Cease fire broken and renewed fighting and oil fields between government and rebel forces. And i have the sports including the unfinished stadium and will they get the first red card of brazils world cup . Protests in kiev have again turned violent as the crowd was prevented from marching to the Ukrainian Parliament building and this is the scene outside the Parliament Building right now and they were stopped from marching right up to the building by a row of trucks some hundred meters away. They wanted to keep up the pressure on president Viktor Yanukovich and they are camped out in freezing temperatures and the black smoke we believe to be from barricades of burning tires and we are joined from kiev by journalists mira and you were down near the Parliament Building this morning. Item tell us what happened there. Well, the protesters have turned this so called peaceful attention to the government for sometime now and because they have been out on the streets for almost three months they got frustrated and started to go to the parliament and ask the mps to return to the 2004 constitution which treats the president s of these powers but the mps didnt look like they wanted to pass this new draft and bill and so the forces surrounded by the protesters and the robbed and broke and the military cardone and the one close to the parliament and that is why the clashes erupted. The police and the protesters exchanged cocktails of molotov and the situation is developing very fast. We know there are parts of ten protesters and three policemen and we know the protectors have rubber bullets and also know because of the burning there they are blocking the protesters and also know that minutes ago the protesters seized the office of the party of regents and this is the party, ahead of the party. And so the association is developing really, really fast. We hear that some position mps say protesters may seize the parliament and they say the minister said they wont do it and we dont know if it will happen or not. Its really tense and from what i know so there may be more injuries because the police are throwing grenades from buildings near there. So we might today is a very hard day in ukraine. We may see maybe a new coalition formed of some more negotiations going on between the president and the opposition leaders and we will see. Reporter thanks for joining us there as she was saying, a fast developing situation there on the streets of ukraine. And saying some protesters have seized, yes, another official government building. This is just one day or a couple days after they agreed to vacate city hall and had amnesty of protesters and was a small breakthrough and today, tuesday, there is a ramping up again of tensions there on the streets of kiev and keeping a very close eye on this fastdeveloping story for you. Now, at least four people have been killed over and over 50 injured in the ty capitol of bangkok and forces and an antiprotesters were fighting when they tried to clear out the campsites around the government buildings and we have more. Police battle with protesters in thailands capitol. On tuesday Security Forces launched their most concerted efforts here to clear antigovernment citizens which paralyzed parts of bankok for more than three months now. Police called their operation the peaceful Bangkok Mission and mobilized 15,000 officers to try and regain control of government buildings that protesters had surrounded including the ministry of interior and the parliament. But it was far from peaceful. Dozens of protesters were injured as well as several Police Officers and gunfire was heard and the number of people were killed. The protesters insist they have been peaceful and that they will remain in the streets in spite of what they say is a Violent Police crack down. People in thailand had to live through a power struggle for almost 8 years and its essentially the middle class supported by the royal establishment fighting against supporters of the Prime Ministers and the billionaire brother the former Prime Minister. Mass protests by both sides have taken place throughout this time and have also been dispersed by the police. But the struggle for power seems endless and until that dispute is settled the cycle of protests seem certain to be repeated. And im with al jazeera. And we have the latest from the ty capitol. It was just before noon in this historical area of old bangkok when the violence broke out. What had happened was that riot police were trying to clear the area of demonstrators who occupied this intersection for several weeks now. They brought in bulldozers that were trying to clear the area as cheers rang out from the protesters and suddenly an explosion was heard. We have since discovered that was an m79 grenade and the police came out and the gun fighting went on sporadically for about an hour and since then we found about at least 50 people were injured, several people killed, died of their injuries including a policeman who was shot in the head. Our understanding is that the police force is extremely angry about this situation. They withdraw, pulled away, about 500 meters to a kilometer down the road this way and that is why the situation has quieted down. And the protesters have reclaimed this area. In fact, they have overturned several vehicles including Police Vehicles as a form of new barricades. This could be a turning point for the police because its a significant loss of face for them. Behind the scenes it said there are negotiations going on between the government accused of corruption by the protesters and indeed the Government Agency that fights against corruption has now called for the Prime Minister to appear before it to face charges linked to a rice price pledging scheme she put in place as part of her campaign plank when she was first put into power, voted into power back in 2010. Reporter more talks on Irans Nuclear ambitions are about to begin but not hopeful and says the talks will go no where because the United States