Prevent that. Bangladesh, where bloggers and publishers are under attack and the government failed to charge anyone with crimes against. Remembered. Reporter and the cliche commmps. Thats one angry outburst at a press conference. Reporter a week is a long time in politics, making 4 months an eparentsyy eternity as president Recep Tayyip Erdogan can confirm. His party surged back into parliament with a majority. Millions of turks sided with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, telling them that the conflict with the Kurdish Community and i. S. I. L. In syria and iraq represented real threats. Theres the matter of the messengers, the media side of the story. Over the past decade, the news media have grown superin and fearful for their future, they are far from irrational. Before the polls opened. A media group had its head office raided, boards of directors replaced and many journalists fired. Adding up to news print and air time that will back a ruling party louded for ploourism, and the style modelled on its media. The terror media reserved for terror news outlets is thrown at all kinds of journalists, and News Organizations it work said for. Thats when the a. K. Party was in a weakened position. What happens now that the government has a fresh majority. And what will that many. Our starting point is istanbul on the day after the election, basketing in victory president Recep Tayyip Erdogan had a few words for the outside world and the global news media. Recep Tayyip Erdogan takes issue with the international media. That is nothing compared to how the a. K. Party deals with the news media in turkey itself. Just four days before the vote, there was turmoil at the istanbul offices of a media group. The news outlet had been consistently critical of the a. K. Party. A judge ordered the bosses out and sent new ones in. Translation just think, they entered the newspaper building by force, in full view of the police. Even though the Legal Proceedings were not complete, they shut us out and took over the management, putting the officers behind the police cordon, as if it was a terrorist lair. I dont understand how this happened in turkey. How could turkey, after all the democratic experiences hit rock bottom like this . Reporter some context. The epeck group is affiliated with a gulanist movement. Followers of the cleric ghullan, a longtime ally of president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In 2013 ghullan fell out with the a. K. Party, which calls its forker allies terrorists. And the media outletslinged to ghullanists terror media. The a. K. Party supporters in the media, such as this person who writes a column for star used similar terminology and referred to the a. K. Party using the first person plural. Translation we do not confiscates all opposition parties, only those related to the ghullanist terrorist organization. Other papers will not be confiscated. For us the ghullan movement is a terrorist organization. There is a structure that finances it. Structure. To confiscate the group is about stopping the finances of terror. Ism terrorism. Reporter the a. K. Party is not the only force accused of running an Election Campaign ruled on fear. There are plenty. But it wasnt voters running scared in turkey. Many in the media were too. Translation the politics here were effective. That was reflected in the election results. The media in turkey performed poorly in the face of this test. News was reported in a onesided manner. No one was brave enough to find out what was going on. Whether it was the massacre, the bombing of the h. D. P. , the ankara bombing, the media reported from the mouths of official sources. They performed poorly, and in some sense contributed to the spread of the climate of fear. This half of the media is under direct government, or president Recep Tayyip Erdogans influence, and the rest of the media this is not premedia which can express itself. They are all branded as collaborators, fifth column attacking the interests of the nation, so government media is accusing all others. Whatever they say is a kind of propaganda, terrorist propaganda here is an example of that, on october 14th a Panel Discussion on cnn turk included a human rights worker who opposed the governments position. He is now facing charges and the channel is understand investigation as well. Translation someone appears on cnn saying the p. K. K. Is not a terrorist organization. This is something people in turkey believes, and that person is custody understand suspicion of propaganda. When you say these words you face an investigation into terrorism. If someone says it on air, an investigation it launched against your television channel. Right now being a terrorist in turkey is easy. Translation for years terror media was used for the kurdish, in a sense for the terrorist or prop. K. K. The media embraced this media. Suddenly the ghullan movement con statuated the terrorist media. If you follow this trajectory one day everyone opposed to the government will be branded as terrorists. We have come situation. Sometimes the hostility and threats against the media come from other journalists. When akmed from cnn turk was under fire for a perceived perform h. D. P. Kurdish bias, proa. K. Party columnist wrote you think you are living in the days when huliot is running the country. If we wanted to be could crush you like a fly. We are m. E. R. S. Until merciful until today. Four weeks later, he was attacked and left with broken winds. The attack has been denied. Translation it was not provocative by a lot of people. Its not true. This man supported the p. K. K. Terrorist organization. Go ask on the streets, republicans and