The drug to show real promise in the fight against ebola z map. America tonight inside the lab where the drug was developed and an exclusive conversation there with a scientists behind it. There arent many of us that get that experience, where you can draw a Straight Line from discovery, to success. It is the holy grail. It is wonderful, absolutely wonderful. Good evening and thank you for joining us, it is not that terrorism is unknown, the last strike came nearly 30 years ago, the bombing of a flight from toronto, so the attacks shatters any motion that it was somehow immune, unless leaders both reeling and reacting. And an assault on the very heart of the canadian parliament, america tonight tells us canada now braces itself for the change to come. Panic, fear, shock and grief. Scenes from an attack that have stunned this nation. A loan gunman was responsible, this man, 32yearold canadian. Using Surveillance Video footage the commissioner of the rcmp released new details of the attack, in a second by second account. You will see a car pull up. A pedestrian even approaches the car. The gunman runs towards cars forcing the driver out and heads for the main doors. Vehicles on site chase him. They enter center block at 9 53 46, seks before they are chasing him were able to reach the doors. The attack began here at the war memorial. He fired two shots from behind, killing corporal nathan. Who on guard duty. Dash cam video from a passing Police Cruiser captures the gunman jumping into his car, and heading for parliament hill. Chased by police and Parliament Security he ran down the halls fires multiple shots hitting two guards before being killed in gunfire. Just 2004 minutes had elapsed, since he opened fire at the war memorial. All these officers rushing to gunfire. Rushing to this so yes, he was engaged in the that as were some of his team members as were some of mine, and but for the brace of god, none of those people were injured. A shaken parliament opens this morning, the sergeant at amples leading the presession in. But today, visibly moved Kevin Vickers a former veteran cop, receive a heros welcome for having fired the shot that stopped the gunman. Stephen harper said his country would not be intimidated. As for the business of the government, well, here we with are, in our seats, in our chamber, in the very heart of our democracy, and our world goes on. That work included better anticipation of terror threats. I have been saying that our laws and Police Powers need to be strengthened in the area of surveillance, attention, and rest, they need to be much strengthened and i assure you, will speaker, that work which is already underway, will be expedited. On monday, a man that harper said has been inspired by isil, ran down two soldiers in a parking lot in quebec, killing one with and injuries another. Before being shot dead by police. Missay today there is no known link between this attack and yesterdays shooting. He is an interesting individual in the sense that he had a very developed criminality. In other words, a nonsecurity National Security related criminality. Violence, and of druggings, and of mental instability. What are the things what are the triggers that we with need to as Law Enforcement officials understand what does a community what do we with want the community to watch. That are leading up to a change in behavior i think thats an evolving field, not just in canada, but across the world. Police confirm today he was not among the 93 people being actively monitored as high Risk Security threats. But friends have said he has had contact with with this man. Three urgent question withs for police, where did he get the high powered 3030 winchester rifle he used, who took this photo, and did they know what he intended . His mother issued a statement toda today. She spoke with her son last week, but hadnt seem him for more than five years. Before that. America tonight here with us. What do investigators know so far about the motives. They are saying very little about that, and that the motive is not yet clear. He was in ottawa, because he was trying to reare solve an issue with with his passport. It wasnt that he had had a passport taken away, it was that he had an application in process, and he was frustrated with with that. He had been an the department that issues passports. They were asking him a lot of questions he didnt like that. We always just learned that he had been telling people he want withed to go to libya to study arabic. He wanted to go to syria, and if they had known that, he would have been on that watch list. Sheila mcvicker, created something called three owned muslim youth and Family Services also been studying what lures young canadians to become foreign fightingers to get involved. Now, before this attack, you wrote an article it was called what do we do about canadians joining isis p p you think it can be more than the 130 that have joined up. So, looking at the end here, is that what do we do if some of these youth come back. And thats the transition that we with need to really focus on. If we dont have responsive therapies i dont think we will be effective in rehabilitating these youth. Right, so what you are are talking about for these young people who have gone agreed, thinking they want to join up, thinking maybe their idealism leads them to travel, but then when they come back, should canada even let them in, and i think that has been a point of debate. So the best way to reentry great somebody who has left a gang, so i think probably at this point, the only feasible solution is how do you reintegrate them by making them a force for good. Rather than contributing to the problem. We hard today from the commissioner who is talking about how difficult it is to understand what the trigger to radicalization is. How complex it can be. How there is no one path to radicalization, that it request be a very individual journey. And i am wonder everring through your work, have you found ways ovoid firing youth who are at risk . I think the information