remains an enemy. Translator what our Foreign Government officials have started that will continue, iran will not violate what it has agreed and committed to, but the americans are enemies of the Islamic Revolution and enemies of the Islamic Republic itself. Reporter they agrees to a sex month deal to reduce Nuclear Activities for exchange for some relief from sanctions and now its hoped a permanent deal can be reached and we report. Reporter the vienna talks are about places like this and what is going on in them. The nuclear facilities. The u. S. And allies say Irans Nuclear program is dangerous and iran says its peaceful and they will try to find Common Ground to secure a lasting deal and on a temporary one struck in november. The u. N. Says iran kept its part of the bargain and suspended parts of the Nuclear Program and in the return u. S. And western powers agreed to a limited role back on the economic sanctions. Translator what is the future of this deal . I think iran will narrow things down but adhering to the agreement and all sanctions were imposed on the Nuclear Issue and if it says they are peaceful the west cannot continue sanctions but if the western party uses the talks to introduce other issues i think talks may reach a deadlock. Reporter talks are expected to last for months and there are serious challenges particularly those posed by the israelis and saudis and want to end the Nuclear Program and not just limited and suggested by the six powers involved in negotiations known as the p 5 plus 1. Translator some are interested in continuation of regional attention and dont like iran and p 5 plus 1 reached agreement and seek attention and i can talk about this and netanyahu himself and they are interested in the failure of talk. Reporter for iran failure is unacceptable and technical calks between the iran and iaua and that is the Atomic Energy agency and its part of a twotrack approach and the talks focus on what iran may or may not have done in the past. Iran has made seven commits to iaea to clear up any outstanding issues by may and hoping it can build confidence building in vienna and a protest of lasting political peace, this is tehran. Reporter we are joining live from vienna, the former director of analysis of the Atomic Energy and thanks very much for taking the time to speak to us, enormous challenging facing these talks today. Do you see all sides entering into them in the spirit of openness and transparency . For the most part that is the case. I think the iranians made a number of significant concessions and i would say most parties in the talks themselves are appearing to be honest. The people on the outside are the ones that you mentioned earlier in your peace are the ones we are worried about. Reporter can you expand on that . Which people are you worried about . As was mentioned earlier the israelis would like to see things fail so the technical people involved in the talks themselves are anxious to see it work and technical people like things to work and the political side of it is a bit different. The thing i see that is negative inside the technical side is the business of the iaea raising the palonium issue again after it was put to bed a few years ago and under mines the confidence between the two sides and its unfortunate and i dont know why they did that. You are a former director and are quite damning to the organization. They are excellent. Its an Accounting Organization that looks at books and does measurements from time to time seeing they are correct. But when they got in the Nuclear Weapons analysis area they fall off the edge and not confident in that area and make embarrassing statements that effect. They really should get out of the weapons part and that is probably a very small part of this agreement so far and it really doesnt come up in what has been agreed with the iaea and they should stop talking about it and forget it. Reporter if you were in vienna, what would you do . I would make sure the reactor is shut down and not proceeding and making sure its diluted and that is the heart of the matter. The fact that iran agreed to dilute this lowelly and rich material from 20 back down to 5 is an extremely important concession and giving up a huge am of money and work put into that and giving up the reactor is important concession but appears irak was not on a successful track and maybe not giving up nothing. Reporter there are demands on centerfuge and others but can you really see iran moving on the issues . I think up until now they have seen pride and stubbornness saying we can carry out the activities. We are claiming they are not weapons and they are going in the future and saying they will not give up, something that is right under the treaty and i think the west is being extremely difficult in saying we are not going to let you do anything in this area when other countries in the world have that right. The latest thing has been that the p 5 plus 1 has said if iran answers these questions they will be treated like any other mpt member and that is interesting because other mpt members can reprocess and enrich. Reporter interesting and thanks for joining us there from vienna. You are welcome. Reporter and supporters of an opposition in venezuela wrestled him free and hauled away in handcuffs by guardsmen and they arrested ramirez at the Shopping Center and the pictures were taken after a raid on the headquarters of one of the biggest opponents and the government has expelled three u. S. Diplomates after accusing them of meeting protest leaders and we have this report from caracus. Reporter antigovernment protests continue in the capitol and this time venting frustration at state television. While they took to the streets headquarters of the Opposition Party was raided by unidentified men. In this security video distributed by the opposition which cannot be independently verified, what appears to be armed men forced their way in. This congresswoman who was there at the time describes the scene. Translator