now, at least the lithuanian government says this, as does the e. u is that lithuania is prohibiting certain sanctioned items from being transported via rail, from carrying grad through its territory through lithuanian territory to the rest of the russian federation. the russian government, however, sees things very differently, sees this as an infringement of its sovereignty. hence the references from that secret russian security council member to retaliation. hence the suggestion coming from him that the listen lithuanian people will suffer as a consequence of this. so yes, there's definitely very serious concern not just in the baltic states, but it has to be said at a pan e u level. the biggest rail strike in person is 3 deck in 3 decades is underway. tens of thousands of workers have walked out, demanding better pay and job security, or brandon? is it london to waterloo station? it's having a massive impact. i'm here in london. at least some trains are running. but only on the main lines and only a skeleton service really maybe for trains on our, on some of those main lines are not always for the full length of the line. i mean, here at waterloo, it's britain's biggest and busiest station. normally, we're talking about over the whole network, just 45 percent of trains of the network will actually be running the other 50 percent with no services at all. and even on the 45 percent of the network that is running, the number of services will be cut through around one 5th. there was flooding in bangladesh in years could be about to get worse. more rain is forecast. major rivers are expected to rise. billions of homes are under water and authorities struggling to deliver emergency supplies. in india's, neighboring us, some states flooding and land slides killed. dozens of people. soldiers have been deployed to get supplies to areas that are in accessible company. meta has more from the front community roha, which is in the nego and district office on how all the homes and fields across some states continue to be inundated with water, rescue and relief operation got on for people with what we are in the district. this is one of the worst effected districts in the region and have just. 8 retired from rescuing about 3 families from a real life boat has rescued about 50 people over the last few days and we are on what used to be feed the team here. so the biggest challenge is, is rising water level over water levels are about 15 feet deep. that's nearly 4 in the hot nita strong water carriers are a big challenge. exact residents over here said that because of the parent from the overflowing river, many home and people have also been away. now across the state, the toy from the flood continues to rise. more than the only 5000000 people have been affected, and many people have died over the last 24 hours. homes are under water feels are inundated, and mostly people are anxious to waiting for water level to see the rain to stop. they can return home and start rebuilding the life the french president. emanuel macro is holding a series of meetings with political opinions to trying to save his reform agenda across centrist, great, lost its parliamentary majority in sundays election. a failure to build enough support could lead to political paralysis. south korea's fast domestically develop space walk. it has successfully put a dummy satellite into orbit a test flight was the 2nd attempt after one failed back in october. okay, those are headlines. nice continues here now to 0 to drug trafficking, politics and power. stay with us. ah, this is a poppy field ah, once caught the part of the clans, secretes a miraculous, milky fluid called latex, base opium used by man as a bomb for more than 5 millennia opium release. pain in the pieces the mind. and that should have been the end of it for this drawn would play a part in some of mankind's greatest upheavals, imperialism colonization, the cold war, and more recently, globalization without the backing of states. drug trafficking would never have existed in 1951 at the height of the indo china. all the french secret service was deploy to organize the counter attack against of yet men guerrillas, but it was seriously short of money. they contacted a tribe in the hills of laos, the he munger, and bought their entire poppy crop which they transported to a military base in saigon. their french agent sold opium to chinese vietnamese gangs under the corsican mafia who turned it into heroine and dispatched it to the united states. it was of one of those bizarrely clear instances of a modern western intelligence apparatus actually operating a drug trade ah ah. in 1971, richard nixon launched the war on drugs across the united states, the same scenes were repeated, drug busts, masser, s, and prison sentences. exogenous back from vietnam was systematically tested and weaned off the world's leading produce of heroine. france was in washington sites. the corsican mafia, the pillar of the french connection was the number one target. but a vandal city, of course, who pushed billy? gus and disney classic nip, unity custody politic. jo, he la jo, w points while i france witnessed its 1st s i o the dice. heroine became a major public health issue. french president jose pompidou, welcome nixon's pressure. his secret service was beyond control. the drug rings needed to be broken up. gus i led isn't like