Hello, a learned taylor in london, the top stories lounges era russian president Vladimir Putin is finalizing his plans to alex for ukrainian regions. On tuesday, russias upper house of parliament approved the claimed annexations of 2 nets. You had asked suffer easier and her son then agitation. Now waits putins final signature, maam in val reports from moscow that he did not go out and saw it was the 170. 00 members of the Russian Senate unanimously voted yes to the annexation of 80 percent of ukraines internationally recognized territory. Despite international condemnation, miss the coach, of course, on monday the lower house did the same brokers show, she wouldnt stop watching industry report. Today the u. S. Have subjugated almost the entire west, mobilizing it to turn ukraine into a tool in a war against russia, just like hitler, st most European Countries to war in an attack on the u. S. S. R, and it was just like then, todays west plans are bound to fails, was googles brits one signed by president vladimir, put in the new constitutional laws become official involution for the ration. And moscow will really draw its federal map and that of ukraine. He, on the battlefield, that a yellow t is different. Russia only partially controls. The 4 regions it has claimed its army has been losing ground across the territory. Its been occupying. Last month president Vladimir Putin announced the mobilization of up 2300000 reservists. 200000 of them have already been deployed. So the horse training is underway in 80 Centers Across the country, but still general, theyre being trained to fired, portable unto thank a grenade launchers revealed train them how to run into battle for a on a very days to run it after weeks of confusion and protest against the mobilization thrushes defense minister said gauge showing who sought to reassure the public. Some of the car lockers was only for honorary services. Some young conscripts for routine Compulsory Military Service want to be deployed to the front line. But that wont lessen the challenge is rush is facing in its efforts to consolidate gains on the ground, nor in selling its war, both at home and abroad. How much fun, a da 0 most coke ukraine is pushing back. Russian forces on 2 separate battle fronts in areas. Moscow has annexed, including hassam, whether advanced could threatens supply lines for russian troops. For that bill, i mean, it is in creevy re, with more and ukraines advance. The military is not giving much details residency. Lensky talked about only 2 villages being liberated, but on social media, there is evidence of the ukrainian soldiers arriving in various towns and villages and hoisting the ukrainian flag. This same scenario happened in the north east of the country. Now, the russian appointed administration in the head sewn in the occupied bard has said that the ukrainians have advanced a long a didnt the pro river in the crimson region. A major influx of russians into georgia has become a political problem for its government. Most people are trying to avoid the mobilization order announced by putin last month. But georgian government says a 115000 russians have arrived since late september. The opposition that says its closer to 500000 United States as it will cool for a Un Security Council meeting over north koreas latest missile test. A miss al traveled further than any previous north korean missile. And is the 1st to fly over japan since 2017 south. Her rear responded by conducting the military exercises with the u. S. Air force. Its carried out what it calls a precision bombing drill to banks have been held up in lebanon as frustrated customers try to access their savings, is videos from one of the incidents insurer in the east. Theyve been several raids by clients across the country during the last month. Lebanon is facing a financial crisis, and banks have imposed strict limits on withdrawals. So that up to where is to stay with us out of their world is coming up next bye for now. Ah ah mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm. Mm mm mm mm im so i dont see it diana barbie. It what that fee will i think in mfc soon . Ah ah ah ah. Well, not seen an alumni Alan Hostetler monkey, not a doctor. I wanna hold my 2nd like hello motor. Hi, get fired number tab. Lena id been file on mr. Kenneth element upset. Im a busy, you are aflac hyatt with ali, hopefully by the photo corrupt in. Theres a say i nasty fella got to morgan to see where i either found my or come in the must. Not until i get that it. I like enough sleep. But the good robin, lou, lou, im an artist originally and then i started painting in an art academy and mm hm. Mm. And only later, much later after i gave birth to my kids, i went back and made this further education in art therapy. My source of having ideas