we with have is too weak to make generalizations. So instead we look at case studies. What i have seen is unique c. Chapel is that you have vulnerable transitions that some of these youth have gone through and there wasnt enough support, so you have for example youth transitioning out of homelessness, and drug centers or prison for that matter. And unformingly, what happens is what do we do with with these mouth in those transitions. Once they are done from that service and they go on to another stage in their life. They just disappear off the radar. So it is time to align these services. Sheila, i want to ask you, in the path of trying to identify, and then attract these folks. Is there an indication that they have the resources to be able to do that . Well, we heard more about that today from the press conference, where the rcp commissioner has tested before parliament, not too long ago. That we have the resources to do it. To track these 93 plus others that we with know are on the list but for them to do that, they are having to move officers off of other details. Off of other investigations. Things like organized crime. He described it as incredibly labor intensive. And he also talked about the man who earlier this week used his car as a weapon with. And it ended up killing another soldier. He had intervened with his family, they had arrested him, and tries to get him into counseling and as the commissioner said, unless you are in his head, in his car, you could not have known that he was with going to use hi car as a weapon. To attack someone. And a threat that is a top story, ebola has arrived in new york city. A physician from Doctors Without Borders has tested positive for the virus. 33yearold dr. Craig Allen Spencer became ill wednesday night, he was rushed to bellevue hospital, by a specially trained team. Because of his symptoms and the fact that heavy weapons had had returned from weavers africa, he was tested and has now tested positive for the virus. Before his fever spiked he had been out in public. New york city mayor says that spencer has given Health Worker as detailed account of his activities over the last few days. Our understanding is very few people were in direct contact with him. The patient is in good shape. And has gone into great deal of detail with our personnel as to his actions. A urologies who is developing a test to speed up the ebola detection, and he joins us tonight occupied east this latest report of dr. Spencer certainly theres a lot of concern that a physician would travel knowing where he came from, that he would be traveling in public, is there a concern in your mind about how new york can handle this now . I will say the citizens of new york have very little fear about the case. The symptoms just started today. This gentlemen was not transmitting the virus as of yet. So there are also some reports from witnesses who saw him they described him as being almost mummified is there a sense that protocols have been stepped up that awareness, i know in fork city, there was a lot being done to focus training in advance. Do you have a sense that that preparation has been effective. Well with, i know we are better prepared now than the case that showed up in dallas. The information is out there, the new York Hospitals are aware of what they need to do to get this patient, if it is a patient, into isolation. And foe protect the healthcare workers. We with will also be talking abouten the efforts the treatment that is being done, that has so far been effective, and the background on that, on this question of the vaccines, to you see that movement gearing up. Well with, the vaccine is obviously going to be a very important thing. But it probably wont be able to be deployed for several months. It will start to make an impact. Hopefully we with can get better diagnostic tools into the field, in short odderrer and really stop this outbreak. Thank you for ever being with with us again. Thank you. We with switch gears in the next segment to the comfortably numb. Feels good. I can feel it in my whole body. Like just runs right through your whole body, instantly. Makes you feel great, you ferret about everything. On the Prescription Drug that experts fear may launch a new generation of addicts. A look at the openuate wars. Also ahead, when research became real, the scientists behind the one with drug that shown the most promise in the fight against ebola. The first thing i did was run in and show my wife the web with site, i said, you know, we with started this. America tonight with a rare look inside the lab where it happened. And an exclusive interview with with the man behind it. Pain killer addiction on the rise i loved the feeling of not being in pain deadly consequences the person i married was gone are we prescribing an epidemic . The last thing Drug Companies wanted anybody to think was that, this was a prescribing problem fault lines, Al Jazeera Americas hard hitting. Today they will be arrested. Ground breaking. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. Award winning investigative documentary series. Opioid wars only on Al Jazeera America as we reported to you on this program, the United States is now undergoing one of the worst heroine epidemics in history. There were about 370,000 yearly her win users by 2012, that number nearly doubled to about 670,000. Many her win with users get started on Prescription Drugged known as opiods. Sebastian walker investigates why the fda approved a powerful new opiods painkiller during the Worst Epidemic of Prescription Drug addiction in memory. Theres big controversy tonight, involving a new painkiller. The drug about to hit the market, but many are now asking is it even needed and did the fda ignore warnings by approving it. The food and Drug Administration did something unusual, it approve add new painkiller, despite the fact that its own Advisory Committee has rejected the drug. I was quite surprised. You invite us in and then you tell us forget it. I voted no. I voted no. I voted no. Are we really in