yell, kill wordy. you do the machine the which you to pledge you my tell yankee field is, what can i assume? a beyond that was the monthly a southern on to the topic of up well maxima, she'll develop, will have to watch all this stuff. washington st. agents from its brand, new drug enforcement administration, specializing an intelligence, the d. e, a partner, the french police and its investigations. within 5 years, 3010 traffic exendina were arrested and the chemists of the corsican mafia fled. the french connection was dismantled. nixon's drug worn was in one sense, brantley successful. he combines diplomacy at the highest level with the enforcement activities of the, the drug enforcement administration to concentrate the full power of the united states against narcotics. mm hm. the 1st battle was one. mm. but in the mid 19 seventy's, the drug market excluded across the globe as consumption reached unprecedented levels. to conquer this market, a new generation of traffickers would build powerful criminal organizations, headed by the so called drug lords. through them full tactical axis of power emerged, which would turn drug trafficking into a globalized industry. organized crime is the most agile business in the world. you squeeze it, you pressure it. it will simply adapt to the existing conditions is like water. it follows the path of least resistance and it will always move around obstacles move from the ashes of the old world. drug traffic rose and reorganized at lightning speed. in mexico. those who had been farming copies of marijuana for 20 years were the 1st to understand lately we last young electronics, your frances, her fray, one that goes, i speak acculab, but alaska, when you have this come, pissy ness. it but it should elope, you'll said that it because it what the people in so long of mrs. new poppy fields were hastily planted in the fertile mountains of sinaloa, the da launched a huge operation with the mexican army. in 1976, washington supplied all kinds of herbicides to spray over the poppy marijuana fields . whole villages were forced to my great small producers and smugglers were jailed . last campus, he must guess already we. we don't love your lands. yeah. he left nobody yet on board, be in the se, mitchell miles, and they will see a lot is, which will massey, nobody lordis. danton, lemonade, anchor sick, one felony of another august, common little stealth. yes, he gay, you'll see one to confirm. and yet, the survivors of this vast operation shifted their production and organized themselves under the leadership of a traffic from a pool family and sinaloa. miguel all hell, felix guy, ardo. he's a very interesting guy. he's a full federal police. so he understood the workings of the police very important when a drug trafficker, he also was for a time, a body guard to the governor of sinaloa. so he understood the political world and he understood the drug trafficking. well sir, if you've got a foot in most 3 worlds, that's a recipe for success. lou. ready felix guy, i do based himself in mexico, 2nd largest city, guadalajara. by uniting the smartest producers and traffickers, he would gain control of nearly all of the countries heroin, marijuana markets. the 1st big mexican drug cause hell was born. the guadalajara cattle soon amassed a colossal fortune fillings, the yellow. se, when of a member of the law, one valuable we have no, don't bungle me. he can lavalley natal massive. i'm in the de los naples. you seen douglas and i listed the aid, eat those. me involved as a group, withdrew his bank, felix guy aldo, re invested his money in legal activities. he became a respected businessman and delighted in rubbing shoulders with mexican high society. the crackdown carried out a few years earlier had failed to cut the rise of the 1st mexican drug lot was still it actually facilitated it. the more lined force meant the more natural selection you have to the survival of the fittest. it's the drug traffickers that are most capable of evading law enforcement that have the greatest capacity to outcompetes the rivals, whether through smartness or through aggression and that have the greatest capacity to corrupt at these local officials. that survive of the fight. ah. as heroine continued to slow on to the american market, another drug surface deep within the andes. cocaine in peru in bolivia, where the cook elise had been used for millennia to ward of hunger and altitude sickness. chemistry waved its magic wand. golden woocommerce with lovely tip dog. oh, not remote puzzled vignati, the fatal gun. monsieur was rude or give us a n. all sweet rouge ot immunology, edler shall removal, massive us. you know the of it that level double she me to for 3. or they does a full that she did, they say that it good in the early seventy's, a gram of coke sold in the united states. the $700.00 extremely ran. the white powder lit out the well to finance the walls of wall street and the jet said it was the drug of triumphant capitalism. the drug of the successful. there was actually a time magazine cover, the champagne of drugs. here's a wonderful drug and you can get high on and it's not addictive. raul dead wrong. but as a result of their political consequences, a d, a was instructed, you will devote all your investigative effort toward heroin. you will not and vote investigative effort to cocaine trafficking. oh, the