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Minutes. Italys Prime Minister maria draggy resigns off to his main allies, boy cost a confidence vote for lanka. Hows the new president reino . Vic rema singer, is sworn in despite protest is opposing his election to a key denies carrying out. Not tillery bombardment. The killed 8 people in the kurdish region of Northern Iraq and extreme drought in northern mexico is worsening awards. A crisis from the city of monterey high. Im sort of hired for sports including 2 more gold medals in the world athletics championship nora jr. Route. So take the steeplechase title for catholic song while chinas bang been out for everyone in the womens disco. Ah, welcome to the news out. Italys Prime Minister has resigned my address, he told the italian president sergio matter relevant. He was stepping down. The president says he asked dragging to stay on as a caretaker leader for now. The Prime Minister won a confidence vote on wednesday, but 3 Political Parties in his coalition refused to participate out of rainy, joins us live from rome. Now adam or italy, no stranger to political turbulence over the years. But tell us, how do we get to this critical point . Well, now weve had a really chaotic week here and italian politics. Im standing outside the president ial power for just a little more than an hour ago. The president accepted that resignation as you mentioned. But this was kicked off a week ago when draggy lost an earlier confidence vote. When one member of this National Unity government, he led, refuse to take part in that phone. Now, despite winning that vote even a week ago, so you said he couldnt continue without the 5 Star Movement. One of the larger blocks in his unity government. When he hindered his resignation, in note, the president rejected it and said, go back to parliament, try to build back your coalition, tell them what you need. Well, my dear that you did just that about 24 hours ago and i sent it on wednesday. And he gave this rousing speech, mentioning how high and around the country. 2000 and mayors had asked him to stay on publicly supporting him and calling on his unity government to get their act together and support this, this government to get through this crisis. So many things are happening in italy. Thats ongoing drought in the north. The work from 70 years, hes one of the leaders in european support has ukraine and the war with russia. And also rising prices are an issue here. So tie, its really wanting the government to continue. But despite that, when there was another confidence vote on wednesday after that speech several hours of backroom dealing just couldnt get the groups together. In fact, instead of just one party, now 3 parties that they wouldnt continue impossible for you to continue in such circumstances. He came back here after quitting the hill and this time a resignation with accepted. And were going to hear from the president and just a few hours effort. He meets with the president of the senate in the president of the lower house and its expected theyre going to reach some deal about early election. Nice. Talking about the elections. Of course, the splintering of batter Emergency Coalition does make this a likely possibility. But who do we think is going to benefit from possible at elections . Ah, well, we were outside parliament all day when say in the only party that seemed extremely happy where members of the brothers of italy party its part right. One party here in italy. Its currently polling around 25 percent showing it would win more seats than any other party if elections are held as early as the falls is expected. And that would be a big deal because it would come right as other european leaders were hoping for. A more centrist government to help lead italy and, and the you out of the pandemic. And what we would have if the brothers really win, if not naming the Prime Minister of georgia maloney, their party lead, they would have a big saying who the Prime Minister. And they are very skeptical of a lot of the policies that brocky has been at been pushing. Theyre not so happy about this ongoing support to war and ukraine. Theyre not so happy about migration in italy in and accepting people who arent european as they say. So this is a, this is a party that is hard right in italy and compared to the rest of your very hard, right . So well be seeing them perhaps come out, i had it in the election. So now that doesnt mean well decide everything, but they could really change the direction of the policy and out of many things out on rainy in the italian capsule that thank you. I will, alum friedman, is the author and journalist he joins his form via rojo. Im thank you so much for your company. Welcome to the news or us. We heard that from, from adam. Some concerns that early elections could, will be exploited by the fall rights in italy. Yeah, i think it is headed for a period of instability. Actions are probably in october that good will result in the neo, fascist, for those faxes already is hard right party that is full of admirers of the dictator. Most of the lead by this anti abortion, the anti immigrant pro from froze due to bad leader maloney. And that could mean the end of competence that is going to be having the economy. Were already seeing the spread of the green tab in germany, a government bomb skyrocketing, it plays in trouble. Obviously, if that is the case, i can imagine that heads will be spinning already in brussels in anticipation of what this might mean for the usa. I think what were going to see is 1st the Financial Markets are going to bet against a plea, and that was the Interest Rates for turning bonds directly. Well see the last stock market in trouble in brussels, where theyre supposed to give it to 120000000000 euros of next generation money. Complete the Digital Transformation in this ambitious poet and warranties program. Theyre going to be saying no without gravity. Look at the reforms that are needed to modernize me and therefore we wont give them the money. So theres going to be a rocky road ahead and it could take down christmas before they even form a government or is the real story here. If i may, is about Silvio Berlusconi because of the controversial former Prime Minister berlusconi so boarded the post fascist, supported the engine immigrants supporting the populace in bringing dr. You down