And it is 50 years since a u. S. Doctor revealed that smoking kills. People living in syrias largest Palestinian Refugee camp are in a desperate state. Theres not enough food, clean water or medical supplies. The government and rebels blame each other for blocking access. The United Nations has called on both sides to let aid workers help. Caroline miller reports, a warning you might find some of these images disturbing. The face of a starving child in a refugee camp in syria, acute suffering in yarmuk, some people have taken to eating grass to ward off hunger but increasingly the most vulnerable are dying. Aid agencies have appealed to all parties in the syrian conflict to allow aid workers in to do their work. Yarmuk is a place of profound civilian suffering. We are receiving reports that because of the lack of medical care women are dying in childbirth, there are reports of widespread malnew transition, l feed, spices mixed in unsafe water. Before the war yarmuk was home to about 160,000 palestinians. The camp was set up in 1967 and grew to include schools and medical centers. The camp has been under rebel control for over a year but has been surrounded by Government Forces in the last few months. Activists say the camp is effectively under military siege. A convoy with aid for 20,000 people tried to get into the area but was blocked by terrorist gans. Tried get people out with Urgent Medical conditions but fired upon by government snipers. The u. N. Relief agency for Palestinian Refugees have called for a humanitarian corridor. Theres been no electricity or heating for a year and the water supply is unreliable. Food is running out without it more people will die. Caroline malone, al jazeera. The spokesman for the food program for middle east and africa. Im turned by images from that camp im disturbed by images from that camp. We are extremely concerned about the situation in yarmuk camp. But its not just yarmuk camp. Humanitarian workers have not been able to access for many, many months. The situation in yarmuk is certainly were hearing it from activists inside the camp. But we have not been able to get inside to assess the situation. And if we had bad access probably we would not be hearing about these reports. Can you plain to interrupt you us, sorry i didnt median to interrupt but whats the problem and who is it thats stopping you and what are they saying about not letting you in . Basically, this is an area where fighting is happening on daily basis. In order to get no these areas you need to get permission from the government. You also need to get security schurnses thaassurances that yod into this nursepractitioner spot with the relative safety to the convoy. We havent been able to get the fermingses and in many cases like and its not only again like in yarmuk, you send the trucks and the convoy is there but you cannot move it because there is fighting inside and you are not authorized to get into this area. So its different elements on the ground that impact how you can get access to one particular area and you havent been we have been out of access for over a year now. Okay, from that report that we showed there were claims that the children in particular are eating things like spices and rubbish. What is your worry if they dont get food soon and what sort of impact it could have on their health and the camp as a whole . Well, this conflict is having its heaviest toll on the most vulnerable of syrians who are the children and the women and the elderly. The nutrition situation is really getting in a very difficult situation in syria. Almost half of the population of syria were in hot spot areas or outside of the conflict zones, the heavy conflict zones or half the population is food insecure. It means that many of the people cannot survive without external Food Assistance and the mall nutrition is growing malnutrition situation is, these children will be impacted for life. The future of syria is at stake here. Syrians starving their own people. Are there areas you can get into and what sort of impact have you been able to make in those areas . We did have some Success Stories. In the northeast of syria for example we havent been able to get food to these areas since july. But recently and because of the so much cold weather thats hitting these areas we have been able to air lift and it was an expensive operation but we had to air lift food from north iraq to get it to the most Vulnerable People who will die of hunger if we dont get the food during this special very difficult time. We are not giving up. One area today is out of access. Tomorrow we try and well try, you know many other areas in homes in and around homs or in aleppo, we cant get into this area for four or five months but suddenly we get a break through we go in they get the food. So there are some good stories and Success Stories but you know the whole story in syria is sad story. I dont really consider it as a happy story when you get food. Its such a sad situation. Please dont give up. Thank you very much for talking to us. In south sudan the army has recaptured a town in the crucial Oil Producing unity state. Bentu was in the hands of forces loyal to riek machar. Al matassa reports on the impact of the violence on unity state. People are still trying to get out of unity state in south sudan. But the doors to this cargo plane have been closed. For now only the wounded are being flown out. Most are soldiers injured during weeks of fighting against forces loyal to the former Vice President , riek machar. Many women and children leave behind the community trying to recover from weeks of fighting. Government