path was open for the large scale control of his new market. in columbia, a handful of criminals began production without encountering the slightest obstacle . a poor country, columbia was a vast territory of jungles and mountains which escaped allstate control. there the traffickers were kings. oh, i couldn't miss you. bye. will you have 30 inch thighs? you will be lying. favorite josiah lackland in virtual, deployed, you know, mannered. i'm that guy. least the dealer. wilshire. quinton bridge. i so yeah, he made a lot the year. let him go to re i hindered up there just in the early 19 seventy's. colombian traffickers bought cocaine in bolivia and peruse and smuggled it into the united states. the friends in american market brought the mind boggling profits in mid in a young traffic. i convinced other criminals to step up a level together they would increase deliveries and seize control of the cocaine market. this was a birth of the medina cartel. pablo escobar was the enforcer. every drug trafficker had to pay him a percentage and he provided a series of services in exchange that percentage one, the guaranteed loads. so he would put together loads from various different traffickers and then he would ensure they would deliver to the united states. if a shipment was lost, he would make it up. he, trusting to invent cocaine trafficking, he industrialized it and moved it to this enormous scale down the nadine cartel purchased a fleet of aircraft and began smuggling tons of cocaine into southern florida. in miami drug dealers, wage their own war for control america discovered the bloody face of cocaine. shocked by the scale of the violence, the da traced the problem back to columbia. in 1979, president jimmy carter imposed an extradition treaty on the colombian government. already. all traffic is arrested by the police and columbia would henceforth be tried and jailed in the united states. escobar realised the threat to stop parliament from ratifying the treaty. he handsomely paid off a large number of politicians, but he wanted further guarantees. in 1980 to age, 33, escobar entered politics himself, running as a wealthy businessman, he was elected as an alternate member of the chamber of representatives. it's natalie stays young viola local status, young, columbia, anna, and vain thief that it had the close. authentic on followed the digital manuals for kids though it go local im dental. they stuck on trial. yeah. much more cases. most of the ones that have been maldonado, romano had the legal means of inside a mouth and then controlled everybody on in the boy in political ideal. having infiltrated the colombian democracy, pablo escobar succeeded in having the extradition treaty blount in the united states. nobody imagined that this young politician was none other than he who attend cocaine into a powerful industry. ah, the industrialization of drugs was also ongoing in asia after the vietnam law and the departure of american g eyes thailand sailed alone in a sea of red. the kingdom feared communist incursions into its territory. a young horner would take advantage of this new geopolitical order. he went by the name of concert, the principal asperity. consigned as an extraordinary figure. consult as of that kind and inconsequential individual who would have had a, a life as a market trader or farmer or a localized businessman, who gets transformed into a man of extraordinary power. born in burma and having received military training as a youngster, he became a militia man in the pay of the ruthless balmy's dictatorship console then founded his own army, financed by the opium trade. soon at the head of 2000 all men, he crossed the border and sold his services to the powers that be in thailand. he was pretty good at sensing where the power lay and the maximum amount of resources he could extract from the power arms. my immunity, no. the right to traffic. oh, the kingdom of thailand, welcomed console with open arms. with his armed men, he would defend the border against communist incursions. in exchange, the so called prince a prosperity was given cancer blanche for his trafficking. his opium caravans freely travelled across borders. the ty supreme command had base camps for them, protected them, and of course, received a percentage of their profits. i think i felt like i think, i think, i think felt console built a very large her on the board toward the became quite a powerful drug lord can saw was picked up on the da radar. but thailand refused a hand over its precious on eye to washington. faced with the stalemate, the members of the american congress tried a different approach and sent one of their miseries to negotiate with couldn't saw . as a british documentary maker adrian cow looked, tom only the president and the administration has the authority to make agreements concerning the purchase of obe. yeah, let me, i can. so what we're have to be done to eliminate opium production in the sham states and had time to ha, now we have been to high, glad. and what i'm gonna hire condemnation dancler bunk. one more oakland mahoney who i up in the b one you're doing and i have my contact to the person will can come and collect all the opium vaughn in in our country either with toys, auto, bernie, men. and in this game of diplomacy, consol didn't present himself as a drug trafficker, but as a defender of his people. the