You really cant be in this position where you have the warning time where you really would be able to do things decades in advance. And thats completely realistic. The impact will be captured by the spacecraft on board camera promising a dramatic view of an experiment which may 1 day be remembered as helping prevent armageddon. Rob reynolds al jazeera. Ah, this is our desert. These the top stories exit polls in italy say the right Wing Alliance lead by georgia, maloney is on course the majority in parliament. If confined, maloney will become its nice, fuss, female Prime Minister on the 1st far right. Need us. Its while war tape i, when this night is over, we will remember that this is a new beginning from tomorrow on. We will have to show what our values are worth. If we are called to govern and lead this nation, we will do it for every single italian with the goal to unite these people. Because our biggest goal in life is to make sure that italians are finally proud again to fly our flag. Hi. Thousands of people who fled their homes as super typhoon nora made land full in the northern philippines. The strongest storm to hit the country this year, strengthened so quickly. It led to an extreme emergency warning. Its brought heavy rain and winds of up to 195 kilometers an hour. At least 25 people have drowns off to their bears count sized on the river and bangladesh. The boat was carrying more than a 100 people up the kora toe river to a hindu temple in the north. Dozens, all still missing. Trial of 19 o, cardinal and full pro democracy activists is beginning in hong kong on monday. Cardinal joseph zen is one of ages highest ranking, catholic clerics. They are all on trial over their role, running a father to defend people arrested and Anti Government protests. They were detained under a National Security law earlier last year. The canadian, with foreign forces, if convicted, they face of fine, but no jail time. Okay, theres a headlines. Next is talks out there. We are all christmas. Even people far away are so helping with the environment, problems in the amazon because they are consumers. I teach kids about the oceans are facing today. Ive been working in earnest, trying to find ways to get this language to get what do we do as why and what are you going to do to keep out of the sort of language that keeps the red blood women, right . They have one back over there, fight for a while. If you got married, i was told the thing that were texting women, we made a challenge in the region. I will not being pro life i want to sleep. We dont have read them in this country about 2 weeks now, 3 days, journey to with someone destroys our country. Someone needs to rebuild the us. You then okay, now a chicken seller who became a successful businessman, a politician who rose to the presidency. William router was officially declared president of kenya after narrowly winning the election in august. The results were challenged by his long time rival, while dinner led to vote rigging and a compromised electoral system. But kenyas top court upheld root has victory dismissing the petition to nullify the outcome. While its widely considered africas most stable democracy, tenure has its share of burdens. Im james phase in new york, and its here that the newly inaugurated president router delivered his 1st address to the un general assembly. And thats where i caught up with him to discuss some of the challenges facing his country. From the deep ethnic divisions to a flailing economy, the threat of all groups and the worst drought in decades. The kenyan president william router talked to al jazeera. Ah, doctor william root ho president of kenya, thank you for talking to out to 0. Youve only just been sworn in as the 5th president of your country. Lets look back of the election. It was largely peaceful, but it was also extremely close. 14000000 votes were cast, there was just, i believe, 200000 votes between you and the other candidate. The veteran politician ry loading a disputed election, but then the Supreme Court back the result and back your victory. But youve got a country divided almost 5050. How do you bridge that divide . Now . I think to say the country is divided is not the right words. I think what we are saying is everybody has a role to play. That will be both of us. That i lead that will be leading the executive. My competitors will be doing an equally important responsibility for the people of kenya by providing oversight over the government that i will set up. So they too will be participating in the governance of our country. And the government of kenya is the government of kain for all people. Whichever way they wanted, whoever they voted for. They have a government that will solve them equally. Ive been reading lots of profiles about you. They all say very hard working and determined, but also tough and sometimes uncompromising. And youve read the same things ive read. Some people are speculating. You might have an authoritarian streak. So are you the right man to build consensus . I think i have a history of building consensus and majority of the people who ive worked with me have come to appreciate that yes i am from i am determined i am forecast and is the only reason i have gotten myself here by being resolute, determined, and forecast because unless you are that farm you can get nothing down. But the consensus i have built to win this election should conform to you and all that i am a consensus puzzle. I wouldnt have put together the team that gave me the opportunity to win dissolution. We said the election was largely peaceful, but you remember 2007, a very bloody election over a 1000 people were killed. And i didnt have to remind you that after the violence you were in dated by the International Criminal court. And we have to