for patients. My sort of having ideas for causes for, for people im dealing with is always coming very clearly back to, to my own work had an accident. I wish telephone already that hed been. And fin hm saw no start from the gallon. Innagot mfc analysis enough. See as i couldnt just say we couldnt get touched on filling group therapy, you and psychotherapy would sitting in on the same stone and their legs. Can amy am elevate the it even for and feed no tobacco shirt and cant bother to walk on water. We couldnt get a one moderate issue out of it because my nik im 30. It helps allow for it how to get to get then get, then lunar them. And then i like you can free hague earlier a lot called the i locked you, but how to code or out said any, nobody it is not at all. So been this been that goes in and cultured with better, although i live at 3, but well get this my been was through. Its tanya, my doctor ins. Olivia mcgriffs at the d. M t or what that is in october 3rd of october that that short fly la la techniques that i had a across was a woman. Can they ask in ah, somebody here ive seen that you are here for the ive said over the course. I seen some of you, i know, and i would love to ask you to share one main reason youre here for an ace, me a mil for it, and itll be book web ex, an elite will. Helena should include course there in c c in the lesson. Was sheila at the leg . Yeah. And the monkey in the address of the i didnt have see whether i said it more likely in homan and thought he address. He dont know if the full and asked me the long and i live in the course, the northern and her from what hold on. I think her connect mano doesnt wanna see doctor fair enough, worse than an a, a from sawyer to get some group for through the info. Singular. Get her an ice me diet. I will mother. I ag are therapy or has it in the eyes are gonna be now dominant and a national. I am the active high get over and i see you were the fed banassi doctor. And its me, him out of. And italy ought to fill a piano in another. His none of us that i ask it, then when i was put away and when for ash were for quantum glamour on him. Said the other lot from my experience so far, most of the clients who would come to our sarah p courses o one to one sessions they ah women. This is the case here in egypt and this is also the case back in germany. My experience tells me that men have sometimes they more difficult to tease, to admit that they also actually would love to enter as sarah putin. Puss ah with you will have it in gratitude direction. This means you are in front of the sheep and its going this way with then we have the lemon yellow, the can mean read. And now there is that i to marine can you see its a little bit lighter and then there is the prussian blue goes tiny been towards green. Ah ah. So you really have to distinguish between them. You just put some water and then the paper weights. So, i mean, you all have to know that this kind of preparation is already part of the pro said, ah, a and also any we dont want to have like lakes on the sheet. Yes, it should be wet but not to with, with awe. And this will be about light and darkness. The yellow is the lightest color which we have. No. We really have to be careful with the yellow because the yellow is so so sensitive, it immediately gets angry. If it just has a tiny spot of any other color actually. So you play with this thing and you explore and you perceive what is happening amara oh, no ah, this process, this paper is just for you. So there is no judging after. There are no grades there is no analyzing, ooh, oh ah, so you can take it as a possibility to explore. Ah, ah ah huh. Yeah. You have so many people nowadays who suffer from depression, depression, actually for me is the missing ability of making sense out of my life. For this paper, everything looks the same. Everything is equal, everything is meaningless. You need no need to make any effort because they know already that it will not make sense. And it will not be worthwhile to make any if i was those people, i start to work in very small steps. I would give them wet in which painting businesses a specific answer, a pure painting setting means we went to the painting, the sheet of paper and then we use the new to to water color. So immediately you, you, you make one stroke. C and there is color and it flows. So a minimum of effort and you have already something so i would work with them was 2 or 3 colors for example. And these colors, they merge into each other very easy me from oh, providing some wonder was this easy stuff is kind of awakening. The sense of sight awakening, the sensitivity towards the words. What they lost so much actually our senses are the gates to the words. And if we are not training hours census, we lose the words we lost. The