sham who were being brutally repressed in burma shan state was also the main opium production area in the golden triangle. a coveted region in a constant state of war certainly in his, in his group in his army, there were people which strong shown political em objectives em. but there were also people in his group, in many economic objectives. and coincide was very smart in sort of balancing these 2 groups in his own army poverty saying i'm fighting for shanklin garage at the same time making most of the money or the drug trade in becoming deeply unfortunate . and he was very good at it. couldn't saw boasted that he was powerful enough to assemble all the opium production of shan state and transfer it to the united states and exchange of a few $1000000.00 with which he could help his people. the proposal made its way to the white house, but washington preferred strong arm tactics to eradicate opium from the golden triangle. the us armed the burmese military and its blood 1st he generals. ready american helicopters failed to destroy a single opium field instead firing on rebelling minorities oh, i am the prince of prosperity could continue his rise as opium continue to make its way to his laboratories. protected in thailand, he stepped up production and was given a new nickname. the king of heroine. aah! meanwhile, in europe. in the mid 19 seventy's, a small group of cosa nostra lobsters hired the former french connection chemist, known as the godfathers of palermo. they brought in opium from the middle east to supply their illicit labs on the sicilian coast. the godfather, set up a distribution network in the united states in pizza restaurants in the new york area. soon baptized by the f b. i is the pizza connection. very soon, the sums of money involved became astronomical sicilian banks were unable to so couple the cash generated by the traffic locale mall was every next pros, yawned deer. disassemble k, r, if you have them on, but it's without all of our nuclear verde b, i could use it as victoria zuckerman. gallus, reese, was he ear to? does he stem do? don't cast him on dubois ashley piece, or now me or plus dupree lou debuted you. don't see him shake as he stand. fiowski parallel boy sharpie. i taught lily. she slice off his cal dizzy. dar eli muff. yes . on concord commerce, i well book with actual effects with systemic magnetic buskey beverage, easy, simple body mathew acumen. crazy stem cell was his, them kept the dentist, he knows he thought they fade thought, the organising pocket toys to succeed in sicily. the new ver reach of the mafia showed of their luxury cars and private yachts. the other mafia families who weren't rolling in this new money were infuriated that the godfathers of palermo didn't can. they were protected by fearsome henchmen. from the small village of connie own their leader toto rena was a bloodthirsty killer ever recruited by cosa nostra melina, when she got away it, um, but it also suburban. i could put mobile paulette in the tools it julie when i was on the other motto, national see been met. there were young that had gone through that level and delivery now because the maryland dominic cottleville. she the godfathers of palin . i saw rena as a brainless psychopath, but instead of wiping out the families that were angry with cosa nostra toto rena, united them to grow in strength. the various families provided him with dozens of new killers. appleton to no scope. there will. i've been the chemist up with my young lowell in after going on for fatima will be killer whether pursue point with if judy casey conflict on a 2 4th reach, weakness cheddar. sharon told her to the will alina, in another, beside the, since the traditional don't alley you should, did he got out of only camecia, eat pussy. they are. are these execution spectacular? i don't cuz she the i'm only matthew don't actually had you soon. was she didn't you? jesus going up a little bob young car seat idea. lou. milk sulk hadn't joined the debate. wonderful as it is this little magic language. it really means nothing on the ground. on air or online at your voice, the queen is be removed as head of state because she's done absolutely nothing. what these country white man, where is the progress? i haven't seen enough racialized. do you see sports journalist? i look like me. you need to listen to those voice perspectives, even when it's hard it when it challenges some of our foundational thinking. this screen on al jazeera, how do states control information in china? there's no can go. if you tried to search the war tenement, we find it is trying to make the whole country forget how did the narrative improve public opinion. they have live died and that allowed the children to continue to die to how is status in journalism. we framing the story. i'm here to document the war crimes committed by what do and he is resumed. the listening post dissects the media on the al jazeera ah al jazeera, with every oh, lou i molly inside and doha. here, top stories on al jazeera, russia is warning lithuania of serious consequences for restricting rail transit to clinic grad, which is wedged between lithuania and poland. that makes of the only russian regions surrounded by 2 nato members. the restrictions a part of a range of eas sanctions against moscow, there affecting the only railroad linking the territory of the rest of russia. the kremlin