ah hello, i'm rob matheson, this is the news are live from doha, coming up with like 60 minutes. china records it's highest number of daily coven, 19 cases, despite some of the toughest restrictions in the world. millions of people in ukraine are facing freezing. temperature is often more rushing. missiles had power systems. oh eventually eventually that we have them in and focus and they could only manage his new prime minister on what abraham promises to fight corruption. man says he'll announced a budget soon back to the world cup favorites, brazil faced serbia. and if you are, so now we're going to be alive at a fans over here in doha. ah, it's just after $1500.00 g m t. going to start in china, where health authorities have reported a record 31000. you covered $1000.00 cases and a single day that despite strict measures aimed at eliminating the virus. nearly 900 of the infractions reported on thursday were in the capital bay jane in one of several cities which have tightened restrictions as corona virus cases surge. when it comes to the world's biggest apple iphone, make a fox gone as apologize to work as a james to factory after protest turned violent. patrick falk has more from hong kong report say that the unrest of the false compliance in jungle has now been brought under control of the company as agreed to pay work is that it only recently joined the equivalent of around $1400.00 us dollars to end the protest and leave the campus immediately as far as we understand they were upset of working conditions. and in particular because they reportedly being exposed to other workers that have been infected by the virus. they rule so complaining that folks gone had failed to pay them. the salaries and bonuses that they'd been promised. now, it's unclear what's of impact this is going to have on apple precisely. but chinese media report say that as many as 100000 people had come to work at this facility. following recent similar unrest which saw many workers flee from the plant saying that they've never come back again. really because of the same source of complaints. and remember this plants and jim jo accounts for around 50 or 60 percent of apples. i for production capacity. so undoubtedly, this is going to mean serious delays for orders and shipments moving forward, but this will also have reputational damage for apple as well. and the company will need to consider very carefully what the supply chain implications are. and what sort of challenges they're going to face brought on by china 0 curved approach. separately, china registered. it's highest, a daily rate of infection today. just over 31000 cases recorded e 3, surpassing the previous peak hit in april earlier this year. and authorities that continue to fight in cubs and played like cha ching, and one joe and beijing and shanghai. it's also creating a lot of uncertainty for people here in hong kong. because the last few years china is opening up and the normalization of the situation. hong kong here has been very much tied to what happens on the mainland. let's bring in william host is a professional chinese development in cambridge university is joining me from cambridge in the u. k. very good to have you with us on al jazeera. thank you very much. indeed. the pictures that we're seeing from outside fox con, have really become quite extraordinary. this is not something that we thought we would be we would see from, from china, for a very long time. how great is the chance? do you think that people's patients with what the government is doing it begins to run out there, we're likely to see more situations like this. i think actually we've seen a number of situations that maybe haven't quite reached the same scale scope or publicity as what's going on now in general. but in fact, many people in china have been quite angry, quite depressed, quite frustrated for a very long time. and on top of that, i mean, labor protests have been an ongoing theme in chinese society for over 20 years. so it's not odd that we're seeing this issue erupting as it is at the fox con plant. and what is special about this particular incident is the scale of it. and the fact that it's being so widely reported with regard to the economic impact of the corporate. 19 the 0 coven process that the government is putting in place. is there a suggestion, given what we're seeing outside, fox gone and going by what you've said, that this has been happening elsewhere as well, that people's fatigue with the core, with the 0 call it approach is beginning to reach a tipping point. and as a result, this is going to have any, any economic impact as well. i think it's already having a severe economic impact and probably has been for some time it's very difficult to quantify or to get reliable data and exactly what that impact is. but no doubt it's having a significant and negative impact on the economy as a whole, and on the livelihoods of many people, particularly at the top and at the bottom of the income distribution. so in other words, people who are quite wealthy and running large businesses that are running into issues and people who have to work in person, the so called essential workers who cannot do their jobs. in many cases, the people in the middle strata office workers, people who can work from home, who have stable jobs, who aren't being asked to leave entirely or not being paid. they're doing relatively better economically, but they can't spend their money on anything. there's nothing for them to do. and so even in a city like beijing, many districts of beijing in the last week or so, they're not calling to lockdown. but at the same time, schools are closed. most businesses are closed and nothing's really going on. as some people are being told not to leave their, their housing compounds or indeed their apartments. so it's quite difficult to engage in meaningful economic activity in terms of the frustration level. i think that there's a tremendous kind of frustration in many sectors of chinese society that's been there at this point probably for about a year. but at the same time, there's also another current of fear and anxiety about the virus itself. some of which is due, in fact, to the ongoing 0 corporate policies and the messaging around them. some of it is due to the fact that so few people have had cove, it in china relative to the size of the population. and to the fact that the vaccination rate among the most vulnerable is in fact much lower than it probably could be or should be. so the fear versus the frustration as sometimes come into tension. and it's not exactly here, which is the stronger wasn't long ago that we were seeing growth rates