say those charges of crimes against humanity. They were all later the case it but im asking you now whether you worry that that effects in some way that the way members of the International Community might view you now. Well, the members of the International Community are knowledgeable people or so i expect. And the law in kenya, and i guess its the law universal law is that allegations can be made about anybody and allegations are allegations and as theyre proven and evaluations are not proven, then it means they just remain room us and insinuations. The people of kenya, i didnt get here by the any other means, but by choice that people kind of went to the ballot in 2030 chose president who and my son about his deputy, the same thing in 2017. I went in the selection, the people ok now know me that well, to make a choice as to what kind of person i am. I know the International Community may carry a bit of that baggage, but i think over the years, many of them have come to realize that i am not the person that was being described in both judges. In your election campaign, you differentiated yourself from other political figures in kenya, the former president kenyatta, who was the son of kenyas, 1st, a founding president. And your opponent rather didnt know who was the son of can use 1st vice president. And you made the point that you came from a very humble background. He was selling chickens as a child, i think i read you got your 1st period shoes at the age of 15. How does this background, hows it gonna affect the way youre going to govern . My background gives me day. Why do you understand it . Here by mistake of what the issues, ah, and by virtue of the oppertunity, i have gone through leadership as a member of parliament as a minister before as a deputy president. It also gives me a Vantage Point on solutions to the challenges that faced out your campaign. Kelly cut through, it was a great success. But now perhaps the difficult bit you were riding a wave of high expectations. Now youve got to deliver. And you have been come to power at a time when the economy, not just in your country, but around the world is in dire straits. Youre facing a global fuel crisis, a fuel crisis type president kenyatta has put subsidies when he was president on on to try and support me with, with food and fuel. Others sustainable economically, much longer than not. And thats why i removed that in fact, the whole subsidy regina was a grain. Or now while Development Resources over the last 34 months salon with spend a 140000000000 goodness shillings on subsidy. When i came into office, the 1st assignment i had was with the Energy Sector when i looked them in the eye and asked them whether this was going to go on. Because we were spending 16000000000. 00 shillings money, we didnt hop every month on fewer subsidy. I put was a stop to it and the people couldnt understood that it wasnt in their best interest to continue with fuel subsidies. There are couple of other things. I made a commitment for example, that we are going to enhance their Financial Independence of judiciary. So that we can better place the country at advantage position for investment, where commercial disputes could be decided upon in the shortest time possible. I appointed 6 judges that were out standing. I have had a discussion with d, sherry and we intend to expand the scope of independence over the sheriffs will that they can do more with the resources that they have. And now they dont have to depend on the executive. They have their own independent budget. I did the same with the police for a long time. The police were dependent on the office of the president. And what officials deed was if they didnt want a southern case to be investigated, they didnt provide resources for it. I have now, in the last 2 weeks, i have moved their budget of the police from my office, and now they run an independent budget, an independent mandate. They can investigate whatever case that they want. They have to do with security in the manner in which they figure out, and my government will be there to support them. We are making changes, some of which do not even require financial resources. There is a lot that we want to change. I have just told you next week we are going to rework the whole Credit Rating system because the current one is all or nothing. Youre in or out. And we have 15000000 stranded 15000000 canyons stranded because of a Simple Division that can be made to change to keep the air credit difference bureaus. But change the scoring mechanism. So that is not all or nothing. There is a lot that we are going to achieve just by changing policy. Not necessarily even going to look for additional resources, re engineering the use of the resource as we are already using. So that we can get best value out of it. As you know, the region is facing a very sick, serious humanitarian situation, which is the drought, the worst drought for 40 years. Theres talk of famine in somalia, ethiopia, what about northern kenya . You word . We have 3100000 tenants in northern kenya that are in dire need. In fact, we have hard to reorganize our budget so that we can deploy resources for food relief in those in those in those areas. They have not have hosted the last 4 years. Theyve had fail rains for the last 4 seasons, 70 percent of their life stock. They have lost and therefore it is a really serious situation. That is why kenya is championing is providing leadership on matters to do with Climate Change because we are leaving it every day. We can see on our faces every day they fits of Climate Change, and thats why a pena, well be looking at coup 27. 00 to provide an that framework where a financing for Climate Adaptation for climate mitigation. 13 years ago, pledges were made for her a 100000000000. 