Ah, hello, im emily anguish. This is the news al alive from joe ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, irans president sounds of warning to protest is, have been rallying against the death of a young woman in Police Custody. Armed with guns and voting papers, soldiers in kremlin control parts of ukraine is said to be conducting the referendum on joining russia hurricane. Fiona is downgraded but still poses a threat in canada, which is pricing for 1. 00 of its strongest stones. And why fish sellers in senegal say a factory is stifling their business and killing members of the community. The biggest sports story in the world, the retirement of raja phaedra. Its 20 times grandson champion has played his final match up to 24 years of professional tennis, or his federal may turn in. These are, ah, welcome to the program. We begin in iran where president Abraham Bracy says Anti Government protested, must be confronted decisively. Young going demonstrations were sparked by the death of a 22 year old woman in Police Custody massa. And many died last week after being arrested for allegedly violating the headscarf policy. Iran stay television says at least 35 people have been killed. But rights group say the number is much higher on friday, crowds came out in support of the government, irans president has said and mean his death must be investigated. But that hasnt stopped the outrage from spreading beyond a rom. This is the scene earlier in herbal in iraqs kurdistan region, where protest is gathered to show their solidarity with iranian women. More protests that planned in london later on friday though crowds rallied from santiago in chile to washington dc, and the belgium capital brussels. I think this is just the beginning for 43 years. The people of iran have been oppressed and now theyre coming together as never before for the rights of women. This is a moment in history and we are all rallying behind them. Not just iranians, where people of the world are rallying behind this topic because we want freedom from the people of iran. Why dont we only see public law . Were here to show our solidarity with the protesters in iran for the people who are still on the streets to fight the dictatorial regime. To ryan has Restricted Internet Services to clamp down on descent. The u. S. Government has responded by relaxing internet sanctions to increase access to social media. The theo of space x e loan mask says his company will activated Satellite Internet Service styling in iran. Lets take a closer look at how that all play out styling provides Internet Services through and network around to 1000 satellites, which have been put into lower level. All that around the earth uses in iran will need a satellite dish which will automatically connect to the nearest styling satellite. It then communicate with the nearest ground station, which supplies the internet. Ground stations needs to be close enough to uses within hundreds of kilometers. The system to work or im, lets get more on how styling and an easing of internet restrictions could impact the situation in iran, as a de expiry is an assistant professor in Public Administration and Digital Transformation at the university of twin, tame and use of oma is the founder of same and it was that helps people share stories on social media. Thank you to both for joining us. As a day i want to start with you 1st of all, talk us through how wide spread these restrictions are in iran. Thank you, emily for having me. And the state of internet shut down is the continuation of decades of internet filtering in iran, Iranian Regime has used different methods, for example, preventive methods like keyboard filtering or before intercepting methods. That is basically surveillance of online communication and reactive methods before and such as arresting journalists on internet. Activists and internet shut downs are basically transcending all these methods by completely cutting access to the Global Internet of what the iranian government has done in the last few years. And that has been something that scholars and academics and activists have been warning about is the development of the national an internet network, which is basically an, a National Internet. So this cyberspace, the virtual space in, in iran, is actually divided to, due to 2 spaces. One of them has access to the global flow of information. The other one, which is the National Internet, is hosting some of the wide or governmental functions. So for the people of iran and banking systems, buying air and rave tickets is still available. Why . And they, they do not have access to the Global Internet and the social media platforms that they usually have access to through vpn services. You surf, would you say social media is the most powerful tool to mobilize, protest is, and demonstrators, emily, especially around a story like this, it had all the ingredients to go viral, right. It was incredibly visual, whether it was woman tearing off that he jobs, cut off a hair burning that had jobs on the streets. It was great. So we saw people that were foreign against this idea around it. And that was just so much happening so, so much on that coming out of the region. But then over the last 48 hours, if you really, why up and were starting to international community, people from around the okay. Going outside to share stories billy boy, this back concept that were seeing as a day how to people get around these internet restrictions, you know, through the use of v p n. So bluetooth, so certain apps. So traditionally, people in iran have used the peons to get connected to International Social media platforms. Thats something intertwined with Internet Access and youre on because all the social media platforms are filtered except instagram. And the problem is, if they switch off the, the access to International Networks to the Global Internet, then with the National Internet or the National Internet, its really hard to use. Those vpn services saves a messenger apps such a signal. So it is really a matter of, you know, going round