A major import nearby at handles almost all of iceland air traffic. Ah, well this is al jazeera and these are the top stories. Iraqs influential sheeley to Mac Tada Al Sada is demanding an early election and has said dialogue with the government has proven to be futile. In a televised address, he urged his supporters to continue with their setting of the Parliament Building until their demands, amid sellers block one, the most seats and last years parliamentary election. But theres been a political deadlock ever since. October bashar, a macbook on hockey, mo, most of the people are tired of the ruling class, the whole of it, including some of those who belong to our block. Therefore, take advantage of my presence to and corruption, god willing, there will be no place for the old guard regardless of their affiliations. This will happen 1st through a peaceful, revolutionary democratic process. Second, an early democratic election should take place after dissolving the current parliament. You, as President Joe Biden has signed a new executive order aimed at making it easier for women to travel between states to get an abortion. In june, the Supreme Court overturned a landmark ruling, the guaranteed a womans right to the procedure. And china has begun military exercises around tie one just hours after u. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ended her controversial visit to the island. Beijing had warned the us of serious consequences if the trip went ahead. A Russian Foreign minister, sir guy lever off has paid an official visit to me in my head of his trip to cambodia to join a meeting of South East Asian foreign ministers. Moscow as a supporter of me in mass military government lever off held talks with a gentle leaders to discuss security and economic issues. The 1st grind cargo ship to leave you cried since the russian invasion has sailed through turkeys boss for a straight on its way to lebanon. Earlier, a team of inspectors boarded the ship tickets, cargo and documents. The ship is being monitored by a joint Coordination Center and is stand bowl that was set up under a deal sign last month by russia and ukraine. The ship left the ukrainian port of odessa on monday. Those are the headlines. The news continues here on al jazeera, after witness going back to pakistan. Mm me each and every one of us have got a responsibility to change our facing the space for the better a. We could do this experiment and if biodiversity could increase just a little bit, that wouldnt be worth doing. Anybody had any idea that it would become a magnet, who is incredibly rare. Species are asking for women to get 50 percent representation in the constituent assembly here. And jenny, these people pick up the collect, the segregated saying that re saying this extremely Important Service that they provide the city. Why dont we, we need to take america to trying to bring people together trying to deal with people who left behind ah, through the middle, i dont know when to sleep in a week to life in a moment. Come, which comes about to read in history with buying a. 2 2 2 2 mirror with. Ready mm hm. Yeah, they are, maam, maam. You know what it back or a but ah bad that out. They are debbie gay, gay local monday. I know that it ended up with me and my dad go ha jayden. I did go now. But anyway, the madonica leah will make sure that i did what i had done now. Oh so ah, to me i mean i had a high vash. Mine, you guys were going to be audited. Thatd be normal though. Ah ah a mortgage chapel but i did because i had moody up and ive had an odd up on me. Daphne hat, who are you guys . I am what dell are you guys ended up dad . I broke out. They had my belt while cut back way. How might i will number one divided india mat by total by let me go by galka. Can we go get it again because i found out all day, man i got and i have who still has a homework on my favorite period. Is it so by the way, so good day by far i know where did it go then . Once again, blah, blah. Why did i say it payable . Jose, can i ask guys . Yeah, bottom on me, give me a good a middle income with a mentor money a month, but i would love to walk out. I mean yeah, my my way need a day that i will myself no hold on to a new sub gatewood guy. Whats the name . A barbara, and ill, ill be there today mike todd, there todd and mad really mad or if i live in a with a maybe but i do. Yeah. Ha ha, but i tell ive been, i can vacate that. I mm with god. God, god god, that with their catalogue with my dad, i submitted a 100 on that one is how to come out with a, you know, i have a a hey, i just want you to get away. You know, the guy got the whatever, whatever that a, what are you familiar with . How do you deliver moderate people . Do you want to give them what i do . I oh oh oh the in one minute bother me. Time or so much as might