the men forced us to go down on our knees. They said they were looking for the national coordinator. They knocked on the door. They were armed. Reporter this is an attack on the opposition comes just a day before they have called for a massive rally here in caracus where they expect thousands of supporters take to the streets again. Translator the government has turned up diplomatic pressure and National Sentiment by expels three u. S. Diplomates and president maduro accuses them of aiding groups trying to over throw his government. Translator they will be forced to leave the sovereign and independent home land of venezuela in 48 hours because of actively participating in the organization and promotion of these groups which attempted to generate violence in the country. Reporter the u. S. Rejected the allegations saying the countrys political future is for the venezuela people to decide. But for many the growing Political Tension is doing little to ease the financial crisis gripping the country. Venezuela now has the highest rate of inflation in the world and its getting harder and harder to support her family. Translator we cant find chicken, meat, milk, butter, oil, sugar or coffee, we cant find any basic products. Reporter with the opposition refusing to give up and the government increasing pressure, there is no clear sign when, how or even if this political crisis might end soon. Rachel with al jazeera caracus venezuela. Reporter rebels in south sudan attached the town and loyal to the president are fighting Government Forces and both sides accused each other of breaking a cease fire. This is the latest from our correspondent who is live from the south sudan capitol, duba and what was happening there today . Well, its still a developing situation but from what we understand the fighting broke out Early Morning today. The white army has been announcing really for the past three that it was marching towards there and intended to take over that city. Now we are hearing reports that actually the white army made it inside the city and could very well be controlling part of malachi and we do know from the Aid Organization oxfam who are there in malachi that there is a bit of a confusion at the moment at the base which is close to the airport. There was some fighting in the surrounding. Its more than 20,000 displaced people in that compound and they have chosen to go to the bunkers because they were afraid really of the cross fire they were caught in. Apparently some of the shells landed there. But its still a very much developing situation. We do know that later on the authorities here in duba will give us an overview of what is happening. Thank you very much for the update and we will keep checking in with you throughout the day. A special court in pakistan has postponed a decision to indict former president on charges of treason and he arrived for the hearing in islamabad in a heavily protected motorcade and the case will resume on friday and we are joined live from islamabad and something about events that he made an appearance. What happened in court . Well, as you mentioned it was brought under tight security and it was a surprise because even though he had faced this in the past this is the first time he appeared in this particularly sense tiff case which pertains to the treason case and january he was on his way to the court when he developed chest pains and he was rushed to the hospital and ever since then he has been in the hospital and it took courage for him to say im going to face the court and he signed a certificate saying he was going on his own accord. But when he did come in front of the court his lawyers argued that because the actions taken by the former military ruler were done at a time when he was wearing a military uniform he could not be tried under civilian law and must be tried under military and the court will decide on friday whether he can indeed be tried by a special court or whether this should be sent to the military court. So indeed Dramatic Development and the general showing himself finally in court. Reporter thank you very much indeed. And the Pakistan Government says it will not resume peace talks with the taliban until the fighters agree to a cease fire. Negotiations were suspended on monday after a faction of the group said it killed 23 soldiers it held hostage and many people in pakistan have lost relatives during years of violence and they met one such mother in southwest ariston. These children can afford only one meal a day and sometimes even that becomes a luxury. Their mother cleans houses so she can afford to feed them. Translator i have no one else to earn for my family and its very difficult to look at my children and at times we have no food. They have a miserable life but what else can i do. Reporter she lives in a remote district and most of the area lacks basic facilities like clean water and electricity and there are no real health or educational institutions here. And she lost one of her sons in a Suicide Attack five years ago. Her other boy was disabled in the incident and her husband had a heart attack after seeing the scattered remains of his son. He cannot work anymore. Translator my two sons went to the market. My elder son was killed in the attack and adman is now disabled and i have no money for treatment, i borrowed some for relatives and took him in but not able to afford the expensive treatment. Reporter thousands of people here are maimed by fighting by Pakistan Forces and the taliban and doesnt have much faith in the government. Translator going to get groceries is a risk for us. Im afraid to send out my children. No one has helped us, no one. The government has done nothing for us. The least they can do is provide treatment for my son. Reporter so far the government hasnt been successful in negotiating a deal with the same people it has been at war with for many years. Despite the losses bb wants peace, not revenge. Translator i do wish for these peace talks to succeed and then we will