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To all, to 0 warning the months long conflict to spread beyond his nations folders. The whole process calls on you are being latest to open their points to people saying poverty. Im fine. The so the 19th asian games are beginning and the chinese city of hugginsville, the Opening Ceremony is getting underway. And this is, china is 1st big sporting events since the end of the district 0 cobra policy id. Richardson is joining us now. Busy kind of show, so the settlement is getting underway. China is building these as the green games, so no fireworks. Not firework, something that is synonymous. Obviously wed like things harmonies a little over the world or particularly in china or i think that so that the by using an intakes in 2008 flats, 29 cycles firewood footprints. Uh because it was the 29th olympiad in may. They way across spacings was that the bus and the stadium stunning, expensive on that occasion. Well suited the asian games in, in 2000 and sending one jo, the, the cancel is how i remember be illuminated. 2. 5 works, but not so this year semester. Its organize the site to send out a, a positive message about making these games of sustainable and, and green as possible. Im reducing carbon emissions, but that will be quite a challenge when you consider just the, the scale of these games and how many athletes and participants are involved. Yeah, lets talk about the, im just looking through some of the pictures. Some of the, the figures rather here we go over 12000 assets and 45 nations computing as well. Theyre going to be 56. 00 the venue for those of us to come to quite get to grips with the scale of whats going on. How do these games compare to say the olympics or yeah, you know, there anyone not getting scripts with, with whats going on. It is a funny, but well learn and dizzying array of sports and, and athletes here and in hong jo. Its big in terms of scale in terms of sports and athletes. So what well see next year with the power summer olympics go faulty sports air and hung jo, uh, thousands of on thousands of, of actually so 12 and a half 1000 have will be around 10 and a half 1000 in paris doesnt useful. Its like a sports breakdown, seeing him making the asian games thatd be breakdown. Some would also be the Paris Olympics next to the 1st time, but also have plenty of events that have the traditions and histories in this region. So well see the most sort of wish you could buy the drug and by racing things that are unlikely to web repay at the olympics. Also, crickets is back of the 1st time since 2014, an india after the 1st time has sent a mens and womens team to see that particular tournament. So if the mens a cricket funnel happens to be between india and pakistan as is, is quite possible the not could well be the most watched events at these asian games, or mentioning before that this is the 1st big event. The chimes was sporting events, at least the china is held, since its the end of its strict cove and 19 policy. Its been a big challenge for china and a big deal. Isnt it both logistically . And of course, with the people who are going to be there. Yeah, and i think not just the china, but i think if we look at the consent as a whole covered 19, is that a huge impact . Sorry for the last couple of years. Lets go back to the top, carolyn pix, uh, which it was done very well to have organized, but it was a sadness around that because of code 9 say no fans allowed it sold at those games. And then we had the pacing Winter Olympics last year. Again, the country, hey, was still on the very strict car with 19 policies that many domestic funds were limited and no international spiked sites were allow. So no such restrictions here in, in hung joe means a suspect sites has to go and see whatever events they wants to go and see. But crucially, as well, i think for the athletes, i know the thing is how can particularly, and every athlete was this was focusing not just on the school, but trying not to test positive because it, or even being a close contact to somebody who tested positive for carpet because that would have meant that mis a sporting final, but the training is full. So hey, the athletes dont have that in the back of their mind. They can just focus on producing will cost bullet over the next couple of weeks. Yeah, im just reading that the games are going to continue until october, the 8th. Were going to be covering every day of those games until that point. And i know youre going to be heading out that coverage and the thank you very much. Indeed. I do. Richardson in congo. The rochester, as has been another attack on his black st. Purchase, the vast appalled nearby c, a passenger traffic has been suspended, no casualties have been reported. And it comes a day after ukrainian missiles targeted the headquarters of the russian, lexi french, and the city. The head of ukraines intelligence says at least 9 people were killed in the attack. Moscow says its air Defense Systems shop, done. 5 missiles. It says one person is missing these of the latest and the series of ukrainian attacks im try me at and this month, same bus robbie has more on the story and weve been hearing from the russian back governor in the crime incident. So