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100 days and still no Justice Al Jazeera Media Network calls for accountability for the middle of sri and ill walk like, by israeli forces. Severe weather in parts of asia and europe causes riggins to try and harvest to failed, threatening global food supplies. Ah, ukrainian president followed me zalinski is holding talks with you in the secretary general Antonia Gutierrez and turkeys, leda, and the western city of la 8th. Its recipe. Ty up edwins 1st visit to you crimes, since the conflict began with a mixing far away from the front lines in the east as expected to focus on a diplomatic solution. The talks are also focusing on expanding ukraines grainy exports to avert a global food crisis. Also on the agenda, avoiding disaster and europes Largest Nuclear power plant and suffer v t c, which is under russian control. Moscow and keith have accused each other of shelling the complex. Well, it was listed as life for us. And its then bull now. Because what can you explain just how significant this meeting is, and i guess what the hoping to achieve. Well, its quite significant regarding the what is at the state can now by president ad ones of turkey. The 1st with it to, to ukraine seems the sort of the war. And for the 1st time hes going to, he met president. One of them is the length of ukraine face to face. And they have discussed about the cooper reduction of the, the turkish by dr. Drones return proven to be very much effective against the Russian Forces in ukraine, and they have discuss how to further develop the corporation in defense industry, not only in drones, but also the for the war ships as well. And on the other hand, this is the, the, one of the matter that turkey and ukraine is also discussing is that recently president one was in sushi and met the, the, the president off. A rush of the minute put in. And experts are seeing that one has got the message from putting to to, to, to the landscape as well. And this also has been discussed there. So the debt. But however, the, the most important thing for to day, according to experts, are the diplomatic force for the 1st time. President , one is there, and the us generally a secretary general antonio terrors are there. These 2 leaders are the ones who paved the way for the grain deal that secured the ukrainian, and the russian reins and fertilizers, fertilizers to be export to, to the world, the market through a stumble. And they want to build up on this particular human diplomatic achievement. To the, if they can weigh paid a way for a diplomatic solution to the ongoing war as well. So regarding all of this factors quite significant, we will see whether any tangible result will come out of the meetings that are taking place today or not. It took, hes obviously playing a very prominent role here. What does it get out of this . Well, there is a lot at the stake. So im turkey, im russia, there are, there they are. The trade partners. Russia is the turkey Largest Energy export her. And turkey is also export in the food product, the textiles, and many of the other Chemical Products as well to russia. So on the other hand, ukraine also is an important 3 partner, and also the Security Partner for turkey as well. And we are talking about billions of dollars, but turkey so far has been mediating country keeping good terms with both moscow and keep. And that turkey has benefit from this position. But now took his fear is that if the war in ukraine leaned on, then the fears that it will eventually face the painful choices to make a choice between moscow and key. And definitely the turkey doesnt want to face such, such a choice or such as creation because if that happens, turkey fears that is not only going to lose economically, but also regarding the fact that turkey and russia are somehow corporate and, and in conflict as well. In theyre going to cut up in syria, in east mediterranean, and in libya as well. So for turkey, its not only a matter of what it is gaining out of all these tools, but also it might, it is a matter of what it might lose if the war lingers on, if a political solution or the magic solution is not route out. So thats why tricky is, is not the increasing dramatic force somehow to put an end to this. This conflict, russell set for us live and assemble. Thank you. Russia has moved 3 fighter plans that are carrying hypersonic missiles to kellen grad, a russian territory located between nato members. Poland and lithuania. Moscow says its a defensive move and the aircraft will be on round the clock. Combat or lit. The hypersonic missiles can accelerate to 10 times the speed of sound and it targets at a range of a 2000 kilometers that capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads. At least 32 people, including a prominent clerk has been killed in a powerful explosion at a mosque in the afghan capital. It happens during evening prison cobble on wednesday. Victoria guyton b reports. This mosque and cobble was packed with people when a bomb exploded. A prominent cleric, malvina, mia mohammed, koobooley was killed in the attack. So were many of his students and the mo, the shuttle, the ruse. It was evening prayer time, and i was attending the prayers with others