these kind of a filtering and blocking of internet is a matter of having access to the international to the Global Internet. If the government switches down switches off that axis, then oldest solutions that we have had until now, they are also useless. So this is the point that we really need to pursue some sort of a safe and secure Internet Access for the iranian people. If they are going to have that kind of access to what they are doing in iran use, if i know some protest is a worried that the world will forget whats happening in iran, if the government shuts down the internet, do you think thats fair to say . Because we also see this issue playing out across other countries as well, and we still know whats going on me absolutely, only i think theres so much we can learn from those other countries. I mean, theres just 2 things im worried about here. One is the internet, shutdowns in that form of government, emphasis on civil discourse, but the other is self censorship. The people that we are getting in touch with right now that were in boxing, trying to get stories from, even if they do have access to the internet through a couple hours of the day, even if they want to send a video out, theyre really afraid, right . Now i think we can look to records, you get around the world, right . Weve seen some of the things play out in russia where the government sends during the ability for people to access certain websites, certain parts of the internet. And then we can look at examples like cash near as well, where we start to be any uprising. Take place that the intellect and for collage periods of time. And what we see is people are setting up mesh networks that creating the ability for one to send a signal to the next. The next, next, great yearns micro incident if you will. And then she get that possible. That video out to a point where then it can reach the rest of the world within platforms like signal that is setting up micro truck seems to be able to do this. I think were very close to a future where this is not going to be an extra anymore. Were starting to see, you know, stalling out of must be satellites being able to beam down into that. And that is a really exciting future to human rights. Its a really exciting future for avoiding these kinds of issues in the field Going Forward in day. Thank you. Use if and on on that as a day they have styling and also what the u. S. Government has amounts, which is just as on export restrictions to allow Tech Companies to help ronnie and bypass the current internet shut down. How does this all work . How does it play out on the ground . So the new development by the Us Government is somehow sort of compensating for the damage that the Trump Administration did to the internet. Freedom in countries such as iran. This is definitely a very good move because a lot of Tech Companies can now offer their services to, to the iranian people. The problem in the projects such as darling, its not the switch that you tend on and off and the people in iran would have access to the internet. There is the problem, apartment, how, how people, if people have access to that kind of part. But and 2nd, the iranian finance system is completely cut off from the Global Finance system. So if people try to pay for those services, its quite impossible to do so obvious. Even we debate Something Like that, we should think about, for example, the projects such as 3 basics that mark soccer big started to do in some developing countries. And there you have the question, another question of beak to big Tech Companies who harvesting data from such huge some such masses of populations and what kind of Data Protection and what kind of privacy measures have even mosque thought about. Then we are thinking about really make happy to taking that kind of act for iranian people. So these are also some basic protection issues that we really think about has been when it comes to big change companies. Well, there are plenty of moving parts of the story and we appreciate both of your analysis. We have as a de expiring assistant professor at the university of 20 and also use if im on the founder of saying, joining us from cape town. Thank you very much. Lady mar ahead on this news hour, including a rush to the russian border as the kremlin coals up at 300000. 00 reserve. It to fight in ukraine. There wasnt a dry high in the house. As Roger Federer retired, will hear from his long time arrival and friends ref i on the dub leisha in school. Ah brushes plot pushed to annex full regions in ukraine, has moved into a new phase with our hes going door to door him. What do they say . Referendums soldiers reported to be forcing people to voice. The balance is meant to decide whether the occupied areas should join russia. The votes are taking place in lieu hands. John yet is appalachia and her son. They cover about 15 percent of ukraines territory. Ukraines western allies have condemned the ballots as a sham that appears to be a step towards russian annexation. Meanwhile, moscow with mobilizing Army Reservists as president Vladimir Putin looks to both his forces in the crime. On wednesday the kremlin announced 300000 reserve. It would be sent to fight in ukraine. In a moment, well speak to al jazeera is mohammed vow in moscow, and pull race at the finish russian border. But this is going to Gabriel Alexander whos in k for us k reports. Im soldiers a going door to door and occupied parts of the country to collect votes. What more hearing on the ground as to how this is all working . Well this is day 2 of russia calls this referendum vote in what they say will be 4 days of voting. So it would go till monday. Presumably we would start hearing some results from the Russian Election commission in moscow on monday night, perhaps tuesday or wednesday. But its a bears worth repeating, that it is very hard to get a clear picture of what is happening in these russian controlled areas of ukraine with this voting is taking place because there are no independent International Election monitors. Their media is very tightly