Northern senegal. Ah, there lisa hill, robin, and reminder of all top news stories, thousands of protesting in the french capital against the rising cost of living and the governments response to climate change. The french government is already dealing with strike action at several oil refineries. Natasha butler has more from the french capital. We can talk something, but i have to say that one of the main things to come down and over again peoples concerns about information. One man told me that it will make it says that temperature schools are welcome to go to 2, scared about having to pay very high energy bills. So those are some things the people that have been caused by the hard part of the mental show in this highly really across Company Called spectrum. And that also even some intellectual region. And theyll probably commit your normal approaching edge people to come out because she has a difficult time right now or to repeat the new chance that Jeremy Hunter has promised to fix public finances after his previous as economic plans lead to calles and says that hell increase taxes and tighten control on public spending. Cars equality announced a string of unfunded tax cuts last month causing panic. In the financial markets, the full people are being killed and 61 injured in iran after a fire broke out of the evan prison into rom. It happened on saturday night. Officials say it was caused by fighting between inmates. 3 people have been injured in new shelling in the russian region of belgrade, a region which borders ukraine. Officials accuse the Ukrainian Military of selling belgrade, but the ukrainians deny their saying russia mistakenly fight a few missiles which fell within the region. Present featuring pings as china must ensure hong kong is ruled by what he calls patriots. He made the comments of the communist party holds its congress in beijing. She has also defended china as their covert policy set to secure a 3rd term the congress. Those were the headlines will be back with more news in half my here all of a next. Its 11 east to stay with us. Ah, [000 00 00;00] i in nepal to we women die in child that every day i kind of hold on. I dont want that that we dont know a little bit of a lot of money in remote areas. Theres an acute lack of help can i have a lot of work with one of about to get home for some women and their baby a rescue helicopter because theyre only lifeline. A book on one level. But these are Dangerous Missions or to hear louis to tote, one to one east, meets the napoli, women risking their lives to become mothers. And those trying to state them on to like with with gloria is expecting her 5th child in a few days. Ah, she lives in the Mountain Village of kidney in western nippon. Ah, its been a difficult pregnancy, much like her last one. Doctor listed at him and daddy madelyn. Couldnt let danny and ella becca. She really, madam, not ella. The family lay i did have. I live today and he was at home. What do i do with it . It was he did wider convoluted. They can be that of now. Im a whitening oh, whitening. Oh no, i know nobody habana did a ah. In this remote region, some women miscarry trying to reach the closest clinic. Others choose to give birth at home, far from skilled medical care. Gory as due date is fast approaching, but she and her husband have not yet decided where she will deliver a room with out of las ah, the mirror was ward. Whats of Oliver Marina mush w a yes or no. I tell you the toner as well and i do show that i did it with oh, hold on. Ill get. Who did i im, i was there. I love as with the ladder and one of the lads never did odd. Mm. Mm. Ah, for years nepal has been trying to improve access to maternal care by building roads and clinics and Training Health workers. The number of women who die in childbirth in one of ages poorest countries has increased during the pandemic. As more pregnant women stay at home. Glorias neighbor, my note, lost his wife jolla 6 months ago. A she died at home a couple of days after giving birth to their 2nd daughter minucci at a Health Center. She was 21. I thats an option to help keep that in manage still doesnt know why jolla died only that she didnt get the medical cat she desperately needed. Or you did well and power no more in the at here that he had a well i, taiwan, a, there are down i had in reliable lot of data votes here for stay here, lou. While the l. M, if the way i loud was a guy who gave out a low in the 2nd pair, say, while bad 2nd is as well as his bad plan. Ah, since his wifes death note has become the sole caregiver for his 2 daughters. In addition to being the familys bread winner mm. You met us in compatibility. Busy are nominative, anyone who will laugh. Ive led to raymond, what have you actually the will it is only this to me, maam, antique malaria. And im with, without her mother menu key risks being undernourished, a little mirror. And i dont have any more like even youve got a a, a, a b o, [000 00 00;00] a o a. What is the school comes with a, a a in a bid to help other women avoid dollars, fate. The government has a new initiative. Theyve started an Emergency Helicopter Service to reach isolated areas, not well served by ros. This has proven to be a lifeline for many napoli, mothers, new tenant colonel risha, or the gary is on his way back from a Training Session in a valley near the capitol come monday. His team operates around 3 rescue missions a week. Hes been flying for 16 years, but given the rugged terrain and often difficult weather conditions, he needs to train constantly to ellens vanilla wilson elbow august. The nipples income would have been to the health, delaware, elza timothy. Whither go could affect the wrong side of our landings . Running, we want to have going to come a lending or tony with dr. Disaster almost all the gay or something with hands items or what is your new bell regarding monthly of doing challenging this of the Helicopter Service set up 4 years ago has taken more than 300 women to hospitals. Urgent treatment. Or i remember the, the 100 with the more the hulu. Only a dollar went out of local automobile a little louder with no life saving teaser life. Savings it on my la even whenever i do wrong, always get out and nobody will get on the go ahead. Oh yeah, linelle up for one on this armoire. Why dont i did always for us. We double what home table one is i prior to a piece held in particular, it wasnt your im not the life of what our life will. They had those real multiple life saving goes from them. So its 10 am at the Helicopter Base in kut