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what's notable is kind of the lopsided balance of power. here you had the president of the united states, a personally calling these election officials who are republican in the swing states that had gone to jail biden. and we heard from that top election official in georgia, brad rapids, burger describing this phone call from trump, in which trump deliberately asked for one more vote than what joe biden had. one in georgia, a senior official overseeing the police in texas says, officers response to the vault a school shooting was an abject failure. the director of the texas department of public safety told state officials that the police could have stopped the shooting . within 3 minutes of the gunman, entering the building, rob element, the police and the army in ecuador have use tear gas and pellet shots against indigenous protesters in the capital quito. a nation wide strike began 9 days ago to demand lower prices for fuel and food. moscow says it will retaliate after lithuania, stop transmit of some goods to collin and got. the russian exclaim is locked between lithuania and poland. restrictions are part of a range of e u sanctions. the palestinian health ministry says that a palestinian man was killed when he was stabbed in the heart by an israeli settler in the occupied west bank. witnesses se alkahottie was working on his land when a group of settlers attacked him. human rights experts say there's been an increase in violence by settlers against palestinians in the occupied west. firefighters are trying to put out a large wild fire on turkey, southern coast. the blaze broke out on tuesday near the resort town of mummers. it reportedly spreading fast because of windy weather conditions. there are fears of a repeat of last year's wild fires, which the government called the worst in turkey's history. those are the headlines . the news continues here on al jazeera, after world cup count down south america. the 2nd episode of this series explores the rise of the major drug cartels and their reign of terror in the ninety's and mexican government literally told the traffickers we'd have to produce the body because they knew americas public enemy number one is drug abuse. and the launch of the international war on drugs, drug trafficking, politics and power, age and drug lords on al jazeera. ah, hello, i'm trying to get you off the welcome to the person. think, well cup countdown, special programs. if we build up to capitol 2022, the middle east plus ever woke up with kicks off in november. each i will focus on a different region and this month with zoning in on south america. could this be the yearly you know, met, he finally gets his hands on well comp. time has one just about every major on our part from the biggest in world football. and this can be his last we'll take a look at the well number one ranked team brazil is they look to and their 20 year wait for the trophy. and that play a name all closes in on pele. international goals scoring reco to $77.00 will also catch up with some of the funds hoping to make the journey from brazil to cheer on that team and tapper hey, we got one. a runners standing by thrust in miami use the latin american correspondent, d sports and i would i miss martin and eli mangum live in london. he is a football costa with co pay $90.00. he spends his life immersed in football and specifically the fan culture that goes with it. so it was just 5 months ago until the biggest sho in sport arrived here in cas are all 32 teams of now booked their places for the tournament divided into 8 groups of 4 with only one capable of going home with the trophy. we'll go into the groups in more detail a bit later on. but 1st of correspondence, andeverty then brings us up to speed on what's been happening here in the host nation. as we take ever closer to kick off her an exclusive front club in castles, capital city go who is now close to new members, wales riley, costa rica of become the final countries to qualify that this is world cup. excitement for the world cup is building not only and because we see that the excitement is all over us, especially with all the countries that qualified demand on tickets is extremely high. and you know, i know that it's gonna be, it's going to be disappointing for some friends that wouldn't be able to fund their tickets. while we can see that people who are out there to kids are excited, official will cook. aunt work is in place. it cancels mine, a put designs gave a writing fans an immediate sense of the experience to come. i hope that it can resonate with all the visitors coming into the country and the airport. it is an excellent location because it's like the, the doorway to the country. i wanted to show some, some part of our culture, our football culture that you know, anybody could relate to, organizes expect more than a 1000000 fans to come to the country during the world cup and cattle can expect to take on a distinctly south american feel. come november, applications for funds in argentina and brazil. lead the way during the latest round of international ticket sales. 