This is al jazeera ah, it is great to have you with us. Im 0 venue. This is the news. Our alive from dough are coming up today in the show. Were moving anyway. Were here at 10 scenes as crew members of migrant rescue ships docked in italy, refused to leave until all on board are allowed to get off. At campaigning goes down to the wire with less than a day until americans make their vote count across battleground states. In the midterm elections, we are on the highway 2 climates hill without food still on the accelerator. At the un secretary general warns the battle against Climate Change will be won or lost during this crucial decade. And a neon city. Under threats, the push to preserve the bright lights. The report of hong kong identity also in sports will be taking a look at the Guitar Academy that has produced a World Cup Team for the host nation. Ah. So its just after 1500 g m t n, we start along the shores of italy where theres a standoff between italian officials and a rescue ship carrying hundreds of migrants and refugees. Now the vessel humanity, one was allowed to dock there on sunday, but its now been ordered to leave the sicilian port of katana. Well, its captain. It refuses to go until every one on board is allowed to leave and is threatening to go to court over this. So far a 144 people, including minors and people with Health Conditions were left a were left off the let off the ship. While dozens of single men were refused permission to do the same thing. And crew members of another migrant rescue ship. The doctor continued earlier on monday have also refused to leave people on the vessel operated by Doctors Without Borders were waiting for permission to disembark. 572. 00 passengers were on the g. O rents, a norwegian flagship authorities only allowed miners, families, and people with Health Issues to leave the ship. And there are another 2 rescue ships in the area. The german run rise above is right here. It is overcrowded with 93. 00 people on on board for a boat that is only 25 meters long and the ocean. Viking is anchored nearby. Its operated by the european charity, sr smitty to honey. And his carrying 234 migrants neither ship has received a response to repeated requests to dock. Well, lets bring in Tony Berkeley whos in catania. Tony, were, were, were about to speak to the charity that runs doable rance. One of the ships docked in catania, but can you set us up 1st . What is the latest that is happening, both at the port and etc. Oh well as you said before, is very much the stalemate going on here. Both ships are in dont care. The not being allowed to disavow remaining passengers which arrived on saturday here, the g around, for example, 577. People came on saturday and now theyre still tuned. And 15 on board, they were refused permission to leave. At the authorities said they were not vulnerable and therefore they have to be repatriated to the countries that of the owners of the boats. Thats basically no way in germany in this case. And there are another 2 boats outside of tallie. Waters being refused permission to come in. Now the humanitarian organizations say, this was arbitrary, the way the people were selected to stay or leave that it wasnt right and the procedures were not correct. They also say that the Italian Government is clearly in breach of the United Nations didnt convention on human rights. And thats what the base is, what theyre doing now to take the fight to court. But it doesnt help the people on board there in the political, no mans land at the moment, and nobody knows at the moment whats going to happen. Of course, this is a platform for the newly elected italian Prime Minister. She promised a tough crackdown of migration, and this is the 1st show of that. So these people are suffering as a poems in his political situation. Attorney, what are the criteria the Italian Government says it is using to sort through the people and allow some of them to get off the boat. Others have to stay well, they say they are being checked, theyre being vetted, they havent having a medical examination. Thats contrary to what weve been told by a members of the crew. The s o. S. Humanity, for example, who say as i said, it was arbitrary. They were way they were checked, and the 35 people still on board. The s o s humanity at least claimed that they were not even spoken to. So that wondering how they came to the conclusion that they were not vulnerable, they think it is well, and i should point out, actually in the last hour here on this boat, 3 migrants had thrown themselves overboard and attempted to escape. Such was the desperation that they are facing. They have been found on the key side and the police are talking to them now. But there is a sense of desperation. And the organizers that we have spoken to say that is a, you know, demoralizing sense around these people because theyve gone through an awful harrowing trauma to get here. Theyve been in very flimsy boats that almost sank and they were saved, that they could easily have died. And now on top of that, theyre facing another trauma. This trauma of not knowing whats going to happen to them. So the italian authorities have told the ships to leave the ships are refusing to do so. Is italian Law Enforcement involved in this stand off at all at the moment . No, no signs are italian enforcement except to say that theyve been around the boat, preventing journalist from getting too close to the boat without having contact with the my guns out with no show of force here. Theres no, for example, Italian Coast Guard boats outside monitoring the other 2 vessels which have not been allowed to enter italian waters. The fact theyre staying outside, basically on the say so of their captains a happening. And they probably, the next step for them is theyre going to come in and do what the other 2 boats have done. Because that will be an increasing show of the solidarity of these human rights organizations. Who believe that the case is very strong and quite alarmed about the fact that the Italian Government is pursuing this situation . Right . Tony berkeley reporting from the port of katana with this ongoing situation. Thank you very much. I wanna make or of yours aware of what the you framework for this is . Well, right now, the e e was actually still negotiating long st. All the proposals to reform its migration system. It began discussing changes after the 2015 refugee crisis. One of the most important proposals involves whats called a solidarity mechanism. That would mean that when one country is under pressure, with a migration influx, as weve seen in the past, with greece, with italy, with the malta. Well then others would take in some of the refugees. It also requires you nations to offer Financial Aid and Operational Support to states that are quote, under pressure. And it also means that nations that are opposed to hosting refugees and migrants, they could opt to pay Financial Aid instead in new nations would also be obligated to pay for people who the asylum applications were rejected to return them to their home countries. Of pope francis has spoken about italys migrant crisis and he says European Union countries should share this responsibility. Megan the panel acoya, the migrant must be welcomed, accompanied, promoted, and integrated. If you cant make these 4 steps, youre not doing a good job with migrant. 