A very unusual battle involving a popular new england Supermarket Chain. Its great to be back together again. How employees and customers force a change in, in leadership in this grocery family feud. The crackdown on immigration. I look at these. I think my parents came here for a better reason. I was born here for me to look at them like they are the ones who are destroying my country, i dont know. Now. In kansas city, officers now practice acceptance instead of zero tolerance. Could what started as a simple idea turn into a national solution. Hello and thanks for joining us. I am adam may. We began with the deadliest Ebola Outbreak in history and the struggle to contain it. Health Officials Say it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. The World Health Organization says the outbreak could affect 20,000 people. Thats more than six times the current number of cases. Health officials they need almost half a billion dollars over the next six to nine months and nearly 13,000 medical staff. Meanwhile, u. S. Officials have now fasttracked a potential vaccine. Human Clinical Trials could begin as early as next week. America tonights laurie jane glehall has more. In liberia, the number of ebola infected patients is growing rapidly, too fast for medical workers to manage. The World Health Organization estimates it will cost 72 million over the next six months alone just to develop Treatment Centers there. The Healthcare System has more or less broken down. Hospitals have closed. Clinics are closed. Some of them have reopened. The staff is afraid to go back because they are afraid they will get the disease. Emergency coordinate orders say any available beds in lineria filled up immediately. The country is handling the bulk of infection, nearly 1400. The numbers are going up rapidly, faster than we probably thought, forcing us to adapt our basis. Combined, there are more than 3,000 infections in guinea, liberia, nigeria and sierra leone. The total number of cases may actually be four times higher. The rate of infections seem to be climbing, too, close to 40 of the new reports occurred starting three weeks ago at the same time american aid worker sean casey arrived in africa. Saw bodies lined up and incinerators burning medical waste and saw patients waiting outside. Every bed is full. Patients are waiting for admission. They are waiting outside. They are, in some cases, dying while they are waiting. We skyped with sean while he works in liberia as an ebola director. He coordinates staffing and is developing strategies to bring equipment into the country and making plans to set up new Treatment Centers. He knows the dangers of the 240 healthcare workers with the died. What is your personal plan if you do come in contact with ebola . I plan on not coming into contact with ebola. We are washing our hands constantly with chlorinated water. We have prayers even around low risk areas. Our staph will have the best gear. Contact. What is your biggest fear moving forward. I think my biggest fear is that we are not going to be able to get everything we need in as fast as we can. Sean says the efforts to import forces have been hurt as airlines close off frights to and from ebolaaffected countries, something the world criticized. Bans on travel and trade and the rest will not stop this virus. Absolutely not. In fact, you are more likely to compromise the ability to respond, get more and more disease, more and more people trying to move. You are going to get yourself in trouble. Its a selfdefeating strategy to ban travel. Its frustrating. We are looking at a response here thats going to require an enormous amount of Human Resources and delivery of goods from abroad. Understaffed. Difficult. Up. Its also clear he isnt afraid. Laurie jane glehall. What is needed to slow down the spread of the e lola virus . What do you think about this new u. N. Plan which really requires on getting more doctors on the ground . Can that be done . It can be done. Its going to take a lot of people, and i understand that the u. N. Plan calls for bringing in a lot of doctors and engaging a lot of people in west africa to try to get this under control. There is a danger, at the hospital where you have done work, we are talking of dozens of Healthcare Providers who have died including a friend of yours, dr. Kahn who was very well rewagarded there. The Healthcare Providers are at the greatest risk in an outbreak like this. Unfortunately, we lost too many great people like dr. Kahn. Its like we are losing a generation of people who have spent so much time doing research on this. They have announced plans to try to fast track a vaccine. Do you think that will help encourage Healthcare Providers to go to west africa . Lets hope that trial and other trials on vaccines can proceed very quickly, get through the paperwork. Lets see if we can get these vaccines in to people to see which ones work the best. This outbreak is going to last for months and months. So, if we had a vaccine that could protect healthcare workers, i think it would encourage people to go into the field and treat the patients. Amount of people including yourself have said, look, we saw these signs early on and the reaction seems to be too slow. Are we now picking up thepates adequately . There was a time when this outbreak could have been slowed or stopped. We didnt take that opportunity. Now, its really i am pmperativ the outbreak has spread wider than it ever has before to get more on the ground. The World Health Organization says we can see up to 