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the top stories on al jazeera, we begin with breaking news. us authorities say all flights in the united states have been grounded because of a system failure. the federal aviation administration says more than $400.00 flights have been delayed within into or out of the united states because of a technical glitch. it's unclear what's behind this, the federal aviation administration as treated in the last few minutes and says the f e a is working to restore its notice to air mission system. we are performing 5 final validation checks and we're roll reloading the system. now operations across the national airspeed system are affected. we're going to provide frequent updates as we make progress. or kimberly hawk at our white house correspondent is joining us on the phone. now kimberly, this is a very large scale incident. what more do we know? yeah, this is something that the biden administration is grappling to deal with right now . this is something that is unfolding in real time. what we know is that this is something that involves the late notification system that is for the entire united states. and you can imagine the scale of this is enormous. the passenger travel in the united states effects tens of thousands of people on a daily basis. there is no idea whatsoever of when this could be restored. this is something called the not have or the notice to air missions. and what it does is it essentially helps to advise sort of a emergency sort of flight awareness for the, those that are operating the overall air traffic and to the pilots. and so obviously this is not functioning, the whole system is not functioning. so what we know is that there are, according to the federal aviation administration, that this is something that is being appended to this is obviously critical infrastructure in the united states. this is being treated with the most of important. we're not being given any information about how this has suddenly become an outage. we only know that this is in parallel at the moment, but we have no understanding of why we also have no understanding of what it will be restored. so you can imagine the chaos because this is a regular work day in the united states. people right now are already at the airport. this is a regular business travel day. i my cell from the northeast quarter, which is a heavy business travel area between washington dc. and boston, new york city, los angeles, cargo, atlanta, all of these major hubs are regular hubs for business, travel, all of the people at 7 am eastern standard time where i am right now, are getting on planes to go to business meetings to even the time of zoom and teleconferencing, people still do physical travel. and so this is going to be a time when airports are packed and this news is going to inject chaos into the travel system in the united states. now once again the f a and there are alert and it's very, very short says there is no estimate for when there will be restoration service. there is only a hot line which has been put in place in order to try and give people further notification. but right now there's very little information coming out for passengers. company, thank you very much. indeed, we're going to be checking in with you as a story develops. but for now. thank you. you know, police in germany, every victim climate activists from a small time that's going to be turned into an open pit. coal mine of course, rejected the process as request the state and producer started moving items workers in the u. k. pressing on with the 2nd strike, those winter demanding higher play as the cost of living stores. nurses are also planning to walk off the job after what they called a bitterly disappointing talks with the government. those on the headlines the news is going to continue on al jazeera. don't forget the website, obviously a dot com after odyssey or world goodbye. ah ah . all i am with a ah estoppel, the biggest city in tokyo, it's cosmopolitan, often known as where east meets west with a mix of many different cultures and communities. it's also a magnet for refugees, asylum seekers and political activists from other countries. these can attract the interest of the world's intelligence agencies. that my life and the me, me one though, well, each of the stuff closely with turkey is foreign relations can sometimes directly affect people from specific countries living in his sample. one example of this is israel. in the 2000 to key a 7, it's relationship with israel because of the repeated killing of palestinians in garza. but in august 2022, the 2 countries agreed to restore full diplomatic relations with a view to working more closely together. but beneath the surface events were unfolding that told a different story. one involving the 2 countries intelligent services, which actually they hide in for the far yet those that are not fucked out. let it go to do this. i'm gonna find out a cash letter, which they were all messy. she did pull up the kick kitchen letter in october 2021 . the turkey security services arrested 15 people who they alleged were working for his railey intelligence. the ma, sad inside, took here and see about jcl shop, and so, okay, their job, 5 years ago said, are all meshed. usually this more thought center said tom or i'll miss hell of al jazeera as arabic channels went to his stumble, to investigate these events on office half an hour to summon. it's steve artist, you are tall and most other. just look up to larry. wonder if so the article on your left hand washing mother while self, not palma took look when aka had if