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Facilities in the peninsula have increased in the last week. The current president has held talks with his turkish counterpart and the un 60 general innovative the was impacts on global fee prices and risks to europes Largest Nuclear power plants were high on. The agenda has been, shall, multiple times. And they are phase of a possible nuclear disaster. So theres a moment here to see jim. It is unacceptable. The russia is intentionally bringing us on the verge of radiation catastrophe on a global scale. Weve agreed with mrs. Secretary general with parameters for the possible visit, often a mission whos ever reach a Nuclear Power plant in the legal way that involves their movement through territory, which is free of the occupying forces. The u. S, as israel will provide more details about why it shut down 7 palestinian engineers in the occupied westbank on thursday earlier. Israel said some of the groups have funneled donna aid to sting and faces the organizations deny this has been a 100 days since Israeli Forces shot and killed al jazeera journalist, sharina walkley, and janine visual was held at al jazeera. Our big headquarters in doha network has been coding for those who killed had to be brought to justice media companies, the u. S. A going to court to get more information about the f. B i such of Donald Trumps home f b i. Agents found 11 sets of classified documents while searching the former president s home last week. The Justice Department says if the affidavit is made public, it will compromise the investigation. A Violent Storm has hit the French Island of corsica, killing 3 people. Hurricane force winds up reaching trees. Net tens of thousands without power. A 13 Year Old Girl was among those killed off. She was hit by falling tree. China has warned that a severe drought in the south could last well into september. Local governments of scrambling to irrigate crops ahead of the autumn harvest, the rushing of electricitys making water pumping difficult. Okay, the news continues here now does era off to war . Oh, tell stay with us on gandhi recalls, rivers drawing up and cropped porch to cook drought was your its called the living crisis. Walter, delaying the Global Recovery of Youth Employment plus kind of the tale bomb fix of gas. Does that come on the crisis a year off the way to power because we but costs on al jazeera. Ready ready ah, the Commodore Hotel was safe and then you went out into a very grave civil war, a dog. Theres a mock b with. If a comment hadnt been there, the israel invasion would not have been so well. I it was a great use and overall, was this godfather of the journalist is of no sound. The next room i was in was underground in a tiny, filthy, dirty prison cell, basically as a hostage. Ah to ah, she welcome to 19 sixtys bay route for several decades. This cosmopolitan city attracted International Jets centers who could get from the ski slopes to the beach in no time. The Hotel District was at the hall to bit to luxury tourism economy. And in its heyday, hotels like the st. George. The furniture on the holiday inn were full of wealthy tourists, business men, journalists, diplomats, and the occasional spy. Travelers on a tight budget stayed at hotels like the commodore. And in the mid 19 seventys, it became host to the worlds media when the lebanese civil war erupted. In 1970, a young arab millionaire, yusef nozzle took the Commodore Hotel on a 20 year lease from the kuwaiti. Royal family nozzle was a leading investor in the Hotel Industry in the region. Im responsible for attracting thousands of tourists to lebanon. Mohammed she borrow, worked with ms. Allen, ticketing, and still runs a travel agency near the commodore with the same name. By that, by le fade joseph missouri refundable, commodore la, more to those aven developed can at my take alysia, a ma thought of a saint. Joseph missouri lay stature, a thunder cml, Capital Funding atlantic by decker were open. Now, if at the telephone, either for, for athens, but the luxury bay rou, lifestyle, obscure the gap between rich and poor, that was white and all the time. The International Press used a route as a barometer of what was happening in the middle east. And one of the foreign correspondents who predicted the violence in lebanon was i t, v. s, jonathan demme, bobby, i 1st went to lebanon in 1972, as a young reporter. And i wanted to see whether something was happening that or not i stayed in what was then relatively modest hotel called the Commodore Hotel. The overall impression was some, some, some a society which was held together by a rather loose series of ropes. I didnt take much for that to chatham. Ah, the 13th of april, 1975, mount to the official start of the civil war. It was a proxy conflict full during the cold war. On one side, Lebanese Christian right wing parties backed by the u. S. Wanted to end the armed palestinian presence in lebanon on the other one muslim left wing parties allied with the palo and backed by the soviet union. They sold the right wing christians, a simply an extension of israeli and american influence in the country. When the war broke out, an army of foreign journalists headed to bay route, including the former bbc, middle east correspondent, tim lewellen. All of whom wanted a safe place to stay. In