3 of the foremost in demand group gangs. all involved legal, my see argentina thing. yeah. fans and plays a cent for unique experience. the most compact woke up in history being played not in its usual slots of june and july, but in november and december, to avoid capitals, summer heat. the instead of finishing the season and break and go in the holidays and then reset. have to come to a country and do many pre season and you know, sort of like at the rhythm going again and i experienced that photons for the premier league players, european players or teams that are in that leaks. they'll just flo, straight into the system. and i actually think the level of quality of football will be more dynamic, more intensity. obviously there's always that tactical element, but i think it works amazing for the players. it's the fact that this is the right contact country with minimal traveling. is that going to help the players do you think not only the players to fans too, because a player has always a comfortable life? they have a private chat. everything is organized, but you have 2 things. the same about defense, a 2 of the best for the parents and it has 2 sons and they can watch maybe 2 games for the day. a will come like no other is being promised. the host nation now just has to ensure it's delivered on the richardson, al jazeera, doha, or were focusing in on south america in this show. and we thought we might be talking about peru becoming the 5th side from the region to book that ticket to cattle bots. as and you mentioned in that report, it was a strategy that went through at their expense, beating them 5 for in a pendency shootout in the playoffs. he in cats ha, that would, julia seems in the only changing room. but since you can imagine, it was a different vibe back in the peruvian capital of lima as marianna sanchez reports with the math, but not the crowd, a huge crowd, thousands of them here in the center with the game. with these silent there was this believe and dear father, for many after really long are breaking our something. his game there was so much expectation to win. this entry it the next world top that com to me was mainly paralyzed. the government declared a holiday. and for many wasn't the most important day of the revised many years i sent you and all of which i feel disappointed i expected much moved from group australia is not that great to socrates in this country has been political upheaval. many say that this will be significant. so let's get a closer look at a group. instead of peru it is the australian k, find themselves heading to the right well cup and their group di, alongside the defending champions as well as denmark and to new z. okay, well let's bring in any megan 1st. any, were you as surprised as everyone else was little strange, qualified out of that game? yes, absolutely. i mean, as an australian myself, i went into the game thinking, we've got a very, very slim chance of even getting close tours out to i'm, so i come every morning thinking, why are we actually in this, you have to remember for 20 places above shirley in the fif rankins, so for us to normally get a result the result. and again that meant so much peru west on to be quite frank. this is hardly a vintage soccer's squad. this is the very i, we just really inside compared to the last 4 thought that completed for the previous 4 will cut on her anger. you know, thousands of previous funds made it across to castle for that much and is going to be thought to shame. not to see them here. come november. oh, well, it is. it's going to be a major shame that you know what one of the more intense fan bases that you got to see in russia ends up not being in catawba. that's in a different point. i mean, i think what ellie said is very true. mary didn't expect ox australia to be there, but australia were able to execute their game plan much better than peru. say that guys, because we're going to shift our focus now to brazil who occur in the world's top rank team. they are the only nation to a one, the well cut 5 times. and the only country have to have appeared in every well comp finals tournament. and i haven't won it for 20 years. not since rinaldo scored twice to beat germany in the 2002 final in japan. things look promising this time round though they boast one of the biggest stars in the world and name are and they finish qualifying well clear at the top of the south american table unbeaten in their 17 games. monica in a cave caught up with some brazil fans in rio de janeiro who are hoping to make the journey to cat are to cheer on their team. football is more than a game in brazil. it's a passion and 41 year old re sca violet who sent us is an example of how far brazilians will go to cheer for their tea. he created the green and yellow movement in international network of more than 100000 fans to root for the brazilian t whenever and wherever it plays a huge diebold. anyway, we already have our own headquarters in soho or some tin people helping us organize things here during the santo's himself was recently in cut that he was invited together with fan leaders from 33 other countries to visit the gulf nation and discuss logistics. dorsey gordon, silly st. vans always faced difficulties. for example, during the brazilian world come, we weren't allowed to take ellen's from as to the stadiums, which was absurd. your it is now we'll be able to talk to the meeting, was very helpful to discuss mass accommodation willis to let us know what size instruments we can take. and to understand the culture of the country which is very different from our on the green and yellow movement became known in the last world cup in russia with a hit song reminding people that brazil is the only country that 15 championships. 1958. 1962. 