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, but the enterprise quickly reconfigured flows to the domestic market. We have uh Industrial Production Metallurgical Industry automotive industry, electronics industry. Uh, oil refining. Heres what the last years figures look like on the ee. In general, we expect the Manufacturing Industry this year to reach the figure, we can already say plus 2 . To grow further, new production facilities are needed. Thus, one of the largest Russian Chemical enterprises in chuvashia will have new workshops to fully replace imports. It has already increased the output of products from reagents for bleaching paper to a mixture for the space industry this year only. We are accepting an additional 350. E new employees. All our new investment projects, regarding those products that were not previously produced in russia at all and are unique and the volumes of which , e. Domestic companies did not assemble equipment from imported parts, but set up their own production components. This work is already underway, its huge. Well, the opportunities that were created for us by our, in general, former partners. We see dynamics in the development of our industry and very much hope that soon we will use russian microcomponents. Only for the past year of electronics production. Up by almost a quarter refining is growing we had concerns about uh how things are going in this area, but uh it is growing at a good good pace. And here special attention is paid to the socalled endtoend technologies, from which depends on the development of several branches of the Battery Industry at once, including for electric vehicles russia essentially builds zero here is a battery for a car, but it works 500 km. The Moscow Institute of physics and technology is developing a line of batteries for smartphones and drones of electric buses and entire power plants for Renewable Energy in order to launch mass production in two or three years in modern conditions. Technological sovereignty is the main two. Which we need to learn and the relevance of these developments, well, very high and very important. We need to have these technologies inside the country so that these Critical Technologies do not depend on external factors. In this sense, russia is now like an icebreaker that breaks through the thickness of western restrictions and leads those who are interested in cooperation. Actually, this is the essence of the northern sea route project, where the first trade routes are already operating, there are corresponding plans for the development of the northern sea route, including with our foreign partners, who as i have said many times they want to develop relations with russia and show interest. Uh, in this case, this is food for activity, but the development of the northern sea route. This is certainly one of the obvious strategic premiums. And here, probably, we should not, uh, save and cut something. Based on the Current Situation, although the Current Situation gives us reason to expect that all our projects of this nature will be implemented according to forecasts by 2030, it is planned to transport the sowing by sea 200 million tons of cargo in our country to develop this transport corridor by 2035. Only in the form of taxes should bring 16 trillion rubles, the amount of cargo along the northern sea route in the average years increases not by interest at times, in addition , as the development of the northern cattle. And there is quite a lot to be done. It is necessary to build rescue stations there, it is necessary to build, uh, input and icebreakers, and uh, uh, a service station needs to be built, uh, a helipad and railways of funds in the budget , revenues not related to oil and gas are growing in e far behind plans. We have put uh with uh, which means a certain price for gas, and it has fallen a little, uh, we are reducing production, as it were, but nevertheless. We have it at the proper level is in the whole situation. It is absolutely stable here, and the situation in the russian economy according to the statistics of the International Monetary fund, which was analyzed by the ria novosti agency, according to published data, gdp per capita in russia increased by more than 22 percent last year and amounted to almost 15. 5 thousand dollars and approached the record of 2013, when this figure was almost 16,000 dollars. As for other objective indicators, as reported to the president , the inflation rate is declining, consumer demand is growing, and the incomes of russians are rising. Here is the rise wages in nominal and real terms. It is now fixed as a reality in the real year, and in the nominal it is about 13. But the record low Unemployment Rate of 3. 