has vowed to respond to protect its own interests. if access isn't restored to many cane as mansion developments from berlin, what you have here now, at least the lithuanian government says this, as does the you, is that lithuania is prohibiting certain sanctioned items from being transported via rail, from cal in grad, through its territory through lithuanian territory to the rest of the russian federation. the russian government, however, sees things very differently, ceaseless as an infringement of its sovereignty. hence the references from that 2nd russian security council member to retaliation. hence the suggestion coming from him that the listen lithuanian people will suffer as a consequence of this. so yes, there's definitely very serious concern not just in the baltic states, but it has to be said at a pan e u level. the biggest rel, strike in britain in 3 decades is underway. tens of thousands of workers have walked down to mounting better pay and job security and projected a wage increase of 2 percent. while inflation is at 9 percent. the west flooding in bangladesh in years could be about to get worse. more rain is full caused. major rivers are expected to rise. millions of homes on the water and authorities is struggling to deliver emergency supplies. in india's, neighboring a, some stays flooding and landslides have killed. dozens of people. soldiers have been deployed to get supplies to areas that are inaccessible. south korea is fuss, domesticate develop space rock. it has successfully put a dummy satellite into obit. the test flight was a 2nd attempt health to one failed back in october. he knew he is design mainly for non military missions and satellite, nor the test had been scheduled for last week, but was canceled hours before lunch because of a problem. the sensor those headlines, these continues here now does they're out to drug trafficking, politics and power. ah, toto rena left 2000 corpses in his wake and became head of cosa nostra under his reign. dizzy by the phenomenal sums of money brought him by harrowing. the sicilian mob went a step too far in 1982, the communist party parliamentarian peal at all a drafted an anti mafia bill. a few weeks later he was assassinated. nella vasa bridger then bungled toiler, glen this deed on them, even for thought. it all. spain, the jargon went more about their last others thought 2 men were loose. i lifted me, glasser, lean, eyeglasses, i will go, it took them, not you put the rubber method closer to deliver the signal 4th, to go so sure. how much is that to look them in the it can i wanna with both? are they won the day after law tories death? a new governor was appointed in cecily, a man known for his fight against terrorism, general dela keesa. he was in turn assassinated. totally not after these any catawba, really pre do so. jubilee supposed keep hold of neil miller busby tree burst male bruce yellow said to e. d corporate more. 40 leo kappa. bdo. he vizier weakly tough. one m deal only, replied seymour or sicily. does he mall with his escalation of violence, politicians were gripped by fear even the most corrupt among them, parliament parssi assassinated communist party members bill on the word mafia, entered italian criminal law. for the 1st time, the enemy had been identified. the hoss trod laps, were dismantled, and dozens of low rank matthews. he were arrested, but more would be needed to rock. the organisation cozen nostrils, white powder was flooding new york. in 1080 to the big apple accounted for half of the united states, 200000 heroin addicts. for president reagan, the drug challenge was even greater than the one nixon had faced. especially since a new epidemic was spreading. the country now counted 10000000 users of cocaine. the president mobilized his special forces in florida. the medea cartel suffered severe losses. escobar realised he had to find new roots into the states. and that's how, in 1984, somewhere in mexico, the medina cartel met the guadalajara cartel, the colombians thought, hey, if we don't move drugs into the united states, that maybe the da won't come for us. if we sell it to the mexicans, then surely the d i o just chased the mexicans, which is rather floor thinking because judicial, if you're involved in any link in the drug chain, you can be prosecuted as eliezer con, got on piano, but i, your article guy you know, you'll over raising it may all rosetta bees yoga could, in a, may go to a local cloud, the relevant data with all new came policy li, big on to lot. i'm in the colombians come in and say, well, we need you to move tons and tons and tons of cocaine with the mexican tragic. his cat told of their promises and tons of cocaine crossed the border into the united states. the guadalajara cartel became almighty in the fall of $984.00, the da still hadn't worked out. wanted just happened. one of its agents and re k, carina discovered a vast marrow on a plantation. hundreds of actors all immediately destroyed. a few months later, d agent and rica come at aina, disappeared. we didn't know what had happened to our agent. what had happened to agent carina? we didn't know we couldn't get a straight answer from the mexican government. and that was when the border was shut down, the mexican government literally told the traffickers, we'd have to produce the body. because he knew he was dead. enrique camera anus