since this morning or early in the day, he said that a rocket or multiple rockets had been spotted over sylvester pool. He said, rushing air defenses did manage to shoot them down, warrant people are falling debris. Since then weve been seeing him trying to come seemingly panic among the population living on the peninsula, saying that people should remain calm. There has reportedly been a number of people trying to seek shelters unable to get in to shelters, because theyve either been locked or there are not enough. And that russian back governor continuing to try to keep people there common informed with, with regards to what is going on. Youre going to be in ramping up attacks and rushes black, seen you free time to other sites and try me in recent months. Last week of use, a combination of missiles and speed boats damaging to ship since a possible cave also reported destroying air defenses in columbia. In august, your crime launched an unprecedented attack on russias main port of nevada taste which accounts for 2 percent of the worlds oil trade. A tanka and a warship were damaged in july, a Russian Military blockers to the miss solve it, a military base in crimea. A fire broke out in 2000 people had to flee the area in 2 days earlier. You can use naval drones to destroy a road section of the country straight bridge, which connects crime a i to mainland russia. 2 people were killed there. Honda showed us is the Security Studies Program Director of the n g o u cranium prism. She says, ukraines attacks and crimea are important for that strategy and wrong. And usually the russian officials being claiming bedframe yet the 2nd most effective way after the crime live. And thats been ramping over time. An overstatement of the attacks of the last 2 weeks. Clearly demonstrate that that is not true, and that is take a logically you can imagine a tour of demonstrations that Russian Armed forces and also why keep you can 5, you can call them sort of friends. And that is in florida from Strategic Point of view, that is also very important because most of the attacks against the social well you print that happening from premier to when, who are diminishing the capabilities both in terms of the leadership add in terms of the platforms the in frame. Yeah. That makes you a little bit safer as far as it is possible. But also that is reading the cards and aisha of the russian operation on the sounds. Where now we have the probably can happen because the culture friends of the Great Company because over supplies and logistics are going through. Creighton. Yeah. And in this way, you can seeing that it is just the h q. But you can imagine why one of the very important units are out of the leadership. It means you need all the time both. So from documents to a pointing new people to a building presenter. And just understanding what is happening from independent defense arnold, this pablo, selling the house is based in moscow. So its tactics used by keith and moscow are similar to those used in the are on a rock wall of the 1980s. Both sides right now are using and making long range stand off with tax. The russians were doing it from the very beginning because uh they could use their air force only in the 1st couple of weeks direction. The air force bomb targets deep and youre paying now its not flying inside because of a threat to be crating in air defenses. So they are using stand off weapons and you put it in there for us. Its too small. Its never freaking flying. Youve been direction space at all, but theyre now using also stands or weapons. This sort of reminds me a bit this situation in the eightys of the rock around war. When both sides were in the deadlocked and bloody fighting in the front. All right, for right now, and the same time, the shifting targets deep inside the 3rd street, the so called water of the cities. Hundreds of people of health protests and the a median capital against the governments handling of the recent process in the going to kind of box. They say the Prime Minister should step done, dimitri. And the bank of reports a full day of protest in get about hundreds, a cooling for Prime Minister nicole pushing on to resign. That saying hes abandoned estimate comedians in and the government caught about a region they call out. So this is a shame off our nation that our government to read the face of the concussion young. Its taking all the required major source to save armenians wherever they should be. You know, the Prime Minister says armenia is preparing to accept people who leave and go to the kind of a is it becomes impossible for them to stay on the as it by johnny rule. And i guess the man, i dont know if its determined that it will be impossible for them to live in their homes to situation does not improve in this problem, will be on our agenda. Weve done some work and now 40000 places has been prepared in armenia. The region is recognized internationally as, as a by johnny territory. But it has been self governing for nearly 3 decades with strong ties to get it on. Estimate comedians have been living the 4 generations, azerbaijan and media have fault to, was sparked by this dispute most recently in 2020, but after a sudden, as about the, on the offensive this week, kind