5, its necessary to go as far as integration. And the 2nd thing, i say that every, each government must agree on how many migrants it can receive. Because otherwise, there are only 4 countries that receive migrants, cyprus, greece, italy, and spain. Which of those closest to the mediterranean exec . Yay lout is the director of operations that as so many done in my say, and he says the people stuck on the ships need immediate supports. The situation is highly, highly concerning at that stage on the ocean viking, you all, its overcrowded people out of being some people have been here for more than 2 weeks as a path through very strong and winds and hot weather over the last 2 days. Our tensions is high since a twentys leading to, to a very high constance at oliver, a falls, a study deals with this in an institutional boat. We still have a few days ahead in terms of food and water, but those people are people that are taking that is shes young to do a very dangerous journey over the meter and see there. Well, richard, in very precarious conditions by our teens, they are psychologically in a very complicated state. Now they are physically exhausted. We are the flu on border, so people are, are getting seek. People need a more attention. We have been addressing request res inbox scenes. So 1st, very 1st risk you on the 22nd of october. So, so far, we have not been assigned a place of safety. We have repeated and repeated this request, a falls, moles and 2 weeks. Now, we repeated each a 4 to twice a day for the last few days because we consider that as a situation is not a sustainable at all. Or weve now been able to connect with Caroline Villa men. Shes a project coordinator with Doctors Without Borders. Shes on board, the rescue ship, the gilbo rance, that we were just talking about. Its docked at the port of katana, italian authorities examined the migrants and refugees on your ship. They allowed some to disembark, not others. What was that based on for what happened is that the kelly and household northeast came on board and they did a very pretty health take over the people on board. And following the miners and children were allowed to be symbolic, the women were allowed to do some bark, and the people who were judged by to help us to be in a health need, were allowed to embark this week, 215 people on board. One of them who then urgently have to be medically to read it only a few hours later. What do the italian authorities think you are going to do now . They have asked you to leave. So it is entirely clear to us what is now expected of us. We have the search and rescue operations. International maritime law is extremely clear that a search and rescue operation, and when survivors of that rescue operation, all this embark in a place of safety for what is happening right now is entirely unacceptable and legal. And we will stay here and fight for the remaining 214 people to this embark as they very much have the right to do. And so i just wonder, because as you say, maritime law is pretty clear on this specific point. So when you have this conversation, as i assume youve had with the Italian Coast Guard or authorities, how does that conversation go . We were informed yesterday evening by some of the properties that they consider that the search and rescue case is closed, which of course we can only say that that is incorrect. And as far as we are concerned are cation. Its halfway and its not finished until everybody has left the ship. Whats your next move then . At the moment we are treating a lot of Health Issues still on board. So despite the fact that this medical assessment was made for the people who remain on board are extremely anxious, they are extremely exhaustive. We are doing the panic effect. We are dealing with having to restrain people from jumping into water. People have jump in the water and well, we are making an urgent, urgent chase that beyond the fact that this is the peoples rights for this embark, there is also a medical urgency to get them all off because we will not be able to manage the situation with the people we have the team we have on board with the medication we have on board the ship. The hospital is not designed to take care of people for such an extended period of time. All right, Caroline Village and we appreciate you connecting with us during the situation. Just to remind our viewers, you have 215 people still on board. The g o branch, the italian authorities have prevented from disembarking. Thank you very much. And coming up on the news hour, a warning that it could get even darker, the threat of more power cuts for people across ukraine. A prison chief in the philippines is charged with the murder of a journalist. And we will find out how italy is coping with not being at the football world cuts far. I will be joining us later this hour with that short awe across the us. Voters and candidates are getting ready for crucial midterm elections set for tuesday. Monday is the last day of campaigning, and both democrats and republicans are making their final pitches right now. Democrats have a very slim majority in the house of representatives, and they control the senate only thanks to the Vice President tie, breaking vote. But that could all change with polls suggesting a republican come back for the biden has been campaigning on values, issues, rallying support for abortion rights, accusing republicans of eroding american democracy. But for our president , donald trump has stayed focused on the economy and the rising inflation rate. 2 days is the most important election. And a lot of times is going to take shape in this country for decades become more or less inflection point. I mean sincerely where whats gonna happen the next couple years is going to have more to