Time is running out for congress to agree on a budget deal that will avoid a government shutdown. The house is in session as we speak. These are live pictures from washington. They are expected to vote on a bill the Senate Passed yesterday. It keeps the Affordable Care act, something House Republicans are trying to kill. The house leadership is trying to pass an alternative delaying obamacare by a year, but keep the government open. Senate leadership said changes to the Health Care Law will not be considered. In other words, money for the federal government appears to run out on tuesday and all but essential operations will stop. The white house released a statement saying returning to libby casey on capitol hill. Are we still expecting the house to vote on this tonight . It will be a late night. Yes, indeed. Now, they want to make crucial changes to the bill that would fund the government into the next couple of months. Here are the changes they want to make postpone the federal Health Care Law or obamacare by a year. They want to repeal a medical device sales tax. This will keep the government funded through middecember. Here is a separate bill they are considering, one that will make sure that members for the military will be paid in the government shuts down. And a separate bill garnering support in the house and possibly the senate. If that passes ensuring members of the military gets paid no matter what happens with the political wrangling, it doesnt fix the problem, when congress cant come to terms with how to keep funding past monday night at midnight. If they cant agree by then the federal government shuts down. Are you getting the impression that the shutdown is inevitable. Are members of Congress Working in dark rooms trying to neg, come up with a deal. Theres activity above the surface of the water and activity below the surface of the water. We are inching closer to the shutdown. Its a real possibility. We are hearing chatter about an exit strategy or another possibility. Lets say, first of all, this will happen in the house. The bill will pass, maybe 11 00 pm or so. It will be kicked back to the senate, which does not plan to pass the version. Could they try one more time and National Review reported there could be another option, something called the viter amendment, a mp, he proposed a law proposing subsidies for members and staffers. That may be a lastminute attempt. Thats not on paper, just ideas. Until we see some of that hammered out and put into concrete legislation, we are edging closer to a government shutdown. If the government shuts down, who will win politically . This is the big question that republicans, the white house are asking. The real Reference Point is in the mid 1990, when republicans had a showdown with president clinton over a shutdown, which happened, president clinton came out the winner. Who would win or lose now is anyones guess. There has been polls done. Republicans would get a little more of the blowback from the American People than the white house would, its hard to tell until the government goes through the partial shutdown process. When americans experienced what it means to not be able to get a passport or get paid if you are a federal worker or have concerns if you are a member of the military about getting your pay. Thats when the rubber hits the road in terms of who to blame. Walk us through whats next. If the house votes on the measure tonight, are we expected to send it to comment on a sunday and take up the issue again. The senate is not scheduled to come back to washington. They could come back early, but we are not hearing if theres going to be a race to the door to get here. The senate is disinterested in passing legislation. It doesnt mean things cant go on behind the scenes. Watching to see if the senate comes in tomorrow. Its not a guarantee by any means. It may be quiet on capitol hill, which would certainly belie the fact that theres a lot of anxiety and concern about what will happen in the next few days. A lot is up in the air. The National Security agency is in the head lines again. A report by the New York Times said the organization has been dipping into social media sites to track connections. The nsa used data to create sophisticated graphs and social connections including travel to facebook ties. Its happened since november 2010. Times based reports on documents provided by edward snowden. Joining us to talk about it is National Security specialist jim walsh. Tell me your First Impression of the report. What do you think . Im not surprised. Think back to when the nsa spying scandal broke. The Administration Responded saying, we are not listening to your phone calls, we are collecting metadata as if calling it a fancy name, it was okay. My colleagues and i know its a powerful tool. If you are a lawabiding american citizen, my daughter or son, the government can collect information about you. They may not be listening, but they know more from the metadata because they know who you are talking to, where you are going, who your social network it, where you travel. Its like having an fbi agent following or stalking you. Only its invisible because its digital. How is this working . Are they truly going through facebook profiles seeing how different people are connected, is it that minute. That is a part of it, but just a small piece of it. Social Network Analysis is you put someone