al anon multiple in home a pull up. hey canada, soon after july 30th yet all of them are let us. i did order sonic lemon troll. took you to shawn earle and invest holdings of his truck, bosher, lord angela's truck was shallow. i've got to move it to milan, asked the martyr. john chalk banter, director q u x. if it is. and i talked to d got a little the looking for another, a divorce rendering it almost a year ago, give me a job and, and in whatever any, adequate to turkey it, especially year eula had on the hooker the car up. see, i see turkey, it's really were lacking yes or no, no, come on like a coffee yet vain. and we'll said this lady was there, bought out a turkey one, effie turkey. i led us an awkward a mother was in the church, could either be cautioned, but the lead. so none of the traditions as a mom is really designed to talk was like in the service that was most of the most will do that. and this is just as a mental positive, you know, and it can be good. it's better than that. it be recovered. hip hop, some shaken ended august. maybe just me look something about to look to, to get shipped. it's allison that each year all teach all that, all that you're in or not wish to order and talk to the bush, auto cock receive. i believe there was a picture, the meters in the years. i get the ship. it it, it did. you need about how confident and i'm looking a bunch of fish the inside the truck. do you need to be a joke? tend to kind of when it would fit in mr. paul, confident that last the fuel or the how confident it took you to take all that at all. do you say that the teacher didn't use it? you know, i don't. i, michelle to michelle shocked me. she was the key when it's been a little while suddenly just to be. so really what am i a mystery? oh becky, a lot about it. do you mean there was a motion to be it was yeah. well, let me know what the hell a must have a she, i mean, generally favorable high offices in the country to less chart rosella mil to kia while i had to kind of had ego. well, i had the bad half shoe. can i tell for sale ill, happier been barely had them or do while or what had been off. is a rosamond or thought, while she said, oh, cool, she saw to the l. jazeera team established that the turkish security authorities had been monitoring different suspects for several months before the arrests. this video allegedly shows one suspect receiving money from a local taxi driver. the surveillance operation enabled turkey security to identify what they believed to be a wider network of alleged mos at operatives. she must alexa and libya, how will that one longer smiley labarte blacken live with the color? the wind knocked. i come in for hi hick. i didn't know how lucky i did it and hadn't hidden for the last one must come with as we'd have been well at camilla come faster than us. i like him who i let her talk, leaving that man asked helena alice hoss, alina quinton de la, coming home and am wildman the cotton made. it has gone to that. our home shots, ian now along softly. i'm with her and a flail home. when, as you heard him, maria fix them in la la la valley, went to mel cockle danny. then al jazeera, obtain documents and audio recordings of alleged ma side offices, trying to build a network of agents in several turkey cities. these officers made contact with their targets. i phone or via social media, but never met them in person in tortilla. actually him and the laza, javelin mazama, la learner were hi. miss yolanda wolf. though with the documents and recordings included the names of dozens of people targeted by the alleged moss at offices, some of them agreed to speak to al jazeera, as long as their identities were concealed and their voices disguised. i look now, tamar, i'll miss hal met. and us a young man targeted for recruitment by the ma said he explained how potential agents were found and contacted, you know, that also couldn't build in homes. those are, those are the 3 been both going on in christmas main hub. so do the whole matter to you and his telephone back into trina was a my, lenore on a sheet fi lobe model of that offerings, a man you know, in legible full esteeming while was rude for tokyo muscle, and the killer shade in the land cannot not mama, almost walton, with attorney far in the fia lamar. luckily one and mostly men, while a gentle philistine e. william was want fullest linea minimal. hi yamuna mascara, li slammy, ill am alika law. in the shot a while ali at fiance, which was fuzzy fil codes will come on fe, wooden mortality, 5 feed the fabia. this palestinian presence in tokyo rang alarm bells for the ma said. they identified that the numbers of arab palestinian students and political activists that were increasing it's not unusual for intelligent services to put eyes and ears in places of interest to them. according to the documents and testament is obtained by al jazeera arabic, the ma said we're primarily interested in activists. and those close to palestinian leaders living in turkey are. they also focused on student studying science and engineering. in most cases, communication with that talk, it started by social media. mm ta morale miss. hell met her sane. a university student who suffers from a chronic disease for which he's been searching for treatment for some time. he believes that his illness was the reason masa identified him for recruitment, play very thin air, helena, carrabas by at the asylum, or by physical footer on a ledge. a kid on waco, martine, above, powerful and warmer, modern duty draw. little thrilled muffle called to lowe's. new, horrible warden for awfully meyer. shirking mcgrooves yonder