Officials Say they have recaptured the town of bentu from the rebels. There is an overwhem overoverwhg sense of loss here. The images of the women and children, many of them are not buried. I was unable osleep at all. This was not the nation we wanted this is not the home i dream of before the independence at all. Many people havent returned. There are no civilians here. The place is deserted. When the fighting started and many ran to the u. N. Base others went as far as the capital juba. Production at the Oil Processing facility has stopped. It is one of the stations where crude oil is processed before being sent to sudan along the appliance. Government officials blame the rebels for the destruction. They have destroyed that facility processing and they have taken and removed out all electronics machines you know in the operation rooms you know and they remove all the assets that belong to the staffs and then also the same damage reach up to thomas house and the area that is under control of those people so they actually destroyed so many facilities in oil bases. Some feel the armies loyal to formeform president sam virginia cifer, hara matassa unity state south sudan. A commander from the African Union says that fighting in mainly muslim areas for months. This comes after the resignation of michel djotodia. Fears in this power vacuum things could get even worse. But earlier in the day in this christian neighborhood the mood was buoyant. They were demanding that the president should resign and they were confident he would be gone very soon. Michel djotodias term as leader has been small, growing sectarian conflict between his muslim majority and the christian minority. When the word came that djotodia had resigned, some came back on the streets. She says hes a sorcerer, a liar a looter a thief. They have come out to celebrate but the mood in bangui is extremely tense. They say that the proprietary who stepped down was a criminal but its not clear what comes next or whether anybody can eunt the Central African republic. We found this woman mourning the death of a loved one. A young person named richard had just been murdered by the seleka militia. Inside there are several unclaimed bodies all victims of the recently violence but richard is not among him. The more contiguous says they will have to be buried in a mass grave. We saw a sad sight, an escort of earve militia. Barb biphillips, al jazeera bangui. Still ahead a chemical leak, leaves thousands of people without clean water in West Virginia. From a baghdad basement to new york city, artifacts are restored and put on show. Show al jazeera america. We understand that every news story begins and ends with people. The efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. We pursue that story beyond the headline, pass the spokesperson, to the streets. Thousands of riot Police Deployed across the capital. We put all of our Global Resources behind every story. It is a scene of utter devastation. And follow it no matter where it leads all the way to you. Al jazeera america, take a new look at news. The inquiry had recommended better rail maintenance and the top stories on al jazeera. Aid agencies say people in syria am yarmuk refugee camp are starving to death. Surrounded by forces loyal to president bashar alassad. Crucial Oil Producing state ventiu used to be controlled by rebels loyal to the deposed Vice President. Peace keepers, in Central African republic. Fighting between muslim and christian groups have left a thousand dead and comes after interim president miz chel djotodia quit. 18th government ral items across egypt. Police fired tear gas and fired rubber bullets to disperse demonstrators five al jazeera adjournists are being current detained without charges, peter greste, Mohamed Fahmy and the allegations are frabbary caited and is demanding their release. Fabricated and is demanding theirs re. Mohamed has been detained for five months now. Revealed that smoking cigarettes can kill. Social attitudes of changed a greatly deal since then but millions of people continue to die each year from tobaccos related diseases. Kimberly hellcutt has the story. It was 1969 that the Surgeon General released his report. I. T. Concluded that smoking caused illness and death. It was not well received by the big Tobacco Companies, tobacco was one of the most profitable products in the world, promote the safety and enjoyment of cigarettes. The Surgeon Generals report on smoking and health led the u. S. Congress to require warning labels on Tobacco Products and eventually it imposed tighter restrictions on cigarette advertising. The legislation was one of the most successful campaigns in the united states. Smoking rates are down 59 . Back in 196442 of u. S. Adults were smoking. Compared to just 18 in 12. Government Tobacco Control efforts which have included taxes on cigarettes and bans on smoking in Public Places have helped to save as many as 8 million lives. In the past halfcentury, nothing else has come close to this contribution to the health of americans. Credit nothing. But antismoking advocates argue theres still much more work to be done. They say the number of americans smoking may have dropped over the decades but globally thats not the case. This antismoking campaigner says more than 1 million have died from tobacco use ahead, and until the habit is restrained, another 1 million which die in the u. S. Industry. Consciously targeting the populations in those countries. Everywhere we go we see the kind of marking in low and middle Income Countries that hasnt been loud in the u. S. , europe in decades. Even in the even stricter antismoking legislation. Public Health Campaigns like the ones that started in 1964. Kimberly hellcutt, al jazeera, washington. The one country thats heavily addicted to, 300,000 people are treated for smoking relate it illnesses, is step stp casson reports. 