be able to go back to our homes and there will be no bomb blasts. Like me no mother will have to lose their son and no woman will have to be a widow and i dont need anything but i do need peace for my children and should be able to play and have some happy moments. Reporter the people in charge struggle to bring fighters to the negotiation table and plan for peace bb and thousands like her are not asking for much. Translator i wish my children can get an education like other children. But we have no money to eat. Reporter and im with al jazeera islamabad. Reporter lets get all the weather with richard and richard we were talking yesterday about a huge amount of snow falling in japan and its still falling today. More snow in the northern parts of japan, that is right, we have seen some improvement, they opened three plants of toyota and production which has been effected at other car Production Centers has also resumed. Looking at the satellite we have an area of precipitation in the south but the main area to the north which is giving heavy snowfall and you see the snow that has built up over the last 24 hours and 91 centimeters and causing a lot of problems and further south we have seen improvement from tokyo where we have seen the snow gradually ease away and more Northern Areas we have heavy snow coming down and brisk winds that go with it too and blowing snow and building up in areas and some of the Southern Islands are picking up and certainly Higher Elevations could be coming down with snow at times. You can see as we move through and towards thursday we see the snow clearing away and the weather situation begins to improve here. And snow across the crown peninsula at that stage and heavier rain across southern japan and tokyo it should be dry and bright and 7 degrees celsius and hoping it improves in the country. Reporter its rocky between japan and south korea and claiming islands off the coastlines and includes the japanese island and every one is happy with the influx of south korean tourists. They arrive at the ports with hundreds of tourists, the numbers are rising and currently more than 150,000 a year, 5 time the islands population. Translator its close and good for tourism and korean relics here to see. Translator its Good Practice for making big, overseas trips and going through immigration and so on. Reporter it is welcome part of the economy even at a time when relations between the japanese and kroern governments are far from cordial. Translator they benefit the local economy. Reporter that is not to say there are not tensions and establishments have signs like this and the owner who doesnt want to be named say they are not motivated by politics but to keep out the illmannered outsiders. Translator its a good thing for the island to have south korean tourists but my shop is small and gets filled with japanese regulars and say no to korean customers. Reporter the attitudes are relatively long held but evidence of a more resent shift in the relationship, a cultural festival is cancelled and in 2012 of statute and one by korean nationals. The monks charted this acting as a staging post heading to japan. Translator if it had not been for the statutes we wouldnt feel awkward and even if the president and Prime Minister were fighting and the statutes were stolen from the island that was the most historical relationship between korea and japan and its unforgivable. Reporter a further complication comes with a claim by one south korea municipality says this island should belong to korea. South Korea Institute set out to investigate the basis for the claim has come up with little to support it and say it could be used as leverage and the countries have a real difference how known as takashima in japan. And they are telling to make claims on the island if tokyo continues the claims. Reporter resent reports in the media of a surge in hostility for all things korean seem over blown but beneath that the hard edges of the conflict laden past and the trust remain. Im with harry in japan. And this is the second night of rising and australian Immigration Centers end in blood shed. Taking my whole life away and i worked there for 32 years. Reporter and so in the United States where free trade cost them everything. Four time barcelona getting ready to match up with the city and details later in the program with joe. Hello, im laura in doha and the top stories this hour and riot Police Fought protesters trying to march in kiev, the scene you are seeing now and shrouded in smoke as they burn barricades of tires and trying to maintain pressure on Viktor Yanukovych to step down. [gunfire] in thailand at least four people have been killed on a crack down on antiprotest camp and the gun battle started after Police Officers and bulldozer cleared the camps in bangkok. And both iran and the United States say they are skeptical a new round of Nuclear Talks will achieve anything and he backs the talks but the u. S. Remains an enemy. Sheer muslim mosques are the target of bomb attacks in iraq and 24 people have been killed in the capitol baghdad and two mosques and a bus station were hit and nobody claimed responsibility. The trial of three Al Jazeera English journalists will begin on egypt on thursday and a part of 20 people charged and accused to having links of a group and they declared Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and peter greste and fahmy and mohamed and we reject the charges and demand the unconditional release of its staff. Brent french members will discuss the states role in the forced relocation of children and this was from 1982 children were removed from the French Island territory in the indian ocean and more than 1600 were sent to france to repopulate the areas and we are joined from paris where the issue will be debated for the first time and this is not an issue that is widely known and perhaps you can explain about what happened to the children when they were taken to france. Well, as you alludeded in your intra one of the