the long run helping people or are we with creating an epidemic . It is a pure hydrocodone drug that comes in doses up to ten times higher than vehicle caden. The entire Prescription Drug epidemic was launched basically from high dose oxycodone, and many of us felt that a high dose hydrocodone product would end up in the same place. Fur areas have been more immaterial packeted than the state of maine. Here, more long acting painkillers are prescribed per capital, than in any other state. Its led to one of the highest addiction rates in the country. And a remitted surge in the use of her win her win. This Ambulance Team responds to a call nearly every day. Its about 10 00 oclock on a friday night. From what we with are hearing theres a 25yearold male in there, who could have had a seizure due to a overdose. The responders found this man lying on a bathroom floor, unconscious and barely breathing. A syringe and a small bagging of heroine were at his bedside. They were able to revive him by administering a drug that countered the effects. Now we are seeing it so frequently, and there are people that you would never expect. It isnt the junky, it is the 25yearold kid. What we with are finding is that they cant get the Prescription Medication that they used to get, they cant get vehicle den, or occupied eastsy, or anything like that. In the same way that you create heroine from opium. And when you look at the effect, that hydrocortone or oxi co done, or her win produce, it is indistinguishable. We are on our way to meet somebody who started using legal opiods ideas but quickly transitions on to heroin. Jack asks us not to you his real name. He is 32 years old. Once you have done it, i have done it for so long. I needed to feel normal. He has been using open and now heroine for more than half his life. It is 11 in the morning and he is preparing his first injection of the day. Look at that first shot. That feels good. Does it feel like . Its just runs right through your whole body. It makes you feel great, to forget about everything. If you have any aches and pains it is gone. He started taking painkillers at 13. He bout them from friends at school. They were so popular around here, it wasnt even funny, you can go anywhere and get an oxy 80. Were you crushing them up. Crushing them up and snorting them. Started sniffing them first, and then started injecting them. And then the transition from that to taking heroin is that a pretty easy transition to make. Once somebody does oxies people that you would never ever think of dont drugs end up the same way i am. You know what i mean. Just went to the doctor, selfprescribe and now they are addicted. Have you met people like that. I know a lot of people like that. People that you would never think of doing drugs ever. And now they are just like me. Four out of five switched to the drug after first taking prescription opioids. This wes spring, a recovery house for people struggling with substance abuse. How in if we start from this side, have moved from Prescription Drugs to heroin. Everyone . Everyone started with a prescription from a doctor. Oh yeah. And he got injured. I got crushed over the stern of a lobster boat. I got released with a script, so i started taking them. And it was over. Jeffing was with lost after that. They said they would do almost anything to get them. I was with hurting so bad, i punch add four by four and breaking all of these finger fingers in ths bone to get pain meds id do that several times. You would hurt yourself. Absolutely. I had nine teeth pulled out of my head. How many people do know someone who has died from overdoze . Everybody. Sob chan, i am struck by what that young man said, people you would never ever think have become addicted in this way. The scope of this is just dynamic. This is something that starts in the doctor evers office, with with these prescriptions so these can fall into the wrong hands, or people that start taking these pills, can very quickly get addicted if they use them more than they should. You know, they are extremely addictive and as a substance, they have derived from opium. If they know that, how are more getting approved . It is a really good question, and thats exactly what we with were with trying to get to the heart of. So the fda argument is that the medical benefits outr outweigh the risks and it would be unfair to penalize pain patients by not allowing this new drug on to the market. But theres an epidemic, that is really getting into every single state in this country. This kills about one with every 13 minutes. For your documentary, haiti in the time of cholera, and we know this is one with multiple award withs and become a yet deal of attention. And this was about the connection can between u. N. Teams that had enter haiti and the arrival of cholera, now there is a development on this, this really has to do with what with the u. N. s responsibility is. Joey, it is a very ever significant daytoday with the first oral argument being presented in a Court Hearing in new york, about this case. This is something thats been the process has been going on for year evers now, this broke out in haiti, it has now killed more ever than 8,500 haitians. Now this is a momentous day, the first day they have had in court to present their arguments. Sebastian walker we will continue to follow that with with you as well with, you can catch all of his latest program opioid wars this saturday on fault lines here on Al Jazeera America, 7 00 oclock eastern. Ahead on the program, we look behind the headlines at two modern plagues the scientist behind the one with treatment that shows the most promise speaks in his lab, exclusively, with america tonights michael. To see some fundamental discovery, actually reach the point that you can say yes, this had an effect on human health. And even more dramatically save add life. I there arent many of us who get that experience. Where you can draw a Straight Line from discovery, to sub recess. The Science Behind z map and how it is making a difference. Also