controlled and also its happening in war zone. So its very hard for people on the russian side or the ukrainian side of the front lines to go back and forth to get a better sense of what is happening behind the russian front. Lines for this voting is taking place. With that said, russia is claiming that voting is going ahead as planned. And there are some videos that russia is putting out, showing what appears to be orderly voting taking place. But we are also seeing videos from telegram and other sources on social media that purport to show russian appointed officials going door to door with Russian Military personnel knocking on peoples door. Forcing them to vote. And this is a clear sign, according to craney and officials of intimidation by russians and signs that the russians, according to create new officials already have this. The results of this election already decided if you will, or this referendum decided to sum up the view of this referendum by ukrainian officials, one top 8 of the muse lensky said, this is not a referendum. This is just a propaganda exercise which is being called a referendum, strong words there from a top aide to the ukranian president sort of sums up the feeling of this referendum from here, strong words in dade. Thank you very much for the update. Gabriel alexander live for us in cave. Lets go across now it to mohammed val whos standing by for us in moscow. Mohammed whats being said about the referendums in russia . Yes, emily here rosser, the general opinion or the displayed view about the this or ponder is that it is or the natural thing to do. It is a natural causal fix that the, that the fighting in ukraine has been to liberate the russian communities. But feel alien inside ukraine, they speak russian that the russian language they feel harsh in their hearts and minds are with russia, but they have been under oppression for decades inside ukraine itself. And this is time that now this is like the coronation of the, of the, of the fighting there is to give them the right to choose where to belong. And they also say here that the initiative and the request for this referendum came from local communities inside those 4 regions. But you notice, of course, the, the, the quick nature of the whole process on tuesday, that request was sent by the local communities, according to what is being said here, russia. But i mean, the following day at the process began and on wednesday, president , president like me to put in, announced that you would be ready to accept the results any results come out from this f random or as this goes on, we noticed also simultaneously this sir drafting of 300000 this announcement to draft 300000 young men to sent them to, to the fighting art. And the feeling here is that there is a momentum to be kept, or when that referendum takes place and were when the people of those regions a vote to become russian. Russia will no longer be seen across the world as an invader of another country, but legally and by, by every norm, according to the opinion here, is that russia will be defending its own territory. And there will be no reason for any russian not to go and fight for the nation. Or i mohammed vow, live for us in moscow. Thank you. Lets go to the finish russian border now where pull races standing by. Pull as weve been hearing, many people have been flane or russia as a result of these 300000 people being cold up to join the fight, and they making their way to neighboring fealand, where you, how is helsinki planning to restrict todays arrivals . While emily health think he so far has been fairly stringent about sticking to its own Legal Framework about taking russian citizens into the country. Finland is shannon country signature of the Free Movement agreement, but it has its own structures in place about taking people from a 3rd country. And so far its been fairly strict and sticking to those in allowing russians to come through on shang and tourist visas. However, the Prime Minister found them in has said she doesnt want finland to be away through for russians to reach the you and beyond the we started hearing reports in the finish media yesterday that they were going to tighten things up. And indeed, the foreign minister held the press conference last night, saying that he now, once he now wants that to be no russians able to come through on tourist visas, on the reasons for that at the l. Bail to justify it is by saying it damages finlands International Relations to allow them to do so. They will still be able to come through on humanitarian grounds if theyre working. And if they, if they have asylum claims, or if they have finally had just to give you an idea of where i am, this is a bus from st. Petersburg, picking people up whove come through the border. And weve spoken to many of them, some of whom have left russia immediately after hearing about vladimir paytons partial mobilization. There are no longer many ways to leave russia. But this is one of the, the board with finland that volleyball, 3 hour drive from st. Petersburg, where the numbers departing seemed to be increasing. The wake of president Vladimir Putin, a partial mobilization of the russian people. Little league on the wall and there has be more traffic crossing from russia to finland since wednesday evening. No particular restrictions. We are an external border to the in zone. So he performed star checks. Most people are traveling into finland on tours, baezs copy room look, look, every one of those is dimitri by josh kirk, an engineer from st. Petersburg, on his way to helsinki and then troll anchor, where he hopes to be safe from a call up to fight the war in ukraine. When did you decide to, to leave russia 2 days ago . Because of the mobilization . Yes. I done to have a least of for a mobilization, but i scared. How did you get through the border of . Oh, good, good, no questions, so always good. Just go and leave russian border. Police said that 6000 russians came into friedland through this crossing alone on thursday. Double the number of a week earlier. Friday was another busy