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To a stronger alliance, north koreas me, the pleasure of unconditional civil. So russians presents not them in person, but he called a just vice against the west, especially as on week. So if the was never quotes between israel and palestine have really achieved any the a levy, as west Natural Disaster and decades has now killed more than 5000 people. And thats the port city of donna and ruins. And with at least 10000 people still missing that desktop is expected to rise. Countries around the wells of flying and aid, and a nation that seem years of conflict as now experiencing around limits of unity. Michael, apple reports helicopters, pick bodies from this testimony to the power of the wave of war to that hip, the city others with simply swallowed by land slides. The grim task of recovering the bodies continues a search and a recovery teams all working together with specialized sniff, a dog units. The water was like its an army cutting through the city, wiping off more than just buildings, like the whole family live next to each other. We were all neighbors, we lost 30 people so far. Thats a 30 members of the same family. Many still unable to comprehend what they live to the surface pro bonus at 3 30 in the morning the how we can intensified and there was we and i live on the top floor of these building up in the window and saw the storm attacking us mass grades have been dug and are now being filled with bodies helping the injured just as urgent to task on the higher. Its a lot of us, were still looking for victims. We call on all young libyans, anyone who has a degree or any medical affiliation to please come help us. We have a shortage in nurses. We need help. Medical facilities are overwhelmed. Many of damage in the nearby city of l data. Doctors and nurses way through n cool. Hi. Whats in the local hospital . Many of the patients having to be evacuated. The stream of aid and Emergency Rescue work is from around the world is growing. From cats. Are egypt sir kia . Oh jerry . Yeah. The European Union and even palestine specialize teams have come to help and nation politically divided. United in greece. Mike level, how does era, as well that speak to a correspondent olive trainer, hes on the ground there for us and tripoli malik . Earlier you was showing us the rest, your teams arriving at the airport from algeria. Where are we at now with such and rescue . Well, its starting to look like its becoming a recovery operation just with the amount of bodies that the people are pulling out in the city of doesnt. And i spoke to a Health Official just a little while ago, and he told me right now the number is that 5300. And he expects that number to increase dramatically. Thousands of people are washed into the c. U. You, as you saw on and mikes reports and, and so these rescue teams coming from abroad are going to help are the libyans with recovering those bodies of the libyans just dont have the capability of themselves. None of train of the, for us, with all the latest from aaa will be staying across the story for you. Thank you. My or the little foreign aid is also arriving in morocco. Wherever the depths total from fridays ass, craig has risen to nearly 3000. 00. But relief efforts have yet to reach some of the remote areas that are still cuts off. And as the hope of finding survive is phase peoples thoughts on now turning to the future in moroccos us quite zone. During the whole found one devastated community for parents. The next phase of this disaster the slow pace of the rescue mission that hes fast running out of time. Beauties crews that began work on monday, believe there was still lives to be saved. If i dont need the American Army trucks carrying them to navigate these treacherous mountain passes, this journey was in vain. They reached a village that had already buried 10 percent of its population pulled from the ruins of 90 percent of its homes. There was no search and rescue required here. Villages like those who built on Steep Mountain slopes really never stood a chance to boulders like these can tumbling down the mountainside, folding onto you build structures like these. So that the only thing left standing is the most minarette, most of the village mosque itself is gone. The road to dig through has only been cleared of debris for the past 24 hours, allowing n g o as in bringing help and relatives arriving from the city reunion. And so emotional as they discover for the 1st time who has lived and who has died, everyone has lost someone, there are lots of orphans and etc. But the real problem now is that winter is coming literally one month. Theyre saying that its going to rain tomorrow, so people were the, are they gonna live . Thats the real question. The needs here are immense. Nope, just food of water. The shelter and sanitation in the us quite tore into every facet of life. This is whats left of the Village School doctors have arrived to assess medical needs. One of the most pressing concerns is mental health. As villages focus their anxieties on what comes next on the top of your new medication, really small and everything we own is the rubble. Everything we grew to eat is on the rubble, the data rains come, no one will be able to reach us to bring food, and the people live now to die of hunger. My hunch is down, for a to battery, does help them. The greatest worry is how to carry on the whole. Yeah, im skate really afraid. Im thinking how to go one leaving our lives are gone. What does what her yes. From its mountain perch, what remains of dues. Ruth still combines majestic views. But for many time has stood still since last friday night, and these mountains and the sky once admired on now seems to be fit. Jo, no whole l g 0 in the after this mountains, morocco was even saying agencies have been struggling to reach people stranded in remote areas in the highest mountains. But some communities all guessing help out is here is how small bar joins us from one such town. Were gone in the south of mara cash. I assume as weve been saying, were 5 days and even hearing from recovery teams that its unlikely many survive is still there under the rubble. How People Holding up 5 days in and people i was talking to those who about the potential for finding anyone still alive under the rubble when we were yesterday with some of the best 2 teams operating on the ground in