content. And depression is a total loss of many senses. All over that as soon confirm with the hegan. Them, as in anna fatima daughter for, couldnt have been in the hospital and when were an office and not see her cotton is doesnt want, but has a us foot containers the haggard. Then when i was in a bazaar the her was that on a lucian assessment of girl by then i sit with fear, give them i fin hosted than another euro. No, any la. Hm, no, my feeling will be a middle e. And if youve got my enough here scale, marianna has said that the thing with didnt give them aaliyah when the at the, in the long run, her die soon, the mentally home forgotten and not as long as it could be a moment list of them that they knew i am a dork and didnt get them those in the push. Second, you got it from the last to give them the money i is the out of that the modem of bias to him. And then i come back a lot about the in the, in the muslim leader in after the be, you can object that much quicker than our thoughts. So the thing is already on the paper and then you can realize what happened i me you learn to decides you have your, your starting a painting. Saw some colors of their already the next step, the month, a decision which ones to decrease, which ones to increase. So this is already finding a motive in away. The more im entering artistic exercises, the more im entering this artistic process, the more i can become courageous and even self confidence in going through my life. Yeah. In psychotherapy, it takes a lot of effort to let the patient not hides behind his work because we all, we are so clever in hiding behind what youre saying. Oh, i know nothing of the center, but weve mission with jose to honey. All right. Oh, what we did, how will pick it up in the hospital and i only show room for that. Thats how i live on one of im not how many oh, i can shop over there for me, but then i will be off site, but ill have to call us i i felt saying right. And yeah, i ah, in the had not at all the aim to the developmental path within the artistic work is considered the medicine i this was a little muscle and then ill miss the local pilot last long when we bought the forgot. So i thought all of the guys im in the law dahlia baton. I actually had to sit in the hash tray affected us for them for faster than you do with that i asked me why you will the i i am going to buy the modem is in muslim canyon shops in honey. Listen, it isnt a nice in the middle. Wanted a suit. I did have a Gaming Machine of the slot machine in the seminary and has the limits of human muscles. Not even that be offered anaya. The hazy of missy marie, i look on with her mother jill. Swanson, when i deserve it, i will miss money ramming home banana. And i guess alicia 50 ah managed the marine bosses and zane middle rings. And yet the fatima had the dany finesse silhouette and was sure how to could give me. She kissed had the daniel again, the dead powder could give me the king to tears come in. You say i have in of cody shak, les atlas and egg ontario, how to code or 2nd b good. Then be say it fi a body image. Oh, so it must be in a angus me now. When my shaky lifted am, im good. How i need a whole shift. The women mute are good then. Yeah. Local mom called to you even got up in that which i forget and you just armnaya were they . I mean no, i for no one. 0, how was the what the ecc. Were at. See, no one has her because eve american will spell if a v as in dog u. Good. Been multi michel channel um as the awesome own grammar crunch. Oh, and a lottery, as i didnt see, had been out a little as in their hollow sort of star course that i like. But saturday till she got home again. Chandra, i either called willa and our family. It was up to when the machine is a white in dont father to live in america. Who does what are it, of course, and about to lose by my itll be self qualify me if you believe, give them less of haiti. Anna lamar military minute. The really be esl, oqueeno, moderate, be a sensitive europe. Amok. La mancha way. I dont go to the colon hamilton, but also to be strictly does haiti in Dance Movement therapy and dean de la la . Cant buddy how to cover us . One o ha. And were at lake hutton, by that a win party in hawaii. I am the houses be up has see is name wanting to call her up to gibson me her at all college. It either be a head lock in the fcl was a hurricane gets me. Never dos her, i love couldnt know. Why learn much i it in there. We come in a pass amok la marcus. Same on. Can you cool and how to get they get some really harlow carpet and depression was a bit of florida and he had alcohol is asserted. Michelle lee gay be good then out to get the minute they found in he gave me the gave higher fee and kathy in that i had trouble, i will with the howard because of her mom her go