do with what this country looks like 20 years. So now there anything else biden, and the far left lunatic. So waging war and your jobs, your safety, your values and your freedom, theyre strangling fraud or families hitting florida. Very odd with soaring prices and devastating what theyre doing to jurors. Or if you think about a tourism and Hospitality Service industries with crippling inflation at a dollar. And nobody talks about this, that value at a level that makes our country unable to compete with other countries, especially in tourism. And then manufacturing. While the balance of power will probably come down to the races in for battleground states, georgia, pennsylvania, arizona, wisconsin, the senate races in those states as some of the tightest in the country. Those are the ones you want to be watching on election night. Gabriel elizondo reports from pittsburgh, pennsylvania is one of the most politically divided states anywhere in america. Consider the last 2 president ial elections in 2016. Donald trump beat Hillary Clinton by less than one percentage point. And then in the last president ial election, joe biden beat trump by barely over one percentage point. Now the senate race here shaping up to be very similar between 2 candidates that are polar opposites. On one side you have the democrat, john fedor, man who comes off and pitches himself as a man of the people. He almost never wears a shirt and tie dresses very casually. And speaks in very simple language, often talking a lot about economic inequality. His opponent, the republican, let met ours, is a multi millionaire celebrity doctor whos been endorsed by trump. Now what matters here are the voters of pennsylvania, and they seem like they cant decide on what issue means the most to them whats most important. Some say its crime and the abortion others say its the economy and inflation. But almost all voters that weve spoken to here agree that they are exhausted and tired with the political infighting and ready for this mid term election to finally be over. Now listen to this, according to one of the latest polls, both better men and us are both tied at 46 percent in the polls. So tuesday night here could be a very long night in pennsylvania. As officials are expected to count more than 5000000 ballots, and it could come down to just a few 1000 that decide who wins the senate seat. And in turn, what party, the republican or democrat wins control of the us senate. Our white house correspondent, kimberly, how could jones be live . Kimberly canada is making their closing arguments today. Whats the outlook for biden and the democrats . Well, its not looking very good to be honest. The latest polls seem to indicate that the republicans are doing very well going in to the final hours before voting day. And this way it looks like they had their ads, but in the final hours it is now appearing that that lead has opened up to double digit. What it seems that the republicans are support well on. Is the economy at a place in place right now. The United States is that a 40 year high and then both are seem to be making the argument that their lives are not where they were 2 years ago. And theyre really pushing back on the policies that president by was put into place. And so as a result of the popularity of joe biden, is it about 41 percent . Typically president below 50 percent usually see their Party Published at the poles in the congressional elections. And so that is what its looking like going into the final hours of the congressional mid term vote, or kimberly, if the republicans do indeed take control of the congress. What will that mean for the rest of bidens presidency . It really means that his legislative agenda is dead in the water for the final 2 years of his term. The president had really hope to build this legacy on things like Climate Change and sweeping changes to the social safety net in the United States that have not been seen in a generation. And already he has passed a vicious legislation to do just that, but it wasnt finished. He needed another 2 years to complete that work. But if republicans control the house of representatives, as it looks like they may after tuesdays vote, and if they are able to capture the senate as well. This means that that agenda will no longer be the case and well switch focus to republicans, have a very different focus. They would like to really put forward legislation that would deal with combating the immigration is specifically a Legal Immigration on the southern board of the United States and mexico. And also what they see as a growing crime problem in the United States, particularly in major cities like los angeles, chicago, new york city. So these are some of the issues that theyre what we did tackle ultimately is going to come down to the vote on tuesday. But again, not looking good for the president s party. The Democratic Party is currently controlling the congress. Right. Kimberly hell can. Thank you very much. So lets talk to a democratic strategist then Jason Nichols joness. Hes also a Progressive Political and social analyst and he is currently in maryland. Jason on a scale of 1. 00 to 1010. 00 being the highest. How would you grade the democrats mid Term Campaign . Yes, so, so i, i really believe that the democrats will do well in this election. I think that they probably will lose the house. But i think its important to remember that in the been a president s 1st term that they struggle generally in the 1st part in the 1st mid term, are we saw obama lose about 60 seats . Weve seen trump lose about 40. I think a President Biden is going to lose significantly less than that. And thats, you know, it may not be great news for the by an administration, but its certainly better news than what weve seen in the past where weve seen really a shall lacking. And i dont think thats going to happen, they could still hold on to the senate, which will be really important. And while these polls do not look necessarily the way we would like for them to look, we at the remember that the razor thin and all of these are gubernatorial and senate elections. And when its that close on, they usually dont pull new voters and the new voters are favoring democrats. Democrats have also closed the enthusiasm gap. So i think that democrats are in a much better position than a lot of the pundits and people out there who are washington insiders are stating. Okay, ah, well, i mean, it looks like youre taking a, an optimistic view of the poles, then im a would, you would have to be a democratic strategist