class and the whole the basically well because side with the fact that it will do whatever it takes, we using cameras using sniff adults and they do one. This tend with a strong smell from the area and the side that its almost too late to get anyone alive from the problem. And its also an extremely delicate operation of those area to the point where i yet to talk to many people in some of those desolate villages. First on top of those peaks in the i plus balance and i have been still desperate to see a help trickling in in terms of food supplies. And then also the looking forward to be moved to tell him to attempt to reach out to us have cause an awesome. We know that when to isnt will that far away . Obviously the needs are incredibly huge. What is the next focus now for the government . The way it is different it to be on the need to bring people to a temporary shelters, not the make shift time. So which are just some of the temporary at fixed as for the time being before this thought, the reconstruction project. Now, we have to wait and see whether the government is going to be billed in those same locations which were entirely destroyed during the way. Number 2, they would have to re think them most of those leading to those areas. Because historically speaking, theyve been some dirt roads, tiny roads, news, some of the highest peaks where you have folders where you have rock supporting again and again. So it remains to be seen whether they would be a predicate, it to say for every as well, they will rebuild the same spots. And this is going to take some time of the government, these things i add them in on delivery. So the problem is, is it made when it comes to compensation reconstruction, helping people build that business has a good but above will build their lives again. How small dora there with the laces for us from the ground and work on. Thank you so much. Tasha rushes president got him in prison, has held 4 hours of talks with north koreas lead. Kim, john, he said, all issues were on the table, came to appears in that relations with moscow will be getting top priority and offered full support for russia as it fights its all in ukraine. So and so he is following the visit for us from so a long hand shaped intended perhaps, to convey the growing closeness between russian president Vladimir Putin and north Korean Leader kim jong with the 2 met at the post auction. The cost much of brushes the most modern space launch facility. The venue, possibly a hint. Russia may help north korea develop minute tree satellites off to pm youngs to failed attempts at launching a spice out to like earlier this year. Russia in return is looking for weapons to support its war in ukraine. Un resolutions which russia, as a permanent member of the security council, had agreed to bad north korea from exporting weapons. And also from receiving Technical Cooperation in nuclear assigned to us as want. The 2 countries may be looking to sign and you put in did not directly address this. I finished most of the ways of course we need to discuss the issues of Economic Cooperation and humanitarian issues as well as the situation in the region. North korea is one of the few countries that has opened the support at bushes will on ukraine, which in i had an in depth discussion with comrades, putin, about the political and military situation on the korean peninsula. And in europe, we found satisfying consensus on further strengthening Strategic Corporation and solidarity in the struggle to defend silver and rights and security, and to ensure lost in peace in the region and the world. Some add, lets say north korea appears to have the upper hand in striking a deer with russia on the, on the north green side, i think the, the upside is very large, which is that the russians are desperate in the north. Koreans can give the sand munition and exchange, they can get stuff, they really cant, that all the technologies has been mentioned for nuclear, some power or up for satellite. So, and i think the benefits really fall best for the north tree, and there are no specific details of what has been agreed between the 2 leaders. Kims visit to russia is not Service Report say, he may go on to visit a factory that manufactures fight to jet. Theres no doubt the rest of his visits will continue to be closely followed by adams or hands on all the possible areas of cooperation between russia and know chris flores out a 0. So lets bring daniel hawkins. He joins us now for most good daniels who was saying i rushed, has really been rolling out the red carpet for can the absolute in terms of pomp and ceremony. This is about as a list. As you can get, set top officials, the most important minutes is a defense officials in these. But i told folks on either side and the whole meeting was reminiscent. So most of these grand occasions in soviet times when the forwarding trees were received in the kremlin. This was, of course in the fall, reese to both leaders was extremely complimentary. Toasting each other came a jo moon reiterating north korean unconditional support for russias foreign policy, including the cycles special mutual patient and ukraine. Potent toasting at the decade long history of friendship and cooperation, dating way back to the soviet sierra. Between russia and north korea. The city this course met in 2019 this visit though is of a completely different scale concerning met the russian ecology resorts, minutes that hes getting on a trip on the woods from this going to that of, of talk to come some of the on a more a seeing the Russian Pacific fleet seeing those back series producing aviation benefit. Ive ation. And of course, the key visit to the bus boats in the customer drove north korea being particularly interested in getting russian assistance in science and technology for in the space program. So this is very much being held as a turning point, as a nude shop. So in the era of russian north getting relations at a time. Of course, when russia is teaching allies, especially in the east pacific, north korea is also seeking to boost relations with its the biggest uh no, the neighbor dining weve literally just been watching in the last few moments. The 2 lady leaders will come down quite a little red, confident and throughout all of this lots of intrigues and speculation about what a deal might involve. He mentions the games for the itinerary. Should we be