Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20230322

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plan to bring about an end to the war in ukraine. ah, 11 o'clock, this is out there, alive from doha. also coming up, israel's parliament voted to allow settlers to return to 4 illegal outposts in the occupied westbank. nearly 2 decades after they were abandon. the donations warns almost 2000000000 people, lack of safe drinking water nations mark won't or today. plus toasting, the local vintage will tell you why ukraine's wind industries thriving in the shadow of conflict. ah, so the leaders of russia and china say responsible dialogue is the way out of the war in ukraine. she ging pang and vladimir putin signed a joint statement of the talks in moscow, but cave, in the west say any peace agreement must include a russian withdrawal from ukraine's territory hush marlborough as this. oh. 2 they say it's an alliance without limits, china and russia on expanding trade and diplomatic corporation. the 2 countries insist that relations are far from being a military and political alliance. but she jumping and la demur, put in, share a growing concern of what they perceived to be an american dominance across the globe, pronounced on june. we shall always respect and abide by the un charter. we will always promote peace and also promote negotiation and discussion. our stance is always based on fairness and justice. we will always be on the side of peace and we are always on the side of dialogue. we are always on the side of stark venus and justice, literally with booty. but ending war in ukraine would, may not be an easy task. china is yet to elaborate on it's 12 point piece plan merge. tim bay gene has called on russia and ukraine to address their security concerns without mentioning russian troops. withdrawl, it's a key demand for keith. ah, the u. s. has dismissed that piece plan as a stalling tactic. in the mean time, western nations are stepping up military assistance to ukraine. the miss dee taylor globally ministered for a per day. we learned that the minister of defense of the u. k, declared he would supply tank to the ukraine, and also you rainy him in rich weapons to ukraine. i think that the west will now fight russia to the last ukranian chief facing growing international isolation. redeemer put in is turning to president. g. jumping and allies largely shaved, following russian invasion of ukraine last year. after the e, you imposed a ban on russian energy import. china stepped in, buying large quantities of tea russian oil provide in cash strapped moscow with much needed revenue. the u. s. considers china the biggest threat to its national security and fears. bay gee, could be exploiting, rush as in battle, standing to expand its geo political influence. hush about bella al jazeera or jealous, eula. chaper alova has more now from moscow. the visit all the chinese present to russia cause the keys re evergreen tries, according to analysts. is largely tito basing itself nomination for the role of pacemaker in ukraine. expectations arose that the key or resolving the company could be found during shooting paint talks with russian presents lead team period followed by possible tools with ukranian leads to landscape. if trying to make a little progress on the issue of a peaceful settlement done, this will be a great victory for all, for ukraine, russia and chinese diplomacy in the hands. the russians in the sun. how influential the chinese economy is and how it's affecting that everyday line. and the influence continues to grow. so many talents will go into play out in the future. according to present, pay in the countries should multiply, the bullying will trade as so many are going to happen after the visits. will china help russia if a function were russian bonds, they allowed in the chinese payment system? so as the visit continues, it's believed at least some of those questions will be answered us national security council spokesman john b says the way for the war to end is for russian troops to believe ukraine on ukraine. i would note that the 2 sides just said, called the purposes and principles of the un charter must be observed. an international law must be respected. well, we agree following the un charter would mean that russia should withdraw from all the territory inside ukraine. the territory of another member state of the u. n. a member that it has invaded or japan's prime minister to make a sheeter has made an unannounced visit to ukraine. it is the 1st time since the 2nd world war that a japanese prime minister has visited a country during a conflict cache that met president vladimir lensky and cave. and assured him of japan's continued support. earlier he visited the town of butcher, where more than 400 civilians were said to have been killed by russian forces last year. at the russia jojo greater celia were, the russian invasion of ukraine is an aggression that shakes the foundation of international order, which i strongly feel after i visited keith and butcher to day where i saw the tragedy of the russian invasion with my own eyes. israel's parliament has repealed the 2005 law banning settlers from living in parts of the occupied west bank. oh yes, said paves the wave of settlers to return to 4 illegal outpost near the city of nablus, who were abandoned under the law introduced during israel's withdrawal from garza and a prime minister ariel sharon. the vote drew swift condemnation from the palestinians . mesa montana. thomas lady had to meet him in holiday her, i think when they returned to the so called homage settlement and other settlements . this will show us that this government is going head with its plan to take an annex, the lance and continue its open battle against the palestinian people. were talking now about $88.00 martyrs since the beginning of the year. more than one marts were day. therefore, i think the responsibility for the international community is bigger to provide protection for the palestinian people. uh huh. the usa department says it's extremely troubled by israel's latest move. we have been clear that advancing settlements is an obstacle to peace and an obstacle to achieving his duty solution . and that certainly what this legislation would do would be create new settlement or buildings and legalize out post all of this would