Run east and your plane, which will say they need more resources to 5 off when you question attacks. Plus im come out of high during the moment during the buckets, going to run it on board with thousands of on refugees are about to be sent off against dave with the beginning, gaza as well as continuing its attacks across the street at least 20 palestinians, including children have been killed and his riley strikes on the, on the gauzy and the side of the caps and central gaza eye witnesses said because children were playing the camp for displaced families that spring in our correspondent, honey, my move, hes joining us live from the alpha and southern, gaza and the lakes. This is really strike killing children and a playground penny. What are you sharing about this terrible attack on the gauzy refugee camp, which is being the size of so many attacks of the this will, this particular attack is one of so many attacks happen across the gauze and for deliberate attacks taking place all over the gaza. Strip just feeding into one conclusion, garza has evolved into i killings on it. Theres really military deliberately targeting everyone right now, including children. And what were seeing is a playground that happens to be located in a busy market place area and not as a refugee camp display, as has been repeatedly talked in the past. And since the beginning of this june, inside the world. But what were seeing right now was that no, no terms in the talks on the shoulder and the fact were seeing here, those children of this waste families. And as a father of children who understand these difficult times, its hard to keep the children inside inside tends or, or other peoples residential home. Just given the fact that there are no schools know those or the clubs nothing to keep them entertained. And while at the same time, they want to stay safe, keep them safe and protected. It is always good to give them a little bit of a freedom just to relieve some of the negative energy that they have been putting it up since the beginning of the were only to be targeted and killed as just playground. And 11 or what have these kids done to be killed in this way. And it just so horrific the scenes that we, we looked at and the footage emerging from the playground in a lot of the review kind of close to 20 people. As i said, its a be the marketplace area. 5 where the playground is located and at the top happened at a very, at the rush hour when everybodys trying to get what they are able to get it from what their Food Supplies and Water Supplies and get back to their home. And of course, honey, they joined the 14000 other children who have been killed in gaza since october, 7th, because of Health Ministries saying that 46 people have been killed a 110 injured. And attacks of the past day of the yes, absolutely. And they say fits consistent with the narrative made by units of will describe dollar for largely as a graveyard full is true, then given that 0 and shatter sense of safety, not only for adults and, and other people, but also for children. And weve seen this pattern happening, the fact that there are 14000, its children, have been killed since the beginning of this june inside those war and 1000 other are missing with other family members. And a trapped under the rebels into then to get in is an indication that there are no limits. And no terms of this for. And as i stated earlier, are the, is really monetary is pushing gaza to evolve into a killing zone. Because everywhere you go, you will see the roads sold, rumbles, you see, destroyed, building damage, health care facilities, and destroy the schools and across structure, the furnace, a pile of rubble. The entire gauze of fred turned into a pretty much, a waste land that is not suitable for living. That is soon enough was to come on in habitable, just giving the patterns of, of bombings in a tops across this trip. Honey, thank you very much for that. Thats honey must move. Joining us live from the off on Southern Gaza as well as will cabinets a set to meet for the 1st time since around unprecedented weekend attack. Ministers have been debasing how to respond around 300 missiles and attack drones were launched in the 1st as a direct strike on israel from the wrong. That was in retaliation for the bombing of the around in consulate in damascus. 2 weeks ago. Thats bringing home the cell booth now shes running his life on kind of even this has been very divided will cabinet over the past 6 months with one gaza home that how united today right now was considering how to respond to yvonnes attack of the will. There are seemingly a consensus that there is going to be in is really response to it on to tack what. How and when that is going to happen . Are the questions on everyones minds, israels work happen. It will convene for the 5th time since this entire situation unfold. It and weve been hearing from is really officials throughout the day, but against who said that his role will retaliate at a time and place of their choosing. And his role defense minister jo web, golan speaking just earlier on his roles, northern border saying that quote, 8 on failed to attack israel, and it will fail to deter them as well. He said that to these guys in the middle east are open for is really air force planes. And that there will be a time and place for israel to