5 means that the company lacks qualified personnel. Employment centers offer retraining programs for working specialties and select vacancies in other regions of the country, including new subjects in the zaporozhye region, category c drivers and a salary of 100,000 rubles are needed. Per month. We can choose from any region, volgograd zaporozhets kirov region in new regions and discussed at a meeting on agriculture. The agroindustrial complex means both new jobs and affordable products for local residents. Along with improving the logistics of organizing trade , we will definitely support local producers. Including through the development of infrastructure, processing and storage of finished products, their stable marketing and, of course, we need to help Agricultural Producers and Agricultural Enterprises with a server in these regions. Despite all the difficulties of the current nature to pass the seeding render them. Uh, comprehensive assistance in solving this critical task support. Needed by all farmers. Last year. They provided the industry with a growth of 9 , and in 2023 they talked about problems with the purchase of equipment. Because of what, the menselkhoz introduced a 20 discount on popular tractors of russian and belarusian production. This year we see a certain lag in terms of the acquisition of agricultural machinery. In order to prevent the situation from worsening, it is necessary to make it more affordable. And here enough seeds of our own selection and fertilizers. In general, support measures have an effect in 2022, the Grain Harvest was a record almost 158 ​​million tons. Yes, there is no such thing in recent history and during the time of the rsfsr, there was no such thing in the modern history of russia. This is the first time. Well, i would like to once again congratulate all Agricultural Producers and all the people who work for the population. Vladimir putin separately appealed to everyone who set their sights on new records. We must never relax. Yes, uh, recordbreaking. Uh, cereal crop, if we get that result, like last year is wonderful, but the expression must be worthy. Well, and most importantly, that we continue to follow the path of development of the industry. As a hightech production, and this can be addressed to representatives of all industries, where an unplowed field also works and you prozorov Sergey Ponomarev veronika and lvotchenko ekaterina koryako and kristina did not know channel one. The current rate of output by Defense Industry enterprises for the needs of a special operation cannot be reduced , Mikhail Mishustin said at a meeting of the coordinating council on meeting the needs of our armed forces, he also stressed the importance of meeting the deadlines for fulfilling the defense order for this strict control. In the confirmed production schedule, the Additional Needs of the ministry of defense were supported by the president , thanks to the work of the Operations Council , the output volume was significantly increased in almost all positions. They will continue to grow. Funding for state defense order assignments has also increased significantly allocated without precedent. In terms of investment in the development of the enterprises capacity, the defense of the industrial complex. Everyone should understand that, given the critical importance of such products to participants in technological logistics processes. Scheduled deadlines must be strictly adhered to. I discussed the hot topic of the fire with the government president Vladimir Putin listened to the reports of the heads of the affected regions, where the emergency regime has already been lifted, the local authorities are carrying out, the due payments are being processed lost documents are helping with housing, and in yakutia in the urals, the whole a week in the sverdlovsk region, the fire has been extinguished since the end of april , the head of the ministry of emergency situations came there with a check, and in the tyumen region Alexander Kurenkov met with residents of the village of uspenko where in early may a forest fire spread to residential buildings, we will draw conclusions. I will offer, uh, a clearing, uh, a 50meter line that fits into your yards. And as for the dead wood and inside the forests this is work, forestry enterprises, work, there must be some steps, which are well at the moment. We see for ourselves how wrong. Another one meeting with the victims in the kurgan region , where a fire at the beginning of may brought the lives of 12 people and left hundreds without a roof over their heads. After the manmade fire in april, the transbaikal settlements were Traffic Police bars there are already new houses in the line. In america, an amazing thing was calculated and published the number of victims of their version of the fight against terror around the world, but as University Researchers calculated brown who took on this task. And the Washington Post wrote about the findings themselves acknowledged the consequences of the conflict in afghanistan iraq libya syria somalia yemen is exceptionally vast and complex. An approximate calculation of such losses can be carried out according to the opinion of the researchers. They total between 4. 5 and 4. 6 Million People and this figure continues to increase as the effects of conflicts persist according to the report, from 3. 6 to 3. 7 Million People died from indirect causes such as worsening economic environmental Psychological Conditions and Health Situation , the legacy of the usled terror war has been catastrophic for people in the middle east, north africa, and central asia. The socalled russian dossier of trump said the case was not worth even starting, that is, in vain the salary of investigators from one and the pulister time your post in half with the New York Times. For as it turns out empty sensations, well, with their liars. Let them figure it out. How do they know for the poisoned relations with russia still no one will answer. Mikhail akinchenko will continue such morals. By the way, where is durome . What happened he disappeared to donald trump was why be puzzled in 2021 two years later , after special prosecutor duram was instructed to sort out all the details of the investigation, the socalled russian interference in the us president ial election in 2016 