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hello lie, money, insights is out there lie from dove, also coming up. iran agrees to restore monitoring and verification capability that it's nuclear facilities. following talks with the un nuclear watchdog in 10th street fighting in the besieged, ukrainian city box moods as rushes. wagner mastery groups as a devastated city is surrounded. we will live joe, by the wider than former us president donald trump lays out his 2024 agenda and his speech at the c pack. ah, china has set a 5 percent target for economic growth this year as comes as the country's leaders begin the annual parliamentary session in beijing. president, gigi ping is among more than 2000 delegates, gathered out the great all of the people. major reforms and government appointments are expected out the event as well as the final formalization of present, jeez, bud term as go to katrina hughes, following all the developments from beijing. so katrina, some important issues on the agenda, especially related to the economy. let's try it. so the economy for china is front and center this year's n t c. we saw a rather modest horse target. 5.5 percent announced the 2023. and what this tells us is that we're not going to see any aggressive for growth policies from aging. instead, they're going to focus on stabilizing the slowing economy. now this target of 5 percent is less than the last year, which is 5.5 percent and 20 significantly fails to hit that achieving on the efficiently 3 percent for us in 2022 and leak a chunk. so that was because of challenges around the pandemic and increasingly choppy international environment. now, overall, the assessments of trying to 2nd on the performance in 2022 was rather server. he spoke about his consumer spending. you said that investment suffered, he'll said that there was a rise in unemployment. so what we are going to be going forward to address these problems of policies such as an increase in urban jobs. they said $12000000.00 jobs is going to be places to be crated. in the next few months, policy to boost confidence, boost investment as well as renewed efforts focus on innovation and technological self reliance. and that's related to the challenges ahead that lead to john flag in the global economy. specifically increasing inflation decrease trade. and what he said was escalated, attempt to suppress china, which was a reference to increasing sanctioned by the u. s. on chinese. cuz you know, we've just had an announcement about the expansion of china's defense budget will be expecting that we were expecting this defense budget to grow, but we weren't expecting it to pace the g d p target. so china has announced that it was lease it's defense spending by 7.2 percent, which translates to $224000000000.00. now, china does not release a breakdown of how that money is going to be spent, but we do know, but that figure that really signals to us that china is concerned about the do political security situation around the country. leakage hung also said in his working report speech that the p a late this year is focusing on boosting military preparedness. so one of the issues that china is responding to is increasing tensions around the island of taiwan. now that to sell food island, i lied with united states. they didn't claims it as its own. and although beijing said today that they will continue to work towards peaceful will unification, shipping has not ruled out the use of wars. another reason that china is building up its military is because it's boosting its activities around the south china sea . and that is disputed territory claimed by begging. and despite a dispute, the claims by its neighbors bating is increasing its activities in that region. thank you for that. katrina you froze, following developments from beijing. now the head of the united nations nuclear watchdog has announced war inspections at ron's ford or nuclear plant, as well as the installation of new monitoring equipment at the facility. rafael gross, he held talks with president abraham receipt into ron nick tussock as well. in an i . e a quarterly report late last week. the nuclear watchdog said his inspectors had found particles, the uranium in iran and rich to near weapons grade. returning from a visit to terran, the organization's chief said that did not mean iran was actually producing such material. there has not been production or accumulation of uranium at that level, which is of a high level of course sixty's already very high. but as i said, we have an we ways and means to inspect it. weapons grade, uranium is enriched and 90 percent. iran said the finding of 83.7 percent at one of its sites was an unintended fluctuation. that hemoglobin in their report, they mentioned particles of 84 percent. there is not enrichment activity. at that level. there was no enriched uranium above 60 percent. this ambiguity has been somehow resolved. it all comes at a sensitive time with attempts to restore the joint comprehensive plan of action. the nuclear deal signed with terror on in 2015. then president trump withdrew unilaterally from the j. c, p. o, a in 2018, and imposed multiple sanctions on iran. the aga goes, alicia, we