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A result in jordan has blown out from the u. S. State department roches invasion of ukraine on february 24th essentially sealed the very tense relationship between the us and russia. The secretary of state antony blanket made it plain to his counterpart. Sergey live rav, that the u. S. Wants to see russia back away from. Its all going a battles inside ukrainian territory, and that the u. S. Was prepared to hold russia accountable if it tried to expand its military mission and others. I also make clear to foreign minister leverage that in light of recent statements coming from the kremlin about their plans to proceed with the further annexation of ukrainian territory. Indeed, the Foreign Ministers onwards about replacing a democratically elected ukrainian government, as well as being part of their ongoing plans. Those plans would never be subject. The world will not recognize annexations. We will impose additional significant cost on russia if it moves forward with plants. Also continue to stand with ukraine. Antony blinkin is about to embark on a 2 week long trip that will take him to africa and south east asia. But he will expect to focus very closely, not just on the war in ukraine, but on the fate of americans who have been detained there wrongfully. In washingtons view, its a complicated situation. But the priority is to both try to in the war and to bring americans home. Meanwhile, ukraine and russia had accused each other attacking a prison in the separatist held don bass region, killing at least 40 prisoners of war. Most of them were from the as of battalion which defended the city of matthew polt before it fell to russia. Till she dooley. This is a deliberate war crime by the russians, a deliberate mass, murder of ukrainian prisoners of war, the dis, disney bid. Mom was an uncle, bob, these are the chances of greens. He every one who abuses ukrainians who tortures and kills, should know that there will be punishment for this if some of the russian killers hoped that they will not be brought to justice. That they will hide somewhere, let them know they will be held accountable. What is there any forces of shot dead, a 16 year old palestinian boy in the occupied west back. Im glad about aaliyah was killed in a village near ramallah. He was demonstrating against attacks by settlers in the area. Soldiers opened fire scuffles broke out between palestinian protested, unsettled. Hope frances has apologized again. This time to former manual students of canadas residential school. What he said was the evil committed against them. Many were forced from their families stripped of their culture and faced abuse at the hands of catholic priests. Argentinas farmers being accused of damaging the nations economy by withholding soybeans worth billions of us dollars to avoid high taxes. Farmers are refusing to sell their harvest because of high levies and export some currency controls which have saw due to the stronger us dollar argentinian taxes mean farmers and only around a quarter of what those in neighboring countries get for this soybeans. Democratic republic of congo will auction off licenses for oil and Gas Exploration in the worlds 2nd largest rain forest environmental. If say many of the 30 areas are home to endangered species. A government says exploration will be done in a way that protects the environment of benefiting the companys people. Brazils government has granted permission for a highway that cuts through the amazon rain forest to beat fully paved environmentally se ceiling. The road will allow illegal loggers to access remote rainforest areas more easily and indonesian tourism industry. Workers have demonstrated against plans to raise the price of tickets to enter Komodo National park. The price is currently around 13. 00, but from monday it jumped to 250. 00. The government says the move is to help reduce the Environmental Impact towards him on the pop bows, where the headlines, the news continues here now to 0 after witness stage, and thanks for watching. Ah ah, a rosie rosie goody. I may, he will not. I cannot arms and he may use you shall bullish wolf should have the jury to rob us cooling that you know, he has seen the bed. Mm hm. Golf. Sure. Been. Mm hm. Yes. I got a merger. I mean, joshua sure let him would. You know who you, she gave me p. Dont you shit you beyond them beyond joy. Ah, im with a musty female that he has more soon. But surely child on whom us with a phony each other was oak city of ashley eat over to really cod will just in his image her any more seen the batman have been going in as the school the no, maam my young on my own for 30 for me, for 31st thought about to go mo, my the read. You may have one. Yeah. My a hot on the i met him just that id was recording. Very new catch ya. Yeah. Maybe name all my id value body club like involve my ohio a weve always she with a shirt with or one of id. Yes. One more youre doing uniform. This is how do you come to linda coleman, that asshole motto that after the Holiday School missing the show that more kish i and some issue im limits her to lose his over to you in master bath tub. Hes gonna miss in a tiny tiny much i that will be ok. So you should a we by me just a boy not try him. Are somebody with i say my, your division i city. Damn his attic which he put on here. I was told that im about to savage, the knowledge of it. Dont bow a little scientists, you know, on, if anybody whole have li, his the, i still wants as much as my, as this was joe. It was, i, me will do my life. I was like, i say we just buy one man