conditions like at the camp where you are, while conditions here. firstly, it's very, very cold. the mountains that surround the city, you can, they are covered with snow and people are burning things just to keep warm. it is a constant smell of burning in the air. it's ward, it's plastic, it's paper, anything people can get their hands on. some of the tents do have some heating, but the great majority of them don't, but there is aid coming in here. they have watch. i've just seen the truck carrying water go past me. there's water bottles available. there's foods this tea, this soup kitchen set up. there's people distributing clothes for at least at this cap, but we have to remember the displacement. the people that have been affected is vast . is a great earth, vast area that, that has affected, that people have been affected in thought to get aid to all those places is very, very difficult. if you go into the city, you can see the destruction that has taken place. and some people are staying on the streets, either are intense or you can see them burning a wood and paper. there is 8 also being delivered to them. you know, that medical students have set up a pharmacy at the university. the hospital is still operating and even at this camp, there's a saw the children, specialists helping children. we just spoke to one. and she was saying that children kind of understand what has taken place with encourage him encouraging them to draw pictures of their homes. but saying that things will be rebuilt, there will be a return to normalcy. but if you go into the city, the rubble is been taken away. the the street sweepers are municipality st. supers out trying to clean up that, but efforts are ongoing. now we've been told by the authorities that they've buried around 8000 people so far, but they say that in that but could go up to around 15000. so thank you very much. indeed, that's as big as a jim i took a where there's a campsite there. i'm just a few minutes ago we had a press conference from nato secretary general, who has been meeting took is foreign minister who in order to be able to tour the scenes of what has been happening after the earthquake, to discuss more about what nato can do. will have all of that nic clock in about to by 20. we ask, should they not be more oversized, perhaps so foundations like yours? we listen when it comes to diversification, we don't do it in order to be get single directional manager sources. we meet with global news makers and talk about the stall restock matter. on al jazeera, i extreme storms. wildfires rising sea levels. the results of global warming have become ever more evidence in recent years, but had different mike. things have been at an industry which knew about climate change, long before the rest of us acted on that evidence. instead of trying to deny it. in the 2nd 2 episodes, a team of swiss filmmakers examines big oils big lives, ah ah, over the atlanta flying observe, over 40 years ago, the world's largest and most profitable old companies, began to realize the effects their products were having on a claim. their own private scientific research told them so well before it became common knowledge. but for the next 4 decades time we could have better spent transitioning to greener forms of energy. they salt to discredit and down play evidence of global warming, and the calamities it would lead to melting glass is rising sea level out of control wildfire extreme storms. these are only some of the things we've seen in recent years, and it's likely to get much worse. yet as this to part investigation is revealing, the oil industry and its political friends have been relentless and trying to manipulate public opinion about climate change. bullying the media, lobbying governments, and disparaging the san to san activists pleading for an end to our fossil fuel addiction. it's still happening today even in switzerland raised more her daily di here is how raj, a couple of swiss politicians and publisher of the populace. right wing magazine belt booker recently described professor sonya, so never readily, one of the world's leading climatology. on his video jama, any kalima octave easton, and ec, lima came footing in board and open their carlson great doll tune barack their green and highly gin d moment d here. only say a feeler vsoft low on this job that in an in on for your own cy can besides take an over topped, also see st goes the seem to kind of for sure there's a kind of visage after in on what provoked the outburst, an interview in which she said that climate change was alarming and unprecedented. be me, lloyd beacon, so don't meet it. so it didn't meet profane, didn't meet up a call if they can meet lloyd and the image on the scene was policy. you don't be it on as they're see. this is you, but so science the school opens inspiration. honda lynch, placing k b. trish t roneesh out trade buzz is f as i, as it is with this is a confed my i have sealed me quantica shorter van de d'amico nest on santa hick. a so meningitis, yell go, moss, i could to carry such a sheep. ask his f shanker, let out a horn to water backlash for scot. this pussy like as shown faqua, they put to sam fifths of farmington. yeah, they popple with descriptive class, else for quite a particular have anytime people so fell madly saved in your a lesson was as going to fax, 50000 mccarthy. of the specific if john brought you a couple is a national counselor from zurich and an influential voice in the s v. p. one of switzerland's main right wing parties. we wanted to ask him about his attack on profess us, never antony. but he declined an interview, his party, the s v p is interesting because of its ties to a fossil fuel lobby. graphically revealed in 2019 by an angio, the swiss energy foundation. the lobby group includes major transportation, federations like auto suites, t c, s as tag swiss oil, and economy sweet and has links with several parliamentarians, mostly from right wing parties in 2021. the s v p campaigned in parliament against the bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. a former leader of the s v p. albert rusty was also president of switzer and of auto suites, the association of car importance. we ask mr. rusty for an interview, but he declined. instead, he referred us to avail no, she suisse the countries association of fuel importers. they to declined after numerous emails. so did most of its members. finally, we approached christian e. mark and s v p. national counselor from zola phone. so what did he think about the warnings of climate scientists? is mr. dan can afford with him on of it is, is, is morgan, she rises or does add the ouse via cohen eva sheds, threatened self spite in miss justin grown test and keep the seal on the sheet him in on, on thought on. come on it and for soccer, new vale, and pottery since after if my scenario, martin montoya. if montoya, if i'm for policy within hyphen ref, it must be safe if i can, i far. and how and how can i go to 6 pm book will at seamless yakobelli. jesus tomorrow, says shanty fig. sand is actively stir. marcia was at the club about his invite that had gone, went on money. i'm for all this ice twice in the politic unfreeze and lost count monte vista of dr. seaman. we showed him the swiss energy foundations revealing diagram about the fossil fuel lobby in parliament. it listed him as president of the zoloft and section of ass tag the swiss road transport association. escobar saint ha v. fatal year at kathy all. oh, here and bell, m each beneatha, berkeley, kane petrol. lobbyist of his english don n. and each been president. they had asked ark 16 so upon the aspect that his denotes for toil, irv. they're not thoughtful font road holy is are of course huge consumers of gasoline and diesel. so does christian a mark defend their interests in parliament? it's been kind of both $89.00 for a year, not from alvarado. he can hear 1001 of the shown it. he can you thought was healed by each other way than i'm fina felice. interesting off his dog mind perspective if ishmael this beth it to my email, it few owns her long food own say, refer comb. with this thing. the chem 15 bash for the fair try to fit in 2021. the sd p avenue g and swiss oil all fought against the proposed c o. 2 bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help to finance the successful no campaign in the subsequent referendum. it was a notable victory and the oil lobbies fight to slow switzerland's transition to more sustainable energy. there are similar stories elsewhere in the world in washington dc. for example, thousands of lobbyists are working behind the scenes in congress to oppose anti oil and gas legislation. that work is in secret, but it's still shocking to hear them talk openly about their methods. in 2021, keith mccoy, senior lobbyist of the american giant exxon mobil was caught doing just that. in a greenpeace sting, xle, did we aggressively fight against some of the science? ah, yes. did me join some of these shadow loops ought to work against? ah, some of the early efforts? yes, that's true. but there is nothing. was that being illegal about that? ah, you know, we were looking out for our investments, we were looking out for our shareholders. it was a revelation for a lot of people that, you know, they know what they're doing. they know how they're manipulating the, the political system here in the united states. the video stunned california democrat congressman ro connor. he sits on the house committee on oversight and reform, which in october 2021 began investigating big oils, climate change disinformation campaign. that was the catalyst. i mean, keith mccoy basically was on tape bragging about his role in killing climate legislation. bragging that he gave the rhetoric the company, gives the rhetoric about caring about climate. but behind the scenes, they're killing legislation to tackle the climate. i. and i said, we've got to get them in to explain this the committee will come to order. this is the historic hearing for the 1st time top fossil fuel executives are testified together before congress under of about the industries role in causing climate change. and their efforts to cover it up. you can either come clean, emit your misrepresentations and ongoing inconsistencies and stop supporting climate this information. or you can sit there in front of the american public and lie under oath. we can't solve the climate crisis unless we tackle the climate disinformation crisis. many people don't know that these big oil companies, particularly exxon, have been lying to the public for decades. now, why does that matter? because they prevented us from diversifying, they prevented us from making the investments in the seventy's, eighty's and ninety's in renewable energy. so the 1st part is that they should be held accountable. the 2nd part is that they are continuing to mislead. perhaps on surprisingly, the oil companies response was to present themselves as models of low carb and rectitude, and to deny allegations about climate disinformation campaign. thank you for the opportunity to be here today to discuss the urgent need for action on climate change and shells. effort to advanced societies, transition to a lower carbon feature. exxonmobil has long recognized that climate change will impose as serious risks any suggestion, whichever has engaged in an effort to spread dis, information, and mislead the public on these complex issues is simply ra, a p, i supports climate action governments, industries and consumers must accelerate policy and technology solutions together, they believe after several hours of statements and questions agreed, the committee wasn't making much headway or any if you're today prepared to make any statement saying we're going to take accountability on something so important and stop funding groups that are actively engaged in any form of climate, this information. okay. i take that. yeah. you don't want to take the pledge. all right. the hearings continued for months. so did the own industries claims it was working to dekalb and eyes which ro