just to have a seat on the table at his own party. But as tonys party is now splitting in june and then this Emergency Coalition headed by dragging it seems to have been doomed from the outset. Surely. No, the it was not doing both in the us that the governments that marriott Gravity Forms asked form as a national unique government february 2021. So about 16 months ago always was meant to last about 2 years. And so the next election, next february, or march, that wouldve occurred normally friday, ironically, had to support all the parties. The office already had the doors policy. So they basically made up excuses to bring them down as a matter of jealousy. And as a matter for caching on their phone numbers, i think now was you know, kind of election where its very likely that than leading party will be the post fashion never happened before with g 7. Countries that are post fascist party takes over the government, backed by berlusconi. And its going to be a mess because these people are incompetence with economic policy. They did a lot of damage. The populace over the last few years with a pension reform and throwing money around. So i think unfortunately, is going to fall from competent hands into incompetent popular stands in the next few months. Thats bad news for today and bad news for euro. I would try to draw, you is presented himself as a, as a very competent technocratic kind of leader. But a has been accused by critics of failing to bring together. The disputes are competing opposing elements of that coalition. Is that one of his principal failings . Do you think . No, i dont think thats the thing i want to be here. Im a enormous fan of mario drug. I think hes the best from this group weve had decades. I couldnt tame the populace because of a 5 Star Movement splintered a civil war and he couldnt jane. The other populace the from the right way. And because theres clearly so theres a great chaos right now underway. Robbie came into office with really just 3 things. Get. Ready one, you had to lay out and manage the started with 200000000000. 00 euro Modernization Program using european mother and passing reforms to you had to manage the rest of the quote with which after all it put it in a very tough vaccination policy and got 90 percent of the italians vaccinated, which is not bad by International Standards and 3, to manage the situation where it is part of nature when youre in a war that are launched. And that became the most controversial issue because the populace tend to be pro lately. So now the forces who are pro, who can make take over the italian government, looks like we could be heading into a very, very turbulent time for italy going forward. And friedman, great to have you on the news out run a victim. A singer has been sworn in israel and because president , he was elected by m p. s, despite widespread public protests, many sri lanka, say hes just partly responsible for the current economic crisis. The crime, a thing is, says hes going to be tough on what he calls on democratic demonstrators. He will complete the time it goes to by roger pac so he resigned off to fleeing to singapore last week. The political and economic instability is pushing many to consider, leaving the country that boston has more from outside of the possible office in columbus. While honey a week her missing, i was inaugurated. As the 8th executive president of sri lanka, these people were standing in a long cute, none of them have been paying any attention, nor was it a reason for them to celebrate their being in this queue for around 3 days. They have been sleeping here. They have been eating here. They have been waiting. Most of the time, theyve been waiting to get a passport because they all want to leave the country. The situation has become so dire for their families to feed their families, to get fuel to get jobs. Thats why to have decided to leave. Most of them want to go to the middle east and theyre trying to get a passport. Its an enormous q, its the largest group, the longest q ive seen since ive been in sri lanka. So this is a huge task that week im a senior has to deal with. He has to deal with a very dire the most serious economic situation. The country has seen since its independence. And what hes trying to do now is been reaching out to other parties, trying to build is National Coalition government and see if there is going to be some consensus to found. A way out of this. Iraq is holding a day of morning after an attack on a tourist town in the kurdish region killed 8 people and wounded 23. The artillery bombardment happened in the mountainous tourist resorts of zacko in the north took. He rejects allegations that it carried out the strike saying it was a terror attack, or minister must offer alco jamie has borne and curb of baghdad reserves the right to retaliate. Turkey regularly carries out as strikes in Northern Iraq targeting members of the kurdistan Workers Party, which it classifies as a terrorist group. Where my quote of the why had joins me now live from baghdad. And i got the people are starting to gather outside the turkish consulate there. A bullet need, as you can see here, right behind me, angry professors have gathered in front of the turkish conflict in about a dozen members. At last night they pulled down the turkish flag here, and they say that they are trying to put pressure on the iraqi authorities to downsize diplomatic representation with her key. In fact, they say that they want up that the diplomatic representation with target to be halted for the time being, as you can see there now chanting against it, turkey, they have been chanting against turkey that accusing Turkish Forces of carrying out the attack that killed 8 civilians and injured more than 20 other at 70 ins, most of them women and children on wednesday and zacko dissolved in another net, a iraq. Despite the fact that the accusation against turkey up came from the high st levers and iraq from the president of the state. But im saw that from the Prime Minister, most people called me and some other several other political and institutions entities in the country. But as ill viet did Fact Finding Mission that was sent by baghdad to the notes at last night last night has not reaching any conclusions yet has not reached any conclusions yet. But these people here are that is still accusing turkey of carrying out this attack, despite