as you know he is traveling all over the world to talk about this idea and to make sure something in that regard would happen. We are as a jordinian always i think there is wise decisions and right now its the right time for a peaceful sendment in the middle east. Reporter many thanks for joining us. And everyday journalists face danger doing their jobs and mexico has become one of the most dangerous places for the media in the eastern state ten reporters have been murdered in three years and Al Jazeera David mercer went there to find out more. [chanting] journalists take to the streets in mexico city following the murder of humanez and friends and colleagues knew him is the latest victim in a series of killings that has shocked journalists across the country. Translator dozens of reporters have flooded the state to save their live and it is like death for journalists. Reporter but one day after police found his decapitated body the state Attorney Generals Office announced he was killed because of a person vendetta, they rejected any possible connection to his work. And his widow believes her husband was targeted because of a series of reports he was working on looking into Human Trafficking and kidnapping. Translator how can the government tell me this is not related to his work . Everything is related. Its hard to believe he had to pay with his life in order to support me and my children. Reporter but now authoritys appear to have changed their minds. The State Government here is finally responding to pressure both internationally and here within mexico. On tuesday the governor replaced the states attorney general. The man in charge of investigating his murder. The new attorney general was not available at the time of al jazeeras visit he spoke to us on the telephone and when asked about the dangers faced by journalists in the state he said i dont share that opinion. Its due to an unfortunate media distortion and we treat every case the same. What we are looking for is the truth. Whatever that may be. His final resting place holds the truth for some journalists here. Lonely grave sat in a dusty cemetery and a reminder that in this part of mexico that often journalists are alone and im in mexico. Reporter focusing on food labels in the u. S. Is all part of the battle against obesity. Is america getting too fat . Is the fridge open too long . Details coming up. And the man in the mask turns the heat on the New York Knicks and joe is here with the sport in a few minutes. Food labels in the spotlight in the u. S. , a proposal has been put forward to see nutritional information seen more prominent and the first in years and has the backing of the first lady. Getting toddlers to eat can be a challenge and getting them to eat healthy, well, just ask kellie coughman. 70 of my day resolves around food for them. Reporter that is why he applauds efforts by First Lady Michelle Obama and the food and Drug Administration to change Food Labeling requirements. Our guiding principal here is simple, that you as a parent and consumer should be able to walk in a grocery store, pick an item off the shelf and tell whether its good for your family. Reporter a new proposal would require food manufacturers to display calorie counts more prominently and update serving sizes and currently three quarters of the breakfast cereal is a single portion and people eat way more than that, similarly this label on sweet tea says it has 2 1 2 servings and most people will drink the whole body, under the new requirement it will have to reflect the nutritional information for more realistic servings. And the Grocery Manufacturers Association opposes a requirement to list added sugars separately. They have argued forcefully that added sugars give consumers no new information. I disagree and obviously the fda disagrees also. Reporter added sugar dilutes the nutritional value of a food product and coughman agreed. Sugar as a habit is a big concern for my boys. I dont want them to develop a sugar habit. Reporter grocery manufacturers may find it hard to swallow and they say the new labels contain information they have a right to know. Christian with al jazeera new york. Reporter looks good to me and time for sport and here is joe. Thank you. In the league and the last 16 of the league after dramatic and controversial win at white hot lane against ukraine and leading 1nil and they led by rama and two goals and two minutes in the second half and the match turned at a moment of travesty when he was sent off for head butting him and he scored three goals in 13 minutes and two of them from the striker and they won 31 on the night and 32 in aggregate and play in the last 16. Many of you thought we were dead and buried with 1nil up and that is where its getting back straight away and we scored within five minutes after and the belief grew to the fans and it was fantastic and it was electric out there and it was only really keeping score i felt. Reporter and napoli is through after a win against swanzi and italians took it in 16 minutes but on the half hour mark the English League scored an away goal. At this stage they were going through on away goals and held out until 12 minutes left on the clock