day, with cues stretching back some 400 meters. Elaina gruff over has been commuting over the border since february. She doesnt believe most people are in any great rush to leave, but i dont feel any cur, around people here on the borders, so its very, very calm. Not like some people think it is later calm turned into almost total quiet as evening draws in head. Theres just a few calls left from the long queues of the morning. Most of the russians have tried to get across the border seem to have been successful. Those could be the lucky ones. Report to the finish media site ministers are working on a plan to get around the principles of the shing, an agreement on freedom of movement. By claiming that finlands, acceptance of russian tourists is damaging its International Relationships. Pull race out his era volleyball on the finland, russia border. The remnants of Hurricane Fiona are heading towards canada. Even though its wakened to a post tropical storm. People are being worn to expect very strong winds. Hundreds of thousands lost power in nova scotia. As the 1st bands of the storm had Eastern Canada petty co, hain report, perkin fiona made 1st landfall in puerto rico, last sunday, where half of the u. S. Territory is still without power. It marched over the dominican republic, destroyed homes and businesses as it went, then brushed the bahamas and swept by bermuda on friday. And now its on track to make a very rare hit on Eastern Canada total rainfall amounts. Again, were looking at some of the same numbers we were looking at yesterday with 10250, was some localized them how could exceed 150. And the gray area that you see on the map here in nova scotia is for areas that potentially could exceed a 150. 00 millimeters. Currently a category for storm, it may lands a post tropical storm, bringing potentially dangerous storm searches, wins and likely massive power outages. People shouldnt be done things that may sound self evident, but dont go to the water and try to be a big shot. Dont, dont surf. Weve been surfing here that, thats, thats great, but dont sort of in a hurricane. And as it passes, all eyes will then turn southward. Another tropical depression in the caribbean has formed at forecast or say, could grow into a powerful hurricane likely to hit the state of florida. In the coming days, particle haine al jazeera. At least 36 people have been killed in northern india is heavy rains back to the area on friday and saturday. 12 was struck by lightning. Others were killed when their homes collapsed. Roads had been washed out and more heavy. Rain is full cost for the days. Pakistan has also been hit by extreme flooding. Prime minister Chavez Sharif has appealed to the un for urgent action on climate change. Sharif the gest addressed the General Assembly saying pakistan it needed more help to cover the costs of flooding. One thing is ready to do. What happened and budget . Don renault stay in, bog is done. As the sector john so tended loose is hawks bought like bogs. Don ford, in the more in the den most diamonds runnable list of countries but emit less than one percent of the Greenhouse Gases dead out, a burning odd blended. It is therefore, and di lead a reasonable to expect some approximation of justice. Hundreds of young people have rallied in new york demanding more action to stop climate change. The march was one of many held in cities as part of a Global Climate strike on friday. Protest is one to more aid for countries like pakistan has been hit by reco breaking plants as weve been hearing. The damage is expected to cost more than 10000000000. 00. They the number of people who died after a migrant boat sank of the syrian coast has risen to 86. Most of them were flaying lebanon to escape its economic crisis. Survivors say they were heading to italy. Santa hud us spoke to some of the victims. Family members in northern lebanon. Invoice is in shock. Persons family was on the boat that sunk off the syrian coast on thursday. They have buried 9 year old me, and 6 year old maya. But there are 2 brothers and mother are still missing them. I brought me the 2 kids. What about the others . Will they bring the others to me . I cant say more than this. My heart is broken. Its a deadliest migrant. Both tragedy and living on in years, passengers were hoping to reach europe and a better life. Families and friends waited at the border with syria as the dead. And few survivors were brought home. Why not all were lebanese somewhere palestinian and syrian refugees, but all share the same story. One of poverty and desperation telephone number, the law if i get the chance i release if there is a boat here right now, i will get on with my 2 children and i was going to lebanons economy began to spiral 3 years ago. The political elite blame for decades of mismanagement and corruption have still not agreed on a recovery plan. And i know she was out of poverty is what pushed with some to sell a property and his house to go on the boat. And then he lost his wife and children. Our government doesnt care about the People Living conditions. Oh, just a few months ago, a migrant boat sank well being pursued by the lebanese navy. Thousands of people drowned. Many of them are still missing. With some risk, everything knowing that there was a 70 percent chance the sink. Thats how desperate he was football. Many of those who attempt a journey or from the impoverished norse which has been neglected by successive governments. Despite the danger, as migrants continued to leave from the shores of northern lebanon, the United Nation says the number of people who departed or tried to has nearly tripled since 2020. It says so far this year, the number is nearly 3500. 