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Sacha found us free of the one the genocide knots, as israel stands accused of genocide in the International Court of justice and comp. Keith comes under attack again as washington, which is most strikes on ukraines 2nd largest. Israel says it has withdrawn most of its troops from ton eunice in southern guns, but leaving just one brigade behind it comes off to at least 4 is ready. Soldiers were killed in bottles with palestinian factions. This is the devastation left behind in hon. Eunice, over 33000 palestinians, nearly half of some children have been killed since israel osborne gauze, and began over 6 months ago. This is why the defense minister youll have gallon says the troop withdrawal was down to the passages for more offensive into garza, including and so rough uh gauze. Southern may see the plan to send Ground Troops into rough or has previously solved international condemnation. Hope youll see my thoughts are the forces are accepting and preparing for the next missions. We saw examples of these missions in the shift operation and also of that coming mission into the rough area. Well, area of the White House National Security Communications advise, it seemed to say the opposite to glance he said to move to pull troops was about resting soldiers not preparing for new offensive. Its hard to know exactly what that tells us right now. This was just an announcement that they made. Id certainly let them speak to their operations as we understand it. And through their public announcements, it is really just about rest and reset for these troops that have been on the ground for 4 months. And not necessarily that we can tell indicative of some coming new operation for these troops. Theyve been on the ground for 4 months. The, the word were getting is theyre tired. They need to be re fit. To us discuss this with mohammed must raise a political analyst and professor of media studies out the Doha Institute for graduate studies. Good to see you again mohammed. So we were all taken by surprise this morning when we had that as well. Some industries pulling out thousands of soldiers from the south in creating con eunice. And then in the last hours, so we had from you, ive got an israels defense minister saying the reason they took these troops out is because possibly it could be to invade rough. Uh, a move that President Biden has wound israel again. And again, is that red line, what do you think is going on with these rarely is what is the thinking here . Where i think there are multiple possibilities. One possibility is that the golan is being truthful and that they are going to attack it off off. Theyve been saying that theyre going to do that for many weeks now. As you all have been reporting another. Another possibility is that theres a kind of a redistribution going on in and around gaza, some analysts of and speculating that that might be the case. And another possibility is that this is just a negotiating point. Its better for israel if mos thinks that an attack on that off off is coming or is it an imminent . So all of those are possibilities, but i think its interesting to see this disagreement with United States continue to be played out publicly in general. But then also specifically on this issue. Overall, father been public disagreements going back many weeks now. And i think we have to keep our eyes on that youre talks about uh, using this possibly as a negotiation tool, we have mediators resuming sci fi tools in kyra this very evening. We know for a fact that the c i, a chief will be in attendance, how much is going to be that these ready delegation will include the head of sion, but most sides. So top level negotiate is all in cairo. What is your feeling about these talks because me and you have been here again and again discussing the beginning of these 5 tools, but nothing has come out of it, right. Ive been pretty pessimistic because the gap between what some us wants and what is real wants is so wide. And im still not ready to say that im optimistic, but i will say that i am less pessimistic as i sit here this evening. And thats because i think theres more pressure on israel right now than there has been over the past 6 months to get to get something done. Theres pressure domestically as you all have been reporting with the protests, but also theres International Pressure, right . Israel last week, as you all have reported, and everyone knows by now killed 7 international, a workers. These childrens came at the same time that media reports were coming out of israel showing how is real, is waging this war. The there was a report showing the 100. 00 to 1. 00 ratio that israel is prepared to kill a 100 palestinian civilians. If it thinks it can kill a single low level. A mouse operative. This is something that has caused some outrage in the International Community. I think thats one reason why International Pressure is picking up, but also theres pressure from the United States. Youre all been reporting on con joe biden. I think fighting on his closest advisors can see the writing on the wall, not just from the the letter from the Congressional Democrats that was signed by nancy pelosi among others. But they can see whats happening in the president ial primaries and it looks like joe biden might lose these important swing states like wisconsin and michigan. And if he does, theres a really good chance that hes going to be turning the white house back over to donald trump. In november, youre referring to the pro see that so which basically says that they dont want to continue to sell weapons to as well. How serious is that really . As a discussion point is that more political reasons upholstering, if you like ahead of the elections, which you were talking about, the pressure that the democrats on the all we really seeing a real push conversation about no longer sending weapons to israel. Well i think it can be both. I think its political posturing on the part of people like nancy pelosi, i think they want to be able to say 6 months from now a year from now, 5 years from now that they were on the right side of history as this is going to go down as a, as a genocide, almost certainly. But i also think that the democrats dont want to lose the white house to donald trump. And if 48000 wisconsin nights are going to show up to the primary, just to vote in a protest vote and tell and indicate that there are undecided or uncommitted in the election and a 100000 in michigan. Those are numbers are massive numbers as 13 percent and 8 