the fact that turkey denies that and says its there at could this tan Workers Party fight us, are the ones who have carried out that attack these people say that they do not trust turkey, given the fact that military operations had been carried out by Turkish Forces near the borders with iraq in the past. My married abdulla had in bagdad, thank you. Oh, sim costello is in a stumble where the government nurses, its not responsible for the attack since yesterday. Turkish Foreign Ministry and military sources have been saying that this is a terror attack. This is not done by the Turkish Military and Turkish Foreign minister to he repeated that he rejected the claims of Turkish Military targeted civilians. He said Turkish Military never target civilians anywhere in the world. And the world knows that and turkey claims that these oppressions in Northern Iraq against the output, curtis, the Workers Party, the p k. K, is to defend itself against terrorism. And it is in line with international law. A Turkish Military has been conducting a counter p. K. Cooperation in Northern Iraq for many years. And since last april it has been a very intensive operation that targeted the p k. K elements and the camps in Northern Iraqs rural areas. And apparently the village where the civilians were killed yesterday was very close to the area where the p k. K. Camps were and where the Turkish Military has been actually shelling since the morning. I have been hearing from the kurdish local sources that the area is very close to the operation area. And the group was also guided by at a tourism guide. And the locals are also curious why the civilians, the tourists who came from bag that have been brought very close to the military operation area. He wave in western europe, his fueling wildfires and stretching emergency services, spain Prime Minister says more than 500 people have died because of the soaring temperatures. Same bas robbie has this report from to barra in northern spain. When the inferno came, farmers in florida became firefighters. With oh my god, he says, im all alone. In remote areas like this, there is no time to wait for a rescue crew. You have to save yourself. The wind whips up the flames in every direction. It is easy to find yourself. Surround came out of nowhere. Oh, go. In this j days later, manuel hills toward soil putting out any remaining embers. Emma didnt you though i knew that we had helped me, but from other farmers in the area was doris. The local government didnt help was told with it. Its very nice to come after the fire and say we will pay for all of this. But the time to help us is when the fire is here. The blaze burned crops, destroyed infrastructure and left behind. Economic uncertainty, fires in this part of the country may be under control for now, but there is still smoke hanging in the air. You can see it obscuring the landscape. You can even smell it for the People Living here. And for those fire rescue teams that are based here in barra. These are ever present reminders of the wildfire season is far from over. For 3 generations yolanda my o julian family has lived and worked on this when you off. She watched their barn go up in flames in minutes. Oh, me taking stock. She says they dont know how they will be able to recover the oh no, we are still not on, but ive never seen anything like this before. The fire came very quickly with a lot of wind. It was just relentless. We could do absolutely nothing. Its still going, its still has a lot of power. Its just there used to be hundreds of animals here, most removed, but youll notice family could not save the hey, the livestock eats even before the wildfires changed this landscape of life here was hard families struggling just to make a living are now scrambling to keep their future from turning to ash, zane basra, the old jazeera tara spain. Some thousands of people in greece have had to leave their homes as far as birth near the capital athens, water bombing planes of helicopters, trying to control the flames. But strong winds are making my work more difficult. Dosa jibari reports 24 hours on and these fires are still burning in the foothills of the pin deli mountains near athens. Hundreds of firefighters battle the place which has engulf dozens of homes. As the wildfires continued to spread, thousands of people have been evacuated while some refused to leave, insisting on taking matters into their own hands. This was, i believe that we have been battling since last night. We saved it at the last minute. It was a fire engine, does not have any more water, and the fire keeps re igniting. I know it was really hot on the pad that the whole house burned. Everything was lost, books, tds, piano, clothes, icons, photos, phones, everything that a person would have. I am 53, so imagine at the moment we only have with what you see here in the nearby town. After a few more than 3500 people were evacuated as fire spread quickly. Cost us has a house in the hills. Here he left on tuesday. Now he doesnt know if he will have a home to return to some little bit strange because we have the hope that our home will survive. But we should be a little bit friendly guy because we can do anything. So officials here say that since the start of the fire season on may 1st, there have been already nearly 2500. 00 wild fires. The main obstacle for fire fighters, not the high temperatures, but the strong winds which keep changing direction, starting new fires more than 90000 people have been evacuated so far from areas near the capitol. And the hardest part of the summer is still to come. This small, quiet town of and through sod home to a few 1000 people has already witnessed the wrath of the fires this year. While these homes have been spared across the valley, the damage is clear. The athens fire chief says his crews priorities to safeguard human life. Something theyve managed to do so far. Greece is asking other european nations for help to get through the fire season, which officially last until the end of october. Dorset jabari al jazeera and through sat greece and from fires to floods. Now schools have reopened in northeast and bangladesh off the worse flooding in a century. Tens of thousands of peoples hadnt been to class for weeks. Tampa chantry reports from the northeast. Some city of seal it most children in the flood effect of seal at region, return to class on