did not result and it took another 2 years, before the longawaited report. The fact that it turned out to be a trump saw the light of day and his supporters certainly did not disappoint with opponents from the democratic camp was also impressed by the report, which is here. Its published and may not have everything some republicans expected. And yet he is a destroyer for the fbi and, to a certain extent , justifies donald trump, the report of the special counsel, dura, can be called an investigation and an investigation looking for an answer to a question. How did it happen that his colleague , special counsel mueller, could not. Ways of not a single proof that the russians made trump president , and not because the evidence was well hidden, but because it was in nature does not exist, a discouraging conclusion. The entire Mueller Investigation was a piece of cake from the very beginning. The case was opened and sent for a fullscale investigation, even without a preliminary conversation with those. Who provided the information. Moreover, the fbi did so without any serious study of their own Intelligence Data without collecting study , relevant materials received from other intelligence agencies, otherwise the fbi would have known that their own russian analysts do not have any however, although there was no basis, but the reasons and reason were found, it all started with the leak of Hillary Clintons emails in 2016, when i came to Hillary Clinton and said, i have news. She replied okay, whats the news . I said this is bad news. She asked what the bad news was i told her and she noticed. I knew that we would not last even three weeks without Something Like this network, then not only personal, but also official correspondence got into clinton, including the messages that she received and sent while working as us secretary of state, and as it turned out, in violation of all the rules, she used an unsafe private mail server, so the fbi began a separate investigation, however, Hillary Clinton decided to switch the attention of the special services to her main competitors in the president ial race. It wasnt such a secret , according to special counsel durams report, according to handwritten notes by cia director benn. Informed president obama and Senior National Security Intelligence officials , which spoke of Hillary Clintons likely endorsement on july 26, 2016, of a plan by one of her Foreign Affairs advisers to denigrate donald trump by framing his ties to the russian intelligence services. The whole govar thing between trump and russia was a giant stofiction orchestrated by the democrats the fbi knew it was a hoax the cia found out and barack obama also knew all along they knew it was a hoax but they pretended that they believe in it, but it was much more important that everyone else believed it, which is why they announced the start of a highprofile investigation with the no less loud name hurricane, crossfire, at the epicenter, which turned out to be donald trump, you say that russia is influencing the president united states, we must remember putins past he was a kgb officer and recruiting is what they do and it seems to me that this experience has grown into a habit over time under farfetched accusations driven and facts that are generously mixed with fiction trump, for example, was reminded that he had visited russia several times, last time in 2013, as the organizer of the Miss Universe contest , allegedly on that visit, he ordered entertainment from prostitutes in his hotel room, with whom they recorded on a hidden video. There was a lot of talk about the existence of the camera, which is about to be published, but no one, of course, saw the russian president , then he was even forced to comment. Here are the throws. This is an obvious fake trump. When he came to moscow, i dont even remember when he came a few years ago. He wasnt a political figure after all. We didnt even know about his political ambitions, but its just that a businessman is one of the richest people in america that someone thinks that they are chasing every american billionaire into our special service, or what . Yes , of course not. Its just complete nonsense. First second. Trump arrived, and immediately ran now with moscow prostitutes. And you know what i want to say, i can hardly imagine such that he ran to the water to meet with ours. Girls with reduced social responsibility although they of course, and i have them the best in the world , of course, but i doubt that trump is uh , fell for it. But in the american media, this story was pecked at, like many others that were invented with enviable regularity at the time at Us Intelligence headquarters and promptly planted in the press, the government had just published a declassified Intelligence Report accusing russia of Cyber Attacks during the 2016 president ial election. I would like to draw your attention to only a few extracts that say that Vladimir Putin sought to help donald trump win the election at face value, stories were given out of russian pensioners living in america, through whom they allegedly financed subversive activities about troll factories and much more. Voters were struck by the breadth of imagination, but trump still won and the bitterness of disappointment overcame the outgoing president. Barack obama i find it a lot of fun, but at the same time a bit surprising that it did harm to Hillary Clinton because you guys wrote about it every day, for every leak about every a small juicy piece of political