of about 6 percent g d, p for china. that was just a few years ago. that was a, a source of significant pride for the leadership of the country at the time. how far do you think the leadership is prepared to go to essentially put that any economic growth at risk for the sake of a 0 coverage policy. i suspect that there must be some debate within top echelons of the chinese state and communist party around this issue. and what we saw very clearly in july was a statement by the polar bureau standing committee attributed to c, jumping himself, which said persistence, his victory. the virus must be eliminated, no step is too far to achieve your covert and everything else would have to take sort of 2nd place. but even with that, i think there's a recognition that the economy in society can only be stretched so far. and then there is a clear desirability to restoring normal, economic and social activity. that being said, i don't think there's a political incentive to try to do so in a meaningful way before march after march. i think they will try harder than they are now. they're already trying a bit to bring down some of the regulations and to restore some sense of normality to many spheres of life. but it's already running into problems. i think they'll try harder after march. but i think the also run into problems that really good to get to thoughts on this william host. we appreciate you being with us, so thank you very much indeed. thank you. we, you being commissions. he says the you is pressing ahead with more sanctions on russia . it's in response to weapons days miss. i'm attacks on ukraine. more than 70 rockets were fired, plunging a number of cities into darkness. masses released these images after reports of blackouts across the country. meanwhile, even though the capital kiva queuing up for water because supplies have been hit during strikes, moscow has been accused of weapon ising winter as it targets ukraine's energy facilities. wednesday stripes knocked out power and water supplies in the cave region. more than 3000000 people have been without heating and sub 0 temperatures. fire outages of also affected other regions, live strokes from khaki in the north, to live in the west as well as the odessa region in the south. it rains, state run energy from says 3 nuclear plants have switched off supply to the electrical grid. anders went to progresses, temperatures and predicted to planet 2 as low as minus 20 degrees. in some areas, a w a chose as up to 3000000 people, could flee their homes in search of warmth and safety or challenge is more from the ukrainian city of vish. good on i think is one word for the condition in ukraine at the moment and that is miserable. there are millions of people across the country who spent the night in cold, damp, chilly apartments, and homes with no power and no running water. this is bishop roads on the outskirts of the capitol cave, and this is a place that yesterday with targets it's by a russian missile destroyed an apartment building here, killing 5 people, just up the road. there is also a power plant. so presumably, the russians were adding for that, but i missed and instead they got an apartment building. now. emergency services have set up a tent here to help people in the area. and this is where you can come if he wants a bit of warmth. and something hot, sweet, we can speak that leoni here is an emergency services worker. aliana. what does this place? what's going on here? hi, it is our in the winter book, when people comes here to drink some tea or coffee, maybe eat some cook. you just spent the time in the warm place to church. the phone you can, you can come and side is going to have a look. okay. so let's drive can run going fast. it's a little cramped in there. apologies if it lends folks up a bit here, but as you can see, conditions are kind of basic, but you know, it's warm and there is power. there's some way to lie down as the hot drink, and that's what people need at the moment. so in the moments there is still 70 percent of kids. that is without power. though, the mayor without a police co says that emergency services have been working throughout the night to try and get power back up for the city. there's been water restored on the left bank of the city, but still on the right bank. it remains powerless. there is something else i'm going to show you here, which is a rabbit. in a box. this was found bouncing around on the streets, presumably from the destroy building. and the emergency service here is saying that they are finding animals like this. and when they do find them, they bring them to this invincibility points and the owners, when they can come and collect them. while you members have agreed on 2 packages to help energy supplies across the continent, ministers have been meeting in brussels and for more or less bringing dominant cane who's in buffalo as far as so i understand they've been holding a press conference. what have they been saying? yes, in the course of the last few minutes, a press conference by the relevant minister from the check presidency, the e u and the relevant commissioner who's portfolio includes energy, energy security, the check ministers saying that's in one fence, the negotiations that have taken place the day have been like, well, maybe not the time to put the champagne in the fridge. ready to celebrate some agreement, but when pushed in questions, i wasn't able to say when that might be the time to open the fridge. open at that bottle. one of the interesting things about all this is the role of l. n. g liquefied natural gas for many member states, and one in particular, germany, which is in the process of acquiring and constructing 5 new terminals. i've been to see one of those terminals on the north sea coast. the north sea in november might seem cold and uninviting, and yet the journey we are on is taking us to what some hope might help heat germany this winter. a new floating ellen g terminal can provide billions of cubic meters of natural gas rushed into service by a government that needs what the container ships arriving here within weeks will be delivering and operated by a company that sees itself is offering part of the answer to the energy crisis, the terminals iron aspect, and the key pillar for this to put supplies security, it's like a fire brigade and just they are, they are, they are in case there's a fire and the terminus might play the same role in the next years to come but the question has to be, as germany unveils this latest step in its journey from russian gas, is how significant is one terminal among those that are being built? how likely is it that these terminals