have been without a man made me go there. Monday was shallow my let him ah ah ah ha nathan i had a little more just say i did that and when they had they, when ah, but i found out that we are a watermark around them and i would like to know who to know what could i know this week that i could get it on a i got a letter in my hub, bad top by rod. Huh. Its a bicycle. My wi decide. Oh god, get by the thought of bella, hamas, it keegan. These companies, a model of a good bit of a work ticket thats even made. Somebody said id stop by now. Oh, i thought id tell by you on a lot. I dont really again, i dont give them a day or a quarter again until id f yeah. I do, and i did a come here a a with a how might have been a while murdered . There wouldnt be a while. Did that go there . My look like that with out gail, are those are not there. I dont go either that i did the war, the one who id this co home tour of gay, gay low over goes by really what up while they tend to get all my below as a yeah. Just there. What . Yeah. I thought id written it odd when it gets here. Were there. Yeah, that has a ah no. Wow. There we go. Yeah. I went to what what god bought a lot, but the will own will. I would pick out those name where to go and i yeah. I got a job. I got got a a a a a a ah, with with i know its got a yeah, thats a little i a, i cant believe a doll bye young vessel. Always void of avoided for that. Made it a one time charge deal would have been i dont. Well, your schedule will stay now. School will to ask. Im quite a how school my guy up in the middle of with me like the melinda lou will talk for you. I got that a good a. Uh huh. You are right. Johan, i think i may, i was gonna let us know. I ordered one of them the yard when you were going to be going to get. Ah yeah. I mean yeah, a studio but. Yeah, a, [000 00 00;00] a a li birthday for my job. Dont know because my bad and a bad where nash also mark about that but all yeah, a traditional use. What john image is supportive again that has developed a believe be ok. It didnt make it a lot of nick with a with a name. No, dont know how to then no one of those would go out. I know her now for not the item. You go with her. Yeah. Go ahead. Im into go going. Im going to say no man school may go the more than a lie, but john, every lawyer what it pushes the old size him, it may s. Im also skia gay in those done a lot, gallagher, him block us down to go get us a not out there with with a i say you have a bother i am recording. I talk today. I was a guy, a guy thats a, a live up. Ive got that. Yeah, of overnight that you like a little hard. Mean . Im sorry i didnt get caught, did i . I really did a paid account that i got to watch. Like would it be like oh got yeah, holla yeah. Yeah, yeah. My guys id a bad to now lena with the a note in order that i can go over ah with a guy but but, but able to box a really good at them. Put on a quote. But with that, what ive done a b in the tv, the big mtv guy was a big fan news. Boy dodge gets upset buddy. Part of the family by feel gamble, but i do keep me getting money again or be awesome. The money made him last time job chemist on my mind. Got all those done. Got job muslim. Been up but what i will go to have them go ahead. I had him on our own had reminded me. Ready ready ah, digital recording part ational they made, i swear by then all the money up on your mind us up and i know i know they said that i knew it was in there now. Oh no, no, no, no one who is that a whole year bug on downtown frank assessment, the heat waves were seeing now . Are they a product of Global Warming . We will say more of these events. What is happening is that Climate Change it making them work in depth analysis of the days headlines inside story on al jazeera august on out is era. A year after the taliban took over a special coverage of the Current Situation in afghanistan. The listening post examines and dissects the wealth media, how they operate, the stories they cover. 5 years on since me on mars, mostly minority, were forced from the country. We look at the play of the rocking. Ill just say were well showcase is the best documentary from across the network, including a new 3 part series, the sixtys in the arab world. As protest continue following the swearing in the new president could sri lanka, economic and political crisis, lead to humanitarian 1 august, which is the era im russell beard in southern england, where 2 farmers turn safari park pioneers, a bits. The tract is put nature in the driving seat. I was just absolutely astonishing the life report back even that very 1st summer. And im again, sophia santiago, chile when one Pioneering Company is revolutionizing with them using fund, an artificial intelligence. Hearing site. You have science, you have

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