when the explosion happened. It was a very powerful bloss inside the mosque. Many people were mastered and wounded. Some of the victims were brought to this hospital, which is run by an italian humanitarian organization from the blast to, to see vain thought that if i patience an duet dead on arrival, one died in our emergency room 8th received that treatment. And were there later on discharge, while 24 hour admitted in our hospital, mainly dangerous are due to the shell and burner. Outside the hospital, relatives waited for news. Some of them were in the mosque when the bomb exploded. They said people will hold through the windows by the force of the blast before go after it was a huge explosion of so many people were killed and injured to animal are brought to injured relatives to this hospital. The taliban says security has improved since it took power a year ago. But several attacks have taken place at mosques in recent months. Why does it happen . I think it would the follow problem and so on. Somehow my, this religious sit conflict spoke, been considered a, the biggest threat to the security on it. And i said it has been brought to grammar. Its the action the pallet, bonds gains. Ha ha, ha ha. The taliban has been cracking down on armed groups. This latest attack is a reminder that security remains one of its big challenges. Victoria gay to be al jazeera, the us and taiwan have announced plans to hold formal trade talks. It follows to high level visits to tie pay by members of the us congress. The meetings angered beijing which claims taiwan as its own. China says it firmly opposes the trade talks and accuses washington violating its one china policy. His petrik fog with the view from china. Were considering the timing of this development coming rights off the what beijing already viewed as being highly voc, revisit by us politicians. Decide what you might argue, that the response from the Foreign Ministry today was actually relatively measured, spoke about one when been said, china was opposed to any country, having official deals with taiwan and also called on the us to stop all engage with the island. He also warned washington, against what he called, quote miss judgment. That more or less echoed what we have in the comments my ministry as well. Which said that it was against any deal of this kind with taiwan, of assault, britain, or official nature. It also went on to say that this was really about us, china relations, us trying to trade partnership about maintaining world peace and stability. But there was much less of the chest beating that weve seen from beijing and recent days over. So i was surprising, particularly when you consider the fact that, you know, there was no secret made of this being told that specifically at china. So i want to negotiate, the john said that we all know that china is the main perpetrator of economic caution, and china was economically co thing, taiwan, but also other countries. And he said that this did tremendous harm to the International Economic order. Its been 100 days since his rarely forces shot and killed al. Jazeera gentle assuring of our clay, and janine, a vigil has been held at el japira arabic headquarters in doha. The network has been calling for those who killed her to be brought to justice. And another vigil has been held and jeanine in the occupied west bank. We assure, in our clay was killed. Community members insurance colleagues gathered to remember the journalist known as the voice of palestine. They attend mer to him, can william in la . Yeah, he had, its been a 100 day since sharons assassination, but it still feels like it was yesterday. Her absence is overwhelming. My mother, we had hoped she would be among us, not her photos and memories. Just like day one were still strongly demanding relative justice for sharin as true justice. I mean, she would not have been killed in the line of duty. Impunity can no longer be tolerated. We should not be fighting for justice. It should be the normal course to hold the assassin into account. Im guessing its known. And israel is an occupation force a man if sharons assassination was not just that i hope justice is served by holding the killers into account. And among those who planned, it handed down orders and pulled the trigger. And above all those targeting journalists in any part of the world are where the journalism is a noble profession. But its not a crime. Who nitty . Nita abraham has more from jeanine where she reigned was killed. Im standing in that shit in a barclays street where now i just eat a family, mourned the loss of a devoted journalist. I be loved colleague, that many here say have called her family. Theyve worked with her for more than 20 years, and now theyre standing here at the very same place where she was shot and killed vice really forces fire on may be 11. Its been 100 days without childrens wisdom, without coverage, without the person that many new as a friend. But still, there has been no just as no accountability with her killers, havent been held accountable. When you talk to palestinians, they would tell you that theyre not expecting justice from the killers. Thats why theyre not dwelling on israel. Conducting a criminal investigation. There were hopes that the u. S. Given that sharina barclay was a palestinian american citizen, would investigate this issue. But as of now, 100 days later with the we see no signs of the u. S. Investigating this riley forces have righted the offices of several palestinian human rights organizations that it previously designated as terrorist organizations. Israel says some of the groups have funneled dona i to palestinian fighters. The organizations deny this last year, the israel army band, the groups accusing them of funnelling money to an Organization Called the popular front for the liberation of palestine. 