to say that losing is actually doing okay. But i, i take your point that there are degrees of losing bible on the presidency, largely by campaigning against trump. But now the democrats have their own record to defend one of the strengths and weaknesses of bidens record. When they binds, when we look at his weaknesses, weve seen some things on it when it comes to Foreign Policy that havent worked out well. The exit from afghanistan was not great. He still hasnt gotten in iran nuclear deal, but i dont think thats what most americans are concerned with when we look at the domestic policy. When we look at the inflation reduction act, ah, and we look at him bringing back manufacturing to the United States. Something that the Trump Administration said that they wanted to do, were unable to accomplish. But through the chip sack, this administration has been able to do that. Weve seen also the bi partisan infrastructure build something that Trump Administration said that they were going to do were unable to do so. And so i, i think that he has a pretty decent legislative history to hangs hat on. But i think its still going to come down to things that, that democrats did not do a good job campaigning on. And i think youre corresponding pointed out some, some valid points in terms of crime. They did not. They really hinged a lot on the reversal of row and did not Pay Attention to crime and did not Pay Attention to, to inflation, at least coming up with ways on how theyre going to address it in the next are, you know, the 2nd half of the by the administration, and i think that that is what will hurt them a little bit or tomorrow. Hi Jason Nichols. Thank you very much. Ill be sure to tune in at 2100 g m t on monday for preview of the u. S. Midterms will have an hour long special on whats at stake in this boat. And our coverage on polling day begins at 100. 00 g m t o one g m t on wednesday. Well have correspondence across the u. S. Plus reactions. The results from the wide range of analysts, ukraines president s is warning of more russian attacks on Energy Facilities volume. Your zalinski says people should be prepared for persistent blackouts across the country. One Energy Company says ukraine was almost a 3rd short of Power Supplies on monday. Keeps mayor is telling people to get ready to leave temporarily if the capital loses electricity and water sanity ratio or period. As of this evening stabilization Power Outages continue in keys and 6 regions more than 4 and a half 1000000 consumers without electricity. Most of them are now in cave and the cave region. Its really difficult if harry faucet joins us now from keith. Are we . The blackouts are happening in many parts of the country. Explain to us what life is like at the moment. Of course, where you are and key, but also outside the capital and how all of that is impacting daily life. It was daylight is certainly getting more difficult, as you say, not just here in cable, though, cube is one of the most severely hit parts of the country, but the provinces, the o blasts to the west, to the north, to the east. Or there are 7 in total that are being hit by this is major shortage in power. Im and with the temperatures only going one way there in single figures during daytime. And its getting colder by the day by the week. It is getting more and more difficult, or in terms of, of what the messaging is as you are saying, that they are talking, at least in terms of contingency planning, about possibility of pretty major evacuations. Or theyre not saying that that is definite or even necessarily likely, but the fact that they are at least talking about it does suggest they are worried about it potentially getting worse. Our daily life isnt a sort of totally struck by power. Cuts is not as a huge hold, towns or neighborhoods are out for hours all in one piece. They are cycling these blackouts as much as they can for a few hours between different neighborhoods, even different streets. But just to give you one example, we were to a family wedding on saturday, a small party inside an Apartment Building and there was no power there. They just got on with it. And there is that sense of just getting on with it. A pretty positive public message or being put out there of stoicism and defiance. And also some of that messaging coming from the government today as well, are welcoming in new anti air missiles systems to defend the country from these very systematic attacks on the Energy System are theyre saying that has come in. Theres also some talk in the Defense Intelligence system about russia potentially losing a lot of its cruise missiles are not having a huge amount left in the locker to carry on these attacks for too much longer. But nonetheless, they are expecting more of this to come and for things to get progressively harder as the winter approaches are harry reporting from keith harry forth at there. Thank you very much. Still ahead on our 0 tiring of the protests, we talk to people in pakistan, whos a former Prime Minister in ron con, should give up his fight. I a supporting your players all the way argentinian football fans get ready to head tickets are for the world. Come ah hallo with season rather warm weather into southern parts of argentina. Recently patagonia with rec, or temperatures. Reco november temperatures getting into the 30s. Would you believe is not quite so warm a little further . North warm enough in Water Service at 27 degrees were touching 31. In essence sion that settle, weather continues across central parts of south america, more heavy showers into the east of brazil, northern brazil right up towards the caribbean and its in the caribbean where we have seen some really nasty weather. Recently. Is big band of clouds, has brought some very heavy showers, insistent, lucia into dominique, where the li woods have st. Wide spread flooding and some land slice has caused some problems at st. System. Links all the way back just to the east of for the bahamas stays there is a go on through where choose day, hopefully little dryer for the lea woods at that stage where to where the coming in to the east side of the caribbean, western side of the cap in some wet weather, got some heavy showers there in honduras, and had to guatemala. See some heavy showers recently into the deep south of the us. More of those as we go through monday, but petering out still warm air, which was at east side of the u. S. Very cold over towards c. A west though. And that cloud range think the snow across much of california. Ah, on november the 8th americans war vote, all