november 1975, i was taking what turned out to be one of the last m. E. A flights into bay route from london, which was virtually empty except for a few journalists and use of nas owl, who i didnt know. But of course, wisdom, it was to turn out that he was the manager of the commodore her toe. So he drew me, he took out a piece of paper and a pen. And he drew from me various sections of beirut who controlled what were you could go safely. I said the use of what we needed was a bass. The next time i went to be rude. Uses had created this fantastic hotel in the space of a few weeks. The commodore had become that journalistic centre. Ah, 1975 and 76, with the fiercest, 2 years of the civil war. With sectarian killings, massive destruction, and the division of bay route into the christian east. And muslim west the former times correspondent robert fisk decided to base himself permanently in beirut in 1976. So when i came to barrett, i already knew the city, but i knew it before. When i went downtown here, i could not believe they the extraordinary destruction. I mean it takes it, you can destroy a city very quickly. Its an awful long time to rebuild it. Mm i occasionally went to the commodore with a piece draft just to have lunch, sometimes of me, other journalists, but i didnt stay there. I didnt like it very much when i, i thought it was another city hotel with extraordinary high prices. The Commodore Hotel was safe and so you could be there. And it was quite bizarre, really. You could be in a civil safe enclave. And then you went out into a very grave civil war. Ah, under ye sickness, owls management, the bay root commodore became a Global Center for news and information or use it as i was a young man. And he seemed to have an extraordinary, uncanny ability to know what journalists wanted. And he realised quickly and brilliantly that the journalists would need, 1st of all, above all, good communications, what the commodore had and what nowhere else had was communications. And you know, if a journalist has a story and he cant send it, he might as well go home. And you had 3 working to alex machines and they could get to court alumni uses bizarre, started by using lines and telex machines from his private business in bay routes, london, a man and cyprus. But as reported the mans groove, he had to get hold of extra line at any cost of the solid, kenneth, by the only villa villa saint, joseph missouri. Lamar of the salon, lamar and moderate. Ill buried all a minute or 2 bobby area bad. Myself was a russellville, matilda, his alec and a half again. You of all the fuss had they a moderate alone law . Sharika by it. As the rule spread the militias to control of different neighborhoods. The challenge for the commodore was to keep the hotel safe for its media guests. I was there on one occasion when we were down in the bah. And suddenly there was a fantastic noise of gunfire. From inside the hotel, everyone ducked down. Im gonna get your everyone was on the floor, and the burr like that stopped silence. The only sound was of the parrot, which had a peculiar position on the edge of the bar. And the parrot. I talked quite freely while everyone else was sandwich made you half in when youre in. When youre frightened, if you wanted to laugh anyway, this funny squawking parrot was going on talking the african pirates name was cocoa and his party tricks became legendary. This pirate used to do various things. It could do the opening notes of beethovens 5th symphony and various other things. But its, or its p s, the resistance was to imitate an incoming show. Ah, on the 6th of june, 1982, israel invaded lebanon. Israel claimed they wanted to take out the payload Rocket Launcher position, but there was more than that to the israeli action. These railey siege of bay root was one of the bloodiest episodes of the whole, sorry conflict. The destruction was enormous, and 20000 lebanese and palestinians were killed and nearly 50000 doing did. Amid the may him, the Commodore Hotel became the de facto ministry of information. Lebanese photo journalist ramsey, hyder was that the commodore during the israeli invasion Going Forward on the lead to man. But. Busy but the next thing about on the pseudo but smart getting this vision as well as a city iowa, but more about the seller. Lemme get there. But we should even have india early days of the israeli invasion of lebanon uselessness. Our stop power, large amounts of fuel, food and cash. Millions of dollars, he said enough for the Hotel Residence and stuff for the month to come. Know so also lent journalists money. Can sofie visual around me . I live in a casual maya. Oh, what are you from the muscle for shuffling you thought it said just isnt it humble pill . My thought is one. We are feel in cash money. No, no. I have full of clothes better than life. The commodore base journalists joining the invasion with tough west bay root was under siege with constant israeli air raids and reportedly indiscriminate. Shelly, but they told the real story i think the barret cj, as i said, was a big eye opener for many correspondence to only eaten the israeli story. But until then. And they were able, at 1st hand, when they went out to see the suffering of lebanese and palestinians. And they really went off to a story very, very hot, a hard and harshly and well, i