reading anything into that in terms of what might be on alpha from russia as well . Adults with enforcer and kim last and full hours and certainly any agreements that were reached behind as close doors. Close doors where unlocked its know about there was no official bills of documents signed off to that support that had been surveilled hands from salt brush a Ministry Officials regarding an intensification in defense cooperation between the 2 sides. So like i saw a good question defense minutes, but saying perhaps minutes we drills well on the table. And of course, lou that henry rather alludes to something that we could expect any sort of out. Right. Weapons deal is something that most school has denied family up until now. And certainly north korea is interested in getting Something Back from russia, whatever it does give, particularly this is a lot, can be a focus on things that the russian president mentioned. Agriculture, Agricultural Production technology, most career of course frequently suffering from food shortages, having suff and some um, some very terrible famines as well will be keen to get russian on his side as a major global provider of grain. And for us, Eliza Russell became to add north korea. So its something bloody and Food Insights that i, that logistical triangle between russia, china, north korea, i keep on the, in the push back against American Employees in the east pacific. So and the stage where i should say, so suddenly north korea will be hoping to take something away from these, but actual tools quite what that is. That remains behind closed doors, but we are likely to find now. So i think in the coming weeks when china scroll minnesota also comes to moscow in china. Of course, the strategy that relationship with north korea will be another guarding faxed to us to help moscow play thats cause in ration is to in relationship, to pulling. Yeah. Very Interesting Times and a very interesting trip, daniel hawkins, that for us. But the lasers from oscar. Thank you. Don. Are all still a head for your head on out of here. Im going to mcbride the cravy in factory helping its countries will rest with, with fee of some looking weapons. May not apply the rule to you by visit capital to hello. That was stopped by looking at the satellite image of a south asia. And it shows where were seeing the west of the wet weather. Its lingering around the bay of bengal, putting in some very heavy rain to places like me and mont, as well as bundle dish and east and essential areas of india over the next few days. Thats why we got the amber warnings out for the heavy rain for places like madhya pradesh, as well as a dish of us with that went to weather starting to push its way north as we go into the end of the week with thunderstorms and the weekend for new daily march, clear across large areas of pockets on just some showers, affecting more Northern Areas and the showers continue across southern parts of india with some thunder storms. Moving into shoreline couple of the next few days. Now we move to east asia. Theres more heavy rain on the way to southern parts of china. Thanks to the front will system. Its bringing some pulses across the scenarios towards the korean peninsula. Some of those will affect mold and areas of japan rein increasing here over the next few days. South korea, seeing some very heavy down pulls that could cause some flooding in places before the east is a story of heat to take care of. Continuing to see the temperature link while above the average for this time if you clara and sonia for beijing, the quote to you by visit cuts on every use. Thousands of monkeys to use to scientific percent activate and conservation is saved. The testings into main one and one east investigate assuming illegal trade and meet scientists hoping to get one king. Some lights be on this on a tree cart, team of men for business on l. G 0 and learn. Learn. We become an enquire with Lewis University and discover how to frame and solve present future challenges the the welcome not youre watching out a 0. Im the spelling of your day here. And uh huh. Lets remind you about top stories. Libyans have started ferrying those killed in those devastating floods in the eastern city of done pools and 5300 people has now died. And at least 10000. 00 are still missing of the heavy rain for cost to damage to the email. The desktop from fridays us quite in morocco has risen to nearly 3000. More for an aide is arriving that as emergency crews such through the rumble and remote mountain areas. And rushes president that to me in person says that most google helped young young to vote satellites. He goes to north koreas lee that comes on known as russias stuck in a, causing the drawer. And thats the 1st meeting in 4 years the United Nation special envoy interested on well capacitors, has resigned and comes months of to the head students Reading Council and provide the behind cold his removal path as well as the kid concerned. And on brought back in june, he was accused of inflaming the conflict between the Sudanese Army and the permanent treat Rapids Support forces. To suit on these people inspired c whole world. When they bravely up ended 3 decades. Ill stick to tory on rules. In 2019 they need or supports and sony diary to more than ever need our support and solidarity and pressure rings and military leaderships to end the war and holding them to account and empowering civilians for an eventual transition to its democratic governments. The on this day, especially as ago, the oslo accords was signed between israel and the palestine liberation organization. The agreements was seen as a major turning point and the conflict because it was the 1st time that israel and the pillow formerly recognized one another. But since that historic hendrick palestinians of only seeing their rights and their land taken away by success as is randy kaufmans pull, brendan reports now from occupied east drawers for progress to be made for a breakthrough to a half. And that needs to be frankly 2 things, both opposite sides and incentive. And under this current is ready government the most far right government. But israel has ever seen that is not the prime minister. Benjamin netanyahu presiding over a cabinet to have expressly said they are determined to continue with supplements expansion. That is, 13000. 