60 Million People smoke and also 20 of the teenagers be between 13 and 15 years old smokes. It is easy and cheap to buy cigarettes in indonesian. For a package like this, you pay less than 2, compared to nine in syria. These are cigarettes with cloves inside. Im asking the seller what do you think about cigarettes . He says according to him its not a bad thing to do,ists actually healthy, it has a good taste and thats why its important to smoke. Indonesia, has an International Convention that would force countries to put limitation is on smoking but many people start smoking here before the age of 10. It is the powerful lobby of Tobacco Companies who have managed to counter efforts, gives jobs for around 6 million indonesia nrvetions, and they fear these jobs will be lost and the country will mess out on such, but treating 300,000 is also costing the country dearly. Tense of thousands ofless has taken to the banded from Political Office for 15 years but he insists his dminsal is illegal,. Organizers promised 150,000 protestors would show up because tens of thousands much fewer, are still they packed bogotas main square waiting for ou oustd mayor to speak. They said we would not be able to fill the square today, today, we formed the force and conviction of this popular movement. A movement sparked by the inspector generals decision to kick the leftist mayor out of the second most powerful political post. Over his mishandling of the city saps garbage collection system. What they want to do is get rid of pedro, they band him from office for 15 years, they want his death but we wont let that happen. Seen as a president ial contendedder. While hcontender. The inspector himself, peltras looking for support internationally. In late september pet prrvetiono then beings either the president would stay into consideration this measure and would not apply the final decision by the general inspector, or if the president doesnt do that, pedro can use a where iwrit of protection, in oo make effective in the domestic colombian legal system this international division. The inspectorgeneral is expected to rattle phi his condition in the last several days, making it effective, but even if the mayor manages to overcome the ot, he will face pooh public recall vote in march. More than 300,000 people in the state of West Virginia have no clean water because a chemical leak has contaminated their supply. The fbi is investigating as allen fisher reports. For many in away yah, the water has been turned off. Beings contaminanting the water supply. Do not use any of the water with the exception of using it to flush the commodes, do not drink in it, do in the wash carlos in it do not take a bath in it. They have a lymph one carried out hours of testing before realizing and acknowledging this was a major spill and there was little it could do. It did not alert the water company. They did not report this to us and i have no item if they reported it to anyone else. Are is. The chemical could cause skin and eye irritation as well as headaches. This protect is not it has been diluted hins of times. Environmentallal container this is a,. I hope this is a wake up call for not only people here in West Virginia but around the country that pollution from coal is very toxic, all strawnsdz restaurants. Large amounts of bottled water to care homes. The chemical cant be cleaned from the water. The contamination could may its way through supplies, many. Unveiled in tel aviv. It is the first specific pressing in, about 15,000 gay men were send to contemporaneous tamp and rat least half were killed. Is iraqiing juice were forced to leave their home land in the mid are 20th century. Now u. S. Led effort to save their cultural history has,. In may tweap, u. S. Dispm but in a flooded basement of the former spy headquarters, soldiers jewish community. Religious artifacts, business and government records, photos, letters and other personal effects. Later that year the quoition intrirm authority, agreed to let the national car sciefs in watch, a is. This belonged to my grandfather and we use it on certain holidays, its handwritten and the. The citizen danlt of a chief rabbi was born and raised in baghdad. He was shocked to learn that the government had spied on him and on other children. Iraqi jews surched increased months accusation in the late 1970. That paved the way for they might be killed song the route, you my, you have no history on this, took the risk of not arriving to iran at all. 24 of the artifacts were recently displayed at the national archives. The materials soon will be returned to baghdad. Something the u. S. Agreed to do back in the 2003. Khohut helped the organization with the exhibit. The iraqi jewish community, accordingly, its the pa patrimy we believe should be returned to the united states. Will live online for the entire world to see. But that isnt the same as the community possessing and caring for the very proof of its existence across centuries. Rosalyn jordan, al jazeera, washington. Its a friday to forget, disappointment with the monthly jobs report. Im going to bring you the story behind the numbers. Also how fake friends on facebook can translate into real sales for business, and fasten your seat belts, the Detroit Auto Show gets started. Im going to start kicking the tires. Im ali velshi and this

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