will speed germany away from this dependency on russian fossil fuels? it's one of several questions that are also being asked at the e you level to assist. and i tell you that there is the risk that russia will also cut off the last 20 percent of gas flows. it's clear the additional angie capacities that will come on to the market next year will not be enough to fill this gap. we have to expect that when the economy picks up again, the asia will absorb the lion's share of that additional supply marked. which leads to another question, where will germany and with it the you find the energy to get it through the next crisis, gases to stay. and we'll keep on sourcing from global markets, from norway, from algeria, from us by john. so there's a number of sources we're gas will come from. we'll keep on coal for a while, i longer than, than we want to to. but expect that to come down by the end of the decade, then obviously renewables are being beefed up. for now the, the immediate future seems to contain lots of hydrocarbons and nuclear power. germany's 3 remaining reactors have recently seen their working lives extended to next april. coal fired power stations are providing almost a 3rd of all the energy generated so far this year. and with the acquisition of these l. n. g terminals many billions of cubic meters of natural gas will be provided, meaning ministers who previously promised to prioritize protecting the environment on their presiding over a rapid return to fossil fuels. if only on a short term basis. and that's rapid return to fossil fuels the short term basis that really underlines the sorts of things we've been hearing coming from the news conferences spin ongoing in the last few minutes or so. that's so keen to prioritize renewables they keep mentioning, is talking about making it easier for renewables to reprioritize. and yet they all realize that fossil fuels off phil, this idea, hydrocarbons is still dominant in many people's agendas. the interesting thing here, this reference for the champagne being in the fridge. there is of course, the lead is summit in december may be they'll be some progress by van, but certainly the solidarity. and yet they can't reach the sorts of agreement on a price caps and gas. so many people are crying out for dominick, thank you very much. indeed. that's dominant came talk to some brussels. ah. okay, let's get you the latest and woke up names here and caught our article. and south korea have just played out. a goal is draw earlier, a player born in cameroon, broke their hearts by scoring the winner for switzerland at the football world cup . but alan ball, i'm struck shortly after halftime then kept his promise not celebrating the gold. 25 year old left cameron with his family, but he was 5 switzerland, one mill when mins, teens from africa, our school is up to 4 games at the tour. oh portugal is going to play ghana shortly, but for some people the world cup really starts when brazil play and they take on serbia later on. thursday. in brazil, a small street in rio de janeiro was bursting with color ahead of that 1st match against silvia on can you not hear of reports and how the community has been keeping up a tradition, lasting decades traffic stops in the small street in rio de janeiro as neighbors get down on their knees to paint the road and walls i had of brazil's 1st world cup match in guitar. bit illinois been painting the same streets since 2010. but this tradition began in 1982 when people living in pareto nunez decided to cheer for the woke up by decorating the st. yellow and green colors of our national teams. and wonderful us, oprah the pandemic and the economic crisis have made it more difficult to finance this open air arch show. it takes $400.00 leaders of paint to cover the street with the faces of brazil's football stars. but young and old chin. this are the organizers had the help of famous youtube birds and social media influencers to attract a new generation of supporters and help keep alive a tradition that goes back. 40 years teenagers in children are still collecting money at the stoplight to pay for the finishing touches. georgia movement, i mean, frankly don't to day we didn't make much money, but little by little. we'll get there. 53 year olds yourself. we santos says he's been here from the start painting this street since he was 13 ro, community effort helps us from night. oh, making a better street to better neighborhood, better cities and hopefully a better country and a better world. it's a joy. those will live in this community share with foreigners, even those who cheer for brazil's biggest football rival argentina. this argentinian visited the street to sell his plaster copies of the world cup trophies agreement. but as you said to brazil, i said that each in therapy hoping to celebrate when brazil takes on serbian could tar. i'm thursday, monica not give. i'll just sierra we addition narrow. that's the senior brazil. let's see what it looks like here. a lot of cons at a fun festival in doha law. as far as i can tell you now, better park i was there a couple of days ago. it was absolutely easy. what's it like now? i believe we have a real good carnival atmosphere. and by a, our people coming off i surrounded by that he found here we had many brazilian people playing and spent playing thomas outside of done with at the moment. but every year old, supporting the same thing. i do, you know, a mostly, i mean, surrounded by and for the past, but i'm sure there are many board who's going to win tonight, a router. you know, you'll enjoy our journal blogger, a green, the weights in the data against a backdrop, mo, mo ha, guideline, plenty of things like maybe here the excitement definitely go to laura. thank you very much indeed. and we're going to look ahead to portugal an christiano ronaldo entering the tournament down of course brazil is 1st matching our woke up special coverage with gemini sh at our county studio at $1530.00 gmc. we're also going to have more action and reactions the 1st 2 matches the day back to more news now after days of political on the saturday, i'm not able to hymns been sworn in as malaysia's new prime minister is welcoming all parties to parliament fathers negotiations after saturday's election, which no party secured a clear majority. i'm. i says good governance is important. moving forward. only session is a should be involved. and then we and we had no wrong. florence louis has more from calling him for on was coalition is seen as more liberal, more reform minded is also multi ethnic. and this is the combination of a decades long journey for on what abraham, who had started out