ahead, learning from another epidemic. When the outbreak was influenza, the devastation, and death left behind. With with the group, the group is Still Holding more than 200 school girls hostage. Beginning friday, north korea will ban foreigners on tourist trips from entering the country, due to fears of ebola. This news comes as that country ramps up inspections and quarantine measures. The ebola epidemic has already claimed nearly 5,000 lives. To develop the vaccine and a treatment, one drug that has shown promise is z map, be uh the supply ran out, leaving the ill to simply hope they have caught the disease in enough time to give their body as fighting chance. The f. D. A. Still has not approved it for use, they are still scrambling to produce more doses in an indepth america tonight report, the First Television interview from inside the lab where z map is made. Neither ever scientists the feds Northern Iraq the pharmaceutical industry were buying it. When we were with proposing this. Back in 2002, a lot of people thought it was a crazy idea. You know, this is tobacco. This a terrorist clean drinking plant that people smoke, and all sorts of bad things about it. Buzz his research led to the development of z man, the drug that is widely credited for saving the lives of two american aid workers. Dr. Kent can brantley, and nancy right bolt and three others. I showed my wife the webben with site and said we started this. To show a discovery reach the point that you can say yes, this has an effect on human health, and even more dramatically saved a life, there arent many of us who get that experience. Where you can draw a Straight Line from discovery, to success. It is the wholly grail in the field of research. It is wonderful. Absolutely wonder. Today developers are in a race against time. To produce more doses. At the buyer design institute. When will there be more out of the market . And what are the roadblocks . We with thought we with had about two more years to build everything up, to expand facilities before we would get to the human testing. And i dont think anybody thought that we would need thousands of doses. This outbreak in west africa is totally unanticipated so now everything is going full tilt. More equipment, train more ever people, expand the facilities go as fast as you can. We with have one with thousand new doses by years end we will be fortunate. Will there be enough z map to take care of the problem. I can see no way in which there will be enough z map, maybe even the next 12 months, to treat all the african whose are coming down with the disease. Its terrible, but it is the truth, theres no way you can just start from nothing, and create a manufacturing system so quickly. But in terms of the number of americans you think there may be enough. I think if we adopt the proper safety containment, plans the number of potential ebola patients will be small, and i think there will be enough, if it is decided that the z map which is manufactured made available here, i think we would have enough. Z map was born in the wake of never. When the u. S. Army began funding projects that would protect americans from potential bio terrorism attacks. Began testing the capacity to produce vaccines and antibodies considered a category a threat. They replicate quickly, so it is almost like it is a manufacturing system, that works better than any other plant species we have tried. Here is how the drug is made. Developers infect mice with with the virus, and then fuse the genes for the desired antibodies that are produced with with the genes of a natural tobacco virus. The tobacco plants are are then injected with with this new genetically designed virus. Wherever the liquid with comes in contact, it gets invaded by the virus and that is know a manufacturing system. It is making thing proteins we want. So after this, say in ten days in 20 of these plants with he have a gram of antibodies. Is it the answer to this crisis. Z map is one component. We need vaccines against ebola, theres a lot of testing of new vaccines underway right now. Chef thousand success in monkeys but we with know, but seeing in a monkey doesnt always work. There are antiviral drugs being. We can be hopeful, but at the present time, id say the only certainty, that we with have is z map. Can we say they conclusively work in those cases . How do we with know that those people didnt surprise because they were simply treated earlier . There isnt some other intervention that helped them survive. From a purely scientific standpoint, we with havent done the control experiment with z map. In the meantime, you ask me as an individual, i just say this only makes sense. What we with are seeing with people is exactly what we with are seeing with with the monkeys in preclinical experiments that was predicted. So as an individual, not speaking with my scientists hat on, im 99. 9 certain that z map is an effective drug. What is the situation look like in your view. A year from now, in terms of additional treatments that might help potential victims out there, both in africa, and here in the United States. I think if we take a timeframe of one year, things look very much optimistic. Just to build treatment facilities. Vaccines will come along, eventually. Hopefully in a year. I am very ever hopeful that a year from now we can say this is a global response, and we with are getting it under control. Eh does concede there are moments are he is worried about what might happen in the short term. What might happen if the virus mutate. There may be drugs around the corner, several vaccines on the horizon. But if the strain alters significantly, than all bets can be off. So in people have been interested when it will be available. What he h told me is this, they are Still Producing z map tat a clip of about 40 to 60 doses a month. Now, clearly, those dozes have to be tested on mice first. He also projects that by the end of the year, they may have between one with hundred and 200 doses produced. World number know those individuals that injected