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It was a big game, well see you on the air tomorrow. The twentysecond winter Olympic Games in sochi became the most discussed events in the world press of the early 20th century. 17,390 thousand publications were devoted to the games in various in mass media. When it comes to the Olympic Games, its not always just about sports competitions. This year, the opinion of the country of russia, where the winter games will be held, is contradictory. A study conducted by pew Research Found that among 309 countries, only nine favored the host country. Few people know that, according to research. Doubts due to delays and debts, this preparation for the games in sochi is already accompanied by the unrealistic possibility of creating a modern sports complex. The history of the construction of olympic facilities shows that no one has yet been able to do this with truly high quality and efficiency. If russia does not have time to present at least something satisfactory by the opening of the olympics. Then this will only mean that it will forever remain in the category of lagging countries. The International Broadcast of the Opening Ceremony of the 2014 Olympic Games in sochi will begin in 10 minutes. I thought about the olympics, but its clear that i need to do something that hasnt been done before. And the main idea, after i watched a lot of games over the years, i realized that everything happens in general on earth, so to say, the vertical olympiad was our fundamental breakthrough, then the story happened that in order to make a vertical olympiad , we needed a roof, there was no roof, our colleagues from the subcontractors stubbornly made a roof, the british whom we hired made such. Equipment that allowed us, in fact, to understand all these multiton decorations in the air, our entire control center was like center flight control, because a huge number of operators were sitting in front of computers, all wearing headsets, talking to each other, counting down, and it was a thing similar to a rocket launch. All sports facilities have been built and tested, but working on one large infrastructure facility is failing, and this is important. Fisht stadium the venue for the Opening Ceremony doesnt look like it will be Ready Anytime soon. In sochi, the weather was unpredictable and the people directing the Opening Ceremony were forced to make big changes to the model during construction. It had to have a sea view. According to unofficial data, the russians spent more than 100 million buying foreign specialists from all over the world to perform the Opening Ceremony for them. We are sure that after the opening of the summer olympics in london , it is unlikely that anyone will be able to surprise the world with something unusual. All decisions were on the brink, on the verge of the impossible, and the risk was colossal, you feel this, this is some, this is some, some kind of nev, when everything is done in one breath, and basically it worked out, although there were, of course, a couple of asyacheks. No one has ever created a theatrical space out of a stadium in the sense that we managed to block off the stadium and thereby, as it were, make a stage, but the stages were absolutely colossal in size, it was probably the largest stage in history, in the history of all shows, and in general this is the most huge theater. Scenes in history, if russia achieves the impossible at this olympics, then what can we expect from it in the future . If we recall the entire preparation process from 2007 to 2014, there were a lot of skeptical assessments about will we be able to hold such an olympics, will we sleep on organizational talent, so to speak, infrastructural and somewhere only on the second or third day the negative skeptical assessments changed to. The Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games produced the effect of a bomb exploding in my head. I couldnt believe that a country that we thought had not existed for 20 years refused to recognize itself as such. Now it seems to me that the Opening Ceremony is one of the most powerful impressions of my life. Due to the fact that such things are no one i had never done this, and it was a little scary, this is the uniqueness of such events, that this happens only once, the last time i was here was 10 years ago, they said you would be the main character, we didnt believe it until we arrived in sochi. The Opening Ceremony in sochi is something that will go down in the history not only of our olympics, but in the history of the Olympic Movement in general. The idea of ​​russia as a magical land in the sky, russia as a floating vision in the clouds. Of course, there were a lot of dramatic pages along the way; it was a real test. In russia perhaps something that in another country is not even subject to discussion. There will never be an Opening Ceremony of this scale and this level, at least at the Olympic Games, we won this competition by knockout. 