woman proper. mister can learn wald. what matter madame philosophy? what can have it a woman that but a thoughtful mind. philosophers will. hello madell. what i mean has a fee of it's more but with other fun of so i'll says nora leanne and she said a good patrol. so dear and you feel upon me why. but on the other side of the lot took a home, it's extra mother and kill. i had them out. yeah. and this also bubble thought at the news fee and went back and shook her last why in my floss value followed by the human side of the people as well as anna and hussein edna was another tokyo resident who says he was targeted for more side recruitment. visit and then k for the model for re lake. i'm with up the analysis care on this. just get it out to you. when one of the models over was to show some thought of it. there are subtler subtle salt chemical. him the home of a little community that the model of the experiment full of the new spin, the silver nestle code on a well the shadow key. oh, i don't think i know the rasa love love maryan. they may have an effort to identify personalities of the palestinians in terms of the strength weaknesses, will not abilities and try to exploit it. they run a lot of different mac mechanisms and lot of different assess, just or in a single piece of information with conformational verification. process any fault that any of the agents do know it me is just mobilized the efforts of 2 other intelligence assets on the ground. al jazeera, learned that the messiah recruiting officers sometimes made mistakes in contacting their targets, and this helped the turkish investigation. some more sad targets became suspicious if those approaching them on social media suddenly changed their job titles or posted content from unusual locations. and i noticed that someone who contacted him had previously claim to work at the study center, but then changed the type of requests they made of him at 9 grew suspicious and reported this to the turkish authorities. bad bad. they followed the fallen and now out of and had a latin of all in the nettle hold on to nato. infinite will hasten, nathan, an o and one of sammy laughter. i've been this, but it's my last house. olivia also remark my hill. asthma. can see all the lot lay seen better and more best caraway or fi andreea's. we caraway lucas sir? oh, fis army caraway or condom one of some of the but now in the, in english, only let any more of them under the button it on record. the money we send in on a minute to had no welfare it was important. oh oh oh good. i mean oh, you only not go a home madison at in the home. it only has in the said, i what he said in a ticket he hung less bad, tucked lemon bars, such a hot pocket. then when paulson sorry little boy had to do an under that. but now it's clear that for the senior that out a form for the crew to be a small her asthma of her safely. thomas fella woman with danny, doesn't happened in from another nun to handle under color. got my home just clear . but noah hadn't flat it been of content fun out with nick as of now what's happening here? michael marcus. her centers at now. and i had just telling them or so that anyone with contacts with the palestinian group hammers was of interest to the ma said jonathan at the some if you get mad at me into sharefile a year 3 and that is unlike megabit in north america hallmark on thursday, then what about the yeah. the maria of the yeah. the north economic nashua that i'm elected it under my bomb. oh, baby. her for laughing, but no, we're hot. blue. what? they're c s. c o. r law basil, wian. wendell malemad debarber mckenna in the winter or quarter up, la jermarta would know manhattan hamas, it to peon while mom does watch any kind of put jonah lola chevrolet. you know. yeah. i love my with the man and about your boy, just only love hard my son's one another year among them in both of the follow up the some 4th of march hutton money from the source of all that i want to follow the fun well bosses you had to money on if a dollar fee has me, if a man or what, how much? ok. how much if it took care, how much of a mosier that only a woman li fee come on will. how a lot what ammonia lee. you had the what the heck and then the command. lemme see in massage. welcome. on the movie month, lee had the what they, what come on like funny while me, while you speak about the buying together, come on. it was all about was whether mobile and april and for facebook matter and it's also not when i look this will mold fee. i go to the hotel and not working. it hasn't matter who are moving to. so do you. and then i got your product 990. i learned the whole soft smoking. so why don't you tell me who has to be? i will follow up with one and the whole behind on multi behold pill every how to say can line dish was wasn't enough. people had good actor if you had a little girl, i'd love them on wash other than the one that you're shabby with. you limit your opposed to value here, women of the young alley will be who will have good him. unbeknownst to the ma said some of their recruits begun to turn an offender, but the nice be how i can lay it and know well it probably be read and understood. key modified w bush and, but i'm sort of home by the way, who i later washer on the ballistic getting money. well, listen over to the scenario where it's no more detail. recall among the or if you follow been under louis and i like let it matters, read i level dumbest kind of modeling lancaster with the town. and i just wanna have them move or shot multiply utilize him in the shop. can him in florida? him out of kenny duck kind of bulletin me. i mean with