monday and the team has just received an emergency call. Elevate it up. I know a lot of the money is what it is later when im on the phone is a man whose wife luna needs to get to a hospital urgently have baby died during childbirth 21 year old luna is now bleeding heavily and as a desperate raise to save her life, the team quickly checks the map and the local weather conditions. Theres no time to get the car, he knows how on predictable these rescue missions can. Can you go to godaddy . But i mean, im gonna hit even for maybe finding a beat in the you know, it just hasnt had a life saving on that. And they do cohen with my, to go to buy the record of the school. I am move on to getting my low multiple life even though the and what i will lets go ahead and do is im just going to be getting a little bit of both think of them in what a little bit later. Because what i hit them with us and we wanted to do whatever language when her contractions began. Not and her husband walked 30 minutes from their home to a help center. But the staff there were equipped to capital one level has annual an collins over and they referred her to a hospital, a 3 hour drive away. But she didnt make, she was forced to give birth at another Health Center on the way i was going to go to go to montana without a little done with luna is in a critical condition. After her baby was still born, she was unable to expel the placenta from her womb and is now hemorrhaging. Ah, mobile phone, one more doesnt believe any of that. Ive got 8. I was also a little bit about it. I feel is elementary instances in less than 30 minutes later. The helicopter touches down in kut bundle and ambulance is waiting to take me to a hospital. Wow, wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Oh, how . Oh, well as far as like a medical stop, rush mana, to the intensive care unit. Theres nothing her husband can do now, but wait a back in kidney village, glorias delivery date has come and gone. She getting anxious, lose lose. Although the village has its own very basic health post the closest center where she can get an ultrasound is a 4 hour walk away. Shes heading there for a checkup with her friends and gaeta, whos also pregnant. Its an arduous hike. Up and down the steep himalayan mountains. Shadley a lot about a did out that she was younger or that have had, does live with that it was as i stated below, they couldnt enter got over a leo soon. In recent years, the fall has built more Health Centers like this one in the most remote corners of the country. They often operate with limited resources. Ah ah well, it was a little alert, but there wasnt any with any ela lamesa. And really what didnt i know of left us under whatever would be my lego was whatever Douglas Albany about this i know was really amazing when its either one of us or this was a semester one. Luckily for gloria. After an hour, the electricity comes back on well known. It would be interesting, beth, this is her 2nd check up. Since she became pregnant. Philadelphia looked at it. So what does a little hands on it for now . Everything looks fine. This is the word of a little boy with mm ah ha ha, i am with her. Okay, now do that now. Yeah. I got what i dont have. I have to do that. Now. I have to do that to him for your time this week after her long trek to the Health Center and back gloria begins having contractions in despite the severe pain shes cooked, fed her 4 children and clean the house with her name. Im in love with ah, to am the pain is getting worse and gloria has decided to go to the health post 500 meters away. Its basic and ill equipped, but it has a nurse who can help or where did i kind of hold on . I dont want that that we dont dont help with after 20 minute ascent. Opposite deep Mountain Side pop in the dark. They arrived just moments later. Gloria can feel the baby coming. I look it over with my dad to proceed with. Couldnt i . Oh with oh i know with i think im glad you want with to help discourage home, but the government gives 30 dollars and clothes to women who give birth at Health Centers for. Mm hm. Shortly after delivering her baby gloria makes her way back home in the cold. Dark night looking back with the next morning. Shes exhausted, but shes relieved to be home with her little boy who shes named narration. Mm hm. If i did it that it should be a day of joy, but gloria is filled with trepidation for the future. Oh yeah. I got a, a with a guy with a with thats a good it with an air a voted the guy with the Maternity Hospital back in cub monday. Luna is slowly recovering off to losing a loss of blood. Wasnt it a dad out . A bit of a funny friday night with who had turned in the ticket for the guy to sell the cable with us tonight. Except that the buried all of the above was fine on a back to get funding. The number to ne contracted by was hi i cant find it so somebody is stay with family nice way to one of them you know when it comes up there you go to my help up a sensitive boy nava oh yeah and then i brought it to like when yeah, this isnt a guess what im dangling down with after a night in the ward. And the final checkup luna is ready to go back home. But having lost her baby the Helicopter Rescue in short that her life wasnt lost as well. Ah. B. Oh yeah, with with with with oh ah and its time for a memorable holiday with pegasus. Its time for turkey. Set sail for new discoveries, enjoy. Have new experiences. Hit the shops, make wonderful memories. Travel to turkey with pegasus, and with direct lights to istanbul, and tribes of book your ticket. Now for a memorable holiday, c y p g. Yes, for our best price is the weight for the world as the main event gets closer. Just the rise, every step of the way, im going to go with one month to go. We focus on things can expect some strong support hearing got caught out with the pressure of hosting with australia make the most of squeezing you through the player or will it be south korea, japan saudi arabia or iran progress for this . The world cup countdown on jessie, you know, on counting the cost. Opec plus has agreed to major oil production. U. S. Is not happy. We explore the relevance of the i, m f, as the outlook for the Global Economy dog. We bought our house on african countries making the ship, the green energy, counting the cost on outages. The resumes president ial election is going to a 2nd round on october 30th, incumbent hard line president , j bowles, fernando and for social is president. Legacy law are buying for votes,

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