rumors, such influential publications as the New York Times the Washington Post were especially diligent in stuffing their readers with these very pieces , for which, by the way, they even divided the prestigious police award among themselves for its organizers, by the way, trump also sued and the prosecutors report duram will obviously become a weighty argument. In this trial. We have come to the conclusion that the department of justice and the fbi have failed in their allimportant mission of strict enforcement of the law due to certain events and actions, about of which this report states , the fbi has, at best, demonstrated an unceremonious attitude towards the accuracy and completeness of the investigation, which is notable for almost all the key organizers of the fake trump investigation. At the moment, they have already left their positions, and hardly any of them. Not a word will be punished in durams report on prosecution, only a recommendation to return to the previous standards of work. The ministry of justice is very concerned about the reaction of society ; they dont want the whole country, like millions americans, it was already believed that the fbi took a certain side in the donald trump case, and therefore the fbi director issued a statement in which he distanced himself from the decisions that were made in this investigation. Thats just to restore the trust of society. One statement wont come out too often american intelligence agencies have been caught in a lie in recent years. Suffice it to recall, at least also the famous test tube. Colin powell that was the reason for the us invasion of iraq or the provocation with chemical weapons in syria or the attempt last fall to convince the world that russia itself blew up the nord stream Gas Pipelines alive, the list can be continued for a long time, and the enumeration of the consequences may turn out to be endless. Used as a pretext for unleashing a real diplomatic war with our country, dozens of employees of the Russian Embassy were expelled from washington, congress announced sanctions against Russian Companies media and citizens. It turns out that now all this needs to be canceled and apologized. But this, if in all honesty thats just something you should definitely not expect from american politicians mikhail lakinchenko Vyacheslav Arkhipov yulia zazagranichnogo Marina Melnik us channel one lets rejoice for our tennis player Daniil Medvedev, he won the tournament of the series master c in rome in the final he beat the dane holger runa c with a score of 7 575 for medvedev this is the fifth title of the season, a personal record. First win on clay in my career and from tomorrow Daniil Medvedev the second racket of the world ahead of the legendary new key. Such was the week ended, which news of the release. Artyomovsk 224 days of fighting, the kiev regime called the city a fortress to hold which put huge forces, and the loss, which he can try to deny, as before the loss of solidarity, and even before mariupol, a year, as a city on the sea of ​​azov, the Southern Gate of donbass was cleared of ukrainian formations there were also long battles with the enemy, who sat down in huge Industrial Zones and held on with his teeth every building. Now our mariupol is a huge construction site, new residential areas, landscaping, street trams, they have entered the line, mariupol and artyomsky are now together in the calendar of events that all of russia is hunched over. Thats all for right now , the summer series of club games begins, what where when it would seem that the spring series has just ended, and here it is again. Its time for the first qualifying games of the summer series what where when 2023 . Many options true one alpha bank best mobile bank enjoy the game the rest is up to us. I know that nothing dont know. Knowledge corporation will konstantin rugars team play against the viewers today . Roman kuzikov, kurchatov Nikita Barinov sarov alexandra zolotova zarechny newcomers to the team ildar saminov, Nizhny Novgorod and rostislav koryakov, bryansk and captain konstantin ruder, ozersk today play against the team of konstantin rudor oleg korolkov voronezh pavel gontal, kirov lyudmila chepeleva korsakova Yulia Portnova sochi sector blitz elena shiryakov, Nizhny Novgorod Denis Volodin bazaar son vladislav deineka sosnovy bor sector super blitz albert lazarev krasnodar svetlana zhuk, minsk yury zabrodin moscow 13th sector summer games what where when tv viewers against experts game up to six points click 00 first round good evening dear tv viewers good evening dear experts good evening konstantin ruder good evening master host may 25 will be 10 years since your teams debut at the club. What, where, when, and it is necessary to somehow note it, for example, you dont mind a bright victory. I am only leading konstantin for the lord, tell me what pleases you ahead of this game. And what is alarming, who pleases, at least the fact that we stayed at the club. It seems to me that its wonderful to celebrate 10 years in the club, what where when is alarming, and what, maybe you will now torment us somehow with questions, but we are ready to fight this and have come ready to fight yes sochi, virologist Yulia Portnova, the city of sochi, is playing against you among the numerous inventions or Leonardo Da Vinci there is a special machine for muscular traction. The crew with the help of handles and gears must set the car in motion according to the drawings of lionardo, a mockup was subsequently assembled. Attention