in the center of a map and you say, who else are they talking to. You look for patterns of interaction. Who is that circle of people talking to. Lets say they come on to a piece of information. They can check the persons social network to see the places they may have gone, people they talk to, things they say and habits that Law Enforcement hope will give a clue to help them in their investigation. That is a slippery slope to collecting all information about everybody, lawabiding or terrorist. Then you have policy problems, and civil liberty problems. This is it legal, correct. It is technically legal. It was not permitted until 2010. There was a scraet court saying you cant do this. The policy change in 2010. What does legal mean. We dont have the a lot of case law or any of this before the Supreme Court in a specific way. My concern is three things scope, duration and transparency. The scope is broad. We are collecting all sorts of personal information. The government is collecting all sorts of personal information about people. And then they keep it a duration they keep it for years at a time. Its one thing if they collect information, look to see if theres a problem and clean the hard drive. Its not happening. Transparency, we didnt know about this until snowden leaked it all. This has gone on for years. When things are done in secret you Better Believe the tendency is to expand and be problematic rather than exchange. In each dimension, scope duration and transparency it has appearance. So much information has come out about the program, and the spying. One thing that has not been released is how many people, how Many Americans have been caught up in the effort. Why is that . They are fighting this off as best they can. Theyd prefer we know none of this. They are not going to give up what they dont have to give up. Theres several issues. On the debit side how Many Americans does this involve, for how long. What sort of person is this . How many of these are innocent bystanders who are swept up. On the plus side there has been claims that this analysis helped to stop terror attacks. Lets see the evidence for that as well. Id like to see more particulars. I see a lot of statements saying it was helpful or this plot was foiled. What is the connection between the Data Collected and the program or outcome. Could it have been achieved through other instruments or other ways without the practices. Id like to see more information on both sides. Thats an issue, we lack transparency. So many questions but the revolution comes out on that. Thank you for your time. A report says poor communication is getting some blame for the deaths of 19 firefighters. The crews radios failed between the men and support staff, resulting in a 30 minute blackout moments before the men were taken over by the flames. An air tanker carrying flame retardant was hovering overhead as the firefighters die. Not all facts are known or will ever be known. Even after indepth analysis some questions are unanswered. However, i believe this report did a good job at reconstructing events and developing conclusions and learning discussions based on information obtained. Officials say theres no indication emergency crews were recless, negligent or violated protocol. The governor commended the team saying iranian president Hassan Rouhani arrived back in tehran following his appearance at the United Nations. The visit was highlighted by a telephone call with president obama. The first communication between the two countries since 1979. While his efforts were met with praise by supporters, some hardliners protested Hassan Rouhanis arrival. Protesters chanted, death to america and blocked his motor cade. At least one demonstrator hurled a shoe in his direction. Translation the conversation i had with mr obama on the phone was mostly about the nuclear issue. I said in the telephone conversation that the Nuclear Program is not only a right of the iranian nation and a matter of technical development, but also, and more importantly, it is about National Pride for the people. The effort appears to have been backed by Supreme Leader khamenei. His endorsement has not silenced critics. When president obama was president he imposed an order providing sanctions against iran on cars and other things, a clear sign that america was not seeking talks. About the the phone conversation between Hassan Rouhani and president obama happened. The plans in the Transitional Government in egypt will be next spring. The foreign minister nabal fahmy made the announcement. The interim government has been in control since overthrowing Mohamed Morsi in july. What a difference a year makes. A year ago i covered the u. N. General assembly, a vip, a heavy hitter among the world was egypts president Mohamed Morsi. Now, of course, a man who was egypts first democratically elected president for years is behind bars. We heard from the foreign minister that they hoped to return to a Democratic Path soon. There were protests, this time not in tahir sqare, but off first avenue. There were two rival camps of protesters, the group nearest to the u. N. , those that backed the militarybacked government and kept slightly further away from the yaigs, a larger Group Support United Nations, a larger Group Supporting Mohamed Morsi. The nypd was there to keep them apart. Ahead we continue our coverage of the u. N. General assembly. To