ah, this is all desert. these are the top stories and more than 4 days of parsons to puzzle earthquakes. hit took it and syria will then 22000 people. it be reported dead in both countries or rescue teams continue to dig through the rebel searching for survivors. often by hand freezing temperatures and snow have been slowing down their efforts. some is it on has more now from adonis. it's nightfall. yeah. it's cold. i think i've got to move a little bit out the way that you can say and people are digging through at this stage. i mean, they've got the heavy digging equipment, but they're also having to dig through with shovels. this is a nation living a crisis on multiple levels. the issue of people trapped on the rebel is also the issue of those who were pulled down to live needing treatment. at least 2 people, including a 6 year old child, had been killed in a remy attack in the occupied westbank. the driver reportedly targeted people waiting at a bus stop near the illegal israeli sentiment of remo. 30 year old driver was shot dead at the scene. is ready forces of arrested for people including the wife of the driver. russia has lost a wave of massage tax across ukraine. several energy facilities and other buildings were reportedly hit. russia has been targeting civilian infrastructure for the past month, causing blackouts around ukraine. thousands of people in democratic republic of congo have fled their homes as m. 23 fight is close in. on the eastern time, saturday, the congolese army and the arm group have been fighting in the areas since monday. the town is in the east of the country on the main roads of the countries. second biggest city of go. all right up to the headline. sure. and 0. we got more news coming up. right after we go to africa direct the american people is spoken. but what exactly did they say? is the world looking for a whole new order with america in it? is the woke agenda on the decline in america. how much is social media companies know about you? and how easy is it to manipulate the quizzical look us politics the bottom line with with these bills in tomorrow, you know, they actually never bought. i don't know. i've never done it before. i'm just never i'm in my room by just doesn't swim. does that sound bad? i would have to sleep, so otherwise i good. i was like i said, i'm a i'm to be i that's. that's how a lot of just len hodge assume. but that was like as a guys, but like the boys used to do that. i was very scared. i couldn't do it. i used to be the kid that was watching and then just kind of still counting the head. i don't a lot of drawings and our parent a bit, as from doing it will only get one do not do not do not. they told me that if you go into the ocean, you never coming back because there's the ocean god, mom gave in my language, we called it. so we knew that if mom gave it takes you and you're going to be mom gave his child. you're not coming back home in the philadelphia, i don't watch that even what i wish i had his clueless unequal event. i'm really i'm past and so i am from a land locked province code limbo premise, very small village called woody village. i taught myself how to swim and there's one person that likes to watch a lot of youtube videos to learn things. and i am very nervous about the film. i don't want to lie, going to be my 1st time of being out in the ocean and just swimming freely. i. but i'm going to do this. will not ah ha, but the water and the pole is not moving. they're just there for you. so immediately, the more to start moving around, and that's where the problem is. there is ways involved is surprises involved. there's just everything involved. i think that's the nerve wracking part of it. since i told myself 40 percent summa, if i go and do the sill snugly and survive, i am going to now i put to 50 percent. that the will see will i teach kid about the beauty of our ocean and how fragile our oceans? and the threats that our oceans are facing today. anybody else? why did you have to learn about the ocean dead zone, o u r n z a z landa by the ocean deck, though? so you didn't know about the ocean that the but now you do rights? pollution? yes. in just stepped in plastic. so what do we do as the ocean y to intercept last? what do we do? and what are you going to do as an individual to keep our osha our ocean school is the very 1st physical pilot ocean school in the world. this kid wake up so close to the ocean. they come to the ocean every single day. they walk on beach, they still don't understand the ocean. they still don't have the knowledge about the ocean. they're still fear the ocean. i had them on the phone, but we tried to take that away from them so that they can understand that the ocean was our friend them, our depaul bomb bomb bomb bomb move in to make with them to make something with oh it. to be honest, since i started working with the kids, my life has changed. i feel like the different way i know and love them from different angles. and this can bring that to me. in 2006, we came to cape town from limpopo for school trip. i was 13 when i was going to robin island, my biggest highlight was getting onto that boat. and you know when you're standing outside on the deck, you just get all the splash of water. that was overwhelming. i told myself that one way or another. i