to the screen. I think you understand that on such wheels you will not go anywhere. Why did leonardo design such a strange mechanism . The door to close to close from two sides a person opens, maybe if these are spinning, like this, that it will rise through uh, if the rope does not rise up. Here are two. Yes, they turn out the handles set in motion. What to do, what is needed . For example, what for bed . Maybe this is such and such a watch they hug some, damn it. Who will answer mister presenter will try Nikita Barinov to answer well with you . Nikita we guess what a mechanic is . Whats the question . Do you answer . Why ah. Why such a mechanism was made was not such a question . Why did leonardos design such a strange mechanism . Uh, i thought this mechanism didnt look strange, assuming it was supposed to, uh, open and close doors or gates . Mr. Router, its not me who is torturing you with questions. Its you, but youre very nervous. I said wheels, these are wheels on such wheels you cant go far. I said a strange mechanism, you discussed absolutely how the mechanism works, but it is not working. And i told you everything in the question. Er, mister do you know the answer to this question . We have an assumption what the hell, for example, that its like a protection against industrial espionage, so that competitors copy the hell out of it. Mr. Kozlov and what are you so indignant about . No, im not indignant, uh , dima has an interesting version, but in my opinion, there too no answer. Why why does mr. Antokhin have a version to prove that a perpetual motion machine does not exist . Why even go to bed . Heres the question . Why . Now Pay Attention to the correct answer. In general, it is interesting that this question did not come up three times, such a question kolobok and the commander did not come up to this team, and his master kozlov did not come up and your team did not get lucky. True , when you were not. When did mikhail murom lead the team . The car wont go anywhere mr. Noveinga. You are absolutely right. After all, the wheels rotate in Different Directions leonardo intends to make mistakes in some of his drawings so that the idea is not stolen the inventor knew how to fix the mistakes, and , uh, how to decide how to fix the mistake, if he decides to bring his drawing to life , mr. That you didnt answer, but the fact that you didnt even understand the question you were told by the wheels. You thought not the wheels, you were told the strange mechanism does not work in discussed. What is lifted with the help of such a mechanism konstantin you need to recover. You re nervous, just relax well, eh score 1 0 in favor of viewers 100,000 rubles. Julia portnova will receive from points. Andrey cheremisinov, adviser to the general director of the rusalka state corporation, defends with an interesting sign, good evening. Good evening. Andrei at the games of konstantin ruters team. You always worry more than usual, and today there are two newcomers in the team, what would you advise them . Well, to the top i believe that the update of the team is definitely an update. This is always beneficial. I will advise the new force. Uh, give the team new strength and hope it all comes to success. Thank you andrey for the second time ildar good evening. Good evening. How were you received in the team . Tell i hope well . It seemed to me that they were glad to see me without hazing. Yes, tell me ildar and what are your ambitions in general in the club . What are you dreaming about . Well, lets say the plan is at least to gain a foothold in the club. A maximum plan. Well, if you just keep accepting magistrates, why not. So, yes, ildar well , in general, you and rostislav koryakov are debuting today, and exactly 29 years ago, on this day, maxim photoshow made his debut at the club. Both boris lev and i wish you to achieve everything that they have. Boris good evening. Bazaar son yes, the bazaar from the bastard is playing against you musicians Denis Volodin bazarny syzgan village, ulyanovsk region mr. Barinov yes, mr. Host is beautiful, our site i hope questions about pushkin are not given to you yet. In september 1833, Alexander Sergeevich pushkin visited the language brothers in their family estate in the simbirsk province. At a meeting, on this, he mentally shamed and scolded the language for the asian habit of attention question what pushkin called an asian habit, that in our backstage when they met they came out to shout him. He came on came on a crew. They went out to meet him. Mentally he sees and in appearance, it may be that then he considered the proposal sat on the pillows, greeted backstage, a habit. Maybe some tea. Really. He himself wanted a famous painting, but he can tell meet guests, there are typical habits that we know love carpets. Something covered him well. Who is responsible a. Answer this novel kuzikov. So roman kuzikov. Please. Were assuming theres a bathrobe backstage . Both the brothers and the tongue probably came out to meet pushkin in dressing gowns. Attention, a question to konstantin rudor. Tell konstantin why do you let me answer the version of ildar saminov roman kuzikov we have an agreement before the first question taken internally that the newcomers do not answer. This is a dumb deal. You are only besieging a new player. No, its strange, its an agreement. Now Pay Attention to the correct answer. Mr. Zamin pushkin has always been a capital prank met the guests in full dress, the brothers and zykovs met pushkin dressed at home. Look at our manager. In dressing gowns pushkin wandered for this habit 1 11. The interests of viewers are protected by the vicepresident of alfabank alexei giyazov alexei good evening good evening, sir. And Andrey Cheremisinov excites today. How are you . I have the most pleasant high spirits today, because the viewers have already won three games in a row, including the final of the spring series of games. I hope the series will continue this first, second prize money. E fund, the final of the year is already 1 million 344. 