further insight tensions and put a negotiated to think solution. further away we're getting levy is an author and columnist for the israeli daily paper hurts and he says it change the law shows how the government is willing to go back on past commitments is really retreating from international commitment is or is dying. the seizure of its own supreme court to return the land of those settlements to its private, but as an owners, any also denies law, the law of these against mans which was accepted into some 5 when when is pulled out from gaza. in other words, you can address any word of israel because if a commitment can be turned down like this, with a new government, then they, you know, partners, possible bothers of them says, what, what does it mean to have a word? the 2nd word is, is what is already turning everything back. but by the end of the day, it is a better which was decided already. i mean, one more settlement or one less settlement will not change much. the 2 state solution is there a long time ago, so practically doesn't have much meaning, but symbolically, it has a lot of meaning. now there is an imminent risk of a global water crisis that's according to the un, which is hasty. its 1st dedicated conference on water and sanitation in 45 years in new york, un says more than 2000000000 people globally experience water shortages, for at least a month a year. and 26 percent of the world's population do not have safe drinking water. and almost half lack access to adequate sanitation the when warns that water shortages will get worse in the coming decades, especially in cities, if international cooperation is not boosted. well, even countries with vast water resources such as columbia suffer shortages and then the last 2 decades access has been declining. g to climate change in population growth. algebra heard from one woman living in a poor neighbourhood in buckets are where supplies are scarce. is her story in her own words mean on, but i do. i know i lindsey my name is joanna valencia. i'm 28 years old. i live in the d. v. no new neighborhood in the fact of the quarter. they miss that, i think was what i read of my 3 kids 4 years ago, displeased by the violence in the chuckle region. when you know what i said long since the 1st day we never had access to water for our household course. personal hygiene, cleanings, it's very complicated. i kind of thought parts of the neighborhood receive water leak at night at times every 3 or 4 days. i depend on the good heart of neighbors that share some of the water with me. well, the own, okay. and the weather that i don't really, i am working as a security guard. there are days that i don't bring any food at work because i have no water to cook it and i work tomorrow, but my uniform is dirty because i haven't been able to wash it out with it. i hope same with my kids, school uniform, their shoes. i have loads of dirty dishes because i haven't been able to wash them either. them again i have, i hope to be able to buy a big tank or find an organization that could help us get on the menu of the money for a given that this country. so rich in water. it's kind of the logic that we're living in a neighborhood where extra to watch it. you have the main issue, or maybe when i can, well, what i, what i think we have a right to watch or because water is life wild lead is meeting new york and they're trying to come up with a cohesive plan to address the issue out of the matter, get it to j base has more this is the 1st conference of its type for more than 40 years. some presidents, prime ministers, as well as many ministers from all around the world have gathered here in new york . they know the problem is very serious. the estimates suggest that water demand in urban areas around the world is likely to increase by 80 percent. by the year 2050 . i been speaking to the foreign minister of bangladesh about the challenges his country faces regarding water. this is really important for band with this because really what i am country, we were 857 drivers criss crossing the country. in addition, we in the peep of the bell, been lol, and the in demotion into specifically what is a life everyday life. and therefore, at al blade to the had been locked with abuse of water and water is so the ocean said, great resolver for it on the card when emissions the global warming and nowadays since will abuse in water. and i, the chemical plastic as it is all the global warming is, these absorber is not absorbing as much of this. and we want to say this plan attacked. and one way to save this planet, besides and esther, i mean egless he been disease also to upkeep the waters. and therefore this conference is really very important to run by this. in addition, we also have many diverse which comes from other countries, $57.00, the rest comes from other countries and we have to develop it, program policy. so that all the people of that are in the line and cashman should be benefit. so what needs to come out of this conference to make it a 6? i think we need to look forward to universal code of conduct in utilizing that. what are the sources maintaining the water and also we must protect and preserve the water, the cross a nation's. it's almost the good news that so many countries are talking about water and talking about cooperating on its use privately though diplomats will tell you that all the commitments that come out this week's conference will be voluntary and there will be no final binding agreement. james bay's al jazeera at the united nations. i still had here an out 0 sri lanka, welcoming a 3000000000 dollar bailout from the i, m f 2 restaurant economy. and how the world's most famous that my mouth is inspiring, a new generation performers. 