july the 19. But for some getting to school is an easy for xanax. Her and her schoolmates had to take a boat on their foster care back and as hes going to see todays the 1st day we are going to school as our homes were damaged and partly submerged by the flooding. Its still difficult because of the remaining water in the area. Christian. The un estimates nearly 20000 people, including 3000 children, are still living in temporary shelters. This no, oh, the school was used as a shelter, aside from people. Livestock was also kept here. So we had to clean up the entire place before reopening. Only around 30 to 40 percent of students have returned to the school. The government said its already made plans to provide new boats and educational materials tab debug it does little should reduce a couple of this thing else. Remember to look more than 400 educational institutions, the region were used to shelter that have it since the flood waters receded. Have we been able to reopen when most of the schools this week . Some people have returned home and are trying to repair the damage. Water points on letter needs to be repaired and communication is still very difficult as flood water in many places have not totally received that yet. A lot of them is a captain and our family, our rice farmers. Theyre worried about their future as they have no other source of income with any stacy, the so much stuff i had all washed away. I barely survived. My husband had to break the wall to rescue me from inside the house, which was completely flooded. Rummys as 8 year old daughter, sony is anxious to return to school and not my kids in my childrens education is told because mr. Walter around the home, the road, somebody full of slides, we dont have a boat, a government Climate Action policy due to be launched ahead of the c o. P 27 conference in november. Suggest any new developments to be built using water system construction materials. But for the families who have lost everything, it will take months, if not years, to rebuild their homes and then need all the assistance they can get. 10 rich audrey al jazeera, cillit, bangladesh, and walter crisis has reached critical levels in mexicos wealthiest city. Manuel, repulse reports from monterey, where residents are having to rush in water extreme Drought Conditions in northern mexico. This reservoir, in the outskirts of monterey, is almost entirely dry. And many here worry the same will happen to the local economy. Remember i way over another week of this, things would only worsen boats are now stranded a top the dry lake bed at la boca dan. Its been months since the region has seen any significant rainfall. Experts have identified several factors that are contributing to the ongoing water crisis here in northern mexico. The most significant of which is a weather phenomenon known as la nina, which climate Scientists Say has been exacerbated by Climate Change leading to one of the worst droughts in the last 30 years. Science is see la nina has disrupted regular weather patterns in northern mexico. This means that rains that were supposed to begin in may still havent arrived. And theres no telling when they will environmental activists say that despite the drought Bottling Companies like coca cola, heineken, and others have continued large scale water extraction, making the situation even worse. Or its w, even though when i get on crump complex, younger, co, mazel, seattle, were living a great contradiction in the city. We are a great deal to the big companies, but its been at the cost of the well being of citizens. And thats the problem. We need to completely rethink the question of water usage. The water crisis in monterey, a city of more than 5000000 people has reached a critical point. Many now rely almost entirely on public water tanks. For some, they are the only source of water available. Well discuss almost an hour, then we have no water, nothing comes out of the top and we have to carry it back home for cooking cleaning and even the bathroom. We buy our Drinking Water from the supermarket home, mexicos president. His vowed to continue to support efforts to supply water to various cities in northern mexico. But experts say the strategy is not sustainable. Adding that the only real solution is rein. Manuel did apollo al jazeera monterey. Yes, present, joe biden is threatening to take executive action if congress doesnt pass legislation to tackle Climate Change is an als 2300000000. 00 and funding for Building Infrastructure that can hold up against extreme weather and natural disasters. Mike, hannah reports the president s, been taking the heat from fellow democrats, who insisted not doing an up to combat Climate Change. And they were disappointed with no announcement of a Climate Emergency or executive action. Only a repetition of the threat that hell take action if congress doesnt. This is an emergency, an emergency, and i will, i will look at it that way. I said last week, i said again loud and clear as president , ill use my executive power to combat climate Climate Crisis in the absence or congressional action. The problem in congress essentially lies in the senate, in particular, one of the president s own party, jo mansion whos pulled out of negotiations over climate legislation. Given the senates 5050 split, this means unless some republicans break party ranks. Any legislation will simply not pass because of ah, if one senator in particular, jo mansion who get more money from not oil and gas industry than virtually any other sen. I didnt. He is blocking bidens legislation in the senate said that vital cannot enact his climate agenda there. The site of the president s speech was carefully chosen. The brighten point power station was labeled one of the filthy 5 industrial polluters in the past. But the coal fired plant was decommissioned 5 years ago and its now set to become part of a massive, offshore wind power project that could generate a significant amount of green energy. And the president listed what he views as his administration successes, including the most recent to day, we began the process to develop wind power in the gulf of mexico as well from 1st time real opportunity, our millions of additional homes from when. But this will not be enough for the president s critics who continue to call for stronger executive action. President biden has the power to declare a Climate