Temperatur temperatures expected to take a big dip. A third day of syrian peace talks is underway in geneva, so far no progress. The Syrian National Coalition Wants to talk about president Bashar Alassad handing over power, but Bashar Alassads team say they will not hand over the keys to damascus. On sunday the u. N. Announced a deal on a safe passage for women and children out of the city of homs. The opposition says the deal was unilateral, and are calling for humanitarian aid to get into the city. The syrian delegation presented a paper not including mention of political transition. The Syrian Government is asking countries to stop assisting the opposition. How far apart are the sides right now . Well, sadly, there is a cas between the two sides. We step back for a second look at what is at stake. The u. N. Mediator Lakhdar Brahimi said the fate of the country that we are talking about. Unfortunately we are seeing the largest differences between the two sides perhaps as large as they are on the ground inside of syria. Its on both of those topics that you moaninentioned. The point of the conference is to talk about a transitional conference. The Syrian Government refuses to do that, as you said. The Syrian Government spokesman dismissed questions saying we are not here to talk about the keys of damascus. Bashar alassad is talking about running for president. Theres a gap on that topic. Theres a gap on humanitarian assistance, and this is the most important shortterm project at the conference in holmes. The government imposed a unilateral mood to allow winnen and children out of the city, according to the opposition. The opposition says, wait, this is not what we want, we want a humanitarian corridor into homes food, water, medicine, the basic necessities that no one has had. We heard from a spokesman from the Syrian National coalition, and they want to trust how the u. N. Is mediating this but cannot trust the Syrian Government. Here we are now, you know, doing those agreements under the craigses, you know, management. So they should there should be guarantees that the regime keep the safety. The opposition dont agree that these people should go out of their city. The position is that they should stay in the city and get the food in their homes. This is their right. This is what seemed like an agreement, an alleviation of the pain with women and children. Clearly the coalition does not see it that way. Little progress so far, even on basic humanitarian issues. The u. S. Is resuming its nonlethal aid shipment to opposition groups on the ground. What is happening on the battlefield. This is important. This sets the stage for geneva. Theres a stalemate in syria. The government is not winning, the opposition is not winning. The opposition is fragmenting, fighting within each other, so that gives a live line. In the middle the u. S. Is trying its best to help the opposition. Barack obama put a thick line on that, saying no lethal aid, no officially. The u. S. In a the past few weeks resumed nonlethal aid. Trucks, normal trucks, medical supplies and blankets, they are going in to the opposition. That will not change the dynamics on the ground. Until the assad regime believes it is losing or gets pressure from russia, iran to stop the violence, its not clear that the Bashar Alassad regime or its army or delegates will have to give at all. Nick schifrin reporting from geneva. Protests are spreading throughout the ukraine. Demonstrators are calling for change in the countrys government. The government added concessi s concessions, the opposition says its not enough. Jennifer glasse is in kiev. How is the government reacting to the growing demonstration . Well, you join me from a loud independence square. Its a critical time before parliament meets in an emergency session. We have not heard much from the government or seen president Viktor Yanukovych in the last 24 hours, even though he and the opposition were supposed to condition negotiations. We had harsh words from the justice minister. The Justice Ministry was taken over by opposition supporters. She said if it wasnt called over shed ask the president to call for a state of emergency. I was at the Justice Ministry in the last hour or so. The place is essentially empty, guards are outside. There are no opposition supporters inside. Guards are outside holding the ministry, but it is a very, very uncertain time, a tense time here. Tomorrow morning the parliament is supposed to meet in an emergency session to address the crisis. We do that. The council of ministers met to discuss what should happen next. We have no idea what the government is planning. Jennifer, what are the demands of the opposition . Well, there are a few. First and foremost theyd like to see everywhere arrested or te tained for protesting against the government, released without charge. Anyone that has been charged and sentenced and there has been a few dozen, three months, four months, they wand them amnesty, they would like to see laws passed a week ago, going into effect that criminalize freedom of assembly and speech, that limit the media. They would like to see the laws revealed. We understand there may be a draft law heading into parliament, and would like to see early elections. Parliament is holding an emergency session, is there an indication that the government will make more concessions to the opposition. I think therell have to be some concessions. Nobody can be blind in ukraine, not only do you have the thousands, tens of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands that come to kiev in the last few months. Now the demonstrations are spreading over the country. We are seeing from members of the parliament who were aligned from the government. Moderating words, a member of parliament who was a party of the president introducing a bill into parliament that would eliminate the riot police. Everyone is hedging their best. People have spoken in the east, and even the west people have come out in their thousands to express their displeasure. The government will have to respond in some way. It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow. Clashes broke out when people tried to walk to the parliament building, marching there a week ago. Thats when we saw the burning barricades, when we saw the escalation between police and protesters, and three protesters were killed. How people get to the parliament is not clear. The parliament is not clear. Parliament is meeting. Well so a change, a progress. Theres concern that theres