00 every year. Nothing has been forthcoming. I think its time for us to have a kind of conversation with our partners with International Community, especially those of us from the continent of africa where we are bearing the brunt the brunt of and the effects of Climate Change without any support. I was there asking them multilateral Financial Institutions to rethink because many countries are really organizing their budgets to provide for Climate Change effects rather than their development. Even areas like education and health are beginning to suffer because you have to direct witnesses to keep people alive, to provide food, to provide water. And so that, that along very simple matter. Thats why those of us from the global sums, specifically from africa want, are really candid composition on Climate Change. And how we can deal with people that are affected how we can deal with the situation. But there are merging. And the reality that we have to live with every day of people who are in dire need. Lets talk about kenyas relations with other countries in the region. And just across the border in somalia, the effects of the drought really severe that theyve had a peaceful transfer of power. I think many of the International Community werent expecting that. And you have hasnt checked mohammed back as the president that he had done the job before. Hes ruled at talking to alger. Bob and wants to defeat them on the battlefield. Your country had lots of involvement. They had lots of troops and im a psalm the African Union force that but you also had really tense relations with somalia at various points. You had a maritime dispute. Is the new president , someone you can do business with . I have already had 2 meetings with president hudson chick. I think hes a much more progressive, more positive person, and hes much more committed to fighting terrorism. And he have our full support. We are asking either partners that are without, in somalia. We have a huge contingent of kenyan for just another personnel. And its not a simple thing because we be, we are paying a huge price for the war against terrorism thats going on in somalia. 100 the fact that we dont have a functional government in somalia and therefore its in our best interest in economic interest in our security interest to met you out. So malia walk and i think president hudson gives us the best possible chance and the maritime dispute and all that aside. You know, dawson load exist, christine, shall, you know, we can always sort out our maritime boundary dispute in a peaceful environment. What is priority to k now . Now its not the maritime dispute. It is stabilizing somalia, making sure that malia is functional, having functional security arrangements, so that we can pull out our, our, our troops, manage our own country. And then we can do what the neighbors do. We can always engage and find solutions to the challenges that face us as many but another country facing real troubled drought. But also more conflict is if you have pointed your predecessor president can yes sir, to continue in his role as a mediator. Thats interesting. When he didnt even support you to be president , why do you think he should stay in that role . I am now the president of canada. The big brought them out. So and there it is in my place to walk with him. I think its the right thing to do. I will not allow negative energy to be billed around our country. I do not want any, it was a competition president of the had a candidate hes going to did not when i beat his candidate. Thats some thats, thats a democratic process thats behind us. We now have got a country to govern and we have our region to look after. And i believe president can, can bring value president abbey ahmed, who of course won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019. But he gave up on peace efforts and has been commanding a worn out in recent years. Do you think for lasting peace he should perhaps, to her side, nor i think thats not a decision that can be made enough place. Like here, i think might have of governance much more complicated. There are no doubt, straightforward as people look at or as people watch from a distance. I think president abbey is still a major. Will still play a major role. And would it be possible, i think, factor in that region, i think we need to walk with him. What with his teams, for the event order solution of that theyre all of that conflict in that region. Id like to quickly also touch on the democratic republic of congo because president can, yes, is going to have a role there. You have got this east african stand by force, which is going to go there. Im told as many as potentially 12000 troops can years leading that and yet theres already a un force. There isnt the danger of confusion duplication and an alienating the local population. But putting this new force in that i think them decision to have the east african done by force was made in consultation with you and thought that wouldnt be any possibility of any conflict. Canine contributing troops to the un air force in there in d, r. C. But we also contributing trips to the east african stand by force where you want to use as you start your job. Youre committing your soldiers to a new war. They fought for so long in somalia. In any way were you it is our neighborhood. We have not, we have no choice. I mean we wish this could be done by somebody else, but we dont get involved. It will get to us. The conflict in somalia is opinion conflict by and large their challenges we have in eastern d. C. Our tenant challenges by and large to spend the sobbed out of mom bus aboard. I think 50 percent of all imports, exports go to our country. We have a commercial relationship. We have, were neighbors. These are no responsibilities. We can run away from that for peace. In d, r. C, congo. Peace in somalia is equal to peace in kenner. In any case it is said, no one is b. One is safe until we are all safe. So on that pins for kenya will always be available to deploy and support including troops in our region to keep our neighborhood safe. There are so many groups fighting in east and d. R. C, but the one thats come back is m 23. 