syria, dozens are dead after a car exploded outside a mosque. It happened 20 miles north of damascus. Video shows aftermath of the explosion after fridays flares. It was claimed Government Forces shelled the area shortly after. The sunni majority down is a rebel strong hold and has been the site of violence against Government Forces. Many refer to the conflict in syria as a civil war. Concern is for foreign fighters coming in from turkey. First welcomed, many now are feared and resented. Promotional videos like these made by al qaeda are being produced all over northern syria. Translation prepare me to die. Where are you jihadis the fighter from the gulf celebrates his comrades enjoying the pool. The armed group took over the area in august. In a border town seized by the same group, this confrontation between people who live here and foreign fighters. Saudi egyptians was film. The man putting down his rifle in a peace gesture was executed by the al qaeda afilliates. Foreign fighters once welcomed in syria for support are resented and feared by civilians. This man is too scared to appear on camera. Translation they have left the front lines and are setting up bases in the lib rated villages. We fear their ambitions are not related to freedom and democracy. They want an islamic state. Islam is our religion, we want a democratic state, universal freedoms. Its a conflict of goals. Summary executions are common. This video came when the fighters took over. They can easily say to you, youre an infidel, against islam. You are an infidel and killing is so easy for them, its second nature. They dont think before they carry out an execution. Some foreign fighters crossed the border. Analyst and syrians say more fly into the province on scheduled price. Its a wellworn route, a mini bus or taxi takes the fighters along the highway from the airport to the syrian border. The turkish government is concerned about the foreign fighters and extreme groups next door, but has taken no physical measures to stop them getting there. Turkish analyst warn that the government can no longer ignore or accommodate the foreign fighters. Translation turkey tried to play the game but failed and made a mess of it. If you play this game with terrorists, it will blow back in your face. Analyst say somewhere between 5,000 to 10,000 foreign fighters that crossed into syria have done so so far. Many want it to stop. Still ahead on Al Jazeera America safety involving 150,000 maz address a recall. Mazdas. A recall. And it was billed as a plan to stop the violence. How that is working coming up next. That crossed into syria have next. Im metrologist dave warren. Tracking storms. Rain moving into chicago. Cold air from the north. A big contrast. Colder air moving in, 24 hours ago it was 20. Close to 30 degrees warmer. Its a brief cool down. Where the storm was in north and south dakota, the temperatures are climbing, up 26 degrees from this time yesterday in rapid city. Theres the rain. Look at the northwest. Theres rain in oregon. Look at this. All the moisture hitting the mountains, dumping rain. Theres wind and rain in the northwest. Well look at that in the National Forecast later. Looking forward to it. Mazda is recalling some stars. They are concerned that 161,000 midsized cars in the united states. The manufacturer says the door latch mounting screws can loosen, stopping the doors mounting. Recalls from 2009 to 2013 mazda 6 cars, traced to improper tightening and uneven door surfaces. Gang violence in chicago reached a boiling point. A unique event tried to cool tensions. The idea was to bring together gang members, clergy and community to stop the murders. The summit did not attract the numbers organisers hoped. Organisers picked the church for the event, expecting hundreds to be here. Only 50 showed up. It may have been because the main organiser is seen as an outsider by many activists. The reverend grew up in chicago, but left the city decades ago. It may take a while. Once they understand its about saving lives, not overtaking their positions or diminish the work in chicago. People have done great work in chicago. We celebrate that. The National Unity summit came after 13 people, including a 3yearold boy were injured in a gang shooting on chicagos south side. The event began with a march and prayer vigil for victims of Gang Violence. This session focused on using education to help kids set goals and stay out of gangs. Michael spent 20 years into a gang and was lured into one when he was 11 because he had no direction. We have to install respect, morals, value in education when they are young. Without a lack of education you aint a man. They Say Something must be done. This couples 15yearold daughter was killed in a park near her home. Her death happened days after performing in president obamas inaugural festivities. The pendletons are not sure the summit is the answer, but it could help. Everybody now is trying to put their hands together to try to come to one solution. Unfortunately there is no one solution. This is a start. The summit didnt attract the active gang members tatum hoped but it shone a light on Gang Violence and could pave the way for larger summits down the road. Southwestern pakistan has been rocked by a 6. 5 magnitude earthquake. Officials say tremors were felt in the balochistan province. 