when he made it 21 napoli and italians eventually winning 31. Translator it was an easy game for us and it was a quick team, as soon as we scored the second bowl we tried to have possession and took chances when we had them. Reporter in other games through was an incredible match in frankfurt at 55 and 61 and italian champions are through against the other in sport. French football has been ban for five matches for an offensive gesture majoring a match for his club in west bram and did the gesture after the draw with west ham in december and the sign is described as something the 34yearold denies and says he was showing support for the french comedian who has been accused of the same. 6 and 6 in the nba and knicks and lebron james was wearing a mask to protect his nose and he scored 31 points on the night and added 23 as the heat one 10882 and james will play with the mask for the next few weeks certainly. Reigning champions Chicago Blackhawks have a losing start to the campaign and lost 21 and rick nash had the 19th goal of the season and they gave the rankers six wins for seven game. 54 for washington and it was ten meetings with the panthers. A first round 63 from roy macalroy has the lead the classic and he hit this sensational putt on the 11th for a birdie and put him a strike ahead of henry who they are five under and not a good day for tiger woods. His opening around of 71 left him in a share for 81st. Didnt get into a role earlier when i had four good looks early and they are easy putts too and didnt have the speed right. The green is pretty strong out there and i read it wrong a few times. And they will play federer for the divide championships on friday and he was walked over and federer made use of that and he was beat 6262. Phillip plays tom in the other semi and beat them 6263 and knocking out the 300th career win. But to reach a fifth street final fell flat, the threetime champion was against Kevin Anderson and scored the final when he was forced to retire with an injury. And playing ukraine alexander in the semis. Also through the second seed ann due murray but dug deep and got frustrated at times with his encounter and he came back from brink of defeat to win 1 167662. And they fell six runs short of the century and india is currently 212 for 5. And that is all the sport for now. Steven. Thank you. For a moment consider this, lego on average sells ten of the toy sets every second of everyday. On top of that the distinctive plastic bricks are gaining in china and helped push profits up. I love this song. Reporter in the 82 year history lego has seen many few ups and downs and right now the danish toy maker could not be riding higher. In less than a month the feature film the lego movie raked in about 300 million at the box office. Im so pumped up. Reporter and so must be the worlds second largest toy manufacturer. It posted 1. 1 billion in profit for 2013. Up 9 over the previous year. And its still growing. Although not quite as fast as in previous years. The company has quadrupled in size and our strategy is purely of organic growth and as the company is a large part of the global toy market its obvious that the growth rates are coming down to more sustainable level such as the one we are achieving here. From the Humble Beginnings at the familyrun business it is a pop culture phenomenon. And 650 billion pieces have been produced and linked end to end it would stretch around the world 18 times. The success of the company is built on this singular piece of plastic, the multi colored interlocking brick and take six of them and the possibilities are virtually limitless, i say virtually because the actual number is 915 million. You heard right. The company says that there are 915 million ways to combine just six lego bricks. And then countless more to cash in on that. These days everything from harry potter to star wars eventually finds a place in the land of lego. A global toy empire built one plastic brick at a time. Gerald pan with al jazeera. Reporter stay with us, we are still building bricks in ukraine. We will be bringing you the top news from ukraine and elsewhere around the world in a moment with adrian. Heavily armed, combat tactics every little podunk wants their tank and their bazooka. With s. W. A. T. Raids on the rise. When it goes wrong, it goes extremely wrong. Whats the price for militarizing our police they killed evan dead faul lines, Al Jazeera Americas hard hitting. There blocking the door. Ground breaking. We have to get out of here. Truth seeking. Break though investigative documentary series. New episode, deadly force only on Al Jazeera America these protestors have decided that today they will be arrested these people have chased a president from power, theyve torn down a state. Whats clear is that people dont just need protection, they need assistance. Happening this morning gunman seize airports in crimea and ousted president Victor Yanukovich prepares to make first Public Comments since being forced out of office. Finding ways to deal with the horrors of civil war, syrian children seeking creative outlets to take a break from reality. No end in sight for the

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