boy, terrible as though he gave me the car doctor. Im been leaving the other minute hassan ross at my game clockwise to clear about or thats plan you better shall hum. Why did super all by hey michael on his eyes on to love. I am a bother you that im it. I salam young allah, very natalia for bill. Push it. It was the about living in bud mirror. It was out by the, by the man to see me say, Michelle Hamlin glover schwartz. You bought him at slant to barone his that was not in the cortisol part of the was kind of a bush while that is sort of bizarre, yoga a mos in whom the holiday trial to play, hooded puzzled. Cat. Who lusty . Maria. A vending bar kish, mosca. Them a 1000000 casio could be done. Awesome. They become my early screening on it in obviously with baby me. Why dont suit and when i oh my yeah. Shell my dialogue with ah, the learning denija machine of us at the shower, to novice no. Me hold on document hub within one only does this bullet and to sewer to my mouth. Hold you time when i was with them did. Im can my some more. Youre in pill crushed by says by the mr. Or them to go to hobbit harris. I agree, renette, but man, i guys mentioned you have to call them while youre, but which is she wasnt going in. My not didnt do mission them. Huh. Hm. Lake one, anybody. And yet im good time to time when a shakedown while im a was i am yes, i will shoot back out or, or get a more cynical or my whole we did. So were enough. As all room im using museum is more than one doing going to shake was enough as all room just you know, but that the show mean dos regard. Im with doughty, mahogany korea. Ah, royal media pages make it to a jewish and to show the just an image. Randy now caliber pays are carnegie tonight in norwood as your out but it to rule your of a hobbies your meter. What is our casual badge guy with her . Grandma will go further, you package it out at all because i dont want to do it again, but it is okay. Sure. No, i mean, it was, oh yeah, we dont, joe, no cinema, youll darkish have mash. Who should have that as well as the economy ship on my young . Here we go. Moss and pish. Not the kid. She me bos, lusaka the ship course. Ashy booth for that. Oh you my young. Im very have many more that poodle sunday. As both of ashby, the new metric are yall or dog or dog horse you know where the, where the, where, the, where there be a lot and i know im, im here for about get you on before world portal invited my yeah. Oh yeah. Oh very with michelle. Yeah. She knows me better so said dont funny. She caught all heading up at amazon that oh, there was issues too bad that he thought. Oh, put that in as the she had they had that im just my dad, hes his m o n e z. Scott asked me about a men. Hm. Camera issue better. A female that he left a with a body shop. Hard auto auto was, its been about 30 me, but in georgia. If it was not well, you dont go to john sharp. I saw the vicious just sites you know, and around was the child blanket i was on. This is what garza barbara. You don udall york. My, ill be diluted wilks. I live in a month. Youre the dodge. I own you. Some employees recall on one that you should have that sean kathy or know they are younger. Not young. No. George, he owns eric. I was the, was us off the showed bobby or novel that to me on my johan, i believe bob, you could do it on to me on call in a with bush with woodall a little bizarre, a bit of a garden a with your son high and match and on do the battle you dont you put in put all tomorrow your final one battery chicago would in sunbeam and im issues of us. Push authentic no about probably that your back to sure. Did you need to battery 20 to miss . Could you not us knows enough about oh, most men she gets said he is up to. So he did with them kid status shuster the cassie 90 day. A love. Yeah, i dont with fear gangadeen that me as a valid zach mia . A one. I mean the little honey, i mean we can get a newer ship order or whatever, you know, you bought them, you know, robado pro job. Yeah. Well yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. The hondas with a was because you would have bought both noon. Mm ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, i with a female body. How many jones . Or did you azure volley, jedi master some battery, my own would wash berry a mailing board, nearly beaten as the 1st fool is some jet. Ah i know to be speaking with him in got you there . Oh ah ah ah i can be a one. 0 my every minute. Every now. Oh. Pushing. Maria . Maria maria and my up i sure. My you know, she was sure you put on the machine. I and i had on my shoe. Ready or even i met maria. Yes. More. Those are good enough. I always you regarding ah am mm it was a little more bob. Hi, im all with rich hard down the 3 my calling i found lasha. Is it just when he missed the article that on at how to rule has been about said i loaded barbara. I mean, be too much how, what even after hi haley john, if i did any, i think bob ha, maybe need to as well. I dont harm. And kelly more to for which are they bought . What did you get to ball the others to revise these . I show them last the quotation, bob home about appear to have anybody any more you to be ready to use the time be know you came over yet i have yet, and i wish i be angel. Im you only voiding that. I mean, it was a veteran on chicago and jonathan, well, you all to sort of, she called me going to go. Yeah. And i will roger. And then after this, yahoo with my yeah. She can be great. My. What do we know . What do we do . The facility who been going i sure, sure. Well yeah. I wish there was a lot of auto auto or will you my yeah, no. You