22 were killed in the latest tremor. More than 500 were killed last tuesday. Kamal hyder reports where survivors from the first quake are waiting for help. A few days after a powerful earthquake hit pakistans region, an earthquake measureing 6. 8 hit the area on saturday. This is what is left of a family home. Belongings are under a pile of rubb rubble. At least they have protection for now. Translation they are piling and not handing supplies to people who lost everything. Here families live in compounds in a society where women are barely seen in public. The families use shade to hide from the sun. He is worried about the construction of his home. He doesnt have the resources and needs help. He says it is the worst disaster he has seen and wonders why it is taking so long to get muchneeded help. Even though im a few kilometres from the center where the supplies are arriving, the people in this adjoining area are complaining that the government is too slo get the relief goods to where they are needed. We take the peoples complaints to the chief minister, who has been in the district for the past few days. Here he was busy holding a meeting on how to get the aid to where it is needed most. No doubt we are facing great challenges. This is the first time in history, an earthquake in these areas. First two days we try to rescue the people. Some area we are not still reach. We are doing our best. It may have taken a few extra days, but help has finally arrived in awaran the worst affected district of balochistan province. The challenge is to get the aid to remote regions of the district, where tens of thousands are in need of desperate help. Michael eaves here with your sports headlines, including a potentially gamechanging settlement. Video game maker ea sports and collegiate Sports Licensing agreed to pay 40 million to settle a lawsuit filed by former College Players whose likenesses were used in the games without compensation. The nca was named in the lawsuit, but the College Sports governing body was not part of the settlement and is a defendant in the lawsuit filed four years ago. Yankees hall of famer pitched his last game. It doesnt mean he may not play another game. Jo gerardy reaffirmed that rivera could see time in center field for the yankees against the astros. They toured and shagged balls in batting practice. The San Francisco giants and hunters agreed on a 5year, 90 million contract. Hes played every game, setting a career high with a home run. Coming up in 20 minutes, more new, including an exciting finish on the scc grid iron. See you in a bit. Educational standards are being implemented across most of the country, find out what is expected from kids. And what the experts say about new requirements. Coming up in 20 minutes, more welcome back to Al Jazeera America. Im jonathan betz, here are the top stories time is running out for condepress to reach a deal a congress to reach a deal avoiding a partial government shutdown. A funding bill is set to be voted on. More controversy on the nsa. A report by the New York Times says the spy agency has been dipping into social media sites anything from travel to facebook ties. Its happened since november 2010. Poor communications is largely to blame for the death of 19 firefighters in june. Radio problems failed between the men and support staff. U. N. Chemical weapons inspectors will be on the ground in syria in a matter of days, coming after the Security Council voted unanimously on a resolution to remove and destroy syrias chemical weapons. Earlier al jazeeras correspondent spoke to charles deulfer, a man who directed the u. N. Investigation of saddam husseins weapons program. We asked how the inspections would remove and destroy syrias chemical weapons. The first thing that would happen is the inspectors have to get there and go to sites where key equipment is located. The highest priority for them is the production of equipment. It can be destroyed easily. These are the reactor vessels, the manufacturing equipment for the weapons, which can be destroyed easily because it doesnt have the sarin agent or the mustard agent. You can run over it with a tract and you would have hobbled the syrian chemical capability. When it comes to the chemical weapons themselves, i understand there are two options, destroying them onsite or transporting them out of the country. Which is the better option. It depends on what syria has. If they have their own infrastructure capability to destroy chemical agent they may be able to do some there. The alternative is to remove from syria and move to countries that have the capacity. Russia volunteered to do that. That may be the easier option. They can move the chemicals to the coast and put it on a ship, perhaps to the russian base at tartise. It may be a way to get the dangerous substances out of the hands that may use them. They are dangerous substance, how do you transport them and how difficult is it given theres an active war going on in syria . This is the hardest part of the whole process laid out. The resolution that was passed last night puts burden of safety and transport on the syrian government. Bear in mind they have decades of experience of moving this equipment and munitions. If you believe reports in the press from intelligence services, theyve been moving the materials around regularly. The weapons inspectors themselves will be supervising. They wont move the things themselves, theyll tell the syrians