a government that the government may make few concessions, but the people have made clear what they want. They want change. Jennifer glasse reporting on developments in the ukraine. Thank you. A deep chill returned to the mid west and parts of the south. It will be dangerously cold. There are subzero readings in some cities. In minneapolis, it could feel lining minus 3 and chicago could see 48 hours or more below zero. The blast is moving south to states like texas. Snow is forecast for much of that state. For forecasts on the call, here is dave warren yes, we have seen plenty of these surges of arctic air coming in. We are looking at another. The orange colour indicates the windchill is below zero, dangerous in some areas, 20, 30, 40 below zero, as cold as 40 below for the windchill. A large area seeing temperatures below zero with the air temperature 15 below, 7 below and minneapolis and fargo. One in omaha and fargo. When you factor in the wind, almost 40 below for a windshil. Thats dangerous levels. When it gets this low you get frost bite if you are not bundled up. Take precautions if you need to head outside. Its a large area of bitter cold wind chills. Not quite made it to the east coast. We are watching the front push from the west to the east. Temperatures in washington and 39. Theres the front. This is the actual real feel temperature, the windchill hour by hour. By 4 oclock its down to 9 below. 1518 below in philadelphia and washington. The cold air is moving east. By tonight the temperatures will be dropping throughout the day. Single digit wind chills that could be dropping below zero. This is coming with the winter weather. Ill show you where with the national forecast. 5 billion, that is how much money the Postal Service lost in business. Its upping the price of stamps again. Starting yesterday it will cost 0. 49, a 0. 03 increase. The Postal Service says its te temporary, though it could be permanent. A latest revelation from Edward Snowden is the u. S. Is spying on private companies in germany. Edward snowden told an interviewer that they spied on industries competing with u. S. Firms, and that the u. S. Wants to kill him, citing a post on a government website. Al jazeera travels with algerian migrants. California is getting ready to expand medicare, but it may cause a doctor shortage for low income patients. In Washington Congress gets back to work a day before barack obama gives his state of the union address. Theres a lot of deal with unemployment, the farm bill and the debt deadline that is creeping up on us again. Next week america hits the debt ceiling and will not be able to pay its bills. Lawmakers will debate whether to raise the minimum wage president obama faces a politically divided congress as he preparation for tuesdays state of union address. The president is expected to demand economic equality for all americans and top advisors says hes ready to take unilateral action to make it happen. Libby casey is on capitol hill. What are we expecting to hear from the president during the state of union address. The president pledged to make 2014 a year of action. We expect to see a blueprint on how he plans to do that. Expect to hear a sense of energy, and a sense of urgency. This is the last best shot the president has to set the agenda in washington. As crazy as it sound, a year from now well look ahead to the 2016 president ial elections. Well deal with the aftermath of the elections, this is an opportunity to do what he said, set the agenda and use executive action. Hell outline ways to do that on issues ranging from income and quality to environmental causes. The debate is raging on capitol hill about how the president will move forward. We heard it played out on the talk shows. Senator ted cruz and white house advisor offered differing opinions. If president obama wants to give an honest candid state of union address, hell address the fact that the economic policies are not working and they are exacerbating income and equality. The president will weigh up steps on how to deal with restoring opportunity for americans, the minimum wage does more to lift millions of americans out of poverty, good jobs and skills for workers. These things this bipartisan support in the past. Immigration, which the president is expected to talk about. He has to be a little carele. He cant go too far to lay out his priorities, lest he get in the way of republicans making their own efforts on capitol hill. The white house has announced guests who will be in attendance. Sitting next to the first lady, can you tell us about them. This is an opportunity for the president , the white house and the first lady to bring out americans that exemplify ideals, or those that represent something of the american ideal. Well see two survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing. We see jeff balman who lost his legs, and a man that came to his aid. It was an iconic image of the bombing. And fire chief gary bird, one of those that responded after the devastating tornado in oklahoma last spring and jason collins, n. B. A. Basketball player coming out as openly gay, the first to do so. Libby casey reporting with a preview of the state of union. Al Jazeera America will have full coverage of the stoounon address beginning at 9 00 pm eastern. For years medicade has struggled with a shortage of doctors willing to accept the low reimbursement rates. Prospects are crim. Fewer are available to take on low income patients. Rob reynolds has more. Jennifer wanted to be a during. The daughter of immigrants, a firstyear medical student. A goal of mine was to work with the underserved communities. In the forprofit Health Care Medical School Tuition is expensive and requires students like hahn to get big loans. We are acquiring a lot of death, 40,000 or 50,000, so close to 200,000 or more. She studies at the university of california in riverside, in an area of the state facing a shortage of doctors. Dr richard aulds is dean of the riverside medical school. Its the Fastest Growing area and 40 of doctors look like me, 55 and older, well have a 5,000 position deficit in 10 years, no matter what anyone does. The looming shortage is severe for Family Doctors and paediatricians. They earn less than specialists like cardiologists or orthopaedic surgeons much many doctors choose lucrative specialties to pay off med school debts. So you see riverside is trying a bold experiment, the only one of its kind in the nation. Students who choose primary care and agree to practice in