think at that stage though, if a commodore hadnt been there, the israeli invasion would not have been so well reported. And you can thank the commodore and away for this and the people in it under use of net. So i think the are these readies had at that stage in the early eightys, the worst press theyve ever had before or since the 70 day is really c, jervey root was lifted on the 21st of august, 1982 and the p. A lo pulled out of lebanon. There were immediate president ial elections, and the leader of the right wing christian felon jests, but shared yamil, who had supported the israeli incursion, became the president elect of lebanese budge a mile never took office. He was assassinated 23 days later for the following 3 days, the 16th 17th an 18th of september, 1982 christian malicious supported by israel, took part in a massacre that the Palestinian Refugee camps of sabra and shatila when news of the massacre reached the Commodore Hotel on the 18th, dozens of local and foreign journalists had it straight to the southern bay route suburb. Robert fisk was one of the 1st to enter the palestinian camp. Ive never before had to walk and carpets of dead bodies in my life. And the smell was appalling, and we went on the saturday morning when the tides financial was still there. Murderous. Were still, were still in the camp but 2nd amount of money publish them. Come on, dont. Busy will do stuff, i can remember who out if you had them, is that what that one i kind of put us on the line and someone should be mad and we will not get the job on the feed again. You said the machine, how about the the sabra, and should till the massacres. So over 2000 palestinian and lebanese civilians killed. I study writing and writing writing. Unfortunately the times didnt come out on sunday, so i had to wait for the next days paper. But i got all the story, i got it. All news of the 18th of september massacres shocked the world and the International Coverage and good the israelis, im sorry that those organizations the same day they arrested usa from the zone and took into their base at the st. George hotel. The journalist became extremely angry. The french timidly, french organized a petition, a sign petition, and took it down to the israeli commander, demanding that use of muscle be released. Yes, i was a surprise. He was arrested because they realized this was a Communication Center and they didnt want it to operate. I think the purpose of arresting yoseph whilst to close down the comment of 8 years into the fighting. On the night of the 30th of august, 1983. The commodore took a direct hit, chattering its eastern side. Perfect, awesome. When that a month ill shut a i la barrel men dominant us a fan on refundable from a lot that thou water film with a lot of his a feels about a thing of the song. A how fiend gera, or thought lemon law. You wrote of 2 neil and inexperienced reporters were sometimes unable to handle the route and use if nozzles Office Sometimes doubled as a psychiatric unit. As the israeli withdrawal continued into 1983 lebanese militias immediately filled that vacuum and fight for control region by region. The commodore had continued as an International News. Hum. Phillipe below worked as a cameraman for c, b c. And took these photos of life inside the hotel at that time. But in 980 for a new development in the conflict upset that life even more kidnapping. The comedy hotel, i think was beginning to lose its attraction as a journalist again to prize around the time of the mid 19 eighties around the time. And the kid mapping, i think the fear of kidnapping started around 84. 00. I was an attempt to kidnapping on me in my them curious street. Very close to accommodate. I still remember that was the 1st time i started getting really frightened. And then of course, not them afterwards. Terry anderson was kidnapped, longest held hostage was 7 years. And then we all realize we were in trouble. Me cherry edison was the Senior Associated press correspondent on the 16th of january, 1985. He was kidnapped on his way to the Commodore Hotel 3 years into his detention, his kidnappers release. This photo of him wearing a Commodore Hotel t shirt designed by usa from his l for his journalist guests. Anderson was the 1st journalist to be kidnapped in beirut. But would be the last to be released in 1991. Several different groups carried out the hostage shaking. But the most prominent was islamic jihad. And i wouldnt advise any foreigners to stay here. The moment was atrocious, so good. In november, 1985. The special envoy to the british archbishop of Canterbury Terry wait, arrived in lebanon to negotiate hostage releases. He stayed at the riviera hotel, but often went to the commodore to meet journalists. On the 21st of november, fighting known as the battle of the flag between different left wing allied lebanese militias controlling west bay root reach. The Commodore Hotel terry weight was trapped inside with dozens of local and foreign journalists, including ramsey hide of general. Just that it went on go amongst a huffy. Oh, we caught ma sofie big blossom aka considered a her who would allow over lava will usher up in clever alma company. Go back to white glove. Are you to set it up . Oh did regarding the sierra mirror no, it would be a good hoss was in the. Busy oh, the gen names when you saw that