reasons, the principal reason by the french politicians who came up with the bright idea was to repopulate parts of rule france that needed more people. At the time it seemed like a good yesterday because they were suffering somewhat of a population explosion, and the economy was in dire straits and to some at the time it seemed like a good idea to transfer children from one place to another to try and solve the problem in france which basically needed more people to work in Rural Communities on farms, et cetera, et cetera. And as a result of that over a prolonged period 1615 children and as young as six months and some in the teens were forcibly dispatched and taken from their families on the promise of a better life in france. Their problem was they were promised all sorts of things like an education, the bright lights of the big city if you like but the reality was very much different and often families were broken up and often the poor Young Children were vick of racial abused in the Rural Communities in central france that were not used to people like them coming to live in their communities and a horrific time for most of them. Many of them needed urgent psyc Psychiatric Care and took their lives and its a dark part of the past which is only now emerging. Reporter very sad situation indeed and the motion being debated today, and it offers no apology and no compensation so what really can be offered . Thats right. The motion set before the French National assembly is neither an apology nor does it open yet at least the flood gates of compensation and its the personal campaign if you like of one mp themselves which remains a french dependent territory and representatives in the National Assembly and somewhat of a personal crusade for her and met earlier today with some victims of this policy who seem relaxed about the fact that its not an official apology for them and what is important at this stage is the french state recognizes the culpability and guilt in this whole affair. We see that as the beginning of a process. And once the state accepted it was their policy and their fault, following campaigns can start to perhaps raise compensation at least according to some of these victims to people who are still living in france and which there are many can perhaps visit once more before they die. Its an important but symbolic day for the victims of this terrible policy. Reporter indeed, and mcgreger many thanks for joining us and explaining events saturday in paris. One person has been killed as an Immigration Detention Center in new guinea during the second night of violence and it uses it to process the refugee applications of Asylum Seekers intercepted at sea and Andrew Thomas reports. Reporter the pressure had been growing for days and this footage is from sunday when Asylum Seekers rioted after being told their applications to be considered as refugees were not being accessed and then it got worse. There were serious injuries. There was one critical injury and there is one person who is deceased. Reporter and exactly how and where the injuries happened is not clear. The Asylum Seekers say they were attacked by locals and the local p and g police. Reporter the government and g 4s a security that runs the camp deny it and say it happened after detainees broke out. By the way the riot brings back in the spotlight the controversial policy of off shore processing of refugees. Center on the island absolutely needs to be closed and we investigated a day in november and found serious human rights failings in the center and put in recommendations to the Australian Government but ultimately what needs to happen is people need to be processed on the australian mainland, in keeping with australia human rights obligations. Reporter that is not going to happen says australias government and the policies are tough and turning back refugees at sea and sending those who do arrive to camps in other countries may be controversial but after the latest riot the policies are not going to change. Australias government won an election on a promise to stop the boats whatever it took and they disagree on detail and the main opposition labor partly broadly supports the regime and they want them to maintain deterrence, if they have to suffer as a result, well, that is tough. But inevitable. Andrew thomas, al jazeera, sidney. Italy has the ambassador to india after they delayed a ruling on two italian marines and accused of killing two indian fishermen and we have been speaking to one of the fishermens families there. There has been an endless stream of visitors since he was killed two years ago by two italy marines and she says its tough taking care of her two boys by herself but she is getting by. Translator i have a job now to support any family and if need be ill get a bank loan to take care of my boys education. Reporter and raising her children has given her a sense of empathy for the men accused of killing her husband and she says its time to forgive and move on. Translator i want to take care of my children and so should those marines and should be let go. What i lost is lost. As i have a family they also have families too. They had enough punishment. Reporter the deaths have hit this Fishing Community hard. Even though the family from this village has forgiven the italy marines the Indian Government is pushing ahead with legal action and has been adamant that they will face indian and not international law. The marines were charged under local laws and brought before the high court and the lawyers and the Italian Government says indian laws do not apply and the lawyer had compensation for one of the families said it was a mistake for them to challenge the penal laws and the Supreme Court could now decide to charge them under a tougher antipiracy law. If they are tried they have to prove innocence. Reporter italy wants it dealt with under international law, they say the Supreme Court may prefer indias own antipiracy legislation. That act was enacted by parliament in 