000 rubles. Cmon, uh, thats right, thats why the viewers are doing well, mister leading everything is bad. A well thank you alexey third round. In your dispute with viewers, everything is also going well so far, not very well. Your team hasnt won five games of coriander. Tell nikita maybe the fact is that you all to, uh, well, the watchmen of the team, maybe, with the exception of mr. Router , you rarely come to the club feeling the game a little no lost, but this is possible, so i will try to visit more often this year. Well, you have no time you are busy. Yes, you have problems with that. Well, work is what it is. Well, you know, mr. Rus, in my memory, 500 times, in my opinion, he traveled from st. Petersburg to moscow and back in such a way as to join him like him. Lyudmila is playing against you, whose beer . The village of korsakov , kaluga region, mr. Koryak, according to the tradition of filmmakers, the filming period begins with the plate being broken, and the camera tripod. And ends with a hat. Attention question what kind of event was called a hat and why is it the most important . A hat is put on something in life, when the movies are already over, when they step towards the camera and try. Why stack something choose a name, for example. Why call . Why and why did they tell us the beginning of the event . Something the reports put down that they cant act out. Everything is also with a plate, so that the products are collected in memory of this plate. Ok what else can i do . Wear hats on someone or like hats, some kind of analysis is more likely to remove a good event. Yes of course good. So who will answer the presenter Alexander Zolotov well is not a modest question . What question will you answer . What kind of event is happening and not . Well , what kind of event, what and why a hat . What kind of event was called a hat and why . Writes down questions, but so far not a single check has passed, i ask alexander for the end of the film event when the shooting ends and is already covered by the camera. And why why . Because everyone is already dispersing, putting on their hats and the cameras are closing the answer. So, lets ask, for example, a team. Money for the banquet to celebrate there to clap. Attention, correct answer uh, mister ruter, but ildar saminov told you they collect money in a hat. But you in general. It is not clear what was discussed, in my opinion, alexander , even for her, was a revelation that this event is called a hat. She answered the question. Why does a hat at the end of the removal of any photos mark feasts . Well , what ends the feast now in the questionnaire is generated by the producers, and before all the members of the film crew chipped in on it traditions, such a feast is called a hat, because before they didnt collect directly into a hat, as mr. Saninov said, which was allowed around 2 1 300 rubles. Lyudmila shepeleva from the village will receive, korsakov ildar tell me please, did you mean this . Yes, we do, yes, we must insist he did not believe his version. And mr. Ore, tell me , according to the internal rule of the team, when the team already has one point, you can answer the newcomer or not, you need to answer mr. Believers to the newcomer advertising on channel one. The midnineties on the eve of important negotiations on Dmitry Pirogov , an assassination attempt was made instead of him , Oleg Nesterov went to havana, competitors are trying to poison him, but he successfully signs the contract and, returning home, proposes to veronica, she has other plans. 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Discounts on huppersberg dishwashers up to 15 . This week of big festa is dedicated to those for whom the wedding host was chosen. Now. Choose from four nuggets or two strips for only 39 rubles. Only in the application is tasty and point enjoy the game the rest is ours one alpha bank is the best mobile bank. You can only love what you know. The winline betting company in the what where when club is represented by sports commentator Denis Kazansky denis good evening. Good evening. How was the break between episodes for you . Form, he did not lose, you know, he only gained. Thank you very much for asking, but , of course, i missed this hall and the players and therefore the entourage was, of course, incredible but great and really very great that everything is back. Remember the last time we met, i told you about the flagship project of the winline company, which is called the Favorite Club, and as part of it , fans have already collected about 50 million rubles. A short pause has passed, a short pause, we are here, and these millions are already 70 and can you imagine very soon the fans themselves will decide. How can you help your Favorite Team . If suddenly , for some reason, you have not done this yet, then download the mobile application and choose your Favorite Club in winline. And here it is happiness. Well, by the way, quite recently, one basketball club, together with