the local community will get full scholarships. We give them medical school for free. At the end of the day, if they are a doctor, the deal is closed. They get med school for free. We reverse the financial incentives to get the result that our area of california and society in general needs. Its not just california that is facing a looming doctor shortage. According to a report by the American Association of medical colleges, there could be a nationwide shortage of 90,000 interests before the end of the decade. The main reason for the doctor shortage is that the country is getting older. Over the course of the next 20 years 10,000 americans a day turn 65. They are the ones that use the majority of the health care services. To fill the gap the u. S. Needs more innovative programs like uv riversides, and will need a lot more dedicated students like jennifer. On wall street stocks struggling to avoid another loss. The dow is up slightly, about 22 points. It lost nearly 500 points the last two sessions. Investors focussing on the federal reserve. The central bank could announce reductions in stimulus. The cold snap in december put a freeze on home sales. They fell 7 . The second straight monthly decline. For 2013 new home sales were up 16 . The improving economy gave a lift to the auto industry. The National Auto meal Dealers Association forecast 60 million new vehicles would be sold. A 6 increase. The optimism stems from rising unemployment. The praise of gasoline has been dropping. According to the lun bus, erg survey is 3. 31. The lowest price was 2. 95. That was in billings, montana. For years the coast of mauritania has been a Launching Place for boats running migrants to europe. We spoke with some, preparing to make the risky ocean voyage for a chance at a better life. The coast is nouadhibou is the closest to europe. Spains islands are 800km away. This place has lured african youths seeking passage to the west. Undeterred by the dangers. Waiting for their chance. Translation yes, why not. If i find a way to go, ill go immediately. Translation sure i want to go, even though its dangerous. I dream of going to australia. It will be great if i reach any other place instead. Most of these sailors that you see behind me are migrants working as fisherman. Riding the sea in this manner is preliminary. Their final goal is to make the crossing to europe. For a successful voyage candidates are required to learn the basics of sailing. Planning a voyage is complex. You need a safe house and a middleman to find candidates and keep them ready. You need a lender to buy a boat. You need a security chief to arrange protection. Departures must be at dawn. Any mistake means you are ruined. Candidates are found here. This is accra, a district named after the capital of ghana. Its populated by african workers, most without visas are residency permits, and they hate cameras. Translation i have come here looking for a job. Things are not going well. I am still umnemployed and have been for many days. Salim is barely 20 and will not admit he plans to sail to europe. Like his friend moussa, they are afraid of being arrested and sent home. Thanks to funding and help from europe, the mauritanians have been winning the battle. Many from ghana have abandoned the dream. Omars brother drowned in 2010. If i have money i will see my family to come here. To live here. But the aid and experience that made omar change his mind are lacking among the new groups of migrants. To them, riding the atlantic on hopes of a prosperous life outweighs the dangers of getting there. Letting kids be skids. A Childrens Hospital goes out of their way to let kids with cancer enjoy a special welcome back to al Jazeera America. Im stephanie sy, here are todays headlines. How to help the people of homs is being debated in peace talks in geneva. The government wants to evacuate the people. The opposition wants aid convoys to be allowed in to the besieged city, something the u. S. Supports. The talks are deadlocked over a transitional government. Antigovernment protests are spreading throughout ukraine. Some are demonstrating in eastern city, the base of president Viktor Yanukovychs support. Parliament is holding an emergency meeting tomorrow. President obama will address the nation on tuesday in his fifth state of union. The president is expected to tackle the issue of income and equality in the united states. Returning to a top story. Saying it is cold in parts of the country is an understatement. With the wind it feels like its 20 below. Even our friends in the south need to be spared. You may not be used to the cold but you could be getting used to us talking about the cold. The weather pattern is not changing. Blasts of cold air. Feeling it now is a leading edge of cold care. Its creating light snow. Through kentucky and missouri, thats where the cold air is. Behind it the wind picks up. The temperatures factor in the wind. Now, we have windchill warnings above this line, a windchill advisory not as cold but still enough to take precautions as we step outside. Windchills dropping down to zero or below, well below zero to the north. Cold air spreading east. Moves in to the northeast by the afternoon and the evening. Still the cold air in place over north and south dakota. Its moving to the south temperatures dropping across the southeast. The snow can be pretty far south. Feels like its 30 below in fargo, 40 below in minnesota. The cold air has not made it to eastern new york. These are the air temperatures. Its 33 in philadelphia, 4 below in pittsburg. The cold air will spread east. There are the drop of temperatures, 34 degrees on wednesday. Talking about the snow on the southeast. Its not today that cold front pushes to the south and by tomorrow the light snow through the area, as far south as south carolina. For one night in oklahoma a Childrens Hospital transforms into a Winter Wonder land for patients. That was a prom theme. The winter dance put together for children of all ages, some patients are battling cancer, kidney disease. Prom goers picked out special outfits, had stylists do their hair and makeup and several kids. Thank you for watching al Jazeera America. Inside story is next. On the day americans pause to honor the memory of Martin Luther king, the world is boiling over with religious oppression and strife. The world hot spots, and thats the inside story. Hello, im ray suarez. If you would like to spend a few depressing moments on this kin

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