197019942002. now the group is already practicing to sing. what they hope will be brazil, 6th victorian daughter. but as it been bushes to brazil have many chances of winning a 6th college. the, it's one of the world's best teams average. the players are excited, although they have the same coach as in the 2018 tournament. and the team was undefeated in the qualifying games, formerly not florida. ah alice falcon, yet he already bought his ticket from rio to guitar, will stop over in italy in egypt. i've been following brazil on to him for many years. learned you learned for noon, don't other states learn if you like. maybe your 1st 2000 all 6 in germany should 100004 g offshore in brazil and a g. russia. but not, many brazilians will be able to afford such an expensive trip, specially in a moment of economic crisis. that's why the movement is planning events. in brazil, the green yellow movement has 174 embassies to represent their fans all over the world. they're present in 14 countries, including could tar, and in all brazilian states. right now were standing at their headquarters in rio de janeiro formula watch the movements ambassador and real says his job is to pick a place in the city. they can decorate with banners and flags, and where fans can watch the games together. like a tire. he says, well, host, a unique party is into pack up other who is the jamar corporate. you're hearing the will chop in russia and even in brazil, the distance between stadiums was huge and cut out will be an hour away from each other, which for fans from all over the world will be quite some traded in one place. so i imagine there will be more fans than the local population because it will be an invasion with the green and yellow movement wants to track fans from other countries like pakistan, india, and bangladesh. they're making videos with their songs to be translated into many languages. all of them cherry for brazil, monica, and our give, i'll jazeera rio de janeiro ah, just picking up on that report from monica there, ellie mang. and what is it about the brazilian team that so attractive to international fans? well, i think it's a combination of a few things. this style of play, the boys had the unique, iconic, green and gold kits. they really stand out and just the history of brazil and its connection with the beautiful game. i mean, many people say england created the game, but brazil preferred to the in the style. they play with legends like pele ramayo or in show and so many others. i think it's just this combination of this legendary, beautifully aesthetic, please in a football that that makes them so so beloved. and of course the supporters that come with that they incorporate their culture the somber or the drums. everything that goes with it and on what you get is this really attractive centric way of wave living football on and off the pit. and that's why everyone loves the way it's there often many people's 2nd teen whether or not they're going to succeed. this time, i don't know, i heard earlier about how many people are quite optimistic about the chances of win that because they're qualified top of their group undefeated. i believe however, i should remind people that last time brazil one the walk up to 1000 to the actually came 5th, they just qualified, they slack into b or into the other 2 or up and then that's when they want it. so i often find that sometimes do best when they sneak into the tournament, not when they just glide in. there will be many of these matches taking place at brazil, nighttime really. so how much of an impact if any, will that have on how this will cover being followed over that? well, i think that has, actually, i've been a little bit like that, but brazilians or party any of the day or night all morning. so i don't think it's really going to affect them. i remember once again they won the woke up in south korea and japan. it was the early morning there, i think 5 or 6 am. and i remember the scenes of a couple come on a beach when i one, when i one that there. so i don't think it really my list resilience. i will party whenever, wherever. well, let's just take a look at brazil who are in group g, a long time, serbia who didn't progress out of the group say to the law. welcome in 2019, and cameron and switzerland who failed to qualify for the tournament in russia altogether. it's hard to see the not make it out of this group one that's bring you in now. * brazil of the top rank team in the world right now, then many people's favorites name off close in on police record of international goals and $77.00 international goals. how does he compare as a player to the legendary pele? you know, there was a great deal to a couple of a former brazilian players in the past and it wasn't referring me more, but it's kind of giving you an idea of how they're able to play. they would say, you know, when mary done would take off his boots, you'd see that his left was, was a bit more worn out than his right. with bell. it was both that were worn out just equally. he was very good, every dexterous from an n b s respect standpoint. he was able to play on both ends. he was able to be that player that can pull the strings and i think there's a lot of similarities to name or in that aspect. although name are plays over on the left and a little bit wider, a lot of times it, but it's also the b, i guess the, the impact that from a me aspect that ends up being what name are, ends up being set apart from everyone else. and ending up in a very rare air type of situation where you start to see those comparisons to billy when you start to see that he's the one that has the