just get a job short term because i dont want to check my my up my ass. I should be a little better but a yard making them understand you. Yeah, i wonder about our course. Im sure the as it should denisha my yoshika. Tell them your biggest shows or is that a corner mother in law says she me chair, backing me golf. Todd, bish shikari of the did he so with yes. How can any more you that have yet nebo mm and my name is trinity heavy at the tele devin beandee is sada salvage to mass to member your hot whos a bad boss in a little bit of a rush bag. But it was my yeah, my years i wonders been was born so about corner go before the been did washing other and i am about us ms. Lee h roja. She quit or k k, sharon, about a month or a scaredy, a member shows a and is a bash food. About this for you as all of i was king was my get if t m i by yasmina chia barley generated which teacher really as a one it was my know i years ive one dash mom requests. He says join us who version or alarm man. Im never just some cheaper joshua around one percent. A phallic tricity globally is consumed by data centers, many of which provide promote Storage Facilities or what is also known as the cloud. Im in no way to see how one center is harnessing the energy of these fuel woods to stole our Digital Information without a heavy cap in foot traits. Im brussel beard off the north coast of the u. K, where the Global Green Energy revolution is taking on a new element. Thrice owner jazeera out, his ear is Investigative Unit goes undercover in the caribbean. We dont use the word bribe. Well just use a token of appreciation, exposing trade of diplomatic passports today. Its 250. 00 unless youre hot, then the price will go to walk over a 1000000. 00 involving from other regions, highest officials. My person is working differently. Office hours era investigations, diplomats for sale. The latest news as it breaks the country. Woodward on monday, one a controversial constitutional rep random, which is widely expected to both present sites or tort, detailed coverage. The cost of fertilizer has more than doubled the season. Thats largely due to the warren you create from around the world. All of these cows are infected with foot and mouth disease, say a dairy cattle, but then theyll production has dropped by more than 70 percent. No, im carry johnson, doha. The top stories on the al jazeera u. S. Secretary states has urged his russian counterpart to let grain shipment safety leave ukrainian ports under deal signed last week. Theres a 1st time Anthony Lincoln and soviet nonprofit spoken since the russian invasion we set along that if we thought there was any opportunity to advance diplomacy to and russias aggression against ukraine, we would of course, take it unfortunately, tragically, weve seen no opening, willingness on the part of russia to engage meaningfully on ending the aggression at the same time, ive also said that if there are issues where it could make a difference in senior russians hearing directly from me or from colleagues, we would of course pursue that. Meanwhile, ukraine and russia have accused each other of attacking a prison in the separatist, held the dumbass region, killing at least 40 prisoners of war. Most of them were from the, as of the town in which defended the city of marco before it fell to russia. Table sweet to me. This is a deliberate war crime by the russian. A deliberate mass, murder of ukrainian prisoners of war by shapers are going to be everyone who abuses ukrainian to tortures and kills should know that there will be punishment for this. If some of the russian killers hope that they will not be brought to justice, they will hide somewhere and let them know they will be held accountable for. Israeli forces have shot dead. The 16 year old palestinian boy and occupied westbank. And john aaliyah was demonstrating against attacks by settlers in an area. Now remo soldiers open fire as scuffles broke out between palestinians, the testers and settling former us President Donald Trump has defended hosting a saudi back to golf tournament. Has one of his courses made a backlash from families of non 11 victims. The controversial live series event is being held less than 75 kilometers, where the World Trade Center one stood number of People Killed in floods in the u. S. State of kentucky has written to 25 National Guard and state police have been using helicopters and boats to rescue dozens of people from homes. And theres all the headlines. The news continues here and ill just, theyre off the witness to stay with us here. Ah yeah. Why not . Yeah, yeah yeah. Well yeah yeah. Were all your hold on for a very by the gym is on a lot of im on the current will be all that others outside the building. I emailed. Ringback cindy moore, that both of ash to what it all and i thought i yes, a a check that back you to have to hear when any mesh t dish will mckee. Oh yeah. So his name is a tulip at nasdaq, give me a saw who both of ash pito should have called the dorcas. She thomas has fishing modular cheese quasi apparel, and then loosen roast them. Uber dog guy is like sure you should have wood chiro, semi tulip after that i think of when i scored any mess within a bowling lash in a tone latin bad hoshevely them can moisten roast the me. Katie from a performance has an asi ipad and they hook me so they and i can use i mitchell hoses. Amazon rojas, sheesh my Bad Charitable rash either my son actually with m. S. How do you do what im about to get . See, my come with her that it was a super meat from woodrow went to the cabal. Asked out of union for lou coma in