20,000 infections fairly soon. You have also done some research on the ebola virus. Do you think that this new research will help in the battle . I think it will. The vitters is changing. We need to taget this vitters under control before it spreads to 20,000 people. We dont want it changing into something we cant more easily deal with. And lets hope that in a few months we are not talking about that conservative. Mutation is a ken. Us. My pleasure. To another growing crisis. This one in ukraine where there are heightened concerns and signs of an invasion by russian president obama warned of further action against russia after nato released satellite images. Those images support thelaim that Russian Forces are helping separatists. An emergency meeting of the u. N. Security Council Members express the outrage over the latest escalation. There were emergency meetings in ukraines capitol, kiev, the countrys president , urging his Security Team to avoid a panicked response that could worsen the situation. America tonights sheila mcviccer has the very latest . Theatellite images are some of the evidence produced by nato of Russian Forces on the ground inside ukraine. They show them near the previously quiet border town novask. Prompting residents to flee. These latest images provide concrete examples of russian activity inside ukraine. They are only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the overall scope of Russian Troops and weapons movements. The iceberg nato says includes large quantities of sophisticated russian weaponry such as air defense systems, artillery, tanks and armored personnel carriers being forces. The ukraine government offered up this amateur video said to be of a russian tank in eastern ukraine. With the Ukrainian Military pounding the separatist strongholds of donetsk and luhansk in the east, the fighting in novak near maiupol opens upa. At a white house News Conference today, president obama said the latest moves were part of russias ongoing support of antikiev rebels. The separatists are backed, trained, armed, russia. I consider the actions that we have seen in the last week a continuation of what has been taking place in months. In part because of the progress you had seen by the ukrainians around donetsk and luhansk, shadow determined it had to be a little morrow vert in what it was doing but its not a shift. The president insisted u. S. Military action was not on the cards but that all other options including further sanctions would be discussed with european allies at a nato summit in britain next week. The u. N. Security council meanwhile today met in an emergency session to discuss the reported incursion with some members voicing outrage. In an emergency meeting in kiev, ukraines preponderate urged calm and warned against a panicked response to the incursion. Difficult. He said there are sthouz of what he called russian soldiers volu volunteers he said who had chosen in ukraine over vacation at a beach. Russia continues to deny the incursion or any involvement in the conflict. For more on this, lets join america tonights Sheila Mcvicker t sounds like a chain of tone. There was no question if you listened to what the president had to say today, he very clearly said, you know, walks like a duck, talks like a duck. These are russians. Russia is responsible for this and very clearly, you could draw responsible. Its one thing to say all of this but then what actions back up these words . They have had some sanctions. He says the sanctions are having some effect. What else can they do . They are also very clearly said that there was no military option for the u. S. In ukraine. The europeans have very clearly said there was no military option for them in ukraine. So what are you left with in your toolbox . You are left with sanctions. The president says sanctions are having an impact. They may be having an impact on the russian economy but they are not on russian behavior. So the goal is to cause pain to those closest to vladimir putin. The peoples have a lot at stake in terms of oil and gas, a financial sent e, a lot to do with russian money. Can you get the europeans now on board that you have a de facto russian invasion . Even the russians say, of course, its not us. Its just, you know, soldiers who are loyal to the motherland who have decided to spend their vacation in john boehner rather than at the beach. Are we seeing any of that internal pressure . In moscow, a little bit. There is a very well respected and very powerful organization that is part of the president ial human rights commission. And a respecttor said this is an anevation. We have seen mothers of soldiers in russia coming out and saying, my son is a captive in john boehner. Please bring him back. He does not belong there. So you are beginning to see some internal opposition. Putin is very pouven. His circle is very powerful. In order to have some impact on that circle, it would seem that sanctions are in some way going to have to be strengthened. We will see where it goes from here. Thanks. Desperate times mean Desperate Measures in droughtweary nevada . You have northern nevada and Southern Nevada. The tension between those two parts of the states goes back for generations. Officials are banking on a water plan but not everyone is buying it. The water war thats bubbling up in bonedry nevada and power to the people. Supermarket customers rally around outraged workers and an ousted ceo. How respect and family beat out the bottom line. On techknow. So, this is the smart home. Saving the