went to work here, i want to be in the ocean. i don't not to do what, but i want to come back to kick done. i needed somebody who could come and tell me about marine biology. maybe i could have had the love for this to rhea from a very young age. if we just had one person coming to school to tell me about it. and that's something that i never got i am happy experience in the ocean from our side, but i think i'd be happier how could experience it from the inside the other that for god and light bill quality that we do the full day in in in with frame with with ah, going to let them before i go back but i'm definitely going back. it was one of the best days in my life. i really loved it and now i always thought body that i got from my neck down. i haven't. oh boy, the oh my god, that's fine to part of me as in love with the ocean. but the believe i but when i grew up, the fear of the great, i know a little bit of it. it's building that feeling of way i came from and now and yeah, i mean that is what, 89 years apart from the time i thought adding this and now, and there's a lot of difference. i can see a lot of change in it. and i'm really grateful for that. lou, lou, lou ah, a good idea. leveled it a bit. i think i'm a bit. yeah, bassette, i don't laugh at that wasn't what i was a as much as money and i demand that as a moving company. lemonade, definitely shut. i mean, sugar, i don't walk electron law a a a, [000:00:00;00] a, [000:00:00;00] a with that, and that's the amount of sound. when i go to plug a spectrum on provider a whole a what i just for them. i've given him a lot of the writing i want on my cell. i'm j 11 by 10, a lot john, i'm gonna look in a for with me. oh my god, i will get a you know, i got a back to what all the other school again, i'm not actually i've how do for ya. i get that was out that you like talk was a dead less than, oh yeah. well yeah, i'm a guy before. yeah. all yeah. well yeah. oh yeah. oh yeah. oh yeah. less than a year. full year. a plan. i was wrong, but i didn't know where we can have you give me a gun. and then why did you end up not know why. i got a get it that i don't think it's time to stuff a younger. did keegan look a what do you mean that how 1st that that full this is what 11 a iowa. oh or was as well they won't mess around with i guess when the guy i cannot sit with you about tyler bussey. i don't want to send them as i know what about a year and i was with him a with a i me. he logs. yeah. watch at the. yeah. he like sienna mcgowan, all that i'm with ah right now we are going to be make a space where we did the mailbox with this is me chris b and this is right here. my name is nebula vos. i am a year 12 students and part of the reporting of my school. my role was deliberated on by us during the lockdown. when we realized that the number of health workers that got infected was raises, we decided to find a solution for them. my voice is, is muslim human, a robots that was created for the sole purpose of reducing the amount of times that a doctor has been going to day submission would be performing some of do a tuesday morning. craig, the scope, presence of the good one and how are you writing it in by the the, i can think of them with knowing what exactly. that's a 5.9. so thank you very much. by the way you see a guy at all. okay. with to in the lockdown, we had virtual meetings to discuss. we will vote then i will, coaches helped us learn together our desires me coaches, how monet's, brilliant ideas this year. and we started looking for hardware resources for them. it was a bit difficult for us coaches because it was a total of down to couldn't come out. we couldn't go out, eda, we built a whole bunch of stuff in this classroom, but the ones that we couldn't find here. i'll could, she's helped us to buy them when it gets yes, mean alley and like i did on my elbow scheme, ideas and class trucks in the entropy shirt intrusion rule i played here were so give ideas i helped in the program. i helped in zoning of rural, but i took both in the engineering aspect of my i was a did during and i showed that everything was fixed to the robots. 2 months after i looked down was at, in the east national information technology development agency called the us to come and pitch basically at the headquarters. and indeed we love it. and the 2nd exhibition was at cairo egyptian hospital. and so either was there wheels live, demonstration at the hospital, and i to you, wow, the doctor. and he said he wants a copy of this when we are dawn. ah if we can visit a room room stuff in this classroom, i'm pretty sure anything you find a home you can use it to create something great and amazing. like my coaches always tell us if he can think he can make it aah or african story from african perspective. short documentary from african filmmakers from ivory coast just utilized a bus, a missing foam and south africa if i can change. and it shows me that i'm actually tracking and fire with africa direct on al jazeera. we remove a, [000:00:00;00] a wherever you go in the world. well, my line goes to make it for you. exceptional katara always going places to go. i care about helping you with engaging with the rest of the world. we're really interested in taking you into a play. you might not visit otherwise. it feels that you were there ah