00 in the last year or so. Now you know that the government of democratic republic of congo are blaming rwanda. They say rwanda is backing in 23. Have you looked at those claims . Do you think its true . Ive had occasion to have a discussion with president ial k d, and ive also had an occasion to speak to president of them. Ive been president because i may have been forthright that they have nothing to do with m. 23. There are other people who think otherwise, but we do not want to engage. Serves in blame, game and finger pointing. We have to get our hands on it and sort out the issues. And the good thing is that both president cut me and feller shes the getty, are committed to making sure that we solve that problem as a region. And thats why all our countries contributing troops to stabilize that region. The nairobi process, chaired by president who has made a lot of progress in making sure that these process have is brought to the table and act out in that conflict are brought to the table. And my government will ensure that that process comes out with the results. Were going to commit resources, were going to commit to a personnel. Were going to ensure that as that process walking with other partners, i have already had a discussion with their secretary brinton. And we are in consultations on how to move those processes forward so that we can step below that region so that we can also deal with a challenge or terrorism and, and, and extreme is that, that comes with instability in, in our neighborhood. Weve discussed issues in kenya, issues in your region, but currently kenya serves on the Un Security Council said wendy interview. Id like to ask you about the one issue that dominating international affairs. And thats the war in ukraine. And there seems to be a difference of opinion. There are some in the global south who say, its not time to stop this, its time for a peace deal. And there are others, particularly western countries saying you cant compromise now, because russia is based breaking the basic rule of the un charter, which is one country cannot invade another country. Where do you stand . Whatever the proposition we must, when the conflict one ent, even if rogers and benefits from this aggression the position of tenure is that we need a peaceful resolution. A mechanism that will bring the war to a stop. Because whatever it is, we are all bearing the brunt of what that conflict portents for us. High food prices. We cannot access fertilizer. We cannot pay for fertilizer transport for her commodities saviours. Fertilizer is all it is all croaked up with, with the sanctions around it. And with Everything Else that come with it, apples each on is that in a war, there is no winner. And there is no right or wrong. I think the most important thing is for us to stop the war. Let us get ourselves fast as to piece. Then the other processes can follow. We can, we can then discuss who did what, what was right, what was wrong. But i think in the context where we are today with high food prices, with global challenges over for the labor supply, with global challenges over a similar supply with people faced with drought and farming in many areas with the challenges of Climate Change. We do not have the luxury to be air pious in order to say, oh, i am right, hes of all. And based on that, i think we need 1st things. First, lets find a mechanism to stop the war. We can do other things late. President william router, thank you for talking to al jazeera, thank you very much. Bosnia and herzegovina is going to the polls amid the disputes over election reforms that would enable people to vote along ethnic lines at all levels of government. Right up to the presidency. As Bosnian Serbs challenge, state institutions in their escalating bid for succession and croats warn of the consequences if the focus hope under the current law. What does the future hold for this fragile democracy . Bosnia elections on a j 0. This was a moment the likes of which we have never seen. This is important. This is your story from breaking down the headlines to exposing the powers attempting to silence reporting. Were seeing Media Freedom being threatened and attacked is basically criminalizing journalism. The listening post doesnt cover the news. It covers the way the news is covered. People have no idea what the source of use is. That is the game. The role that brought for both african inquiring on al jazeera in australia, indigenous women, theyre missing that disproportionately high rates. One to one east investigate is enough being done to help find missing aboriginal on al jazeera, i will totally accept the results of this great and historic president ial election. If i win a lot of people talk, the world was being turned upside down. The way that has been manipulated by populace, like donald trump playing on racial anxieties. One person that citizens have political equality. And of course in the united states, as in many other parts of the world that remains an ideal, but not a reality. Runs a famous wave, a for your well baby. Down for debit of the table of brotherhood. I have a dream. My dream is that people may my daughter, the young people just have a full voice and dont feel targeted because of their race or ethnicity. Ah, italy takes a sharp turn to the right exit polls say a fall right. Coalition is on track for a majority and

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