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This is al jazeera ah hello, im marianne demise the welcome to the news our life from london coming up in the next 60 minutes. A crew shore road and rail bridge linking crimea to russia partly reopens after its damaged by a powerful explosion. Battle intensifies as the Ukranian Army tries to advance into the law hands screeching. We report from the front line Israeli Forces kill for palestinian teenagers in just 24 hours in the occupied westbank. Long and grief stricken families gather at temples in thailand, offering candles, toys, and prayers. For the 37 People Killed in a gun and knife attack. Most of them Young Children and on peters stems in bo, with your school, some other game and other go for earling holland. The majesty striker owns all that here to get him of the champions beat, sell them some for new to go to top of the premier league. Ah, hello, welcome to the news. Our russia says road and rail traffic has resumed on a vital bridge that was damaged by a larger explosion. Part of the bridge connecting crimea to mainland. Russia collapsed after a blast alley on saturday. Moscow says at least 3 people were killed and present like them. A persian is ordered additional security. So that show you where the explosion took place and why its important will the areas shown in red a currently under the control of Russian Forces in the set purchased allies, the cash bridge links russia and crimea, and is a critical root supplying last goes troops in southern ukraine and the naval portion of hostile, the bridge is widely seen as a symbol of the russian antics ation of crime mere in 2014, ukraine has not directly claim responsibility, but the attack does come as its forces continue with that push and the counter offensive in both the south and east 100, val begins our coverage now for moscow. This was the moment caught on ometer video cameras. At 607 am local time in crimea, purportedly showing a cargo track exploding on the motorway parallel to the catch bridge. The blast was so huge flames as the breeze crossed to the other lane and reached a fuel cargo train that was passing by russia. The government was quick to respond. The speaker of the state duma describe the incident other terrorist attack and an act of war or russian president Vladimir Putin has ordered an Investigation Committee be set up to find out whos behind it and how it happened. The most realistic is 2 explanations. One would be a laser guided on, or at least a 125. 00 kilos, and the other possibility would be sabotaged from special forces. From part offense, youre seeing an extension of the conflict. The ukrainians are now bringing the fight into the rear areas of the supply of Russian Forces. The catch bridge, also called the crimea bridge, is one of russias most vital supply lines. And its only land linked with the crimean peninsula. It was opened by law, me to put in 2018 for years after russia and next the climate territory from ukraine. The explosion caused 2 sections of the bridge to collapse and several trained carriages caught fire traffic on the entire bridge came to a standstill. The c ferrying arts under the bridge was not effected, but this will likely pose several challenges for rushes capabilities to supply its troops. And other administrative operations in crimea. The catch bridge is less than 300 kilometers away from the nearest bottom flights in steps on. And here in mainland russia, no one seems to doubt the incident, is directly linked to the war and ukraine. And every finger of accusation is pointed at keith. 100 fun on the zillow. Moscow, while youre fighting vice regime is laskey reference a bridge attack in his night dress, but offered no indication, as forces were sponsible enough with the fellow today was a good and mostly sunny day and now country. Unfortunately, it was cloudy and crimea, although it was still warm, but however the clouds ukrainians know what to do, and i know that our future is sunny. This is the future without invaders on old out here. Traits in particular in crimea out there is rory challenge is in cave whitmore on ukraines reaction. For there has been a lot of insinuation from ukrainian officials, but no explicit confirmation that it was ukraine. That was behind this. Weve heard earlier in the day from harlow portfolio, who is one of the Main Advisors to present the landscape. Who said quite austin daily that this bridge crime in bridge was basically just the beginning. Everything illegal must be destroyed. Everything stolen must be returned to ukraine. Everything occupied by russia must be expelled, but later on in the day, he changed his tone at a little bit and actually suggested that the explosion was the result of infighting between the Russian Ministry of defense, the f s. B and mercenary groups. He said that the truck that blew up on the bridge had come from the russian side of the bridge. And that suggested that the origin of the explosion was russia. So i spoke to montgomery, our taint director of my a can talents, limited. Russia focused Political Risk consultancy firm, and hes also, the author of fusions was from chat she had to ukraine. I thought of asking him how such an important strategic location was attacked in theory, it was exceedingly heavily protected. There were ships, submarines, and even specially trained dolphins to protect it from any type by see there was a constant close at patrol as well as anti aircraft and indeed anti missile defenses on both ends. And furthermore, the, the breach was meant to be controlled and regularly patrol by police as well as soldiers. So they had basically, rather than gloriously claimed that this, this bridge was, was impossible to attract. The fact that such a printer relatively simplistic approach as driving a truck bomb on the middle of detonating it could be done demonstrates i think 2 things. One is the fundamental weakness that weve seen with russian procedures. And the 2nd thing is the fact that ukrainians, if we, if it was them which you know, that theyre like p answer have demonstrated a considerable skill for identifying the loopholes within russian systems and exploiting them to the fullest. And how much is the procedure set of personal humiliation for the president who himself opened this bridge a few years ago . 