strike the enemy. All of this comes as these really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu still has not decided on how exactly the attack is going to take place. But according to reports within is really media. He was telling his ruling the code party that while there will be a response, it needs to be carefully and strategically thought out that it can not from come from the god. So theres a lot of anticipation on the table waiting for the is really official response on what they plan to do next. Home defense you for that home, the son who is the latest live in tennessee. Ronnie, im president of the hand, but i use the has told in need of color thats head on will respond to any is where the attack against its interest around Foreign Ministers. Also wondering israel of an immediate response, how much and on check pressure if the user id ration you make some mistake, this time around the response, as it runs military commanders announced will not be minimal. The media and severe correspondent dosage already is impaired on with more on around the reaction. The war of words continue between iranian officials and there is really counter parts. The iranian president , abraham brady seat, received a phone call from the mirror of katara. Shes coming been home of l sony on monday evening. During that conversation, the mirror of cuts are expressed in their praise for the actions that iran took against israel and the mirror. It said that it conveyed a very strong message to everyone, the reading president for his parts at set. Thats it. Should israel continue at these threats and make good on their threats . So theyve been making against iran and carry out any kind of actions. Iran will respond much stronger, and there will be a broader at response to israel than what weve seen in operation to promise the way new foreign minister has also been speaking to nearly a dozen other Foreign Ministers around the world at highlighting around position. And, you know, set issuing further warnings saying that any action that would be taken by israel will be met by an immediate response. Why iranian officials, for now, there is a waiting see move here in iran. Of course, iranian officials are on high alert, waiting to see what israel will do next. But they are urged the officials in israel not to continue this kind of behavior door such a party, l g 0. Tyrone a drawn strikes launch from 11 on have injured 3 israeli soldiers. These are images of the, one of the drawing and flying and the, the israel level and folder. Thats very ministry. He says the strikes as an area near the Northern City of kiddy option um and at least one person is dead off the end. Is there any drawings try on the car in southern lebanon. The man who was killed in the attack is believed to be a Senior Member of hezbollah, or the hash him is as an im boss, but more on the attack. And is really drone target to the call on the road between 2 villages via to thought. Actually the one of the villages is i live on one 1st and will skills into called a plus targeted, targeted people who are injured. Some of them with possible eyes and then the place was close, the area was close and the the, the body was removed from that. Of course, the injured well taken to the hospital golf course. As we understood, the man who was killed, there is a sensible of a senior commander. Now we dont know the identity of the person who was killed, but this is not the 1st time that is run is targeting. Cause will lock them on does through drones or sometimes through the war planes. But in general, this is a was weve been saying over the past days has separate elizabeth several layers. One of these dams is targeted killings that is what is working on kind of focusing on how to eliminate as much feels to mondays of possible funds has been lost during this campaign in lebanon. Still ahead on knowledge as they are the count down to the bowers olympics begins the same as less of the size considered to be the spiritual spelling of the game. The hello, whether its nice be set bad for japan. Now we are looking at a clear sky is coming through this, thats a cloud just pulling out. So the way of follow the next line of cloud, the may, your front that spring, some big down pulls into Central China and that will be the case. As we go through the next couple of days at pulses this way, further east was floods with some positive q shape, but for much of japan it does stay dry, quite warm and sunny across the green financial solar at 26 celsius. No similar temperature to full basing. By the time we come to the state that went to weather will slip a little further south was into southern china. Could also see a few showers just developing around northern parts of vietnam, maybe into laos as well. So i didnt try for much of the philippines kind of shows that into malaysia. Im a heavy down, paused to continue, of course, a good part of indonesia. So some weather to some heavy, a down pause, just wanting to was a southern past so, so im kind of maybe up the west coast of, in the some shy was due to the final taste of india. So it was a north west where it will try to increase the im settled as we go through the next couple of days, this area of a stones thats rolling out so that ron into pakistan, southern positive afghanistan and will continue to make his way across