atrociously mutilated body was finally found. it was discovered later that a special agent to being kidnapped by the mexican police, with the complicity of the mexican secret service and handed over to the guadalajara cartel. diana to his main associates were arrested. the drug lord went under ground to one of the saying c. investigation did was to expose a high level corruption and mexico and away that had never been exposed before to the light of day. the da's investigation uncovered the best kept secret in mexican politics. the sole party empower since the 1930s. the p. r. i maintained its grip by racketeering. all kinds of economic activities, both legal and illegal and when drug trafficking became routed in mexico, the country became a narco state. i'm to get one out. i will go on the, on the me go a m, all the mas, a little over to see i will not that i was actually on it, could you, the, nobody's about, of anybody, you know, a little bit. i'm a political interest when offered about going to where i just thought. similar as in allah, isaac, thou and wally thought, hobbler thought ah! in columbia, the truth came out at the same moment. in 1984, the new justice minister rodrigo laura found the courage to unmask pablo escobar, columbia, the initial pick, louisa. little epo. okay, so basically these alcohol, bluetooth of eco squamous introduces me into goals he to approve shown in parliament, rodrigo laura publicly accused. escobar being a drug trafficker in his day was dizzy dill plaza, having thick weather. owed us, but i kept, but his aunt thing blush, bro, us go good thus the laughing because your committees went and did it like i'm out. i live in dante, to sure of himself, escobar had forgotten one detail, an old case resurfaced. when a reporter from the popular daily l aspect i discovered in the newspapers, archives, an article that had appeared in 1976. 0, the young pablo escobar, i rested in possession of 19 kilos of cocaine footprint, as he called the amazon nebraska palace. glad i cannot april. yeah, this, helena would gain nothing. it was bruce, the kitten young being cool up a phone to go to nicole. traffic is gone. good. as soon as the impish on, on the lucky dollar in minneapolis area barrels. glad a stella big gland esteem, newcomers. what about yet? i said it political if he sadly not caught that if he can't go, if you see any justice minister rodrigo laura embarked on a crusade he grounded escobar plains and demolished his lapse in the jungle. ailing she'll go and look over at us re shia calling for a quote for a school on e fermoso berlin worth dealer in on april the 30th 1984 in bogota. rodrigo laura was shocked by a teenager sauce and employed by the lady in cotton. it was a declaration of war. the columbian president hit back by ratifying the dormant extradition treaty with washington. ah, pablo escobar entrenched himself in medina, protected by the population for whom he constructed homes, schools and soccer stadiums. he recruited an army of 2000 teenagers. oh mm. hm. truck loads, dabbling in politics is usually highly beneficial. playing on there, robin hood images, defenders of the poor and victims of her oppressive state. they enjoy strong popular support. and the more they are attacked by the state, the stronger they become deep within the golden triangle console was the perfect example of this phenomenon. in the early 19 eighties, the regions, geo politics changed radically. china had opened itself up to other nations, peace return. and the kingdom of thailand no longer needed its troublesome allies. serving no further purpose, the king of heroine was chased out of the country and sought refuge in his homeland of burma. couldn't saw set up his new laboratories in shan state without the slightest opposition. from the burmese dictatorship, he must have made paid off, but money too. i am ami commanders in the region. hm. it's hard to find evidence for that, of course. but i think if you look at how things have developed over the years, it makes a lot of sense as somebody rentals with the burmese military dictatorship, who's one of the most repressive in the world. why allying themselves with concern, they purchased peace in shan state, which represented a quarter of burma consol, offered them that which counted most in their eyes, stability in a region that had been in constant rebellion console did something extraordinary. and he gradually, through by assassinating rival leaders, by using of mo, basically the fur of death. he forced the sean, the fragmented sean movement to increasingly respect him as the leader. and he built a, an armed force of $20000.00 men. the balmy's army would not attack, couldn't south, and couldn't saw, could continue to present himself as the great defender of his people, the sham all the while, keeping his factories taking round the clock. oh no, i live beyond i or marvel. he had been a year, but more mo, you now it, it consol flooded the heroine market by selling his drugs caught price. in about 1990. 