00. But security sources tell us thats a conservative estimate. And its no longer just young people. Whole families are trying to escape. What many here say is a hopeless situation . Jennifer, this is eda, northern lebanon, still head on al jazeera, if lays on the brain of electing. If most of right, when government world war 2. We take a look at the right day voted the said abrogate goes so law high tech and Like Solutions to electricity shines alive on going in plenty more. Coming up on bunch of federal retirements as a civil van had one final surprise coming up a little later in theres been some flash flooding in the northeast of space because of this massive cloud here, which you can see is moving through Southern France to italy and pushing it out of the way or following it in his, his frontal system. He has, the air behind is little colder. But the combination means that youve got some pretty big storms running out through us with the french riviera, inordinately, the be flooding here, and its cold enough on the tops of the alps to get some snow out of it. But really is a change of type for the weather in france is going to feel colder, overcast, occasionally wet. And the rain is still there in dolton, stating the game potentially heavy up in the normal feast. Now beyond that is fairly fine, eastern years actually funny things warming up not so in moscow. In fatty western russia is looking rather wet in that particular area. The breeze keeps blowing, so it will for fit increasingly chill in the british out low countries. But the suns out to compensate and the rain, if anything, gets colder than old metally and the heavy stuff moves further south. If you follow up lines routine is your and algeria offshore, this to tropical storms, circulating gas dollars affecting the source with rain. And her mind is going to be to the west of the canaries. Again, these main risk being rein ah ah ah safe going home and then International Anti corruption Excellence Award boat now for your hero . Oh, a 0. Im emily i, when hes there mind are about tough stories this hour around him. President brand rice says protest against the government must be confronted decisively. The demonstrations were triggered by the death of a 22 year old woman in Police Custody. The 2nd day of a referendum is underway on the annexation of full regions. The Ukraine Health by moscow, soldiers are reported to have been going door to door to get peoples device and army reserve as being cooled off across russia. Moscow has announced 300000 people, will be mobilized to 5. Thats after Ukrainian Forces pushed Russian Troops out of south kilometers, territory this month. To italy now where voters add you to head to the polls on sunday and opinion polls project they could deliver the most right when government, since world war 2, the country could also say its 1st fame. Our Prime Minister stephanie deca, has the details from ron. Ah, this is what italys next government could look like if the polls are accurate. But its really all about ga maloney been can normally go through them all. We will build a solid, cohesive government with a strong popular mandate, which will remain in power for 5 years. Ah, her right wing Party Brothers of italy is a head in the polls indicating she could well become italys 1st female Prime Minister. And the 1st far right leader since Benito Mussolini is rise to power here. 100 years ago. Maloney supporter is gathered in romes piazza than popular for the last rally before the elections deal. I given my support to this party because i love my country and judge maloney it will protect it. She will make laws to protect our youth, our ports, and the quality of life of italians who do deserve this. Finally, sadly, brendas, we looked up, 1st of all, we need to regain a National Identity that has been set aside for the good of europe. But this is not a real europe because we have lost our own identity. On the center left, the Democratic Party led by the former Prime Minister and the collector is pulling 2nd. But italys coalition focus politics means the numbers are not in his favor. For one of buckers to morrow is part of that coalition. He came to italy as a student from the ivory coast in 1999 and is now running as a candidate to home. And it wont or fundamentally luck all that luck. Wallabies on the 1st thing to worry about are the high balls and that all italian families ever hotmail on the table. This is why we will bring the values of antique dresser from an antique grace assembled not to protect italy alone. Alyssa, but to project it towards a europe of rights and dignity not better to loudly darya, gossip of chris to get out of the snap election followed the resignation of technocrat Prime Minister mining craggy. In july, internal politics brought an end to his unity government that span from left to right, one that maloney and her party never joined. Successive governments have collapsed. Elections are not the solution. Elections are the confirmation of a deep crisis of the political system. Read. These are key collections because i think they are going to close a season this season in which the left overall government, italy may think what will the far right victory mean for relations with europe for immigration policies for the economy . Italy is struggling with storing energy bills, inflation, and all round increase. Cost of living that will need to be addressed immediately. Saturday will be a so called a silence. I had gone sundays alexson and by the early hours of monday morning, italians could well what their next government may look like. Here. 68 in 76 years japanese, i garages, there off road. Its bringing the eleanor a poly who is the head of analysis of the center for european policy. She joins us. I skype from rome. Eleanor, thanks so much for being on this news. Our firstly one of the issues front in mind for italians right now. Right now as they go to prepare to lunch, well we know that according to the war, we might have a ride. We government led by maloney and wed only have been able to drive Us Government government as she was fighting, being your permission. And she, she has a very clear and simple her type based on National Identity and sedition. And shes been building a support on the social muslims. And that has been developed in the last years before, even before it does allow her to gain major support also from traditional waters or does the q to to, to, to support