want to continue our relations with the i a e, a for the agency to be able to perform its duties regarding yvonne's nuclear program within the framework of the comprehensive safeguards agreement, we stretch the need to avoid issues that would hit adolescence with the i a e, a rainy and president abraham racy echoed those sentiments in his meeting with the i. e a head but warned a ron's rights have to be respected. last week the c i a director william burns express concern about iran's nuclear program. we don't see evidence of there made a decision to resume go weapon ization program. but the other dimensions of this challenge i think, are growing at a worrisome place to darren has always maintained its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. nick talks big out a 0 will staying in her on protests, have been held in the capital to her on off to a new wave of suspected gas poisonings, but hundreds more school girls and hospital president abraham res. he has blamed the mysterious incidents on iran's enemies dosage, baris mo, from tehran ah, anger, frustration, and fear. this is the scene at a local hospital in puck dashed in the southern part of the capitol. on saturday. 3 girls schools were attacked on the same day using what suspect that to have been poisonous gas. at least 250 students were taken to hospital in the city of cove art near the southern city of shiraz, paramedics tell these girls. don't be afraid. just breathe life with semi official news agencies reported attacks in at least 15 provinces all on saturday. human rights groups in the country say at least 40 schools came under attack. parents are demanding answers from authorities, and some came to an education ministry office in the capital. the president has task the interior ministry with investigating the attacks. they have been happening repeatedly since november, affecting more than 1500 girls. abraham bracy blamed what he called foreign elements. i got it all the time. all about of yes, my daughter. when regarding what's happening in schools, this is an attempt to create fear and disappointment among our children and people . the enemies trying to create insecurity. these attacks have increased rapidly across the country during the past week. no arrests have been made yet. it is now clear pearl's education is under attack in a country with one of the highest literacy rates among women in the middle east. these incidents may not change that fact. they have succeeded in creating panic. and here among many parents and school girls in iran, doors such a bar alpha 0 there on the iranian officials in bad moods, save as intense street fighting in the besieged eastern city. russia have not taken control off the rushes. wagner mystery group said it has surrounded the city. the remaining $3000.00 civilians that are living in shelters without access to gas electricity water. the city's population was once more than 73000 high force. it has the ukraine is still fighting for about moods, but that fight is looking at a more desperate command as here say russia is now sending its most prepared troops to the front, having sacrificed conscripts for months, and then increasing the capabilities of their own frontline defenses. as become, quote, problematic, the head of russia's wagner mercenary group has warned them to get out while they still have one road left to use, the remote give or the king sure they are trying to beg the ukranian army to leave bach moot. so he would stop defending the city. they hope to get the city without big losses. but they've lost so many people. the catastrophe for the wagner group and the russian army is inevitable. wagner founder says he's with his troops near back moves, and he had his own grim message, but his ukrainian opponents probably shot no part of the job. but we are sending another shipment of ukrainian army fighters home and they thought bravely and perished. that's why this late this truck will take them back to the motherland. regression is publicly criticized, rushes, defense minister. so gay should go for the many failures of the military campaigns so far. perhaps no coincidence then, with the capture of back moot, seemingly in sight. he too should be in easton ukraine in western live if ukraine's president was meeting the president of the european parliament. rebecca met sola called for speedy talks on ukraine's membership investigations into accountability for alleged russian war crimes and further military support. ukraine needs the weapons to defend themselves, but we have already given 2100000000 euros. who know you will be specific to your crime, but it is clear that all is needed. if we wanted to have a safe euro, if we need to have a savior, grain has no safety to be found in moods. a town of more than 70000 people has been reduced to this about 3000 there estimated to remain among them. kanadi and natalia scavenging for what they can to survive. the be just one of the problems with food natalia says humanitarian aid is given to us only once a month. there's no electricity, no water, no gas. we burn woods says can id, the beast it's warmer. if russia does soon prevail in by moods after 6 months of attrition, there's little less to claim as a prize. natalia says she can only pray that whoever does remain here will survive . hurry will sit al jazeera russian artists and performers say they are victims of a culture campaign. in the west, since russia invaded ukraine, several prominent artists have been shunned, and the performances counselled from a binge of a report from moscow's bowl choice. jetta. 