Such as chile or lemon grass. So if you plant those crops in abroad, buria around your, your palatable crops, if you want to use as a food source, thats another way to, to, to elephants and to get income. Another is installing hives these giant animals escape of bathes. The debate will continue about how best to manage the growing numbers of these beautiful elephants. What isnt in dispute, though, is protecting these animals and preserving vine diversity in the area. Emily anglin, al jazeera kruger, national park, south africa. Ah, this is al jazeera and these are the top stories, the sour italy votes and the general election that could put the far right and power for the 1st time since world war 2 opinion polls predicted georgia maloney will become the countrys 1st female Prime Minister syrian state, medias se 97 people are confirmed dead after their boat carrying migrants from lebanon, kept sized off serious caused the Lebanese Army says its arrested, a man on suspicion of humans smuggling. A partial mobilization order announced by president Vladimir Putin has triggered protests across russia, broads group say more than 730 people have been detained. Nationwide voting is continuing and referendums and eastern ukraine. The poles, the seen as part of moscows push to n x for regions. Armed men are reported to have gone door to door to get people to vote. The super typhon nora has made landfall in the northern philippines. The storms strengthened so quickly that officials had to issue an extreme emergency warning. People are having to evacuate civil coastal villages and liaison province, nori brought heavy rain and winds of up to 195 kilometers per hour. Its the strongest typhoon to hit the country this year. At least 24 people have drowned off to their boat, capsized in a river and bonds of dish. The boat was carrying more than 100 people along the car, tow a river to a hindu temple in the north, dozens as still missing. Its believed the boat was above capacity in terms of the number of passengers. Those are the headlines. The news continues after the listening post up next bosnia and herzegovina is going to the polls amid the dispute over election reforms that would enable people to vote along ethnic lines at all levels of government. Right up to the presidency. As Bosnian Serbs challenge, state institutions in their escalating bid for succession and croats warn of the consequences if the vote is held under the current law. What does the future hold for this fragile democracy . Bosnia elections on a jessia . I think of humans and the conspiratorial games people play political ones involving donald trumps, mag, or republicans, plus Vladimir Putin threats go nuclear and iranian women defy the authority and set fire to their hija. Ah, hello, im richard. Gus burton, youre at the listening post where we dont cover the news. We cover the way the news is covered. We begin with donald trump and the queue and on conspiracy movement, a relationship that has gone from occasional flirtation on the ex president s part to more of an open embrace. Last week at a rally in ohio, trumps people played a song that is associated with q and honors. It was music to their ears. The groups members somehow believe that a secret co ball of the rich and powerful people they say are pedophile, actually runs the u. S. Government, and that trump is their only chance to stop them. The movement also happens to be home to some deeply toxic White Supremacists and anti semites. The f b i has warned about its linked to violence in the car. After being forced off mainstream social media, q and ons, followers of fled to the outer reaches of the internet. Since then, q and ons, gamification of reality has morphed into some more pragmatic goals, such as electing certain politicians and its beliefs have been absorbed into radicalized parts of trumps republican party. Our starting point this week is youngstown, ohio. Oh, until last weekend, the political love affair between donald trump and q and on was conducted for the most part with the width and occasional non after years of flirting with the movements wild conspiracy theories. Stay tuned. Everybody say to trump took it a step further at a rally in ohio. The soundtrack playing beneath part of his speech is a song called where we go one, we go, all, there is no victory. We cannot here, we will not. We will then read that phrase known by its acronym w, w, g one, w g, a serves as a mantra to q and ons follows true to form. Trump spokesman denied the obviously, but if it wasnt that song that was play, why . With so many in the crowd seem to recognized and raised one finger in response in what many have concluded is some kind of she went on salut trumps team. Has claimed that the song used was a song called mirrors. We are a nation that allowed russian devastated cri. You press yelling, hundreds of thousands of people. We have checked and mirrors and w, w. G one to be ga. Are the same. That the same sol . Ah, weve confirmed that or a program we used on there. The same song after we reported the song is the same if continued to you, that people who were in that audience knew exactly what was going on, even if trump didnt. And thats what so scary here is that trump is reacting to things where he sees people praising him, which is really at the foundation of this mans cracked ego. Because they are almost religiously dedicated to him. And he doesnt recognize that hes getting deeper and deeper in to q and on, at worst, he does recognize it and hes part of it. The downplaying of the song is almost besides the point, its over a 100 times now that trump and his team have re, truth, as they call it on their platform, host spike human on influencers. Post that contain a q or the slogan where we go on. We go off, whoever runs his campaign, is very aware of the references and trump is very aware that this is a valuable part of his base. Its very possible that this is also part of the calculation for trump, if hes having financial difficulties, this q and on group is a ready and dedicated crowd. So it could be reflecting either he wants to motivate his vase, or he needs money or both. Because theres always a grift when trump is involved