h. D. P. Supporters will tell you, yes, he supported us, the p. K. K. He supported the h. D. P. Theres no problem with that. He supported the p. K. K. He said that the state is causing the bloodshed. Why shouldnt i criticize this. What is more natural than me criticizing this. That is a turkish media chronic failing. They seldom stand together. An example, in 2009, the Recep Tayyip Erdogan government did not lict the coverage it was like the coverage it was getting from the media group and accused the company of abusive power and fined it for back taxes. Media outlets affiliated supported the a. K. Party failed to back the group. Opportunism trumped solidarity. Today the coolanist meet ghullanist media is under attack, reaping what they sowed in 2009 with their silence. Many thought it would never come to them. So they havent been outspoken. Up against a governmentmedia relations. Many tried to benefit from this sort of environment. That is why turkey came to this points of the total disaster. Total disaster of media and free speech. Our american story is written everyday. Its not always pretty, but its real. And we show you like noone else can. This is our american story. This is america tonight. Other media stories on the radar this week the murders of secular bloggers in bangladesh spread. A publisher killed in dhaka, another wounded and two writers. Object 21st. The body of faisal was found at his publishing company, hacked to death by an assailant who got into the building saying he wanted to buy books. Another publisher and two other writers were wounded and hospitalized by unidentified gunmen. Faisals Company Published the writings of secularist blogger killed in the capital this year. Three arrests were made after the roy murder. The government accuses the suspects of belonging to a banned team, an al qaedainspired organization. Charges are yet to be laid in that case or killings of secular writers or publishers. Protesters condemned the governments failure to act. The head of the bloggers groups are said one after another secular writers and bloggers have been silenced and murdered. The government failed to protect them. Israeli forces raided and shut down a palestinian Radio Station operating in the west bank city of hebron. November 3rd, it went off the air after equipment was seized by the israeli military. Israel says the station was closed for inciting violence and the equipment confiscated to render it inoperable. The stations director argued it didnt insight but reported israeli crimes against our people and they want to silence our voice. This is the third time the station was shut down, in 2002, then in 2008, and israel warned the official palestinian radio and tv channels, both broadcasting from ramallah, that they could be shut for alleged incitement. Authorities removed the editor of a staterun editor for not following policy. An editor working for the staterun paper in northwest china has been fired and expelled, after airing views in opposition to the policies, relating to the uyghur mine yourity and commenting on security minor city and commenting on security. This is a pattern in china. Using the threat of expersonaling has been used to blackmail authorities. Changes to chinese law means journalists face consequences for reporting on internal affairs. Last month an Investigative Reporter at the southern metropolis newspaper was arrested for allegedly revealing state secrets the american playwright mark twain is quoted as saying a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. That is relevant for this report for two reasons. Never has it been truer than in the digital age, and, secondly, mark twain never said that. Its been attributed to him that people believe is to be true. Social media sw treated as an is treated as an established news source despite being loaded with speculation that all too often finds its way to news papers. It happens because News Organizations need the traffic, wants readers to survive. When journalists relying on social media as a source gets it wrong, misleading news consumers, seldom to they or the outlets correct the record. Nick muirhead on the rumour mill, the worldwide web, and adverse effects on news stories. [ ]. Not every fore you find on social media is true. Its hardly breaking news. You may be surprised huge become breaking news. There was a peace of video inserted into social media showing a boy and girl from syria shot at in the street. Now, this content was incredibly compelling. Its the stuff you saw every day. It was not real. It was filmed in malta, manufactured by norwegian documentary makers looking to get a certain message across. There was the Instagram Account of a migrant who reported on it by certain media organizations. Company. An alarming example was the time there was an ebola scare. There was a fake news website putting out an article saying a town in texas had been quarantined. This was shared on facebook an insane amount of times and created a panic in that part of texas, it was getting around so much. Some of the local News Organizations said the right thing. They started to debunk it saying it was not true. When you compare the shares with the false stories against the real one, there was no competition. How compolicent were the media. That was the subject of a study conducted by Craig Silverman for the university for digital journalism. He discovered na in the digital age there are troubling practices, headlines like these using heavy in sin uses but are insinuations but are reporting unverified claims. And hoax terse and attention vehicles this way often making the news. Perhaps the common problem, attribution, hedging claims allowing