9 european nations including the u. K. Germany and france have criticized the ban. They say israel hasnt produced evidence to back up its climb. Well, still ahead on al jazeera, more than a 1000000 people affected by heavy floods in pakistan. But villages say the government isnt doing enough to help and thousands of vagina tensions tight to the streets, to voice the anger against the rising cost of living. Ah, the hello. Thank you for joining in. Got a minute 15 to bring you up to speed with your weather and right off the bat, im going to show you the scene in the m. R is the largest city. The monsoon rains have done quite a number here. So people trying to get around the best way that they can. Now what happens is the rain leaves myanmar moves into the bay a ban, gall and intensifies. This is the latest round. It could turn into a psychotic storm. But for the time being, weve got weather alerts in play for o disha and whats been gall states, then it slides north rate across the country. Thats the last round that we had. So Western Areas of india. Ok, its raining, but just not at the same intensity. Now for buckets on youve had back to back mon sooner depression. So in some spots of sin province, we saw about a months worth of rain within a single hour. So sim province is now entering its 5th. What is monsoon season on record . Its still more rain to go on friday as it shuffles into baluchistan province, where weve also seen some flooding there, after se, asia, we go north of manila, we did have a severe flight advisory and played there. The bulk of that activity has shifted west of the country. And now lets go further toward the north. Some big storms bubbling up harbor into the korean peninsula. So another round of rain to go for flood hit areas of sol on friday. Thats. Thats all season. The debating the issues of the day produce as always in criminalized around the boundaries of right please just number their people or families in our friends and our Community Members on an online job voice military dont believe in dialogue. The political crisis must be off with the Political Climate change progress. Is there some people who are in places that theyre just going to have to . Theres no recognition about what were ready, things the street. Oh no, just 0. 0, the me. Youre watching al jazeera reminder of our top stories this, our ukraines president , his holding talks with you in the secretary general and turkeys leader in the western city of louis, focusing on grain export and the safety of europe, launches Nuclear Power plants and separation at least 32. 00 people, including a prominent clara, have been killed and a powerful explosion at a mosque and couple more than 40 were injured. No group has claimed responsibility. Thursday marks 100 days and tell just here a journalist. Sure enough with killed the occupied with Bank Palestinians continue to demand justice and accountability for the correspondence known as the voice of palestine. In focused on weeks of floods and landslides have kills more than 650 people in the south with the government has since helped. But many say the response has been too slow. Kathy elope his haughty on has more most of these people have lost. Everything. Floods have swept to the village of tanza and south west pakistan, destroying their homes. And livelihoods, roads that were clear just weeks ago, have turned to lakes, leaving thousands stranded it. Oh, weve had more rain, the shia is had a severe impact on many areas along the river. Belk it was the water is level off in some parts all about it already destroyed, himes crops, and infrastructure. The aftermath is overwhelming. More than a 1000000 people have been affected by flash floods, and landslides, and hundreds have died across 4 provinces. W. Climate change official say is fueling unpredictable weather patterns. Entire communities across baluchistan province are homeless. When you look at the amount of frayne which has fallen on baluchistan province itself, its 450. 