2018 is. Theres no way of getting around that. This was in so many ways. Hootons rich, and hes the one who had pushed rates being built so quickly as i was symbolic connection of crimea with the russian mainland. Hes the one that drove the 1st orange truck across the bridge to open it formerly. And now hes the one who are getting after his 70 birthday is now how to deal with the 2. This is, this is one of the problems that he faces. He is so heavily associated. So firstly with annexation crimea, and now with the war ukraine, that each of the particular high profile reversals cannot help. But were down against him. He will look for scapegoats. He will blame kinds of other people. But ultimately that you can only do that for so long a battle is intensifying as ukrainian force as tries advance into the hands collision. Thats where thousands of Russian Troops have been retreating in recent days and a level of destruction and villages and force in the area is shocking. As charles traffic found out when he drives the frontline village of dorski and a warning that says something you might find his report disturbing. Bomb craters, destruction, and the obliterated remains of peoples lives. The closer you get to the new eastern front, the more did russian soldiers you find. The bullies of shells and rockets crush back and forth. Elisa russian soldiers little the road. From where they would dug him just a couple of days ago. The Ukranian Army now showed them the town of camida, where they fled, stretch new value at the non us. Its been terrible. Theres been no life with our neighbors left. And the russian soldiers took over their houses. But when they left, they were running, panicking on the straight Russian Military uniforms in abandoned homes. The soldiers coleman did now empty bother detritus they left behind. The surrounding forests had been pulverized by exploding shells. Tanks, apcs, and all manner of bones out vehicles lying the road Ukrainian Rocket launchers moved to positions ahead while while our ship, wherever sitting in our basement for 3 to 4 days, chests arriving, they were so much selling and then they fled into the forest. We crossed the partly destroyed bridge, which is near collapse. The smashed school bus is empty. Bar 2 dead russian soldiers hanging at its sides. The bars of swarming flies, the only sound of the terrifying explosions battle on the doorstep. If i didnt, how can you . An elderly woman appears at her gate that she describes the russian glittering young lady. Yes, they were moving everywhere, driving on the road. Lots of vehicles, but im afraid to speak about it. She says i have it at least. Oh, she doesnt even flinch when a shell explodes close mine. Oh yes and i couldnt them. When the russians gave us humanitarian aid, she continued. There were about 700, not many little of the russian side from that just before the ukrainian army, liberated village. We slowly move up the road. Ethel, to avoid the unexploded bombs and shrapnel that is written will be held barrels of incoming shells. Land close bond is many tents shelling here in the last few minutes is a few soldiers behind me that are running towards us. Village of the village has been completely destroyed in this area as Ukrainian Forces pushed forward along this road towards the town. Camino what the list, what you the most is what you know your own overheard go, go, go, go, no, go what you cause destroyed shelter. Ukrainian soldiers. As they run all, Stratford Al Jazeera torture rushers announced a new commander in charge of its forces fighting in ukraine, the appointment of air force general. So okay, sort of the kin is the 3rd senior military appointment in the space a week. Russian forces have faced a series of defeats and ukraine in recent weeks. Until now. Moscow not confirmed openly that any one was in overall military command of what it still calling its special military operation in ukraine. Or the is approved a Nuclear Power plant is lost, its loss remaining excel power source after renewed shelling over night. The u. N. s atomic watched august ng, the facility is now relying on emergency diesel generators, which each have enough fuel for at least 10 days. Moscow and keep of blame each other for the strikes at the plant, which is being held by Russian Forces. But its still being operated by ukrainian staff. Its reactors are shut down, but it still needs external power for cooling to avoid a nuclear meltdown. The u. N. Is calling for Protection Zone around the plant, which is europes largest Nuclear Power site. Will the head of ukraines center for Civil Liberties as the groups Nobel Peace Prize wrongs that every ukrainian citizen who fights for freedom you organization was awarded there 2022 prize on friday and says the award will give them more strength in their efforts to ensure human rights are upheld. Its supreme. You, you got luciano. This prize belongs to every ukrainian citizen that fights for freedom. It is important support. We do hope to use all the possibilities that this platform provides for a couple of things. To liberate all the ukranian, military and civilians are so imprisoned to begin the reform of the International Security system, which now lies in ruins. To give a chance for justice to hundreds of thousands of victims of war crimes. To create an International Tribunal and bring putin and other war criminals to responsibility. You are the news, our lie from london much more still to bring you on the program. United states, as its reviewing a request from haiti for an International Armed force to help and a blockade of its main fuel port. But will foreign troops help or made situation worse . A mass funeral as hell for the 37 victims of an attack on a convoy of food lauris days before beginning fossils latest comb with just weeks to go until the fee for while cup and cat are children from impoverished communities abroad are playing a special tournament there ah, now south korea and japan are saying that north korea are, is fired to short range ballistic missiles. The 7th such weapons tests in recent days. South koreas military call them a series provocation, that harms pace. It came hours after the