Emergency which could assist his administration in limiting the activities of fossil fuel industries on federal lands. But this in turn, could lead to the administration being involved in long drawn off battles in the courts. The president has confirmed his administrations message, that executive action remains on the table. But while the delay in execution continues, theres a real danger that this could become another perceived biden failure that voters would note at the midterm poles. My Cana Al Jazeera washington cilla handle al jazeera ah, with protests against the outgoing government columbia. Whereas in its most diverse congress, could it be checkmate who will have more on the shock . Moved by chess, grandmaster Magnus Carson and in sport, a stunning strike, things england into the semi finals of the womens European Championship thats coming up with some ah, well yes, theres a turn of denmark to get 35 degrees. Not quite sure. Reco put pretty darn close to it, but as you can see, the cloud has been running into what was hot weather, so its changed things as crowd line of thunderstorms, bringing hail, sickly down round about the alps to the heat. Now for thursday is anywhere from sweden down through poland until the hungarian plain, all places to the west, back down to in normal or not including Southern Europe where temperature is really havent changed very much. The most part of the heat wave. If anything, having left on friday saturday was still going to be around Eastern Europe as rebuilding through italy as well. And its that same sort of, i think its good to hang on to the heat. We dont get the progression of any cooler weather at that point. So his thursday, then you can see if it shines bright like that, thats going to be a good darn pole. But the tail and showers all the way down now to northern italy having left france behind attempts of rebuilding in bordeaux on, theyre still pretty hard. In spain and portugal. Those shows tend to largely diet. By time you get to friday, allowing the waltz to rebuild, of course. Now in north africa, heat is always with us, but more recently we have seen some very big chows producing flooding in sudan north niger nija. And now its going further west. Ah frank assessments, it sounds like you dont expect anything changed. Their problem in lebanon is actually structural lebanon needs and use of contract in order for it to solve this problem. In food opinions is not sure me on the goal is my security community. The government has knowledge to me in depth analysis of the days global headlines. This is going to be very hard to explain to the public that instead of pushing back, you know, its actually got 2 members. Inside story on al jazeera is only 4 months to go to the world cup and the clock is ticking. As teams and fans prepared the cattle 2022. Well have updates from different regions across the globe. This month, the focus is on africa, and synagogue mailed the challenge for the tropi to winning the africa cup of nations will be cameroon. Gonna to new z o morocco . Its the alicia join us for the world. Go countdown on al jazeera lou. Ah, work about youre watching out a 0 reminder of our top stories this our italys Prime Minister mario druggie has resigned. The president has asked rocky to stay on as a caretaker leader. He won a confidence vote, but 3 parties in his Coalition Government refused to participate in radical vicar missing. It has been sworn in his real anxious presence fast, despite opposition from the protest movement that force his predecessor to step down. The new leader has vowed to take action against what he calls on democratic demonstrators. Iraqs Prime Minister is blaming turkey for an attack in the kurdish region of Northern Iraq. On wednesday, 8 people were killed and 23 wounded. Turkey rejects the allegations, a day of mourning has been declared in iraq. Now the World Health Organization says millions of refugees of migrants are in poor health in our house communities. A study by the w 8 show as assessed about 1000000000 people globally who are considered migrants are among the most vulnerable and neglected groups. Migrant workers often take on dangerous and demeaning jobs. Many are at risk of workplace accidents and health risks, and they often have limited access to health care. O m santino st. Ever. Any joins us now from geneva. Hes the director of health, the Migration Program at the w. H. O. Welcome to the news our in essence, what does this report really say about how some of the wealthiest most developed economies in the world view . So the most fragile communities by grants, refugees, thank you. Good and good afternoon. Good morning everybody. We, the report we felt was the right time to draw a teacher, a baseline teacher of the situation worldwide. In terms of the health, implication of Population Movement for too often, the Health Aspects as being all such offer sometimes toxic narrative or, or certainly an adult, equal narrative based on baby fragile, dense and fox and data. And the concern that despite the swish and is evolving that this is the positive part of the story, many countries they are better than bet that understanding are important and how to deal with the needs of this population still remain very concerned. Because with this Group Population which is not small, 11000000000 is still left behind. And we want that to better document the mechanic of the problems. Better document the evidence and make it available for policy makers, for politicians, for experts in order to use the explanation for 5, the research, but also auctions and policy actions and saturdays a shaping them provision at the country level. Right, exactly. I mean, what do you hope this report will eventually achieve . How will it inform governments to do better . We really believe so, and we believe that this is a starting point, not an arrival point. The report is also clearly lighting where we need to do more. But also clearly lighting the cases of good practices, which could be a very powerful inspiration for other countries. So we wanted to look mental that and indeed we want to really stop these phenomena of narrative. And it dont matter. People and yell hospital Population Movement by investing more and more into quality research, better data and solid evidence, right . Im one of those narrative. So this report hopes to debunk is the migrant