00 times. What baluchistan receive in a know, maria, so it destroys the home. It destroys the livestock, you know, lice felt droning. It destroys the infrastructure of cause breach road and it destroyed the crop. What would it oliver authority say . Nothing could have prepared them for the extent of this years monsoon reigns, the army is helping displays communities, but many survivors say the response has been slow on my body. I read that another man. Were not getting enough help from the government. We hear a lot of promises, but on the ground at school, people who are suffering. We have no food, no water, and we are living under the open skies at the mercy of god. More heavy rains are expected in southwest pakistan in the coming days. Its yet another concern for families who lost everything and are forced to start over. Cant see a little bit of a young al jazeera, which china warns a severe drought and the south could last well into september. Local governments of scrambling to irrigate crops, the heat of the autumn harvest, the rationing of electricity is making water pumping. Difficult in some industries that rely on hydro power have shut down. Temperatures in the region have soared above 40 degrees celsius will. Meanwhile, in northwest china, at least 16 people have died after flash floods triggered landslide homes, damaged and several roads are blocked. At least 41 people have been killed and Dozens Injured in forest fires and ne and l. G area. Most of the deaths were an el tough near the border with tennessee and firefighters, and helicopters a trying to contain nearly 45 and 14 districts. More than 350 people have been forced to leave their homes. And in portugal, emergency crews are trying to control several wildfires, including one in a National Park thats been burning for nearly 2 weeks. Hot weather and strong winds have been hampering if its to contain the blaze. Well, in other news, talks aimed at ending a rags, political deadlock are in jeopardy a day after lead is agreed to work on a roadmap out of the crisis. The allies of influential iraqi, she isolated mac tada l sada, refusing to take part in the dialogue led by the key take it Prime Minister will stuff a l occurred the immediate 10 months after a general election. Iraq still has no government because of disagreement over forming a coalition by mood. While he has more from baghdad, Iraqs Parliament is still in limbo, supporters of shadley that will put us so the continue the sit in in front of the parliament and they say they are not planning to leave the area until the demands are met. The demands include, the parliament be dissolved and early elections be held as a way out of the current political deadlock. So there has recently rejected a National Dialogue initiative by the caretaker Prime Minister must have called to me in a meeting that was attended by the president of the state. But im sorry. And the 2 former Prime Ministers, norion malika and the liberty along with other political leaders, as well as the representative of the United Nations in iraq, janine plus hut. So the speaker has just stated that that meeting was fruitless, and its only meant to serve the stakeholders political interests. Meanwhile, the coordination of framework, the prearranged and political book, urging their supporters to continue their counter sit in outside defenses of the green zone. They say that they will continue their sit in to protest against what they consider the occupation of the parliament by the supporters and against the aggression against the state. Sovereignty saw that once the parliament be dissolved nearly elections be held. On the other hand, the prearranged Coordination Framework once before elections being held, a Transitional Government, the former, but saw the reject that option. Saying that if a Transitional Government be formed, it will be including only those accused of corruption and mismanagement for he is. The situation remains very tense with both rival factions holding on to their situations. So with that deep division, there is no sign of waiting, at least for the time being on nearly all as argentinas powerful trade unions have been rallying in support of the governments battle against high inflation. That demanding businesses to more to keep prices down. Daniel shimla has more from bonuses, inflation hits every one, but the greatest impact is felt by workers, especially those on lower wages. All of argentina, main trade unions representing teachers construction and health workers. Truck drivers and Civil Servants marched on congress to support the government. And to demand restraint from the businesses this set price is what all of the money from emma called, one of the main problems is the hyperinflation we have been experiencing for some time. Now, we are against paying the International Monetary fund which is reflected in the lack of jobs. There are no jobs. Wages are not enough, permanent price increases. Thats why argentine workers are on the streets today with inflation in argentina in july, hit 7. 4 percent. Its projected to reach around 100 percent for the year. Inflation is an indicator of a weak economy. Argentinas is a victim of crippling foreign debt. And like the rest of the world, the pandemic, and the rising cost of fuel and flower caused by the war in ukraine. These margins the high rear from the province of chapo in the far north, the larger theda. They cut roll over the country because inflated his work is the hardest seen the value of their wages, the releasing week my, we but my mom in a month let beetle the government on choose day cut subsidies for household fuel and water bills saying it would re focus on those most in need. However, with prices rising weekly, those needs are growing. The latest official figures, sure more than one 3rd of arching fines living in poverty. Mm hm. And the market, lets say my dog, we are suffering