u. S. And south korea wrapped up a new round of naval drills of the Korean Peninsula as east coast or a funeral has been held for a 17 year old palestinian boy killed by Israeli Forces during a raid in the jeanine refugee camp. Is there any soldiers of killed for palestinian teenagers in the occupied west bank in 24 hours as needed . Abram reports lost for words. Friends of 17 year old mattie le dad. We remember her young man gone too soon. Israeli forces killed mattie with a bullet to the chest late on friday. That was after confrontations in his home town of al mazda al, gotta be between past indians and his really soldiers. When local said they were trying to fend off an attack by israeli settlers. A loyal and compassionate friend is how his neighbor adam leaded to where the members maddie minutes after he was laid to rest. Okay, lemme for learning how young he used to dream of having a good future. Hes someone who loved life and going out. He was going to be too soon. Palestinians say not only is there no accountability for these killings, but the violence against them is being used as an electoral tactic had of elections and november, palestinian say is really politicians hope to get more vote by increasing assaults on them. People here say matthews, only paul was trying to defend you from an attack by israeli settlers. Turning into them all the while. And here in the west bank is out of the 114. 00 palestinians killed by his reading forces in the west bank this year. A 3rd were shot in jeannine in the northern west bank. Early on saturday, 2 palestinians were killed during confrontations after an israeli reed in the genie and refugee camp about thousands of lives and the injuries were focused on the upper body parts. One of them was a direct boat to the head and the other was to the next. The 2 men arrived at the hospital and their heart stalked over. We couldnt resuscitate low enough. Night and daily reeds have recently been met with armed confrontations in the place. Israel called the wasps nest. Military analyst estimate there are hundreds of on palestinians inside the janine refugee camp. Last week, these really military approved the use of drews put targeted assassinations as palestinians use of gunfire increases largely unarmed in the face of a violent military occupation. Palestinians say they can only rely on themselves. Recent polls suggest the palestinian support for an armed uprising against israel at 48 per cent. The odds of achieving peace are low, but standing still, the young hearsay is no longer an option either. But he elijahs eda, the occupied with bang funerals, had been held for some of the 37 victims in the gun and knife attack in thailand, which starts at a Day Care Center. Grief stricken relatives gathered at temples, offering candles, toys and prayers for the victims. Most were children age between 2 and 5 years old. Those days attack was one of the worst in thailands history. The attacker was a 34 year old former Police Sergeant who just appeared in court on a drugs charge police a. He went home and killed himself and his family charlie off the attack in long while uncle province on monday. Oh, on the day of the incident, i didnt give him a call. I normally do that every morning. It was raining that day and i was in a hurry to go to work. So i didnt call him. I didnt get to say a word to him. Every morning i would call him and he would say, im going to school now mom. I didnt get to talk to him. God lucid followed her paw on look how god looked. I ha, i feel saddened and was shocked to learn the news because im also a student. The children are still so innocent. I thought that the Day Care Center should have been a safe place well in, but then this happened. Now thousands of gathered and became fast as capital just earlier on for funeral 27 soldiers. They were killed in an ambush late last month on a supply convoy taking much needed food to the north of the country. He attack sparked last weeks collab. I ever him tore countries new self appointed president as nicholas hack reports. Regina far so his morning its dead. The barracks, in eerie silence, only broken by the names of soldiers, all killed by isolate fighters while protecting a humanitarian convoy in the north. Last month it was when attack too many for military leader. He brought him, tore, angered by another humiliating defeat, he staged to cool last friday, becoming brookins fossils. Newest leader, the aftermath of the attack was captured on mobile phone. Hundreds of trucks burned. They worked, transporting wheat in rice to debo, a town of 350000 people in the north, besieged by iso since february, where people are dying of hunger truck driver. Abdulla hub suargo survived the attack he still in shock. Fearful about hunger. During the attack, we noticed our soldiers were no match, they were weaker. The iso fighters were stronger than us. Whoever dare to phase them were killed on the spot. 2000000 people are on the move, fleeing the violence in the north terrorist tell us to leave our village. I was so just that i meant to protect us and not able to kill them under terrorists that have come to which a war there will be no survivors in the capital walker do. People are taking matters in their own hands, collecting food and clothes. They will hand over to the military, which plans to air drop help for the besieged city of g bone with our flicker latterly od. I think they, if offended on, we heard that the army sent 70 tons of supplies, considering how densely populated g book is 70 tons is nothing. Its not enough. We need to do more. It is a war burkina. Faso cannot afford to lose, explains try to diplomats and a visiting delegation from the west African Regional body echoes. The army has lost control of nearly half of the country, face with setbacks, Commanding Officers appear divided on which military strategy to adopt the young captain. Well have to rebuild trust in the ranks command, altar and battle hardened officers, many of whom are frustrated and unite a fragmented army that has suffered too many losses on the battle front. Nicholas hot al jazeera officials in gambia, carrying out urgent door to door campaigns. Her remove medicines, blame for the death of 66. 