percent of democrats respectively in those 2 states. Thats more than enough to swing the top the election. Neither nancy pelosi nor joe biden, nor any democrat wants to lose the white house in november to donald trump. Okay, good to get your thoughts mohammed. Oh sorry, lets go and list and profess of media studies at the Doha Institute for graduate studies. Now that is rarely troops have less con eunice displays. Palestinians want to try and rebuild their lives, but most will be starting from scratch and could already visited some of the areas that were destroyed by israels military. Im currently in the heart of can you and this after that is there any forces withdrew from the area after 4 months of and less violence. Is there any forces where stations here we can see in the houses, right things and you have through and left overs from that is ready authorities. The destruction is massive. Is these are, is rare in the writings and they are all over this building. And we witnessed that a couple of houses have been also having the same words in the same drawings. They literally left their writing on every house. They invaded and stormed income unit. We dont really understand what these are written. Some people use Google Translate to understand the messages is where the forces left in their houses and on their walls. And were also talking to some people. Theyre saying that they told like they told us that they do not even recognize their house and their neighborhoods from the amount of destruction. All of the streets are completely demolished. There are no streets anymore. It is converted into a part of town. Even the houses the r since tom days, they are unsuitable for living, where its obvious that there has been a lot of bottling between the is there any forces and the Palestinian Resistance . The infrastructure. The infrastructure has been also the p damage in this area. Residents of con eunice were forced to flee from noon as under good fire air strikes, larger munitions, and they evacuated to the very bela and to the floor. But the question is, are these people going back . And if theyre going back, going back where there is no where thats suitable for them to live. And some people are also seen looking under their beloved ones that were trapped under the rubble people in can you and this have been witnessing and list violations by that is really forces. They were arrested from announcer hospital. They were killed and bumped. And now after 4 months, they finally got the chance to go back and to check up on their houses. This isnt included the odyssey to new this. Thats all this comes as pressure continues to ramp up on these riley government at home in west jerusalem, thousands events and government protests is on demanding the return if its really captive held in guns in 6 months. And so we were begun and they say see, funding goes asians on not prioritizing the count as lives or the challenge was that the purchasing west jerusalem, he sent us this report with a high level is ready delegation in cairo having been given that expanded mandate by the governments to negotiate facies by deals these protest as have come down to these already capacity the parliament, to try to keep the pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu as governments to bring the captives high. Now, there are 2 protest movements going on as well as the monuments. This is the less political of the 2. It is previously critical of the governments for not doing enough to bring those captors home, but it is not actively calling for the asked the government for Benjamin Netanyahu to leave office. The other movements is much more political, much more answer documents. For the 1st time. This week, those 2 movements came together in big protests, interested them and tell of the process, many of which ended up with significant violence with clashes between professors and police, and some heavy handed policing, arresting, detentions, etc. Now many people think that Benjamin Netanyahu would not win another election. So the government process movement is trying to get him to coal. The elections. There were those who believes that he is so dislikes in this country that he cannot survive politically. The end of this world, but for the moments, Benjamin Netanyahu is resisting those calls and hes banquets for which happens west racism. One of the longest southern palestinian prisoners in israel has died in custody while a dock. I spent over 30 years and presence. It was one of 19 palestinians convicted for involvement in an armed group that killed in his writing soldier and 19 ac demonstrates has gathered in ramallah in the old pond westbank to show solidarity with money. Duncan, on the palestinian prisoners, held in his riley custody doctor was due to be released next year. As israel continues at school on gone so which the International Court of justice has said is a plausible case of genocide. Wanda is mocking 30 years since the 1994 genocide that president polk ago may use the occasion to point out the size of the International Community. Stephanie deca as more from the capital conducting the National Anthem on what the rwandan president cooled a very heavy day. Its 30 years since we werent as genocide, an estimated 800000 people slaughtered over the course of 100 days 99 to for genocide. I guess it was a genocide to folks and that way it hasnt been killed. The wife wife didnt put a time on children the world watched in shock, but did nothing. It was an International Real quick minutes which faded or whether from content so called to sip ports to among those here are frequent heads of state to the former french presence between us acquisition and the former us president. Bill clinton, wizard was president and 1994. The americans too did nothing. We all state governments, books person why they think they were left alone because some lives dont matter. This is what the president , seeing today in the examples where she gave the lessons that we have learned is that theres different standards for different kinds of people. And this is what we run to a very pragmatic about our situation. These really present isaac heads up here to israel, currently facing genocide charges sports. Were on garza, at the International Court of justice. The president store to the commemoration in the morning with the lighting of a flame of remembrance and so small in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of lives. It honors it has been a long and painful process to reconcile, to forgive and to trust. And were told its a