his political career as parents. he was once a deputy prime minister turned opposition leader when he fell out with the then prime minister mahatma mohammed. he was in prison for sodomy and corruption, but his jailing led to launch scale street protests and the birth of a reform movement. he managed to unite very different groups of very different political parties with very different political ideals. he united them. he let the opposition movement from strength to strength until it finally achieved victory in the 2018 elections. even though at that time, he was jailed by another prime minister, not your brother also on charges of sodomy, but those charges were widely seen as politically motivated. now on the other side though, are people who are unhappy that on why abraham has been appointed as the next prime minister as the prime minister of malaysia. and that is by supporters of the national alliance. this is the 2nd largest block off the 2nd largest block following saturdays elections. we didn't, yes. and insist he has majority support. he says he's got members from the national front individual, many members of parliament from the national fund, who've expressed the support for him. and he and watching a press conference that he helped justice on what was being sworn in. one can help a think that his remarks seemed to suggest that he may even table a vote of no confidence against annoyed by him when parliament reconvenes days after a magnitude 5.6 earthquake hit indonesians west java province. some are still looking for their missing relatives. at least 271 people died. more than 2000 to been injured. al jazeera has been to one of the worst affected villages. here's the story of one resident, and his own words fell unlike womb. messiah an angler, man, being god, my name is none. good, a man. i am from digital village. none to get nana soup district. you and europe, and i am an earthquake. victims were abandoned by the day i have family members. i flew heavily. murray, in the last light on would i by yet. there are many people searching for the mouth, but there are still haven't found other cutting your cost to soil is quite developing. it's hard to get our minute heavy equipment is pocket, let glycine at he cannot go up the heels and where it's most needed so that the t p a debris. but when i heard about the earthquake, i turned on the tv immediately. what did you say the api said there was young charger and then i saw video and i realize it was right in my fillets langa campbell phantom with so much value. so i had asked for a work order to go back home. ah, the dollar i was speeding. as far as my motorcycle only i could on your thing about my plan or yeah, i am pretty com. ponce? i went i had i thought i couldn't get it to my flight schooling. i went round and around yet because many adults were cut off the fire that my wife and son have broken. i can say i'm putting it. i get it out there. and my daughter a low ara burrito in a landslide, that would say i wouldn't go up. i wouldn't my grand daughter just 2 year old to pack it up like people in my family are still missing her myself that the in one and my house is very ha, the money the money is in here. so at night i sleep in an ebay and sometimes we are if and when i often after shots i i see like i'm shaking fucking but i saw drama thighs stool. i'll stay with you and my granddaughter is man, sweetest charl are so glad that once i got oh done my head for joking together to play football blade. i'm the swim and my mom i you know, you know, i remember the children that isn't mild so clearly with gabby thought up. why while idea handling young, so now they're out of gone. what i only want now let me start lined up when i, while i'm done, i found no matter how many days it takes, i can get the still ahead on this. all 0 news are we're going to be lives our world called studio and or has waterfront as chris channel. ronaldo barriers to make his entrance cut off 2022. ah ah. we're coming up to the thanksgiving holiday long weekend in the u. s. and unfortunately, stuck good news for some of the gulf states hybrid one. here's those details on thursday we're getting moisture pulled up from the gulf. so some storms, eastern side of texas, louisiana, mississippi, and arkansas. some of these could be severe storms and that energy will move eastward. we'll get this fire hose of moisture just coming up the atlantic. looks like it's going to funnel lynn to kennedy's maritime provinces over the next few days. so we'll keep tabs on that. off to the west, we go some rain for b, c's, north and central coast. some of these areas rainfall warnings could pick up to about 70 millimeters of brain temperatures, running above average and os angeles. looks like it's going to be a good holiday. we'll hope we can there twice some degrees, a bit below where we would expect to see temperatures in vegas at 17 degrees in time. central america. ah, i really much to point out here. we've got our showers across the region, but nothing major. or we do have a bit of vigorous, says showers in storms is along that east coast of brazil pushing into the heart of the amazon. in fact, for rio de janeiro, there is a heavy rainfall warning in play. could see about a 100 millimeters of rain. santiago, $34.00 degrees, that's pretty close to a record for the month of november. that's it. that's all too soon. ah, ah, ah, ah. a new series exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous community is helping tackle to these environmental catastrophe. we follow as sammy communities conflict with the plan to build a mine in their northern sweden home land one that could endanger their ecosystems and their way of life. first nations frontline black butterflies, the cost of going green on al jazeera lou. ah ah welcome at to well to come today we alive apple studio on day. how's that waterfront? by the end of the day, every team will have played a match up. it's tournaments asked me to add more about. you might live tracy on december, the 18th. and the last hour has been a frustration for uruguay of south korea. the woodwork deny them. 3 points. silent celebration is switzerland that brenda bird, i suppose the winner against com. a rude at the countryway was born. it's been a target and well cut it up. full christiane, even now died. portugal captain, it takes to the field shortly for that match with gonna ah, joining me industry day for this show off on this san juan around guy who was sandwiched in between the 2 demos, devastated are the guests. we will get much, much more from them. surely let's get straight to the action from the match that finished it just a