burden of over 220000000 people on his shoulders like he did back in 2014 and like he did back in 2018 as well. so every little thing is, is so microscopic and so over analyze when it comes to him. so i think there's that, that's where the similarities do end up coming through. but you have a player. busy is very intelligent when he's able to have the ball at his feet that understands where he needs to be and how he needs to play. but more importantly, he understands what he means to not just the national team, but a brazilian football right now. so a lot of pressure there on ne mas showed as well, because, you know, we'll just go from one south american power house to another, brazil, great rivals, argentina. all eyes will be a lino mfc to see if he can finally get his hands on the world. cub his teammates are in good form on an unbeaten run of 32 games during which they have claims that corporate america title, which was message 1st international trophy origin. tina is synonymous with the welcome. thanks largely to diego mara donna who want it in 1986. he died in 2020. so this will be the 1st edition without him on the page coaching or in the stands. that if a bo reports from one side of a plane to warner, argentina, football legend vehicle might hello, now a flying museum that's meant to carry me out. i don't have history around the world and also to cut out a for the world cup in the us. i was good to go. so this transcends everything and goes beyond what you can imagine and say, how far kind of fun go. well as far as the plane goes, it's beautiful. oh, the former well cup winner died of a heart attack in november, 2020. and these years well cup will be the 1st one without the men many origin tina c. s a national hero. buddy for many meadow and i will be watching the world cup from heaven. unit macy will be the one everyone in argentina will be looking at before winning pick up on mattie guy last year. your now miss with the, with the world cup and other tournaments, he was constantly being compared with the agreement. i don't know what the situation is completely different now in missy heading with the board of the country and he found, oh, at this football stadium, when a site is fancy time he's not moving fast enough. people are anxious to see messy at national team play. oh no, give us out unless it kills of a mon ag book. what we seeing now is that there's a team and we're going to make it far in the world cup. diego merit donna. i saw him live in the stadium, but missy is in my heart again, teenagers in the middle of economic crisis. exchange rate controls make it difficult for many in the country to travel. but the world cup will provide some distraction in times of economic hardship. people here need something to celebrate, and that's why they're hoping that messy and his teammates can delivering cats are met. it is a winner nowadays with the national team and mrs. happy being the captain off this nationality and mrs. surrounded by other worked footballers in the last war guy woke up and you know, was messy dependent now it's not like that man sees the start of it in i star that up 34 years of age may only have one more chance to shine at the world cup, that is i will, i'll just want to fight if hunting is group looks like this feature is 2 of the greatest plays in well football right now in nano, mfc and poland, robert live and mexico and saudi arabia complete group c. all right. one come to you because lino messy, he was pretty much every big trophy out there except the woke up. so how close will you get this time around? do you think it is this his last chance? is it his last chance? maybe i guess, i guess he, you have to say from that perspective because he's the one that kind of raised that speculation not, not whether i believe it or not. but when you start looking at this argentine aside, he is in addition to, he's a carry on top, he's that proverbial extra in terms of everything because the team functions so well with or without him and just as well with or without him. so that's the big question mark. how far can they go? well, they've already been rather close if you look back at 2014 and then getting to the final and, you know, just being moment away from going no penalty shoot out in. who knows what happened then in mario goods preventing that from happening. but they could get to a final and you know, what's the greatest thing about this joint is the fact that many in argentina like yeah i, we, we believe that we can win. but if we don't, that's okay, we're happy with what argentine has become because this team, this group of players has been able to re connect the national team with their fan base. and i think that's been more important and more of a compliment to what this team has been able to do then winning the work of obviously they're going to want to go in and compete to when it. but that connection once again has been restored because there was a bit of a disconnect in the previous 2 world cups. maybe even 3. if you start looking at what argentina were capable of kind of isolating themselves from, from the fan base, a lot of criticism with the media and by the media towards this team that's been more important in the long run. but if, in terms of them competing and contending, they're one of the favorites, you cannot say, they aren't based on how they're playing. ellie, i want to bring you in now because messy against levin dusky in this group balance . when i, again, the best fee for men's play, who's going to come out