00 children. Countries, Health Ministry linked for cough and cold syrup made an india to potential cases of acute kidney injury. You ends well Health Organization is now issued an alarm in response to the deaths and has been working with gamblers government to investigate the cause, w h o says the contaminated medicines might have been distributed in more countries. Where did the lemma record . When i 1st heard about this epidemic, i was very afraid children are so sensitive and its so difficult to understand when theyre not well, they dont know how to express it. All they are homeless is on the medicines that we are providing. So if you help walk us in time, call and tell them that the medicines that we are, you can use that very good. So hes kind of disappointing towards how many of them were. Nobodys turned in didnt want to lose the life of their children. They will accept what it will we are telling them that you are says its reviewing a request from haiti for International Security support. Countries asked for a specialized armed, forced out resolve. The humanitarian crisis caused by gangs blockading the countrys main fuel port protest as of blocked roads across haiti since the Prime Minister ariel on re ended fuel subsidies last month. Supplies of water, food, fuel and basic goods are running out. Hazy is also dealing with another color outbreak. Danforth was the u. S. Special envoy for haiti in 2021. He joins me live now from new york. So as youre hearing the Prime Minister ariel on re intends to request this a specialize armed forces. Its being referred to all the International Community, but what are the risks of a military intervention . Current risk is, is very high for an international force, dr. Ariel and read the fact of Prime Minister who is anointed by the International Community after president uses a fascination a year ago has been seen as illegitimate by the age people. He has not done one thing for them. They see him in the line with the gang. So as a result, their protest natalie fuel subsidies and, but the Us International imposition of government over the past several back. And my concern is if you send a military worse in current way to go after the gangs, theyre gonna wind up finding that people are paying you who do not want to military intervention right now until they have the space to come up with their own socio political solution to his proud does that suggest that your concern that this is, i suppose part of the motivation for their request. Its not just that very difficult situation with the gangs, but that theres been these mass protests against the Prime Minister and that he would have more leverage or support of Foreign International force in the country. Absolutely, i think the United States need to make a decision and have the right whether they are going to back and the illegitimate dictator who has not to go. She is in good faith with any position or Civil Society in people or back democracy in one of our closest neighbors. I suppose. The issue for many haitians dealing with a really powerful mix of problems from hunger to unemployment and they desperately need help. So what should the International Community be doing . Well, theres no question that there is a humanitarian disaster. Its been going on for over a year, but continues to work in the United States. Can take a great step towards the solution. By letting the haitians find their own socio political solution, with no preconditions United States has imposed defacto Prime Minister ariel. And we have the and until we attack the underwriting drivers of instability and heavy in this case, the fact that the haitians can choose their own leaders in that situation. What can u. S. T then can pressure the Prime Minister to take a different approach because we see that they dont want your arguing against having any sort of direct interference. But the problem with the gangs of the monitoring crisis is likely to get worse. Is late to be gang. He has to be complete that youre asian, your past year now, and have chose him as the reader, as long as you, as and says that are you havent read the part of any where were moving solution. That solution will fail, and asian people will get more attention. Well, thank you for joining us on the news. Our tonight, dan, for me, us special envoy haiti anthony is our life in london. Still had 4 on the pipeline. Ah, female student protests is irans president visits a university in teheran, amid the ongoing unrest of the death of massa. Mimi fears as his devastating drought in spain will drive up Olive Oil Prices around the world in sport formula one well, champion takes pole position in japan edge closer to defending his title. Ah, as a cold front walking across europe is this thing here doesnt look very active. And despite hist, code looking spikes is not dropped temperatures very much at just a couple degrees. I think that allowed the sunshine to come through afterwards. But where that cold air meets the warmest waters in the western med it will produce significant thunderstorms for corsica, sardinia, french riviera, and possibly the italian alps. The potential for flooding exist, theyre similar story for the eastern black sea where raised like to fall in turkey. Our media and ga, quite possibly the template already dropped in anchorage zone will back on the wind is easy. This down bull. And indeed through the eastern met the picture. If i take you a day ahead, moves the rain all through. Italy introduces more for spain and portugal, but the sun is out for the most part. The near windy weather they will tumble, weather is restricted ridge the far north, the british charles to norway and maybe to denmark. Theres been heavy rain again in nigeria been a wet season is more flooding as a result that says south of the capitol. I would like to say this rain is coming to an end and temporarily might to this particular batch is moving on westwards towards toga bending and garner. But i cant. So thats the end there is more developing. And again, its quite a long way north ah, a star striker in the top of telling me what the voted to the working class of his home town and its club. Footballing legend at accountant r introduces fiano dakota. A one of a kind sick, the snow equally adored by his