okay, we know where these things are, we want you to consolidate them at certain locations where we can destroy them or ship them to places which are safe outside syria to destroy them. As you point out the key thing here is will the insurgents see this as a target of opportunity. That is probably one of the biggest risks going forward. Again the inspectors should be on the ground in syria within the next couple of days the kenyan government is holding eight suspects in connection with the siege at nairobi. A week after the attack 67 are confirmed dead. Theres no word on the fate of dozens reported missing. There are many questions about how kenya responded to the crisis. Andrew simmons reports. One week after the trauma another crisis for the kenyan leadership accused of failing to act on a report warning of an attack. The army may have botched an attempt to rescue the hostages. Unlike these shoppers, most did not come out alive. Now a revelation that the tunnel, connected to storm drains in the mall, may have been used by some or all of the attackers to escape. Al jazeera tracked it more than 800m to this point well beyond the security cordon. The government says theres an investigation into whether the collapse of three floors was caused by bombs laid by the attackers, or Excessive Force by the military. It has not responded to claims that it didnt know about a possible escape route. And as a response to the question did intelligence warn of the attack . We would not want to advise because of sensitivity and intelligence, what it bears on the country. I want to assure kenyans that the security situation in the country is good. This mp is trying to reassure somalis in the suburb of the capital that therell be no recrim nameses against them. He is one of scores of politicians who want accountability for what has gone wrong. What we need is to dissolve the Intelligence System and start afresh. Kenya used to have one of the best Intelligence Systems before. Not any longer. Kenyans have been united in grief. Abdel, a hero of the Westgate Mall attack after saving the lives of children under fire believes if the attackers got away, there would be no forgiveness. The. If its established that some terrorists made it out heads have to roll, yes. Its as simple as that. That will really, really anger a lot of kenyans to know that these people went and did all the things they did in there and made it out when the whole place was surrounded. Its ridiculous. I dont want to believe thats the situation. So one week on kenyas parliament is an unforgiving place and demands are mounding for accountability mounting for accountability at the higher levels and the upper echelons of government. Where does the buck stop . Happy believe with the president himself. Iran, syria, nuclear ambitious, chemical weapons those are the issues dominating the u. N. General assembly in new york. There are dozens of others not getting as much attention. Kath turner reports on why smaller countries are finding it hard to be heard. A paradise of 32 islands. The perfect getaway. St vincents and the grenadines is marketed as a holiday destins aches, there are a dozen destination. There are a dozen nations that wont escape their past. Native genocide and slavery in the caribbean have awful consequences. The atlantic slave trade involved the deportation of 30 million black men, women and children from africa. From the 16th to the 19th century they were sold to european slave traders who transported them from north to south america. The car bians want compensation. The issue featured in a number of speeches at the general assembly. The need for serious dialogue on the topic of repatriations. Repatriations for justices suffered the african slaves and dependence. Who is listening. When barack obama appeared on monday, it was a packed house. Mid afternoon on friday president gonsalez stood behind the podium and had a different view. The room was a quarter full. As he spoke. It didnt seem like many paid attention. People were burying their heads in Electronic Devices or struggled to stay aware. Those involved left seats empty or sent junior staff. A former diplomat who helps political groups navigate the United Nations and institutions knows how the diplomatic game is played. Big countries are good at saying, yes, we are listen and we pay tension to the maldives about the issue of the dolphins, or whatever it is. It doesnt mean they are paying attention. He is convinced the United Nations will be the last place to change. The u. N. Is the Biggest International body in the world. Its size can be an obstacle. Biggest issues get the most attention. This may note be the best forum for countries with a small voice, fighting to be heard. A new educational Testing Program known as common core is making its way across the united states. Its set to be implemented by 2014 2015 year. Common core was distrined to create a universal set of standards for american schools. 