100 years after he ah hello, we had some lovely warm spring sunshine across eastern parts of the u. s. at the moment, marty, clear skies nice area of high pressure keeping it settled. actually has got to start to stare. these weather systems of the pushing in into the plays pushing up towards a far northeast and steer them around that area of high pressure. and yeah, there's another one now in the process of making its way towards california. so we've had recent spells of heavy rain and some snow over the mountains over the sierra nevada. going to see more of that as we go on through wet and stay as we go into a thursday that'll just push this way. a little further east was not quite as heavy on the rain in the sky for california. they stayed wet weather more disturbed weather and some snow up towards the pacific northwest in the western parts of canada lie the shower. so just around the central place is pushing up anywhere from around east and texas. our castle right up to was a higher through pennsylvania into new england as slipping, further east, which remember, we have got that area of high pressure temperature fall back in d. c from route 24 to ran 18 celsius. still warm enough. as we go on into friday. big down. pause right across the place with possibility of your tornado. as for the car, been not bad at all. just wanted to shout pennies, sunshine, awe. inspiring stories from around the world. ah. ready human life capture and his foster groundbreaking films from award with what is going on in new york city. on a jesse lou . ah, watching out is there a reminder, broadsoft stories, this app and the president of russia and china calling for responsible dialogue to end the war ukraine. choosing pagan vladimir putin held talks in moscow. peyton said chinese proposals could be used as the basis of a peace settlement japan's prime minister female cuz she has made an unannounced visit to ukraine in the joint press conference with president zalinski shita condemned russia's invasion as an aggression that shapes the foundation of the international israel's policy, which is repealed the 2005 from the war banning settlers from living in parts of the ultra pike west bank. this haves away for settlers to return to for illegal outpost near the city stalked. some wool streets have climbed off to the rescue. of credit suisse. com, that nerves about a bigger banking crisis. us treasury secretary, janet yellen says the local financial sector is stabilizing after it was put to the test by the collapse of the 2 banks this month. but it's gabriel and his under reports from new york, the world's largest economy is still facing some strong headwinds. the u. s. economy is certainly giving off a lot of mixed signals. right now. on one hand, there's a banking crisis that has the markets teetering, but there's also some positive signs as well. i spoke to maxwell, an economist here in new york city to try to make sense of it all. most americans are nervous, some are really suffering and no one really knows exactly what's going on. inflation was a big deal last year where it reached over 9 percent in june, in response to federal reserve raised interest rates. and it did the job bringing inflation down to about 6 percent where it is today. but that's still high because most economists say that target is around one to 2 percent. inflation will be less of a problem going forward, but we have a lot of instability risk around the global supply chain and around the conflict in russia and ukraine. higher interest rates might have health, low inflation, but it's also had a negative effect on the housing market. that's because interest rates during the pandemic, we're down to historic lows of about 2 percent. today, they're up to about 7 percent. what i think the housing markets best days for a while are probably in the rear view mirror, not the windshield and americans are working. the us added over 5 100000 jobs just in january and over 300000. in february, the unemployment rate of 3.4 percent was the lowest since 1969. and i'm, since americans are working there also spending money at a record pace as well. so what are we to make of all these conflicting signs of his economy? every time we see a piece of data, we have to try to figure out if this is the new normal usual, or abnormal. that's usually how we look at things, nick and alex is this the beginning of something new? the end of something all or something we haven't seen before. the confounding u. s. economy certainly giving off mixed signals everywhere. now, floods of worsening the plight of thousands of displaced people in north west syria, opposition group, se, heavy rains have damaged houses and roads. people have taken refuge in towns and schools. many were left homeless by earthquakes. last month, we are getting report, said israel as carried out an air strike inside syria. state media say that explosions were heard in and around the city of aleppo. the serious defense ministry says the international airport was hit, causing some damage that had been no reports of casualties at magnitude 6.5 earthquake and struck northern afghanistan and parts of pakistan, killing 11 people. the epi center was in the hindu cushman range near the remote northern afghan province of production. the in the pakistani city of the whole, people rushed outside following the quake and in the afghan capital of travel. many spent the night of doors, sri lanka will receive an almost $3000000000.00 bail out from the international monetary fund over the next 4 years or part of efforts to try and rescue its battered economy. president to renelle wick, roman singer said to his country was no longer a bankrupt nation. no fernandez, report now from columbia. the government celebrate securing a $3000000000.00 loan for leads national minucci fund that most she luncheons are battling to make ends meet foreign currency, reserve, fiscal management, dead sustainability mean little to many people struggling to put food on the table then they said are getting unlike before it is very difficult and we find it difficult to go on. these are so difficult now. a realistic thought the cost of food is nearly got up. i don't know what's going to happen in the future. we suddenly, i given him money, we invest, we can't get a proper return. it was different before but making a profit is very difficult. a series of bombings in 2019 and the pandemic, coupled with economic mismanagement corruption and unsustainable debt of busher lanka into its worst economic crisis since independence. in 1948. after months of negotiation, the government finally secured a 4 year loan from the international monetary fund across trash, rookie main available sooner in the next 2 days or so. and are going forward. and disbursements will be tied to reviews that take place every 6 months. the loan comes at a price with the government, forced to impose a major austerity drive to secure it. this includes taxing more people and introducing