funds for his social values. As his money goes against italys footballing elite football rebels on our visit. Examining todays headlines, we cannot livable, good is getting this hop like the titanic heading for the iceberg. Setting the discussion, the fall of afghanistan is going to stay with every single asking for the rest of their life, sharing personal stories with the global audience that our body is trying to me. It is about oh, program that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on al jazeera. Ah ah, ill come back and use our life from london. Just a quick look at main stories. Now, traffic has resumed on a crucial bridge, connecting crimea to russia that was damaged by lodge explosion. Part of the bridge collapsed after a blast. Early on saturday, moscow vowed a strong response to this, and president putin has ordered additional security. A funeral has been held for a 17 year old palestinian boy killed by Israeli Forces during a ride in the jeanine refugee camp policy and official se Israeli Soldiers of killed for teenagers in the occupied westbank in 24 hours and grieving relatives of attended ceremonies for some of the 37. 00 victims of a gun, a knife attack in thailand, which began at Day Care Center. Most were children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old. Now multiple protests have been taking place across iran against the government handling of the death of a 22 year old woman in Police Custody last month. Oh, runs president obrien rice and face demonstrations outside a womens only university into iran. Earlier on saturday. Country has been struggling with a wave of public anger, of the death of master armine, who is detained for wearing inappropriate clothing rights groups. Say that a 150 people are foot who have been killed. A Security Force is cracked down on the protests or so. So door has more now from ron of the quite 3. They probably call the, in iran on saturday. The put a spark across the country once again in the largest cities in iran. There were widespread demonstrations being held in iran for the 1st time. The demonstration spread around grand bazaar. And one of the police had also was sat on fire. This is quite significant because grand bizarre inter run is an important business hob, and any disruption in the business could further detail create the all the, the struggling economy in the, in the country. So among the put that were held on saturday, those in could some progress were particularly violent. There were report that several people have been killed by the Security Forces. However, the Security Forces are seeing that only one person have been killed and that the pro tours are responsible for that killing. And if the protests were not on the, on the 3, if in the university is also there were widespread being held. And today, the president of iran, ibrahim re see, has listed one of them. But i want to get it. And the enemies thought they could follow their vicious desires inside the university. Unaware that our students and professors were awake and would not allow the enemys false dreams to come true. In iran, the general understanding among the officials is that the recent developments in iran, or a part of International Conspiracy against iran. They believe that this protest where engineered emperor was by the foreign public. And they said that iranians, how full of theres plot against iran. However, the demonstrations that took place on saturday saw that this protests are still far away from dine down. Ac hasnt dropped in Iranian State tv briefly on saturday to show a picture of mass armine and 3 teenage girls killed in the unrest which followed her death. The clip had the slogan, women, life freedom as well as the verse, the blood of our youth is on your hands. Crossing i did states people have been marching for reproductive rights head of the mid term elections. So day of action owners, the womens wave abortion as and emerged as a critical issue had of next months mid terms. In june, the Supreme Court overturned the landmark road, the way case, which guaranteed the right to terminate a pregnancy organizers of the marches are hoping to encourage people to vote for politicians who back the right to choose. Mike hannah has more from the march in washington. Oh, criminal gathering and marches across the nation. Here in d. C, this is part of what is being billed as a womans wave. The major motivating factor in this is the Supreme Court decision to overturn roe v wade. But theres Something Else going on as well. That is not seen as the only attack on democracy of the attacks that are being taking place. Its restricting the rights of people to vote. So what were seeing here is an anger, but at the same time, an attempt to persuade people to get to the polls at the mid term elections in november. Let me to saw some lady here, maam, if i could ask you why youre marching here today. Then and people are trying to take away my power at how important is it as well to use this angle to go to the polls in november. Its the most important thing i think i will ever do in my life and continue to do every single day. Just because i have friends. I have people who need this and it just, its so unfair and just, no i, i will be there. And so many people will be there and its going to happen. It has to eventually it, well, i will and i will be in every single time. Okay, thank you very much indeed maam. Well, that is a majority sentiment that you are hearing among these thousands of people rough just about the womans right to reproduce. But its also about broader democratic issues. Deep concern about an attack on democracy within the whole nation itself. And alan fish has worn out what to say. Can you estimate times in a months time the American Public will go to the polls for the mid term elections . For many, this is a referendum until bidens 1st 2 years in the white house. And its supposed to be believed. It wouldnt be good news for the democrats. What remains clear is that american politics is still incredibly devices. So whats at stake will, in the house of representatives, everything, 435 congressional districts. Some are solidly republican, some are solidly democrat, but there are a few that can be flipped. And the republicans know that a net gain of just 5 seats will give them control of the chamber. That would mean nancy pelosi is no longer the speaker pushing through the presence agenda. She would be replaced by a republican almost certainly Kevin Mccarthy in the senate, 35 of the 100. 