and he's 6.4, magnitude earthquake hits the turkey and syria border, killing 3 and entering more than 200 ah. money inside the sound is their life, and also coming up to you as president, makes a surprise visit to ukraine just days before the 1st anniversary of russia's invasion, one year later, key stanish and you craig stance. democracy stairs, brazil's president tools, a popular result, region, ravaged by floods and lamps that killed at least a 2. we began in southern turkey where a new magnitude, 6.4, quake has struck and happened just a few hours ago. so far, 3 people have died more than 200 are injured sammy's a dan has this report from a donna in southern tech here. ah. 2 a building that had survived to earthquakes in southern tortilla now gone. i la la a car dash cam captures the moment every day i saw a woman's screams, the earth trembled. all the buildings and hat i have collapsed. they are dead. and that the airport panic is the quake here in the boston summer, use the politicians, television interview, from an 8 distribution center interrupted usage that january the unity from alder. i'm like now for families already traumatized disbelief. the terror has come again . just we were very care you thought the ground would tear apart a nation rocked just 2 weeks after twin earthquakes up ended the lives of millions, killing tens of thousands and destroying countless home. it was very shaky. we hardly stood up. it was very difficult. you know, you know, it was going to happen. we were expecting that. so right now, so we are expecting more. so everybody should be, you know, more prepared about this. this is the moment the quake struck aleppo in rebel held northern syria. more misery for people still suffering severe shortages in food medicine and housing on top of a decade old civil war. the situation in here. yeah. i mean it's hardy ball in the title it area. even before that, rick now is suffering more and more. all those people in fact, who have been directly affected, or even those people who have the indirect epic did are living very severe in condition. back in turkey, hot eyes man says look, trapped under the rubble. while others poured into the streets another night in the cold. well, it's been sadly a repetition of this terrible cycle of fear. reports of collapse is going on around the country and other places. now we're getting reports of people being in the rubble and tie, the mayor is said, there are people that are full to some people having been injured it's. it's a terrifying grief play when you go out and talk to people in a word they're afraid here, and donna, i'll tell you what the lease is up. there was no building classes so far, no report with anyone having been injured so far. but a lot of people are scared, we got it, we were driving on the highway from no dog, the center of the 1st earthquake that hit towards the donna. when this happened, we got out, we started to speak with people, and a lot of people are simply afraid they felt the buildings shake and it puts people back into the 3 play once again of the nightmare that they, they've been living. let's see if we can find anyone. you action law center figure said look, williamson. i don't know. ok. so i'm going to ask him a few questions. so what's of design? when couldn't well. ok, so he's he said he was working when to start on. ok, so he was working in a restaurant when the earthquake, it has had said that, you know, and he had to run out of the building. he was afraid until we had bought layla has been going on in special ed when her mom and dad says he so afraid she couldn't do it and he feel afraid he thinks he's going to stay out tonight. he doesn't want to go back in doors. he's really worried about them. this is to answer your question. this is the, the story we hear from people. when we bump into people in the 3, are you stop on the street and you say, what happened? they say tara panic. we're going through this again. so hopefully, you know, it's, it's, it's still quite a strong earthquakes. i'm going to see if we can come in here because there was a gentleman i was talking to earlier. hopefully he's still around you know, people have gone through this again. hopefully that hasn't been a lot of damage, but it does a lot of psychological impact on people because people are afraid. i think here we are. this is jan who were talking earlier with you can we are now live. so jan you own this building, right? yes. and your staying here with your family? yes. why? because you have a you could be at home or somewhere else. right? yes, i have my old home is one flats which has to be here because we've filled us. we should be here for support workers or make them feel more comfortable and also our guess to feel more concrete and we trust our building. when you hear about what was an hour and something ago when the earthquake here did you feel the earthquake? i felt 3 of the earthquakes that we had here. 7.47.2. and the last one was 3. the last one officially is 5.86.6446.4 was the last weight and an off. the shock of 5 point. i know you were here. i was it. did you feel you were in our rooms? all are all the guesswork fever in our rooms, but we've refill comfortable, because if you of a, the main principles of the construction technology, you don't need to worry about anything. and you'll confident that building county with. and i'm assuming the engineer, my architect is way to treat. i'm 40. we make this building with everything park before starting to building. we make groans more stronger. so you feel you've taken the right precautions to make this place say yes, i should point out john's here with his family. so that's how i guess, you know, his, his wife and it's all right for, for us i did ask beforehand, this wasn't a complete surprise. so thank you so much for holding. we hope we can go, we wish we could meet with any other reason, but we are hosting you here because of the earthquake. thank you. i hope all the best for you and your guests and you and your family. thank you so much. well, as you can see, there's a lot of, lot of people hanging around here, we've been speaking to other people earlier and ask them what their plans