of buck fighters have agreed to this. Um, as it by johns government says they will have a choice to stay or to leave the agree on his thoughts and is known to using force is super easy for the city as they should the site was yeah, it was yeah. Alternate is now going to kind of back end as a by john, have yet to agree on security guarantees. Will ethnic medians and other issues. But they have started removing some road blockades with the 1st humanitarian aid since the seas by coming in on friday to meet you met with in co, out as 0. They had to sit down, swimming council says the conflict in this country which is lost when for months, could spread to other parts of the region of the 5 to elbow funds told. Ill just see those, my kind of for the fighting could result in an even greater your monetary and disaster i was in was, was somebody, of course, those gangs came from outside to den, got a big came from neighboring countries. And thats why this conflict will spill into those countries and will not be confined to so then, the majority of the fight has come from the neighboring countries. The danger off, this is a mess of humanitarian, just asked it throughout the whole region. Not just been. Sit down, is it not that kids . Yes, most certainly, this war may spill into other countries and may trudge and security and safety in the region. And in the world, david sharon is a former us deputy chief of mission is done on the farm or on bassett or to if you. Busy here he things is unlikely that the fighting will spill beyond sedans, borders, sell them 0. 01. The conflict is already sold over and the neighboring country is a live. Hundreds of thousands of sydneys refuge is now residing and south to down chad in egypt and smaller numbers and other neighboring countries. So the amount of material inside of it is very much impacted the entire region. I think however, what uh alber han was referring to in terms of selling over in the future was actual military conflict. I think that is less likely that were going to happen. Yes, probably already living has happened. I dont see this in the interest of either of the Rapids Support forces or other sedan armed forces to carry the conflict outside the. Ready voters of sudan and none of the neighboring country is interested in engaging in military activity involving sedan in any way. So i think thats less likely to happen. Spoke fine successors, European Countries to overcome what he calls up paralysis of fear about migrants. The head of the Catholic Church greeted french presidency. My new my call in the site is the 2nd and final day of his visit to the port city in the southern funds. The phones have called for a joint european action on migration to stop the Mediterranean Sea from the coming of what he called the graveyard of dignity. The National Boss of reports from congress. Im sending you the pipe from seas was greeted up mass, a apple by french Prime Minister, elizabeth born before making his way to the southern french cities. Phoebus hills told basilica the purpose in my stay for meeting of bishops and clergy for mediterranean countries, and to call for told her in some compassion for my goods. And the return of to pres francis joined the representatives from all the religions. He said the cold truth in difference was tending the Mediterranean Sea into a blood soaked cemetery. If its only people who are at risk of drowning, we lift at the mercy of the waves must be rescued. Its a duty of kindness. Its a duty of civilization. Must say, has, it wont be in a gateway for migration in the region. Some campaign to say they hope the popes visits will make a difference because of the buffer. The popes visit office. Some hope. We also hope that it will help come to, lets go, tension is, but political tensions and divisions say that migration in the European Union showed no sign of of facing the popes visit comes as the you scrambles to find a way to deal with the arrival of thousands of margaret from them produced the italian island where in 2013 the pope 1st pay tribute to migrants. Problems is one of a number of e u countries that phasing one to accept migraines from one producer. The pope is expected to of, from the shows most holler in when he meets the french presidency model of micro home fact today. Using viking rescue ship is broke, so i he must say so now, but since 2016, the charity to runs, it has rescued. Nearly 40000 people in the mediterranean usually seem to have the pope has always spoken very key. And without ambiguities or conversation, we really need to hear these voices because i find that we have a deafening silence from our political and spiritual leaders. International organization for migration says 28000 migrants has died in the mediterranean since 2014. Moving to thousands of parish, so for this year, post school to respect the dignity of human life is one that will resonate with some, but it comes at a time when you are pain. Governments are increasingly looking to close doors rather than opening patasha butler. Ill do 0 tars still ahead and ill just say to you, i sent it to bob menendez sets down his chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee after being indicted for corruption. And were going to travel deep into