00 seats set up for grabs. But only 10 of those are thought to be competitive. At the moment, both sites have 50 seats with tiebreaker decided by the casting vote of the democratic vice president. Now both sides know that a net gain of just one will give them control of the chamber. Traditionally, the president s party doesnt do well in mid terms. Donald trump lost 40 house seats. Brock obama lost 63 in his 1st mid term. So what are the key issues for voters . First, theres inflation. The cost of everything seems to be going up and not just the basic cost of food, stuff and wages arent rising at the same level. The economy, as most people is number one concern. Theres also the cost of filling up your vehicle. Its expensive and with opec and anything production cut, its going to get more expensive justice people are going to the fault. So its all bad news for democrats, right. Well, not necessarily. The Supreme Courts decision to overhaul abortion rights in the United States has led to more women and democrats registering to vote. They believe the only way to protect abortion is that the ballot box and the democrats also see the poles that suggest americans want to restrict access to some weapons. And the believe that the only way to do that is to give them a majority in the mid term elections. Its supposed to be believed. Then the republicans could well when the house and just fall short in the senate. But weve learned one thing over the last 6 years. It is that american politics is highly unpredictable. Hundreds of people have joined demonstrations in the Czech Republic against the soaring cost of food and energy. This was the 2nd rally organized by labor unions in the capital, prague in the last 10 days, protested of criticize the sent right governments of Prime Minister or fiala, for lack of action on record inflation. Many demonstrators, the same, the use tough sanctions on russia. Of course, economic problems last month, problem us or a huge Anti Government demonstration by far right and extreme left groups. Demanding and enter the sanction of thousands of people marched in germanys capital berlin to protest against their own rocketing energy prices. There. Now this demonstration was organized by the far right alternative for germany party. Some of them were waving russian flags as well. Activists is saying the governments policies over the warn you crane of lead to an Energy Crisis and a stagnant economy. I was a heavy Police Presence as the rally took place and several counter protests also will transport. Officials in northern germany say a 3 hour halt to rail traffic was an act of sabotage sledge. The attack has caught cables vital to the rail network in 2 places. On saturday, whats being label targeted and malicious action . German federal police have launched an investigation into the incident, nato and the e u of stress the need to protect Critical Infrastructure after attacks on the nord stream gas pipelines. Will economists a warning of an onslaught of public spending cuts in the u. K, after the government announced new plans for growth among those most at risk . People who depend on social welfare could face a reduction in Financial Support. Theyve bark reports from london, m. Tronic debt this julian was told he had a brain tumor when he was just 28, and the prognosis wasnt good. It was a ton of diagnoses. So they gave me 6 to 12 months in 2016. Now 34, hes out lived all medical expectations, but the former football coach is unable to work and relies on state Financial Support spiraling prices. Media now worries about how to pay for the basics. Im trying to live as good as i can with whatever time i have left. But how can i do that from one of our, my, the cost of living going up in, im having to choose between fear it for the week or petro, for hospital appointment, extra heating costs, medicines, travel, it all adds up and for people like julian can mean many hundreds of dollars more on top of their usual expenditure. And now add to that the cost of living crisis, the price of electricity, gas, and food rising steeply. Little wonder then that a quarter of all young Cancer Patients and now drowning in debt sleeping behind on mortgages, rent and energy bills. Philos trust governments put Economic Growth center stage, announcing massive tax cuts to turbo charged the economy paid for from debt funded boring. We need to get rated me think the markets though reacted badly. The pound falling to an all time low against the dollar without of mortgage deals pulled as boring cost sword. But despite abandoning its top rate of tax cuts on the highest earnest to help calm the markets, most of the governments other 48000000000. 00 in tax cuts remain intact. Raising di warnings have big spending cuts to Public Services to help pay for it. And fears the government will fail to increase things like disability and Unemployment Benefits in line with inflation. Children pension is low and competitors and the severely disabled suffer the most because they caught work to make up the difference between lower payments and higher prices. It means more hunger, it means well have all going cold in our homes of this winter and also fundamentally will be more deaf as well. We now know the real cost of past austerity measures. Findings released this week claim there were more than 330000 excess deaths linked to government cups and Public Services and benefits introduced by previous british governments between 20122018 people dying prematurely because of reduced incomes. Ill health, poor nutrition, and housing. Good boy, there is a human cost to some government decisions as affordable people, like julian brace for a difficult winter. A reminder that the health of the countrys economy and its people are inseparably linked leave. Walker al jazeera london and man had died after being restrained by police. In the north of london offices in hartford, sherwood called after port to the man in distress. On friday night he independent