Northern Park this done as we go through friday and eventually its a north west india and the in thailand. Defamation is a criminal offense. Critics. A powerful people, a using the quotes to silence with the lowest 101 east investigate. So allocations, that defamation cases are being used to bring to medation and concealing corruption. Speaking up in time, 9102032 simply focus on the policy of the conflict is the human suffering that the reports are pretty brave, bullets and bombs. And we always include the views from all sides, the, [000 00 00;00] the, to challenges the out of me, elizabeth put on them. And our hot reminder of our top story is to sound as well as will cabinet is set to meet for a 5th time since yvonnes unprecedented weekend attacked around 300 missiles and drawings for the last on saturday. And the 1st ever direct strong one as well. From the wrong is rarely strikes of killed at least 20 palestinians in minnesota to end on the gauzy caps and central gaza children. And among the victims, overwhelmed to the injured hospital, stops treated former patients on the for the law in northern garza and his riley strike on a mosque and the giovanni a refugee camp has killed one person, an injured 11 imagined c team scrambled to rescue, survive as trapped under bubbles and the alpha crew to area milan color, which has been at the size of the attack in jamalia. I said, i want to come over one. This is why because newton efficiency will so as a sort of neighborhood where the most skillful holder has been targeted yesterday night and the simplest one bass and having killed one civilized and living got injured at this place is a residential lo, i, by the way, this is the most, here is the microphones. Im not sure just can see it displays. As you can see, the surrounding old of the house is a residential houses and all of them at the throat as the most has been destroyed. The president has signed a new military recruitment and what seemed at boosting. Truth numbers is come on, his face manpower shortages for the war against russia. The legislation declines potential conscripts to update the balance over the authorities and increases payments to volunteers, as well as adding new penalties for draft dodging intelligence experts. A warning, the crime that is preparing for a major defensive and eastern decline soon, taking advantage of delays and military aid and ammunition shortages. Child stratford reports from lima on one of the towns which is again being targeted by russian to solve. The people still live here around to thousands of them struggling to exist among the destruction Russian Forces captured the town of lee mount in may 2022 ukraine and all me then recapture the important railway help with a pretty will will population of all the 20000. 00 around 5 months later crushing miss all and so who do i boma tax it increased in recent weeks targeting you, creating positions in the surrounding forests. Taking advantage of what you crane says its protect shalise, catastrophic lack of width and defense. Tens of billions of dollars with the ministry 80 to stop by arguments in the us congress will not getting hit fast enough from european allies, which the intelligence Ukrainian Ministry say russia is now gaining women, so on the battlefield, shedding by russian full series of lead man and the surrounding countryside is closing fires like this in the forest virtually every day. The people still living inside lea, man are afraid the Russian Forces could push through nearby Ukrainian Defensive lines. Theres no Running Water or gas in town, pushing the time the afflicted any pro, before Russian Forces occupied the place. She has lived all for life, she returned. When are you crazy and allow me to control . The daughter and grand daughter went to poland and they dont want to come back if you would, you call me up before customer groups and she leads us into her basement. Shes had to start sheltering on the ground like games couldnt use the table. Of course im very anxious, god willing, it wont happen. We dont need them here. They should go back where they came from. Give us back the life we had before. It was a Beautiful Life and we never asked anything from anyone. We had worked. We had a railway, we had a town look what they have done to us in our life. No one lives here. Now most people left and this is our land. Few people come to the tiny sunday market. Police check peoples ideas. Come think the suspected russian informers alexander live to throughout the russian armies. Occupation me because i dont want to talk about it. He says hes here in the shelter for 2 hours during yesterdays attacks. Its all he is head of lehman supply department. He says hes been on now more than ever valuable to attack is they tried to save lives. Sadly, the shutting has recently increased the enemy if its civilian infrastructure, residential areas destroying, residential buildings, health facilities, and so civilian sofa, the shutting schools, many fires. We receive up to 10, call out in a given just while period. There are many towns near the front line like this one back in the cross hands of the russian army, which ukraine and its allies say is preparing for a major advance, charles profit, algebra, leon. Thats returning now to the tensions between yvonne and israel, the join from washington, dc by the