in another sign of his tacit support, just 4 days before that rally trump re posted an image of himself wearing a q pin on his lapel along with language evocative of the movement for journalists summarizing the beliefs of q and long members without sounding for jordan can be a real challenge. But lets try. They insist that the Trump White House was engaged in a secret war with the deep state that his enemies were. Democrats, devil worshippers, led by Hillary Clinton and hollywood a leaks a cobol that up duck children to sexually abuse and eat q one on 1st emerged in 2017. Unfortunately, when mainstream social Media Outlets banned them from their platforms, q and on conspiracy took 2 more french sites like gap rumble and trumps own truth, social leaving the sensors behind the content as evolved q one on now provides one stop shopping online for a whole range of conspiracies, the visible aspects of the movement become more extreme when you push them to platforms that have less censorship because theyre reaching less of a large audience in that small pond. They feel more comfortable communicating in ways that are openly anti semitic, or openly embrace. You know, some of these more extreme white supremacist viewpoints. The same thing happens with any extremist organization, with the traditional social media platforms, banning q and on they have been isolated into small corners. They isolate isolate isolate until finally theyre only talking to each other. Self brainwashing the queue and on adherence, havent gone away at all. And in fact, the number has appeared to have grown, but its become almost like a mass movement, according to the surveys that have been done by a i American Enterprises institute and the institute for the study of religion q and on could be 15 percent of the american adult population, which is 30000000. 00 people. And thats a lot of people who believe in this crazy Conspiracy Theory. So i think its important that we also understand. Its not just lo, information voters, and its not necessarily stupid people. 30000000 adults potential voters in a politically divided country and the u. S. Mid term elections take place 6 weeks from now. Establishment covets, or the d. C. Swamp of wage, the war against american success and independence q and on candidates. Or at least republicans willing to cozy up to the movement or on more and more balance and estimated 78. 00 candidates in 26. 00 states. Its time to make america dominant again. This is not just trump, there are numerous huron supporting candidates for office throughout the country for congress, for secretary of state, for governorships. Im teen of 40. Im a wife, mother, grandmother, and Small Business owner. Im one of the congress to challenge establishment and fight for you. Some have been elected already. Republican nominee for governor of arizona carry lake has gone on to a cue in on show. So i appreciate that you had me on today. Its always a pleasure to be on with great ease figures. I use the q and on Community Whether they believe it or whether they see it for some type of political gain. If i were to describe the shift in the movement in queue in on terms theyve gone from trust the plan to we are the plan as you need to be involved in your local committees, or if you need to be involved in your local school boards, you need to be running for local office. That is the main difference that we see with this movement. It has both kind of merged with a republican push for local positions, but has also become more tangible and less of a arm chair movement. What will be interesting is that because they say that elections were stolen, that the Voting Machines were taken over by chavez and venezuela, even though hes dead, or that we cannot trust the outcome of the elections. There is a danger that the most loyal cue in on supporters will not vote because they think the vote is wasted. Theyve been pushing a narrative that if they genuinely believe it, the republicans will lose this voting block. Instead of being able to rely on the voting block, they are a new fringe Conspiracy Theory group called q a non. Initially, americans failed to take q and on with its talk of co balls, pet of files and the deep state. Seriously, that should have changed in 2021 on january 6th, when the group was at the heart of the insurrection on capitol hill. But some republicans simply cannot resist flirting with a conspiratorial movement that also appeals to White Supremacists and anti semites. There is an alignment, there votes to be hand, hence the nods the winks the musical soundtrack and fat is as good a measure as any of americas moral decline. Its diminishing democracy. What Political Party in history has associated itself with an organization identified by the f b i as a terrorist threat. You just think about that for a minute. We already have q and on members who are in congress, the state government. If donald trump becomes president , we are going to have q and our members of highest reaches of government. And that is not the time to start asking questions about who these people are. Now, it is time now we are at a point in history. We have never been in before, and instead of confronting people are overlooking because of its absurdity. Its not absurd. Its dangerous to rush in out. Vladimir putin threat this past week, thinly veiled that the kremlin has not ruled out using Nuclear Weapons to protect its people. Is still reverberating overseas and has also had consequences at home. Joanna, whos is here with a detail. Richard to president putin used a television address to issue that threat after Russian Troops retreated following a successful counter offensive by ukrainian forces. If the new balloon put in announced a mobilization of 300000 men from russias reserve. The 1st such move since world war 2. And he had to find a way to explain that which is doing your loans. In brief. But im a tell you the most the way in the, not just 6 months ago, put in vow that reservists would not be called to fight. So this, you turn, provoke thousands of russians to come out in protest. One of the issues protest. I have been angered by is that pro war criminal elite members of their families born