short time ago at education city stadium. you're a quiet having the better of the game against south korea, but not finding a way free. yeah, go, go, dean denied by the post with the header in the 1st half and at nights in the game of the woodwork was rustled again. this time by february, the day is one ending mill mill frustration for the year ago. i team and south korea escaping with a drill when they didn't even have a shot on targets. that is 4 out of 14 games in this world caught that had been goal us say fall a watching the game of forest at education city stadium was pool race. and paula, all eyes were on how san can been played through. i did that allies with the ice. okay, injury. how did he get home? i just jose, i impose the real scare, the south korea know sitting waiting, the ice on him out of his woke up with my help like, you know, he looks really lively. the master didn't quite honestly, but you know, he obviously didn't make a huge difference. yeah. a couple of scampering runs in the 1st off. he was released down the last one of the more dangerous moments out. 3 other good, good run tools. vianza. as you mentioned away would shop at toward the end as well . you know this, this game isn't gonna say it's super stardom by thing fairly given. he's not been in great form for his blood this season and he won't be too happy with that performance. i'm paul, is it, is it fair to say that year ago? i will be taking themselves for not winning this one? yes, i know. i think, you know, to highlight reel if we're already highlight from this guy all going to show that you're going to work twice. i wanted to 1st off and then clattering it right at the end as well. but i find that this was a bit of a football game of chess and i think he's not respond south her a web a you know that, that christy was exceptional, especially the 1st that we're really keeping the pool away from florida. why i'm in the 1st place, surgically. good boy, even in late should, should have opened the scoring instead of blazing it over the bar. tonight we're looking at in this woke up as well. how louis suarez is going to get on in his. his 4th woke up, he didn't really have a sniff. neither did i did so body when he replaced suarez his 2nd off site. so yes, photographs look like. we could have one place where those 2 points, johnson, obviously south korea didn't have his shot actually on target. please. probably happy with the points fallen performance wise. i would tell you, i said that education to the stadium. thanks for that. so pool was watching at the match, but let's find out what the fans back home it made of that result. rob mcbride is in sole, and lucy anemia is in montevideo. probably we will come to you 1st few relieved faces watching that game. and so, is that a fair assessment? absolutely, i mean, how a south career would dearly of love to have joined the ranks of the giant killers that are and is emerging in this competition. but they are a deeply relieved and will be happy with that at this sir. draw up and judging by their looks on the people's faces as they were drifting away from this fan zone here in the center of soul, you could almost have been forgiven for thinking that south career at one that would they would be extremely happy with this one point especially as, although in the early parts of the match, south career seemed to have a lot of the play. it was really your, a guy who had these a stunning chances and they simply couldn't convert. and also given the disruption to that training schedule ahead of this competition, the injury to song hung men as throwing everything out of kilter. there was almost a collective sigh of relief across south career when it was announced that he would be in the starting lineup at this fan zone here in the central sol has been a big success. but it's only been announced a few days ago that this was going ahead all the plans for these fan zones, and a special official cheering zones, as they are known, were all put on hold. after the terrible e say one hollowing a tragedy, the stampede that killed more than a $150.00 people. but gradually the plans have come back again. people will come to these fans owns here in a soul, but also across south korea. and they are coming days a days it has to be said, they're not going to get any warmer we're getting. getting down night time. temperatures are just a few degrees above freezing, but we have at the match with garner coming off of the fans will be coming out for that. and then of course, finally mighty mighty portugal that is a daunting prospect. but after this draw, not quite as daunting as it was, as south korea keeps alive, it's hopes of proceeding through to the group of 60 rather mcbride they're in. so thank you for that. well, let's get the yoga perspective. down. gates law, latin america editor, you see a new menus in montevideo, with uruguay fans. and this year i'm guessing the, the fans you are with their masters there. thought they deserved more from that game. ah, oh, absolutely. it was absolutely the opposite of what we just heard from, from korea, frustration not relief, was the overwhelming feeling. as you can see, there's nobody here anymore. but in front of the municipal center, which was the main fan zone here in montevideo, the uruguay and fans under the burning sun. cuz it's really, really hot here. just watched and clapped and screamed our lungs out. while there were other players ran their legs off, back in qatar, hoping against hope every time that they came close to getting a goal. it was, it was, it was almost sad to see, but we cannot underestimate how far away i can go. and that's what they kept telling me, remember, and i want to remind our viewers as well the earlier. why was the 1st country to win a world cup right here in want to be there back in 1930 than it wanted again in 1950 in the american i stadium in brazil in rio de janeiro. and they usually make it to the, to the world cup. so it is a strong team from a tiny country on the 3000000 euro lyons sandwiched in between 2 giants, brazil and argentina. but they are very much bigger than their physical size when it comes to football. there are passionate about their, of this game. and they still believe, and they're telling me that they believe that they will make it to the final that they have what it takes, particularly given the characteristics of this world cup, where some of the more mighty teams that usually do very well at the beginning have done anything, but we're talking about argentina, germany, so they believe that after 72 years, they just may still be able to bring this cup home before this world cup is over. lisa, even