10 years since the opening of the Olympic Games in sochi, on sunday on the first. We are dedicated to creating Something Special in european history. Central asia and in the history of the greatness of the continent, europe and central asia, russia and the soviet union. It was a great honor for me. It wasnt easy in terms of time, energy and money, but it was easy because we were trying to create something for a higher purpose. Something that is more important than our ambitions. I felt it. I felt like it would truly be remembered as. Art. It was so beautiful that i wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. In our minds, russia appears as some kind of amazing and previously unfamiliar cultural universe. Avantgarde is the most shocking number, which, together with this incredible rhythm of sverilovs music , time advances, all these elements of the avantgarde merged into some kind of kinetic composition. Air, which simultaneously captured the image of the Russian Revolution and the image of creation, and the image of destruction, an Incredible Energy blow at the same time , an ambivalent feeling, and what, what are the results of such cataclysms in the history of mankind. We learned that this was a russian avantgarde 70 years later. Im talking about history. Looked at each other and at the Opening Ceremony, at the people they did not live to see, looked through the eyes of those who died during the second world war. We have done. A fragment of this at the dress rehearsal and it worked well, nervewrackingly, a conflict situation arose, we were categorically forbidden to do this, there was a separate meeting with the leadership of moka, where they explained to me that this could not be done under any circumstances, it was an absolutely humanistic thing and in general corresponded exactly to all the olympic ideals, but. They didnt let me do it, which i still regret, with your friends you dont seem to have a wide avenue , even you havent seen the best city on earth song floats. There was a unique chance to present the face of a new modern russia. A world that lived in certain stereotypes, and therefore the fantastic flying islands, kandinsky and kitishgrad, and natasha rostovas ball, suprematist ballet, and the Steam Locomotive that flew forward, many, many things, and the obligatory elements of the program with the removal of flags and the lighting of the olympic cauldron, all this worked for the image of russia and all this was absorbed by the world, a global audience of more than 3. 5 billion viewers, the fact that there was a lump in the throat, starting from the hooligan exit of our the athletes will not catch up with us, and until the very end of the ceremony, i think many who were in the stadium itself and watched on tv screens could say, even the critical western media did not change their attitude towards our surprise somewhere in the middle they stopped criticizing us and only praised us. The quantessence of this discovery was the image of the troika, because the troika is kind of capacious, very recognizable. It evokes a very emotional, such a painful feeling, because this is kind of the essence russian culture, the russian people, this this. Flight, this is the love of speed, the love of flying, through, through, through a storm, through a winter blizzard, when you realize that for the next 2 hours you are responsible to 3 billion viewers all over the world for your country, and any mess you make will be attributed not to you, but to your country. To be internally responsible for this, its a load that, in general, you dont want to experience it again, you know, when at the very beginning of the ceremony one of the five rings that always opened opened, and then there were things that were technologically two to three orders of magnitude more complicated, and it wasnt a trick at all, it was just nothing at all, almost like. I gasped and it obviously lasted 2 seconds, but it worked then the tshirt that i went to press conference in this tshirt, it seems to me that this tshirt was shown, in my opinion, in any case, everyone, say, late night show of the world, and discussing that russians are cool, they can laugh at themselves, it seems to me that if this the ring just opened as stupidly as everywhere else, then such an event would not have happened, i just got lucky with this ring and. A higher power showed it like this, maybe in principle, but it wont happen, short circuit in the heart, treating arrhythmia, major facial cleansing, superfoods for acne, which makes it easier to recover from fat or sugar, program to live healthy, the whole truth. Tomorrow on the first. Some say that the architecture of washanghai will not surprise you. Just wait until evening and you will think that you are in the city of the future. Who is in charge in a chinese family . Many of us are raised by powerful women. So we end up finding a copy of our mother, who we manages. How do young people in china have fun . We can go. To the cinema, standup, or we can just stay at home, cook food , watch a movie, its a pity, my girlfriend doesnt like video games, so she doesnt let me play them, i said everything correctly, my love, you dont let him play, well done, how are you living on pensions , my best time, if you want you , too, to not get sick at 72 , dance in the park every morning, the lives of others, premiere in vo but at least the russians have a sense of humor, they laughed. For that money, this is a very serious amount, neither one organizing committee, neither before nor after, did not earn such money, but thats not even the point, the organizers created new standards in the field of holding games, which went down in the history of the International Olympic committee as the gold standard, made in sochi, and now all games are organized in general according to this standard. The enthusiasm of russian