and lived took about two to three doses it is very clear, this is a rough estimate, by the way. Because not everyone reacts the same way, but if you do that extrapolation, we with know that there are raleigh searchty to one with hundred people that could get their hands on it. Not a significant number, but the professor will point out it is 60 to 100 lives, and in fact, the fact that you have a drug out there for the public might get some of those aid worker whose are sitting on and sideline whose are concerned act going to the hot spots to be go get back out there and do the noble work they have been doing because it is so needed. When a modern plague last spread across america, the influenza pandemic, and what they may learn from that Health Crisis to help with with this one. Lap im ali velshi, the news has become this thing where you talk to experts about people, and al jazeera has really tried to talk to people, about their stories. We are not meant to be your first choice for entertainment. We are ment to be your first choice for the news. No vaccine to prevent it, and americans unclear about what they should do to protect themselves but the year, was with 1918. And it wasnt ebola, but influenza. More ever than one with in four fell sick and it was the deadliest outbreak in modern history. It was an epidemic that spanned the globe. Once of the most intense outbreaks of disease in human history. Around the world, infecting 500 million, killing more than 50 million. Here in the u. S. , 675,000 people died. Nothing like this had happened before. Whole families, were wiped out. Before then people died of normal things you cerebral hemorrhages heart attacks everything else, you go down to this page, and it is like influenza, influenza, influenza, page, page, after page. The records here go from three or four burials a day to 29. One with hundred and 65 in one week. So great was the need, a new section was opened and it became known as flu hill. It was the first time that burials were made on sundays our workers couldnt possibly keep up with it. Families came in and dug the graves before their own family members. The first break was limited but by may, it is spreading across the globe. It was otemperature front lines that it caught hold and began its course. At the u. S. Armys fourth need museum. The conditions in the trenches are what caused diseases. To poster in human beings because of the vary very nature of the close proximity. So the transformings were like a giant pietri dish. Absolutely. Theysy the influenza rye russ mutated again, with erupting in three port cities. And boston massachusets. When it arrived state side, it spread unusually quickly. Hitting the u. S. Army, the hardest. We had trains and we were a mobile society, so it didnt take long. Consider the army is standing up men from all over the country, we have men here from 15 different states. A former armyluth colonel is one of several doctor whose witness withed the outbreak in camp massachusets. The center of the hot zone back then. Welch had create add new school of hygiene and Public Health, called in an expert from harvard to perform autopsies. He order add rockefeller Lab Scientist to draw up everything, and make a vaccine. He told the army to order cap hospitals expanded and to impose quarantine measures. But it was too little too late. Flu victims were contagious for several days before showing symptoms, and soldiers mixed with civilian staff who went with home to their families each night. The virus soon appears in boston, in philadelphia, in new york, and in new orleans. In fact, almost everywhere. Within a week, those first cases went to 1900 cases. In one week. Back then, the equivalent of the cdc was the Public Health service, they gathered information, and initiated the response. So more difficult for 1918, and everybody else dealing with it is that they didnt know exactly what was with causing this that is that they didnt epidemiologist at the time, didnt have the tools to find the virus. The influenza virus that we now know and quite a lot of detail, was causing the enter democratic. Quarantine was still the most effective tool for controlling epidemics. Like today. But quarantines were with difficult to enforce. So you would with get one with town closing down areas of entertainment, so what would they do, go to the next town, which had not imposed entertainments and so you got people spreading the virus ironically, because of those interventions that were not coordinated. Immigrants arriving were examined as a precaution, similar to those leaving west africa today. Back then, like now, healthcare workers were all on the front line, risking all for the benefits of the local community, and again, like now, a mixture of hysteria and fear, spread across the nation. William h sorto jr. , wrote in his diary about remembering the pine caskets in the living room of his familys house, a funeral home in washington, d. C. He was with six years old, at the time of his infection. The city has slowed to a near halt. Schools were closed. Church services were bans. People were dying some who tool ill in the morning were dead by night. The pandemic eventually burned itself out at the end of 1918, but not before touching the living of one with fifth of the global population. And one in four of allamericans. Al jazeera, baltimore. Voices courages and 300 days and the effort to silent them, why the a. J. Staff Campaign Must go on the day plus so much more. We begin with the growing controversy. Answers to the questions no one else will ask. Real perspective, consider this on Al Jazeera America hello, im antonio mora, welcome to consider this. We begin with a dramatic announcement of the first reported announcement of ebola in new york city. New york mayor bill de blasio spoke at a press conference after the news broke. Testing confirmed that a patient here in new york city has tested positive for ebola. The patient is now here in hospital. We want to state at the

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