constantly evolving process. There were 2 messages here, one of the resilience up there, wanting people, and also the responsibility they fair to keep reconciling. And to make sure that a genocide never happens again, the other one was of the failure of the International Community that despite the calls of never again event since 1994 show that that seems to fall on deaf ears. Stephanie decker, ill just say were all together. So ahead on al jazeera, im wayne hay in oakland where we take a look at the supermarket. You wont police, but here and in australia and how the prices are affecting customers in these difficult Economic Times the, the color we are looking at some color west. So when the weather moving it across the western parts of europe. Now actually this band of cloud, harold associated with this cold front turns into a wall in front of waving feature. So we say totally packed types of balls up to what was the northwest time of what we do with a roughly in here. The wrist is fine, dry, warm, and sunny. Were going to take the temperatures up into the let me to high twentys here in the coming days, but total weather coming into western past in a form of cloud and rain. Plenty of wind, as i say, noticed when these it has been, i really owe the a pos of the weekend, but still pretty, im settled nevertheless, here when it comes in across the low countries while identical, its a good part, the front end to spite and that will continue to drive its way further. East was down towards the south east. Weve got a few shots in the east and that just a freight thing. Central posit, perky, i more of the same as you go one through choose a thats a ton of fine weather. Nothing a little further east was what, when the weather continues to drive this way and to west and pass and temperatures and struggling to get into double figures for edinburgh at all side. For london, 12 celsius, the 2 full powers, fine and try for good pots of spine and poach can just be got into the pots of next week, and try to across northern pasta for africa. Its a little windy, lifted dustins hand here with a challenge, a shout out to you over here. The foster a 10 year journey, in which it has become the most important translation award from. Im into the outer a big language world wide. Shea come out of old for translation and International Understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st. To may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. News. The washing out is there a mind . I told the story is this, our, israels ministry has withdrawn most of its troops from the on eunice in gauze that defense minister you, ive got and says the plot is to, for past future emissions, including an assault on rock that thousands of protest is gathered in west jerusalem, demanding the return of captives held in concept asap is where the government has not done enough to secure their religious ceremonies have been held in rwanda to mock searching years since the start of the 1994 genocide, your 2 forces killed over 800000 trip seams and mother who changed over the course of the south africa as high line to the one the genocide during its case against israel and the International Court of justice. It says the International Community failed to prevent the trustees in 1994 and wants history should not be repeated. Victoria gave some be reports on a warning that some of the images all disturbing of the genocide in rwanda unfolded in full view of the world. Belgium peacekeepers with torches, murders on the 1st day of the killings and appeal for reinforcements was denied. And does the number of those killed increased the United Nations Security Council condemned domestic has but refused on the insistence of the u. S. And the u. K. To use the term genocide, us president bill clinton admitted require it when he visited through when the in 1998. We did not act quickly enough after the killing began. We should not have allowed the refugee camps to become safe havens for the killers. We did not immediately call these crimes by their rightful name genocide. A report published by one to in 2021, found friends pool a significant responsibility for not stopping the mask because despite prior knowledge they were being planned, some estimates put the number of debt as around 800000 friends was accused of covering up its role and even protecting some perpetrators, a french inquiry, blame the government for not for seeing the slaughter, and said it more serious and overwhelming responsibility bought to absolve the french government of direct complicity. What did you ask . You dont do the monkey the killers who stole the swamps, the hills, the touches did not have the face of france. France was not an accomplice. Budget. The companys south africa has filed the case against israel at the International Court of justice. Accusing as of carrying out genocide in gaza and says, history should not be repeated. The one thats been out as a stem. And theyve got a group to all of us for having food for, for the international coming, giving food to prevent it from hip. And that does not have it live with the same but a grid when it comes to published by the International Criminal tribunal for when the based intends in the convicted 61 people for that role in the killings. Hundreds of thousands more. Her face trial and community quotes, and were one to so 2 years on many see the failings that led to that genocide as a time the less. And im one that never seem to more relevant. Victoria gates and b l g 0. Richard moncrief is the project director with the international cross. The square piece spoke to my colleague mccrae, the literally i telling him the International Community has failed and its easy to prevent genocide in the past. Preventing the trustees in large areas in very complex complex situations is very difficult to do. And ultimately the best way to prevent atrocity violence really is to work to prevent civil and of course, working to prevent civil war means in a very good active conflict prevention diplomacy. And that is in very short supply. Not just the great right scripts around the world. Yeah, i guess on that point, as we saw before, we spoke to you in a, in the package there. And they bring to the see, especially in the eastern region. This obviously, you incredibly unstable at this point in time. What, how do you think that that is going to play out . And obviously we will, you think you got me, well continue to, to, back in 23 is as has been alleged you know, the around the others uh, the gardens and others as well have had that