refugees are in some way inherently less healthy. That report says otherwise the, thats actually one of the point, the metaphor isnt migrants are norm of people saw as opposed to the risk of diseases. Risk factors like the rest of the population. But unfortunately, in the case of refugees, those are people which theyre going to be exposed to dramatic situation in many cases, which they are going to leave. Unfortunately, in, in sometimes impediment and case consequences. We think him out about the post traumatic disorders and mental health. But also spoke to more classic diseases like Communicable Diseases or chronic diseases, the show of migrants. But my gonna issue is the final adjustment if they get include that or not in there, on the society of arrival, the level of exclusion. Its somehow mirroring the risk increase of possible disease or poor health we have seen in recent years, a significant amount of suspicion discrimination towards refugees and my going to how important is it that this report cuts to the chase and explains things that they really are. Its very important because that section is a reality for those which that having the perception in that moment. So its very important that we are able to overcome those irrational way of thinking and be this is affecting also the quality of services by the workers. Thats why the, the portal so wanted to share the latest the block in terms of defining standard competency standards for our coworkers in order to be more efficient than effective in this regard. And was wonderful to see that many countries that are already walking this off in countries are all over the world in the gold, for example, investment into strength and competence stand off Migrant Workers in order to better serve the population they are working with. So bitty bitty interesting practices example are available in this regard, but still we have far away from saying that his mission is that we need to do more need to do more. Indeed, santino several rainy director of health and migration at the w. I show great to have your laneesa the speaker of the us house of representatives is expected to visit taiwan next month. The move thats being met with fierce criticism from china and c policies. Trip would make her one of the highest ranking american officials to visit the self governing island and decades. Beijing has worn washington. It will take forceful measures if the visit goes ahead. Beijing consider taiwan, it, sovereign territory. Brian hugh is a political commentator and founder of new blue magazine. He says theres a growing push from the u. S. To show support for taiwan, but the visit will be seen as an escalation of tension by beijing. So its, its a timing, but equity. There has been increasing spotlight on taiwan as a result of, for example, covered 19, but also rising us trying attentions and so under the jump ministration, but then also on the bottom ministration. One has seen more attention paid to attempt to show support for talk as included. For example, us centers do things i want to think back seen donations. And so this would be another layer of installation having the us peak of a house visit. I want i instead timing of the original timing of the chart there was an april, then pelosi contract, cobra 1900. It was unable to think that would have been after the ukraine invasion. And so that would have been attempting to reassure. But now months later, i think that the timing has changed. So that is why we see a lot of paper from aging in regards to a politician want to you for some time off. Sometimes it takes place in the form of aaron curve and just how on air defense identification is done in which aeroplanes identified. And so there are fears and china potentially escalates, offering others discussion of china could do a 2 actions and 190. Regarding the price of person, i think that is a little bit overblown as not to that point. Yes, it is possible, but then that same time one knows that theres a lot of things. There are all kinds of covered 19 being to lock them. Seating thing is seeking on present. Its a 3rd term at the 20th National Congress later this year. But perhaps the stability in or for that to happen. The process, foreign minister says moscows military go in, ukraine has widens beyond the Eastern Region of dom bath. So like a lever off, told state media the forces would target the regions of car thong and suffer reader from the some states should you go when there was a meeting in eastern bull, there was one geography and our willingness to accept. The ukrainian proposal was based on that geography for the geography at the end of march 2022. Now that your fee is different, this is not only the eleanor and the d, n r. This is also the curse and region and the sample regio region, and a number of other territories. This process continues and continues consistently and persistently. The u. S. Says high mobility, artillery rocket systems, or him alls of been you successfully by ukraine. At a meeting on wednesday, washington and its allies agree to st more military aid us defense secretary lloyd austin, says rushes expansion plans come as no surprise. Im sure that her ukrainian leadership will be im pleased to hear a lot of raws confirmation of the effectiveness from not only that sister, but how theyre using that system. Um as you know, russians are currently in her cures on and off from asia. So to Russian Forces there earlier, now we have to wonder who is talking to columbias new congress has been sworn in and for the 1st time i left its Coalition Holds the most seats. Its also the most diverse, with more indigenous black and female and peace than ever before. Alexander amputee reports in bogota, the makeup of columbia, as new congress couldnt be more different than the previous one. For the 1st time in history, a Progressive Coalition is the largest political block in both chambers is to result of unprecedented elections that will bring a true leftists, gustavo k, through in power in august. When i go, mr. Kasey in style only. This is a Historic Congress for a number of reasons. First, more than 60 percent of representatives are new. Its an important renovation. Second, its a diverse with more indigenous representatives that come from rural columbia. And finally, for the 1st time 30 percent are women. This is very promising. But the now you ration was fraught with control