from inflation and a pair. So has lobster against a dollar, so its tough, but we have got work. We are not protesting. We just want the goddamn one to see what we need. Our her boss on the, the work is the supporting the government and its right to make things better. Were not asking them for anything, were supporting them. Others are running out of patience with the government on the pressure to find solutions to a problem. It is likely the argentina, the many years daniel shawn, their al jazeera, when osiris inflation in the u. K has jumped to its highest level and 40 years, reaching 10 point one percent and july businesses and households who were already feeling the squeeze are under even more economic pressure intensifying fears of an energy and economic crisis. Sonya guy ago reports from london in testing times come opportunities for don parsons, a Founding Partner at the u. K. Largest electric bike business. The shadow cast by the pandemic was a chance to get people out of their vehicles and try a greener, more Cost Effective way of getting around. It paid off. But whats happened is demand has gone up enormously for alternative means of transport. I village but, and supply has just fallen through the flow. Our costs as a business of grown enormously as well. Im in a, weve seen rent increases am and there across, associated with up across the country. Businesses are feeling the pressure. In 2020, she design a catholic. Coney overcame financial challenges by focusing on e commerce, but now her business has to navigate those storing. Shipping costs, affecting global trade. Were looking at about 35 to 40 percent in some cases on, on last year. Costs, which really isnt our margin, say were actually being all our stock in from china at the moment. So were actually looking to move from by match manufactured to spain, to sort of eliminate some of that extra shipping costs. Well, businesses are seeing huge increases in the cost of materials. Many of those that cant afford to absorb those costs for having to pass them on to the consumers. Have less cash to spend on with many of them. Also having to make serious choices about what they need to cut back on, such as food or fuel. As energy costs rise. So you have to keep prices pushing inflation up to a 40 year high with the bank of england predicting it will get worse before the end of the year. People who are already working already have job the still call find a way to make and the, and thats where we have these Energy Prices started to increase in the problem is you pay cormier much longer period of time has actually been people have been doing the right thing, but unable to pay the bill, but the cost of living outstripping wage growth in the u. K. There is already enormous pressure on household. But as the summer turns to autumn, further challenges await. The bank of england predicts inflation will increase before the end of the year, just when the capital fuel prices is set to increase. Seeing a massive Rising Energy bills, leaving many fearing a winter of discontent. And the government faced with difficult decisions on how to deal with the oncoming storm. Sony diagonal algebra london. But were now just 94 days away from the world. Cant kick off here and keta. Fran saw the defending champions and one of the favorites again, this time around Natasha Butler reports from paris. France is 2018 woke up thick tree was celebrated no one hard by french football fans. Now france are among the favorites to win the tournament again in keta. The squad has yet to be revealed, but its likely to include to the worlds best attackers, killing and pappy and carrying benzo man. Oh gang bins him out again in the shop showing you through. So karen bens about pretty much won the Champions League on his own with rome, madrid and killing him. But pay by singing p as g stays in the club. He knows it gets rid of any doubts and unless he was to be injured, he should be in good shape in katara the from steamers all the players, you need to have a great woke up, but a key will be whether they can play well together. Holly shout if theres little doubt that a 3rd world cub. When for france with sony, inspire a whole new generation of a bullet at this, im at a club in paris. Hopes a high for france, victory . Oh, no dollar food memo, but we love football. So all of us coaches would be really happy, as it would motivate the children, because the french team before would show them how to lead. Yeah. Oh, for hovers, care. Ill watch the world cup with my dad. I like this game. Thats why i play and i was hoping 1000 baker. Id be pleased because its my country and it would be a miracle. The last time a team one consecutive well cops. It was brazil in 1962 as raining champions. France will be under increased pressure as they defend their title, but theyll also know that having done it before, they could do it again. Natasha butler, al jazeera paris. Ah, well, this is al jazeera and these are the top stories. Ukraines president is holding talks with the you in secretary general and turkeys leader in the western city of love eve, the are focusing on grain exports and the safety of europes Largest Nuclear power plant. And

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