018. 77. by a dark ballet has continued to perform but it takes hard work and years of training to be able to pull off the performance, which continues to come out. the most goes historic poetry theater. there's no time to think of the conflict which has dominated the airwaves. but internationally, russian art and artists are increasingly being shunned. ukraine has removed russian tort and writer vander pushkin, and others from most public spaces. even scientists and writers like luminous of are no longer allowed to be visible. ukraine wants its allies in the west to boycott russian culture. it's about moscow, calls it a manifestation of discrimination against russian artists and limiting cultural interaction. in recent weeks, the foreign ministry has summoned the italian and dutch messages for shunning russian performers upsetting the russian artists. but they remain undeterred. fortune is that you might have to deal with counseling russian culture and i feel sorry, pity for these people. come with them. i can't even understand who could think of counseling chikavsky, and i think these are shallow, narrow minded politicians who make decisions like that from tolstoy that you called ski art and culture has a special place in russian society. many countries have cancelled or restricted russian performances since the invasion of ukraine. but for those who dedicated their lives to performing arts, they say it's unfair for them to be dragged into politics. russians also concerned about cultural appropriation. artist rp plenary is now labeled as a ukranian at new york's metropolitan museum of art cleans you died in 1910 in the russian empire, while ukraine as a state only existed from 1918 critics, a russian painter. even i was off ski who died in 1900100, has recently been made ukrainian a star conductor. villette, he got to give and prominent pianists denise met sou, if are no longer performing at the op spain carnegie hall for the pro, kimberly views. oh, and the metropolitan not proposed popular soprano and nebraska from a run of shows last year for quote, not demonstrating she had seen the distance herself from president blood in a potent in austria, canada, switzerland, and poland soloists. an orchestra faced similar actions. the royal opera house, his famous, common garden ban bullshit, bally's, london tour distill. it was mentioned from the age of 10. they started the academy and continued like that for 3035 years. now think about it every day from morning till evening. your work translates into tremendous physical exertion. listen, pub is one of the russians to distance themselves from the government. but artists who always relied on patronage and support from the state feel stifled between warning people in power. some and without the 0 portrait theatre musket. the cholera outbreak in northwest syria is worsening following last month's earthquakes. these 3 people have died from the disease and the rebel controlled northwest craig stomach health facilities, water sources and sanitation infrastructure. increasing the possibility of an accelerated outbreak. journalist nor coo marsh in italy, explains how the quakes have made a bad situation. worse to get the sewage systems in the be affected areas which, which are directly affected the, the actors to clean water for the people in the area. this is jerry and the civil defense teams to warn the the people in the syria about the outbreak of causes as 3 additional debt due to the disease occurred after the devastating mix and the number of suspected cases jump to more than $500.00. and these numbers are more likely to increase in the upcoming days as big duster, but still hasn't completely subsided. still had on al jazeera winter storms, antonio's kill at least 12 people leave more than a 1000000 without power. and the un we report from the time to festival is bringing the animal spirits out. ah hello slouch. if i did roy across a kid parts offer asia at the moment sir. nice big area of high pressure, so warm sunshine will warm spring sunshine coming in across the good parts of china . the korean peninsula try to push his way into where japan as well. so into the mid teens here present enough, you might catch a share or 2 just around t ok. i will the next hour so, but again, nothing too much to speak of that wet weather, just clipping the east coast and then pulling out of the waist. brightest guys coming back behind. maybe one or 2 when she flowers there into the far north of north korea. again, losey dry though much china warm sunshine. 