versus the outgoing president. The van duka delivered a fight speech defending is accomplishments during his tenure, despite abysmal pulling numbers around 20 percent, he attacked the incoming majority saying that they could put peoples private property at risk. Gets a play, i said who it is possible to have social justice in remote areas without expropriation and prejudice. And we offered an inflexible compromise to peace with legality that advanced in the territory. He was repeatedly interrupted by new congress representative. They called him a liar for saying he supported the implementation of the peace deal and the protection of social leaders who were killed in unprecedented numbers during duke, his administration. The new congress established with an ambitious reform agenda to combat poverty and inequality. This includes a major tax reform to Fund Social Programs in long postponed land pension and police reform. To do so, petras built a correlation with centuries parties. It should assure him, a majority, experts believe you will take advantage of a honeymoon period. Few of his predecessors had, for the 1st time we will have the possibility of getting for congress radical reforms coming from the left. Nevertheless, given the fact that the sum majority of the coalition and not a governing coalition for the Left Wing Party at those reforms will have to be tempered down in order to be able to pass for congress. The question now is just how long will that honeymoon last given the fact that the country is going through difficult Economic Times with high inflation, high unemployment, among other issue in the lecture its, thats been demanding change and reform quickly. And surely, i listen that im just now the worlds best chess player has used International Chess day to make a surprising move like this. Carlson so he wont be defending his title next year. Jim wolf has more a bomb shell from the worlds best chest player. Magnets carlson announcing he will not defend his title next year. Its very simple that im not motivated to play another another much. I dont have a lot to gain. I dont particularly like it. Its opened a lot of doors. I feel like its a, its my time to to go from the World Championship 31 year old norwegian, who has spent more than a decade at the top of the World Rankings was introduced to the game by his father when he was 5 years old. Carson has indicated an interest in changing the championships. Classical match format. Well, of course, but despite an open dialogue with the governing body feed a, he chose to give up his title or the last grand master to do so, was Bobby Fischer in 1975 chess enjoyed to come back during the corona virus pandemic. Thanks in part to the netflix production, the queens gambit. Around half a 1000000000 people play the game worldwide. And the Popular Series prompted about a 100000000 people to open accounts to play online. You know, the reality is that as, as just as exploded for fans online and on every medium chest as consume, more than ever has been before just a played perfectly in the long time. Visuals may not actually be with the fans. Want to see theres been nasa Movement Forward formats and events online time controls that deliver the excitement the fans want, which is actually more misstates, more opportunities for the best players to capitalize on those mistakes. Therefore, brilliant, brilliant moments that a month to see. And its just a more consumable product. Carlson has set aside on perfecting his skills and has no plans to retire anytime soon. Frankly, im excited to get back to where i was. I was all sad and trying to improve, trying to be better. Do the right things. Play the chinamans be the best in a worlds, and not care about the beauty of the game going beyond a World Championship cheque thanks. Jerry wolf, al jazeera, still ahead on al jazeera disappointment for south africa star action form the world of his championships, coming up in sport with sour. Ah ah. Ah. Safe that mm hm. And then International Anti corpse excellence award. Bought now for your hero, lou. Ah. Well combined to have a sport with sar. Thats right. Name got some exciting stuff coming up last. Lets start with walt athletic championships in eugene, oregon, including 2 more gold medals, a championship record and disappointment from the worlds most famous athletes. Davis, thanks rounds it up with this report will go middles up the grabs on day 6 in oregon, including in the womens 3000 meters steeplechase. Nor your roots are made her way to the front of the patch, straight away. And thats where she finished the 26 year old used to compete for kenya. But earlier this year, church to rice, because extern instead. She took the wind by some distance to claim her 1st major title. And the 1st ever because its done in this event, she did it in a new championship, reco time and took a well and dipped to cool down out on track there with zillow, anthony. But i do get somebody like me that you sell anything. Yeah, the gold medal on wednesday came in the womens discus, chinas feng been taking the wind with a throw of 69. 12 meters is chinas 2nd gold medal at these championships. Oh casey. Yes. Im very pleased and honored this minute that want to get even better. My next goal is chic. So pa, 17, me tell us that 3 time World Champion cast a so many it will not be adding to her go metal, tally the South African fail to get out of the heats in the womens 5000 meters. So many is bought from competing in her best event, 800 meters, because of rules that demand, she take home and reducing drugs to enter certain races. Next up on thursday, the sprinters will again take center stage and the finals at the 200 meters, including the much anticipated battle between americans no eliles and arion nitin. David stokes al jazeera. While we spoke to high junk walls champion rather than a pa to son yesterday and claim to go well on tuesday and says its still hasnt even function. Yeah, its wild to think that i of that calibre. I knew ive been able to jump high for a long period, but to bring that to fruition and on that was stage like im just overjoyed and even to be you know, one of 10. Yeah. To have this is phenomenal. 