fans is amazing and delightful. At the very beginning, when the chances of the russian team winning were minimal, they supported their athletes with such enthusiasm that at some point it seemed that fans from other countries joined them. We had sporting successes in the second half of the games, because you remember, there were, first of all, expectations were from our hockey players, and the performance was unsuccessful, but then other athletes, figure skaters, skiers showed excellent results. After the gold, i came into the room, into my pillow for an hour, i cried , i was overjoyed, i was able to reach the very top point in the sport, well, everyone remembers how in the last days we began to gain a lot of momentum in the team competition, it was of course very, very valuable for athletes, very valuable for fans, it was incredible when we won the overall medal standings on the last day, and i think that this unification played a role here. People, unity, when all people believe, when athletes and fans are on the same side and believe in the best in victory, this miracle happened, and at that moment we won the overall standings, we defeated everyone. When a huge number of fans gathered at the medal plaza and we listened to the anthems of the Russian Federation and all these thousands the fans did not disperse, standing in the rain , they ran. Gives me goosebumps all over my body, this is one of the most vivid memories of the Olympic Games. I consider the most important achievement in my life to be the fact that i carried the flag of our country at the closing of the Olympic Games in sochi. This is an indescribable feeling, and this is pride. And indeed , a miracle happened before my eyes the russian team, which showed itself so inexpressively at the previous winter Olympic Games , was transformed on its territory. Unreal holiday, simply unreal a holiday, an unreal superfestival of sports , which i saw only once, because Everything Else at which Olympic Games i was, they are not close to being held in sochi, i was in turin, i was in vancouver and then i was not lucky enough to compete in sochi, i can say that this is just a super level, which i think will not soon be matched by anyone. The first image that comes to my mind when i think about the Olympic Games in sochi is the incredible delight of athletes from all over the world at the level of organization and. These Olympic Games, and i, as you know, am a former athlete, and this is very important to me. Sochi 2014, in my opinion, changed the standards of the world Olympic Movement to a superlative degree. The attitude of people towards sports has changed significantly, people who began to play sports regularly. Became sports lovers, became athletes themselves, young people, especially sports schools , filled up, became much larger, another important undertaking during the olympics and lives today, to say, this is a volunteer movement, this is a wonderful phenomenon that we practically did not have before the olympics, more than twenty volunteer centers that were created, they gave rise to the volunteer movement, and today this Movement Lives on, expands, all sports and other events are implemented with the participation of volunteers. Thats great too. If we talk about the most memorable opening numbers of the olympiad, then from the point of view of me and my colleagues, we decided to highlight two. This is a dove of peace that shocked us with the fact that we least expected to see such grace, subtlety and purity in harsh russia. And my dance, the choreography of this dance was staged in such a way that at the end a silhouette appeared, a picture in a dove, which symbolizes, first of all, ideas. The olympics are peace , unification, beauty, and goals, it was alive, because i was wearing a certain design, which, with this design there was an adapter, the adapter gave the design a glow, and since the movements were constantly swaying this design, the blue came to life and soared, it was very. Beautiful, and also, the number of the constellation seemed absolutely surprising to us, which, thanks to with its eclectic confidence, energy and non modernist structure, it certainly deserves better. The olympics in sochi is a kind of compass showing where our world is heading; we can certainly make it much better. Of course, this requires money, infrastructure, desires and much more. The world shook when they saw sochi. My god, how amazing this is, we want to do even better, and we are inspired by this to go further. Is this your first appearance on television . Yes, jack. What did you do Marilyn Munro from the crowd of starlets of this models, what made an entire nation, and indeed the entire world, unanimously proclaim her as their goddess. Director billy wilder said she was monstrous. I didnt remember the text. The takes were terrible, you had to take different pieces of lepezzen from twelve takes to get something whole. But as a result, magic arose. When are you getting married, miss monroe . Somehow between now and the future movie . Motador, goodby normazhin on friday on the first. Call me, call me, well, what do i look like, lord, in the morning, very charming and attractive, sit down, i im glad to see you, i didnt look like an artist, of course, now its very similar, the Company Provides services, payment is made through the company, i got mad, im an artist, im not in a bad mood. This rarely happens to me, and