environment the start point for energy efficiency, is to work with the sun. Saving you money we harvest a lot of free energy and so were completely off grid here how many of the appliances were almost a little too smart for us . Techknow every saturday, go where science, meets humanity. This is some of the best driving ive ever done, even though i cant see. Techknow were here in the vortex. Only on Al Jazeera America now available, the new al jazeea america mobile news app. Get our exclusive in depth, reporting when you want it. A global perspective wherever you are. The major headlines in context. Mashable says. Youll never miss the latest news they will continue looking for survivors. The potential for Energy Production is huge. No noise, no clutter, just real reporting. The new Al Jazeera America mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. Download it now welcome back to america tonight. Water is a Precious Resource anywhere. Thats especially true out west. The state of nevada is currently suffering the worst drought in more than a decade. Thats creating problems for las vegas. Local authorities there have launched an ambitious new plan to search for water in the desert. Al jazeeras melissa chan explains. Reporter reporter home on the range. The skies are not cloudy all day. A few hundred People Living the oldfashioned way living in ranch valley. Some 300 miles away from the bright lights and casinos on las vegas on breaker ranch where three generations of the family work 12,000 acres of land. Northern nevada is very different from las vegas. We farm and ranch here on the high desert and race alfalfa, corn, barley, wheat, oats. Heard. Tom baker calls farming a zero profit. You do it for love and definitely not for money. The bakers and others like them say they prefert life out here but the tranquility of snake valley has been disrupted by forces from the south. The Southern Nevada Water Authority is solely providing Drinking Water for all of the residents in Southern Nevada, approximately 2 Million People that depend upon our organization to make sure that every time they turn on the tap, water comes out. Thats a responsibility that we do not take lightly. A city in the desert, often labeled a city of excess has one of the highest rates of water, the biggest corporate are not hotels and casinos. A lot of what you see on the strip is really just a facade. The resort sector consumes about 7 of our metered water. The real problem is landscaping. Huvenz of thousands of front w lawns and back yards. The recession slowed development briefly but suburban sprawl has resumed. Newcomers arrive here daily. Part of the challenge has been to get people to realize that the changes they make at their one little itty bitty house really makes a difference if everybody participates. Take lake las vegas, a fancy gated development outside the city with lush golf course greens and complete with a manmade lake filled with three billion gallons of water. Environmentalists complain there is enough here to supply about 20,000 homes in las vegas for one year. Most of the water comes from lake mead completed in the 1930s with the completion of hoover dam. It bottles up water from the Colorado River and has reliably provided 98 of las vegass water for decades. Bright. 2012 and 2013 two were two of the driest years on record. The white band is the water mark left from better days with such dismissal water levels, the pressure is on for the Water Authority to secure more water for the city. The first strategy has focused on the lake. Lake mead currently tops out at about 1,100 feet above sea level with two intake pipes pumping water to las vegas. If dry conditions continue, the piepdz will be above the water line, making pumping water impossible. At a cost of 817 million, the authority will build a third intake sucking water from near the bottom of the lake. Its an expensive, but the Water Authority says reliable line to show what the citys lengths will go. A pipeline that would access groundwater in snake valley and suck the water out from under residents there. You know, obviously, Southern Nevada needs water and they need to be able to provide water to their consumers for growth and to sustain what they have. But their idea of coming up here and trying to find another water resource is a poor idea. Locals consider this a water grab, taking from rural nevada to support urban nevada at a cost of us to 15,000,000,000, some call it a vegas pipe dream. Some believe it could provide about a third of its current water supply. This is an area that when the wind blows, you can see the dust blowing. You can see where it has made the dunes. Tom baker shows me what the area could look like if groundwater is overpumped. This was once wet land when an earlier generation drained this place dry, it killed vegetation and wildlife. Baker ranch is not alone in its fight. Almost the entire community in snake valley has come together against the Southern Nevada Water Authority. The biggest event of the year is this parade and festival. Some 60, 70 people live in town and a few hundred more live around the valley. The parade, modest enough, that it runs through main street twice. There is no extra water this is very much a story of david and goliath. Las vegas really believes that they are the economic engine that runs the state. The environmentalists and ranchers generally arent on the same page a lot of tubes. It has brought us all together. The event raises money for legal fees, rural nevadans believe the best