the fans, has already decided, because to spend a large amount. And i will tell you soon. How did it end . I want to tell you that you are in the form of the fourth round. Mr. Koryakov for the last 3 years , the third graduate will make his debut in our club diana akinchenkova of the bryansk gymnasium number five briefly told me about it, what is going on there, what kind of forge of connoisseurs it is. And i think that teachers, who and the entire Teaching Staff that works there. E, notes the natural curiosity and desire to realize oneself. Tell russia slava and who is your leader there, this rogue is some kind of chief person, and directly the director of the school. Yes, and what is her name director Galina Vasilievna anda Galina Vasilievna sautkina, dear, i officially invited you to the language and the series should sort out the synonyms of your your gymnasium. Come. Sosnovy bor you are being played by hr specialist vladislav deyeneka, sosnovy bor, leningrad region. Mr. Koryaks, some believed that this was a crab shell brought from china , others believed that this was one of the pagan temples in which cannibals worshiped the devil. A strange monster that astounded the attention of the question. What kind of monsters appeared on the streets of london in the middle of the 16th century does the writer john taylor probably what ever shows up on the street is crab mailboxes of some kind big. Some hep goes there with his teeth in the circus and they go there, for example, this hosting should have square doors. You cant be that ring. Its the same round on the street there, for example, what happened at home some others appeared. What monster things . What is it, maybe in theaters. It cant be that round too. So i ask the master leading from will try what kind of monsters that appeared on the streets london in the middle of the 16th century is told by the writer john, well, answer, we assume that it was about theaters. Perhaps then they began to appear afterwards. We are there. Well, i think that he was not the only one there, gradually , after all. Here the globe was private, for example, the famous fuck on the streets. Well, not in the house , he appeared, at least the authorities agree with you, but now attention to the correct answers. Crab shell well, the theater is ultimately a building anyway. Why why suddenly appearance is the same, but it seemed to me that if the globe was already round, then other theaters could be round monsters on the streets of london in the middle of the 16th century it seemed to the townspeople, look at the screen. Eu carriages this is who this is dmitriy this is mr. Ruda a carriage on the streets there were not many things on the streets there are three one vladislav daineko dear viewers today in our hall the best player of the spring series, the owner of crystal owls zhanna boychenko from kaliningrad good evening genre. Please tell us how you decided to send questions to the game, what, where, when . What is it all from it began mister presenter it began with the finale of 2013, where a question was raised about the metro schemes of moscow in st. Petersburg. He, in my opinion, just this ending, he shocked me so much in general, and it was at that moment that i thought, can i come up with something as beautiful, and you started writing in 2014, yes, it turns out, yes, and my questions havent played 7 years your first question. I specifically found out the genre your first question fell out on march 21, 2021. What was your reaction . So you wrote for 7 years and your question appeared, you know, i was in this i was shocked that, to be honest, i didnt even hear the question. What was. So much so i was worried at the moment when i saw my photo, zhanna, you know it was at this game that denis elis made his debut and your destinies in the club are closely connected. After that, jeanne after that in two years played six times against experts and won five victories, and finally the final of the spring series came. Tell me, did you understand that if you become the owner of a crystal owl , you will automatically become a member of the academy, or you i didnt count my victories, i didnt count them, and to be honest, my family and i were in such a shock, because in one evening to get a crystal owl and become an academician, well , you must admit that we have such a minimum. We need six wins, six wins and a crystal or diamond owl. This is at least an academy. Zhanna but if you return to this final game at the fiftieth second of the discussion of your question, denis elkis himself came up with the correct answer to your question and did not choose him, your titles hung in the balance. How did you react to this . Oh sir leading everyone was incredibly worried, me and my family, in general, with bated breath. We followed what was happening zhanna, i congratulate you, mr. Elkin, and i want to tell you. See how subtle everything is in the game. If you had given your version, you would not have lost and you would have won and you would have lost the question and won the final and its for sure that you wouldnt have the crystal owl to go out, and zhanna boychenko wouldnt become the owner and you wouldnt become an academician, and everything was decided in your head. Here in these last 10 seconds. But as you and i know, the reward depends on fate. Fifth round zhanna thank you so dear experts, dear viewers zhanna bonchenko played against experts seven times in 2 years , won six times and four times her questions were recognized as the best in the