connelly to described as outrageous greenwashing his hope now is that eventually be oil will go the same way as the tobacco industry. in 1990 full cigarette manufacturers lied to congress and it marked the beginning of that decline. you believe that he was not a big? i believe nicotine is not addict of yours, mr. john. i believe. i believe the nicotine, the big tobacco hearings captured the american imagination, and people said it is wrong that these to battle executives know that cigarettes are addictive, and yet they're denying that. and that led to a hotel change in america. we need a similar cultural change when it comes to the embrace of alternative energy. but if the u. s. congress with the house now back in the hands of the republicans, hasn't yet managed to force through that cultural change. others are keeping the fight going. this is the east coast of the usa, like everywhere on the planet. these shows are experiencing the effects of global warming. katie, luciano is a geologist who works for the south carolina department of natural resources. this is one of our road, in transaction i'm measuring from the forest to the theme and getting a better idea of how the shoreline is transitioning as it moves and arose backwards . we've had a episodes of hurricanes, a lot of a very high tides, and the erosion rate has, has basically doubled from it's historical version rate of 7 and a half meters per year. in other words, on erosion rate, that's twice what it would be without climate change. you can look back here and you can see we are right in the forest here. so you can see all the vegetation and the beach is actively eroding on to this island. so this place this beach was a forest, then this far, i guess it was as dense as this forest right here, where we're standing just several years ago. in fact, rising waters threatened much of the eastern seaboard of the united states. charleston in south carolina is among the cities most at risk builds on the peninsula almost at ocean level. it's always been exposed to inclement weather, but global warming poses another challenge entirely. we are on the front line of climate change from sea level rise and from the increase impacts of extreme weather. we have seen the direct impacts year after the year for a decade now. every year, flooding tied like when i was a boy, maybe 5 times a year. now it's 90 tides a year that impact our street we. we don't discuss the politics of climate change anymore. it's reality here. the cities being hit by ever more frequent and more serious, hurricanes, protecting the show line has thus become crucial. since hurricane irma, which struck in 2017 tens of millions of dollars have been spent raising these fortifications up by just one single meter. but it's not enough. ok, so charleston also faces chaos. surge events. if you have a major hurricane. irma was not a major hurricane. if you get a major hurricane and it comes in, it could push a wall of water 101214 feet high. and if you would get that, that would over top this, this would all be flooded. so we're working with the federal government to see if we can get them to help us build a surge wall or serge structure around the entire peninsula. the idea is to build a giant dyke of show like that in venice to hold back the ocean. but the cost is estimated at around $3000000000.00, a staggering amount of money for a city of only a $150000.00 inhabitants. so the mayor is taking legal action against those. he holds accountable for the threat they face. the city of charleston is suing $24.00 big oil companies over damages to the city and their contributions to climate change. we are filing lawsuit day against big oil. and the reason is they have contributed through a i intentional deception to, to change the story. busy of the impact of the burning of fossil fuels on climate change on this plan. so i feel it's not fair to the citizens in charleston. the have to bear the burden, the total cost of these improvement that are needed because the sea level run. the complaint directly targets a host of big oil companies, including exxon mo, bill, shell, chevron and b. p. mainly because of that disinformation campaign. defendants concealed dangers, promoted false, and misleading information, sought to undermine public support for greenhouse gas regulation, and engaged in massive campaigns to promote the ever increasing use of their products at ever greater volumes. i believe that they contributed willingly to this problem and they should be part of the solution. the lied. they lied. yes. it was a misinformation campaign. it's very similar to what the tobacco companies did with the cigarette smoking and the impacts of cigarette right. mm. charleston lawsuit against the oil johns isn't the only one. some 30 major u. s. cities and states have done the same, including baltimore, new york, washington, massachusetts, and minnesota. the plaintiffs are supported by the center for climate integrity. richard whiles, as it's president, these cases are very winnable, and that's why the oil industry is terrified of these cases right there. they're far more fearful of these cases and they are of anything the congress might do or anything that any state legislature might do. because, you know, they've got a lot of power in the congress. they pretty much own the republican party. but they are afraid of these cases because they have the potential to stick them with the damages that they have caused. if you think about the cost of adaptation from climate damages to climate damages in united states is going to be multiple trillions of dollars. if these companies have to pay their percentage, their portion, their fair share of those damages, it will be multiple hundreds of billions of dollars. while says that the old company is a particularly fearful that the low seats will force them to open their archives and make compromising information public. if those documents come out, the reputational damage to these companies will be enormous, right? these are the things they fear. in europe