office. The Police Conduct is investigating this. Now it comes a month after police shot dead, an unarmed man in a car in south london. And hes 10 people have been killed, including a 5 Year Old Girl after an explosion in North West Island rescue cruises. Searching for more victims in donnie gall, near the border with northern ireland. A blast destroyed a petrol station and damaged nearby apartments on finding night. Islands Prime Minister says he expects the death toll to rise and is called it an unspeakable tragedy. When out europes was drought in hundreds of years is threatening the water supply of olive oil. Spain is the walls biggest producer invest accounting for more than 2 fifths of global supply. Last year. Grease italy in portugal are also major supplies, or for experience, extreme high temperatures. This summer causing stress vegetation. Many farmers estimate the harvest will fall by around 40 percent because of the extraordinary weather conditions. Retail prices fall avoid across europe have already risen by 14 percent in the year to july. And it said theyre going to rise even farther in the coming months. Producers say the combination of weather supply chain bottlenecks and storing energy costs of all caused an unprecedented squeeze. I, forth, it reports now from southern spain. Autumn in southern spain. The time when the olives turn green and plump ahead of the harvest, the province of high end is become a virtual monoculture. Well than 60000000 olive trees producing more than a 5th of the worlds olive oil. This years harvest is projected to be down massively. Gabrielle seeker spent his life working these groves. He says this summers drought, which scientists have called the worst for 500 years as that some trees baron, some with a much reduced number of usable olives, into the being greater than what you see into this is the main source of income, especially for people from the high in the area right without olives, than construction work goes down, and a bit of Everything Else over the last. If people dont have incomes, they dont spend all of trees. A famously hardy able to survive extremes of heat and cold, and keep producing the fruit. The fact that these trees so stressed after this years drought and heat wave is a worrying sign for this region that rely so heavily on them. Here is the Climate Change greatly disrupt spains Olive Oil Production line. The country provide nearly half of the entire global supply. Agriculture already places, huge demands on limited water resources. Industry leaders. This summers shock could point towards a future. Not too far away, bowling. Youre looking at it unless youve got everything indicates that what used to happen occasionally is becoming something structural. This unfortunately means average temperatures will volume with higher peaks as well and very little rain. And when it does rain, its going to be to mention one already along with other vegetable oils. Price is going up, although produces, say not by enough to compensate for this years collapse. Tavis a little bit. They bring gold oil vegetables. Everything has gone up because of the inflation and also now with the small production of all the vote, it all has an impact. When it comes to rising prices. In the fields, the work goes on, the aim to salvage as much as possible. If this is harvest, the forecast is for more dry weather in the coming weeks. And while thats a worry, the real fear is what will happen to this area farmland. In the coming years, i resource it al jazeera, southern spain, still ad for you on the news out. Find out what happened when 2 of tennis as big as stars went head to head in kazakhstan. Why thousands around the world are tuning into a live stream to vote on alaskas test bed. Ah, jumping to the street when no topic is off the table. I dont think that anybody should be borne to privilege to the president of the day. We are the subjects of adorned family plus one persons opinion, but what church amplify your voice. The judicial system in mexico is incredibly weak and it is not just corruption where a global audience becomes a global community. The scariest part of this moment in my country is this toys for a more weapons, the st. Oh, now j 0 la to bond between a plain phone and a multi 1000000000. 00 industry. With her ambition is challenged by the funny taishan cultural tradition. Hollywood freeman. On i was just you move ah sport with peter marian, thank you so much, erling. Harland scored his 20th gulf of manchester city. As they swept aside south hampton, who moved top of the premier league. Its taken holland, just 13 games to reach that sally and old competitions. The norwegians strike a grab cities. Fulton for no home when and if manager jokes that one go was not enough. They leave the island. Im so upset with him. He underscore through ghosts practitioner. He is so high, paperless spect is going to score every game see of also, but then he was there to score it. Who has gone has done it. I now i have but again talk num remain 3 points behind city and 3rd, spurs kept pace with the teams around them by winning away at brighton, england. Captain harry came scoring the only goal of the game in the 1st half. Chelsea are still and beaten, and the new coach grandpa, so they defeated wolves 3 know at Stanford Bridge for their 3rd, when in a row for my chelsea strike diego casa ladies 1st store for was who remain in litigation zone and in spain, rail, madrid, they have overtaken barcelona, the toppled le leaguer brazilian defender emily dow put rail ahead just 3 minutes into the game with hat alpha. And that proved to be the winner as the finished one. No max for stopping has taken another step closer to he, 2nd consecutive for me to one worlds i told the red bull drive its a pole position for sundays japanese grand prix for stoppin was just 100. 