the Remote Office mountains to so you have a small communities hoping to weeks out to the devastating passport the hall. Choose solutions that gives us know for a future that we have to find creative solutions. Not just turn our backs on the dont think that has a number, think about it as a person yourself and that person shoes. So as you can see for this is my us, my life, and at least in my life, those stages we want we want to operate because the women and my country deadlocks, we we are not denies all of who we are. Human beings on this earth to be trees in the footsteps. Our ancestors have being done. People tend to be done even better as long as a human being is doing it. You just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. The vision is keywords, you do, youre off a nation riddled with land mice and an expert dedicated to this using them one by one. Equipped with only a 9th and the pairs wired plus the faces death every day. So does is would make you make a row or a talk with the minor on that it just ita in 543 upfront takes on the big issues. This isnt the one off. Hes talking about a systemic issue here. Black lives dont really matter in the police were unflinching questions is war with lawanda, imminent rigorous debate . Because of lots of medical treatments, challenging conventional with the fact that people are starting to get angry about this is in itself a sign of progress. Join me more for me on hills upfront one out 0. The. The reminder of our top story is this uh, the Opening Ceremony for the 19th asian games is on the way chinese city of hong. So this is, china is 1st big sporting events since the end of the district 0 corporate policy being built as a green asian games. And that means there are no set of material fibers. Brushes says theres been another attack on his black sea forest of awesome call and find me at times a day or so ukrainian this, i was talking to the headquarters of the russians, lexi states, and this whole process is ours. European countries to overcome what he calls us, paralysis of fear about migrants, rigid friends, president s among them back home, i say on the final day was 2 days. The lady is internationally recognized. The government says 245. 00 parties are being covered in a single day in the floods devastated city of done not. The bodies were found on thursday along the coast line. Its the largest number recovered in one day, thousands of dead and thousands more. Im missing off to storm daniel and the collapse of 2 dams flooded the eastern city nearly 2 weeks ago. A separate Authority Based and eastern the view is the host and International Conference next month to aid reconstruction efforts. A spokesman for olivia and general felicia huffed out, whos based in the east as detailed just what kind of military operations are taking place in donna . Weve moved all the brigades out of the devastated area because doing it is very small and cannot cope with all the numbers. The area we risky work is being carried out is 3 and a half square kilometers and cannot cope with all these people. There in 97. 00 journalist from one of the world, thousands of citizens have come to give humanitarian aid. In thousands more has come to see whats happening. On the high side was monitoring the situation from separately in western libya. Over the past 24 hours more than 300. 00 bodies. Why do we call that from the c in front of the libyan city of deadman and the east . For now, this number remains very far from the number of missing people. The 1000 stuff that report it to be missing the entire time it is that was swept into the sea. Some of them in the cars. Now a continue to i live in the city, some from inside maybe from cities like triple a ms. Ross. Ive been the guys the and all does from around the world to the moment that off around the 24 countries that are providing libya with help. Now the president of the president ial call says he had in the Side International community for the help and hold on more a comment that is actually a conference that should be organized within the coming a 10 days. The government in east leave. Yeah. And now is that the National Conference would be organized on the 10th of october to draw more support and more funds in order to rebuild the city of deadman. The eunice of reported death more than 84 schools in the city and surroundings where either partially or completely destroyed and that there is a very the need for more funds in order to, to build them. The extra measure 0 tripoli of the survivors of the last quakes, which struck morocco 2 weeks ago. I still struggling to recover remote villages and the office mountains have been badly head. Stephanie deck has been to see how people they are coping were about 2500 meters here. And the following. The 2 men on the bike were taking us to the very remote village. This is by far the most remote place weve been to. Weve reached 3000 meters elevation when our heading down the hill to the village, which is in the valley below. Weve arrived at the village for a very long trip and can see some of the damage here. Were getting a majestic welcome because it is like with during the winter, no one was about the ive had, the roads are blocked, their blocks here. Hes very good. His bowl skills. We are so remote and you can just see football, sports, and universal language. So telling us that they separate the women from the men in 10 state, i guess they dont have that many times. So there is no forces for tons. Okay, so theres splitting the man and woman and the tents they have here. Look, i dont see a button that says tens will not protect us against the snow. He tells us we need more useful materials for this region, but to prepare for the winter, because this will do nothing. 