00 new separately units have been approved this year alone. And as far as the palestinian state goes, forget about it. As far as these ministers, all consent that said this week we spoke with, youll see pegging in on the is really side the architect of the original also towards. And although hes still to the cold of the fact that they are in existence, still, he said there is still room for optimism. Lets take a look. Youll see valan was offered a Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the also the codes. It was he who instigated the secret back channel tools which led eventually to that momentous handshake on the white house lawn. The 30 anniversary brings him no pride. It was not mens also many years old drink that is a zone and be zone and fizzle will be built for so many years. It is crazy and defend that it is the do is its the biggest fail, the also the cold with never a conventional peace deal, always just a transitional road map negotiations over the final stage. This arrangements things like photos, the palestinian states. There are tons of refugees. I most crucially the fates of jerusalem itself were all to come later, but they never did. And that he is on with Benjamin Netanyahu still the dominant forcing his ready politics. The prospect of those negotiations which you make, the more distant than ever i think you can say that it fails, the process failed and its on the past and just didnt know separate then not co existing, peacefully side by side as well as the goal. The era of posting terrorism is an over these ready settlement enterprise has expanded insight window. Ready intertwined than was the case there, it seems harder. Its a more intractable conflict in his knee effort to get a political career. Benjamin netanyahu has never wavered from his support for his ready supplement building and the occupied westbank. Israel is a session, but it has no pawsman with which the toothpaste is come on, pallets and israel has set about convincing the honor of nations. But so cold, real politics should take precedence. A normalization with saudi arabia is the price on the horizon, apparently to ideal saying it then, you know, is 1st to make a moment is ation no peas, whatever he quoted with the arrow more then to strip the police. Genius from the arabs. Support is in there. To be able to dictate, so the police thing is, hes solution on the studio side. Its not simple. We called mazda and fucked up and whatever, but still, i believe that they eyeball mazda and use a 1000 me a full piece. For now though, the signing of the oslo accords is a story of an incomplete journey project as yet unfinished possibilities so far, unfulfilled, whole brennan, ill just 0 occupied east jerusalem. So thats not a guess a view. Some of the besieged cause of strips thats controlled by him us and the group as opposed to be also quotes from day one. Even the outside has been initially the also of course were seeing as a glimmering for resolving these early palestinian complex. But over the years, there are some casa hudson and mixed bag. Despite helps for economy. The territory has been subjected to stifling is really located 2007 years and restrictions in dire humanitarian situation. Limited access to essential services and resources and employment free over the years. In addition to political divisions between us and her mom who is against signing the also of course, from the beginning. But not only got the experience and number of military complex with an escalation which has resulted in a significant loss of life, destruction, of infrastructure. And worse in any condition of the safety use. We can see what we have saved from the beginning. We are chasing illusions, tons of the best, something we can say thats whats happening in gaza. Sees the blockade. The aggression against goes off is not because how much is a ruling, the area . It is because of hostile accords. What we have when the election democratic ended in 2006. The overall effect of the also course on the gaza strip. 30 years later is characterized as a mixture of limited self governance, political divisions, economy challenges complex, and a protracted humanitarian crisis. The ultimate goal of achieving peace in the region remains elusive. Underscoring the complex nature of the east, really palestinian complex. Give me c o 20. Got this trip. The other one ukraine has led to a rapid growth and industry is supplying hardware to the ministry. Among them also called decoy weapons. They meant to deceive the enemy and stopped them launching attacks and real guns. All vehicles from the bride went to central ukraine to see just how they, what they all constructed with the most cat by crossman who fully intend for the creations to be blasted to pieces was placed on the battlefield to look like the real thing inviting attack from enemy, drones in miss south, mostly a little boot. That would mean theyve worked, petro tells us, and well have to leave, produce small as many as needed, or to put them in the operation of this workshop, which remains fairly secretive, is handled by mining and metals conglomerates match, invest, having all these skills and experience is not hard to move from still production to military decrease may to odessa, ukraines military. The requests often change from one month to the next, as, as the most sophisticated and expensive equipment arrives from overseas of which they make cheap copies. For instance, the real m to 7. How is a cost about 2000000. 00, but it costs about 1000. 00 to make a decrease. This radar system price tag 218000000. 00, a fake replica fuels for 2000. These de code is a rule so far cheaper than the weapons used to destroy them. This is the units trophy collection bits of drones, this from a russian maid line set, or an a rainy and made shaheed or very real weapons that destroyed themselves. Targeting very real looking face, as in previous, was decoys have been used extensively in ukraine, such as inflatable ones like this. But the development of High Definition surveillance makes them far less effective than these kind crafted alternatives. So the enemy has many sophisticated drones with pets. Upticks and not capability means were constantly having to develop the post before we will produce artillery just from links of plastic. But now we use from plastic to come out into good details in the last as a find a skills required in the eval mode. Do my

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