being drafted, that inspired a prank call. Life dreamed on youtube by supporters of jailed opposition. Politician elect sign of volney to the son of one of potent top officials. Press secretary, dimitry, pest golf at the way in the city of civil. So i middle go it. It was just more securities. One student, a bullet problem or by the phone just goes to florida. You do not mind. Youre not going pretty good you, it will show you how to use them, but well go from there because it doesnt. If it is what it is after just to try it away in the city of this school. So she could, she were going to be able to that if it wasnt a good school, so blessing point, it was an offer on well, some people will put in stones on mobilization, has changed. What happened is how the kremlin and its propaganda on the airwaves justify rush has action. And so the plenty of the, yes about the national store. Why you mean yes. You can reach me. Theres not a problem in other set up that we need to watch it, but i see theyre still blaming the west and nato for the war in ukraine. But russias recent military setbacks have made it challenging for those pro war tv hosts sticking to the official line, for example, that this is not a war, just a special military operation. One which russia is threatening to take nuclear is a tough one to sell, even on russia, state controlled airwaves. Thanks joe. Back to q and on now, and the conspiratorial mindset. Journalists have spent a lot of time trying to understand how so Many Americans have come to believe in conspiracy theories. One of the more interesting takes weve come across is from a game designer. Read berkeley in q and on burke awaits, sees a world similar to the ones he creates in a r g s, alternate reality gains his analysis. And as a we asked him to adapt for television, explains a lot about the way our flawed mines work. And how easily we can be dragged down the conspiratorial rabbit. I am a game designer with experience and very small niche. I create and Research Games designed to be played in reality. Fictions designed to feel as real as possible. Puzzles where the deeper you dig, the more you find games with rabbit holes that invite you into wonderland and entice you through the looking glass. When i saw a q and i knew exactly what it was and what it was doing. I had seen it before. I had almost built it before. It was gaming evil, twin a game that plays people me or to not use the form and techniques of alternate reality gaming a r g. The queue non universe has a game like feel to it that is evident to anyone who has ever played an energy or an online role play. However, q is not a game q and on is like the reflection of a game in a mirror. It looks just like one, but it is inverted. In one of the very 1st experience fictions i ever designed, the players had to explore a creepy basement looking for clears the object they were looking for was barely headed. And the clue as easy as a participant, started searching for the object i hadnt responded little random scraps of wood on the floor that happened to make the shape of a perfect arrow pointing. Right. And a blank wall. It had to be a clue. Then it got worse, since her obviously was no clue there, the group decided the clue they were looking for was in the wall. The collection of ordinary tools they found, conveniently laying around, seemed to enforce their conclusion that this was the right direction. Is all random chance, but i could see the connections that have been made were all completely logical is were normal people and theres some sions were normal and logical and just completely wrong. They had not found a clue. They had created one psychologist, have a name for this kind of syndrome, the called apa fina. Appa, fini, is the tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful patterns between unrelated or random things and q and on. Thats the point. It isnt about finding the clues and solving the puzzles. Its about confusing people, and tearing down walls. If youre a designer and have puzzles and have a plot than appa, fini is a wild card. You always have to be concerned about q and on is the mirror reflection of this dynamic here, ab affiliate, to the point of everything. There are no scripted plots, there are no puzzles to solve created by game designers. There are no solution. Theyre constantly getting the player lost, but pointing out unrelated random events and creating a meaning for them that fits the propaganda message. He was delivering noise every thought. You know, particularly q is q was, oh, okay, it says think for yourself, it doesnt tell you to follow one read up. You can think about what you want with you. You is a fictional character in a fictional game, a real whistle blower with Important Information would get it out as fast as possible for the most reliable source possible. There are people like daniel ellsberg, edward snowden, and chelsea manning. They dont drop clues and make you solve puzzles to look at the information q does though. He does this because he is not a whistle blower. Q is a fictional character and acts exactly like a fictional character. This is because the purpose of q is not to divulge actual information, but to create fiction. Lets take a look at how this works. To create appa fina 1st. You need random data, the more the better. Then you need to interpret that data in a way that leads you to a false solution that fits the narrative. And several que drops q tells followers that there is a shadowy cult out there in which the members are required to reveal their status through symbolism, like owls and horned animals. Hence, cute. Asked them to look out for these symbols and jewelry tattoos, or hand gestures of public figures and celebrities. Of course, q knows what theyll find to clintons throwing the rock, them all hand horn, j, z flashing the illuminati. The rothschilds wearing horned heads, fancy dress costume parties, images pile, obsess clue after clue. Points the investigators to mountain out of context. Images of the people they distrust. Totally looking like they are in a cult. There is no doubt about the political nature of this propaganda. Either this is the internet repurposing of hatreds. Greatest