us state department, principal deputies spokesperson, they bounce patel. Mr. Patel. Thank you for your time. First, the us officials have said many times since saturday that they want to deescalate tensions, so which is your message to as well as the wood cabinet mates for the 5th time since as todays attack, to consider various phones to yvonnes vitality a tree attack our messages that israel is ultimately gonna make its own decisions, but that the United States defense of israel and our commitment to israels security is iron clad and unwavering. Simultaneously, were continuing to engage with israeli officials, as well as regional partners in the region about the importance of de escalation and uh, the United States being committed to not entering and all out conflict with the iranian regime. When you say that your defense of as well as is iron clad, who do you think that as well as going to respond . How do you think as well as going to respond . So im not going to get into security or military assessments for an up here and ultimately about as far as really partners to speak to on any kind of operation that they are going to undertake. Thats not something the United States is going to participate in. But as you saw over the course of this weekend, our commitment is real, security and our commitments, their self defense is unwavering. And its also important to take a step back and remember that we condemn in the strongest terms this reckless and irresponsible attack by the iranian regime. Okay, reckless and irresponsible that the wrong says that it was responding to a deadly attack on its conflict in damascus. 2 weeks ago, and it says that it goes against the un charter against the vienna convention, does around not have a point. Well, im pretty sure the unleashing more than 300 drones Ballistic Missiles and other kinds of dangerous projectile un assets are also violations. And they are also deeply, deeply irresponsible and reckless. Okay, but what about their, what about the attack . Totally not on the level on, on the level of watch. What about the, you know, the initial attack around bonding, and now the countries consulate in a foreign country. And so the United States is still making an assessment on the status of this facility. I dont have any update to offer as it relates to that. But again, the sheer number of Ballistic Missiles and drones that iran unleashed on israel is totally irresponsible and reckless. Simultaneously, israel has every right to conduct a Counter Terrorist operations and the Security Operations that are in their self defense and that are in their interest. Ok, when you say that youre speaking to allies in the region about the escalating tensions, whats what, how have they responded to you . I think that there is a convergence between our allies and partners and taking every step possible to make sure that tensions are not escalated in the region. That has been the case since october 7 as we continue to engage with the regional partners. But just this past weekend secretary, blinking spoke to the Foreign Ministers in egypt and saudi arabia and jordan in turkey. All conveying the same message that were very interested in ensuring that tensions dont get out of hand that our commitment to defending israel is unwavering. Okay, and well continue to echo those calls while continuing to engage with is really officials, right . But as, as well here in those quotes, we will continue to engage with this really officials and stress the importance of, uh, the escalation. Uh, but they are also a sovereign country and they will make their own security decisions as it relates to operations that they conduct. These are not in operations of the United States is going to be participating. And but our commitment to their self defense and our commitment to their security is on waiver in terms of gauze enough to pertain how confident as the us of achieving any kind of a meaningful sci fi that as well, were continuing to push for 11. 00 that is coupled with the Immediate Release of all hostages, one that can be coupled within a massive influx if humanity, hearing aid, that continues to be something that we think will be very critical to the region and critical to long term peace and stability for these really people in the palestinian people, you saw the president was very clear and direct about this in his call with Prime Minister netanyahu last week as well. And yet they dont seem to be going anywhere so far. How are the sci fi tools going . Well i think its important to i would actually disagree with that premise when it comes to humanitarian aid, there has been steps that have been taken not nearly enough, but there has been welcom steps in the positive direction when it comes to the influx, mandatory and 8 into gaza, thats something that were going to continue to pursue aggressively. Weve raised it, which is really officials dating back to october 7th, and well continue to raise it simultaneously. Well also continue to engage abruptly with regional partners on the need to do everything we can to make sure that all the hostages can come home. Because we think that these 2 things can help create the conditions for a cease fire arise. That is the us tanked apartments, principal deputies, funks person, they dont patel joining us live from washington dc. Thank you for your