washington to apply to then robin of ethan island in terms of economic reforms. Maloney will apply a sort of conservative Economic Policy so she does want thats not going to re economists on that one. And she want it to be 3. So on rush and out on the other. The major impact will be on internet in the sense that she has a very strong migration ideas. And shes again and did you meet the brides to adopt children and have family . So i believe me just going to be the major in. Moving to National Relations middle one, you read, stated that shes for us, so nato and she was support. Thank you again. Russia back as far as youre concerned, we used to be why you discuss these in the last month territory for you to change. The le, she will not be one of the more support there are you that she believe that you dont. And you can, you should be just, just, you know, going vision of member conscious with, with the national beth who break together when its possible. So she doesnt leave, you know, in the to struggle. She has been described as a danger to democracy. Why that she might be a danger to democracy in the sense that shes supporting quite a very traditional and identity. The vision of it to me and politics agenda gets back. She might danger because shes, shes not included in the way of thinking, you know, shes approach, you know, the music class and, you know, which is cared about to be some private facing the migration 5 if you can. I mean, so those people that are moving their samples for them moving go securities. I was walking for her wishes provide simple and the apps are based on you know, identity, traditions and nations. Ok, thank you very much, eleanora poly, ahead of analysis and at the center. So youre paying policy. We appreciate your time. Thank it. Is on and demonstrators in mexico have attached a military base to protest about the disappearance of 43. 00 students daily. I used to go on the protest is blaine, the army for the day. They tried to storm and military camp in the capital, Mexico City Police retaliated by firing t Indigenous People in brazil are uniting to back their own candidates in the upcoming elections. Them. J bowles dinero and louis in the seo lulac to silver fighting for the presidency. Indigenous group say theyre focusing on individual races to gang sates in congress, monica Market Reports from Rio De Janeiro with b me be few in number less than one percent of brazils population. Some live deep in the jungle. Isolated from the modern world. Lately, brazils 1000000 Indigenous People have been making their voices heard in the centers of political power. Yahoo girl junior, we had to unite Indigenous People from all over the country and make strategic alliances in brazil and abroad to fight our common enemy president , jaya, bol, sanara. His government has been pushing for legislation, opening our lands to commercial mining and farming, and turning a blind dye to the destruction of the amazon cell global. The goal is to fight back by electing their own lawmakers. And they have significant support in Organization Called the articulation of brazils Indigenous People is backing 30 candidates like so now why shatter, recently described by time magazine, is one of the 100 most influential people in the world. I was in a more man. We have never suffer so much violence in indigenous territories like now with that tax on a fascination seen by boeing, the independently run Indigenous Missionary Council register 305. 00 cases of attacks in 226 indigenous territories. 2021. Thats 3 times more than in 2018. Earlier this year, indigenous expert berlin, a barrier and british journalist dom phillips, were shot dead by a local fishman in a room area of the amazon. The killings attracted global attention. Lydia had been helping indigenous patrols, investigate legal fishing and poaching in their job id valley. The territories home to the Worlds Largest number of isolated tribes. The invaders were allegedly working for drug cartels. World renowned photographers, sebastian salgado, like many others, points the finger april sonata. Will you be shipping to you . I blame the government for the deaths of bruno player and dom phillips because the president lived, the amazon unprotected, missing criminal gang to take over all fallen from the amazon has increased from him. This was so long before the president ial Election Campaign started. Hundreds of indigenous tribes gathered in brazil you to put their demands in writing that for you by sonia rachada, present to the document to leftist candidate. Wheezing as to lula. The sofa, his leading in the polls against current president bush on adel, signed it, and promised to create a ministry for the indigenous for brazils Indigenous People. Whats at stake in these elections is their constitutional rights. And by extension, their very survival. Hundreds of claims for indigenous Ancestral Lands have been put on hold during both sonatas term as president. This has created an environment of uncertainty that critics say Pro Development groups are exploiting through increased land invasions and violence. Monica, an i. Q of al jazeera Rio De Janeiro. Uganda is Health Ministry says the death toll from an outbreak of abolla has risen to 11 the fatalities of the countries 1st from the highly contagious virus. Since 2019 Officials Say theyve identified 11 confirmed cases, and several other people are suspected to have the infection. Hong kong has announced it will scrap its coven 19 Hotel Quarantine policy for old people arriving in the territory. The controversial system will end on monday more than 2 and a half years after coming into effect. Travelers will instead be asked to monitor themselves the symptoms for 3 days after entering the number of electricity cuts in south africa has increased. The country sometimes forced to switch off its power grid for 6 hours a day because of supply constraints, solar power could fill the gaps or the technology is expensive. Now, it seems that could changes room tasser reports from johanna. Show you how you tell us. There is no electricity again, but this time poor motto has a backup plan, a solar charging unit that makes the light, stay on and some plugs in her house work. My mother, he, they been cheap since youre using they injections too lazy. So i had to put it in their shoes. So in the powers of usefulness because it has no caller id, i mean you could please employees as a pay as you go innovation thats providing off good solar power to low income households. People pay an initial deposit of about 30. 