and talk to you think in the final group game when these $2.00 teams play each other, i think with messy it's something is something more carrion this time. he knows his almost certainly his last chance when this i think argentine that just got more experience in, at the world cup. and i think low and ascii with his issues that he's got currently trying to leave by munich. it's been, he's been public about his issues the i think he's all in, he's folks the margin tina, and i think he knows this has to be his time. any argentina have some of the most passionate fans in world football? what do you think they'll make his castle hosting the welcome? i don't think i have a great time wherever the teams go that have a great time. but as, as was mentioned earlier in the show, this tournament is going to be hosted in a way that makes going to game so accessible wherever you are you. this is going to be the only time we could possibly go to every school game in a day or 3 matches. because the study was so close by. so i didn't go, i have a great time they're going to take over, don't, don't worry about that. and i think it is going to, they're going to love it. it's gonna be hard. they're from a very hot country. and yeah, i think you're going to see the best of our tina, not just in argentina, but in doha will be able to to south american teams are qualified for catholic, 2020 to ecuador, and uruguay ecuador playing in the official opening match again before they faced what could be a potentially tricky opposition in the netherlands, and then center gulf here choir group. a report will gone up and south korea. and what do you think you, we should be expecting from uruguayan ecuador from the tournament when it comes to these 2 teams. very different situations equal are turning back to the cup to miss now on 2018 was your why make a lot more gillian? have for higher expectations. the one, the torment was made the semifinals for times for equal a good bit of an easy group on paper against other linds katasha and then a girl. however, with a team like a top people are expected much, but yet you can tell one, the agent called and the host and the host was about 12 man of the, of the country behind you being in the stadium with you. i think i got all. busy the argument got a better chance, can i have the group, but there is going to be something else to it. meanwhile, with you or go, i will there. and i think the most exciting group of all there, there with portugal and south korea now, south korea, a fantastic portugal, rinaldo enough said, but then they've got garner as well, and you've got to remember you're gonna and you have history of the 2010 woke up they met in the quarter finals where the game went to extra time, and in the a 120 minutes gone up, hit the ball over the line, a small g on, and it was stopped by luis, far as his hands was an obvious penalty. gonna miss that penalty. the game moved to probably to penalties should where you go. i prevailed, it is one of the most legendary moments in games in the history of the tournament and gone up. i can guarantee you there is a guy named who is forgotten about that match where they were and the harbor they went through. they're going to be out for vengeance. the last game it's your was last game of the groups. that's actually the last game of the entire group stage. i think if you add up again, me against when out on port school, a game against home and so on and south korea and then obviously the emotional gamut garner, i think it's echo who are going to go out of the group and not you're guar. that's my take a new one. the alley mentioned some of the tricky opponents. that both ecuador you go. i faith. how do you see them faring? do you think they will get out to the last 16. 98 percent there was a pole bade in ecuador 90 percent of the population next or prior to walk up. qualifying said equity going to the work up, are you kidding me? no. and now many or even their words that they really believe in this young site. yeah. oh, very interesting. a group of teams that could end up surprising when you're a white can get knocked out of the group stage just as easily as they can get up in the semi finals. so that ends up being a very, very interesting and wide scope of opportunities. ok, so expect surprises at this. well, cup is what you're saying. one rango and eli mangum. thank you. that's all from the shy re back next month switching continent to focus on the 5 african team that will be heading to kappa as we get ever closer to the main event itself, which starts november the 21st. and of course here al jazeera or keep you right up to date, every step of the way. ah, ah. salaam ali come? it's great to see. welcome to the cutter economic forum powered by bloomberg. some people say that they said the globalization going on, but i prefer to think of a re globalization or accomplish speakers from heads of state to business and policy leaders will discuss evolving technology, education, culture, sustainability, and the impact on the economy. ah ah well, so what do we do? have i only need 11000 rod, fellas i need 11000 votes. gimme a break. you a selection official se, then president donald trump pressured them to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. ah, i'm how much of jerome this is al jazeera alive from door ha. also coming up. the alters had weapons. the children had none. the others had body armor. the children had none. a top texas safety.

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