her, but we'll look home left when her know i am with ally and how we're going to need to bill banana me. will bobbitt among the next look at a shuttle hurrying. awfully. must had any odom or you must control your 2nd less good, michael. if you don't see a silly bill, those need of almost the minute had been all modal to just for school law will model surely. well, mortal if mean dolah dollar. in fact, i mean a little he may live or he may or may not need the bottom of my vision do full of them in my garbage and not being my mom, my son is under the fish in almost said, well i believe that this incident identification of 5 sells, just delivered a warning signal to orange to them in turkey, that the individuals they are dealing with, maybe an agent of israel. and i think they're much more, you know, we're off the threat and acting as such, acting in accordance with this when the turkish security services received these reports from the student targets, they launched their covert operation to monitor the most activities. it took several months to gather the evidence and the metal was held manager to the many with his l. m, the yona book, while at the side or whatever. and he had it for one day or took him to log between you know, behavior, you know, that's a little bit outside because will be my home. my phone will be don't hear about it will be have you found a woman that is powerful? are her, let me show you how affordable our beset life . busy well, mother palm will be a 3rd hand that also knew my last coffee money. how you can be a you had to be i had to deemed as number 100 even if you so because the love to do why was 2nd at the bottom the me a little loose any hello kenneth. i want to love more, had that in for the hustle, sought me 100000000 will look love people. so let me let me ask you the coming up in part to the turkey security services investigation gathers faith as mo, most our target turn informal leading to the october 2021. a rec i was in a hands on celeste's working in asia and africa. there'd be days where i'd be choosing and editing my own stories in a refugee camp with no electricity. and right now we're confronting some of the greatest challenges that humanities ever faced. and i really believe that the only way we can do that is with compassion and generosity and compromise. because that's the only way we can try to solve any of these problem is together. that's why are so important, we make those connections. african narratives from african perspectives could be from one in a british guy, decided to be a good for a new series of short documentary by african filmmakers from ken young nigeria and wanda ma default toward our law trucks for more conservation for my boss, joy in the traffic and feeding the gay africa direct on our just here. there are people in the world who walk all forms of verification to just go away. so we need people fighting against that. we are trying to see if it's, if they could be of you maybe consider, but then a different time. they risk a great deal to find out the truth in very complex situations that include major global players. we've been told to buy cyber attacks from russia. they're all they just do this kind of work well in truth in a post truth world on al jazeera. with amro matheson and doha, the top stories on al jazeera. we're going to begin with some breaking news out of the u. s. all flights across the united states have been grounded because of a system failure. the federal aviation administration says more than $400.00 flights were delayed within into, or out of the united states because of a technical glitch. no, it's not clear what that problem is. the f e has tweeted in the last few minutes, it says is still working to fully restore the notice to emissions system following an outage. while some functions are beginning to come back on line. the national airspeed system operations the remain limited and i think we can show you some live pictures of some of the flights in there that are being limited and grounded at the moment within the united states. these are flights ads, washington d. c. airport, our white house correspondent kimberly hall could, is joining us on the phone. now. kimberly the significance of this is at least in part the fact that it is on such an enormous scale as there's no question about at the air traffic just in the united states alone is about a 1000000 air passengers daily. you have to remember this effect flight coming in and out of the united states. so the ramifications and the ripple effect is enormous. now the latest information we're getting from the federal aviation. busy administration or f a a, is that some functions of be not hammer noticed the air mission system. this is a flight notification system that had the outage. some functions are back on line, but is it really limited? this is the latest update from the f k. now there is no notice with regard to when there will be full restoration. so as is now what we understand is grounded in the united states. there is a process of final validation check that's being performed right now. we do know that the secretary has the patient bridge edge has issued a statement. he says that the vice ministration is aware of this. he says that he has personally been in touch with the f a. it is working to resolve this with lee and safely and to resume normal operations as soon as possible and will also be providing the public with updates. but right now, in terms of just the scale inside the united states, we know that least 100 flights have been cancelled as of right now. and that could start to spiral. we also know that