the seats in the house of representatives at 35 percent of the senate will be contested. Americans are expected to split on strict ideological lines with abortion and the economy named as the key issues. The result pulled to find the rest of your bidens presidency and put americas democratic principles to the test. Special coverage of the midterm elections on al jazeera when a military coup overthrew chilis marxist president , when stadiums became prisoners and the hunters sole objective was absolute control. One man publicly refused to accept dictatorship episode 4 of football rebels explores the life of carlos casale, the footballer, whose personal story swayed a vote that altered the history of his country. Carlos casale and the demise of a n day on al jazeera ah ah, a rescue ship the dog in sicily on sunday has been ordered to leave the italian ports of catania, but the captain has refused to do so until all refugees and migrants have disembarked. The u. S. Is about a day away from its crucial midterm elections. President joe biden and his predecessor, donald trump, have been rallying support for democratic and republican candidates, respectively. And ukraines president has warned of more russian attacks on Energy Facilities. Bod mirs, the lens. He says cities need to be prepared for long running Power Outages. The Un Human Rights Councils commission of inquiry on the occupied palestinian territory as holding the 1st of 4 days of public hearings in geneva. The 1st day is focusing on the closure of several, palestinian human rights organizations accused of terrorism. In the following day, the commission will discuss alongside other issues the killing al jazeera journalist, sharina ugly, was shot in the head by his really forces while on assignments in the occupied west bank. Earlier this year. Lets bring in a solid binge of aid from geneva for more on all this summer. What are you hearing so far . Well, its been the 1st day of hearings where weve heard powerful testimonies from various rights organizations. Are talking about the, the, the environment of impunity talking about how the system is stacked up against them. And how discrimination exists in the occupied palestinian territories against palestinians. And they say, this is one of the reasons why their operations. I have been halted there by israel or an attempted to hold their operations and declared them a terrorist organizations. One such organizations is the ha organisation which works for palestinians rights and freedoms. And with us as the director of our organization, the state show and everything. Thank you very much for being with us it up. Its been 75 years off, more or less hearing after hearing at the United Nations. Why are you here in what gives you hope that this time is going to be different . Because i do believe the future is for justice, no doubt, and no oppressive regime pay will stay for ever like that. Its a matter of time. I know that the price is high to be honest with you, but they do believe about justice in the future. To day, there is no political one to act according this principle stand tumbush, im a law quality sovereign, a t a dealing and treating you know, people in the dignity talk, you know, to meet in their dignity. All of these facts are they approve allegations against you from the israeli, a military which sites your links, allegedly with various organizations that it deems terrace. So how do you respond to them . They couldnt approve any. Think of their applications, even their friends. They didnt or take that seriously, to be honest with you. And they couldnt, they didnt convinced by the way the site because they have nothing in their hands. This is a political decision. The aim behind this to silence us. The mean behind this, you know, just to get us down, this is the case and to close us, why would they wont . They wont do that because we are going after their criminals. We are a speaking now in a different language and then you narrative legal language. I mean that this is beyond occupation and ordinary probation. This is colonialism and the part, i know this language and this wards and this narrative now accepted by all the human rights organizations. Over the war, this is not the common language in the international or human rights organizations, local organizations, and also regional organizations. This is, i think, simply fill the as i, as these are, is always the flight to show themselves that they are the only democracy. And this jungle, you know, in the region, but now the latino, every one see that the arctic cures of children. They are, you know, committing atrocities on the daily pieces and these crimes. Its not just an isolated incidents here, or that this is part of official policy. Its widespread practice on a daily basis. Thats the case. This is, they dont want us to go after their criminals, for instance, and to ask for accountability and in the, the impunity at the, in quickly on that note of accountability and justice, a 0 journalist sitting in a block was killed by israel forces. What do you think should be the future course of action and how will she get just look, we documented that chris her from the 1st minute and just a few days ago we should and we released our forensic architecture report, legal report and factual report and everything like that, and we provide that to the family and toys, jessie, are they submitted also to be International Criminal court . I think information can record is important. I think also their medical them it cuz they didnt you know, act well, according the citizen in this case thats the case. I think the patient has to continue their medical side though. So and, and i see her site showing deborah in thank you very much for that. They go thats the view from geneva. Busy this hearing continues today was the 1st day we, its ongoing right now. Were hearing from more people who are describing to the a chevy play on how these organizations were shut down. And according to them, this was a politicized decision. And in and of course, and in the next few days, were going to be hearing more about the incident of shane barclays, killing and what led to it. And how will these rights organizations be going after justice . Not just for sharing, but for other palestinians as well. Or at a summer binge of aid in geneva, youll keep a surprise the developments. Thank you very much. The top prisons official in the philippines has been charged with the murder of a journalist. Percival mombasa was shot and killed near his home in manila on october. The 