hits that isnt an isolated process, but done in a Large Community of like minded people. They share their fines and get showered with compliments, encouragement, improve their post images, trade theories, create new photoshop. The image isnt a crazy quilt, the people wearing owls and go have the grams. They may not believe it at 1st. But as they watch endless music videos of the hollywood ally covered in the symbolism screaming about drugs and demons. A doubtful doubts are notoriously hard to get rid of the ideas. Start to surround them. A majority of people they know, believe at least partly and q and uninspired conspiracies. All their news feed, i could the same thing. Tick tock, instagram, facebook, and all over twitter. O n a news max are reporting on you on, on its becoming a widely accepted system of beliefs than you mainstream. If they ever lose faith, there are senators and even the former president of the united states, talking about what a Great Movement q and on is. Ive heard these are people that love our country. Eventually they just stop fighting it. They finally accept what is right before their eyes and what explains so much and what everyone around them is also seeing and telling them is the truth. Its an international, satanic cult. And this is the moment of a partner. Only, this is delusion. As revelation, theres a reason that people enjoy doing puzzle one, most of us arent aware of. When we solve puzzles, we get ahead of dopamine. It biochemically anchors the idea into our mind in a way that conveys certainty and gives us the motivation saw more puzzles. Its that feeling you experienced when you get the lawnmower to work. When you solve a hard puzzle and a great game. The problem is, we also get the same rush when we solve a puzzle incorrectly, but think weve got it right. On like the puzzles in a real game that have real solutions, there is no reality here, no solution in the real world. Instead, this is a bread crumb trail away from reality, away from Actual Solutions and toward the dangerous psychological rush in the works. Because when you figured out yourself, you own it. Because youve experienced that, the real discovery, the excitement of the rabbit hole, the acceptance of a community that loves and respects you. Because you are convinced to connect the dots yourself, you can see the absolute logic of it. Its a feeling that game designers are always chasing, giving players the ability to live in a world, a magic that is vibrant and alive with potential world that reveals itself to you day by day. A world you can understand and have a rolling with, i cant believe people wont give that feeling up without a fight. Whatever happens with trump or cuen on one thing is certain. The gaming techniques employed and cuen on are simply too effective to be forgotten. The genie is out of the bottle, may not be q, but the game, if occasion propaganda will continue to evolve. This is just the bigger and finally wrong. And the story of a young woman named matter omni. She was 22 years old. Her crime was her failure, according to the laws of the Islamic Republic to properly where for her job. She died after getting beaten by the so called morality police. Im going to name has turned into a hash tag, a rallying cry for a protest movement. City after city had thousands taken to the streets, true to form the iranian authorities have disrupted and blocked access to social media and the internet. Nonetheless, iranians, women in particular, are telling this story from abroad. Here are a few places to find them starting on twitter. Nothing on sorry, as a journalist who runs k hong live an english language iranian outlet based in london, royal boom on the human rights activist and educator. Her organization around right . Advocates for political prisoners, not, not a subject. He is an activist artist and podcast host based in canada for a useful overview, the Washington Post has track the spread of the demonstrations as well as key social media content. T. Ron bureau with an online Magazine Associated with the Columbia School of journalism in new york. Its out to improve english language coverage of iran, and has a Media Section worth checking out. The iran podcast is another project aiming to correct the mainstream narrative. Its run by iranian american journalist and analyst, negarra, more savvy. We talked about the dehumanization and the mini zation, other on, in, in there are all tracking the protest story in iran. So our week, well see you next time here at those. I october on al jazeera in an election set to define a nation brazilians would choose between the radically different currents hard line, conservative president and the former socialist president. A sense of community delves into full unique communities revealing how theyre adapting to the 21st century. China holds its National Congress of communist Party Members with president t likely to be re elected as its head. What does this mean for china and the world . Only with dreams takes you beyond the glitz and glamour, revealing the stories of those seeking, failing 14 in the Worlds Largest film industry, bosnia goes to the poles in an election that will be watched closely by both of you and russia. October on al jazeera ah, with guns in their hands and face and got their side. Many american republicans believe the 2020 president ial election was stolen from donald trump, White Christian nationalism. Its fun to mentally authoritarian, and it is anti democratic. People in power investigates help the spread of wild conspiracy theories is undermining us democracy. Americas authoritarians, hard to on a jazeera, indonesia, your investment destination. The worlds 10 largest economy is busy transforming, ready to be your Business Partner with a robust talent pool, politically and economically stable and strong policies. Being the powerhouse indonesia is confirmed by the g 20 presidency. Bringing opportunities for you, invest indonesia. Now there is no channel that covers world news like we do, we revisit places the state ill just really invest in that. And thats the privilege. As a journalist, lou, this is al jazeera, ah

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