for the number of flights just that this hours, it has been effected in the united states that more than a 1000 more than 1200. in fact. so again, the magnitude of this as the days the hours go on, that with each passing out of this isn't restored is not only going to affect air travel, but it's going to have an economic impact as well, given the magnitude and enormous value of the travel industry and those that rely on it. and kimberly, if i understand correctly, the notice system works alongside the national air space system. it provides additional information to air crew when they're in their air about incidents and things that they have to look out for. clearly that's very important information. these systems are usually heavily protected. they're have a very secure, there's going to be a lot of concern about an investigation that is going to carry on after this one would imagine into exactly how something like this could happen. this is considered critical infrastructure. this is not going to be taken lightly. this is a system to not have a system that has had this outage. the notice the air missions system is what advises the pilots about real time flight hazards. it's essentially what gives the pilots the critical information they need to keep passengers and themselves safe. in other words, what they can expect in terms of hazards when they're taking off when they're landing and what they can encounter in flight. without that information, it's obvious why you can't fly an airplane. and it's also obvious why this is of critical importance in order to keep your a v ation industry phase. so to have this being targeted is, is a major vulnerability. it's one that's going to reach the highest level of the white house, the president himself, we're trying to find out. we have to, he has been bri, we're still waiting for a statement from the white house press office. but what i can tell you is that this will certainly be taken very, very seriously, and it will be investigated company for now. thank you very much. indeed. kimberly hawk at our white house correspondent. we're going to bring you some breaking news from dana stand. there's been an explosion in couple near the foreign office minister more at the top of the r, goodbye the number of arab and palestinian students and political activists into kia has increased in recent years. israel's intelligent service, the masa noticed this and began identifying vulnerable arabs. often students with a view to recruiting them as agents. however, some then turned to become informants for the turkish security services. tom or al mishandled about just their arabic investigators. my new model is think about here . so what camilla were in the company had the saw because she had a model monthly between clean. we'll start with a command between a b, r a we'll see command. she had a phone call. she has a, a, a, a sarah has if i can at least how weatherly, if at how for the whole more, how allow for boatley. i forgot the actual good omen. look, i'm on the phone. look, i'm one will buy sure. hello. going back again. molly, out with behave of harlots, if you could get will mother back live hyphen communities. i think viva la model by lee in the new phone. yeah. let them out of charlotte the i'll be a model. phoebe group on you. well, how come of the i'm a visa and how they learn waffle myself, my, how to be at lamar? i'm not a year on wall, but he didn't done my land. you know, jenny thought you would do. i know that many cups to i live in the visa get i. ready mean, we liking that much on, on why my name was there for you? i i but i didn't want you about as alex and emma, some of the office always have the ability to show up telephone in any that an email to her to finish it or have them they can and then some other to the and the maybe they have subtle, if i have thought i thought it was he or louis still you know, but then i'll just get it up by the end of the phone. and let me submit that up by then we'll start at a 3rd of the letter. hello. secondly about to alicia, host the easy up and hopefully a little bit about family work for the implant about the agenda will shut into that. the autobahn about that i'm going to fill out some of the been a lot less a month in the hotel. i'm at the, the who looker, i'm one more problem going to be here. so if good at the, about on the, would the molly we got this to him. so here i'm in. that of doing it will be man, man to the name. so all you the budget you alcala, cannot align, and you hadn't lawyer, so good to work, a little wrote, look to the look what to do with it. i believe you're looking for some bushel frog cumberland glow to the susan murmured too, good luck! and when my blood work own, we'll connect to a real morgan earth for the check you security services being able to track the money wired by the alleged ma, sad recruiting officers was a major breakthrough. they learned that it was sent from different european countries. i monitoring these transfers, they were able to identify and arrest a number of the agents recruited. these agents would later reveal the identities of others in the network. oh my god, what the chicky she'll storage is then develop their strategy to the next stage. they now had several more sad recruits, collaborating with them as informants. the plan was to use them to help create fake targets to attract more sad attention. they hoped that this would lead to entrapment and to rest. so on social media, they promoted a new bogus group called the creative student society, led by a fake character who they called a block, met elo lusaka from a financial demo