time. Thanks for having re police and brazil suspect that a boat found drifting off the closed with a 9 bodies on board may have crossed the atlantic from africa. Its still, they may have been african migrants for molly and mar tamia. The boat has similar to vessels, often used by migraines, from west africa aiming to reach the canary islands. The treacherous route, which means that if the boats, if boats missed the spanish territory, Ocean Collins will sweep them towards south america instead. To focus on is beginning, the 2nd phase of its controversial plan to the bolt. Ask on refugees, full and half a 1000000 on documented ask guns have been expelled in the last 6 months. The pa kasanya government is extending its deportation plan to include many ask guns who hold fox dining documents. Well, many ask on say they hot broken it being forced to leave the place they call hon. Come all high. The reports from lundy cortez and pockets on on the border with have gone to san a very bad creation of millions of, of lawns is continuing or the 30 day. Most of the people that we talk to say theyre living with a heavy heart. They have considered focused on to be that home. Theyre also considered around this time to be that and 5th grade at home. But they said that the government moved to push these people out. Its something that theyve gotten acceptable because they said that even if the government go focused on warranty to send them out, it should have been get it out in a more dignified manner. Well, ill send it gives them as a and im not just on its another line. So many winters of what you saw. Well though we often nations, this is the country we call home, but we were born today. Its hot breaking, leaving nothing, but we are grateful to the people who accepted a whole lot to hold off. Why do i want it . Why did you me that this would be great . Just focused on granted us citizenship often we spend decades here. Afghans are peace, loving people. We dont want any conflicts or war as little made victims of war. And today we are in the middle of nowhere. So right now were in the 2nd phase of the bag creation. Theyre going to focus on had the nouns, that it is not just the unregistered. Ive gone by to even dogs who have registered and have proof of residency. Or do you have one citizenship . God to really have to go. That of gods is throwing the future of many of if youre getting into uncertainty. They have lived in this country for decades. That children dont know any other country, like focused on their home. It is a moving experience. And many people express their dissatisfaction in the way the government has conducted this whole exercise. They said that it should have been done in a more dignified manner. And the National Organizations have condemned focused on for sending these refugees back to a country where there is nothing but uncertainty. Although the addendum dollar bond government said they would want to welcome and the other ones that theyve done is to come back to that and says credit home. The feeling have monthly of one is uncertainty. We have been talking to some of the families who are on the move on the back of their truck. It has been a difficult journey. It dig several days sometimes to raise the border. And then of course, the long way of loans are telling us that the gotten rid of buckets on should have guided out this exercise in a more dignified manner. And most of them, of course, are leaving with a heavy heart. Come out of hi there. I just did all i learned because the fuck is gone. No one has done boredom of the board and have gone hassan. Flash lines, triggered by heavy rain, have killed at least 53 people. Dozens were injured as roots collapsed. Damaging hundreds of hollins roads, funds and livestock have also been affected once by falling in a mile on his left at least 18 people dead and one incident to call carrying 10 children and the drive. It was swept away. Violent fond of storms, heavy rain and strong winds caused flash floods. Thousands of people have been evacuated as a precaution. And divine the United Arab Emirates drivers for forced to abandon the cause on flight of drugs. Flights of being disrupted at to buy a port that is the was busiest for International Travel may define has destroyed one of the best known and landmarks and denmark. The 17th Century Stock Exchange with his famous fire was undergoing renovation in the capital. Copenhagen. Long as the boston, its next to the danish pol them into the old city. Right . So blocked as far as i just want to limit the damage. The building became the headquarters of the Danish Chamber of commerce. Off to denmark, Stock Exchange moved in the 1970s. The lead inputs lane has been less increase as it gets ready for its 5000 kind of makes it you any to funds ahead of the games in paris. Later this year, tom size has the details. Its a tradition going back to 1928. Weve seen some memorable moments over the years, as the olympic quadrant gets switched to signal the source of the and then pick games. But how did it get there in the 1st place . Its a journey that stops in southern greece, and on tuesday, the torches lit says it in books on this journey to the south coast of france and must say its an ancient greek tradition but goes back centuries. The suns rays

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