00 that balance less than 60. 00 is paid off in installments. Its giving South Africans access to technology. They wouldnt usually be able to afford frequent payments that will ensure that you have a profile there will say, okay, you, you are a payer and you, you actually follow through with your payments. With that being said, over a number of time, you will, you will get to your deposit amount and then when the deposit amount is reached, you will be able to receive the unit. The state owned Power Company ascom is struggling to meet demand, aging and poorly maintained infrastructure is partly to blame of these kind of solutions of the good is the only way to go currency as we are with our infrastructure solutions. Currently in terms of what we have in south africa, would not be able to handle handle hybrid Solutions Like been undergrad and off the grid. Planned outages had been implemented, country wide known as locating its when the state Power Company switches off electricity at certain times of the day to take pressure off the national grid. South africa used to generate surplus electricity even selling to neighboring countries. Now people are being told to use power sparingly until a long term a viable solution is found. Energy said to and the se, generating sufficient supplies of electricity for or South Africans. Well take time possibly as getting as many households as possible, connected to alternative and Affordable Energy sources could be a better and faster solution. How to talk to algebra, jonathan, a group of fish sellers in senegal is launching a legal challenge to try to shut down a fish mill factory. Tried to say the facility is destroying the environment and robbing them of their livelihoods. Hes one of them had to say, well, magazine matter, my name is matching. Dell i represent women said i was in kenya, and i want to see the fish me factories have to shut down. Immediate fish meal is food for animals. Fish are being killed, processed from flow that is used to feed animals, not hair, but mostly in the way. A foreigner bought some land to build the factory. He bought the machine and stopped buying fish to make fish meal mine. I was in the process toxic chemicals are being used. The contaminated water is evacuated, close to a water source, and we drink this water. These factories kidding us. Since its started production, we have been suffering from day. Every oldest children of coughing. Adults are getting sick and suffering from asthma. Its polluting a life man, im always factories also destroying the environment. Why its persisting juvenile fish to make the flower catching. Your fish means there is less than the ocean for us. It takes 5 kilos of fees to make 1. 00 kilo fish meal. Ramo deleted. Its disgusting. I am angry. Im losing my income and im not the only one. Look, we were many, 3 on the 25 women sitting in this market. And only 76. 00. I left me more them with them, but we used to send the fish across west africa to go beneath even leg at a low cost. But now we have nothing because the fishermen sell the catch to the factory. Note to us little the mill valley. I was just as of, if we want justice, we want disputing factories to stop their work. Its destroying the ocean. 8 will make life even harder for future generations look, rolling on our progress. This fall is coming up after the break and joy. There was tennis with a big helping of tea sets. Right . Yes, emily, there wasnt a dry eye in the house for Roger Federer as the 20 time grand slam champion hung up his rocket following his last match in london. Will have the emotional good bye. Ah, oh, transport measures employed to tackle pollution in one of china showcase city. They say all of the technicians are going to be fully electric. Oh, and how environmental grassroots campaigns are joining forces in the us. There is a global connection that is happening and we want to utilize that power to make changes, not only for today, but for future generations as well. Oh, thrice on al jazeera, bodes journalism. The police, i think with these are some of good tens of thousands of people trying to flee. Gobble, inspired to program, making welcome to generation change unrivalled broadcasting. White people did not want black children in their schools. We have to fight forecasted and Al Jazeera English proud recipient of the new york festivals broadcaster of the year award for the 6 year running. Lou ah well, there was barely a dry eye in the house that londons or 2 arena Roger Federer saying good bye. Up to 24 years of professional tennis, he played alongside, great rival and close friend rafael. The dow in the doubles at the labor cup full bandwidth, looks back at a very emotional night taking to the court for the final time. Which federal partnering with long time rival Rafael Nadeau to round out as 24 year korea. And fittingly the match being played in london, the city with federal one, the 1st of us, 20 grand slam titles. Back in 2003. The 41 year old has struggled with injuries the past 3 years. That was still able to, well, the crowd. Even if the shot didnt count, even at the end of roaches, career is given a something weve never seen before. Federal leaves the game 3rd on the list of all time, grand slam champion, spine novak jock of itch. And raphael and the dow. He want a total of 103. 00 atp titles in a korea that included an incredible 1251. 00 victories. This was maestro spent a total of 310. 00 weeks as boiled number one, a messing more than a 130000000. 