cooled civil ready ruled against one of the oil giants, royal dutch shell. this was the unprecedented ruling of a court in the hague, in may 2021 to show hope neither for stating it had been fulfill steel. and so for now, latter off our po, dixie, and here cope, careful with the pair can compete. it is, is replaced via had called shareable light on the show, hope and trade out and data to shout a outdoor from the show, hope and the to lay frontier should of names from shall hope, close to blank meant net or favor fear to push in the case was launched in april 2019 by a collision of environmental n g o's, and more than 17000 dutch citizens. they accused the multinational of destroying the climate with full knowledge of the facts. like its american competitors shell, they said, knew of the danger posed by its products. some 40 years ago. it is in her. and he stories enough for f one was all a mom. what is the notice goodness hope the rest, the goodwood else. not unheard of her filer mood, snow permitted forwards. alcohol far look at the market on the rack. the lead the rain do i will over based on cell is from world, put it worse, og upon providing plymouth and honoring and sell mood or may stopping the ground. breaking nature of the judgment can be found in its details. shell must reduce emissions by 45 percent from its own facilities such as its boar holes or its gas stations, but also the emissions from the consumption of its products. for example, gasoline. in march 2022 shell filed an appeal against the ruling, arguing that its own plans to reduce c o 2 emissions by 2050 are sufficient in a statement. it also said we question how shell can have a legal obligation to reduce carbon emissions. we do not control from customers who are not under a similar legal obligation to reduce their admissions. the company believes that it's not justice, his role to set or impose environmental objectives, but that's not how this environmental lawyer and swiss green m. p. c's. it said the seattle that now shows mom pads, imaging manya, or canoe very deposit problem on my chest magic. i've a kansas g ski nap others on leopard chic. he is it totally more apparent abdul or b a consult remote needed was said a former report as eustace luxury van dealer. the war mac. nah, salary. vineyards, chevron chromatic is it on you have a po remote where our whole representative says she don't mock. hello, cassandra, not wisdom kept the east to london one day, not up his bad did put on cushions, fit severity, new condition. oh, poor, poor jelly shows the fossil perfectly mel. how this sal am as you who do defeat his force. i knew miss yorba linda, did i, cass or bra soft? you under cabin or brusset, this oxygen, you can burn it. don't miss a sophomore, u f l o r d at blood knowledge. you also please key soil vision does business would've, if where we open the tragedy is that it took 40 years for that radical turnaround to begin. instead, climate change denial and disinformation so doubt in people's minds and left us all facing unpalatable choices in an uncertain future. yet count on the company because you have a good deal of publish actual from the census. i wish was it under tosha, manascale rogers. say clerk, her orthodontist? yes. on corporate monte. sure, hold on. i prove i am on problem. mm. clemente, bessie for now. walker is a fit in columbus t is in miss yolanda dirt again. if it's an image on seal, do, are you on fed as on the previous and in an under performing harp oddish access, okay. if they are secret of it that it book on the diligence gesture was on pronounce his typical any problem. so got here, when i montage, it's 12 knocks us again. craig, have 70, if this is incomplete, says until a pleaser highmore columbia not have near her nose or b, sir. se, optimal candour as neevadolla. we ish, moscow, and phelps responsibility. this on the focus is our formation of federal bay to batter shadow park achia bow you persist, osterhouse shall see. says i for myself. whenever that book is their word to qualify this disinformation campaign. the yvonne i mean it's just pure evil. i don't know what to say other than that at this point. i mean, the science is so clear, and yet these companies continue to mislead and deceive the public about it. and everybody's life on the planet is at stake. these companies are just despicable . their options are there, rarely the technology is available for us to switch and they just want to milk their products for as much money as possibly can, as long as they possibly can. consequences be damned. so want to big oil hadn't lied. it's a question. we put to the woman in the usa, we met right at the start of this investigation, lamenting the destruction of her ancestral land. if they all companies had law 40 years ago, we probably wouldn't be standing so close to this water right now. we probably would be way back there in the distance amongst all the trees that are standing up here in the birds chirping, seeing the sea gulls called begging us both smack. so last don't make 40 more years of less help children with ah and in a notorious waterside community. what kings and thugs will one theater director ventures to stage a play. their com miss is the ad to empower the winning data. that old man sitting right there. oh, i and redefine best status in society, missus and nigeria, as women walk on water, witness on al jazeera. russia's war em, ukraine has dominated. well, he's for the past 12 months. devastating for those in the line of fire or directly impacted. it has strengthened global alliances and deepened divisions with far reaching effects on the lives of billions of people. worldwide. in a week had special coverage, al jazeera explores every aspect of the conflict, the human, the political, and the economic, and the possibilities of resolution, ukraine war, one year on, on algebra. ah, ah, how about 1 o'clock? this is the news online from donna hall coming up in the next 60 minutes displaced by war and non made.

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