journalists to say anything, as long as its prefaced with, apparently, according to. It took one News Organization to such a rumour, to talk about it. Once they did it, it gave everyone licence to say they covered it, we can point to them. At a certain point the source of the information was completely unknown to people. It was a bunch of news articles pointing to each other and it claim. Its found that in that story theres an inaccuracy, if theres a claim that is true. Its hard to stop that travelling around the world. You can issue a correction. Once it takes off. Its hard to put a lid on. Too much faith is placed on it. In is widely shared, people are talking about this, but it may be debunked and you may revisit it or clarify it. It presupposes the person you tell is there in the second half of the conversation. Which is not always the case. Whether or not to file content is newsworthy. The story is trending. Journalists will likely report on it. With the deluge of realtime information, the demands of 24 hour news and the need to beat the competition, News Organizations dont have the time, resources or inclination to do the necessary dew diligence. Its where the news stories comes in. It partners up with the companies to aggravate news and verify it. Case in point, june 17th this year, and a shooting in the u. S. A. Information was limited. The journalists new the fun ben was at large. This is where it comes in. Theres numerous alert systems. When it happens, we set up searches and media platforms, we follow the lists. Because we compile the infrastructure in reaction to this one. We found that one of the local Police Departments put out and were looking the primary function it to provide the media with verified information, you have africa checks. It monitors the coverage to debunk International News stories. Boko haram, when they attack a small village, it started circulating claiming to show the aftermath of the violence and was picked up by a number. In africa they flagged the image, and organizations went to work. Tracking the source was tricky. The first thing we did was took the image and uploaded it to google image source. While it is interesting is its a reverse search, instead of timing in a search term, you put the image in, and you have similar images across the web. What popped up was hundreds and hundreds of examples of the image, but put so many Different Cases or illustrations. It was used to show massacre of muslims by christians, and showing a massacre of muslims, littered across the web. We were able to track it back to source. We saw that it had been used to illustrate a report of an Oil Tanker Explosion in. Democratic republic of congo Google Images reverse search is one of many online tools to help you verify content. Theres a photo forensics showing if an image has been modified or photo shopped. And you can extract hidden data from videos on youtube. The tools are readily available. Should the onus be on the consumer. The concept going to a website to check the voracity published by News Organizations seams odd. Seems they should trust the News Organizations and they see the concept. A lot are not given the training. There may be some this know some other basic verification techniques, a lot of journalists if they see it used, see its vetted and theyll pick it up. It takes one, and you can get more of what happened. In journalism 101 you are told it consider the source, but first, you need to locate the source, then consider it. To paraphrase what mark twain said, a lie can travel halfway around the world, and all the way around the worldwide web and the truth is putting on its shoes. Its the biggest question out there. Go inside the groundbreaking research. Are you ready to have your brain scanned . Ready to go challenging your deepest beliefs. Feeling the spirit is very subjective. I dont buy that. Techknows team of experts show you how the miracles of science. This is what innovation looks like. Can affect and surprise us. I feel like were making an impact. Lets do it. Techknow where Technology Meets humanity. Finally french footballer eric cantalar said is when the seagull follows the trawler he thinks fish will be thrown in the sea, coming at a post match conference. The ritual of the conference seldom satisfied, a point that comedian weird al jankovic makes in a video called every web conference ever. On a website called the kicker, headed by brian tucker, a comedy writer at seat night live, the person in the video player. Before opening it up for questions let me say coachs coached the players played and theres a lot of repressed emotions present on staining right now. Reporter attractive female sideline reporter major network. Will you show me the same colleagues. Your question implies i have respect for everyone in the room, we know thats true. Reporter young blogger, can i have a quote to take out of context. My number one priority is to stay out of new us. Reporter you are confirming your number one priority is not the between. Some things you regret is to lose your composure at a press conference and answer a dumb question played over and over er and over myanmars ruling party says it will accept results of a historic parliamentary election. Hello i am nick clark live from our headquarters in doha. All coming up in the program. The situation inside the crisman island Detention Center now is very tense. A riot at a continues very shall immigration detention certainty after an Asylum Seeker dies. Human rights watch warns of an impending danger facing hundreds of thousands of Syrian Refugees children who are unable to go to school in turkey. Plus

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