7 people lost their lives here and weve just met to you, but he he lost 2 sons in the earthquake. So many stories like this where people have lost the most important things in life. Is this the well headed out . Im not the only one who knows my children. Abraham says my neighbors also did. The majority of the people here had their homes collapse. So now were outside. This is what god gave us and we have to accept it. So the main message from being here, everybody has told us that they need better infrastructure to deal with the on coming winter because essentially they go on lock down. They become completely isolated in this region when the heavy snow falls and if they dont have adequate protection against the elements, it could be Deputy Stephanie decker, which is 0 deep in moroccos Atlas Mountains or us senator bob menendez has temporarily step down his chair of the Senate Committee on foreign relations. He and his wife were being accused of taking bribes and trying to influence Foreign Policy to help the gyptian government, members of his own democratic party, ive called on him to resign. How does your castro has more from washington dc . It was only thursday this week that bob menendez shook hands with ukrainian president for loading their zalinski part of the new jersey senators role as chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Now hes under federal indictment for corruption involving a relationship with 3 american businessmen and passing sensitive Us Government information to egypt. The indictment alleges us through that relationship. The senator and his wife accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes in exchange for senator menendez, using his power and influence to protect and to enrich those business men and to benefit the government of egypt. The diamond contains a photo of menendez and his wife meeting with any gyptian official at the officials. Home. Prosecutors alleged menendez shared non Public Information about us and the same staffing in cairo and a ledge. He secretly ghost wrote a letter from the egyptian government, asking fellows senators to release the hold on 300000000. 00 and military a to egypt. The indictment claims in return for this information and other favors relating to impeding the criminal prosecutions of 2 other associates. Menendez and his wife received a Mercedes Benz and nearly half a 1000000. 00 stuffed in envelopes. The prosecutor say, board the associates fingerprints and dna. The fact that lives here seem unlikely to be unfair. I think they got their box right. And that means that the senators who are associated with supporting agents, theyre going to like, look like they might be on the take in a similar manner to whats going on, why its against german enders. And so i think theres going to be a lot of people who want to have a greater distance from each agents who search. Menendez is home also discovered bars of gold. These 3 kilograms together are worth approximately a 150000. 00. And of course, here you can see just a fraction of the cash that wasnt covered as part of the scheme in a written statement, released shortly after the indictment. Menendez denied the allegations writing for years, forces behind the scenes have repeatedly attempted to silence my voice. And dig my political grave. Those behind the campaign simply cannot accept that a 1st generation latino, american from humble beginnings, could rise to be a us senator and serve with honor and distinction. Even worse. They see me as an obstacle in the way of their broader political goals. The us attorney overseeing the prosecution was appointed by President Biden and said politics wasnt a consideration in bringing the charges against menendez, the son of cuban emigrants. Menendez survived the 2017 corruption trial, the ended in a hung jury. He serving his 3rd full term in the senate and seeking re election next year. But before that is due in court to face the charges against him. On september 27th, heidi joe castro, which is 0 washington. The, this is all just here with these are the top stories. The Opening Ceremony for the 19th asian games is underway in the chinese city of hong show. This is chinas 1st big sporting events since the end of it, strict 0 corporate policy being billed as a green asian games with no ceremonial fireworks. Russia says theres been another attack and its black. See for the suffice the fall and try me, and it comes a day after ukrainian. This all is targeted, the headquarters of the russian blacks, the fleet, and the city ahead of ukraines intelligence says at least 9 people have been killed in the attack. Whole process has are 0 team countries to overcome what he calls up

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