2002 based on that u. N. Convention. Signed and india and italy are parties to the convention. Reporter back at the village this widow has done her best to move on from the tragedy and something she hopes everyone else involved will also be able to do. Im with al jazeera. Reporter there have been celebrations in libya to mark the third anniversary of the topple of moammar gadhafi. And john reports from tripoli. Three years after the lethal conflict that gave the square its name these fires are celebratory. Libyans came to mark the anniversary of the revolution that removed gadhafi from power. They are celebrating. Reporter for many the transition to democracy has been disappointing and little progress in unemployment, roads, healthcare and especially security. Libya is struggling to rebuild an army to keep pace in a new democracy where rebels sometimes are better armed and a rising wave of killing has targeted politicians, journalists and u. S. Ambassador but all that did not go with celebration. I think people still have hope as long as there are people still doing good out there and look to each other and when they see someone else doing it on the streets and society that gives them hope and that keeps them going for how long, i dont know how long it will take it but it will take a while. Reporter this is where gadhafi used to speak and people had to listen and they are here and may be unhappy about security and may the displeased about the government but here happy living in a democracy without a dictator. It was there and of course a lesson from french revolution and civilization comes up for years and we expect that. Reporter the fireworks came with progress in terms of congress expiring on february 7th members extended them, that sent angry libyans into the same square on friday demanding new elections, on sunday members agreed to hold elections by the end of the year. I dont think an election is a bad thing. They use democratic tools to achieve Political Goals without reverting to violence and the kind of things that would probably bring libya back to the old days. Reporter libyas Justice Minister says a peaceful transition to government may be just what libyans need to revive their faith in democracy, john with al jazeera tripoli. Reporter still to come afghanistans young cricketers pull off the shock of the under 19 world cup. And details with joe in sport next. U. S. President barack obama will meet leaders from mexico and canada this week to improve trading relations in the Asia Pacific Region and back home critics are warning of potential drawbacks and said it could reduce the number of jobs within the u. S. And kimberly reports. And he says he is a victim of free trade, back in 2007 he was working at the spark plug plant in the midwestern state ohio when the Company Announced it was moving production to mexico. They were taking my whole life away and worked there 32 years and did the undesirable jobs and i was working with the engineers and doing Something Different everyday and they will take it away and move to mexico. Reporter he was forced to retire early and now he has a parttime job trying to scape together enough money to put his two daughters through a university. The companys move was a direct result of the 1994 north American Free trade agreement or nafta and lowered borders for u. S. Companies and access to cheap labor and also cost ohio thousands of jobs and still the u. S. Is looking to negotiate two more massive trade deals. We need to Work Together to protect our workers and protect our environment and open new markets to new goods, stamped made in the usa. Reporter one agreement is the trans atlantic trade would effect u. S. Trade with the European Union and the other is the Trans Pacific partnership and involves countries in the Asia Pacific Region and they are suspicious of attempts to get lawmakers to approve the deals quickly and u. S. Congressman mar sister cactor is looking to stop it and need to learn from the trade acknowledgment already in place like nafta sglshgs workers in mexico not able to afford a car based on the wages they make and the workers here out of work and who wins this that deal . The out sourcer and trans national. Reporter she agreed but lost hope that the government will stop deals given it accomplished little in recent years. They cannot sit down and negotiate a budget and go on a government shut down that cost billions of dollars and they are negotiating a trade deal, come on. Reporter he is not against new trade deals but he wants them to be fair and wishes u. S. Politicians would learn from the past when negotiating trade deals for the future. Kimberly with al jazeera, new regal, ohio. Time for the sport and the latest from sochi with jay. Thank you, and the best women skis in the world are battling foul condition on tuesday, the slolom was hit by snow before metals awarded and tina won the second gold of the games and finished. 700th for australia and shared gold in the down hill competition last week. World renown violinist made her olympic debut and competing for thailand and the 35yearold finished last of 74 competitors but said the experience was really cool. A dramatic finish here of france took gold ahead of the other and it was delays a day because of heavy fog. Two metals awarded this tuesday and the mens 15 biathalon is delayed a third time because of fog and will get underway this tuesday and china is the favorite in the 3,000 short track relay in the nortic and back to the ice for the speed skating 10,000 meters final before the free style half pipe which includes tuesdays metals. Decision day as they face being shown the first red card of the world cup and less than four months to go, the stadium which will stage four matches is still not ready and defending spain will play there and they will announce the decision at a meeting in brazil on tuesday. And Gabrielle Alexander has more. We just drove around the world cup stadium and you can really get a chance of how much work still