3rd, he had been a vocal critic of the bureau of corrections. Chief geraldo, the tongue and other officials, accusing them of corruption and tongue, allegedly pressured imprisoned gang leaders to hire a gunman to kill my bossa. The philippines is one of the worlds most dangerous countries. For journalists, the Opening Ceremony of the Un Climate Conference has taken place in the egyptian city of sharma. Shake participants have a busy 2 weeks ahead with a report by the World Meteorological organization, finding the last 8 years, have been the hottest on record. Un secretary general, Antonio Gutierrez stressed, that the window for action is closing and its closing fast. A window of opportunity remains open, but only a narrow shaft of light remains. The Global Climate fight will be won or lost in this crucial decades are lowered watch and one singular certain those that give up are sure to lose. So lets fight together and let swin for the 8000000000 members of all human family and for generations to come in. Uh huh. It your frequently does, it isnt it that we need the United States and china to really be on board. If i were to simplify things on emissions, are battling for the richest to be present, made to pay their fair share. On this point, i want to be clear. You appeal will pay, but we cant be the only ones. We also need to put pressure on the rich non European Countries to say you have to pay your share oral advantage to plans to officially ask the International Court of justice to clarify whos responsible for the climate crisis. The Pacific Island nation is one of 16 countries world table, a draft resolution of the next Un General Assembly to make the request any opinion would be non binding, but it would hold immense legal authority. Some Pacific Islands could be entirely under water by the end of the century. If sea level rises go unchecked. Pakistans, former Prime Minister on con, has called for more rallies to force the government to call an early election. But some shopkeepers say con, whose Party Controls major provinces should stop fueling chaos and focus on repairing the economy. Instead, they miss robbie has more from the hor, the after being voted out of office him run. Hon, founded a protest movement. He branded a revolution and out of season reelection campaign. Now, in its 8 months, seemingly indifferent to people struggling with a broken economy, apparently unflinching in the face of devastating floods. And undeterred, even by attempted assassination. His popularity seems bulletproof, but his critics may be growing number the seems zocker grew up on the streets. Hes been painting signs for local businesses for decades. He cant hear horse speak, but there is no mistaking what he thinks of the former Prime Minister. You dont need to understand sign language to know he is not a fan. Con, started out strong in politics, miss him says, but hes lost his way. There is no shortage of enron, con supporters wherever you go in the country. But in pakistans market places you will find its critics who say that endless protests and countless rallies are bad for business. Disruption and chaos in pursuit of political comeback. Some the hoary say it isnt helping anyone, but god himself, ye go there. But again, when my father, hes like a monkey with a match, stick with it. He wants to sit some one on 5 or sit the whole junk glove far. Its up to him on the nation is proud of him, but as far as politics go, if one is just wired about that personal interest, politicians should Work Together for the country. Not just themselves in on kind of was out there. What would that be that enron con is a good guy. But right now hes just trying to take advantage of the situation. The country is going downhill, but every politician is worried about themselves. These long marches these rallies, god, no one is worried about the people, and the cost of living keeps rising. For as long as theyve had a country working class, pakistani say theyve been beaten down by vis it politics. The poor are getting poorer, and the mood on the street is leaders, political and military, dont care, putting themselves or their party, the 4th country. For the horse business owners, the numbers dont lie. The only path to lasting political success, they say, is the economy zane. But sir, avi al jazeera la also bob sliders had attacked the Somali Military base in central gallagher dude. Days after the region was captured by government forces. This comes after dozens were killed in an attack last month from the capitol, mogadishu, raising questions about the governments ability to deal with the armed group. How room with hostile reports. This is whats left of the Educational Ministry in somalis Capital Market issue. At least 120. 00 people were killed last month. When to cobb exploded outside. Ill ship up the al qaeda linked, armed Group Claim Responsibility for this attack, and others that keep happening in the country. Journalists, pfizer, omaha, she survived last month, blast at the education ministry. He says, people are afraid not shall, went away. The next attack could happen often or is from old. So these explosions arent new to us. Theyve been blasts for 10 years. People know, usually when one explosion happens, that there may be a 2nd one soon afterwards. Sometimes even the 3rd explosion at the same place. Dublin forces have made some games against ill ship up in the last few months. Regaining territory long held by the group. The counter revolt is led by the community, Somali Community decline this call now was lay con malicious, but the government are the one whos setting Data Strategy and backing up militarily and offline logistically. So this is the whole, the 1st time duty is lachelle out control 70 percent of so central somalia, we have seen that more than 1000 kilometer acres of land has been liberate for myself because of the Community Back up. But the attacks keep happening. Some official say more coordination is needed between Security Forces to better protect civilians. In marcella, were rulers vigilant because we know one attack could happen anywhere at any time. The education ministry, and workers there were alerted ours before the blasts occurred, but the enemy gained advantage over us. We regret what happened and take full responsibility. Ill ship up his kill tens of thousands of people since 2006. The group was the top of the government and implement its interpretation of islam of law. So manly say defeating, ill ship up. Well need more cooperation from regional countries in east africa. And the International