georgia. Leah, margaret . Yes. Butch ashley about will you join to me about my dad or did you talk to dad me about the action mash had involved action was to have been part about it should be shot at the bob baffled and shit. Date up on your, on how should ask imo my swanny, both ashes in latin mac portal senior bono by doubt. You would, you know, i see it on data in on the hub or so as money will. He does east i started tactical, to call me, should it by taught ocean, should any other comment about i dont, both action mash had attachment, close, recall, mazda roadside, mazda mazda, kibble, garage, ro, salbal day, a bo version, as is a pedagogy, im totally was, which was chancellor, who do don as the way shes sudden she had r m 2 in bull, a rush to get in general knob with amber does and a lot more my to me, joe joan at mcclendon when i was should keep it on a month for just a little sammy, yet massively fuzzy image as a virus on all mat, sasha, dom or the kid. Yet head of bab in jaw crashed issued and rabbit philip, who stole her full fish with a o. Jacobo hardly yet. When a man drag g chest eve daughter ali, here, monkey ye, no, boucher bob lads in job they should they year do now. I got a year to let you. But when you get this all that book on again, maniachi. I love the jam monsanto. Sure. My god, im, you know, im year to natural back, american not valid about that yet. So i have enough trouble almost all over this in the gulf when you buy more salvage. Im and as about from the go when it is stand out that have been had that and it has the yet wish hard on go. The son of was over all of this other pan john. Mm hm. What about . He grabbed as the scuffle yourself and jackie do midstream. When i saw that notion, i saw the pendulum. Mm hm. When i bought it online, gatto, your niece in had that he has cable to actually a citizen issue which has of machine da never to love love that he learned. I learned a lot about what i got a bullet navigate him, hold on what you found on board with home on that was the number i got a kid that i will not one of our advisor was do i do work on it . A blog about my benefits, it, it out, it was a minute. Me to not to to how do you, are you able maybe that would have you had me there to welcome back from you. The is my valet. Me just, i just know so dont im ok with that one. Yes maam, down more list. It was a might look like job with oh, cheer. Sure. Clarity. Which oh gosh. No job. Duty tea. Listen easy. Advisor. Really nice. Yeah. Needs. Did any go do the year . Let me are you sure . I love. All. He oclock by a lou snuggle the door. Boiling missiles it on me as you did and you cannot do. I wish you had me them. But we love, its me again. What was in the corner, this is already here, 0 also me may while of all of a i was i called about a bank with bank. I was getting a it. Oh, ash bowel. When im on the phone with his young army at immune job body available are tied in with the afro this nationalist and gun with my boyish loose, with our to withers. Im you old irish mom to get my yes and blue shield just oh. Gov. Under the put them was great to go. Yeah. The what his guys was, im no im bobs with each of those of this just that he would of so there is still detox. He did me study you know my one of the galaxy. Oh for the thing shannon lucid, the Little Cottage to both bash is tablets at his zeal. He does and convoy. If on would you found on that . Jump on the bill. You thought like birth theory because im, im your bad the good that you guys, im very big a month about some good. She mcclain for valley along by way when i township was through the marty. Im to room for shot over the fella. Bring him or yoga in the you are fires on going on as on the you hold on will michigan one or the one to hop yard . Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, tatty, please, youre barrys. I was out. Im beside the door to not be able and should asked or teddy. He told me to back get on chat job well you have, oh gosh, i each have somebody or installed. Oh, how do you should that to go down with my i am active or dish enough novice. When i opened the anger betsy, could truly would that as more motion causes or the kid that was bad as like to get over the issue and, and i sat there though, somebody to listen about cash behind me database in baby car, this market over their spam or yard or not, cause it one by 2 over thank you back, i would numbers. Okay. It was a claim on fact, it was a child that goes in and dazzled me. Had that been tango sion, im teasing. Ah, well, dont pretend to begin to foreign any. Gotta go back to what me showed me yesterday. But cam cam kip also showed tar daughter mediator. Mature she pod image on the obama hailey lodge booth. Mazama is who sent me shows. Huh. Yeah. Wish i accumulate point awesome. Usually it adds even more glasses of you, madam kept my mom and me square me. Can what partial bama fairly latch put failure. I hadnt eyes was also there would be either such also was ha ha mclaughlin. The names of marsha i began with the jacket oh sure. Well maybe ill get a chance to share this before have you had. Ready before katie, more i dont want to bother you again on jill after so i deem under the hood, kim was a true story. Contributors just officials. This is officially just done about that in my, at the table, not to value whole. They were not in harm. Your data, the ocean with tonisha law, much the hud vash out jennifer, so berkeley bastard, welcome. Russia. I shouldve been wondering. Is that the role that that is used to fish venture, alicia bush, roughly rifleman as a desk. A, you know, the one