then ill say, im in a bad mood, im already starting to cheer myself up, for irina muravyovas anniversary, cuckoo, cuckoo, i bought a hood, put on the hood, like hes wearing a hood with a bag, carnival, thats the kind of girl i am, on saturday on the first. Russia occupies a special political position in the world, which is difficult for me to adequately assess. I believe that people who are skeptical belong to russia, must make a lot of effort to understand the history of the country, its mentality, its desire for integration on common grounds. I believe that all people who are kind by nature want the best for our world, but unfortunately there are others, there should be fewer of them. Russia is only asking for this, in my opinion. During the closing ceremony, i, a person skeptical of modern russia, with its traditionalism, homophobia, aggressiveness and ugly imperial mentality, suddenly felt extraordinary rise. Of course, the two main and most banal most effective, like all banal images, are children who symbolize the future, by the fact that they are small and you know that they will grow up, a mosaic that, i dont know, for the world. But for russian people it symbolizes the beginning of spring, when in general it is still winter, and the first flowers that appear are mimosas, not snowdrops at all, the smell of mimosa is an arrogant yellow color on a white background, such a message that it will soon be summer, not even spring , and its summer, so we just combined these two in the finale the most powerful, banal, accurate images children, with mimosa this is exactly about what will happen in the future. Miracles actually happen if we add a Little Movement to our faith, around you, your surroundings, your loved ones, your friends, they also always support you, and we make a fascinating, magnificent rafting along the chasovaya river, where we are surrounded by fighting stones, parking lots , songs by the fire, beloved russia, our country, i want to wish the citizens of the Russian Federation. Prosperity, love, peace and clear skies above your head, the most important thing is health, of course, there was love, mutual understanding, joy, a lot of happiness, everyone had Close Friends and people with whom they could just talk and have a good time. Hello, this is a psychic podcast, my name is Natalya Loseva and we continue to sort through the chests of our problems to look for the most correct keys, even in extremely difficult life situations. Today with me in the studio is logotherapist and existential psychologist svetlana shtokareva, head of the Higher School of logotherapy at the Moscow Institute of psychoanalysis. Hello svetlana. Hello, natalia. My guest is oksana, oksanas request is very clear, oksana, tell me yourself, yes, im 38 years old, im married, i have two children, and my big problem is that i still cant move out from my parents, yeah, we re living still together, that is, how i was born in this house, how i got married and built my career and gave birth to two children, and to this day we continue to live with my parents, and not only, but also with my grandmother , who will soon be 84 years old, that is, our situation is such that it a threeroom apartment in which there are four generations, three housewives in the kitchen, and we live in one room, that is, me, my husband, our two children, we just recently got a kitten, and well, there is such a problem, how many of you in total are living in a threeroom apartment now . Apartment, seven people, seven people and animals, yes, but have you already tried something . Talking about this with my husband somehow all the time it turns out that well, it seems like there is no finances, it seems like we dont have enough and so, well, now even if we take out some kind of mortgage or rent, well, then we there will be practically nothing left for housing, that is, we always agree that there seems to be no finances, but on the other hand, when we needed a car, we went and bought it, we found finances for it, and that s more yours and. Now, or lets say, is it your active thought that its time to leave, or is your husband thinking about it too . Well, i probably voice it more, i Start Talking about this topic more often, since i m at home more, im in more contact with everyone, so, in principle, he goes to work, comes back in the evening, when everyone has already gone to their rooms and how to arrange everything , there the parents sometimes go to the dacha for the weekend, when of course everyone stays at home. I just got up and went about my business, and if we live separately, then its like well, moving, this is time, that is, this is already separate planning the time, when to come , when to visit, how to help, that is, as it were , well, help is not constant, that is, it will no longer be as available daily as always, again my grandmother she is a lively person, she i have a beauty. She loves to cook, that is, i know that it will always be delicious, there will always be delicious soup with pancakes, there will definitely always be. Svetlana, before you enter into dialogue with our guest, i want to ask you, what is the role of a psychologist in such a situation . Well , its hard to say with such an unambiguous answer what will happen in dialogue with the client, its always art and improvisation, but there is the goal of this communication, so that

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