are. a lot of people about a lot of people are obviously afraid. hopeful that who knows how many more after shocks or how many more earthquakes are coming? that's kind of the question that's on people's mind when we talk to them. well, the us secretary of state left turkey a just hours before the latest quake. anthony blank and assured his turkish counterpart that washington would fully support the recovery efforts for them could surely has more from cra this is the 1st official visit by us secretary of state, anton it blinking to took care since he took office 2 years ago. he arrived here on sunday, nearly 2 weeks after devastating earthquakes, true southern true care, and northern syria. lincoln says, washington is ready to help on credit for as long as it takes stressing the fact rebuilding in this region will require a lot of time and effort. nato's expansion is also on the agenda. finland, sweden have already taken concrete steps to fulfill the commitments they made under the trilateral. memorandum of agreement that they signed with turkey on the margins of the nato summit in madrid. we welcome and appreciate those steps. i think they're quite significant. the u. s. center kit don't agree on ever issue. while giving a green light for finland to join nato on current beliefs suite a need to do more to kids. their defense capability is another issue for the nato allies to discuss, especially after on car a purchase. what a massage systems in 2019 f, one out to probably be a good is on doing what we're going. we discuss the latest situation regarding our f. 16 request at the meeting today in the us of ministration, strongly supports our plea and we thank them for this. we hope they will make an official notification to the u. s. congress on this matter as soon as possible. and it is in the interest of both parties to complete this purchase as promptly choice . all assess ciocca is not in favor of conditional sales of the f sixty's and has asked for the return of the $1400000000.00 on car paid for the f. 35 fighter jet program to kia was unilaterally remote from it. turkish american relations have been trained for some time now. the fight left washington immediate relief response to on car shows, the relationship is still strong and the nato still need to care. however, there are so many issues to overcome. american support for white puget, kurdish fighters in syria is one of them. turkish officials have designated the group as a terrorist organization and said the u. s. corporation is a great mistake. while washington insists the y p g is crucial for its fight against thyself. seen am casala al jazeera on kyra ah, he stands that ukraine stands an democracy stance. that was the message from you as president joe biden. as he made an unannounced trip to the acquainting capital just days before the 1st anniversary of the conflict, charles traffic has more of the days of speculation, no doubt, weeks of planning. u. s. president joe biden arrived in the ukrainian capital q. nearly a year to the day, russia invaded the white house. it had been basic communication with moscow just before the visit to ensure what it called the conflict taishan. to avoid a miscalculation that could lead to open conflict between the 2 nuclear powers. an air raid siren wailed across the cities. the 2 men walked near saint michael's cathedral. not uncommon when world leaders have visited keith since the war began. u. s. president described the night of the invasion when he called the ukrainian leader zalinski. he admitted he had feared russia could quickly take control of all of ukraine that dark night. one year ago. the world was lonely at the time. bracing for the fall cave. seemed like a lot longer ago than a year. but think back that year perhaps even the end of ukraine. you know, one year later ki stands and ukraine says, democracy stays, the american stand with you, and the world stands with you. widen announced an additional half a $1000000000.00 in usaid, but there was no mention of new advanced weaponry such as long range missiles. the zalinski says his forces need ukrainian president stress again. there will be no peace until ukraine liberates all its territory. a promise that is among many military analysts and some of ukraine's allies, increasingly unrealistic as the vast cost of this war and its global effects continues to grow, or is malia conditional ran out of film. but it was the conversation that indeed brings closer our joints victory in this war. so we can and we must ensure that 2023 becomes the year of victory, which i want underlying that, this unprovoked and criminal russian war against ukraine. and then tied democratic world much and with the liberation of ukrainian land from russian occupation, and with solid guarantees of long term security for our country. europe an anti world with you as president's 1st visit to ukraine almost exactly a year since russia's invasion is rich in symbolism and a clear message to moscow. for biden's, zalinski and many of ukraine's backers, maintaining unified support comes at a vital time before expected intensification of fighting in a so called spring offensive chance travel al jazeera cave. on the years president has now arrived in poland, travelling by train from ukraine is the prize visit to the country, and the grapes of war was a major undertaking, as alan fish explained for. so was president joe biden went for dinner in washington, dc, late on saturday. final plans were being laid for his trip to keep the decision to go was taken on friday. the arrangements had been discussed over several months. the template was established last year. when the secretary of state and the defense secretary visited ukraine over night, train, small entourage, black coat windows, the white house kept a tight lid on the news, even issuing biden's schedule for how you would spend monday in washington and the cross even as he was travelling half a world away in the americas stand with you and the world stand with you. keys has captured a part of my heart. i must say. it's not unusual for presidents to make trips to conflict zones. rock obama did it in afghanistan, donald trump, iraq. but both times the