with a, with a landline with with lowball in early do those holiday was a call. I was a credit it doesnt always youre going to get feel you did. When does how one child what is going on. I want to invite you to get to range of it, but i didnt. Its been a rough road to cover the was what hes with a brochure. As long as his 1st thank is chalicia worked with to make it short. Shes. Shes a mini, well, much more than she was in a new plan. I have a member member shortly. Sh down get down with my with them get blocked out on the rationing hard work that you just that is our mandy. Is obama a sebastian master . The big key system is down position. I use them to blow bastards on monday, if not a problem with with showing. And then hed ask the american barbara, she each valve which has mesh it charity to. So the pain in my, my dad has a unique song as he needs and he tells me when to barrow bash with cast mccoys, seal the bowman, bashful best. Well, come on, mean for sure. I knew that honda bad se manageable for them. Ball the bashful to what it boss and mm ah ah, we should make sure im sure im not sure. As i said im anyways im on im signing. So when maybe mostly due to your mac as a heavy battery, nobody should watch those. Can those always question for you . Why yall nash chevy . Who she the fishing . Sure. There was a choice neck with i was yes, you know i samsung never sent you the school child by church over a summer. Larissa, i shall as them with so neither with them to richard. Oh. But i will m gonna include when i will . Oh no. I mean, im kind of after my to notice from or i move between you will send on im kind of a huge ah, was of data motion. Im gonna mom in more sense. Theres no going to show you was on, on pushing them home is obviously not wide parishioner with you all hadnt personally discussed or cinema. You know that of herself in my to forward to chill stood in my media mood left the ball rush. Well pad. Randy madigan barbara knows that all the ballots. Here was the me as youve been neil that any here. Place. Hello asha. The been as i am here the draw it on my thinking about a d, then ish. Easy to confess. A barbara made after them. Ology black as its a jody that im tagish bodied anymore sin that canada celebrated. She i each barrel year is to toil to the actual eddie who down with a dish with a kid chip that i missed his last. Ah cheesy guys, i love men of been loyal jest can show you that reality into told me to miss vo with ish pia babel shes the boot chip. She the vast is had a were should in his says alley this secret to this. So better yet with the to potato lumps ish. Hes leech is in the game over the vs. Bull barzyk would then be chin. Hey rodney moves, chin. Pour opa love that she in a post colonial wo. This cause of european imperialism run deep nowhere more so than in the democratic republic of congo, where her history still shapes the president of visceral, yet infamous insight. Through the eyes of a whistle blower and a patriotic military commander. Witness presents this is congo on a jazzy though. Ah, al jazeera with no drank assessments, how much support is there . If its street protests that weve seen in Hotels Across the rest of the country, the street has been, has been very good. Thats happening into the coal confound that, people across the country, informed opinions we will say more visa venue. What is happening is that Climate Change it making them work in depth analysis of the days global headlines draw. He is credited by some way where they were storing italys credibility this critics would say he couldnt play the part of a politician. What do you think went wrong inside story on al jazeera with rightly extraordinary, out of character, out of season wet weather has almost finished for most, but hasnt entirely gone away. In iran, there are still unusually heavy showers for july. Most places are dry in july or this part of the world. Of course, if you get a shower in queue, wait, thatll be unprecedented. The average rain falling q 8 in july is 0. There are a few showers, so possible in the heart of saudi arabia. Thats not quite when usually every now again, that does happen on sunday. You think looks fine, but the shelves are already developing. And again, iran is the focus, but not entirely capturing the lot of rain because just on the inside the saturday, possibly catching bowery heavy shell develop once more at this time of year everywhere. Normal salon should be effectively hot, dusty and dry. We dont see showers, this is an unusual situation which continues into monday. Now. Iraq didnt really joined in except maybe the far southeast. Its still hot, dry and us to hear you on shore breezes keeping things a little bit. Us was not hot for alexandria and 11 time coast was about 30 in jerusalem. Thats jump away and see just an enhancement in what is seasonal rain but still causing for the light to repeat the flooding in sudan and sat sedan and even ethiopia, ah, new voice is heating up the airway. Lot of can you listen . Actually, we cant really hear what i really think in your own country shifting palate, a case, the rise of citizen journalism has changed everything. How do you happen . It happened on social media and the undeniable impact of the mainstream narrative. Thats fairly input to the poll with those images front of mine is a war that it very much came forth out in the media as well on the battlefield. Theyre listening pe. Dissect the media on algebra ah, o. Protest has gather outside baghdad heavily 45 greens out there, the iraq, he parliament ah

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