19 in beijing. similar temperature there too. for rash, shanghai, little bit of wet weather over towards western parts of china. now a lot of wet weather still continuing across southern parts of the maple inch. they can see this massive cloud. we have seen huge amounts of rain for over 400 millimeters, the painful here in the 1st 4 days of march. and there is more where that came from . it does stay unsettled, little bit about sell, whether to making its way towards lanka, maybe into the far south of india, but much of india would be fine and dry. we could see one or 2 sporadic showers there across a central and northern parts over the next couple of days. but find dry and warm for most. ah, the tough times the man tough question is. what exactly are you asking for you? what the troops on the ground, the rigorous the rate we challenge conventional wisdom racism is so deeply entrenched in the country that it's identified with americans. so when you challenge racism, it looks as if you're challenging almera and demand the truth. there is no serious discussion about this because it goes to the very root of who we are up front with me, mark lamond hill on al jazeera. ah ah, you're watching out, is there a mind to thoughts help stories this child has top political body has begun the it's on your parliamentary session in beijing latest off prior to isaac economic stability upsets a 5 percent talk if economic growth this year the head of the united nations nuclear watchdog is announced war inspections that runs photo nuclear plants and the installation of new monitoring equipment opportunity for president abraham rice . he met rafael grossi and tech round on saturday. a color outbreak. and north westbury is worsening following. last month's earthquakes, at least 3 people who died from the disease in the rebel controlled northwest, the quakes, damage, health, facilities, water sources and sanitation infrastructure. at least in peru have fire t gas to stop anti government protested from reaching the center of capital lima and demanding the resignation of president dina watty and a new constitution. marianna sanchez reports now from lima. oh, the people are protesting peacefully by police and not letting people even get close to the center of the capital. the mayor of lima has declared the center of the historic center of intangible and many people are frustrated with the cost you should project us in the right to peaceful protest. we have empty hands just to flag, and we have come to say that we feel that we're in this vector, murders, military government with almost 60 debts. however, in the south of the 20, in the and the, and we don't know who know some people were wounded in violent clutches with security forces, who not continues to be the most conflicted area in the country. first it in the know a new out of the house, said she sending a convoy with humanitarian aid next week. and the we will be transporting goods services for productive activities. also, structures for the storage of drinking water that the population needs so much as well as $94.00 tons of educational material to ensure the beginning of the school year was the country continues to be in crisis and the majority of for movie and say they want to president the number one thing to resign, but she has said that she will not step down and congress has not approved to bring elections forward. medina, so i'm just, i just see that lima is rarely, demonstrators have broken through police lines during an anti government protest. in tel aviv rise have taken place across the country for 9 consecutive weeks despite the security minister, ordering a tougher crackdown. israelis hop and marching again to propose judicial reforms to reduce the powers of the supreme court and against a wave of israeli raids and occupied territories. the annual conservative political action conference in the united states has ended before may u. s. president donald trump delivered a nearly 2 hour long speech as he tries to return to the white house. and fisher has more from oxen hill in maryland. oh, some column, a political liability, a leader with a fragile legal. but donald trump again proved he remains the dominant figure in the u. s. republican movement at the conservative political action conference just outside washington, he drew the biggest loudest, was that through z as the crowd. thank you very much and i'm thrilled to be back at sea back with thousands of great andrew american patriots. unless where your money again, for the white house in 2024. he is the man to beat for the republican presidential nomination, and in the halls of the conference. many delegates admitted they won't be swayed by other interesting options. why think there's one guy that you know can get things done when he's proven it. and i think we need it back in august and i think the people, you know, see that if this is any representation of what people are thinking, he's going to have a very nice time and 2024. you think you're quite easily win the nomination? definitely won the nomination as long as the field stays big. the smaller the field goes, i think it'll be harder for him to win. but if he's one of 10 for one with 35 percent of the vote from the, from the primaries that go into the general election from the former president, it was a familiar message. america is feeling, he alone can fix it. there's only one president in history or has ever taken on the entire corrupt establishment in washington. and when we went in 2024, we will do it again. even stronger, faster and better. but he's promised to build tenure frontier cities offered a bonus to americans to have children. but a lot of what he says on trade and immigration is recycled from his last presidential run. a former president spoke on the day he released video with january 6 prisoners singing the u . s. national anthem supporters awaiting trial or convicted of offences after the u . s. capital was stormed 2 years ago. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. all trump is still the favorite here among the grassroots, and in many of the polls to be the republican presidential nominee. the question is, is that enough to stop others? we think they can be president, jumping into the race. i'll it for sure. i'll does it up at the c park conference in maryland residence in the u. s. stays of ohio have been ordered to stay at home off to a train. derailments. $1500.00 people in clark county without power after the norfolk southern train came off the tracks last month, the train belonging to the same company to rail, causing a major chemical spell in east palestine. ohio. shebra tonchee has moved from washington. we've learned so much about how the safety features of the into cargo system, the infrastructure are apparently the barest of bones. meanwhile, the profits of companies like norfolk southern are at enormous hiv and, and the amount of regulation that goes into places like here in washington, in order to keep the regulations very, very low. but what we understand is the 20 of a $212.00 cars derailed. this is around springfield, ohio, not one of these enormous cargo trains 212 carriages. but there are no injuries reported and now is scrutinized a little bit more. what norfolk southern said, they said that when they have just materials involved in the derailments involved in the derailment, we don't quite sure what that means. so does that mean that they were, has the serials somewhere on the train, but they want the ones that well, that would derailed? why? why is that the shelter in place order, for example, in placement for, for the residence in the immediate vicinity. we've had enormous official interest, and this isn't something that we usually see if we're noticing the directions. now there are over a 1000 deer elements every year in the u. s. way more than other developed countries. and the question is whether it's because of all of this deregulation and whether this will actually now lead to lead to more focus on re regulating the railroads. whether again that, that immense lobbying power. moby in cash or wind so often around will just when the day again at least 12 people have been killed by powerful storms in several southern us states. it's broad gulf full sized hail to wrench, rain, tornadoes, and left more than $1000000.00 people without power. so now heading northeast heavy snows been recorded across parts of california, leaving some people trapped in their homes. the enormity of this event is hard to comprehend. you know, we're thinking we're in southern california, but yet we have had an inundation that has really, really generated a severe amount of anxiety, frustration, and difficulty, especially to the victims of those who are actually trapped in their own home. one itala is most celebrated to tattoo festival celebrates the memory of a monk who tatty had villages to protect them from attacks. i wild animals and as tiny chang has been finding out some say their tattoos have special palace. oh, a devotee flaps his arms and shrieks he stems, jumps up and down and stutters like the monkey spirit that he believes has possessed his body. eventually is embraced by another disciple firmly but kindly, until he snaps back to reality. others in the crowd outside bung prod, temple show being possessed by more violent beasts telling his elephants oxen, the manifestation of the beasts, their tattoos, a supposed to protect them from the charge. ford. as the spirit animals tried to escape into a solid wall, it might seem like an act oh. 7 with these disciples, the possession, very real, was conscious while i was in a trance, but i couldn't control myself. so i just let it fly through me. was an old line. it's fight and i don't care what other people think. the tattoos, a like a reminder from my teachers to always do good deeds. well yeah, i mean i like the i but who founded the temple became famous for his skill as a tattoo artist who was said, those who'd been marked with his ink would be safe from attack by wild beasts. these days the tiger tattoos are still popular for the aspirations of those the where them a slightly different on. and i'm, however, we ask the person who is going to get tattooed about what kind of the fac he or she wants. in the old days, people wanted a tattoo that made them invincible. but these days many want a tattoo that will bring them luck and well, they now, oh yeah. like outside the spirits of the beasts taking control of it, you actually look for the way i the profession is how can i speak to the fact that he genuinely believed this by that ah, then whole crowd seemed to serge food with.

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