i just looked on paula ballasa, player ramsey, height of photograph these images of journalists, pulling the mans body out of sniper range, then moving it into the back of a call. That image encapsulates the horror of events outside the Commodore Hotel that night. Terry wait, stayed at the commodore and these rare pictures show him making fun. Colds in the hotel lobby. Negotiations for the release of hostages had so far failed, and the kidnapping continued. On the 16th of march, 1986, i would like the british journalist John Mccarthy arrived in beirut. As w t n bureau chief, it was his 1st assignment to a war zone. He checked in to the commodore opposite w t n. s office is excited to be staying at the now legendary hotel. I think i had a rather romantic view of what the commodore would be like. Um, i had heard from other colleagues whod been there and stayed there and was very aware that it was a famous hotel where all the great journalists stayed. And so when i got there, i was surprised because it was nearly empty. The street fighting and fear of kidnap drove many foreigners out of west bay route to the christian east side or out of lebanon to neighboring cyprus. So i was told you must be careful if you know that youll be a target possibly for one of these kidnapped groups. So stay close to the office or in the hammer district and stay close to the hotel. The commodore by april 1986, 30 foreign nationals had been kidnapped in lebanon. It didnt occur to John Mccarthy that he might be next. It seemed like an era for this hotel, for lebanon, for the foreign journalists working there where it was coming to an end. It was closing in around, around me. Ah, but also it felt as if the hotel was sort of closing down to mccarthy was then ordered by his w t. N boss is in london to leave a routine mediately. On the 17th of april, 1986, he checked out of the commodore and headed for the airport. But within minutes armed men intercepted his com, grabbed him and took him away. John mccarthy would be the last foreign journalists to stay at the commodore. So its extraordinary, i started off what that morning in april actually she 6 leaving this grow the grand if dilapidated street or the Commodore Hotel and the next room i was in was underground in a tiny, filthy, dirty prison cell, basically as a hostage. And i was to remain a hostage for the next 5 and a quarter years. 9 months after mccarthys abduction, on the 17th of january, 1987 Hostage Negotiator terri weight was also kidnapped. He was last seen on the bay rude cornish surrounded by gunman from the druid progressive socialist party, who were acting as his body guards in my last year captivity. I was held with the 2 americans, terry anson, and tom sutherland, and also with the are englishman, terry . Wait, whod gone out to lebanon to try and negotiate our release a few years earlier, but himself been kidnapped . So its very strange that there we were in a cell with the guy who tried to rescue us and he ended up being a hostage to within hours of terry waits. Abduction. A fierce battle ensued in west bay route. 200 people died in the 5 days fighting and the commodore was almost completely destroyed by fire. And there was another kid num, the victim this time, cocoa, the pirate Hotel Manager ok made she borrow, checked on the stuff and damage the next day. He contacted the owner, yusef nestle who was abroad to reassure him. The stuff for okay, but that the hotel was so damaged, it was now uninhabitable. I let out some that he on that up there that i that with it, im literally had up one day when donald did la la la arden, beveled in mobile, up with us live us bob, how ali funny allan, a funny in 2002 a new investor, both the commodore it was completely refurbished and revived as a 5 Star Luxury Hotel in the heart of bay roots. American journalist, nicholas touch road, perhaps best summed it up when he wrote during the israeli siege of bay root in a city of survivors. The Commodore Hotel has proven itself to be a survivor. With a touch of class, there is no contract which is simple goodies versus bad. Is it always more complicated than that . And add one more thing. Find a good safe hotel, uhm. When the shuts came from the holiday and we heard cracks, we heard some noise. This was no one a sniper alley was on in the most dangerous intersections inside able he didnt come in through the front entrance. That was what happens. The people who were shot they came into the wrong entrance, the nightly pyrotechnics. If youre funny to turn to the camera man, said lets get the hell out of here. Sorry, a vo holiday in war hotels on al jazeera. Ive worked it out as their english since its launch ship, as a principal presenter. And as a correspondence with any breaking the story, we want to hear from those people who would normally not get that voice is heard on an International News channels. One moment ill be very proud off was when we covered the napoleon quake of 2015, a terrible Natural Disaster on the story that needs to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story was very important of the time ah, more attacks on russian occupied crimea, at least for explosions, hit a military air base near sebastopol. Unable talks in ukraine with a plea to stop the war from creating a new

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