higher tax rates. the price of electricity and water have risen and fuel costs almost 3 times as much as it did. 2 years ago, president ronald vicar missing our address, the nation on tuesday. a cleaning approving to learn a certified that's relaunch. it has the ability to restructure its dance and will no longer be considered a bankrupt country by what we can resume normal transactions and remove import restriction. as our foreign currency situation improves, cracking down on corruption and improving fiscal management is a major part of the program and central to the reform. the i m f has insisted on important importance to improve the fiscal institutions in particular public financial management, which is to improve how the public mileage is end either from a to revenues or financing from o lenders like us. but some that question, how effective the program will be, i am, if programs are often designed to treat the symptoms of the problem and not the cause and more than ever, i think it is clear to the i m f and everyone else that 3 long cause fundamental problem is in governance and in corruption on this program as it's been published, fails to engage back causal issues in the country. the i am, if bailout will provide much needed funds to allow, shall lanka, to buy essential goods and help struggling businesses. but analysts see much still needs to be done to allow she longer to begin to recover minute fernandez or 0, colombo to uganda, where the pond winters back to sweeping anti gay legislation, which would impose tough new penalties for same sex relationships. offenders could phrase prison terms of up to 10 years and heavy fines. human rights watch accused and piece of targeting l g b t, people for political capital. supporters say it will protect so called family values that will have to be signed by the president not to become law who i'm going to of the fans of the renowned my martyrs. marcel marceau have marked a 100 years since his birth in france was. so was inspired by the silent doctor, charlie chaplin, it performed around the world. sometimes more than $300.00 shows, a year. natasha butler reports now from pers. michael jackson was one of marcel marceau, his most famous fans, the french. my martin inspired the pop stars trademark moon walk, dance. ma, so was influenced by charlie chaplin. he crated a carrot to co bip, who could make people laugh or cry with gestures. the told stories often better than words, a talent that appeal to people of all generations. but it is very important to see that my public has, has failed if these of career. and if you are the youngest generation. hm. for ever selfie them their parents or even grandparents when they came to see the show. finery worked, his muscles assistant in his later years. she says he lit up the stage. she wants to create a museum in france, dedicated to his memory, and to mine le fox should ha magic coke. there was a dramatic and comic for as in one man. welcome him at the new york times. when said that marcell marceau is to theater, where charles chaplin was to cinema lema muscle was born into a jewish family in eastern france in 1923. during world war 2, his father was killed in a german concentration camp muscle, joined the french resistance a painful past that help shape his work and career which continues to inspire for these students learning. the art of mine helps to enrich their training as performers even. but yaki studied under marsal and now teaches students in paris. he says, mine is under appreciated. so to now it's an undervalued arc, because although it's present is often hidden, but marcel marceau had the talent to be known around the world. now, so died in 2007 aged $84.00 after a decades long career in which he revived public interest in an art the content silence into poetry. as after butler al jazeera paris, the fighting in ukraine has made many locals, turned to homegrown products. and as a result, the country's wine industry is enjoying an unexpected boost. the stephanie decker found out it still too cold for these vines to fill with grapes, but their owner can afford to be patient. this organic wine producer on the outskirts of keith produces 23 different types of wine. with a little dynamical performance, though, in 2016, i planted a plot here and started experimenting, making mistakes, mistakes, and more mistakes. and then in 2019, i got a license that has started producing craft wine at home at optimal. the standard of craft winds are a relatively new thing in ukraine. wine isn't historically part of its drinking culture, but that's changing with the skin convent. acknowledge it. it's an interesting line . and surprisingly, the war here in the long term seems to have given the industry a boost when the war follow on the holiday. there was no fuel and no workers early on in the war as many fled or joined the fight. then later in the year, well it says increased for us because we were able to reach more restaurant throughout central and western ukraine. or there's not a lot of people move there because of the war and started to pay more attention to ukrainian wines and restaurants, ordering more as a result of sales in our by 20 percent since before the war. so you may not think of ukraine as a wine making country, but it's an industry that's been growing over the years, both in production and consumption, and what the war has done is turn more and more ukrainians to home grown products. and that includes wine. alexander describes the wine to this group of friends and they're eager to learn more. this bar only sells ukrainian produce. alexander tells us in more than 10 years as a so may year. this last year of war has been the 1st in which he's focused more on ukranian wines. i think her ukranian people are stark to drink. ah, more ukrainian wines you're in there last year. ah, because of better diesel 1st the fall and 3rd, 2nd wong. i think of the quality or for ukrainian wines in your, in the last few years ah, increased a lot. that seems to be the consensus here. that was my friends this because i had the sure wines of ukraine in production are the future. from my point of view, we can compete with other countries because our wines are really tasty and beautiful. have a wonderful blend. and i hope there will be a new trend in ukraine.

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