45 states and the district of col up bia signed on. Columbia have signed on. Five have not. It defines what students should be able to understand and do. It breaks it down by grade levels, but lets teachers teach how they want to. Here is an example a first grader should divide circles and rectangles into equal parts. By eighth agreed they should understand geometry. And the other is arts. A sixth grader should be able to compare, graph different forms of gen res, knowing the difference between stories, poems, historical nov else. A High School Senior should understand 18th, 19th, and early 20th classic like robinson crusoe, the great gatsby and others. We spoke to a committee member, one of five that refused to sign off. Here is what she had to say. There are many Early Childhood educators who signed a petition claiming the Early Childhood standards are pretenious, tougher than they need to be to make it look as if the test is more demanding. There are serious issues that have not been discussed in the open yet. What are the serious issues do you think havent been discussed . One of the serious issues is that by high school the standards are actually weaker than what we would want. The College Readiness level doesnt seem to be the kind of College Readiness level that will allow American Students to go into stem careers, stem science, technology, engineering and mathematics. So this is an interesting top, and well talk about it, joining us the head of the national pta. He supports the common core staned. Other thank you for being with us. This is a new initiative, its been going on for a couple of years, but the schools are seeing it. How is it different to what has been done in the past, and why is this effort to better educate our students why will it work . First of all, thank you for allowing me to be here this evening. When they looked at 34 of the industrialised nations in the world compared to the united states, we ranked 14, in reading literacy, 17th, and mathematics in 25th and science. Looking at this, several years ago, the National Governors association, Gates Foundation and other organizations looked at this and said, we need to ensure that our children can compete globally. So they designed a framework of courses to make sure our kids had the skills to be competitive in a global workforce. Are the standards strict enough . We are hearing complaints from some groups saying neutral strong enough, they should be tougher. Well yes, they are. Again, the intent is to build a Critical Thinking skill and analysis to be able to operate in a 21st century, you know, the global economy. So those Critical Thinking skills are important no matter what area that you go into, so i think the way its laid out, the courses, and the levels at which they should be at by each level is appropriate. And it prepares our students to compete in any area that they want, as they determine their college or career path upon graduation from high school. Try to explain to us what parents can see happening in the classroom that is different from what they have seen in the past. What do they expect to happen here, the change. First of all, im former military, i led in six different states. Ive been able to see my kids, you know in different statements, different standards. Some states, some school systems, are not as does not perform as well as others. What this does, it gives a common a common framework, you know, for example. And 10th grade theres a level of maths concepts, or a certain level of literature pieces that they should have read. And whether you go to michigan or massachusetts or mississippi, the common courses are the same. So it ensures that our kids are not being left out. You know, because of different zipcodes, you know. In those particular states. That is why its important to make sure we have the common reference and education and to prepare them to compete with not only the kids in the united states, but kids throughout the world. It is a big change coming to classrooms across this country. Thank you for your time. We appreciate it. Thank you jonathan betz, have a wonderful evening. You too. Still ahead a big return in big t. A 52 foot tall mascot returns to the texas state fair. Hes bigger than ever. A season classic in georgia. Michael eaves has stories about the top 10 showdown in sports. Thats next and welcome back. A huge symbol of texas pride is back. A year ago big tex the 60yearold icon of the texas state fair burned to the ground. It was a sad day in dallas, now a bigger and better big tex has been unveiled. Schneider tells us about the revealing. When we first saw big tex, a fire burnt the icon to a crisp. People mourned, someone formed a big tex Grief Support group on facebook. A year later a new big tex is born, and the memories flow. Four years ago my son got out of hospital, my father in his last years of life. Everyone was in here in wheelchairs , and we made pictures. It was a very memorable time. Im 66 years old, i remember the first year of big tex. I was about five years old. He scared the heck out of me. The new big tex is three feet taller, and 19,000 pounds heavier, allowing him to stand on his own and withstand Hurricane Force winds. Hes fire resistent. Lets talk about his face. It hasnt changed too much. Most people say they wouldnt have it any other way. He looks great. A little friendlier. I like the way the boots are coordinated with the shirt. It has all the texas theme to it. He looks good. He looks a little more energised. Why does big tex mean so much to so many. We asked marketing professor daniel howard. Big tex symbolises how a lot of texans look at themselves, and big tex came to summarise a lot of emotional experiences that people had at the fair. Big tex has been the place to meet friends and family, and as the backdrop for the state fair of