00 of a 2nd quaker in qualifying. And ferraris sean the clare. Holla, science will start from food on the grid with these ferrari. If a stop and when sundays race and post the fastest lap at zucker, it will seal back to back will championships for the dutchman. Yeah, was good. I think the whole coughing to cause working quite well just about, you know, fine tuning in an album, but thats for us running q 3 was a good love at the time. So yeah, very please. Of course to be able. Yeah. Im, you know, obviously disappointed. I am to be so close from pole to on the other hand, i think on a truck like this, we probably did not expect to be so close to the red ball. So lisa, this is a positive no back talk of h has reached the final of the atp tour event in kazakhstan after opponent de neil medford and retired injured from they semi. This was the 1st time theyve paid each other this year, and it was the russian except for 1st its 6 for the 2nd when to retiree with shock, which one to level the match. But then straight also the states had finished made the dave pulled up with a leg injury which nature which a bit surprised he looked completely fine. Maybe last maybe 70 points. Ive seen him a move, slightly slower, but i mean, you know, its, its, its a shock. Honestly, i was ready for a 3rd said battle. I really hope that hes injury is nothing too serious. Chuck of h will face world number 67 o 6. He pass for the austin opened title. Agree could drop the opening fit to andre ruby, but for back to when its in 3 seats, he percys looking to change his food to a level title this year after and so merging victorious in monte carlo as well as my yorker womens Rugby World Cup hosts new zealand played their opening match in front of a record crowd of 40000 in oakland at double the previous mark for an International Womens rugby game. The defending champions were up against australia and suffered a what all is they conceded, we tries unto by 17 boys of the 28th minutes. However, the new zealand is rallied to win 4117 with a hatchet from wing it shall woodman, favorites, england overlaid campaign with the regular head. I win against debutantes. Fiji after dominant 2nd half at eton thought sen size came off to the break with wind totally mcdonald taking individual tele to full ignorant, winning 80. So mine teens. Its a whole scene gone to around 4th in the world took on south africa and the opening game. The french are expected to be title challenges alongside the english and t weve. They saw said line at our fade, the spring book, women 40. 00 is just every month to go until the feet. The world cup kicks often. Cutter, but starting today, teams from 24 countries are taking part in the st. Child world copier in doha the tournament. Same as to highlight the plight of more than 100000000 children living in poverty world wide or below went to meet place from the philippines way it is girls who are putting the country on the football map in any other neighbourhood in the philippines. This would have been a basketball court, must massage and thought on, but for years now, british coach in charity work. Boy morse has been teaching you tear how to play football. Not only as a sport, but as a way out of poverty made just felt like gradually and really growing things from the grassy top as well. We could make the most different, not just with football, but with the education, the social, emotional development, the holistic mentoring that we bring here at that play. And being able to recall that level, the playing field. Jasmine claire grew up in an impoverished area and just started playing football last year. But she speeded into the play at the football club. Its become one of the more competitive teams in the country. And she plans to use this experience to get the college scholarship. Said any of those are we call its one way of showing that i can be good both in sports and in my study question. Now jasmine is part of the National Team that reached the final of this 3 child world cup in brazil in 2014. What ball is oddly an elitist sport in the philippines . Its really only recently that its becoming mainstream. Its the women who are leading the way that the National Team qualify for the womens world cup next year. The 1st time for any philippine football team. 2022 has been a breakthrough year for to womens National Team. They reached the semis of the womens asian cup and one to final against Regional Power house thailand. At the Southeast Asian championships, theres no stigma for the girls to play or so they have an opportunity to to play. And as soon as they join an authentic play that challenged against boys the challenge again, paula and stronger people. And they have the level of quickly, its just giving them a chance. A lot of countries dont give them a chance. Its a chance of a lifetime for families like judgments for other siblings are also being coached by roy. Anything. If they do well, they will all have a shot at College Football scholarships, an opportunity that their parents never thought was possible. Or below al jazeera manila m at is a rep from a sports. This will see you again there to him 100 gmc on sunday. Marian back to you in lamb. Okay, lonely, thanks very much peter. Or you might not know, well, you might know its fat by week fat by week that time of the year when people around the well take part in a competition to find the fattest bear in alaska park. Thousands shoot into a live stream to watch the best gorge themselves. North american brown braz rely on fat reserves. A need this for going into hibernation over the winter. Theyve got to pile on those pounds. Now. View is have until tuesday to vote for the largest competition as if this year is for time champion. Otis, he won a 42 salmon in one sitting face is a hefty opponent. Gonna have to tune into that if and he is alex in a few moments. Ah ah ah ah ah, which side is winning chaos or control . What does a new forever proxy war mean for america and nato . As long as americans keep consuming . Prices are gonna keep going up. Why didnt joe biden see inflation comic . How did we get so much raw . The quizzical look us politics, the bottom line. A 3rd of the country is under water. More than 33000000 are suffering from hunger disease and displacement. The word stories about children who are drinking from the same water with their dead cattle. The slow al jazeera questions, Climate Change play a role in the deadly down poll. We had to 1750 millimeters of this kind of thing can sink any place the full report pakistan. The great deluge on al jazeera o l g a national chapel. Ah

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