done tomorrow, miss hel met. i wanted to find out more about the new decoy. about much a fleet, the canada y mia? o either in jim yoletta had them to while home identify me mom, so here with him, what we owe them is only available here. as a half my son, maria, full, available during no home to me, no heavy gemma yet i will feel the love seat able's order here. what i'm looking for. i likes the lease of the system and also case of a deputy f $100.00 jimmy gung. how was the home i don't see a little song the show you how can i also had, i suppose yet not too many people that either had engine or you little know how and easy they felt a lot of what had to pull a futile homer's fluency. now i'm sorry for that limit of them are severe levels of the late also with the local. i'm a have miss over new political chemo book. i'm a levy levy and we've been in the alleged more side offices, took this bait and started to investigate. the fake was met. they asked their agents who lived in the same area as i bought meant to provide information on him. they even assigned someone else from another area to double check the information they received about walkman. not realizing that he was a setup, working with the turkish security services at all for them. i don't. okay. one second, let me pull it up and have them sled on monday he has had to say, how can i be level? oh yes, i was on the middle off and when a man who hm. he could hear her for one moment. one of the mob of walter while a very well and for the love of looking for them a bullet in turn, the moss had created their own bogus outfit, cold out to whack charity organization to try and attract potential recruits. it only existed on lines when is that the ill and one live? is that the more the apostle polymer has your mammals you to feel you care for brooklyn? nancy roxanne, hello, ultima. had let i could, and had a jimmy. happy tolliver, the hub. i hadn't bought a bouquet. the brooklyn were in a long run of school. i'm looking like a summary of one of them took emotionally. they said move out of work, move in with and i just missed a few. i will talk to you and have you been here. walker had them. she mentioned casino, last name. this is ben. hello, ms. edwards and walking with her for the multi conditional like invited budget for this is because frankly able to sort of just wanted to take a security services managed to hack this website before it was taken down that provide you the information that enabled them to identify further potential masa recruits the website hacking, also proved the organisation wasn't in fact, based in belgium. checking its ip addresses showed that it was run from 4 different locations in israel, including one intel a v ah. on the other. well, the well thought of the what the mother will subject them further. i'm around to feed the money or well, so the noise was about to contain more stuff for him to check his show. so rich is discovered that the most had, had hacked the mobile phones of all the potential recruits, looking into the. but if that i can just computer of the seller, cut all the way to the hello robert mobil shuttle in wales, maryan mishap william will affect the money that other thought. don't make a list. and then commuter computer calling for the computer is the home. and gwilym bus of la sean lynn lyman lane, i show much broader picture waterloo, say the me, like and marshall are going to taylor more bethaly. doesn't want us to get up. the more sad run out so act charity organization ostable was meant to nominate 5 students pretending that he wanted to help them. but in a new move they did this without involving a walkman. the level consist of about, well, if you're not home or for some of the schools will be home, but i've been home will be a lot and i am going to sort of even for many her them to be and then our assistant ahead of the of the see the whole this of the i will call them and have you the most new, the most refugees from middle east in countries want ultimately to travel to europe . the strategy was to persuade potential recruits to co operate with them in return for facilitating their own would travel mentally. not that my less needs me and one of them say get them on them. say that my job, but he didn't kill one of the jump. but what i'm that would be what i would please. hello, arnold, a change in the can will, celine in or can yanine here with a book and you know the heck in excel except a sheep, but she lives up. oh, germany. no. stone? yeah. equally own area on spain. do you have anything you prefer? a womb on the movies? i mean a ha, ha, yeah. theresa. okay, no problem. but the law a bit too. i didn't work on the alleged masa offices, told adnan his visa to europe was ready to be collected from the swiss consulate in his damn bowl, municipal, the lead fidelis for sylvia. have coming up hopefully of history of math. and i don't, i more it was law mom and at asia when it went to clinton and on a from said lindsay hassey. nathan messed up some pull up a little plus a mob for who were standing in the hallway, sunny. oh and very us. and that he has a thinner, enormous all in a sunny and friendly as hawaii, nevada, and soc is off in my canada or found a home either facebook. oh, laugh at the indiana county can it's he looked the half winter he a tomato. okay. i found it here, fella he thought i had forgot to be. there was a sofa, was almost leaning and fall asleep when i felt the le le consillio stuff. well, matthew, ha ha, ha. ah, is la mitchell as american marquilla kilometer is absolute, michigan. i'm michelin, mr. willis will, elmore him, you know, route