that in montevideo, a thank you for that. say when it, judging by all that analysis, you just heard that it sounds like south korea got away with one. here is a g, g. think they're going to be happier with this results or of course that they will be 1st and foremost, we talked about this when we came to a consensus. this is a very tight group. all. it just got a little bit tighter and south korea being able to get that point knowing that they are portugal and gonna still took to come. it makes it that much more intense. it makes it that much more a margin for error, pretty much minimal. no, another 2 is going to be very happy is gonna because they want to go into their final match against your wife, with a sense of revenge and also with it having to mean something which it most likely will. and jim, it can that talked about how this is such an open great and how it's become even more open after that result. you think you require a risk now? or we will see it sir, for me that most valenzuela probably this her group age. it's leaves these set. draw white open of course for history and names. you might say portugal enter away should be that the names should take into account, but our opening games are always tricky. and it was certainly an undertaking go list said draw a voice. so my char tactical order on the south korea. it's not going to be as if all away from neither departure is when they, when they faced, they the, the ations that make so far, next generation air fare valley where their air with said that when nunez with they all rock start, said you all of in a or at least to our death it sir, definitely is a team, a squad for history as well as to take into account. but it's gonna be the really difficult to get out of these say group. and one from what, from what you saw when you watched the match. she was most dangerous for uruguay. if you look at how your, where plead overall, it definitely had to be physical as early. he had the most operate. you can also have glean with, with the header that ends up being the post, but, well, well, the not only going forward, we've seen what is bad to do at real madrid, throughout his career, running back and forth, covering, attacking, contributing, shooting for outside. he did all that today. we're just going to move on now to talk about christiana now day it's been quite a build up for to the world cup for the portugal captain, leaving at manchester, united after a very public, a fall out with the club. they faced garner in their opening match, and let's learn more about this fixture with samantha johnson, bulls, 18 sport, but individual skill adds that extra element no more so than in portugal, where it big names are revered and criticized above all others from the my to you savior in the 19 sixties and seventies to be imposing new which ego in the 19 nineties and beyond. and now one of the most famous footballers in the world stand up christiano and aldo. hi, i'm samantha johnson, and this is wells, up, one or one. love him or hate him, and there were plenty of people in both camps and others. extraordinary career speaks for itself. his hold more goals for his country than any one else. is 15 valen doors be willing equivalent of a best to oscar hampton. his country in the 2016 eulu to win the youth in championships was played in court. well kept so far and he scored in one of them. what he hasn't done is when one with, if he doesn't, his mom dolores knows a rinaldo who might christiana, his son. oh, and the lawyer says he's getting better than dad was at the same name. the father and son tradition is familiar in garner as well. just look at their captain. andre, are you? he's played for his country more than 100 times and he's regarded with or both at home and at his former club marcy, in the south of france. what of the few plays there who are held in greater esteem? his dad at betty l a is among them. he also played for garner, but unlike his son, he never got to play in the world. how are you? it placing herself outside, which gives him an edge on how the game is played in the middle east. gonna have won the africa a couple of nations at all times. there were one is up in front of it and they reached the quarter finals of the wells company, south africa, 2010. this year they snuck into the finals because they schooled more away goals than nigeria. hardly a convincing qualification. what's in a world cup, that kind of luck means everything on whatever onto or you achieves on the pitch, can be sure his dad will be watching. ah, that 3rd game of the day it kicks off shortly. we can join andy richardson, who is at stadium at 974 for that one. and on the, the focus is almost always on christie. only ranada was knit whenever we speak about portugal, but even more so ahead of this world cup. have you spoken? 20 fans out there they, it's all concerned that this extra attention could have perhaps been distracting of the portugal. the matter of getting about a kind of silken christiane rinaldo as we are but the sentiments months. portuguese is one of respect all that is achieved as portugal team, but in awareness that it is, his story is coming to an end. the same news is out right now that might not be good enough, manchester united but he will, captain. she starts to go in this game against gone or, and, and what all the fans. he's probably sad to look. remember, he is the international goals score a leading international goals score of all time in $117.00 the focus to the european championships in 2016, we won the hyphen without him. i just don't believe that would have been possible. there is also that perhaps the time is coming to an end of the supreme, the talented generation applies that are around in the perhaps being held back some more. the last couple of major solomon euros in the last couple of the last 16 stage. and i mentioned united when he's been out of a team, but under his portuguese, see, my looks like he's got back to something like his best school without rinaldo in the team. and just coming into this world cup, i had a friendly against jerry, a look really good. one for nail on rinaldo was missing from that game at 3 on this bus and i sent off the coach. he's been with the team now with her now for so long . he started discussion career there in 2014. he in the best is still to come and we're now with our history even as a history was gone and i played it in the $24.00 team. well, beat them then. and of course it was christiane, our school, the winner. and just just briefly on the what are we expecting from ghana the i got a lot of support and a lot of optimism that hoping to revive the spirits of 2010 the left