way to win this battle is in court. We are in court at the state level and at the federal level. And we have a very good chance in both areas. Its also highly offensive that one part of the state is worthy and other parts of the state are worthless. Scomplr people here fear life will change or disappear all together. They say they have the patience and grit to fight what they see as sin citys agreed. The tension between the two parts of the state goes back for generations. We are the economic engine of the state of nevada. So, it is, you know, a balance that you have to have between where you can allocate your resources with where they are going to get the most benefit. Tom baker says his family has spent much time and Energy Challenging the Water Authority, time away from his main job farming and ranching. The Southern Nevada Water Authority has spent millions of dollars buying up ranches in the area and their accompanying water rights. The bakers decided not to sell. We could make a lot of money, but we dont know what we would do with it. And the thought of selling, you know, we really dont want to do that. Away from glitz and glamor, the people will fight their neighbor to the south to keep their way of life from valnishing, melissa chan, al jazeera, baker, nevada. An unpopular move at a fam y familyowned business. Workers and customers revolt. Now, a beloved boss is back. There is a new front in the immigration battle cops in kansas city, kinder and gentler to undocumented immigrants. Could a unique Program Change the debate . fault lines labor day marathon the true cost of cheap labor nothing can be worse than this people burnt to ash. Horrendous conditions. Traffic labor on us bases. Management stealing wages. Exploited children put to work. How many of you get up at 4 or 5 oclock in the morning to go out to the fields . Dont miss our Award Winning series fault lines labor day marathon only on Al Jazeera America vfrning other headlines, president obama says the u. S. Is preparing more support for Iraqi Security forces battling the socalled islamic state. Ed sunni militant group claims to have killedson soldiers. Stricter repercussion for n. F. L. Players convicted of domestic violence, the first offense is a sixgame suspension. The second would be a lifetime ban from the n. F. L. Last wend, the league was criticized for the suspension of Baltimore Ravens ray rice he sat out two games after being accused of domestic violence. A quarter of a Million Immigrants deported from Southern California will be allowed to return to the u. S. This is one of the concessions agreed upon in a historic settlement between the aclu and the department of homeland security. In its lawsuit, the aclu alleged federal immigrants coerced them voluntarily. The beloved boss of a popular new england Supermarket Chain is now back at work. This is one of the most unusual labor disputes in recent memory. Workers at Market Basket took to the streets in protest of a change of management. Tonight those workers are claiming victory. But at what cost . Market basket is a family affair. Like many family businesses, there r i have a lries. It was a longstanding food of the cousins, ceo artur t was ousted by his cousins. A board of directors move spearheaded by argumethur s. And for the last six weeks, the store and its staff have been in turmoil. You can have a store that says Market Basket without him. Its the heart of this company. Here is where this grassroots battle becomes epic. Clerks, truck drivers, warehouse workers managers revolted. Rallies, picture lines, defiance. I am not going in there. I could be fired. I believe he is coming back. Thats why we are out here. We are not going back in until he comes back. Drivers stopped delivering food or left it too far away to be sellable. People lost their pay. Some from fired. Employees used Vacation Time to support their fallen ceo customers supported bring back artie t. This business is a huge employer in our state. There are vend orders and tenants who have been affected. This was no union fight, not a demand for better benefits. So why would workers do this . Loyalty, say the workers. Artie t. They say, always took care of them and treated them like partners. But the cost has been steep. An estimated lost revenue measured tens of millions of dollars. As the company imploded, there were plans to close down most of the stores and lay off most of the workers. I dont think i slept very vacations. It was all worth it. Popular demand has prevailed. Behind closed doors, negotiations were in play and Market Baskets board of directors has agreed to sell the company lock, stock and fruit section to artur t. And his sisters for 15,000,000,000. Its great to be back together again now, its time to restock the shelves and get back to work, customers are coming back. Its like christmas eve. I couldnt sleep last night. I was like, oh, thank god. In a rally fit for a rock star, hundreds of employees and supporters turned out to welcome back the leader they adore. Very, very special. For this reminuted ceo, success is sweet. Them. May you always remember this past summer, first at a time where our collective value of loyalty, courage, and kindness for one another really prevailed and in that process, we just ha happened to save our company. Score 1 for the power of determination. Now the question is who is the big winner in this dispute . That walkoff cost the Company Millions of dollars but workers got their boss back that they loved so much. Horowitz with the boston globe, evan, thank