u. s. controlled the air space, ah, that's what made biden's trip more dangerous. that's why the white house told the russians just hours before, to avoid any mishaps which could spark a bigger problem on the ground. the security had to be unbelievable by the ukrainians. i because the u. s. doesn't have a military presence in ukraine. and so you've got air defense security to worry about. you got these possible elements on the ground and it required that the shutting down a sent you a key of to traffic off of for a couple of hours. ah, when he traveled to poland last year, president biden was reportedly keen to cross the border. but was overruled by his secret service, the people who protect him this time with more notice they could make it work. security will be ramped up here when joe biden makes a major address to mark the 1st anniversary of the ukraine war. but no matter what he says, what will be remembered more than the speech is the visit that came before it. alan fisher, al jazeera warsaw, still head on al jazeera, thousands of israelis protest outside parliament as it sounds debating the government's plans to weaken the powers of the supreme court. ah, for the past year, al jazeera, his correspondence have reported on every aspect of the far reaching consequences of russia's invasion of ukraine, unfit by faith fighting to the destruction of counterfeit, and the plight of record deep from the political maneuvering and global repercussions. the devastating impact on the lives of ordinary people. on both sides of the front line. the bomb shelters the seats of power and the reality of the ground from moscow to brush and could fall dollar bought and beyond. will continue to deliver in dips, unbiased, personal reporting. so you get the full story when i was 0. in depth analysis of the days headlines from around the world to try right. extreme is there is real, and need to be tackled as soon as possible informed opinions. why is the thing the opposition concerned about this, rather small between turkey, anthea lose them really with all your teeth, this is and so forth. frank assessments, you know, that was a joke about the interim government that it's not in for me, nor does it got inside story. on al jazeera lou. ah, the back you watching out? is there a mind to foss help stories? the salad? a new magnitude. 6 point for earthquake has struck turkeys, hats, a province. these 3 people have been killed. another 213 injured in the latest earthquake on monday. at least 47000 people are now known to have died since the earthquakes on february 6, 41000 when turkey and nearly 6000 in syria and both rebel am regime held areas of the country. and you, as president joe biden has promised to stand with ukraine for as long as it takes during an unannounced visit to the capital key. he pledged $500000000.00 of additional military aid and father sanctions against russia. at least 40 people have been killed after torrential rain triggered flooding and land slides in coastal areas in brazil, south east. on monday, brazil's president louise ignacio lula da silva, flew over affected areas. entire neighborhoods have been submerged on the water. hundreds of people have been displaced in star dummy mobius and we are sending several trucks with supplies, food coats, mattresses, mineral water and cleaning materials from saw apollo here to here to provide humanitarian assistance. but as far so i saw the 1st trying to support him is for the evicted and homeless people. as monica yanna, keith is in south sebastian, one of the worst hit areas in brazil were standing in the patio of a church. this is the place where thousands of volunteers have been gathering since sunday. here's where they're bringing all the supplies, water mattresses, food clothes, for all the people that have been forced out of their homes, some 2000 people were forced to leave because they are in danger. 600 millimeters of rain fall fell on sunday. that is the same amount of water. 8 that was expected to fall in one whole month and this produced land sites on both sides of this church. and also further down we were following the fire men were trying to find the bodies of a man that disappeared on one side of this church and a whole family. on the other side of this church, president wheezy now to let us cuba overflow. the area to day, he says that are one of the problems is that people have been building houses in risky places on the mountain. not only in this region, but in other regions of brazil also which, where there have been land slides are some worse than these in the past years. now people here say that the reason that they build these house is an unsafe places because they have nowhere else to go out. there isn't enough housing, cheap housing. so the government has been promising that they will build are housing for these people, so they will not incur in the same danger that they have so far are sa, mom. we're still expecting here more people to arrive at this church because they're leaving areas of danger. and people hear what they're most worried is that the rain does not are returned that for good weather. they're praying for good weather because the weather has been very unstable. thousands of people have gathered outside israel's parliament in west jerusalem to protest against the government's judiciary reforms. the connecticut is holding its 1st reading of a controversial amendment overhaul the countries legal system on the 1st proposal gives israel's parliament the power to override supreme court decisions with a simple majority as to $61.00 out of a 120 votes. the 2nd proposal takes away the supreme court's authority to review as rails basic laws which functions as the country's constitution reforms will also change how supreme court justices selected, giving the government fall most way on, selecting judges for the bench. so carrots has more from the protest in west jewish oh, thousands of protest this all have for the 7 wing outside of the country to show solidarity against the judicial reform, which the new is randy cod government is trying to bring in and we have many people across section of side to hear from the young to the old mother that baby