00 in prize money throughout his career. Its been a been a perfect journey. I would do it all over again. Thank you so much and its been amazing. Thank you everybody. So many people cheer me on. And you guys here tonight means the world wiping back the tears. Fedora, 1st thing is rivals before paying tribute to his family. The girls to boys. My wifes been so supportive and she good is not very long time ago. She but she didnt. She kept me going and allowed me to play, so. Its amazing. Thank you. His sentiment by those in the stands shared by fans everywhere. Po van worth al jazeera or roger. Rafa said before the match that it would be an emotional night. And as you can see, both players were in tears is the attributes began. Lets hear now from its out while difficult. I. I have to say that 1st, a couple of serves for me was where super difficult. I was not able to do that on a woman like that the, with the double fall. Ah, i was shaking, go to bed. I had been a difficult day to handle every single thing and i be an i within become so. But emotional i for me have been a huge honor to be part of this. Ah, amazing moment of uh the history of our sport on the same time. Um. When roger little leafs the tour. Yeah, an important part of my life. Huh. Is is living to oh, when i joined by veteran tennis for all cost to craig, gabriel, craig, you were out there to rena last night. Be honest. Did you shut a t all goes to repair she exactly. Okay, ill admit it. Especially especially when they started playing, when i rule the world by coal play, i think that sort of started to get to a few people and, and ciocca laura. Busy yeah, look, it was an incredibly emotional night and i just feel as if i havent even left the o 2 arena adams also late. Initially you were surprised that it, that Roger Federer had chosen to retire out the laver cap and not a major role. His home tournament, have your thoughts changed on thats yeah, i think so. I mean, hed certainly wanna to initially bow out at boss from his home tournament. But his eve, these decided or figured that is ne, wasnt going to hold up about long and to play more and more matches. So this was fitting for him. He felt this is a tournament, but he really helped create labor cup in honor of the great lot more labor. He was here last night and has been every day. So. Busy i think it was fitting and in to be in london, but the scene of his biggest titles rumbled in and also the atp final when it was played here. I was seeing this incredible picture on social media fighter and the dow getting Emotional Holding hands. I know, he said they were a pair sex, but what do you make him . How tearing its al was oh, i have never seen rough the like that i really have. And i mean, i know he shed a tear on a couple of titles like the, the more recent french opens. But i have never seen rougher as emotional as he was last night with the, the tributes and the fair. Well. And i thought what he said after about roger leaving the game as part of his life, leave him. I thought that was just beautiful line and so well said and thought of by rougher. But i did, you know, just shows how human these players are. People think, oh, you know, theyre out there and then they giving it everything and, and they still trapped mines, et cetera. But they are human and they feel these emotions. And we really saw that in spades last night here in london. That brings me on my next point because we havent seen federal play that much recently because of injuries, but still so much love from those fans. That how different was the atmosphere last night . It was ridiculous. I navies debt beyond deafening really. And it was an amazing atmosphere that, that the arena was totally sold out, not even standing room, and in i dont know how that she played the match without getting teary and emotional between points. Ive had her, i said i wont become a tennis geist. How do you see him remaining in the sports Going Forward . I think hes going to get himself a bit of time and she asked him this the other day, what are you going to do now . Retirement . And he says youre going to catch up with people is going to travel, hes going to spend a lot more time with his wife and the 4 kids, 2 sets of twins. And, and just take it easy before he actually decides the next chapter of what he really wants to do, maybe some t v commentary, but certainly not coaching me yet. Ive seen the area that i seen that he really wants to go skiing as well. All right, craig gabriel. Thank you very much for your thoughts. Ok. Organizers had one final surprise up their sleeves for federer as they brought over the t shirt wearing superfan from the us open. I couldnt say right to the result. Is good, suitable for sure. It will be coming all well, luckily he didnt go that far, but he did reveal that he was wearing around 8 Roger Federer t shirts, and the other spectators seemed to appreciate the show. All right, that is all his fault for now. It is back to emily. What a magical night. Thank you very much, joe. All right, thats it from me. Emily angland for this news hour, but dont go anywhere. Well have more of the days news with Robert Mathewson in just a moment. In the meantime, you can head to our website out to sarah ah, ah, a with frank assessments, if the United States that youre running a good program was there to build a nuclear weapon, they would assign to view by informed opinions. I believe that armenia and those are regina should have bilateral negotiations. Weve been holding it that for minute time. Critical debate is the commonwealth now still something that king charles will take in depth analysis of the data. Global headlines inside story on al jazeera anti semitism is of evil under a labor government. It will not be tolerated in any form. What . So f, beneath the surface lies a darker side in british politics. The labor files cartoon on al jazeera, latin america is a region of wonder of joy tragedy and yes of violence. But it doesnt matter where you are. You have to be able to relate to the human condition with no country is a life and its my job to shed light on how and why news

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