texas photos. When it came time to design a replacement everyone knew better than to mess with the aura of big tex. You cant change big tex any more than you can change cocacola or campbells tomato soup. You cant do it. Consumers will revolt. No hub bub, harmony now that all is right with the world this world the state fair of texas. Got to love the big tex. I was there when he burnt down, it was a big deal in dallas. Football is a big deal in dallas and texas. A big weekend. Not long ago there was a debate as to which was the best conference in college football. It seems silly. A seam from the scc won sevenstraight bcs national titles. Because of the conference streak you get matchups like today when georgia hosted the sifth ranked team. The bulldogs played the third top 10 team. Eryn murray through to 298 yards. Both teams betweens did little to stop defense did little to stop the others offence. The tigers ahead later in their game. Back and forth this goes. Because the two teams are so talented, theres no question as to whether this would be an advantage for georgia. Ellis on the road with good offence and defense. Murray would hit a touchdown pass 25 yards out to Justin Kot Wesley with a minute 47 to go. Ellis had a chance, four straight incomplete passes. Georgia wins 4441. The bulldogs became the fourth team in the bcs era to play three top 10 teams in the first four games of the even. With the loss, the bulldogs could be at the title talks in november as number 20, florida is the only team among the last opponents ranked in the top 25. The gators lost a starring quarterback to ipp injury. Three interceptions led to a touchdown. There was a rally getting back to 2721 until blake bell hit sterling sheppard with a touchdown, securing a 3521 win. A second win against not re dam. Theres no play off in the top level of college football. How a team devices its schedule can go a long way towards making the end playoffs. Schedule a strong conference, face the possibility of losses. South carolina put its skills to the test against central florida. The team came in having won 63 nonconference games, suffering a lose when quarterback connor shaw left with a strained right shoulder. He was brought down here hard, left the game and would not return. South carolina fell behind 100 before scoring 28 unanswered pints highlighted by three touch downs by davies. In West Virginia the mountaineers hosted. It may have felt like a set up. His former offensive coordinator is the head coach. The mountaineers jumped to a lead. On the day the West Virginia defense forced three Oklahoma State turnovers, the cowboys suffering the first loss of the season. Now to baseball. Having secured the first winning season and playoff berth since 1992 the Pittsburgh Pirates set their sites on another goal, hosting a playoff game. All they needed to pull it off was a win over the reds, hoping to host the game next week. Cincinnati had no answer for the pirates. Six run, five coming up. The pirates getting a long ball. The win guarantees that the pirates will host the National League wild car game. The Tampa Bay Rays against the cleveland indians. Tampa jumped out to a lead. Rays starter couldnt keep the blue jays off the line. The blue jays take the game. 72 was the final. Three teams could be tied for the wildcard. It will be an interesting day in baseball. Dave warren is next with the weather. c] cz im dave warren, we are watching two storms one on the west coast, and one will happen on the east coast. In the middle a change in temperatures. We start in the pacific northwest. A lot of rain coming in off the ocean hitting the mountains and dumping rain over the same area. Combined with winds. Flooding and wind problems expected in oregon and washington. Wind advisories all the way to montana. Flood watches and warnings are in effect. The two states will get the brunt of the storm. It will not move much. The rain coming down the state of washington, idaho and the western portion. Here is the storm. A large area of low pressure bringing moisture over washington. The forecast for seattle, heavy rains monday and tuesday before things improve wednesday and thursday. River flooding will occur by the start of this coming week. Here is a temperature change. This is a front moving across the country. Now its west of chicago, so soon it will be raining and a drop of temperatures in chicago, in the mid west. Radar tracking the line. A few thunder storms propping up in texas. Where its headed this will show the development of the east coast storm is moving through chicago now. The front pushing east of the city by tomorrow morning. The rain coming down overnight tonight remember watching this storm develop off the coast, moving up and effecting new england. Heavy rain for one day, on tuesday. Thats a look at your National Forecast. Headlines coming up. Welcome to aljazeera america. Im jonathan betz. Time is running out for congress to reach a deal that would avoid a partial government shutdown. House of representatives are scheduled to vote on a funding bill. That vote is expected at 11 00 eastern time. More controversy for the n. S. A. , reports say they have been dipping into media sites. This has been happening since november of 2010. The report was based on documents provided by he had card snowden. Poor communication is partially

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