teaches people from the i see that are all here because they say that they were full time on the requests. again, we have one protest say, hey, why, what, what, what brings you here? well, this protest, i'm scared from my country. i don't have any way. and why is that your scale? what is it that gets you with these reform? i'm scared to be no one who will perfect our human rights, then we know it is human. like i'm terrified. i'm coming out of feel. i have no idea. well, my country is going and i'm here because i have no, i feel like i need to do something i can see then do nothing. and what would you like the current government to do? there are obviously going through several rounds of both to, to bring in this new judicial reform. what would you like to see happen? what do you hope from this process you will be able to again, i hope that the coalition and position will be able to communicate between them. but something need to change it, but they can not, can some mystical, there will be no one to put that down. and so this is the thing that many of the protests are concerned about, that these reforms and potentially give the israeli government a supreme court decided to strike down a decision that's being made by parliament connect. this can come in and change that. we can also, through a simple majority, i become judging in the writing priming benjamin on trial for corruption. he says that these are all his are unhappy, one general election and he has also call to be no civil disobedience prices continue to come have been. 6 him from the west, which is really government for, for the break on the readings on the college additional reform. and also the president himself is ready, president has school for all sides. the comes together to be able to negotiate, to be able to support on the changes that you just rolled system. whether not going to happen, we'll have to see because so far off the weakest, the protest process and on not seeing any changes. and they feel that their calls are not being meanwhile, the un security council has issued a formal statement express a deep concern, dismay with israel's announcement last week of the expansion of illegal settlements and the occupied westbank says such supplements impeded peace. the security council held a special meeting on monday to discuss the she extensions continue to escalate between israelis and palestinians. shepherd homes. he has moved from the un over the weekend. what one source called frantic negotiations took place between a raft of us diplomats and these railings in the palestinians on the u. e. in order to get to come to some sort of deal to only have a presidential statement. so this isn't legally binding as a un security council. resolution would be an actually original un security council resolution that was drafted called israel to immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied palestinian territory. it reaffirms the illegality of settlement construction. that would be legally binding, although as we know, the israel isn't there isn't one to, to take legally binding un security council resolutions as a, as legally binding. but instead the u. s. that went into these frantic negotiations in order to prevent a un security council resolution which it might have had to veto because of its unwavering support for israel and setting jo biden's on unwavering support for the for benjamin netanyahu. and the reason for that was the u. s really once the focus this week to be on russia and ukraine. and later on this week they'll be un general assembly resolution that the, that the us will be introducing, which will be condemning russia is illegal invasion of ukraine. okay, you are up to date that sent to me and he pub state with all the news on a website out, is there a dot com? did you get out? and he's continues here now, is there ah, with winters reasserting itself for one day in japan at least is cold. when might just catch the edge of south korea wants you lightest snow shares. they're more likely to be obvious in the mountains tokyo free of them. of course, coming from not particularly cold area. those temperatures are not especially low. most to china is back to where it should be temperature wise at the cloud increasing along the axial brings of rain with it or snow for the higher grab. it's not intense, it's not abnormal systems. this rain here is what was once a tropical depression. a cyclone, if you like, as it's low stages, it's falling apart now is taking the rain away from most the philippines, the southern philippines, the sun away seeing and java. we'll see some particularly heavy rain, but that's not abnormal for this time of the year. remember last year in the building heat way, early part of summer late winter when it started again, possibly high temperatures in the west side of india and southern pakistan. nothing else going on, passing the showers in the foot of the himalayan through nepal. so if you zoom in on pakistan brought on a particular but this whole area that was good for us in india that 6 degrees above noble by day, most likely by nights as well. and nothing in the weather patterns like to change that are probably slowly rising sandwiches is no wind, no player to stop it. ah . in a notorious waterside community. what kims and thugs room, one theater director of inches to stage a play. there call me mrs. add to empower the women that old man sitting right dead. oh, i and redefined their status in society, missus and nigeria as women walk on water, witness on al jazeera, flying high in the us national airline seals, the biggest deal in aviation history.

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Moscow ,Moskva ,Russia ,Jerusalem ,Israel General ,Israel ,Japan ,Afghanistan ,Philippines ,United States ,Washington ,Was Alan ,Van ,Turkey ,Brazil ,Madrid ,Spain ,Cuba ,China ,Boston ,Massachusetts ,Syria ,Togo ,Aleppo ,Lab ,Pakistan ,Connecticut ,Ukraine ,Iraq ,India ,Nigeria ,Nepal ,Finland ,Sweden ,Poland ,South Korea ,Turkish ,Russian ,Israelis ,Ukrainian ,Israeli ,Palestinian ,American ,Louise Ignacio Lula ,Benjamin Netanyahu ,Sammy A Dan ,Joe Biden ,Jo Biden ,

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