you for joining us. Lets put this in perspective. My inlaws are from that area. It is all anyone could talk picnic. Why do people love the there . Its a great local institution, you know. I mean they provide tremendous value and they treat their employees well and their customers well. There are so many stories up there where people talk about how employees were treated. Is that one of the themes that you think has just made this Supermarket Chain so popular up there . Especially among the workers . Is there something really unique about that . Certainly among the workers, yeah. There is no question that the degree to which they feel involved in managerial decisions, they feel that they are contributing to the value of the business makes a big difference in their loyalty. I think customers have a weaker sense of that but over the summer, they have really grown to appreciate what it is that the employees, why the employees care about the care about Market Basket. Evan, i was chatting earlier today with a woman who has 18 family members who all work at Market Basket. They have worked there for generations. The workers, what she said was she was so happy about this she thought she was going to cry. What is the big point here for workers . What do they get out of this . Well, one of the most is what it meant from workers. It looked like a struggle between would two rich guys fighting it out about who would control this company. The workers stood up and said we want one of these people to be in charge. And we are going to walk off and risk our jobs and our livelihoods and pay checks until we get the outcome we want which is a caring president who treats us well, pays us well and provides the kind of structure we are looking for. Artie t purchased it for 1. 5 billion . Yeah. Billion dollars. The finances of a Supermarket Chain, that is alternates of money is there. Any possibility workers could end up seeing cuts as a result of this . A big price tag . I have seen estimates. The risk is he is going to raise that money in part by borrowing, which means he is going to be paying back loans for some time. Thats going to constrain the cash flow of the Company Moving forward. Whether it could strains it to such a degree its going to impact Employee Benefits or wages or prices of the food is yet to be seen. But lots of people are mark makingacts Market Basket has the cash flow to manage this. What will be interesting to see, how this plays out in the long run after what workers did here was so unusual getting th nonunionized writers. Evan horowitz thanks for joining us. Me. A new way to deal with undocumented immigrants. In kansas city, police reach out rather than crack down. How many arrests would you make in a day . Eight, 10, 12. Did it make anything better . Did it change that negative behavior . No. An Innovative Program that could be a model for the rest of the nation. An eye opening america tonight special report. Have you ever seen anybody get shot . One year later, correspondent Christof Putzel returns to the streets of chicago. I dont like walk out no more. Why is that . A lot of shooting and stuff. A Community Still struggling against violence. I did something positive. Have people lost hope . This is a grown man that shot a little kid. Or have citizens made a difference . Glad that somebody thats at least standing up and caring about us man. America tonight only on aljazeera america. This story has a new twist, undocumented immigrants, often them. Used to be the case in kansas city, missouri. Not many more. Day laborers, many from mexico swarmed the city street. Then an enterprising Police Officer partnered with a Community Activist to did he have eyes a new solution. America tonights chris murray program. This was the location of the ad hoc day labor site. Mat thomason, a veteran cop controls the largely hispanic West Side Neighborhood in an unmarked pickup truck. For 50 years, police here have been dealing with immigrants from mexico and Central America who come to this part of kansas city looking for work. Imagine that you have 100 to 150 guys standing on the corner for eight to 10 hours a day. Not all of them are interested in working. People people who were just interested in drinking and hailing out. We had people who were interested in selling drugs. When you started out here, were you kind of a hardass. Yeah. I mean yeah. A former newark on the is officer, he got assigned to this part of town 12 years ago when the immigrant population of kansas city was exploding. Hundreds of day laborers, nearly all undocumented, would hang out in this parking lot hoping to bargain with those hoping for cheap labor . People passed out on the sidewalks. We had these guys stand there and no restroom facilities. I got two different calls from hysterical elderly residents saying there was a maked man showering in the backyard with their water faucet. So it was a mess. It truly was. At the testifiederloin grill across the street from that parking lot, the family that owns this cafe got fed up with the pet crime ashleypool what who took over said some of the day laborers would retaliate when they called the cops. Lots of bums, trash everywhere, a lot of graffiti and destruction of property. When he rye placed the wind odes there were eight bullet holes. You go in and you establish order. Zero tolerance. Zero tolerance. Spitting on the sidewalk, any drinking in public, any public urination, you go to jail. How many arizona would you make in a day . Eight, 10, 12. I arrested one guy three