to i mean by because of, of the hurricanes. Ok. So my mother has a fellow will in a jani, which begins to pour the orchestra when i was there, how white by the garage in an arm of the chest belonged at the val mikey idea knew what bene, camella the law, how to quote the who have a 1000 k and i can fill our number blah, blah. Gosh, wow, yeah, were good price on the not my but im, it of part of the thought of god must serve god. What diana, its an animal can upon, im gone. Of i yoga, exit just mean will cause her to be how far redmond there hogs. Ah ah, ah. As more people admit to suffering from anxiety and depression to day Al Jazeera World meets women using art and Dance Therapy to address their problems, are sensors and dates to the words. And if we are not training our senses, we use the words and trust we let go. You can do it until you are 90 or under the colors of healing. On al jazeera, a 3rd of the country is under water. More than 33000000 are suffering from hunger, disease and displacement. The word stories about children were drinking from the same water with their dead khaki will float al jazeera questions. The Climate Change play a role in the deadly down Climate Change is here to stay with the full report focused on the great deluge on al jazeera with blue and i will learn taylor in london with the top stories on out 0. The upper house of russias parliament has approved the annexation of 4 regions in ukraine. Annexation will now go to president Vladimir Putin for final ratification, as despite ukraine, pushing back Russian Forces on 2 separate battle fronts in those areas, including house on where their advance could threaten supply lines for russian troops. What abdul hamid is in creevy re with more new cranes advance. The military is not giving much details. Residents, zalinski talked about only do villages being liberated by the social media. There is evidence of the ukrainian soldiers arriving in various 1000 villages ad hoisting the ukrainian flag. The same scenario happened in the north east of the country. Now, the russian appointed administration in the head sewn in the occupied bard or has said that the ukrainians have advanced our long a didnt the pro river in that his own region. A major influx of russians into georgia has become a political problem for its government. Most people are trying to avoid the mobilization order announced by putin last month. The georgia government says a 115000 russians have arrived since late september. The opposition says its closer 2500000. And the influx is a threat to national security. United states, as it will call for a Un Security Council meeting over north koreas latest missile test. And miss al, traveled further than any previous north korean missile. And is the 1st to fly with japan since 2017 south career responded by conducting military exercises with the u. S. Air force it on mosque has offered to buy a social media platform, twitter for a 2nd time agreeing to pay the 44000000000. 00 price tag. It originally offered in april. Shares of the company went up by 22 percent when news broke. That must would be proceeding with the purchase to which are in mosque. Would you in court this month to settle the deal with the platform seeking to hold the tesla, see you to his original offer. In july, the mosque said hed be walking away from the agreement because the company misled him about the number of fake accounts on the platform. And because of concerns over the security of user data to stay with us earlier, well continues now. And you know, if hes straight up to that tobar on al jazeera campaigning for nigeria is elections begins as candidates via for votes. And what is set to be a decisive and close race. Emmy Award Winning folk lines returns with an exclusive investigation into alleged cover ups by the us border patrol. China holds its National Congress of communist Party Members with president g, likely to be re elected as its head. What does this mean for china and the world . Holy with dreams takes you beyond the glitz and glamour, revealing the stories of those seeking fame and fortune in the Worlds Largest film industry. 