5 weeks prior to i had an injury and my foot a stress whats, what is in my foot. So you know, it was a bit touching, go there. Sure. And i had a lot of people around me helping me in every facet to try and make sure that i could get on the line. And i get out there and i manage to do it myself together. And even with very little run up the high jump in training, i managed to come out there and give it my all come away in the middle of the period, which im overjoyed with. Im moving on to golf. Henrich sentence says hes hugely disappointed and disagrees with his decision. Stripped him off the p and write a cop captaincy. A 46 year old swede was faxed off to us, accepting an offer from the saudi back live venture. He says he still hopes to represent in europe in some capacity in the future. And we spoke to go full cost the roof put felt earlier in march. He was when he was an honest he said, this isnt one of the proudest moment service career. Well, money spoken here, and clearly hes decided that the live offer is too attractive to turn down. This is a size make decisions. A put the d p well, to the right, a top organizes now in a state of flux and its not what they were looking for. And clearly its a further, you know, entrenching of positions, those basically all try and shore up their own sides. Is it the pga tour the d p . Well so and live golf at clearly going after is bigger catches as possible. One of the problems is the live tour, a desperate to get world ranking points, because what that could mean, if they dont get world ranking points, then they want to get into majors and some of the big events. And this is just not a good look for the game of go and clearly the sums of money being spoken, but again, puts the sport in a, you know, with the pga tour. You know, there are a lot of rich young men anyway, playing on their store, yet theyre prepared to gamble their futures. And in the football. Well, as all england remain on track when they are paying championship for the fast time off the reaching the semifinals, the tournament hosts one hard for the game against vain lose stunning goal. And extra time through the georgia subway was one of the best strike the competition so far, its going into semi where theyll take either sweden or belgium and the 2022 fee for walcott kicks off here in cats are exactly 4 months from now. So the 0 want to soon or faster can seems to qualify and football funds. I hope the tournament will provide some response from the political and economic crisis. For vander was report tune his ears, the country with deep political divisions. But theres one thing that still unites people clearly from of busha bit football brings people together and they sympathize with each other. When a game is on, its all they think about the if they forget about politics and the things that are happening in the country and they forget about the problem. And that was good mahar. Were all support denisia. All of us. We forget about the faction supporting the president and the other supporting a mother in politics as we keep football adipose looks moment up, the store last rattled, a president chi psi dissolved parliament and sect the government to rule by decree last year and moved, the opposition has called a qu, critics of labeled a new draft constitution as an attempt by said to expand his powers unlawfully to the ends of belief, frustrated by years of political argument. And economic stagnation has to have that if the world cup is the only thing thats left for us today. Yeah. Its the way out. And the thing that brings everyone together, regardless of the differences we see in politics or economic problems. Catherine 2022 will be trinity is 6. The parents of the world count. Theyve never made it out of the group stage and of one just 2 games of the tournament. Fans and tunis hope the countries lodge expect community and will give the eagles of carthage and advantage this time round as could be, you know, in that hopefully opportunity and community there. When encouraged the team, especially during the 1st match, what do we get . Cut off the donors, hopefully we can get out of the group state. Weve had enough of leaving early achieving that wont be a group with group games against defending champions. France as well as denmark and australia. Pull vander worth al jazeera off, it will really does no matter where you are in the wall. And if you enjoyed that report by pool, its part of our 2nd world cup countdown show focusing on africa now as well as to this year. Well also look at the other qualified teams. Those are cynical, cameron morocco and gonna, and you can watch the show online, or you can even stay on al jazeera at 2330 gmc and thats it. Thank you sir. Laura. Well thats it for me and a vodka for this news. Our darn jordan. Be back into my with all of the days. Do you stay with us here . When i was here . Ah and a frank assessments. It sounds like you dont expect anything to change the problem in lebanon. Its actually structural lebanon needs, and you also contract in order for it to solve this problem. Informed opinions, International Communities on the go to my security community. A government has knowledge to me in depth analysis of the dates, global headlines. This is going to be very hard to explain to the public that instead of pushing back, you know, its actually got 2 members. Inside story on al jazeera, new voice, the heating up the airway. Lot of can you listen . Actually, kimberly here, but i really think in your own country shifting paleface, the rise of citizen journalism has changed everything. How do happen . It happened on social media and the undeniable impact of the mainstream narrative australians went to the pole with those images front of mine is a war that very much came forth out in the media as well as on the battlefield. The listening page dissect the media on al jazeera from the ruins of mosul, music as re emerged. These are some of 40 musicians who make up the weather orchestra in iraq, 2nd largest city, despite being banned, been mostly was occupied by i so the melodies arrived. Derfin christian curd are obscene needs and she has these young men and women represent the diversity of iraq to be able to hear music amid the ruins of muscles on city. Feel strange, but it brings home the resilience of president s who say that despite the destruction and lack of help, they remain committed to bringing the city back to life. Hulu is Prime Minister mario draw you, resigns, off to his main allies. Boycott a competence ah

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