times in the same day. The feds cracked down, too. Immigration and Customs Enforcement known as ice stepped up raids hauling off undocumented immigrants and deporting them. But the zero tolerance approach results. Did it make anything better . Did it change that negative no. In fact, the crackdowns alienated the neighborhoods established hispanic population who claimed good men were being swept up with the bad. They left the honest day laborers more fearful of the police, afraid to even talk with them. Hector gonzalez was one of those who used to hang out on the street looking for work. When they asked you something, you scared and you dont answer nothing right. It makes you to worry about, you know, the police. Okay, hector. What was the relationship between the police and the immigrant community . Relationship. Linda callena longtime Community Activist said the gettough approach back fired because so many Migrant Workers come from countries where police are not trusted. Immigrants, particularly thosecosming from thirdworld cust trees, the police is the enemy. The police are the people shaking you down. The police are the people kidnapping your kids. By now, matt tomasic was under more pressure from his bosses. Zero tolerance had failed. So, he turned to linda callen for help. He finally, out of ex asper ation and said, what the hell do we do . She suggested a center where day laborers couldwo wait for work off of the street. He said, well, duh. Of course this makes sense. Callen and tomasic convinced the owner of an abandoned building, the west Side Community Action Network known as can sponsorses its operation. Home . It is. Now the new arrivals had a place to do their laundry, take a shower, use the bathroom. A familiar figure, our lady of guadalajara faithful. Homeless. You need to find a job, you need to have clean clothes and be presentable for the boss. So this allows them to do that. This comes in handy . It sure does. Officer tomasic who has a tiny office here immediately noticed a difference between the didnt. Work. If i am giving you a place to use the restroom, you are still choosing to go in the street, you are telling me something about your intentions. It was my first step in d deconstructing the mob. He noticed Something Different in himself as well. By the guides coming in, i started to develop a relationship with them, started seeming like human beings and everything got a lot easier really quickly after that. In return for a safe place to congregate, the laborers are expected to pitch in on day did they are not hired. Cooking lunch for the others, painting over graffiti in the neighborhood, tending the public gardens. Toja came to the United States illegally at the age of 12, more than 40 years ago. He says they have protected me feeling. Soon, tomasic got a new bilingual partner, former homicide detective chat chato villalobos. He grew up on the west side, son mexico. I look at these men. I think my parents came here for the same reason, to give me a better life. I was born here i was blessed to be a citizens for me to look at them like they are the ones know. Now. For his per, matt thomasic took spanish classes, an immersion program, where he things. Alternative. They need to work and they cant in their homeland and i respect that. I got to feed my family, do what it takes. The new relationship with the men has paid off. Noticed . A significant one. There arent people hanging out in the middle of the streets, drinking, urinating on themselves. Just a better presence for people to be around. Tomasic and villalobos say they have cracked far more serious crimes because of their work with the men, immigrants throughout the neighborhood who once feared the police now approach them tipping them off to possible crimes. Have you been able to solve crimes because you do have trust of some folks here that you didnt have before . I have been is able to solve four homicides because of this approach, not because i am a super cop but because of the trust i have amongst the people who live here, work here, go to here. Now, officer tomasic is convinced his old hardass approach never made sense for such a diverse immigrant community. These days, he sees himself less like dirty harry and more like andy of mayberry. Of course, i carry a gun, but our goal is to be felt about the same way as people of mayberry us. So as the debate undocumented immigrants rages, onecorner of kansas city adopted an oldfashioned approach out of the men midwest, give newcomers respect and dignity and they may respond in kind. Chris bury, al jazeera, kansas city, missouri. Still to come, 51 years ago today, tens of thousands marched on washington and listened to dr. Martin luthesh king, jr. s i have a dream speech. We take a step back in time to hear the story of how a letter from a birmingham jail laid the ground work for the civil rights movement. News. Today marks 51 years since the march on washington. Thats when tens of thousands gathered in fronts of the lingon memorial and heard dr. Martin luther kings, jr. s i have a dream speech. It was something he wrote months earlier from a jail cell in birmingham, alabama, that actually created the moral movement. We would always meet at 16th street baptist church. That was the Meeting Place for dr. King. It was always fiery meetings with a lot of good singing, a lot of good praying. Doctor king was arrested on good friday, april 12th, 1963. He was jailed for parading without a permit. So dr. Kings in jail. And i dont know how many, but a substantial number