needs to be done. That is it behind me and cranes and workers securerying about and the entire outside facade of the arena has work being done to it and they say its 91 complete and the pitch has been laid inside and they say the roof is almost complete and they are still confident the stadium can be done in time for the world cup matches. However, why are people watching this decision so closely . The reason is because it has huge ramifications on three fronts. Number one if the stadium is full it will cause logistics trying to figure out where to put the matches that were supposed to be played here. A huge black eye to brazil saying they will have all 12 cities ready in time for the world cup if the stadium will fold it will open up flood gates and criticism of brazil saying this is a sign that the country clearly is not ready. And the third is that people here, the world cup was expected to bring over 500 million in tourism dollars to the city and countless numbers of small and medium entrepreneurs hoping to benefit and obviously they would not if the world cup is pulled from the city. But the secretary general of fefa, balk is expected to make a ruling late on tuesday. As of now he has not said much so there is really a lot of speculation. We will have to wait and see what the final decision is. Reporter four time european champions barcelona will take on Manchester City of the league this tuesday, the first competitive match between the two sides and the giant has been a turbulent period and defender says it will be an opportunity to get back to the pitch. We know that in the club maybe in the last six months there was something, some things that we cannot control, the players, and all we can do is we go tomorrow in the pit and we show the world that we can still be the best and try to play a great game against a team like Manchester City with great players. Reporter and in the knock out stages for the first time and city has been in the best form winning the last four Champion League games and manger says they are determined to impose themselves on barcelona. For me its very important to continue having the style of play and continue having the personality and try to win barcelona but you cannot play without considering that you have messy and important plays but we are not going to play just thinking and defending and not listening to the ball and that is the most important thing. Reporter and in the other match they will take on french side and the german team and confident the rhea sent perfo performperformance will not stop. They beat england and south africa and the team has been dealt a huge shock and the threetime champions were beaten in the world cup by afghanistan and the winning margin was 36 runs and leaves afghanistan battling australia and bangladesh and allow them to advance to the quarter finals. That is the sport for now and thank you. Reporter bangladesh is hoping to make a big impact in specialized industry of cartoons and rob reynolds has been meeting some of the entrepreneurs in daca. Its a computerdriven workplace that would look the same in shanghai or Silicon Valley but the skilled animators are hard at work in bangladesh part of a little known, hightech Success Story in a country in the news for dangerous working condition in its Garment Industry and their company has produced episodes of nina, a popular south asian cartoon series sponsored by unicef and adventures of a young girl with im ens importance of children and womens rights. Reporter the Animation Industry is still small with fewer than 1200 workers but its growing quickly relying on a talented workforce and the same competitive wage that made bangladesh a powerhouse in the Garment Industry. Payment and salary is much more competitive or cheaper than what you see in the United States or in china. Reporter and most Animation Companies here make their money doing outsourced work or ads for local tv there is a small team of bangladesh animators who set their sights even higher. In a work studio and computer monitors, they are at a cartoon start up and aiming for a worldwide audience. Our dream is to make a fantastic film that is appealing to the global audience and at the same time we get to tell our story from our point of view and portray our culture into a global scene. Reporter their work is a colorful blend of light and dark imagery and working on a film about a boy who can communicate with his autistic sibling by entering the mysterious world of her dream. Reporter the dream also we want to bring local folk art and culture. Reporter and the animated movie may or may not be showing some day in a cinema near you. But bangladesh Animation Industry is on the rise and that means better jobs for talented bangladesh workers and rob reynolds, al jazeera, daca. And do stay with us here on al jazeera, if you can, and maria has a full half hour for you right ahead. No doubt about it, innovation changes our lives. Opening doors. Opening possibilities. Taking the impossible from lab. To life. On techknow, our scientists bring you a sneakpeak of the future, and take you behind the scenes at our evolving world. Techknow ideas, invention, life. On Al Jazeera America Al Jazzera America presents. Documentaries from around the world that inform. They were bombarded with shells. Inspire. We can deal with our conflicts. And touch our soles. It was my dream to get a high school diploma. Award winning film makers create create unique perspectives. Everybodys different here. Just gotta tell ya, it was just a very magical moment. Al jazzera america presents. On Al Jazeera America tensions boil over in bangkok as clashes between protesters and police leave four dead and violence erupted as they tried to break up protest camps in the capitol and back to the bargaining table with iran, the up hill battle to reach a permanent agreement to reach the nuclear capabilities. The great lakes on ice, why the frozen waterways are creating bi

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