Community had matessa out there. If europe is government in rebels from its northern to gray region have established a telephone hotline. The move was announced by African Union mediators. As the 2nd round of talks get underway in kenya, the 2 sides achieved a breakthrough last week in south africa signing a deal to stop fighting after 2 years of conflict. A use as the new round of talks with disgust using it. Were will discuss using a, a you experts to monitor the implementation of the piece agreements. And it is time for sport. The world cup is less than 2 weeks away. Now far ismael is out on location in doha for all the coverage for thank you so much, sarah. We are ads. Can tara cultural, a village, the focal point of the art scene in the country . Now this venue is sure to be popular with fans during the world cup. In fact, organizers have set up events to entertain fans every day of the tournament. That includes a dow boats festival, which is inspired by the history of pearl diving is here in katara. Well, host katara will take off their world cap campaign against ecuador in less than 2 weeks from today. Now, aspire academy has played a crucial role in developing National Talent here. Now a coach of from aspire joins us now. Justin, a good win. Thank you so much for joining us and just tell us a bit about expire academy and its school in tory. Com. Okay, so what we tried to do in the academy is and what ive been parts of throughout these 15 years ive been here is to scout and develop, train the future generations and players of could. So this is our, im okay and tell me what age do you actually just start noticing that talent and saying this kid is going to go all the way. Okay, sure. So we scout at a young age. Im also part of a program called the football talent centers. So we start at 5 years old at 5 years of age and then we go 5 to 6 to 7 through the through the k g groups right up to the older generations. But ill focus primarily on. 1 is to scout them at that young age. I mean, is there a sort of cut off age when you say, you know, they get to 1112. 00 and think okay, theyre, theyre not going to go anywhere. Theyre not going to become professional. So what we like to do is we will, well take them through sort of a process whereby we filter that these players from the talent sense that they will go to a fleet group. So they will be filtered in the filter. And in the feeder group, they will then be filtered, and then we go to the higher generations, which are weak holes, full time generations where boy, those children, those kids wont study in the academy. They will have their foods. Sometimes they, they sleep in the dormitories there, so the academy is their life. Its, you know, its, its for them to grow and develop as a professional Football Players and how it has the world have impacted what you do at aspire because you have been here for 15 years. What changes have you noticed . Ah, i think in the academy for sure, because we built a whole new academy so you know, way, way more developing on the, on the Sports Science as well. You know, it growing aspects into the play as development. So, so in this way we can really grow the players, you know, really develop the players into professional athletes. Okay, thank you so much, justin. Good. When thank you so much for coming to welcome. Thank you. One flag that you wont see here is the italian fly because the european champions didnt qualify for this year as well. Now we spoke to one professional italian player about how feels, how he feels on missing out on cats are 2022. 0 yeah. On july she been t say jani, so a little on, on the oma actual gosh, i thought a bit of his shoe on it. If it were slay, when a sheila tv dont have us, your a jordan, its joe what i wonder what throw on me. So put me through a company thought, i gosh, you know, the order you go to the believe a bang, look, we you through the yaki meeting, much in a little more made up by mino could i mean when you believe it said, alluded to lead by level and if any like a symphony must one, a ford, a a double door said you in trouble number of is your name, dont im not sure. And again, thats a job, a speck of those. Oh yeah, i didnt publish it out. You know, mom, sam just suddenly showing your feel w quality, id go to muted, im also could follow him, but shadow embed, she says you and jordan are my godaddy sure enough. I dont know what to do here. So i dont other meds that go through it, gail, nobody they get also lost. His son came yolanda to me for their law and going on. Shell be with jean luc posturing or the gosh, ive got a quote of course i the, the special a bit of a she saw an all time piece year with soon a cobra way. Shes been out of my teen or a little bit more. But she had all, my god, yeah, a lot of squalid. I did quote, it done pivot. So ne, p for c, c will be a squadron of online kids on these id fees. You before they decided yet theyre all out of your squad that i need even town about. Sure, sure. And im already really that youngsters. Yeah. When, if you were starting this fell down below and umbrella by those someone knew that. Yeah, i knew she became a with she wont be on the video or anybody there. I got the 30 want to ask, what are the products thats even by design. Now, earlier spoke to historian nicholas to betty about the deep problems surrounding italian football, segue exclusion. You know, a is a big blow for 4340 to support because its true that we want the European Championship in 2021. But there is an entirely new young generation. But theres never seen that the movie playing in there were either of course, or some issue, probably one as it was on the story kind of reason. Because in the eightys, in the ninetys eat that he was the league. And now there is, these is low, but the decline and either change, of course, the brand new league, but those are the spanish one and the german one are better that they promote a better world then that then it died in one. But there is still a lot of bash and there is still a lot of know how that is still a lot of very good players, but that isa declined the last 10 or 20 years. Now argentina fans are getting ready to travel to catch her to watch their National Team play out there is trace about caught up with them at a mass barbecue and for this iris for it seems like the world cup has already started in this classroom. When a sites there will travelling to cut out for the well cup. And this is the last barbecue, before the trip with most of them have become expert in finding the most affordable way to accompany argentinas team in doha. And i havent gone on holiday for 2 years, saving every pay so to by dollars to be able to make this trip. Ill dollar is the value. So it costs more and i will travel with civil stop. Ive is, we stay in the t is place, but we will be there. Ah, i grabbed it with a. 7 why dont we take a 1000000 what that were law says that doing the last well cup he traveled to russia but had to pay 3 times more on his credit card when he returned because of differences in the exchange rate. When i was an officer, domini one little fellow in russia, it happened that we left with a dollar at 14. And then there was a devaluation to 21. 