proxy on groups, the owners and the dmc, but they image support to ever since the 1990. This has been a permanent feature of nice and hes been biase despite the full electric of the war in 2003 full despite success theyve done across it could be elected governments in the cold. Ive been of the groups roaming around north key move probates. Its already proven. So people probably, its many years very little, but many of whom are backed by neighboring countries. Rwanda, but also as i say, other countries and thats been true, right. Talk to now at the moment um, there are landed security back in the 23, which is wreaking havoc across no keyboard problems. Never went to says more or less. Basically a private reminder says its reason for viking the im 23 is to counter vs. The law group, which is a group led by people who were guilty of the genocide to h as in the backseat or committed to genocide in 1994 so that we see the links and the history is present today. Many probably suspect the one that has all the motivations, but nevertheless this history of all the roles through the decades. Unfortunately, while the population of the people permits in the come guys, i suffer the consequences. The Union President below demand savanski says hes country will lose the war against russia. If it doesnt get more ministry aid from washington. Multi 1000000000. 00 aid package has been tied up in the us congress for months. If sho, get asked the was, if the congress does not help ukraine, ukraine will lose the war. If you green loses the war, other state will be attacked. And this is a fact. All right, you will see in the coming weeks that russia will be more and more persistent and will involve Nuclear Weapons in this question. And we only from the Nuclear Weapons, they can put pressure on the other. And the 2 countries, including the United States on society, so the society is afraid and then they will react to their leaders and i. So then schools, comments came as washing forces launched a new wave as a tax on the crane and city of car keys. Its all stuff it has weird and impact site just outside central car cave. So you can see Emergency Services here sifting through the rubble. Ill show you the impact site here. Was unsure as to exactly what the projectile was, but there are 2 very large explosions about half an hour ago as we were filming at another site where a drone had faded to set to destroy policies in that area. 1000 yourself of yourself. It was truly terrifying. There were 2 explosions. The 1st blew all the windows out and it was thrown to the floor by the shockwave. I was slightly can cost. I think now its time to leave the city. Police attacks by russia are increasing in frequency and intensity in the time. And of course, as you can imagine, they have an, a massive impact on electricity surprises. Well, many of these strikes would be targeting electricity infrastructures, believe around 400000. 00 households in the car. Keep region, all without electricity and a re arrow. So there is another alarm which more often than not, is quickly accompanied by a large velocity before i got another explosion. Either another impact or another intersection. There a growing phase here in khaki, if ukraines 2nd largest city. This could well be a pretty to some sort of launch of full scale operation by Russian Forces that we know a situation just be on the border around 30 kilometers from here. Just drop it off to 0 concave. So moving amongst the people of the dock in indian admitted some cash to me. I have been on Hunger Strike in protest against the government, the decision to run the territory from new delhi, on sunday resident station to protest. They say that decision marginalizes local tribes, same as one of the has since india revoked, cushion me or send me a ton of his status and divided the himalayan region. 5 years ago. Standing against change has been an uphill struggle. On sunday protesters and the territory of la gathered once again in the Worlds Largest democracy, they say its democratic process is under attack. They just store these weiss, well lets keep people in titles, appraised the white individually supposedly and, and do more good. It truly induce a democracy, but on the, on the ground, what thinks that happening . We are witnessing that you do store 3 on democracy. A march to the chinese border was called to offer me to hide and secured, restricting, peaceful protest. Organizers say could lead to violence. Today if you see it on the new, you can see lot of deployment off of that enclave district. We can see lot of deployment of police and better military forces. And in my life time, ive seen this 1st time and never seen such a deployment of force. Its all it they have created a war was only like situation over here. The governments decision to run the territory directly from new delhi has left to a dock with little say in developing projects and new laws that will directly impact their land and lives and with new daily clearing the past to allow outside years to invest and settle in previously autonomous areas, local people worry about the fragile mountain ecosystem and the demographic shift the risks, their identities and income, the blood ducks leaders say people in the region still more under represented than ever. May. Hi is lee. I whole ledesmas facing a very deep crisis. They use our jobless, our identity is under threat with no protection. Wildlife is endangered. And women are grappling with and facial research, the government to implement laws that were safe guard tribal rights. Under the constitution of india, we demand that association of democracy in the engine. The government has been curtailing Internet Services in low dock, arresting Young Leaders and cracking down on demonstrations residents where the situation could descend into a violent, similar to the decades long conflict. Elsewhere in kashmir, months of talks between new deleon leaders from the dock have ended in deadlock. Demonstrate to say they are willing to do whatever it takes even fast to death unless the demands for protection against outside influence are back. Saying this robbie old is 0 supermarkets in several countries are coming on, discursive need of a price gouging in australia and government inquire into the grocery sector has been loans. And using and shop is paying some of the highest prices in the world. Wayne, hey, reports for merchant easy land is in the recession, money is tight for many and more than any with thats being felt in the super

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