on the totem. and with how that sort of europe in south america, when they got so close to the semi finals, they all the lowest strength side come in system. it's ranked number 61. they've had a really, up and down here, and i found out of it africa cup of nations in the greek stage where they have a new coach now. and also he got me through that fly off against nigeria and there's a lot of optimism, but they can be the team score 1st goal for africa as well. and the richardson at stadium at 974. thanks for that. we will catch up with you after the game. now con rinaldo is undoubtedly one of the greatest players ever to have graced the game that is undisputed, but i was reading an article ahead of the mat truck. a journalist said his decline in form over the past year, means the negatives of having him in the team now outweigh the positives. what do you make of that? i always had a decline like his that's what i would like to have to be quite honest with you. but if you look at what national teams usually offer players of that ilk, it's an oasis, it's a way to be able to get away from those pressures. also to be able to absorb that pressure, say hey, i'm the lightning rod, i'm the one that can do things. i'm the one that you can go after and let everybody else kind of feel that pressure and be able to execute as best as possible. maybe that can also benefit them. maybe he, if he's the one that takes all the pressure in all the knock, maybe everyone else can finally relax fit in and be able to do their job properly. and demo porch go. how far do you see them going in this tournament? they once convincing in qualification and say what you expecting from them? definitely to the knockout stages. of course i need to order them, but maybe not so farther than the last 16 as the last world cup. i have concerns about the circuit a similar although performance to very till in the squad very talented with the next gen being amazing with about another seal. barrow in the us, m. bluff. hernandez. you all phallic so much to offer, but my concerns is her and the coach. it's not that i can say anything wrong about there for an under sanders. but did that coach that that, that this, he owned so much to this theme that made him a winner of the a would or 2016 and the 1st national lic. so maybe i'm not sure if he is the, is the right to, to take that kind of very difficult her decisions in a church i'm and with so much and even boarding that the, the christiano pre agency duration. so let's see. let's watch them again. garnett is not going to be uneasy game for, for them and, and maybe i change my mind, but i don't see them off as one of the candidates yet. okay. and what we've already seen since, and big shocks at this time. and so far, admittedly, if garner went to get a result against portugal, it wouldn't be anywhere near the magnitude of the germany losing to you japan or saudi arabia beating argentina. but they do go into the game as underdogs, or do you think they're going to be taking some kind of belief from seeing these other sides plus shots? can that spur the monte thing course, i mean that, that, that's, that's the narrative of the underdog re. now, you know, if south that saudi arabia can do it with, so can we, if japan can do it, so can we, you have to find where to do it. and also if you look at like you said, portugal leave some doubt in some areas. okay. christian or another might not be at his best in his career, but then under civil was a better option. i don't know if you look at from that perspective. but god, i do have some players. do have some pieces. now we have to see what order has been able to do during his time as a coach, that's going to be a very important to see what he's been able to implement with his what? well, we don't have long to wait kick off his house. we had a fast approaching now in the opening match of the day in group g. switzerland, where one no one has saved cameroon the only go coming from breland bolo, who was born. yes, in camry, clearly unemotional moment for the striker. you made the celebrations very no key. 4 of the 5 african teams had now played at catherine 2022 and worryingly. they've yet to score go. gotcha raska was that same thing as they went in opening match against this. well, talk to the line that they can retain by this point, having all the best talk. it was just after the break and of all people before it was real info. the man who was born in yellow date and camera. and because of that, he didn't celebrate installed. well, i've got one of the camry and what do you think of real involved? i think but the community we have to jump, which we didn't take it, or maybe in the next match. so no hard feelings against a goal for a no hard feeling. we both we had we didn't think oh junk. we'll see the next again . maybe we qualify. thank you very much. so the next game for camry is up against the wall. wickland lay the mighty so hon mutual celebrations there from brandon barry. it is, she says respect doesn't it for his country of birth in you, you know, one can relate to that as, as in immigrant slash found, a descendant of immigrants having to have your heart, you know, torn between 2 different sides and girl. and boy ends up being though he talks about how he's been received in switzerland and how he still has his heart and come room. and today was one of those moments where was, is that you're with business? it's, it's football it's, it's what i have to do to represent my country both. and jimmy camry may have lost the match for can they take any positives out of it going forward? yes, i think so because the indomitable lay on say that almost every thing. right. but that final thought and they had the chance as id the options. so i think they left very frustrated because even more with m ball or a player board and there it being, the one scoring that only on legal and now they half lost her. their last aid much has had their walk up. so that said that so quite a lot, but i think they, they need to do it to stay with a positive that they played the well they, they were almost there. and there were some sportsman she played on the the game going now or not 9 trouble. my thing went to congratulate to him. bowler i saw it. they definitely did need to stay with a boss. different tried to read bed telling the next game. yes. certainly all hope is not lost, is it now the fine or game of the day? caesar of brazil make their entrance into cat are 2020 to name are is likely to be central to their quest for an unprecedented sick that wild cup. the paris such a master was born on the outskirts of sao paolo, the people in his home town, hoping their