00. And i spent everything and had to re plan everything that we managed. Were argentines, and were used to crisis like we adapt that but i, he really had lung cancer for years ago. He was a professional Football Player and had to change his life. As in the middle, i go to show that i had pain in my chest and took ibuprofen. I went to the doctor and there was a spot they thought it was pneumonia. In the end i had cancer when i had surgery and woke up, i looked at my father and said, if i survive this, were going to the world cup. Father and son have tickets to watch other countries, but not argentina. They say living this well come together is their biggest gift, i think in our whole lives change. We have a new calendar which are his controls that happen every month and living. This has been a challenge on the economic side. On the personal side. We still dont have tickets to see argentina, but im hoping we will get them. Oh, passion for food boy and unit macy runs. Hi here. Fence traveling to qatar are leaving all their troubles behind with one thing in common. Their support for the team. They love that he said, well, ill just see that when a site is or argentina will open their campaign against a saudi arabia on november, the 22nd. And that is it for me from here from katara cultural village, its now back to you 0. All right, bar a, thank you so very much. And remember, cattaraugus ecuador will kick off 64. 00 world cup matches al 0 will of course be falling the tournament every step of the way. The weight is nearly over for the bigger show on earth. All eyes are on cutter as the world cut comes to the middle east for the 1st time, a truly global event, bringing together football cultures from all over the world war. 32 countries battle it out with the trophy party of correspondent on all haunted. It will bring you coverage like no other as well come through contact. We will take you around the world, the cathartic 2020 to welcome on al jazeera. And one more thing before we wrap up this hour. When you think hong kong you probably think bright neon signs lining it streets right. In the 19 seventys, an estimated 80000 of them lit up the city. But now only a few 100 or Left Community groups are pushing to preserve hong kong famous glow. As jessica washington reports and colonies known as one of the worlds brightest cities, a reputation earned due to the glow of its distinct neon life. Somewhat crafted by this man, would she kite . He learned the trade as a teenager case had been harmed like old eightys and ninetys of the golden age for me on lights when the economy was prosperous. When i started working as a neon sign maker, i foresaw that they would vanish one day. Yeah, yeah, no flower can blossom for a 100 years. Good times cannot last forever guy. Some Community Groups estimate there were about 80000. 00 neon signs around hong kong in the 19 seventys. To day its estimated only a few 100 on left. The government is removing old and oversized science. It considers a threat to the public around the city Community Groups have set up displays like this showcasing some of the old meal science that have been taken down in the hope that this part of hong kong identity wont be forgotten. Some volunteers have been storing old, neon signs and learning to repair them to they have endured like different kinds of like weather condition in the streets for decades. 20 or 30 years easily. Of course, they look like rough around the edges, but they are not rubbish to me. Like by studying them very closely or broadly, you could actually tell a lot of stories about Hong Kong City and hong kong people. Academic brian clunk has been recording me on signs since 2016. You could tell that a lot of the on line has been disappearing. Weve trace with mark austin leon, i was there, but that they, after they disappear, you know, one tried to talk him when its our culture, our regional culture will be disappearing to the few noon sign makers lived many a now focusing on smaller products or installations for artic submissions, im sorry, i will try my best to make good me on site. So people believe they deserve to be preserved to the despite the challenges, ruth says he will continue making signs as his father did before him. Jessica washington out 0 hong kong. Great reporting there. All right, thats it from us for this hour. Were back in just a moment with morning stay. Ah mm hm. And a jump into the street when no topic is off the table. I dont think that anybody should be borne to privilege to the president of the day. We are the subjects of Little Family plus one persons opinion, but what church amplify your voice. The judicial system in mexico is incredibly weak and it is not just corruption where a global audience becomes a global community. Those scariest part of those moment in my country is this toys for more weapons, the st. Oh, now j 0 in 1958. Charles de gaulle made a famous speech, and algeria, i thought he could not hold back the tide of algeria independence or keep francis colonies in africa and the pacific. In the final episode of the series out there explores how the long and bitter fight for the french empire still resonates today. Law didnt is french. The colonization on al jazeera, l sculptures, paintings, and other unique pieces in the nation capital conference of people taking a book, indonesia, visual. Obscene was hit. Hard by the pandemic galleries were closed and had to exhibit their Collections Online for many celebrate to return to the way things were. This also room for incarnations not seen before. More than 60 galleries from indonesia and elsewhere in asia participating. Eager to meet collectors and artists from around the world with new artist, new modes and new pieces on display. The fare is a dynamic celebration of the resilience of the industry. The tantalizing hints of wants yet to come. Ah

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