60 years on from the cuban missile crisis, we asked what can be learned from events that lead the world to the brink of nuclear war . October on al jazeera, ah ah, the name that you had a k . It was english. Yes, i had an easy. The layout in not yet is that the how to rec, mfc goes it. Okay. Miss michelle isnt them enough that hurricane has been i mean they bought this in the paddock. My mom you that when madame hoff, he had a bet. The 3rd was in my i was and i had the athletic my hair enough to goes, which doesnt coil is enough that harko. And how eddie, that i think of her a, her mystic chesnut c thought fallen of c. So what are they gonna say . Were already had it from the, from a sort of telephone. Let me go to a packet that if a study from that i think enough seaman had, i live with fun. I like, but youll go, well at some point with his little i legal, razzolink parker, the unseat. And im of the a la and not cautious language also can im interested in getting and then martin actually nazi said layman any sham at me. Awesome. Awesome. And when can you say i finished this and then im feeling home in my body. And then again, i dont go after that. Ive been a few that have been am in the woods that theyve been, you know, im looking at the disappoint latania. And in that age levant, within the heart of any with book, i guess if you cannot, you know, we can continue to have another claim and i wouldnt log in. This will lead to oh i. Ready ready correct the name of faith allen, and i want to shave to me and im a fool will let them give me it can keep a little lemon. Not a lot of course, had a mac with my father get up when you give me enough to the lawyer from. Im home and i will let them look at the animal. But on the website that this need to come in had them, would you cut out the elephant haiti, and suddenly out of love it and i will hold stores some exercises for rhythm. Id like to show it as haga 1st. Maybe. How do you come here in short, short, a long these exercises with the sticks. They train us on rhythm and rhythm is some sing which we all easily enter. Actually, once we catch ships, rhythm like this can save a lot, a lot of energy shod. Scott, long, shaw, shaw, long shaw, shot long rhythm is always spreading a health, sci moot, but we lose it so easily. So we need a rhythm of life. We need to a day the rhythm, if we dont have rhythm in our life, we need a tremendous amount of energy to goes through our week to goes through our day shaw chart, a short short. So having an experience with my whole body is very healthy and very good and it makes as a wait ah, and then i have had a my, but i know it was my, my, they thinking im and he gets stuck on washing and you mean muskegon happen okay, im sick. I been for obama looking kids in the paddock, nautilus, but i to me, man. I stood alert and if im how seen i let any happy war, ma through january 1st, namely hot coffee. Ha, blanket minister. Dear fear, lockwood know what the founder model or korean woman can, can a know they say i to, to fail, didnt finish the amendment, little faithfulness. And anna had leeside enough, but also came in at Betty Hardwick and kissed me whenever but also my shock didnt really heather and object over the and his that happy ah ah, the other one besides, you bought a door in . Yes of the, you know, the hurricane gets me, will it . They found a mile or how to we know why biggest me finances in what . Ah, with ah ah, ah, ah, the specific material i would chose, i would find some suitable in order to provide an inner development. So its based on challenge actually. M m here starts to needed a bit bmw for people who have weight problems. My salon. I which was clay, because they have something they can confront. They are confronted with our behavior is always based on thinking, feeling and willing. And very seldom it happens that these 3 so or powers are in harmony. Yeah, we want to do this and we think its good, but we cannot feel the same work in art therapy. Is constantly trying to bring these 3 powers together. And this has a tremendous healing aspect. It just thought a press not to grow in and take it from one hand in the other hand. And the aim is now just with the power of your hand to try to read the a perfect boy. Therapy will hang up, the women would have no philosophy, any rashadi, wiley who isnt within us to laugh at. So with that, the how you briefly you should really take care that you work now, basically with the power of your hands because we touch nowadays so many things just with our fingers. And actually its like scratching on the server. Mm. So we touch, but we dont touch it. You know, its like touching another persons stroking another person. Yeah. And if i do this too, its like its almost a bit ridiculous. So in order to really feel it needs the how in hand to touch the other one in, in and so all of it we collect would it wet, interact with, get them . Well guess might be para, went up to stutter in the cooler call about a half hour, but a bit alice fell on back and it will bower holder of the mcdaniel hag. Those look when the heck is equivalent to forward the my, me in the, in the command cobbled for power or cabella know it in the, the am and that i like with out of tindy. Leah, can it hang on a check . Look up, how will okay hold on. Hold on with a miss, cassandra, to power miss ellen. How and why . Yeah, i will check to hey, when they look at power will gladly check even the whole is