1 burn was producing around $500.00 tons of opium a year. by a 99, it was producing 2500 tons. a 500 percent increase. one of the most rapid increases in opium production up to that point in history, probably as far as we know, the most rapid increase. oh, thousands of kilometers away in sicily to attack cosa nostra godfather toto rena. the most fearless, investigating magistrates joined forces in an anti mafia. po, alongside the 2 charismatic figures of paolo bull, selina, and giovanni falcon. oh, do you think that was the rule casual? knew the owner that i'm at here located? is it. why couldn't you live it? only when you were also mysterious of us, it was a bit lower, mulash and much job. the kids i feel laurels with all group you'd allow welsh. she could be gibbs when i repeat 8, but the mon, them of yours. oh, judge fell cone, track the money to the tax havens of switzerland, panama, and guernsey, and initiated more than $20000.00 banking investigations. falcons method then followed the money across the atlantic to the united states, where he worked closely with the f. b. i to unravel the pizza connection unit similar to southern mine is shawna in dudgeon and he quit. so people with the bi, you're, you're singing galatia that will give her your visa syndrome. yeah, the leader. okay. and that was on queen nationwide. on my end i la bunker chicken in 1983, a leading figure in cosa nostra thomas o boucher was arrested in brazil. the totally unexpected occurred when he broke the mafia code of omega li 1815. do lie play so fair. how's the tour? he not yet tweak as he muttered stephanie, don't sir. a possible re eva olivia lee tulisa k do from should more i tell you. do cuz i know car audio felt good. thomas. so boucher to statement speeded up falcon and the f. b. i's financial investigations. a wave of arrest lead to the 2 biggest trials ever to implicate the mafia. the maxi trial in palermo and that of the pizza connection. in sicily, 450 suspects were indicted. after the 2 year trial, the court gave its verdict. 360 prison sentences amounting to a collective total of 2500 years to torina, who was on the run was sentenced to life in new york at the trials of the pizza connection. thus, isn't their associates also tumbled? mumford said the settlement. i'm willing to go susan, to look over that sooner than as soon as we're legitimately bunker. so jeff, i'll go to whistle single mom and just read the stuff who, thanks to falcon, the terms, money laundering, an offshore accounts entered into common usage. the italian magistrate had found the fatal weapon that could bring down drug trafficking, tracking money to where it was stashed in the banks. it frightens the drug traffickers, weigh more that some of the leadership in killed, if we're talking about money laundering. the international markets is where serious blows can be built. in 1988 in mexico, felix guy aldo was dropped by the men in power. but from his prison cell, the trafficker dissolved his cartel and split up his territories. among his young guns, all trace was lost of what was once and easily identifiable organization from then on each board, a post was controlled by new cartel. washington would only realize this much later . ah, in 1989, a few weeks after the fall of the berlin wall, the united states invaded panama and brought down its dictator. manuel noriega, an ally of the cia and of the drug traffickers in the war on drugs. america freed itself of its cold war logic in columbia. the rumour of a military intervention by washington made the headlines. pablo escobar didn't want to end up in an american jail if they wanted his head, they would have to collected from a mountain of corpses. as long as the government refused to a now the extradition treaty, not a single street corner would be safe. after a series of blind attacks, escobar had fall, presidential candidates killed the favorite for election, luis carlos gallon was assassinated during a public debate. with with he was replaced by his campaign manager, sees arcadia, who luckily escaped, an attempt on his life as thorough as the most. hilton, the endo laggard. i love this. after you skip the grims. mo, chose the last completion eyes put him blue. the left where supple your columbia, my love for you, she, i love for it as a math or a lot more detail going with the leaders. kimberly, an owner carry booker bouquet glacial porky quantum. you downwash is just completely eyes. one of them was quinta, keep them full control premium, was that by eco more last got to pay lis, which can be theoretical owner, remember guide, or if you had elected president sees aka very, a held one of the most dangerous positions in the world to stop the carnage he negotiated the conditions for peace with pablo escobar in exchange for his arrest. he promised to revise the constitution and withdrew of the extradition treaty. or if you were to not have my party in a coma truck that they are members 1st time notary darya. she 1000000 woke erotica . i'll neck easy. their yearly chair the really on june the 19th, 1991. the boss of the nadine cattle surrendered to the authorities on the wall of the living room of his prison cell, which had been decorated to his taste. pablo escobar proudly displayed his d. a arrest warrant or a new seattle's matter. gotta be got tables, gun bob lawyers, gallbladder, govea. and i got been found though, to me that if you build me, you'll need a bit but escobar didn't stay long in his bung could palace. he soon realized he was losing control of the drug traffic. unorganized. his escape, his competitors and associates who had taken advantage of his absence would join forces to bring him down. the mob stood decided to cooperate with the police with the help of their