of people, young people particularly in jail. When i say, young people, i am talking about kids 14 to 18. There may have been some younger but 14 to 18, and being in jail overnight is one thing. But being in jail more than one or two nights became a major issue. I think the first time i visited him may have been that saturday. As i approached the jail, i had the burdensome moniker of being identified as quote dr. Kings new york lawyer. As i went in to see dr. Kick, parents were shouting at me, attorney jones, get our kids out of jail. Tell dr. King if you are visiting youve got to get our kids out of jail. The reason they were upset was that we didnt have the money, sufficient money, to bail at that time. I went in to tell the king, we have a major issue on our hands, martin, doctor, i said. Much to my surprise, he virtually dismissed me. He said, have you seen this . So i said what is this . And he holds up a newspaper and in that newspaper, there is a full page ad signed by eight prominent white learningymen from birmingham. He was angry. He was hurt. But he was motivated like i had never seen him motivated. He had an Old Newspaper and had all of the blank spaces where there is not text or ads, he has written and he is so frennetic about it he has actually written paper. He says, take these out and get these typed. Give it to wyatt, walker. I am wyatt t. Walker, former chief of staff of Martin Luther king and an author. He said if we can break birmingham, we can break the south. And thats what happened. So martin gives me these scraps of paper. I put them under my shirt, like here, open my shirt and i put the scraps of paper in there. So, i took the scraps of paper out to wyatt walker. We were in a room in the gaston motel. They brought these pieces of paper to me. I was the om one in birmingham who could read dr. Kings Chicken Scratch writing, as we described it, and so it was my task to translate it. And my personal secretary, lily pearl macie king had responsibility of typing it as i translated. She is allegedly to have said, he may be a great speaker but he cant writet write difficult. We worked late into the night and early morning. It thats correct the botter part of two evenings. The lawyers came by in a motel. I gave them what we had done. I didnt pay any attention to the letter. Yes even think about it. It was not in my mind until i suddenly learned that i think the quakers were going to publish the letter in one of their news letters. And that the letter using todays terminology, the letter went viral. I think it was the most important document of the 20th century, very much like the getty gettysburg address and it became the mantra of my movement. My dear fellow clergymen, while confined here in the Birmingham City jail, i came across your recent statement calling our president activities unwise and untimely. You deplorthe demonstrations that take place in birmingham. Your statements, im sorry to say, failed to express a similar concern about the conditions demonstrations. It is unfortunate that demonstrations are taking place in birmingham. But it is even more unfortunate that the citys white power structure left the Negro Community with no alternative. When you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering, as you seek to explain to your 6yearold daughter why she cannot go to the public Amusement Park that has just been advertised on television and you see tears welling up in to her little eyes when she is told that funtown is closed to colored people. When you take this country drive and find it necessary to sleep night after night in the uncomfortable corners of your automobile because no motel will accept you, when you were humiliated dayin and dayout by nagging signs reading white men and colored when your first name becomes nigger and your middle name becomes boy, however old you are and your last name becomes john. When you are forever fighting a degenerative sense of nobodiness, then you will understand why it is difficult to wait. All of that came from his heart. He wanted White America to see what they were doing. He wanted White America to see how hurtful it was. The letter was a National Call to the conscience of america using the reallife, realtime reality of birmingham as its template. Birmingham then became the spark that ignited the prairie fire of negro resistance, which was transformed revolution. Thats it for us here on america tonight. Before we go, a quick programming note that this sunday, we present a special edition of america tonight reasonable doubt, our indepth look at the criminal justice system. Remember if you would like to comment on any of the stories you have seen here tonight or look through our archive, log on to aljazeera. Com americatonight. Also, be sure to join the conversation on our twitter or our facebook page. Good night, and we will have more america tonight after the labor day we could. Hope everyone enjoys it. We will see you again. President obama blasts Russian Military escalation in ukraine with Satellite Photos showing Russian Artillery troops and tanks crossing ukraines border. Nine years after the most destructive hurricane in u. S. History, hurricane katrina, we will hear from the man who some credit with saving new orleans. I am ali velshi. Welcome to consider this. Those stories and much more straight ahead. At light i am amingz provide evidence russia has intervened directly with combat forces. The mask is coming ground . Up this is not a homegrown

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