in family, in a with them in northern minimal will and everything on friday. And then the command hated to prior when near cumberland, when him set on the local and if he ended he ah, the glad to to follow my foot of the wind. But i got to be her. Well the check the shots, the up normally get him and i am a big but man, if her mother fused the full aetna, sheila about moment. Oh no hassle of little foot monthly effort to follow. I thought up the been with less hubbub when i had them america. Ah, in my shaking in the thea mishma with us on the course of the flood. Besides the motive, my shaken the flee. A my thank ali we im canada. He bought us hold on buddy ah ah ah. Ready oxygen abuse you to move for all ages. Really. I had patients, they were like 4 years old. You can do it until you are 90 or hundreds. Theres no limits. Ready you can choose so many different techniques. Ya, you dont, you would not work on those on a stone, on a soap stone with somebody who is 85. But a lot of lights, techniques which can be done easy me. There is only like a turn. Ah, one to one sessions are recommended from my sides if people suffer from very severe disorders. Ready ah and all so if its swiss kits sometimes and they have hyper active problems, you can not have them in a group they, they would freak out altogether and you cannot handle the situation anymore. So they need these kinds of problems. They need to want to one relation blue. Ready ready ah, a. Ready ah, so i think i know some of the births was not have the same right and birth natural birth. Yeah. But he was premature. So he was born in like 5 weeks early, 5 weeks, 5 weeks early. And so he had a problem with his lung, and so he had to be in an incubator for, for 77. 00 days. And the 7 days. How often did you were you allowed to take him . And i was not allowed like he was in the incubator and like i could just put my hand and, and touch him. And thats, its a mean now after like talking to you and learning about all of this it, i mean, it breaks my heart. Of course i feel like if i, if i knew then was, i know now i would have insisted that this is nonsense because in these early pages of childhood, every child develops his sense of touch. So if this is not activated daily, it kind of was drawing. Mm hm. I have to get my yearly group couldnt wipe out the same one kid knuckles, mom bought what at, in any group dickies me with the hagar. Im had at the finance with david. He gives me, im a good man, a hunting bit, their field e gabby, while a therapy and then can have both also a little box but to let check a passive give me smallwood whenever can mean you finish my would. I know that if he had had Dance Movement therapy had i definitely fairly mot, honey check and i couldnt. Mm ajm. Oh mama mission here. What we havent seen. Ask you a lot mask again and then my name is to be you trust me let go with vain and add the be dr. Sila, i guess piety and he invited to be clean, deflect, hyaski, and then they got, let go, i guess why. And then and then im a let go and then you come in the me ah ah ah, you may find yourself at the end of such a pro says with and achievements. You really own it and you can recall it. Back in daily life, me. I me, on the acceptance of peace, clearly increasing more and more people really ask for this. And i think one main reason is that people feel that the work was our hence is so missed and so needed. Mm noon. I need to start the nisa. Know now the check will be to half an essay sat and i get the camelia camilla philip, that my lady, famish been a leg though e l and fake was therapy. I will lake and kelly me. And when we get them yet come on with a go work like a year. We bill it to fit my lithia even if as a few, if in what 2 that mil her good idea. Morning sabina no, i mean no other than an excellent can how to call a with me think i see nasty. What was in the corner . Thats enough to offer. Cool. And my guess need be be forgetting angelina. He had to get a quote on the list that youre starting to get that will let you her. I didnt wanna let you just ethan cynthia. Daniel ethan, the now ha padlocked. Youd always highest these ha, doctor said at least you shall see. Oh, i will certainly feel dilate nasty on sunday and hot next in some aux vigorously michelin m m a bastard. Yeah, i see you have dc. Well, that is a one of us that will have this new bottle. A lobbyist benefit fee bohak p then but hotter than high advocacy liquidity at the shaft and the few total kits yelling in nazi on filter and you must have done that also seen late at the end when i spent a year and i think enough cedar shop to fianna see i just on yeah, i get get you get mr. Hubby, have bitten us. See what mr. Want me to go to chat a shift ah ah ah

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