game three times at games with denisov els. That is, how do you play with zhanna ponchenko the best question once in the game with andrey kozlov, mr. Kozlov, remember the question about the lamplighters, but i think that they probably didnt forget about measuring the kite. This is also jeannes question more. Oh, its also just that they didnt recognize the best mr. Rugar, well, in your game, just denis elki son in the autumn series was recognized as the best question. And what about the mitya Service Empire . Just your blitz. Well, dont answer full questions. You must try to last three questions of 20 seconds of discussion each to earn a point. You need to answer three questions in a row. The first a few years ago in the japanese city yutsmanme in one of the restaurants , assistant waiters worked, who served guests napkins and drinks. Irina and dmitry friend from the city of rovenki are interested in who received as a tip just soybeans . Robots or some animals that are monkeys no cats dogs turtles, if possible, didnt talk everything on themselves, just yes, well who answers Alexander Zolotov, please, alexander, we think these are turtles. Well, they put napkins and drinks under the spout on it, such peculiar waiters. Monkeys who said nikita barin well, now you did not insist that alexanders assistants worked. Look at the screen. Macaques what becomes 4 1 in favor of alexander please tell me how much you think would be years, and the visitors of the restaurant would wait until the turtle brings them a napkin, tell me. 100. 000 rub. Irina and dmitry circular from the city of rovenki will receive the sixth round from the alpha bank. How do you like todays game is not developing yet . Well, how are you after all . For a long time in the team, thats whats going on , i have the impression of some kind of your confusion. You somehow, as it were, dont really feel the questions, thats what happens. Well, probably not a choice , a few not choices unsettled, but lets hope that the feelings of intuition will return. Well let me be with you too hope together. Voronezh no, 13th sector of the internet against experts today 8. 579 questions were received in the 13th sector and now the computer will choose one of them against you. What is it . Here is a real or postal one called a fence, a lantern, some kind of lantern under the fence, and he has something here, a fence, by the way. Here is a fence for a box for a child. Something on the scanner is some kind of sunflower flower, some other tree, dandelion. Hive. Here stop such a child what. In general, if korean, that they have koreans, then there are korean and typical korean. Uh, what is there in korea . Thats real, like a tree with a child, whats small on the back . Like some kind of backpack or something in the back of a child, for example, symmetrical symmetrically with apples. No. What object is standing near the fence, usually a tree, a shop, a mailbox has passed. Very difficult. Yes, i think and remember the help is also no one, well, let me try to answer. I think that you would offered help. I hope you have been offered. It is difficult with korean riddles, but suppose that we are talking about a mushroom mushroom, yes, look at these father. Text please show me the correct answer with the child on your back. Corn is the closest something you have sunflower of some kind sunflower was something close, but 5 1. An equal question, dear viewers, at the end of this game, its better if you can get a crystal atom, the traditional prize from the state corporation rusat will determine the best andrey and remissin, which team do you think happening. I dont understand whats going on with the team very much. I hope that there will be someone to heal, er the best player. And you know, andrey , the team of konstantin ruter can be called a rickardsman, because over the decade of the history of this prize, they decided not to award the crystal atom with a sign only four times and the team of konstantin konstantin rudra was punished twice. Andrey, what should happen today, so that you come, well, so that you dont hand it over yes, 6 1 should happen, and so that you hand it over. Well, at least six or two raglans on channel one. 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Do you remember, as the presenter with you, that summer is a small life, and i hope that it will not be a small bright, memorable for titled connoisseurs who were part of the spring spectators at this festival. And now, very soon, the owners of all kinds of words will enter the business and the masters. I think it will be very bright and festive. And by the way, they are about titles in football. As you know, the owner of the golden ball is a person who receives a prize for the best player on the planet and the worse our decision was in the Russian Premier League and the general partner of the winline company, together with the rpl, came up with the minline prize rpl heroes, and the thing is that not only experts choose the hero , but the fans are already voting on the award website until may 27, and in general, if you have something to say and choose, then you are welcome. Dear viewers , send your questions about the game by email to the address question dog tvigra. Ru on koroleva 12 by mail or simply fill out the form on our website tvgra. Ru. I would like to appeal to viewers who, like zhanna boychenko, want to become an academician in 2 years or less. Just pull yourself together and just submit

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