bus. las slowly bizarre luke jani, mapped out the whole mamma, bullish docusys. so i look a pulled muscle. i look in the army, mom, mucky halleck, good circuit and marmalade, elizabeth connie allen, j as in out of control miss dollar reserve. she alana jim cabella silly wish olivia hick. look in on the horn. oh them. so donna, lisa, other sister, her visits. michelle allen. sheila collins of south florida. so hasn't ellen either on the public health condemn. caleb is a little bit la hotel, yanine attorney in austin or abbey hunter, an unofficial latin allowed fun of him to give us some bill into telephone with us from from up in our balcony. immediately after adnan collected his visa from the swiss consulate, the turkish security services intercepted an audio message sent by the same alleged moss, an officer who had been in contact with abner. in hebrew, the officer reported that adnan had been successfully recruited o'quinn with the counselor look dish, little at the berlin ocean, govern william bush from one end of the group. they may corporate with the government or the other site, or maybe embassy. but it's, it's a law probability for me, but they may have a type of leak with the consulate may be a member of it and they can test and the process. on the other hand, if there is a type of deficiency as such, the relevant government which is identified as delivering rizza should start an investigation. if the one who's delivering this visa is reliable or not. if they do not announce everything, and they say everything was normal, that means the government is corporate. al jazeera, contacted the swiss consulate in his down boom, and asked them to respond to the claim that they had somehow granted a visa outside the recognized procedure with mos at involvement. the reply came saying, quote, the consulate general does not comment on the issue. and it's a visa, or bureaucratic with our counselors to pla, most of us in the old, on not a musician. and mostly the inability to school moved to mind coming to rush. i'm almost up to tier that the of, and i'm because remember turkey, the bushels la la, goodish makes them your most of the no, pedestrian, it's as you should, the garage may still be center that i mean most of them i have, i'm sure mistook if the man died in the me, i haven't gone with her me. oh yeah. i wanted to go go to your i will shoot up a hot spot. you don't. le cut lee mosley bind the little bind for 15. yeah. come on. i will show a little bit to the fee by the time the money a little slow, but who now live mean not sure what the hell to you know? fi shawn fee, metallic mortality fall dollar 10 fee, metallic mortality fall beneath by la ala carte. the salem, i will come and see at the far, well, my daughter is to wisely. ah, to check you. security service is asked not to travel to switzerland and he complied. or i'd have to learn a whole lot about the one you're looking for. awesome. let me how you guys can actually go on. you can do it then. and then you name me mom and she had tell you that i had another bottle. was had yet to do a neck medals. and i do like to look at this woman vertical sheen. let me run idea of how and decimal that's miss. you look at who deals in the who are the modem or you can likely shaven may even have a full amount of present knobby him and his sauce. and also the guide with low guidelines for 30 underneath the hood. walker dillema love you like a hollow guard hold on to by allowing the massage to think that they'd successfully recruited hussein adnan and anna's as agents. the turkish authorities were able to prevent further similar massage recruitment, blue. they were also able to carry out their nationwide alteration and arrest others for collaborating with the most, and they are still in custody. awaiting sentencing al jazeera contacted both the israeli foreign ministry and the prime minister's office to asked them to respond to the allegations made in this program about the messiah. and to asked the masa to comment, the foreign minister replied by saying, quote, we have no comment on this. the prime minister's office did not reply, saith, ha, ha, pick the chef i, the sheva, and my left look a modicum. similar laina g has it was had what and how about the turkey john didn't just and do is to paul. that's on his demand guided his mule la won't you didn't miss. ready no, but also lost those mother. you was of interest to the fight of. yup. mere choices among it must meet him. good morning. del image is william most of the law ma for him in law. he marked ill messiah l. o. c. i saw yellow shuttle amahl. juggle la la miles double massage. my ela, a marcella garcia law may eli montoya. bye me said we'll talk. yeah. almost had diamond charl doctor told it'll come on. dr. toller, michigan ceiling. i don't eat that day will leave touchy, at least not that much attendant that i think they will try to attempt to infiltrate up the skill is to prevent it. i don't know if it's just like a race you and what miranda slam calls a race between the ma said on the turkey security services is ongoing. in december 20 2244 more people were detained into keir accused of leaking information to the ma sat. so despite the new rapprochement between turkey and israel, espionage continues beneath the surface. ah the world economic forum returns to dabble since january to assess the global economy reshaped by the pandemic. and the war in ukraine can leaders from government and business prevent a promised decade of action becoming a decade of uncertainty. extensive coverage on al jazeera ah.

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