harry can bring home another title as monica in our care found outs. football, coach bet she teaches the game like a dance, a combination of hip twisty need, lifting in, chicago or brazilian. swing me add to that. a touch of deception and you are ready to steal the ball from your opponent. ha, easier said than done. but young name, i followed the rules of his 1st instructor to the t. a digital college name or was very smart at school and on the field. well, he's a great imitator. go pick the best church from the greatest players and make them his own hosting. well. a bathroom boy newly seltzer by cim 1st spotted the mar when the future star was 5 years old. former football player name our senior, had taken his son to watch him play musical him out of the bunk grub. i saw this child climb up and down the stands with an unusual agility. he had quick reflectors, body control, and the making use of a star son. i asked lead his parents and started training him in indoor football until he was old enough to move on. but she will help me mar, joined the you have links of the some tos. team samples is one of brazil's biggest teams with a glorious past. it has been the breeding ground of many stars, notably ballet. and it was here that name. maud made his professional debut at 17 and where he reached international fame. while playing for santos, the mar, averaged a goal every other match and help the club when the prestigious lee. but the board is the team's 1st. since the sixty's during pay less time from there, he went on to play from barcelona until 2017. when he signed a record breaking, 260000000 dollar transfer deal with by he so jeff man, most brazilians consider name are a native from santos, the largest port in latin america. but he was born into a simple and humble family where the city of merchandise cruises with him for once, much, much to land, but he will he ask me how i recall helping deliver naima when 400 babies are born in this hospital every month. i remember because his father played for the local team at the time and was well known. and mowgli off the field, he's had his fair share of bad press, a tax evasion scandal and a rape accusation. which courts dismissed after considering name are a victim of an intended scam at the time brazilian president label. so madeline stood by the player with i believe name all is innocent. they have also now in the turn, the mar, endorsed bull sonatas failed bid for a 2nd turn in an extremely divisive election in october, prompting criticisms from brazilian fans who supported his adversary, president elect using nazi lula thus, silva, god, i shall remember said what he thought instead of sitting on the fence at the fence is for cowards. while the brazilian squatters in guitar aiming for an unprecedented 6 world cup title, back in santas, met she is preparing a new generation of ne mars monica and i kiss santa's brazil. i'll jazeera jemma. you've, you've watched name are many, many times over the years in your coverage of barcelona. and now when you watch met parasol cameras, but paris santa, is it fair to say he's in the form of his life right now? i have bowed sir. it's difficult to say because that name are in 2015, that crazy talented player that there he won the travel throat travel next door in lil messy and loose white if he was an outstanding player. it's true that later that he has a tribal on p as g, but now i think he might be back at his best form and that civil took to say after we have sir sin before. he is more mature. he's such a team player. that's why he always gul teared or his coach has always praised him because he's at talent at forward in playing now next to massey in but there is so important that he is that 1st player that does the bread pressure to the rivals. he's such a working a player ed talking about defense as well. so i think we might be seeing the best for him again of name are and a one just just briefly name as one of 9 forwards in brazil. squad. sit with this wealth of attacking talent, does that make them one of the favorites for the tournament for it made them one of the favorites on the alongside argentina, who of course we have seen what they haven't been able to do. 9 attackers and the left to out had their robert the vermin, or an gobby over barbosa, flamingo out as well. so that also cause a lot of controversy, but it's not just going up to up there at the very top heavy team, but it's the middle and the defense. it end up really solidifying this brazil so they can make it very, very difficult for them to score or about the opposition. but then again, if you look at the attack, they have a plethora of options. yeah, they certainly have an embarrassment of riches up top right. nice. i this could be an entertaining match ahead of us. thank you. to my guests, jemila and juan durango. we will get much more from you throughout the evening. the law on pick one out or is performance light, you will see how he had he gets on. so it's a day so far we've seen a frustration of thought year ago i against south korea and a conflicted my mit for bread and bird. i pull in covering the score and get them at the switzerland on next to walk up special is at $1830.00 at gm teeth. join us, if you can, that we will leave you with the fireworks displays, which happened every night during the tournament here on di hall's waterfront. with december of this era, the middle east 1st woke up, takes place and gets off with $32.00 countries. buckley gets out for sports biggest prize immersive personal short documentaries african direct returns, showcasing african stories from african filmmakers. amid a deep political crisis on worsening economic conditions, julia goes to the polls just months after a contentious constitutional referendum combating the climate in nature. crises of rise meet the people who believe global systems must change. joe biden host some 50 lead us from across the african continent with the aim, underscoring the importance of us africa relations. december on al jazeera, wanted to tell stories and take risks to share their experiences. a telling ground with supplying a flag but in your pipe west bank we think the palestinian flag could get you shot or arrested after the also ports of the 900 ninety's between the palestine diversion organization. and israel bound on the palestinian flag was put on the ground. it's becoming much harder to express any type of support for the palestinian cause. one day there are no palestinian flag. the next best to reach are filled with it's a b, y t your net by young men who are not even born with these really government for the cleared the palestinian flag is needed for.