killers in informants, the manhunt made rapid progress. oh oh, on december the 2nd 1993. pablo escobar was shot dead on a nadine rooftop. it took the combined efforts of all parties, the da, the columbian police force and the drug traffickers to finally bring down the biggest cocaine trafficker in the world. ah, on may the 25th 1992 only till he was in morning in the coffins. the bodies of giovanni falcon, his wife, and 3 members of his police escort, all blown to bits by a bomb. for this tragic crime, the crowd blamed the political system which had always protected cosa nostra dick a new f. i should have gone into judge paula ball. selina would also die in a car bomb attack. ah, the s b i. investigators who were close to the 2 italian judges arrived, bringing support and brand new technology. for the 1st time in europe, dna samples were collected from the crime scenes. more than a 1000 people were arrested. toto rina's tactics were turning against him. betrayed by his own men, the boss of bosses was jailed in 1993 and would die behind bars 25 years later. cosa nostra was weakened by the arrests and by the statements of reformed my fiancee. the sicilian mafia was eradicated from the drugs network and became invisible for cosa nostra. the age of the drug lords ended here. ah only one drug lord remained in place. coon saw that the king of heroine had just crossed the red line. in 1993, he declared the independence of sham state. the military regime instantly sent their forces against him. console had no other option than to negotiate his surrender. in 1996, the dethroned king of heroine was granted a peaceful, retirement, surrounded by friends and family. you're yours arguably the most powerful, single drug lord ever and yet, you know, once you fall from power, the downfall of history's most powerful drug lord have very little impact on the traffic. oh, i know what deal now there only have them gun, no gun. some val caching and ha ha way, mom, them my of the non munchkin by linton. the error of the drug lords res narco trafficking to a level equivalent to that of mass retailing. the heroin and cocaine business is account for the same portion of the global economy as textiles. only an optimist could believe that the drug lords demise would bring an end to the problem. because a 3rd generation was preparing to take up the baton ago. july 18th, 2019. somewhere in the pacific ocean in the underwater belly of this beast, the coast guard discovers over 7 tons of cocaine, loot worth $230000000.00. when drug lords for criminal organizations reinvent themselves, one small by the end of the ninety's drug production had become concentrated in lawless areas. where is impossible to unseat columbia was the world's leading cocaine producer. and another country emerged as a permanent player and the story of drug trafficking. afghanistan, the world's top opium producer, i ah, criminal drug dealing shifted to police is beyond the reach of the many people in the off going to way in full. dropped with gorilla was in columbia and mexico, where the cocktails have been responsible for a muscle, a spiral of violence. the final episode of drug trafficking politics, territories on 20. mm hm. the journey has begun. the faithful world cup is on its way to the castle wookey or travel package to the hello there. let's start in south america and to renshaw. rain across the south, west of columbia has triggered another deadly landslide. and there's more rain to come. you can see the rush of storm clouds stretching all the way across golden areas of brazil as well. we have got warnings out via thunderstorms here, but it really is down in the south. we are going to see the weather turn rather wet . we've got a mass of thunderstorms making their way across paraguay into southern areas of brazil and even touching into uruguayan. that's going to knock a lot of the warmth out that we have seen here. if we have to look at the 3 day 4 s, sounds c on, we are going to see a drop of about 10 degrees or more by thursday with scattered showers. now, it is dry up further south, but of a wet and wintery system pulling into northern areas of chile, but still plenty of sunshine around as we head for the south and is not the sunshine to be found in central america for the caribbean, but still a rash of showers, stretching across a q, but we are going to see the weather turn rather wet for the likes of hispaniola by the time we get into the mid week. but from mexico. well, it's still getting a drenching on that west coast. as tropical depression, celia works its way wet and we're going to see some thunderstorms roll into mexico city on wednesday. that's your weather. official airline of the journey. in germany's capital, there is a barber, like no other that acquitted it to home for my remark, natasha cross with you. but as his city changes, he's moving with and going on the roads. the stories we don't often hear. it's owned by the people who live them. the master barber of berlin says europe on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera. ah ha! why? money inside the news, i live from dive hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes. russia warns lithuania of serious consequences for restricting rail transit to its ex place of clinic grad person's biggest rail strike in 30 years is on.

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